THIS FAl " ercry T ex- PLEASE NOTICE. j , We will be glad , to reccxre coaamunicaUor ) from our frlanda on any and all subject o f 1 general Interest bat k , J 1 - ' ; " I Tb name ci the writer must always ban jaUhcd to the Editor. '. I x- ' : K -j ComraunlcatloM mo I i b wTttte oa on! j one aide of the paper.;---!-.. N j - f"-' , " ; f Personalities must be avoided. J 1 1 - v ' i i , - : r pted by . JOSH T. JAMES, ..tB"T1,V FOOTAGE PA1I u: delivered by carriers free t - I ' . I.. - nr rart "f 11,0 cltr ' ltl Te ' And It It especially aad partlcoiarly uist ' stood that the Editor does not always eado ' the views of corrcspoiKlente nnleaa so state tn the editorial eolasana. : - " ii ; ' " ..... r uratft: .... ...u Vol. vir. WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY. JULY 25, 1883. NO. 176 f jr""' p t "T 1 ' v J i - ' ! ' i " "'j..!..''."'''-' ".-gjJczrtti?t which is th'm? dejrecs lessjing the Howaril Kelief I Steam Fire " , ' "r rZ " i ! j,,,,:- K.itre,! of ChiC,5o be-, .Ua! in Ally h-re will ,ni.Ci c -urrrt. in China. Japan ! , ,.r :, a!,.t I ,r.a. Mr Wisouaavs tlectricity is like a; " .rr,. lot inclosed with a hiju heard . ? a' ! c kno ut it i .run- f j by l-pmj; inrQiu c..,u. I It It n Taylor, slepilauhtcr of Jolin S-uiit MiM. is the first woman elecleil otte prtiidency ol a standing commits iec ,.n the Ixmdoo School Uoard. S r.atur Joncs.of Florida, says this of Ireland : "While I enjoyed my visit to ;:.e old country, I could not live there x:un. That is the country of the past is the country of the future. 1 :c Iwrttou Traveller says that never t; ihe present year since the adop i ,.tilcir.stiiu:ioii of Massachusetts Kovernur of tho State been at v:irbncc with the Iesidlaturv. Ii i.o:. perhaps, generally known ; IVr '-c0 j3 nol only a wri'tr Lt:: a poet. With becoming .at i!cr.y. however, he lias conOned his :tr ;e Re Ixndon iMnca says mere is no ... . i n.rr pc.werful apparatus for tho con-1 v,1inceofdi5casothanabook. Books. tvt" rc a.sarcu, can uaiuuiu iuwuji . irM lever, diphtheria, sore throat, .h'joi-iu coogn, bronchitis and .'tLii." I h- 1'riucess Ixutse has promised to r-n.l a number of her paintings, both I and water colors, to the Boston For r-:-ii i:hibition next AutunJn. Capt. her secretary, write that the rrinres desires ''to recoznize the pleas nui time shohad in Btwjton lat Win- t iiiift.otuo The money-order system was intro duced iu the Sandwich Island on the i-motMay. Twelve office arc now iu operation, and the number is to bo increased to twenty. Tha natives and Chinamen take to thenctv arrangement almost as kindly as the foreign born residents. Smoker! who expected to pay less lor their cigars when the region of lhe j rax on cigars went into etTect " ! imi a exoensivc as when the old tax was levied. The reduction of lhe tax frotu$G to $3 a thousandth only at-l ...,. i ,rCtCt1 lh r'. The Richmond Sialc claimed that a negro never took a patent. The f.Viu'c j ajs this is not a fact, and it sives a j iUt of several colored men who took ' ..mpMenU between the year 173 and! lS3. The inventions were a screw j propeller, a ladder Hr.ifToId support, a printing press and other usufut articles. LOCAL NEWS. IMDU TO IEW AOVEKTIXEMimi. V TZ- Kln Leather Oo I W H Gbxek Mam Camphor Uuvs&EJbUEB Reading for AIL V C MtLLER-tlotHa Water, Ac J W IIvkteu FaioUy Excunlon Kotk -.UcxnlKr of tae rommlit f Ar t vtrr.ratn mere, was no cotton received at this port to-day. The farmers arc beginning to look j anxiously for ram The first grapes of the season were in market yesterday. . Bro.!McDiarmid. of the Jiobetonian was la the city to-day. Steamship Bcrufacior, Capt. Tribon, Irora New York, arrive! at her wharf in this city to-Uay. Tomatoes aro very cheap in this market. They were selling thi morn ing at 50 cents a peck. The committee of arrangements for the Fruit Fair will meet la the Mayor's office this evening at 8 o'clock. Some sort of a colored organization was parading the sjrects with big dram, little drum and fife last night until after 10 o'clock. In thi weather great care ought to be taken as to diet. Milk and lemonade are two capital beverages, and luckily both are cheap. The young ladiua turned out in lare cumbers yesterday afternoon to wit ness the trial of skill between the flrc meo. They lined the sidewalks la larjo numbers and as ono of thV gallant fire men from Newbern remarked it was a bewildering blaze of beauty P It was hard to beat and that's a fact. At 3 o'clock this afterrioou tho thor than it wat hi the same hour yesterday. i.Engine Co, the Wilmington Steam .