this tape evenlsg Sundaye ex- JOSH T. JAMES t . ,.PlPTIOSS TOSTAGE PAID: i month, tt-OO. Tore. 1 rt; One both, J,. .i:irered tT carriera free pSlin oV rrt of the city. at the above V'Vi'.lUrweck. : si- t L ? - r i: 1 Ot " ' law and Werm.L XrTbe will rrort any and aU faIU Lirc tftr Pap' rcicnlrr. trr . VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. C MONDAY. JULY 30, 1883. FLZASS KOTICS. Wo will be glad to receive cesatslcailsrs from oux friends on any and all attjcti general Interest but j The namo of the writer must always bats alshed to the Editor. ' : ' Communications mxJiX be wxittea ca cnl one aide of the paper. , . ' 1 Peraonalltles canst be aroMed. . . k f h And It U especially and particularly end"' stood that the, Editor doe not always endex N0. 130 i the Tlews .f eorrespondento unless r ao sUte "ZrThe Pex-uno Kas Ule largest the arms. and not their color, will give forraation. " Wt-tcru Jcalcra arc beginning to r.rh Tarolinaof her walnut and np.w" clerry trcxr. " hathc South have demoralized X. ycaOiCi and injured tho crops. vju Francisco physicians hare dis V tcd one hundred and seven cases of SLy aaioDS the boodloom class oi boyi who smoke cixarcUci mada by Chisamea. . Texan paper adrocates holding the imocraUc NaUonal ConTcntion T,. (iilreston. pleading that for nearly a j.irter of a century no party has a National Convention in held Southern Aula Kuikin. uuu m jjv!," ?faks of girls. not lost but lch-'y unemployed; in a word un waii ad. There arc perhaps more lost cxvU luatctl unfortunately than bliss- t i..T The Atcs nnd Obscrttr learns that arrangements have been made by which the Stato Tress Association can as a body visit the Boslon'( Ex position in October. . The route j will be over tho "dark bind sea" from Norfolk to Boston, and the fraternity will have tho pleasure of spending a day on the bo som of old Neptune. The correspon dence has not yet been published. LOCAL NEWS. to,;.- 1XDU TO MEW ADVERTISEMENTS Eerhablte Excursion Yates School Books ( Uolrer&Ily of North Carolina W II Grexx Gum Camphor V C MiLLEm Florida Water. &c GOES A MuRcniSox Fmlt Jars HEasBBHOKK Marine and Spy Glasses W E Dayi & Sos Ire Ice Ice P Lr.RiiWEUsA Co Boyster's Celebrated Cavlies llaskeu The receipts of cotton at this port to- footupll bales. cheap Chickens were plentiful this morning. and l b: telegraphers hare tho oldest se i5i:rancc society in the Lniteu . F. m, mmmM t r I MJ 1 TP yZi before the Knights of Honor; and Mhi:j I v.lics as well as "gentlemen to :jituiber!.ip. I m reiort that the Mexican Govern, nunthiiniadea settlement with the rr!iU IjoadbolJers is denied It is s.iiJ that tho Egyptian Uank at Paris ft cnCerrJ lo place a loan of $ 15.000,000 :.,r the Mexican Government. . I IU.n. Henry V. Hiiliard. or Georgia, j - i! r hi?hlv cxtollins Uie ' obto Hemocratic platform, especially lommcndins its tariff -declarations nhich. he says, ought to meet the ap i roval of a vast majority or the voters ,.r !. -ntinlrv. Mr. E. G. Barker is quite sick and confined to his house.. ' ; ; the Cantaloupes are plentiful, but prices keep pretty well up. j Mrs. Lonis Dryfooi will leave in a few days for Salt Lakle city. Mr. Julius Hahn returned last night from a somwhat extended trip to the North. - Mrs. John D. j Bellamy, and the wife of Mr. Marsden Bellamy, left for Salem Saturday. , ! Workmen have been engaged to-day tn mrnr some needed repairs to the 3 tower on St. James1 Church. Matches-are no cheaper to consum ers. The dealers are the only ones benefitted by the abolition of the tax. The sale ol beer in Berlin is regulated by law, and each glass has a mark uoon the sale showing the height below which thero must be no lroth. and your avirace Germau is very particular to ec that the top of the beer and the; bottom or the foam meet at that line. . ... - - i The largest fire insurance ever effect- J rd in a single order was reccnuy out by the authorities or Hamburg on the city mobiliary possessions. It amounted to $0.0ii0,000. and was divid ed among fifteen companies. Among i te items was $3 10,000 on the city li brary. Congressman William H. Price, o1 Wisconsin, recently said in an inter view: "You may say that the Presi dential campaign will bo fought out on