FLKA32 NOTICZ. We will bo glad to . receln oommtmlcaUoi . from oxtr frloada on any and all subjects f i - - - ; 1 ' 1 , . r" i Ha n . m m -- s a v mm mm ma m t w i -w i a a a - m . - - a a m a a .r- ' a a a a i r trr- anai a a - a a i j - - . .. i - mm mm mm m--mm -mm mm mm rn.rn.ri m m-mtL. m - . a mm m . m - m m tm m a I , - . - - - -.- one side of the paper. ,1 1 xhispxpeb yC9-o- epted by' JOSH T. JAMES, tprroa aio raorxrrroa. . BCRl mOSS rOSTA0 PA1D: siw. Six wonth. fi.00. Thrra i9 - . . .i (vi- fM month. S3 cents. r4D'J, t . U deUrered by esrrlovfre n;.sriclow sod liberal w mie t.vtr pmfcr renlsrly. jv- r' A'y Jktic? Aa largest , -V r "ttrtwn, o ny newspaper j ja, VOL. YJIr W ILMINGTON. N C, AVEDNES DAT. AUGUST 1, 1883: NO. 182 I : ! : ' 1 Anita Theresa Murphy, who was The Havana cigar ia now said to bo l3j;iib:e ofobtainmcnt. ivpe XIII. has sent a painting -craW Vatican as a gift to the Detroit in Association. Mihonowill employ some colored i(Si.c stuap speakers In order to keep j WoUeley, is a daughter of David G. Harbor blaster's Report. Capt, Joseph Price, Harbor Master e!y mtfrriet! to Sir, Charles Michael i a1 a 1 1 ? t m !,. ' , . . ! F"'i i"e iwiowing arrivals at mis wo eeuiui ujcmueroi me aryi soodslrmof Murpby. Graut & Co.. of, Americaa-sUamcn. 5. tonnage . Santrancsco. . j2-J7; .choqnew 14. tonnago 3.190; total Thelrrnctnrfh F.cf w aggregating ions.- ... I '.ici uiea Martin Miilmore, the Boston sculpt rt. !waod.cd a few days ago, left over j.m worth of property. Northern philanthropists have given more Uan 35.000,000 f o tke South lor tJueational uses since the war. " i I?aac Adams, the inventor ot the Win power printing press, died a .: ifidcnt in Sandwich. N. II., on j f;:'irlay last. i and the Arabs eat the locusts as a regu- L Ff toI 1, tonnage 318; lar article of diet. By some of the a i b' l" 275 ; total. 2 vessels, ag Mtn ... .. ' gregating 653 tons.- . i : I rf . ' lues tley are eaten with oil after being ; t r . , T . - Kir;n,i.,riu:- i is ? Cinrau lofaT 21 vessels and.8,010 tons, stripped of their Icjs an:l wings;- bat ' ... - r ' I i Lady Anne Dlount. in her travel, was t in the habit of boiling theru and dipping j them into salt. Their flavor is describ ed as savoring of a vegetable, not unlike the taste of green wheat. LOCAL NEWS. T!c Portland Advertiser thinks Dor Wxine the offer of the interior u.rtt"!io Ucause the star roulo port-j : .: j ild bvtter. INDU TO HEW ADYEBTISEMEHTS. Yates School Books I Y II Crekjc iuin Camphor John K Paddion For tale F C JIillkk Klori.la Water, Ac II EIN8BEHGER Marine uud ripyGla-C:, Sale of ICeal Estate.1 Mr. Marsden Bellamy, commission er, sold at public auction this morning a vacant lot on Fonrth, between Nun and Chtircb, 66x165 feet, lor $375 which was purchased by Capt. D. O'Connor. Mr. Bellamy, as Executor of the estate of N. C. Shields, also sold at same time, to Col. D. Klein, for $600, the property belonging to the estate of the said Shields, on Dickinson street, and now occupied by Col. Klein, as adver tised in the Review. - , W II MowKjUiMger-Grand Kicurlon ' 1 . -L. . Tliey Say.. : Wo lose this month 50 minutes oi ; r, ;9 fiaid that Messrs Holmes & daylight. j Wattprs ara tonrennv tho stnre fA Ha But one h.ilp i fr.n irr..A .i.T. ! vacated by Messrs Brown & Roddick ; :f ury Chandler, it is said, "open- j port to-day. i that E- J Moore & Co- are toxpecup v Jtclan-s that he will not in any case . . . : j "olmcs & Walters' old stand ; That Dr. ,j - 5 Alirrv in line u rwl huamI o fni y I t 'n r i 1 1 ' t i rure trom the Senatorial contest until ; ; " . H - I ' l ocnunwa,u M lu ope" a urug uus" .au.u-m.ia s j mess in tne store vacated oy Jti. J. :ertb anti-caucus men withdraw t.-l Tmin. in m pn'nna m nmonf . ,poo record that last .year, by I Thuraynd favejndays . . r. . irnvl li a itroi1 ti t rr cr! T nt ' mm - ! Tk: .uu r""n i i Moore & Co. ; that a new millinery es- fnis month has live Wednesdays, live L . ,. . . i 1 i u xt r.wa tlirtercnt and distinct diseases, , investigation at the court this morning. - - - - . MorrUon is believed to be the coming mia Ut IoTcmor ol Illinois. The Never propose to a I girl in writing. It is "present company" that is "always 1 . a p- itcn IU sajs he wou!d mako an al- j accepicu. i r;: Meal President of the United ! The volunteer telegrapher holds the j J tablishrnent is tobe opened by a New j Yorker in Brown & Pearson's present barber shop ; that Mr. J. E, Shrier, of Norfolk, is to open in llahn's stand and that Mr. Halm is to move from the city. All of the above business changes to take effect October 1st. . The Great Strike. : We understand that on yesterday the railroad operators throughout the coun try were ordered by the Brotherhood to refuse all commercial matter, and that they havel obeyed. ' This is the only new feature in the strike hereabouts. Tho following was received here this afternoon v- ?v. '.'