--r- "v. J Firo Engine O).. and the Atlantic Steam 0? attend a supper at Sea Side ParL to j. at -B,.rfHt nm1 al- R lil.le; 02 ven to-night complimentary to the AllanUc s . vcwlern f . , .. . , f . A" lhe f tUe oUxbae ,rom run' necessary to take greater precautions as lo the removal of grass and weeds, so that they may not be permitted to de compose in the streets, and thus spread ; malaria in the atmosphere. Our visiting firemen arc meeting with a good many acquaintances here, and some of our citizens who formerly re sided in Newborn find in the compa ny sous of those with whom they were formerly intimate,' and thas revive pleasant memories of tho past. ' i We learn that policeman Everett had the misfortune to nieet with a painful, although not serious, accident yesterday afternoon He was sawing some wood when one of his fingers got caught under the saw and a! piece ot the . end together with a portion j of the finger nail was sawed pff. . The building occupied by Mr. M. M; Katz on the ground floor does not be- nn t tr Mr Writ rirwiilninn. n sfntnl " . v " . VMl.nirv. hnt t.i Mrs. Wm. C. Howardf formerly of thl3 cityt but now Korfolk. Mr. Goodman owns the buildine next East, in which! is Mr. liahn's storo. City Court. There was but one case for the May or" consideration this morning, which was that of Willis Drake, colored. ; charged with disorderly conduct It was continued until to-morrow at the request of the defendant. Ily Telephone. While the band were playinjr in front of the Pnrccll House last night the tones were carried by telephone so that ihey were heard distinctly at the residence of Mr. George WJ Williams, on Mason boro Sound a distance of about 8 miles. So perfect was the transmission that the tuno and its several parts could be easily d distinguished and was listened to with profound enjoyment. Exports Foreign, Inwlunel. C. Kibe, fof Dristol with 1,300 casks spirits turpentine and 0,312 , r p. ' - , . . f , tint, uaiuuu .luvt . unin. &'ugaiiu, cleared for Hamburg with 1,27 barrel. rosin, valued at $5,0G0, shipped by Messrs Palersou, Downing & Co. - rerToUar" . 'I . Mr. Henry Brunhild, accompanied by his wife and two children, will leave .w " T " iauu recreauou ,u Summer resorts in the mountains oi ; West irgima. howiuwt i i mond for a few days en route. Mr. A. Shricr, who has been Xorth for the past two weeks on a purchasing tour, has returned t ine cay. nc visited the principal markets and bought largely lor both the shoe and - colhin;; establishments here ! j were in ; I5arcly Saved. iwemy bathing yesterday in 'the river near j theTupper freight warehouse of tho ! & V. R. R. when one of them ven tured out too far and .was barely rccov-, ered in time to save hi life. , He was) unconscious when brought to land by j i some of his companions and Tt was ; only By hand work, in which they were assisted by some persons Who were at tached to the spot, that animation was restored. Ho is said to be a son of j J. S. W. Eagles, the colored politician, who was at one time on the police force of the city. 1 An Explanation. Through no fault of ours yesterday's Issue of tke Daily Review missed the mail on the Carolina Central R. R. and it is due to oar subscribers on that and connecting roads to state the facts in the case. We were a little later than usual in getting it off and therefore sent itdirect from the office to the depot the postal clerk on the train refused to take it, notwithstanding tho fact that it was accompanied by a stamped paper from tho Postoffiee in this city, which was at the same time an authority and a direc tion to. the clerk to receive the mail. The facts. have been reported to Col. Brink, the Postmaster here, and it wIH bo fully investigated to-morrow. - " For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jixosi'3 LXrd ware Depot t The Firemen. half past 5 o'clock yesterday even- " V " V i . , Z u r : after 6 o clock parade.1 through some of ; our principal streets wan meir engines ; ! and ho?e carnages and preceded by tie j Newbern Comet Band. A largft thron of citizens had gathered at the intersec tion ot Front and . Market streets to witness the trial of skill which was to take place at that' point, and many were the favorable comments made by them oa the