1 PLBASS KOTICS. ' 1, :, ' r - r " i . ... : . ' We win h glad to reeelTe eocuauhlcattoas from oar frlssds on any and all anbjecui ot general Interest but - :'4." J THIS PAPER etety eiwtof. Sundays ccpieJ by 51 r jOSHT. JAMES, U Tbe name of the writer mutt always be ft raorsrrro. mlahed to the Editor. 1 l I Communications must b written oa oal ... M . . ' . 1 Personalities must bo arolded. - .r !-" ... f 1 i- .u .i ti t' j - . - - V r 13T ,.rt of the etty. ai me aoovu And It Is especially and parucularly nnd stood that the Editor does not always cadet VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. d. THURSDAY. JULY 26, 1883. NO. 177 the views of correspondents unless so state In the editorial columns. M ( Milt EirTloSS POSTAGE PAID: ,rPU r mocth. 12-00. Ttrce !- . ... . - 1 i -7y ffc!ty nvi"?ha Lie iargcu . . . t.i. Sh. ri. i thrrity 1r ' lI,is ci,y contemplate forming an asso- ' . " . ' ycw York la-'t ciation the object of which shall be to . i itii i.u women anu i : u ..Hr.c,: John" Patterson is one of . ahversef thcJVople's Tasjcn ' ay which waa sold in IUUi- v-no Willbms.of Connecticut, is 'cred as ynS that lhe liISrim K Lcri-t fell upon their knees and thea er lhe aboriir.es . . ..v ;..!.!. of the United States X'n:c Coart. firmly believes thht tho - " V ' ... . 1 !.. I,ll.ia ; ?10 fjr distant wnen me huhuus i ir.rvina will frm hc Southern -..! iry of the I'niusl States. Ir New York the Western JInion l , r..;-ioy ha doubled the pajr of the r-:. rs remninetl in its service. ,n 1 1 tTrri double pay. during thestrike, t ,crter Imnf the Brotherhood. it. re are nu deserter, so far. - - - - i; hai SOI electric ligbU, which ?:) f.ve cents apiece each night, i .! di place a thousand as lights. L.aix': than six crntn each. l : j. m.m! vat h electric lamp costs ;rraycli a K'- lanip. it takes the -i.. ur tn!y three. I - ttec j I the nnmc; of those who hire owcmi thft H.e H.-ooklyn ljlc says: A Baijt!avs j .-any the statcmenU contained in tne j h!ihed bv the of air. Kzf budget have been mspuicu. ,-: t?" statement that (Icneral (Jarlicld ;a.Jjy iloulda written promise to I; point Stauley Matthews to the bench cf the roiled Slate Supreme Court is 1 1; one of them. . . . ,1 LOCAL NEWS. ISSU TO MEW ADVERTISIMEMU. Y tea-Fine LeUirUooJ - w I! URtirs-iiata Camphor IIU5IHIEKOER ECAdiOg lOT AIL I C MilJ-Ut-ltorta Water. A CK.xn A Moum-At Auctlou .ii uri S Closing Out Pale . . - . triimiii.tnn tunmhii C ,or"":ZT : isin of water hcatcil to 100 deSrce liut one bale of cotton received at thiaj Apply a lighted match an inch or so iort to-day. 'above tho oil, and -if it take Ore it is r.n ,..a rnri ivli.lidanirerous. Have the thermometer in 1UC lain ivit in ivi iv"- laAt niht. and the weather was decided ly cool . The market this morrrintr was bounti lully supplieil with vegetables or a fine .jtiality. The visiting firemen left on the H.10, train this morning for home, taking with them, wc trust, pleasant memories vl their v bit to Wilmington Oaeortbetcmptin g sights on South f ront street this morning was a large wagon drawn by four mules and tilled with watermelons and cantaloupes. It has been proposed that an excur sion on the Iuyrt be gotten up for the benefit of the striking telegraphists of this city, A good move! Who will start the ball in motion? Stcamboutuicn reHrt the the Cape Fear a very "low. The Bladen left herethis morning hoping to get to Fayettcville by Sunday, but with tbe udds considerably against her making the trip in that time with the present low water. She took flats to enable hor to lighter over the shoals. It was stated oa tho streets that an excursion from Goldaboro would arrive here at 10.30 this forenoon, but it was a mistake, as none came. We aro in formed by railroad officials, however, that