one all-absorbing issue protective tar- iiT ainst free-trade. That is the only important question now consideration. J" The steanituz B'm. Aycc has just un dergone a thorough overhauling, and looks like a dandy,' with her new sun for national There arc now in England and Wales between 300.000 and 400.000 women who possess tho franchise that is to say, one woman -to every seven men. More than 103,000 women possess, as householders, the municipal franchise. The number of women land-owners in England and Wales is 37,800. Mr. Carlisle Is quoted as saying that he has satisfactory assurances that after a complimentary Tote for Mr Cox. most, irnut all. ol the New York delegation will come to bis support. Ho is also quoted as saying himself that it an open ballot is taken in tjio Demo cratic cafteus he will not have the least fear of defeat. Hereafter the steamship Ortal Eos tern is to be employed in carrying Scotch coal from IsSe Forth lo the Thames she will bo able to carry about .o ,000 tons on each voyage, and from this fact the owners are led to hope that the schemo will be remunerative. They already talk of annual dividends fj per cent. It ingoing the rounds that Miss Ida Parker is a girl of nineteen, who lives im a plantation two miles from Mon roc. I. Porthejast lour years sho has had exclusive charge of the vltcc upon which her widowed mother, suter and two younger brothers reside, sup porting them all by her Industry. She is her own overseer, supervising all woik done in person. A new svstem of nibt railroad sig nailing is to be Introduced in Eogland, by which accidents arising from the in ability of the engineer to distinguish a red from x white light a visual dcfccJt more common than is generally sup poocd wiH be made impossible. It U the use of the ordinary day semaphore signal, illuminated, but the position of of paint. j It during this execssivo heat. Unwisely you'll excessive eat. Tho prospects are that yon will die In the near sweet bye and bye. Tho showers with which wc have been threatened put in an appearance a little before 1 o'clock this afternoon. They were unaccompanied by high wind and wcro copious and refreshing. The North Carolina. Amateur Pre si Association will hold its annual session at Burgaw, on Tuesday, August Mth. Rev. J. N. Stallings. of thoi Clinton Caucasian, will address the youthful pen-pushers. , j. Hev. Oscar Miller, colored, pastor or the Missionary Baptist Church, corner of Red Cross and Seventh streets, ad ministered tho rite of baptism to Ave persons at the Prioeess street dock yes terday afternoon. Steamboatmcn report that there is no improvement in the depth of water in ih river, althou-h it was .expected a day or two since in consequence of then rains in the up-countryj section, wiu ing on the Capo Fear. j A horso owned by a gentleman in this city trotted a mile on the turnpike yes terday in 2 minutes and 50 seconds. The horse was harnessed to a bu?gy and pulled the gentleman, his wife and their five year old child. Pretty gxxl time, we think- Reniovcd." The buildlns which stood on the corner of Fourth street and Cottaga lane has been removed to make room for a new dwelling house which is Lobe erected on the same site by Capt. L. S. Beldon. The building removed is to be located on Fifth, between Princess and Chesnut streets, and bad reached as far as Market street this afternoon. City- Court. Tho following cases were brought up for the Mayor's consideration this morning: v Georgo Wilson, colored, disorderly conduct, was fined $5, and in default of that amount of money, was sent" below for 20 days. ...... ! Two persons charged with obstruct Inz the sidewalk, and one of whom was also charged with the violation ot ;a market ordinance, had their cases con. tinned on account of the sickness of one of the parties. . Transferred. Mr. It. C. Taylor, who has had charge or the National Cemetery here ror the last seven years, has been trans ferred to the charge of the National Cemetery at Annapolis. Md., and will leave for that place in a few j days. He does not yet know who his successor ill be. Mr. Tavlor is transfer red, we believe, at his own request, Knsil nnon tho imoression that his present location is not congenial lo tho hntltli