: l f S PIXAJ55 NOTICL U .f. -We wBl be gUd to recelre oomnaslcatiaz trot oar tricsds oa aay mad all abjecta o f - i t i' 1 .aed CTtalng. Son-lays ex r repted by JOSII T. JAMES, editor as d raorxnrroc . HlPTION POSTAGE PAID: 1 geficralintereetbat ! i ' i The fiame oS the writer Bast always be fvs r : 'j -1 " CommunloatloBa must be vrtttea oa rsr l-co- su untht $2.00. Three v' t): One month, J3 cents. I one aide of the paper." ; Personsiltles most be aroTwled. aicr wt'.lbedc'lTerelty carrier! free' ,t).voy r week. j And It la especially and partSetuarty aad stood that the Editor doea not aiwaya e&doi the rlaws of eorrespondenis tuikse so atata In the editorial columns. - !' i r . rjte- low KJcrL VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. C, SATURDAY. JULY 28, 1 1883. tfO. 179 . . j rtl! rf iwrt t;ir An .i'ik r thrr i rr rerularly. THIS PAPER - " ' ' . - ? . ..... " . V . itlLY J 3 - 1'he MI y 1rcicw tte V-.., fM circulation, of any ricwsjxijvr i . ...'. ri'irf Wilmingbxi. .... ;n good health. iv no Ilohenlohe Lunenburg,, of Germany, about to make a tour to ! i-e VvAu Mates. ., Mary Crowell won the literary c?sny a the Vandcrbilt University over . T.C I. -inured anu iwcmy-one j cuing tl-: tat rate ia Kevr York for ISS3 wj;; Ir.proximate $2.20. Incorporatctl Mpanic will pay only about two per taxation. . i s;.!. Webb's botly has not -been re ,s)v. r'fd. His manager offered a re wirl of for iu Tvcovpry ani lncn r. ?r:rr.ctl to New York. i . . ontion is being discussctl in the i . . i .1 "-"""" I f . r ::.!.:etoitsadoptton as tho best so-1 . .U.Tst;,.,, c host crt. ; ,.f the temperance question. . r:- Now Rnsland farmers thitih. it is - rr::v Laid that the cigarmakers' locks , -!."iM occur just s the cabbage j , a ,. 1.4 getting aloug so a to be avail-. 1 lilrty-.-cvcn sporadic cases ul cho'.era w r. tortcd ia Rombay. Whensrch' . -v wi.nw it?elt thnaearlv in the - t i: means that there win be an ' n c later on. Ti ft I'nited Staler mints issucil 3--M.- hi standanl silver dollars last week. ? I'i.e government will have to rent more : u n:-e room for its accumalaling sur : i- ( l siircr coin. A i!. patch from uonie, J.nti -wn,. ,,v that information has been received ! 1 he Vatican from New York that the j CatUlicclerCTintbe ..How tho instructions ot the Pope in rardto Mr. Tarnell aud his followers". ; Ex-President Davis and his daujjuter werc seen by a reporter who visited a i'.oro ramnmectinff. uuar Bi'oxi . .. J. " t..:. ...,,lrr ! .(ii.omcruaj.ru.H, atiinetree. listening to a sermon. Loth! a pino irw.. iisi 1 n ,;' lather and daughter jotceu m tiu s.n,- ,n ... . . m-k.. u'..i.:rt tf.rfiriii!h.it thc- present strike cf the operators is likely to have one cCcct that the tccgrai-li . ijnipany haj not calculated upoji. The interruption to correspondence by wire , , V . " . mi , i'pliriiv and ccrtamtY ot the luaili, anu ; howcasvitistodo without the te'.c- i rap'a ia many ca-es where it has been , !,5CU- , ' The Little Rock (Ark.) GazctU con- : ains letters from four ot the Democrat, j c Coa-ressuen from Askansa on the tiritV -Trd soeakcriip. All arc-out- spoken for a revenue tarllT. Jones and j Peel arc openly for Carlisle. Rogers is. uncommitted, but in favor of Carlisle. and Rrcckcnridgc is uncommitted, but ! pronounced against Kantian or oiucr ; protection 13H. iciut .u....,..v.. , by Dunn. The prcsuro upon the telegraph com- j panics-from within and from without to yield to the demand of the operators