an excursion from Goldsboro and intermediate points will arrive hero to-1 night. Our thanks are due to the Kcwbcrn Silver Cornet Band for a pleasant sur prise in the shape of a icrcnade yester day altcrooon. They discoursed excel lent music in first-rate style, and the last pice, especially, was ooo of the sweetest in melody and purest in har mony to which we have listened in many a day. Another UecuaMto Excursion. Unity Tent. No. CO, I. O. of Bccha bitts. will give an excursion to Smith ille and the Forts on the lis$port on Friday. August 3, when it is hoped a large crcwd will participate. x This Tent has been in existence not Muilc six months, and o! course have no tuitable regalia to appear on the streets with, if necessary, hence adopt this plan of raising the amount, or part of the amount, required to . purchase regalia, Nodanciog will be allowed on tho boat. The Committee of Arrangements will procure iu uio.u iu mrnun uiuai w i and will spare no pains j enjoyable to U. for the occasion aad to mil the day I A New Move. We he.nr that tbe retail merchants of; several dealers for an1 undue length ot j time and publish the same, with the amount owed, and to whom, of each in dividual. It is thought that bj this plan the merchants will be ( better pro tected against loss to the tuturc. Fine ilonqiiet. There was on exhibition at the store of Messrs. Adrian & Voller3,this morn in?, a beautiful bouquet, most tastefully arranged in the shape of a horse shoe, which had been prepared asja present ffom the Howard' Kelief Co. toj the! Atlantles. of Newborn, but which was not completed until after the latter bad left. It will be shipped to them at Xewbcrn. by express, this afternoon. The bouquet was prepared by Mrs.' II. Rceder. and rellectcd credit upon her skill as a MorUt. City Court. The following casej were disposed of by the 3Iayor this morning Willis Drake, colored, disorderly con duct, (case continued froin veterlay.) $23 or 30 days in th city prison. He went below. Ancrum McCulIock, colored, for throwing rocks in the street. $5 or ( Three parties were charged ; with a violation of tho j market ordinances, two of whom were1 also charged with obstructing the sidowalk. The cases of two were continued at their request, and the other was lined $5.! How to Test Kerosene Oil. It is a simple matter to test kerosene oil. The point or danger s called the Hashing point, which is tho degree of temperature at which it is vaporized and explodes. The lowest safe point is 100 degrees; 120 degrees is low enough for domestic use. To make the test. j pour a small quantity of kerosene in a ! saucer or tin vessel and float it in a ba- dangerous the water, and note the temperature as jt falls, and the lowest point of flashing is easily ascertained i or the water may b3 heated by boiling water from 80 de grees up, and the flashiug point found. Outrageous Conduct. Our atteution has been callhd to a system of outrageous conduct which is almost continuously coing on at Mc Ilhenny's mill ponu just outside the city limits, wherein a lot of colored youths go in bathing at all hours of tho day and especially in the alternoon. It is right ou apublic thoroughfare which would afford a dclightlul drive were it not for the fact that theej youngsters arc so regardless of every sense of pro priety and decency that a! man cannot 4- . ? II. .4 .1!Mf ivn a? lift i carry nis lamuy ju iuai umuiun " out having their dignity and moiJcsty shocked by tbe exhibition. They also take horses there to wash on Sunday mornings and tic them on tho bridge so that it is made' impassable Mr car riages and then the toys, in a state of complete nudity, play w ith the dumb animals. " The place is outside the city limits, but wc trust that it is not out side the