-i - - PLZU&S NOTICE. - i errry cwninf. Scndaya ex 8 . r W will b f but t??reoclT eociattxJeanoBa from car frltn&a oa any tad altes'hjoeli vo l ecyvM by JOSUT. JAMES, ttro uDfioramoi. H Tbe iw. j cf tSa writer xnnst aHray b fit ..iKCirrH' rosTAu -aji " noo. six month, $5.00. Thxre JnJU-00! One mouth, ttcenta. j Jft, in any Prt of the city, at the abom - I" ! ; Communication must be vxlttea o o. erne aide of the paper. ' ' If-V-'- " PeraonalUlM Braat be arolded. ; : And It la espedalr and particularly ud' S..r..n U1 vort an,- and all faU-j V ULu VII. W LMINGTON. N. C, FRIDAY .JULY 27, 1883. NO. 178 the Tie wa of corrcspondenta tinieMab atatc In the editorial eolomna, :.. . , ' 'l i! 1 J: ', this rxTza, . k. - - j - ' j: ...... i J V. s I . j ' . k . rtr JTic Review haf the largest (;nia rail way system would be order r, f u dnnUWon. of nuy newspaper I ul on strike. The Brollierho.xl claim y ,7. ;Vv of Wilmington. JB 1 10 liave four ont of e?ery five teieeraph r, . : . i cm on those roads, inclRdinir nearly all -r" r"t ' ""rtf -ailrtl from N'ew York i lhe rait1 despatches. K-:ropJn Tuesday "p.,.ir,,i,rir.n cti iw i, woru conluiHis: It cannot be ascer-i;ovcrnriayerua-Mi." lo tained that the word 1 ::is any derivation ;;?Uoi Ciise for a gjmnasinm. or deficition.-tut it appears to bd ap .rominent Western Union official c':i!cs tic l'jC strict lo h u :ra Union in Xcw York alone, at 2j.i0 a day. . "I it. . T; water in wi.ica ia iicrn take its uauy Dam is getting u-jch warmer than that which was ,;ol on the Mock. Numcrous.suiU are W.zl instituted against them. I Xctv York Tribune fresh air fund j 0 n-i-ok sent toChcnanco county. ri.ian Iflj poor children u spend two . ,-x in the country, and 1U0 moro t..:!r. i were sent to lsex county. !-. W. C. Palmer, who died at Ocean action of the companies in grinding on Friday, claimed that the down t!ie waircs of tlie.r employees to; , vear,lhislire were passed, not ! , z y tree from sin. but nlo fr.uu tbejwapc3 oommcnaurate to the Fervice . 7. : inclination to wrong doing. i rendered and to the prorer sustenance I of life; thervforo . son county, came down oo the Steamer Ai.u'.cd Southern cotton ruanufac-. liesoUrd. That in iho opinion of this J hn DayL.son fr0lli Point Caswell, this , r, r w ha ha alio extensive acnuain- Board the telegraph companies, in re- i . , t x. f, ,,n. '....Jturn mr the privileges conferred on ".uuu. .cca: thoorth. predicts that wills... , .. . tmhiJt, nrei Iallv and' Mr. James T. Mnrphy. principal of m i.' e South ran exclusively bv steam. . competition with those moed by wjicr. will ultimately fail. All the reviving abolitionists untl I"" I relative of those deceased arc invited i i::end the celebration of the 50th an- V lVV.hXvw mverrv cf the ew lork Anti-biave. i Stcietyt to be held in that city in the j T:itrnac!e Church. October : Ancnt the reassembling of the Jeir rings heirs, tho World estimates tha ?Lt rc are at least one hundred thousand ptpU: iu this country of fair abilities who have been made burdens to their irltnds by" the insano expectation ofj getting millions from Ihc Hank of Eng- The St. Joseph (Mc.) Herald, is ol opinion that "the time has not arrived to begin to sound the public puic on the Presidential question, for tho man; who appears to bo strong to day may j be decidedly weak neit jvar. ltiione, Wednesday's ram appears to have thing to mauufacture public sentiment en TCry extensive andf to have done a and quite another thing to hold it." j vast amount of good. : A peace has been patched up between Mr ;V. C. Craa has removed. . his the Brotherhood and the American i'joweiry business Np. eo South i Front Kapid Telegraph Company, and the op- ; street. 