Srows daily harder to resist. The Western Union Company is losing $200,000 a d.y by the strike, and the public i3 rapidly losing patience with it. "It is a good time," says the New York Times, "for Mr. Jay Gould to lay tho blame on hU wicked partncrst rebuke them, and come out as the opf r A 'ay ator a A writer in the London Trtilh airs. this unkind opinion: 'The strongest ar?uments against tho enfranchisement ot woman is, to our mind, the power it ; would throw into the hands or Abe clergy. Of course, the ladies who so energetically advocate the cause of thcir sex iiron public platforms would not be particularly amenable to this influence. Rut the vast majority of their weaker si-iters would undoubtedly have recourse to their pallors, not only lor .ghostly c ounsel and advice, but also .for politi cal principles. " The 1-hiladelphia Record thinks thatrain -luHiMMr Tlldenba made the next, Hemocratic candidate for President the - plattorm on which he was elected n I l7G wound not need much amend-I , ment. The resolution which so vigor-1 ously denounces the tariff as "a mas-! rerpicco of injustice, innality andj !!o pretence. and demands that "'all customhouse taxtion shall be only for ...-. revenue," can naruur be changed, ol lilt ficd the tariff. since the legislation hi i but slightly modified AMil:onaI adTices from Durbau relative to the death of King Cetewayo at the h:mj of the insurgents tatc that 1 1 1 i rvlw,.T. ,,r i,t0 tirj t were aiso Kineu ana we suppose oy in is ... that the race of Cetcway is now ex tinct. the SGih. says of the funeral of tho re. inaioiris victims of the horrible disaster near that city : The remaining victims of the Tivoli calamity were buried to-day from Cor pus Christi Catholic Church. The scene was n deeply impressive one The interior of the church was draped j in mourning, and the auditorium wa3 thronged with relatives and friends of the victims. Caskets containing the j remains of three young ladies, members of the congregation, were before the alter at one time.one of the corpses being borne into' tho church 'as tho mass of part ol ttie city a j'oung woman was burietl with her infant child clasped in her arms, just as they had oecu taken frnm thn v.-lri Another Tunoral wns . V1 V . ? , , j. , - Thev Woro taken from th water clasped in : pooh other's nrnis. . LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO MEW7ADYRTISEWEKTS. boL Beau Tra diet 200 a Year Can lie t.icl Yatk Kino Leather Hoc Is V.' II Urkkx Guru C':m?hrr S VAxAMXiisor Auctiobfcr Ueinsokrgf.r Uca'Unj lor All. K C M ili.uk FloruU Watrr, Ato K M MclxriRE More Jersey- Monl:y Maicsokn Uoal Estste. ltfci.i.MV .Exccutor'n Days length just 11 hours. There was no cotton reteived at this lort to-day. f j Sunset to-morrow afternoon at fi , 1 7 1 ; : I There wce no interments in Ilcllevue -4 i There were no cases for the Mayor's ! consideration this morning AnliQuatedv great grandmother jnv- j J el ry is made to order now. j j A love slcmaTto"7be little. and v.. U hnrolf mnninmn.s liv Iir-r , r-- siffh. ; " - I a genuinc ; poverty until he has to shpve with soH -ap. 1 ' There were t wo inlermciits-both j dalo Cemetery this ! adults in Oak wccfc. The Register ol Deeds' issued three I marriage licenses this week, all for col-; 0 orcu coup.ca It is said that earth has nothing softer , , , rVr wc have never seen it. The smile ol it be a tomato in the prime ot lile. '!.,.,. I . , i a girl wid draw a young man Irom bis ncro