reach of law and .order. We hear also that a class infinitely more degrading than tbe colored youth we have mentioned frequent the place to bathe. I !! Last Nlshfd Festivities. Thcre was a iarg0 gathering at the Sea Side Park Hotel last night to par take of tho supper complimentary to the Atlantic Steam Fire Engine Co., of Xcwbero. We hear the number esti mated as present at 300j although there was no actual count. The festiv ities of the occasion were all that could be desired, and although the rain I pour ed down in torrents and the night was black as Erebus, it was made a season of jollity and good feeling. j During the supper hour, tho commit tee selected to award the prize of a sil ver plated pitcher to the successful com pany in the trial contest of Tuesday e?ening, mado the announcement that the Atlantic, of Ncwbern. had been declared the winter., and tho pitcher was presented to that Company by Capt. C D. Myers, in a brier, neat anu appropriate speech. Ho was responded to by CapLW cod. or the AUantics. wuo received tho prize in behalf of the Com pany from Capt. Myers, in a speech Tcru and anoroDtiate. ' Both gphes were receited with- applause. CMAlJ o . - . . SUver Hated Spoons andorks,low prices. M Jacobs : t The Strlke There is no news of special interest as regards tbe telegraphers' strike. 1 ne situation seems unchanged and the rumors alluded to by us yesterday in regard to an adjustment appear to be unfeunded. Manager Sterling has one ojierator with him now, a man who arrived here last night, but how long he will remain before the strikers gobble him up remains to be seen. The Reason Why. There was a movement made yester-day-lor tho Wilmington Cornet Concert Club to come out and play last evening, but when they began to look ,np the members it was found that nearly all of them were out ot the city. Seme were at the North, sonio at the Sound, some in the Western portion ot the State and only a very small some were reported as present for duty. ... - t - - By Accident.' Samuel Merrick, colored, who lives on the corner of Princess and Eleventh streets, met with quite a severe acci dent Jast night in rather a singular man ner. He started to go into the house during the rain and darkness, and stum bled over a tub. which was on his back piazza, which threw him and as he fell his left hand struck a pitcher and broke it. the fragments lacerating his left hand and wrist, making a painful and some what dangerous wound.' Tlie Difference. A colored woman a day or two since called at the house of one of our best citizens and asked. "Is der woman of der house at home? if she is I wants to sco her." j The person enquired for soon made her appearance when the colored woman said. "A colored lady dat lives roun' here tole me dat der's a white woman lives here Uat wants somebody to wash , for her, an I come roun' to git de job." Fact! . -: Tbe New Furniture Store. Mr. Thos. C. Craft returned to the city last night, alter an absence of neat? ly two weeks at the North, dunn which time he visited the best furniture markets. He bought a large and ele gant stock of furniture, enough to fill the three floors of the large building leased by 4him on South Front street, and he is already in receipt of some of the goods. They will arrive freely now every day for a week, and he hopes to make a formal announcement of open- i 'ng by tho first of August. i . Distressing News. The sad news was received here to day of the sudden death at Wayness ville, ou Tuesday last, of Mr. James W. Meares, -Second son of Hon. O P. Meares. of this city. At the time of his death the deceased was on a visit to his cousin. Mr. Louis Meares, who has a farm near WayncsvillcJ The re mains are expected here tomorrow morning on the Carolina Central