nf him self and family. While on duty here he has made many warm friends who will deeply regret his de parture. ' " ' Death of Mr. I. B. Kelly. Isaac B. Kelly. Esq., of Kenansville, Duplin couuty. died at his residence in thai town al about noon on Sunday the 23ih inst., aged 73 years. As the readers of the Review have been informed, Mr. Kelly has been sick lor a number of months, and for several weeks his death has been expected almost at any moment. He has been a merchant in Kenansville for many years and as occupied the same store for more than a quarter ol a century, lie has repre sented the county in both branches of the Legislature and in all the affairs of life was a man of the . strictest mtegnity new Advertisements. 1 nev : advertisement9 ' xinv MORE JERSEYS MONDAY V These goods have actually been in such great demand that it has been difficult to . ' ' keep an assortment of sizes. ! i i WHITE GOODS RECEIVED TO-DAY I- '. And they are very cheap. , V BLACK JERSEY MITTS ! With many other! things at hand to-day. . . ! ADVERTISEMENTS. i i " 1 -'- " JUST OPENED! 116 Market Street. A; LARGE ASSORTMENT OF-,. LINEN ULSTERS, LINEN ULSTERS. Can furnish any size, 31 to 44. i Linen Sheeting, Pillow Linen, ( j And a Complete Line of Domestics, Zepliyr Sli awls viu White and Colorsl ; R. IW. nIcII3TIREi July28, 1883 ) T V- ' : . -- I 1 - 1 It you are a real man, then do a real man's work and say nothing about it ; but it you are only a rooster, why. of course, you can't help crowing at noth ing. School Books. tePOSITOEY FOK SCHOOL BOOKS DRESS GOOD - . . . . , i m..: - - :. - - - n -'-; . : -. A full assortment of best quality SEERSUCKERS, from 10c per yard, vp Good Lace Bunting, 15 cts Ail-Wool Nuns'sVeilingSc We call attention to the advertisement of the University of North'Carolina in this issue. The authorities of this ven erablo insdtuUon are laboring lo place it alongside the best in the land. Pa rents and guardians are invited tp ex amine its claims.- I The editor of the Greensboro Patriot is politely Informed that tho article headed "A True Story", and published by him in Friday' issuo as though it were his own production was wntcn u-rth editors of the Review mJJ Ul'W W and first published in this paper. Unity Tent. No. ft), I.O.or R.. will give au excursion on the Pspor to Smithviile and the Forts onnday, Aug. 3d. Tbcre( wilt be no dancing, jjut there will bean organ and plenty or good music on board, besides an abundance ot 'rerreshments at city prices, ' ' j 1 - " There will be an excursion'to Smith ville and the Forts on the report next Thursday. Aug. 2nd, under the auspices of the -ladies of Front Street M. E which is a sufficient guaran tee that it will be conducted in such a manner as to insure the enjoyment and comfort cf all. . ' - A Good 'Work. Wcliavc received from Dr. Thomas F. Wood a copy of an address deliver cd before tho Medical Society of North Carolina at its iast annual session by W. R. Wilson M. D., of Townesville, N. C. The subject of the address is entitled, "The right relation of the gen eral public to State preventive medi cinc."and shows much care and rcstarch in its preparation, i It treats fairly, candidly and understanding of one of tho most important topics that can be discussed and should be read by-cvery one who is at the head of a household and responsible for its health and well being. ; Iuceudlary Fire. About 1 o'clock this morning fire was discovered in the two story framo.dwell ing situated on Fifth, between Bladen and Harnett streets, and owned and occupied by the widow of tho late William Holmes, colored. It was at an hour wheu almost every, one was wrapped in profound slumber, and such was tho inflammable nature of the building that it was a complete sheet of flametMjforea stream, of water could be poured upon it, and it quickly burned to the ground. The ure aepanment turned out as promptly as circumstances would permit, but before the engines reached the sceffe, the house was in ruins. The inmates lost nearly all their furniture and. clothing, having barely time to escape in their night clothes. The fire was evidently the work or an incendiary, although what prompted the fiendish deed is a mystery. There was insurance