were live iiuermenis m i me . Forest Cemetery this week, one of , whom was a'n adult and; four were children. VC counted 01 market, carls at the new Market 'House tills morning audj . n i the display of IrniM ami vegciauics wa I ! cxccHent. . - . We auuc,quuua .. . . bcrs to our list along the ! tnewsubscri line of tho Carolina Central during the I past two da vs. The party Irom' Sampson county which arrived on ihc steamer John Dairson left this morning 6n ho same boat, on- their return. ! ; Rev. Thos. W. Rrown. Chaplain of the Church Charity Foundation, ot 'dJrooUyn. will preach to-morrow;morn-ing at St. James Church. j It is the fashion this year for bald- ! headed people to wear their summits so j h;ghjy polished that when a fly lights on lt hoa slip anj brcak his neck. I wt-Ioada of arge boat-loads of j rket dock this morn- j watermelons at Market ing. They were nice ia appearance and went like dew before the morning sun. The crops along the line of the C. C. R. It., are in a flourishing condrtiou. .... . . 1 . ! Cotton is said to oe ono-tniru than is usual at this season ot tne year. while corn, in mdSt places,' is lully up totlie "general run.V iln some locali ties rains arc needed, but tho crop3 are I not actually sulToring Irom the want of Qnln TThomaJ IcavCs lor ew ; to resame hi3 studies ' ,Ic up several new branches I ' tmt- 'ut da! India Ink and pastel portraits a specialty. Daring nc8 he ill have a new studio fitted up with' an entrance from the street. LAta U JAOOftrt Ifarfwp - . Lauriiiburfr Uigli School. ; From the Principal, Prof. W. G. (uackenbush, we have receiveVa cata- . h?ue of Iurinburg High School lor boys for the fourth year, which ended j last month. There are 129 in all in the ! list, in which we notice the names of Masters Geo. J. Bridger3, Douglas T. Cronly, Geo. A. Huggins, J Starr Johnson, Robert 13. Lewis, Roger Moore, W. Harriss Northrop, Uel M. Robinson and Robt. L. Williams, from Ibis city. Sudden Oeatb. Mr. John D. Woody, ot the firm of Wood v & Currie. received a telegram thi, mornins rom Ratesburg. S. C. stating that his brother, Ira Woody, died very suddenly at that place at about ( o'clock yesterday afternoon. No particulars have been received as to the 'JUI, ut uw"u v, city, will leave on to.night's train for Ratesburg, to attend the obsequire's of his brother. The deceased was about years of ago and was formerly en gaged in mercantilo pursuitsx at South Washington, Pender county, whence he removed to South Carolina about four : years ago. In View of the End, Mr. Isaac B. Kelley, Sr.. of Kenans- ville. Duolin conntv. whose serious 'sickness we mentioneJ several days ; since, is no better, but is continually giowiug weaker. His physicians say that he may possibly live a month, or f j even two months, but that he is liable 1 to be taken away at almost any mo ment. Mr. Kelly has been informed of hiscondition and expresses his entire resignation in contemplation of the ap proaching end of a ibusy, active and nouoreu iiie, ami nas racuuj iuauC proiession ot religion, ana nas Deen Dap tized and duly admitted into the Presby- tcrJan chnrch in that town. The Kailroad Meetiu. The meeting of the stockholders of ! the Wilmington, Clinton & Point Cas- Well R. II.. to be held at Clinton on Wednesday next, promises to be a very interesting one. In addition to the SlOCKUOiuers irom tuia cuj wuu at- tcbdMayorllall will also go up with the . , . , : . r ,, idea of urging the extension of the road 1q Wilni,oston aml also ou t0 Fayctte- villc. possibly in connection with the Capo Fear & Yndkiti Valley .R. R. This is no idle scheme, be it said but' one which has been carefully consider- j j eu aun wmcu ua ;wu ivwiiwauuu.