train and the fuucral services, we understand. will take place directly after. The Fruit Fair. The following is a list of the gentle men appointed to collect specimens lof fruits to be exhibited at the fair in the citv of Wilmington on August 22nd and 3rd from the county of Pender : Major C. W. McCianiiny, Dr. George F. Lu cas. Newton Alderman, R. H. Murphy, Dr. E. Parker, D. J. Corbett. Louis YY Howard, J. It. Paddison, Dr. W. C. Murphy, J. T. Fpy. Dr. W. T. Ennett, J. II. Murphy and Samuel Blossom . ; The following is the list from the County of New nanover: W. A. Cumming.B. G. Worth. James Sprunt. F. A. Newbury. James C. Stevenson, Preston L.Bridrers. A. A. Moseley, S. W . Nobles. R. E. Heide, F. W. Kerch. ncr.JohnL. Boatwright, Dr. George G. Thomas. II. Brunhild, A. Adrian, In connection with the Fair a meet ing was held at the Mayor's office last nigth in which the following commit tees were appointed : On Reception-F W Kerchner, Chairman; Alrich Adrian, David Worth, Joseph II Watters. Wm K French, II McL Green, M C Heyer, John L Dudley, ER Brink, G J Bo ney. On Invitation E D Hall. Chairman; George W Kidder, R W Hicks. W R French. Dr. George 6 Thomas. James CMunds. W P Oldham. James C Stevenson, A D. Brown, Preston Cnm ming. , t. - On Arrangements and Dccorations-r J J Hedrick. Chairman; James F Post. P Helnsberger. G M SummereU II Bronhild, George ,P Lamb, , Wilkin inaniIhvv Rr. E R Brink. S II Fishblate. W r ptdha John lUHKasrro Oldham, John RTnrrentme. i ouers. icz. - - - - . More Improvements. Some notable improvements1 are to be made next month to the large dry goods store on Market street, occupied by Mr. Julius Samson. The entire front is to be taken out and a handsome plate glass front is to be put in. The interior of the store is'also to be hand somely remodeled and renovated, and some other changes and improvements are to be made. In the meantime the stock of goods is to be sold out. as ad vertised in this issue, at greatly re duced prices, so as to make room for the improvements and tor the large stock of new goods coming in in the Fall. . f. I t 1 The Art Amateur For August contains a striking four page design of lilies and butterflies for a South Kensington screen panel, a d0 sign ot daisies for a dessert plate, three pages of designs and suggestions lot monograms and jewelry, and three pages of wood carving designs. The must important arucie is an eAuceuu ly interesting account of "Japanese Pictorial Art Artists,'! protusiy nius trated. There is a pageot drawings from Paris Salon pictures; the very creditable work of American women in tho Pari3 salon is editorially reviewed, and "My Note Book" gives a spicy record of foreign art events. Among the subjects practically treated are land scape painting in oils, lettering on china, i i ,j i Thero are also articles of much interest on earlv English poetry, ; ornamental iron work, old illuminations, the re markable Drint collection ot rrot. west, of Brooklyn, and numerous other art tonics. Price. 35 cents : 4 per annum . Montague Marsis, puonsner, m union Square, New xorfc. ! . Fire at Wadesboro. We are very sorry to learn of a dis astrbus fire which occurred at Wades- boro early on Tuesday morning where by the residence of Mr. Robert II. Cowan, of the Anson Times, who was in Charlotte at the time, was totally destroyed. Mr.. Cowan na3 many friends and relatives in Wilmington who will sympathise with him in his misfortune We clip thej following from' the account in the Times: When first discovered the; roof of the stove-room annex of his house was in a light blaze, and it being very dry, the whole building was soon wrapped in flames, and in a very short time was totally destroyed, with nearly all the effects of its occupants The losses, as we