1 1 erators have gone back to their keys, ' but the patch stops right there and decs j The celebrated 'Fish Brand Gills not cover all ot the rents and divisions. Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard The basis of the agreement is not made I ware Depot. public, but it is said to be satisfactory j 1 -0 arc sorry to hear that Mr. J. J. to all concerned. ! I Tonkin is verv sick with a malarial The Philadelphia Times intimates that t hero is no particular need of Stxrctary Chandler in Washington, and there in certainly no need of him in New Hampshire, where he persists in rcmaiuing. It was long ago evident to everybody undoubtedly including tho Chandler himself that ho cannot be elected United Stales Senator by the present legislature of that State . Gcnoral W. W. Avcrill thinks that Mr. Hewitt should be nominated by his party 'for President, "lie is a crotchety rcan.sais Averill, "but not to his prej'udtee. We do not want any flexible, boneless President men try ing to conceal something and not to ofr fend somebody. It will not hurt tho Presidency if we should get in some upright man like Hewitt. n TIio Cable Railway Company of Cali fornia have filed a bill in equity against the Union Passenger Railway Company of Philadelphia, asking for an injunc tion restraining the use of patented im provements in the new cable road to which the complainant company claims to be solely entitled. It also asks for damages arising from tho alleged in fringement. Here are some interesting notes relas live to the great strike. We take them from yesterday's Sun : A meeting of the New York Assem bly of tho Telegraphers Brotherhood wts held at Eighth Ycnne and Eight-j inir SffiSSSa SiMMS I strike of the employees ofthe American j being tip top' in every particular, j Rapid Telegraph Comp'any at an end. There was a large throng in atlendance j Six men .were i ordered toreportrordaty f p d d iniog coun-j l. .?5,JH men were notified to report for duty at j .. uiq ktikik openuora anu mil.-- , particulars or the settlement were notj announced, but stated to be satislactori. : It was strongly hinted that the Balti-1 more and Oho Company would yield j to-day. Three rousing cheers were given ior ice ursi victory. 1 rail and Winter ctotniog " Several of the speakers claimed thatfr..'M.tcY.;n rhrnn?ht to Vtr ahouM it prove occessary to win tcej battle against the Western Union and then anions the operators on strike, the plied wiiu an oiiensive purpose to the men who have taken the piactrs of the strikers in the telesraph otlice, and to equivalent to iftc woru ra! as useti icobtumist is herealter to , do held and i repardetl as an infanious person. ThQ uoarU of AUernjen yesterday adopted the follow in e Whereas. The Western Union Telc graph Company and the several other telegraph companies carrying on busi ness in this city niiy Valuable Iran- chises from tho public in the occupation f tho public highways lor tlieirr poles nd wires j and ' ' Whereas. The commerce and .busi-; I u, u, tu, . . u, .muu u ;1U. , . wl be connected by rail try are jeopardized by tho interruption r. . .7 , ot prompt and accurate telegraphic 'J oad and' telegraph with the outside communication in con-couenee ol thc starvation rates and roliums .just and morally bound to supply all demands! JSrte,cfPhic ?,mai,ia'BdllosonofthelateDr. C. T. Murphy, of that end to grant tho present just dc- l , raandofthc tele?raph .employees, and j Samson county, came down with the wftcall upon the State authorities to i I lr iwntairi; lrcol nptiuti fr iilii !u pel the companies to restore and ma ,"" tain theprompt and correct traosnus- a - " LOC AL;NE WS. IKSEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. XV C Cn r