-' j 1 upon which to rest. Tlio Power ol' a Smtle. Ti" thfr iq anvthiuir in the world that Ii.'- rl,.n,m;ip whnn ik ...v..w w a - fa a 2u mother and baa company. 11 win icacu i,im to e a mau and he will, if be loves tiie girit do nothing that would chase tho 'smile away. The smile ol lug mother will conquer the wayward child and compel it to como into camp to be j onanirftl rr carrwpH. The smilo of a -- - teacher can tlo more with a pupil ihau r;a bundle of hazel brush. A good, old uuaftccted smile . n fW machi . but rather oiIs it and makef it run smooth, and is a medicine tba we all like to take, and it leaves no bad taste in the mouth. i t An Kuterpnsiiis Establish ment. The Jiew York Journal of Commerce says that the largest 5alo ot cotton goods ! that has taken place in this country since IS78 was held ia New lork July ..i. There wa3 an immense assems . . f nrnminent and interested buys ers'Jroin all parts ol the country. Theie was sold over 11,000 packages ol lead- ing domestics, contains the n in e domestics. The list of purchasers names of the largest job bing houses in this country anu we notice among them, those of Messrs. Aaron & Rheinstein, of this city, the representative wholesale dry goods firm At ,un cmto whn lead the list as re L . V.- " - - Jn Journal of Commerce they purchased largely at this sale and that they were also. among the heaviest purchasers at the recent sale of l.SCO cases of blankets. Mcrcnants will find this e?tablishment MnMniant ami rnnTGnlal i f-lsco to isit when inthecity. - Mr. S. Van Amnnge has taken out a license as auctioneer.-and will sell in Irnt of the Court House all stocks- bonds, real estate, &e entrusted to him for that purpose. He has had years "of experience, and knows all of the machinery, of the business. This, be it understood, will not conflict with the duties of hia official position. ' NETW ADVERTISEMENTS, WORE J These goods have actually been in such i i o WHITE GOODS RECEIVED TO-DAY! And they arc BLACK JERSEY MITTS 1 With many other LINEN ULSTERS, 1 : ! I Can furnish any size, 34 to 44. 1 - j j . v ! 1 Linen Sheeting, Pillow' Linen, And a Complete Line of Domestics. Zephyr Shawls, in White und Colors. R. n2. ItIclI!TIRE. July 28. 1883 ' . i j The family excursion on the Passport yesterday was largely attended and the day was passed withont- accident i or annoyance to mar the pleasures of the trip. There will be but one service at St. Paul's Evangelical ilutheran Churcbjto morrow, which will be in English at 11 o'clock, a. m. " A Picnic for Children. Parents can, now rest easy a9j Dr. Worthington's Cholera and Diarrhoea Medicine is a specific lor Summer Com plaints and Stomach diseases of chil dren, ! OIED. LONDON At Pittsboro, N. C, on the 23rd Inst., CARRIE, only daughter of W. fu and O. II. London, aged 9 months and 19 days. "O, not in cruelty, not iu iwrath, The Reaper came that day, 'Twas an angel visited the green earth, And took this flower away."- NET ADVERTISEMENTS? REAL ESTATE,STO.CKS, BONDSf&c. i SOLD IS FROST OF TIIE COURT HOUSE. YKARS OF EXPERIENCE IX THIS Busi ness warrant me lu asking the public for a liberal share of their patronage. S. VavAMRINGE, july -28 lawlw-sftt-nac Auclloncer Travellers. JT EttSONS GOING AWAY FOR A TK1P, wanting s Trunk or Travelling Bag or SatchcH will do well to rail and examine my j sUx-k before purchasing elsewhere, a 1 have i a largo assortment. ! 