gather them, are about as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Cowan, house, furniture, bedding, clothing, &c., $4,000, on which there was an insurance of only $1,500; Mr! and Mrs. , T. J. Fetzer, who were boarding f in the family, a fine set of furniture, piano, ward robe, &c, $800. with an insu rance of 400; Miss Alice F. John ston, our popular telegraphlopcrator, also a boarder, lost her wardrobe and other valuables; Dr. and Mrs. DePcw, who were absent) on a visit in South Carolina, two "trunks, ccntants un known, no insurance. The entire losses will probably aggregate some $6,000, the whole property being swept out of existence in the space of two short hours. i . i The origin of the lire is unknown, but is supposed to have sprung from the stove pipe in the cook room, or the work of rats in the pantry adjoining. The fire having made such headway before discovered, the family all ibeing asleep, of course the origin cau only be surmised. - I Tho house was just completed last Fall, and Mr. Cowan and family had only been living in it since last Novemi bcr. A fine assortmen t of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ill (Market Street. DRY GOODS ! DRY GOODS I Clearing Out Sale! ! : Clearing Out Sale! THE ENTIRE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Cloths, Cassimeres, Fancy Goods, Hosiery , &c. Will be sold at greatly reduced prices from thin date.' In order to make room for the alter ations to be made to the Store during tbe . . , .j. .-) -" "' - "' " ' " month of August. Come awl examlne 5 the i - r J !-- Stock and ask for prices before making your parchases elsewhere, and you wUl saTe money. JTJIiIUS SAMSON. ; 1 1,1 Market St.. Wilminston, ; N. C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS At Auction. AT EXCHANGE CORXIB. AT 10 o'clock, a. a., on TUESDAY next, Slst Inst., bj order of H. C. Brock, Chief of Police, we will sell 7 CARTS, 2 WAGONS, j. LOT OF HABKKSS. ! July 26 It CRONLT & MORRIS, Auctrs New York & Wilmington Steamship Line. , STEAMERS WILL. SAIL. FROM NEW YORK EVERY L SATURDAY, at 3 o'clock, P. I REGULATOR. ..I Satnrday, July 21 BENEFACTOR, . Batarday, Aug x REGULATOR .Saturday, Aug 11 BENEFACTOR.... L ..Saturday, Aug t ! : I I REGULATOR Saturday, Aug 25 ' lii far j Through Bills Lading and Lowest i ! i . Through Ratea guaranteed to andrrom Poiata In North and South Carolina. I ! For Freight ot Passage apply to TH9MA8 K. BOND, Superintendent,? ! Wilmington, n.ju. EGER, Freight Agent, THEO. G 35 Jiroaaway, rsew xori. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., General Agents. july 25-tf. i luoti C. W.i MCCLAMMY WILL HAVE I ' of my business duTing my absence charge " .' ' 'i. from the city J11I7 24-lw R. S. RADCLIFFE E. C. Blair, ; ENER AL COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 19, North Second Street, Wilmington, N. C. Solicits conaignments of all kinds of Country Produce. Top prices and quick returns guar antced. Will reship to other markets wheu requested. I ' ', - ... july 23 j Kj . BliAlR. Fly T BEST AND CHEAPEST IN THIS market, Our ! 1 GRAIN CRADLES cannot be surpassed In price or quality. A larjre and well selected stock of Hani ware at W. E. SPRINGER CO'S Successors to John Dawson A Co., july 9 j Market Street i Solid Comfort. a i 1 T HERE IS SOLID COMFORT IN THE use of Kerosene Stoves. A customer, who is using one, says: t "With this we are independ ent when left without a servant.' They are Geme and great "Economists." Different sizes and prices, f Try one. ar Pure White on. july 9 PARKER TAYLOR. Cum Camphor, JJELLIN'S FOOD, Combs, Brushes, Extracts, soaps. Puff Boxes, c, Ac. WILLIAM H. GREEN, Druggist, 5 ill? Market Street Our Glass Fly Traps!) Something New I rjUIE CLEANESt FLY TRAP ON . THE market. ! Giles & Mnrchison. jnlyO North Front 8t I i Reading for All. pALL AND MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS ot Choice Reading at H EINSBERGER'S. Fine Violins and Guitars, A CCORDEONS AND CONCERT HARMON- lcas, Flutes, Fifes snd Drums, best Guitar i . -' and Violin Striogs, 1 Can alwsys be found at - HEINSBERGER'S, . 