on the building to the amount of $350 in the Georgia Home Co.. ot Columbus, ux, h In this city by Messrs. A W ft) - " mw Northrop & Hodges. Mr. Nathan Mayer, of this city, rr- , w. am rntiv with Messrs uranniiu jro., now represents tho Philadelphia liruse of Rosskam. Gerstley & Co. ; manufac turers of Pennsylyania whiskeys. We imifpratAnd that it is his intention to- open a branch of tho house in lhis city at an early day. . Mr. P. Donlan, bookkeeper at the New York and WUmington Steamship wharf, has been confined to his house for the past few -days, sufferiug from a bilious attack. We are glad to atAte that he is now convalescent, with . f.Trnmnpctof beinsr able to be at his post ot duty again in a few days. A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. - T "The falling ot the rain, on the root and window pane" had a- decidedly re-' freshing effect upon tho atmosphcrej making it perceptibly cooler-in a few moments. In our office, when the rain began to fall, the thermometer stood at 88. but 15 minutes later' it indicated only 85, with a downward tendency. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for. Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass. ton. You can eet all sizes ' and at the . a lowest prices- " ' A Few S ngrff est ions. That portion of this city situated on the North side of the Wilmington & Wei don Railroad .is built up entirely yith wooden structures, many of which arc clustered together in a very small space, so that when afire unfortunately breaks out in that section of the cify it is a foie zone conclusion thafone or more build ings wilLbe destroyed. There arc three steam fire engines in the city, but they are all on the South side of the railroad, and at such a distance that in case of fire a building is generally consumed Pur and T) a lop tel by the State ,Boarl of Education. Liberal discount to country merchants and teachers. School Stationery of all kinds. I OEGAXS AND PIANOS sold to Schools andChnrciies at greatly reduced prices, and! on easy instalments. juiySO C. W. YATES, -119 Market street Marine and Spy Glasses, NEW ASSORTMENT, .Inst received at 1 ' i. - j,-- ilEINSBERGEB'S. ' A Second-Hand Piano, .1 . "TODERN STYLE, 7-OCTAVE, CARVED LEGS, in perfect order, 'will be sold cheap to make room for new onea. Here is a Bargain. HElNSBEKGEIt?S, before they can reach ; the scene firemen are active, energetic prompt in time of danger, but it is aim ply looking for imposibmtics to expect r r 1 t them to reach a tire in jsrooiuyn. especially in the late hours of the night, building at least has been doomed. , The hand engine, on, tnai side ot the railroad, does valuable acd faithful service, but .there is urgent need of a steam fire engine lor tnai ocality, and we hope, j in , the interest of protection to valuable property, that somenicans may be devised by wnicn a company may. be organized there with a first class steamer. ( ,, 1 .i - . The celebrated 'Fish Brand-Gills Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. f- Great Closing Out Sale. Goods will be slaughtered within the next 60 days in order to make room" for one of the largest and finest Stocks of Fall" and Winter! clothing and gents furnishing goods ever brought to Wil-. roington. A I. j Shriek, Reliable Clothers, 1 14 Market St. f. july 30 Live Book and Music Stores A BOLSTER'S CELEBRATED CANDIES ! RE MANUFACTURED IN RALEIGH, and comprise a full assortment of the leading J styles. They are, without doubt, the rURESTJ and BEST CANDIES made in this SUte, and EQUAL to any made in this country. Three Pounds for $1. WHITE COO D G . . - , ', ..... - I. - l Pique, Marseille. Terry, ilatlste, Mull94Checkel Kalnsooks, , i Persian and Indian linens and La win, ... . .. .. ,- ... - . . t Tuckinjf, Irish Point iSce, , Hamburg NetSpanish Iace and Soarfi . Bathing Flannels aud TovrcJs, ft Bleached Shirtings aud Sheetlug, - ' Marseilles and Honeycomb Spread. ;. .