Removal ( Yatev-Klne Leather GociU V II GKEts-:um Camphor IIcixsbkkoek l5?aiUng for All. V C M I i.LKJt Florid a Water. &c ' Aninirau Lclon of llouur Local ad The nights fare getting perceptibly , longer. But one bale of cotton received at this port to-day. 1 Last night was quite cool and com- itirUD.e tor steeping. attack at his residence in this city. Clarendon Council.) No. 17, A. L. of Houoi, will meet to-night, at 8 o'clock Members will be present with excuses or pay fine. I j j It. We notico in the New York Time, j of the 26lh in?t.. that Rev A . M. Con- way. of the First Colored B.tptist J 'Church in this city, ii i" New York. ; ' f " ' ... 1 An excursion party and intermediate points arrived here last night. It was not a large party, and was composed mainly of those whom business called to the city. With the wi bd at the Northeast the atmosphere to day has been cool and pleasant. At 12 o'clock, the mercury inthe thermometer had climbed up to 85 and appeared unable to get any higher. . j ' Wc learn that the telegraph line from Clinton to Warsaw is progressing fa vorably. The poles are all prepared and the work of placing them has been begun, and the work is being pushed as rapidly to completion as circumstances will permit. It is not now expected that there will be a regular -service at the First Baptist Church on Sunday next. There will bo the regular Sunday School' service, however,, in the morning, which, with a .prayer meeting, will constitute the religious services of tho day. xiie picuic yestcrdayand tall last t nLht at Point Caswell arc repol as boll," or words to that effect, j o i - Great Closins Out Sale, . Goods will be slaugbtered.within the M , ve . . maL.e room for ntxtC0das in order to make one ol the largest and finest Stocks or . . f cimirn. Reliable mlngton. Clotbers, Mi Market SL "tf. City Court. The loliowinz cases were disposed oft by the Mayor this morning: Edward Herring, drank and down, was fined $5. in default of which he was sent below for 0 days. A colored woman, who has hereto fore borne an excellent reputation, was found guilty of disorderly conduct and was fined $2. which she paid. CfUiton Items. From a gentleman who arrived in this city last night from Clinton, Samp son county, we learn that the. crop3 . in that section are looking finely and promising for a good harvest, j The Clinton and Point Caswell Railroad is making good progress at that end of the wo j3D Uj work, and tho people of that lively in- d town are looking forward hope- llyto the time in the -near future world Personal. State Senator Hill, of Duplin county, ! wa ,n tnocity toda. i Mr. J. W. Powell, of Clinton, Samp the male Hih School at Clinton, and i excursion party last nigut, and was on j our streets to-day. 4 t r. ir: r i .:n . - - ' eave lomorrow on the steamship , y?a. Ynr- wko ch ;UI3. JC It lib J. IAT0 null VUIIU ITtil i Benefactor for New York, whence she j will gotoPcughkeepsicontheHudson for I ihe benefii of her health, which lias been feeble for some months. Her journey is made upou the advice of her physician, and she will probably be absent until about the first of ber next. ' . . Novem- " " j liiteuslve Fnrniincr. Uaising the greatest quantity from t the smallest space is ; becoming" the practice ot our best farmers in the South. It is called intensive farming by others. Greater profits and more success, compared with the expense, is t the . advantage over any of the old methods of fanning. Iu fact, intensive farming is antagonistic to any of tho old fogy plans or styles of cultivating the soil. Our Department of Agricul ture, at Raleigh, can engage in no bet ter service than in encouraging our tanners to engage in this greatly need