1 I- july S3 Lire Book and Music Stores Fine Leather Goods.1 JJUSSIA LEATHER CARD CASES, Pock et and Memorandum Books, Photo' and Auto graph Albums, c, Ac. New styles la Ladies and Gents Fancy Stationery, Ac Remember that "we are headquarters for All fclods og LITHOGRAPHED workT (No orders fai - vrlnted matter reeelTed.) Chicks. Draftl, f - Letter Heads, Ac, gotten up In the best man- -I - ner. - v aW. YATES. . .- . - 119 Market street To Builders and other Ga to Jaoo Brt for SasW Blinds ana Doors, Glass &cim Yon can get sll cizes i svnd tX tha lofTcst prices. ':':y;k 'J- Sf1 NEW ADVK11TI8EME1JT8. W E W iS TOR E. U ! "pOR THE CONVENIENCE OF MY1 CU. IOMKKS AND THE PUBLIC G ENERALL ' I hare opened a ' Fancy Grocery , Store ! '- j IN THE ' ' ""( ' -j " NEW MARKET HOUSE, CORNER MUTER'S ALLEY. 1 1 I SHALL HAVE ON HAND AT ALL TIMES The Choicest Groceries. such as I keep at my Store on North I Front 8treet. - i I Buy vour GROCERIES from me and It will ., I aflfonl mi pleasure to deliver at your homes - 'i I A 'I"' such articles as you may purchase in the Mar- ket. i !. SAVE TIME AND TROUBLE by, maklfl j ! i J n v t all your selections In the NEW MARKET Jit! nousE. John L. Boatwright J may 1 tf j s " II I Old North State Saloon; No. i South Frout Street. I ..'.. I i 'lOOL DRAUGHT BEER, 1 1 MUSCATEL AND STRAWBERRY WINF,, CIGARS. Ac The Celebrated WERNER CHAM PAG VE, xryiu 1 jury xu-iwnan For Sale. UST BE SOLD i THIS WEEK MY HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE and Sevriog Machine. All new. Can be seen at residence, No. 411, South 81xth street joly 23 J. J, BURNETT. HATS ! BONNETS ! W1 HITE AND BLACK , EXCURSION Hats. Tuscan Hats snd Bonnets, cheap. MRS. KATE C. WINESl ! i I' No. 119 North Second Stree july 21 We Have k - SUPPLIED A LONG FELT WANT I BY lUPPLIED A LONG FELT WANT tj CBLauuBiiuis a ui'uai vk, uuwo and Trunk Store, wltere all kinds of goods la our line can be bought at prices lower than ever before offered In this market. I 11 1 49" Repairing in all Its branches attended, toj promptly. I 1 r McDOUGALL A BOWDEN. I . ' jolr No. 114 North Front St. j - -.".j ::f jTT Livery and Sale Stables. ',1 ORSES, BUGGIES, PHOTONS AND CARRIAGLS let at low rates. .Also Board or Horses. I j ' " ." - 1 J The I Finest Hearse in the 1 :r.- : ' City. ; A CAR LOAD OF I Kentucky Horses & Mules Just reeelTed and for sale low. , The best lot of stock in the city. ' j HOLLINGSWORTH A WALKS B, . At the New Stables, I ! may 4-tf Cor. Fourth and Mulberry sti Treat You roelf TO COOLING AND REFRESHING DRINKS ' ! ! !',!. t;i : I . :. r. el. - WHILE THE WARM WEATHER LASTS. , , ; ... :. - f AMERICA! AND IMPORTED IIXSCB All, BASS PALE ALE ARO SCOTCH ALl, i DU8LIR STOUT. 1 t YIENNA, PH02NIX ANP TROPIC LACER BEER. i esrold In Wilmington, $2 per dszeo, n NORTH CAROLINA CLARET AND PUR SCUPPEENONG, STRAWBERRY j BLACKBERRY WINES. ' AND CLARETS of excellent quaMty, imported and Domestic. 1 ,. Groceries of all kinds received dally sad sold , at rery low figures. ; 'j" P. L. BRIDGEBS & GOJ HO Xorth Front Ot. July 23 f I , , FLORIDA WATER, 1 f LAVENDKR WATER. 1 1, VIOLET WATER. -I. , HELIOTROPE WATETL WUITB ROAE WATR. - . v RAZENA WATES. AUo a complete assortment of Colognes aid Perfumery for the Summer season. . . Kir Presrrtntlons comnouadAil Cif aart night at . , C. llILLi rJ. . , 1 - - German Drrl2t, . july 51- . Correr Fourth ast :ua sts. f 1

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