-. v. - New roiitf; axj 1st The repor Bern, out by the , Associated Press last night that I acknowledged the strike to be failure is without the slightest found atiou. I am more confident than ever that we will succeed 'The Western Union is in a worso condition than at any time since the strike was inaugur ated. . . i JnoI Campbell. I Not Serious. key of the wires; but the striker outside hold the key to the situation. Steamship Hegulator, Capt. Doane, trom New York, arrived at her wharf in this city at about 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. CL.YI' Justice Doe, ol New Uamp hire, who will resign his office Septem ber afier a continuous service oi ;ecty-four years, is only fifty-three ears of age. -. . - ... - Senator I.. Q. C. Lamar does all he tin to encourage woman workers. Whenever he can give clerical work to a woman he invariably dovs so and Z ; We saw some very nice palatable A clerical temperance advocate who j looking grapes in tne market this morn m ently called upon the Almighty to i ing. They were raised on ! tho Sound blast and curso all men who deal in or f and were the nicest we have seen of this eousume liquor, hasjust been unfrocked j season's growth, j for uuspeakaoie crimes. r Both the frieght and passenger tra flic on the several railroads leading from this cityj is considerably on the increase within the last week or two. i A great number of our citizens are ! A story is told of Captain Webb that ! now absent from the city. Nearly 0 in order to bring up his eight months left on this morning's train, j bound old child to be fearless, he liad been in j North, some for pleasure, some for the habit of wrapping it up in a ham- j health and a few on business. I moo, and swinging t xiigii mio mu air. ? A correspondent of the iSew iptk Journal and Cornier says : "Why don't some benevolent mau establish a free chool for teaching the colored woman cf the South how to be such a cook as her mother ami grandmother were?' - Mr. Ixjngfellow, like Mr. Tennyson fuunJ a pot of gold at the end of bis potUcal rainbow. The appraisal of his rropcrty at Cambridge, Mass., shows a value of about $350,000, of which $000. 000 is personal property and $150,000 real estate. A Northern correspondent states that ' tie fast set" of girls and women smoke cigars and cigarettes. The use of tobacco in these torms is said to bo ci'Lijuoa at femalo academies, in spile ol prohibition. The most ingenious icviccs are employed to evade and defy tho rules. What with the Fruit Grower" Fair, the meeting of the Pharmaceutical As- ociation and other movements tending to bring strangers to tho city, August promises to be quite a busy monli. This is the first day of the last month of Summer and it has made a vigorous and succssful struggle to kesp up the conventional Summer heat. There are no indications of an immediate demand for Fall and Winter clothing. Mr. C. W. McClaramy, who, in the absence of Capt.' R. 'S. Radclifi'e, has supervision of the new building now in progress of construction for Messrs. Brown & Roddick, met with a painful, although not serious accident this fore noon. While near tho building referred to. a piece of scantling fell from the roof and struck on the upper portion of one side of his face and scraped off con siderable flesh. No bones were broken a s the angle of fall only reached the flesh. A little adhesive plaster was applied to bring the lacerated parts together, and Mr. McClammy was soon attending to his business as usual. i North Carolina Pharmacists. Tho fourth annual meeting of the North Carolina Pharmaceutical Asso ciation will be held in this city, com mencing on Wednesday, Aug. 8th, and oontinuins three days. At the same time the State Board of Pharmacy wil hold a session for the purpose ot exam iuiog