ed change or reform i in farming. In tensive farming means profitable farm ing, it.the experience of those who have tried it is of any value. Some of the newspapers of our Stated now and then, publish telling cases or examples illus trative of the value of this principle. We now publish a case, in our own section, in proof of what we hear said and it certainly teaches a lesson of wis dom and one worthy of Imitation by i farmers who would make their useful calling profitable to - themselves. The following statement of this case is fur nished us by a friend : Mr. William B. Hocur, of Bocky P-iin ljr;lr pnnnt v n!ftnfnl narlV' in Iroiu (iouisboro!v,M"' ; t the year six acres ot lano in raaisncs and garden peas. The proceeds of the sales of those vegetable amounted to six hundred dollars in gross receipts The expense for manure. labor, seed, shipping, &c amounted to two hundred and fifty dollars, leaviug a clear profit of throe hundred and fifty dollars. He planted the ! same Meld in Ozicr cotton seed the 20th ot May. It is now beautiful and. promises a yield of at least one bale to the acre. At ten ceuts a pound, after de duction an expense of one hundred dol lars lor cultivation and picking, this cotton patch will yield, in clear gain two hundred dollars. This same field is an apple orchard and fifty dollars worth of apples are now upon the mar ket from tho trees. So that Mr. Hocnt will realize, in clear gains this year, from these six acres, the sum of five hundred dollars. At this rate n one horse crop of twenty, five acres would vield him a clear profit of twenty-five hundred dollars this year. Upon an- other field of a fourth of an acre . realized, in Irish Utoes Ud he thirty dollars as net sales w-yr. Vui. now growing upon it, and it promises to yield ten- bushels. Tho clear profits about one hun- 'wMI.sm. What urcu uu fcj f Mr. Hocut is doing can be done by others if they vrill adopt the best meth ods and tall into the line of advanced thought and practice in farming. l- . To Builders and othersGo to J aco El's for Sash. Blinds and Doors, Glass &cl You can get all sizes .and at he lowest prices. : r. ' . Excursionists. Quite a party of ladies and gentle- i men. all of them prominent residents of Sampson coa'nty, came down on the John Dawson from Point Cas well this afternoon. They added grace and interest to tho picnic and ball at that place last night and visited the seaside this evening. They will return to their homes tomorrow. : Alarm of Fire. , There was an alarm of fire at about S o'clock this afternoon, caused' by smoke issuing from a woods led in the yard bi. the premises on the Northeast corner of Orange ; and Second streets. The fire department promptly respond ed to the call; but the flames were ex tinguished before they could get to work. The damage vras slight. The property belongs to Mrs. John W. Atkinson. The Delayed Mail. j Wc desire to say, in reference to the postal clerk on the C. C.1 R. R.t who re- j fused to receive the Review mail on Tuesday last, that the party referred to j has called upon us and offered such ex- i planations as have satisfied us that it j was all a mistake on his part, which he regrets very much. We are satisfied, and hope that Wr subscribers will he also satisfied with the assii ranee that it shall not happen again. Peaches. Peaches hare. been very scarce in this market this season. Mr. L. W. How ard, of the Scott's Hill section, appears to be the only one who has had any and he alono has been supplying the market of late. They have been . retailing here for from 25 to 40 cents per dozen and $4 per bushel crate while it is said, they have been selling readily in New York for $8 a crate. There are some