1 . . . . . - , r ... 1 Also, a line lot 01 wncn wiisier ami w u Th05C fln- Whiu Vests tbat i am Mui.ur o ' , cleai are almoat ffone sol. bear, i jnij r i'O Market Street Executor's Sale of Real Estate. .W'EDNKSDAY, IHK 15TT JJAl August,!, at IS M., at the Court nousc door, I will sell by yublic auction, for -ab, h the following iiiee of Real Estate: Beginning i at a point in the W. liae of Dickinson street 132 feet S. of its Intersection with the S. line of Gwynn street, running thence 6. with ssid line or Dickinson street 66 feet, thence W. 163 feet, thence N. &l feet, thence E. 1C5 feet to Dickinson street, the beginning the same being tba E. half of lot S in block 212 accord ing to the official plan of the city of Wilming ton, and being tho samo property at present occupied by ColJ D. Klein. ' - MARDEV BELLAMY, I Executor of N. C. Shields. July 28 2t sattues ' S200 A YEAR CAN BE SAVED N THE LIVING EXPENSES OF THE FAMILY ' "I ' r by the use of Rex Magkts, the Humlston. Food PreserTati-re. lt preserres Meat, Fish, Milk. Cream, Eggs, and all kinds of Animal Food fresh and uweet for weeks, even in thw hottest weather. This can be proved by the testimonials of hundreds who hare tried it. It ou can proTe it for yourself for !50 cents. You wil fln-t that this Is an article which will eare you a great deal of money. NO SOURED MILK. NO SPOILED M EAT. j NO STALE EGGS. It will keep them fresh and sweet for many dsrs and does not impart the slightest foreign taste to ths articles treated. It. is so simple in operation that a child can follow ihe direc tions, is mt hmrmJess as tali and costs only a fraction of a cent to a pound of meat, fish, Lut-t-w or cheese or to a quart of milk. This Is no humbug; lt Is endorsed by snch men as Prof. Sam'l W. Johnson, ot i aie txwwge. sow uj drugs Uts ana grooei d re-mid by mall or t r. bamuw pohbus ptdtmi fas we crefer) on Name roar erTes otflce. . & VUndice brand for mest; tcean Ware for fish and sea food; Snow f lake for ralllc. butter and eh-ee; Anti-Ferment. Anti-Fly and AnU Mold, kj -per lb. each. Pear! for cream; Queen for eggs, and Aqua-Vita for Hold ex tracts, tl per ib. each. " Tns numsTox FOOD PRESERVING CO., 73 KUby St., Boston, Mass. - t rorsalehy jalySdAwlm NEW AT VEBTISEMEXTS ? great demand that it has been difficult to . . very cheap. ; j things at hgnd to-day ! LINEN ULSTERS. Removal. T AM NOWi IA)CATBD AT NO. 30 SOUTH l FfiONT STREET, where 1 ihail U pleased to see my friends, customers, and many new ones. !Kepejrtfirly, july 27 :2t 1. W. C. CBAFT, Jeweller. Millinery & Fancy Goods. i. i. Another Large Invoice of Millinery ! New Styles, New Colors, &c FANCY GOODS. DEPARTMEN1 FULL. KID, SITK ard LISLE l.LOVaS. I i PARASOLS, NECKWEAR, FAN'S. ZBPHYB and MATERIAL ! for FANCT i WORK. . i M ILLINKRV-Sf eond "Tloor. FAKCY GOODS-i-First Floor Re.