appearance of the several companies as the latter marched down Market street to take their respective positions for the trial. In the trial the Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Co. had the South side of Market street, the Atlantic of Newbern, had the North side, while the Iloward Relic! was between them in the centre of the street. At a given signal fires were started simultaneously in the three fur naces, but the Atlantics were consider ably ahead in throwing the first stream. There was a brisk breeze from the South at the time which interfered somewhat with the trial, but as the misfortune fell equally upon each com pany, no fault could be found by either. The trial was hotly contested and con tinued for nearly an hour. ,The com mittee selected to award the prizet Capt. C. D. Myers, of Wilmington, and Capt. James W. Moore, of Newbern, Chiefs of the fire departments in their own -respective cities, have not yet J made their report, but will announce their decision to-night at the supper at the Sea Side Park, which is to be given in honor of the visiting firemen. This forenoon, the Atlantic, preceded by the band, marched from the Purcell House, where they made their head quarters, to the Howard i Relief . HaU and took their engine to the Hall of the W. S. Fire Engine Co., where it re mained uutil it was time to take it to the depot for re-shipment to Newbern. While there, however, they arranged their drop harness, and at 1 o'clock this afternoon they gave an exhibition of the way in which it is worked," which was a novelty and was surprising from the short time occupied in' adjusting it to the horses and being ready to move. At the beginning of the exhibition the horses stood in tke rear of the engine, facing forward, and the harness was suspended on iron rods, which were controlled by automatic pulleys and cords, over where the horses would stand, at tho pole. At i a stroke from the gong the horses iuniped to their respective positions. : the harness came down and each port ; was secured with a snap! spring, the ! driver was in his seat, the horses start- cd, the fire was lighted and the engine was in lhytret in just 30 seconds. It gjyigfj incredible, and we should have tiea.laieu to crcau mc iact umeas we na,j getn it demonstrated ana proveu Dy ; two good watches, both in tho hands of ; unprejudiced parties. There was no , confusion, and even the fire . i;,,hfCd bv a box of matches beins: . pacClj bottom up among the combus- j .iu., ,,nmtni? in contact with a j gjiect of gantl pSLvr as the engine moved off To-uight a supper complimentary to the Atlantics will be given at Sea Side Park, for which place the firemen of the several companies left in detach ments during the later and cooler alter noon hours New Designs. The Department hafc adopted a new design for the.two cent stamp the bead otWashinston in profile, from Hou don's bust, being placed on a plain tab let; above the oval surrounding the head are the words United States Postafe." and .underneath the tablet are the words 'T wo i Cents." The stamps will be printed in metallic red. A four cent denomination of postage I stamp and stamped envelope, to cover double postage under tho new rate, wu also be issued. .The design embraces the head of Jackson, similar to that on tho present two cent stamps and en velopes: The department will revise the schedule of prices of stamped en velopes by discontinuing three cent en velopes, and substituting two cent and four cent envelopes j as may bo neccessary.- Tho price of envel opes," however, exclusive of the post age, will remain the same as on the ex isting schedule for like sizes and quali ties. Copies ot the new schedule will be furnished in dne lime for use. y To Builders and other Go to J ago bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c You can get all sizes and at tha lowest' prices. - ; : .x ' ".. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. UlaCK LaWIlS, ! J WUU T rtWf. - Black and White LaWIlS. i . k - fflftck PrPTirh Wll UiaCK JT TenCIl liaWn, - " ttetoey Jackets, JU3T RECEIVED. MOSQUITO NET! LACE AND BAR NET. CLOSING OUT REMAINDER OF - - : . i j - - ... OIL CLOTIIS. ALL WIDTITS. July 24. 