hopes of a supply from the later 'varieties but they are very slow in putting in an ap pearance. Fruit Growers Fair. Qur citizens generally are manifest ing a lively interest in the approaching Fair of the North Carolina Fruit Grow ers Association, and are bound to make it agr and success. Thero will undoubtedly be a large gathering of the I people lrom different sections of the f State on that occasion and the display of fine, which will make th5 Fair one of the most interesting", exhibitions ever held in this section, and -we are glad that Wilniiogtoniaus appreciate the fact and are taking hold of the matter in earnest. A Fortunate Jiscape. A moment after the alarm of lire was sounded this afternoon, the carriage of the W. S. F. E. Co . was driven at railroad spcedMowu Market and turned into Second street, when the near wheel came off which brought the carriage to an unceremonious stand still andthrew the driver -violently to the groujid. ' Strange to say no one was hurt, the i horse was uninjured and the damage to the carriage was so slight that it could be repaired arid made as good ' as new in an hour. It was indeed a fortunate escape1, and had it been the other wheel which came oft It must have resulted seriously to driver, horse an! carriage. . TueKlver. The steamer North Stole, arrived this morning from1 Cypress, on the Capo Fear) river, which is aa far up' as boats of her draught can go at the present stage of the water. Sho exchanged car goes with the A. P. Hurt, which is lighter draught and has .the advantage of having an iron hull, , jwhich cnablos her to pass the shoals with less difi culty. Tho North State will leave to morrow morning for the same point where she will again meet the Hurt and exchange cargoes, unless there should be sufficient rise of water in the meantime (which is somewhat ex pected) to enable both boats to proceed without delay to their respective desti nations. College Life. Rev. E. B. Riddick. Prest. I Kittreil's Female College, wrote of Dr. Worth ington's Cholera and Diarrhoea Medi cine "Send a gross for our College. A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. E C. Blair, RNERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, , 1 No. 19. North Second Street.. 1 WUmlngloo, N. C, pr matter iwUed.) i Cheek. Drafts, 8ohlta consignments of all kind of Conntry i Letter Heads, Jtc, gotten np in the best cuan Prodnce. Top prices and quick returns guar-j - , , , anteed. WUI reahip other markets when j ner. . : ,C. XT. YATES.; "iSy 'I, j & O. ELAIU. I: julyi? . . J19 lUrtet atxeft i KEW !AlVERTI3EMEirrS Removal. T Ail NOW LOCATED AT NO. tO SOUTH 1 t j TkOKT STREET, where I chaU Le ptoaMd to Bee my friends, customer!, and many new onea. fiospectfuily, July 27-2t - W. C, CRAFT, ; Jeweller. Ill Market Street. BEY GOODS V ' DEY GOODS I Clearing Out Sale ! . Clearing Out Sale I y THE ENTIRE fsTOCK OF ' Dry Goods, Cloths, Cassimcrcs, Fancy Goods, j I Hosiery, &c. Will be soM at greatly rod utunl price from thla dale, In orJrr to make room for the alter ations to be made lu the Store during the month of August. Come and examine the Stock and a t for price before, making your purchases elsewhere, and you will save money. JULIUS SAMSON, 1 1 1 Market St., Vilmington, N. C. julv26-3t ! Millinery & Fancy Goods- i T . Another Large Invoice of Millinery ! V New St3rles, New Colors, &c. FANCY fJOODS DEPARTMNl i FUL o- KID, SIL.K ard LISLE GLOVES. PARASOLS, NECKWEAR, FANS. ZEPHYR and MATERIAL for FANCY i U WORK. . ' MILLIKERY-Second Floor, FANCY! GOODS First Floor, I i Respectfully, MISS E. i KARRER, ju!yJ EXCHANGE CORNER Reading for All. QALL AND MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS ot Choice Rcadlnfc at