-. ." : - ''") . Extra Long Thread Gloves, ' - worth 5Cc.for.25c Gause Merino Underwear, j Aud ever so many articles too" i - numerous to mention. ' -:' - ' i .. h ..." V i 1" V AU of the above have been bought BELOW REGULAR VALUE, and j our pat rons WILL GET THE BENEFIT OF IT. Call and get some of the Bargains of TJ. TJ. fCATZ', 116 Market St i. julv2 ' -;. ::.! I -i - ! BASKETS! M Wotice. R. C. W. McCLAMMY WILL ItAVB " Alarse and choice selection of Plain and charge of my business during my absence Fancy MARKET and iUKCii uasain-s. . ' voi T.rtiPii,!itft in nn EXCURSION or travel from the city. -. It, 8. HADCLIFFE. on the Cara without a Basket WELL FILL- J i july 241 w -:f i ': 7 !- ED. And P. L. BRIDGEKS CO. excel in j preparing lunches to fiU them. hi Think of the Devilled Meats, the Corned Beef, Chipped Beef, Sardines and various Canned Meats. Think of the Cakes and Crack ers and Cheese and Olives and PiCKLES. YES ! PICKLES. Pickles thafrarc hot, Pick les that arc cold. Pickles that are sweet. Pick tuafh.tsrp. conr. I J Pickles of all shades Green, Browu and White. ' ... ; pickles COLD ENOUGH to cause "ingmi- ty of the stomach" in hot weather ! ! Piekles HOT ENOUGH to make yotir eyes Gu m Cam p h o r , jjellin'S food, , ;;;.;. i combs, urusnes, Extract J. r i ! Soaps, Puff Boxes, Ac, Ac I WILLIAM H. GBEKNi Druggist, julyll 117 Market ritreet E. G. Blair, if KEW ADVEBTISE3IENTS. KccliaMte Excursion. ... i UNITY TENT, No. 60. i: O. of RechabitCH, wlUglvean Excur'ion on Stairs rA- phrt smtthville. Forts and , BHckfian Grounds, FRIDAY. August 3d 1SSJ Refresh, ments served at usual pncea w a. , The Committee will have ap Organ to furnish musio for the occasion Committee Tnomaa e. BKipper, uwrs . Bishop and J. W, Branch. TT rttvi . . - - J 1 -wm.--wm-rm . nnuirraaiAtf ifvnnm V1 Pickles SOLR to maKO youri m ciui.jJmU iii.avAaoxv.i tu,iMuoiw, luuuui wait- - , j Pickles SWEET ENOUGH to makei any one's mouth water to see you eat them ! ! . Think of all these things and see if w can sot suit you. - Mi . ' - : i ' V3T jNo. 19. North Second Street, Wilmington, N. C Solicits consignmenU of all kinds of Country Produce. Top prices and -quick returns guar- "COME EARLY TO AVOID TnE RUSH." anteed. Will reship to other markets wheu TD T TJDTTlflPP Q Rt HO Jnly1 - K. O. BLAIR. llO North Front St. We Have july 30 Fruit Jars. HALF GALLONS, gUA UTS, Jr i a PRK5KBV16 TUMBLf.l.i Giles & Bmrcliison, : jnly 30 i North Front St University of North Carolina N EXT SFSSION BEGINS AUGUST Qth, l&ft- Regular Course o Study lead to A B., Ph. B .ami B. S. Sieclal Course arc open to Students. Schools of law, Mcdfine .ud Pharmacy attached. A Teacher Coarse of two years has been established . . For particulars, address ; KEMP r BATTLE, LI, D.. Pres., July SO it , Chapel Hill, N. C. Travellers. -pEUSOSS GOING AWAY FORj A, TRIP, al wanting , a Trunk or Travelling Bag or 1 vronipUy Satchell will do well to call and examine my j 1"lr 21 SUPPLIED A LONG FELT WANT BY estsblishlnz a firs t-c lass Can-lace. Harness aud Trunk Store, where all kinds of good in our line can b? bought at prices lower than ever before offered in this market. - u i MIT- Repairing In all 1U branches attenlcl to McDOUGALL BOWDENi " No. 114 North Front St. stock before purchasing elsewhere, as I have j IilVCry 111(1 BolO StblCS a large assortment . T. "fa J fif-n. TTORSES, . BUGGIES, PIUETON3 Also, a fine lot of Llcen Dusters and Straw J ' . v I " Hats. CARRIAGLS let at low rates. Abo Those fine AYhlte VcsU that I am aelling so OT nones. cheap are almost gone. July 2 . sol; bear, 20 Market Street I C E. US o 'July W. EDAYIS A SON FLORIDA WATER, . LAVENDER WATER. VIOLET WATER. HELIOTROPE WATER. ., WHITE ROSE WATER, RAZENA WATER. Al.o a tomplete assortment of Colognes and Perfumery for the 8ummer season. - j Mar imurintlAni comtouBdei day; ana night at f . ; F. C MILLER'S. ; . German Drugirlst, july 21- Corrcr Fourth and Nun sta. The Finest Hearse; in city. ; API' i loard ! the r I: A CAR LOAD OF number 8. Kentucky Horses & Mules Just received and. for sale low. The best lot of stock In the city. j IIOIX1NGS WORTH A WALKER, . At the New Stahles, : ; 1 1 may-tf Cor. Fourth and Molberry t QOOD BEEF,, MUTTON, ' vr . f. ; - " LAMB AND VEAL. The best the market affords at "l BOKNEMAN3 STALL, ' june S No. $, New Karktt ; ror o t. nnUST BE SOLD THIS nttiv. 'All HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURMTLRK and Stwlng Machine. All new. . Can be tci at te&Mence, No. 411, foirth Sixth itreef jciy 23 " - 4f.-i;Ln:.'::'iT.