1883 The Telegraphers. , There were various rumors in the city to-day in regard to the strike of the Telegraphers' Brotherhood. It was said early in the forenoon that the rail road operators throughout the country would to-day be ordered to refuse all commercial business, and later it was reported, on the strength of a telegram from Richmond, that in consequence of advice to Gen. Eckert cabled from Eu rope by Mr. N. Green, tho President of the adjustment of the differences would probably be offered by the company to the strikers. Manager' Sterling" is still without assistance in the office in thi3 city. . "The Weather. A .nice little breeze sprung up a little before sunset last evening, which made it quite comfortable. It continued un til about Jl, o'clock in the night, , when there was a slight shower, lasting until about midnight, during which time there was hardly a breath of air stirring and the. heat was intolerable.. After that time it became perceptibly cooler and the Nearly morning-; hours were agreeable and pleasant. A Good Time. The people of Caintuck township, Pender county, recently; held a good old-fashioned picnic at Still Bluff, on the Black River, which was largely at tended, and at which . there was an abundance of good substantial food to gether with many tasteful delicacies prepared by the housewives of that sec tion. The young people indulged in dancing to their hearts' content, be ginning at 9 o'clock in the morning,! and keeping it up until 7 o'clock in the evening, it was a nappy occasion How to Sleep Well. Keep the body perfectly clean. ! Do not overload the I stomach, but eat moderately of .wholesome lood. j Dress appropriately to the weather. Avoid over-exertion, but go to j bed tired, without deranging the stomach with drinks of any kind ilave a good hair m9fn.R wlfh'n Inw hair niHow. Lifi on yonr Tight ' side with your mduth closed. Then, if your ruiud be not dis turbed by business or other troubles, whether you have the head of your bed to the Xorth, the South, jthe East or the West, you will ' sleep well. It is not unlikely that a man who has drank beer and whiskey, all day, and eaten enough for a horse, and had been lectured by his wife; who goes to sleep with bis mouth open, lies uncomfort ably, and snores ioud enough to wake all tho neighbors, should say that sleep lessness comes from haying his bed lie in the wrong direction. ! Very Kncourafflnir . 1 Rev. J. H- Davis. Prest. Weslevaa Female College, . Murfreesboro, N. U. wrote that he used Dr. Worthington's Cholera and Diarrhoea Medicine with encouraging success. For Bowel Com plaints it is unfailing. Great Closing- Oat Sale. Goods will be slaughtered within tfie next GO days in order to make room for one of the largest and finest Stocks of Fall and Winter clothing and gents furnishing goods ever brought to Wik mington. A I. Shrieb; Reliable Clothere. IU Market St. -j tf. Silver Plated Spoons and.Forks.low prices, at Jacobi.'s ' . ' . t Being entirely vegetable, no particu lar care is reojoired while using Dr. Pierce's "Pleasant Pnrgative Pellets." They oncrate'without disturbance to tho constitution, diet, or occupation. For sick headache,- consti nation, im pure blood, dizziness, aonr eructations from the stomach,' bad taste , in the mouth, billious attacks, pain in regions of kidrf ncy, internal fever," bloated -feeling about stomach, rush of blood to head, take Dr. Pierce's pellets." By Drcj- NEW A1VEKTISEMENTS Linen Lawns, &c. i . i- Jersey Jackets; BLACK AND COLORED. AND CARPETS ! - THIS STOCKi AT LOW FIGURES. , 4- - ' ' ' , UNIX ULSTER3, r. rj. Notice. IHE MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE j OF arrangements for tho fruit fair, will meet THIS EVENING, at S o'clock, at the Mayor's office. julySS-lt' Family Excursion QN THE STEAMER V ASSPORT, FRI DAY, July 27th. Mnsin and Dancing. Fare 60 cents. Children 25 cents. j I july22-lt J. W. HARPER Notice. M R. C. W. McCLAMMY WIIJj HAVE I charge j of my business during my absence from the city. july24-lw R. S. RADCLIFFE Em Gi Blair, JENER aL COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 19, North Second Street, Wilmington, N. C. Solicits consignment o all kinds of Country Produce. Top prices and quick returns guar anteed: Will reship to other markets when requested. I i , . July 23 -K. G. BLAIR. Fly Traps, nnHE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN THIS market... Our - ' I GRAIN CRADLES cannot be surpassed in price or quality. A large and well selected stock of Hard ware at W. E. SPRINGER A CO'S., i Successors to John Dawson & Co., - july 9 i Market Street i Solid Comfort. ! rpHERE IS SOLID COMFORT IS TTIE me j 1 ' I I of Kerosene Stoves. A customer, who; Is using one, says: "With this we are Independ ent when left without a servant-' They are Gems and. great "Economists." ..'".Different sizes and prices. Try one. ! mW Pure White Oil. 1 t julrO PARKER A TAYLOR. Gum Camphor, jyjELLIVS FOOD, Combs, Brushes. Extracts, oaps. Puff Boxes j Ac, Ac. i WILLIAM H. GREEN. DtukkW julv-15 117 Market Street Mayors Restaurant, FEDERAL rOINT, IS NOW OPEN FOR i" toe reception of ruets. fileals furnished at all hours. Ladles are especially invited to - .1 . k . . t.