HBINSBEBGBR'S. , Fine1 Violins and Guitars, ACCORDEONS AND CONCERT HARMON leas, Flute, Fife and Drumj, best Guitar and violin String, i . Can alw7 be found at 'j heinsberger:s, July S3 ! Lire Book and MubIc 8torea Wotice. M B. C. W. McCLAMMY WILL HAVE charge of my business during my absence from the city. july24-lw B. 8. RADCLIFFB. Gum Camphor, JKLLIN'S FOOD, j I Combs, Brnahcs. Extracts, I ' &oaps, PuiT Boxes, Ac ' WILLIAM H. GRKEN. Drucriat. jaljp 117 Market Street Our Glass Fly Tras I l ; Something New ! THE CLEANEST FLY TRAP ON THE v J ' .. I market. " Giles & jfrurcliison, Jaly 9 North Front St Fine Leather Goods. RUSSIA LEATHER CARD CASES, Pock et and Memorandum Book. Photo and Auto graph Albums, 4c, Ac. " Neif style In Ladle and Genu Fancy Stationery, a Bemember that we aro beadqiiarters for all kind of LITHOGRAPHED Iwork. (No ortJers tot NEW ADVERTI8EMEKTO. H E W S T O R E. F Oil THE CONVENIENCE OF MT CCS- 'lOMEBS AND THE PUIUJC GKXEEAUL I hare opened a v.. '. . - 1 1 j Fancy Grocery Store ! ' v j,'v;;, is this r -'j r ; . 1 K " ' ' t v -. i . COUNEK UUTEE'S ALLKT. , ! j I SHALL HAVE OK JIASD AT Uzi, TIUXS - i -'' 'j j ''!.!!' TIlA Tlinlnncf nKAnnvtAn - : . t. I " ; -1 i- aoch aa I j keep at my Store on Korth ' ! aroncHtreet. , Bay oar GROCERIES from me and It trill -i ' ' .-'!.! -i 111'- - afford m plcaaore to dellrer at your home inch articles aa you may pnrchaae in the afar ket. HAVE TIME AND TROUBLE -by. ,maklnjf 11 yonr selections In the NEWS MARKET HOUSE. . ' I "j : John L. Boatwright. mayl-tf ' . ; .Ii!- v, . -V ... i Old North Statfl Saloon- No. C South Front Street. I 1IM1I. lIKHI'lillT 1KKH I MUSCATEL AND STRAWBERRY Wl.NKtl, '; CIGARi.' jlc.' I ' -. ' k The Celebrated WERNER C MAM PAO E. itjiv. : -. , juiy oi-iwnar. - i-i. ... ,,j For Sale. . nnusT BK SOLD THIS WEEK MY HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE I- - r . i', ' and Sesrbvf Machine. All ner. tan be ncra at residence. No. 411, South Sixth atreef July 23 4. 4. BURNK1T. i HATS ! BONNETS ! w HITE AND BLACK EXCURSION Tnsr.an Hats and Bonnet Jcheap. i I ' Hate. MRS.' KATE ct WfNES;1 jnly 21 No. 119 North fWcood Street. r We SUPPLIED A LONG FELTf WANT BY establishing a flrBt-rhtiis Carriage, liimeei and Trunk Store, xrhero all kinds ofaodsln our line can be bourbt at prlcca lower than ever before offered in thla market. it I 1 -JKf Itcpaitinar In all l to branch attended to promptlr. , n - t ' " - Mr.DOCRALL A TVltVnKV July 21 r No. 1H North Front St. Livery and Sale Stables. H OR3ES, BUGGIES, FILTON3 AND i CARRIAGLS Jot at !or rate. Also Board or Itoree, i i i : ' it-- The Finest Hearse in r the City, A CAB LOAD Or Kentucky Horses & Mules Jut received and for aale low. The beat lot of stock In the City. . I j IIOLL1NG6 WORTH WALKER, At the New Stables, '" toaj 4-tf Cor. Fourth and Mulberry gta Treat Yo urbelf TO COOLING AND BEFRESHING DBIKKS .; . -- -v WHILE THE WABM WEATHER LASTS. AMERICAN AND IMPORTED OlSStR-All. BASS PALE ALE AMD SCOTCH Alf, 0081IR STOUT. VIENNA, TTICEXIX AND TBOfXC LAGER BEER. Bet;soId in Wilmington, tl per dozen, , ".- NORTH CAROLINA CLiBXT AND PCEE j SCUPPBNONO, 8TBAWBEBBY AVD BLACKBEBBT WINES., CL ABETS of oxcallenf oiality, 1 Imported and Domestic. , ;''-' '. :' . , .,. '-- I-- .-r i ' I1 r' 'i r ' Groceries of all kinds racelfed daily Aa4 old at Tery low nrnres. ' f "T P. L. BRIDGEES &' 00. HO North Front St. july23 FLO EI DA WATER, LAVENDER WATER. , I VIOLET WATER, ! itELlOTkOpJC WATERS . ; wiirrK Boi! water; , - , KAZKXA WATHC ALt'j a complete assortment of Colognes AJid Perfumery for the Summer season. rresenpuons rornioujKiei ljy night at Y. C. Ill LL3 lira and Greian DrC'sL Corrcrrouxu aat'l s:. Company, all th telcjTaphers -on the