-pecxfully, MISS E. KAIUtER, For Sale. 1ST BK SOLD THIS WKEK MT HOUSEHOLD ASD KITCHEN FURXITURE and Sewing Machine. All oew. Can be seen at residence, Xof. 411, South SiKth street J. J. BURNETT. Reading for All. QALL AND MAKE TOUR SKLECTION8 of Choice Reading at HEINSBERGER'S. Fine iolina and Guitars, A CCOR DEOXS 1 JSV CONCERT nARMOX- icae, I'lales, Fifes and Drums, bet Onttar and Violin StriogW- Can always be found at HEINSBERGER'S, july Ti Live BoolcVid Music SuSres i Notice. jrJR. C. 1 W. McCLAMMY WILL HAVE charge of my business during my absence from Che city. ' . B. S. RADCLIFFE. july 24-lw i ' -i' jGiim Camphor, -yELLIS'S FOOD, Combs) Brnsbes! Extract.), Soaps, Puff Boxes, Ac, Ac. WILLIAM H. GRKKN. Druggist, . jnlyp 117 Market Street ' Our Glass Fly Traps J Something New I fJIHE CLEANEST FLY TRAP ON THE market. - ,1 Giles & llurcliisoiij jnly9 , 1 ... North Front Bt Fine Leather Goods. ; JJUS3IA LEATHER CARD CASES, Pock et and Memorandum Books, Photo and Auto graph Albums, Ic, Act Xew 7 ladles and Genu'. Fancy Stationery, Af. Ememt-T that wc. are headquarters for aU klmls of LITHOGRAPHED 'work. ' (No ! orders for prnlM ma net recelTe-L) Checks. Drafts, Leiter Kea-Js, JU, gotten op hi the best man ner., r July 23 C. W. TATES. 119 Market street pJEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ill Market Street. DRY GOODS ! v j DEY GOODS 1 Clearing Out Sale I Clearing Out Sale! ' THE EXTIHS STOCK Ot Dry Goods, Cloths, x Cassimeres, Fancy Goods, . Hosiery, &c. Will be sold at greatly reduced prices ; from this dat, la ordVx to Uita rooru for jibe kite r- atlons 'to Ike made In the Store dartnj Uie month of August. Come ami examine, tho !- SUck ami ask for prices befor making your purchases elsewhere, and you will skve money. JULIUS SAMSON. ' 111 Market St.. Wjlmingtonj N; (?. ulT ?0-3t Old North State Saloon, No. O South Front Street. JOOL DRAUGHT BBKBi j ; rryscATKL and strawbrrry; wikss.! ' CIGARS. - Ac. The Celebrated WRNKk CHAM P AOS K, july !lwaftf! E. G. Blair. ENERAL COMMISSION MERCIlA3T, IT I . No. l, North 8econl Street, , , ' WIImlnglonjN.4C;! tJollcit coiuilnuicntsof oJV kinds of Countrv, Prodnee. Top prices and quick returns guar anteed. I Will rcsn'jv to other markets when! requested." " I , ii . ' .Inly 23 . E. Gl VtAllt. We Have QUPPLIKD " A LONG PELT WANT RT kj cstftblishiiiK a nrstlass Carnage,' Harness and Tjank Store, where all kinds of goods la our line can be bought at prices lower that .. ever before offered In this market. J t i i AST- Repairing- In all its branches attended U oromptlT. '. ), ,.. . i -. .McDOUGALL A BOWDEX. -Jul? ill' No. )H North I'ront St. Livery and Sale Stables; TTORSKS, BUGGIES, PILUTONS AND CARRIAGLS let at low rales Also Board 1 or Hordes. . ' ' t. The Finest Hearse in City. A CAR LOAD OF; ! ... . -. - ... Kentucky Horses & Mules Just received and for sale low. ' The best lot o stock In the city. I , HOLLINGfi WORTH A WALKER, At the New 6Ubles. : ' j I may-tf Cor. Fourth and Mulberry st Treat You'rce If TO COO LI SO AND REFRE3HINQ DBlKKS WHILE THE WARM WEATHER LA8T8. . ' " T ' : - 1 AMERICAN ARO IMPORTED fiIX8ER;Ai, 8AJS PALE ALE ARD SCOTCH AIE. DDIUR STOUT. VIENNA, PH0CNIX AND TROFIC LAGER BEERi Eestlsold in Wilmington, $3 per dozen. NOKTII CAROLINA CLiRXT AND .PUKE SCUPPERNONG, STRAW BE RET AND i , BLACKBERRY WINES.. i1 ... ;.. .. , I . ' j , r- - CLARETS of excellent quality. Imported and Domestic. I i - . r .. Groceries of all kinds received daily and -' i . - ..." .. - r .. . at Tery low figures. old P. L. BRID&EES & 00. 1 1 0 North Fron t St. FLORIDA WATER, ; LAVRNPKB WATER. i ' VIOLK.T WATER, - 11 JCLIOTROPB WATER I WHITE ROSE WATER, RAZENA WATER J AUo a complete assortment of Colognes- and Perfumery for the Snmmer season, i jrreacrrpuons eomtiousoiNi day , and night at F. C MILLKR'a. Germaa Drcrlst, Coreer Fourth aa-0ca sts. July 21- the i H l hi r A -

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