- .1 l i i . . . r - oM.uu uiv nay v. ivuerai ruiub stum, axnya is er8onally'in cjiarge and will be pleased to entertain ladles and children. I july lMwk WM. MAYO, Prop. Our Glass Fly Traps I Something New ! rpKL CLEANEST FLY TRAP ON THE market. , 'j' Giles & Siurchison. july 0 j t r -North Front St Reading for AIL QALL AND MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS ot Choice Reading at HEINSBERGER'S. v i s". ..; . ''. Fine Violins and Guitars, CCORDEONS AND CONCERT HARMON icas. Flutes, Fifes and Drums, best Guitar and Violin Strings, ' I Can always be found at HEINSBERGER'S, July 23 live Book and Music Stores i- Fine Leather Goods. " RUSSIA LEATHER CARD CASES, Pock i -, . " I - . . . . et and Memorandum Books, Photo and Auto . - - ' 1 " : - ': r : " '. graph Albums, 4c., Ac New styles In Ladles and Genu Fancy Stationery, Ac Remember that we are heftdquaTters-for all kind ofl LITHOGRAPHED work. No order for printel . matter received. Cheeks, Drafts, Letter Heads, Ac, gotten up fa the bsst man ner. . . a xr' YAES. juTyn , ' " II'J !-. 't r'.-::t NEW AlyEIiTISEMElT3. j KI E W STORE. i TUB-CONVENIENCE OF MY CUS TOMERS AND THE PUBLIC GENERAL!, j I hare opened a Fancy Grocery! Store I IN THE I NEW MARKET nOUSE, CORNER MUTER'S ALLEY, J "j" ; I SHALL HAVE ON HAND AT ALL Till tS The Choicest Groceries. : U. . - - I,;,! fuch a I keepjtt mr Store on North ! Front Street. Ift Buyvour GROCERIES from me ana It will afford ma pleasure to dellTCr at your home . -' - " . j ' !; j- . i j i such articles aa you may purchase In the Mar- keC. :- SAVE TIME AND TROUBLE by making i . - :- ..... ... . ; .- . ., ....!. all your selections tn the NEW MARKET house. .r-'-.l'-'Vi" lili ' John L. Boatwriglit. vmay ltf -- . , ij. Old North State' Saloon. i 1 - - - -. ; i No. O South Front Street, j M USCATEL AND BTItA WjREURV ;f INES, ' "' CIGARS. c. ' Tho Celebrated WERNER CHAMPAGNE, Try it- ' I July VO-lwmw; For Sale. U8T BK SOLO THIS WEEK MY HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE Can be seu and Sewlne Machtner All tiew.i at residence, No. .411, South Sixth street July 23 J. J. BURNETT. HATS ! BONNETS ! TaTHlTE AND BLACK EXCURSION TT :!..- , ' ; -I I ! Hat3 Tuscan Ifats and Bonnet, cheap, 3 ' , MRS. KATE C. WINES, r : " ;- - I - i. .; , . . r . july 21 . No. 119 North Second Street. We Have SUPPLIED A LONG FELT WANT Br establishing a first-class Carriage, Harness and Trunk Store, where all kinds of goods in our line can be bought at prices lower ; than ever before offered In this market, j j 49" Repairing in all its branches attended la promptly, r - ' - ' , ; ; McDOUGALL A BOWDEN. i Inly il j : No. 114 North Front St. Livery and Sale Stables, -pTORSES. BUGGIES, 'PHOTONS AND CARRIAGLS let kt low rates." Also Board or Horses. The Finest Hearse in the I A CAR LOAD OF , ! Kentucky Horses & Mules Just received and for sale low. The best kt of stock In the city. - H0IJ4NGSW0RTn & WALKER, At the New Stables. i may 4 tf Cor. Fourth and Mulberry sts Yourcelf ,1 TO COOLING AND REFRESHING DRINKS WHILE TnE WARM WEATHER LASTS. 1- t AMERICAN AMD IMPORTED BIXCER AlE, BASS PALE ALE AND SCOTCH AlE, ;, : - DUBLIN STOUT. . viENNA,.pna:six and tropic LACER BEER. Best.sold In Wilmington, (2 per doren. NORTH CAROLINA CLARET AND PURC SCUPPZRNONG, STRAWBERRY AFD I ' BLACKBERRY WINES.'. I j CLARETS of excellent quality,' Imported '-- - . , . ' , - and Domestic. i ; - - - I Groceries of all klndi received d illy aaJ sold at very low figure. , - " P. L. BRIDGEBS & CO. HO North Front St Joly23 I FLORIDA WATER. - . IaAVESDKR WATER. , I! BLIOTfcOrK WATER. -I ; . WHITE ROIT WATFR. " ' - ICAZENA WATER. ATd a complete aaortcaent of Cjoe- ir1 i'enuniRry ior iau cuiuiocr season. - t3" lrescr!i:ion romrvjan. i c'-htat i C. Jf ilLL! :y t l ; " i .-

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