applicants who may desire to practice pharmacy. While here the ' members of the Association from abroad will be entertained by an excur sion to Smithville and tho Forts and a dinner at the Hotel Brunswick, given by the druwists of this city . Reduced rates havo been secured for the occasion on all the railroads leading into the city. Personal. , Our good friend, Mr. John R. Pad dison, of Point Caswell, was in the city to-day and called ; to see us. We aro sorry to learn that he is still fixed in his determination to leave the old State. He has recently retured from a trip to Georgia, and has decided to locate at Valdosta. While in that State he visit ed much of the turpentine districts as well as the farming sections 1 behind them, and speaks in very warm terms of the kindly, and cordial, and conrte ons manner in which he was received by all with whom he came in contact. The turpentine forests there, he says, are immense, and in many places un touched, Mr. Paddisou offers in this issue his stock of merchandise," house and lot and other valuable property at Point Caswell for. sale. This; property is not only valuable now but it has a prospective value in view of the early completion of the Clinton-& Point Caswell R. R. NEW AIVJSRTISEiIEN'rS Fruit Jars. ALT GALLONS, QUAKT5, TINTS and I'HESEBVE TUMDLEBS. , . Giles & Smrcliisoii, jnly SO North Front St HATS ! BONNETS I . ; r--v - BLACK EXCUfiSTOX AND -nrrniTE Hats. Tuscan Uats and Bonnets, cheap July 21 MES. KATE C. WINES, No!. 119 North Second Street. School Books. JEPOSITOEY FOB SCHOOL BOOKS adoptejl by the SteiteBoard of Education Liberal discount to' country merchants and teachers. School Stationery of all khuUs. i . ORGANS AND PIANOS sold to School 1 - ' i and fluirciics at greatly repriced prices, and on easy instalments. I ' " - 1 ', I j C. W. YATES, j uly UO ! 110 Market etreet I ' The name of the writer must always be fox - ' , " - j I Communications must be wrtttca one side of the paper. -1 : . , Perst nail ties must be aTOldod. And It la especially and j particularly und atood that the Editor doea not ihrayaeadoij the views of correspondeata unless so state In the editorial columns. " ' 1 1, NW ADVEJSEMENTSf JUST OPErJEDI AT 1 110 Market Street. ' A LARGE ASSORTMENT DRESS GOODS. Marine and Spy ;Glasses. A NEW ADVERTISI53IENTS. L For Sale. rpHE UNDERSIGNED, IN OB DEB TO make a change in his location, offers lor sale his present 6tock of General Merchandise, one Turpentine Distillery, a good Dwelling House .' . '.. v and lot with all necessary outbuildings, the I NEW ASSORTMENT,. - Just received at i . j I II EINS BERGER'St A Second-Hand Piano, jJODERN STYLE, 7 OCTAVE, CARVED LEGS, in perfect order, will le sold cheap to make room for new ones. Here ia a Bargain. Call at HEINSBERGElt'Sj july 30 . Live Book and Music Stores A full assortment of best quality - ' -' ''!! : ' SEERSUCKERS, ! from 10o ier yard, up. '-"'y V Good Lace Bunting, 15 cts AII-VVoolNuns'sVeilipgSci ITE GOODS Pique, Marseilles, Terry, Batiste, i Mulls, Checked Nainsooks, j ' , i Persian and Indian Linens and Lawns, r L grounds bein In a high state of uultivation Also, two tracts; or land suitable for truck farming, and one house and Jot in the town. To any one wishing -to engage in business this i fine opening.- Apply to JOHN K. PADDISOK, tiug.l-lwkd-ltw Point Caswell, N.jC Grand Excursion i! W. II. HOWE, Mamr&er. WIIMIN8T0N TO WASHINGTON RETURN. o- Kirty people drink at the free ice wa it fountain near tho New York post etHce every minute, and three thousand pounds of ice are used every day 'to keep the water cool. The 'fountain is supported by the Moderation Society cd b the only place for half a mile htre a thirsty man can get refresh ment without paying for It. Kentucky boasts of a 14 -year old boy, Tommy Van Clearc, o! Ray wick, Ma rion county, who is six leet, three iudirs high and is still crowing. JTen cesce tarnishes a wonderful contrast tothiiYoun man in the person of lan;el Rurkett, of Big Creek Gap. who i said to be 19 years old, weighs only 30 poinds, and is only 13 inches high. Cotton. Tho receipts of cotton at this port for the month of July just closed foot up 143 bales, as against 220 balci for same month last year, a decrease this July of 77 bales. Tho receipts of 'the crop year to da to foot up 127.415 bales, as against 136.137 bales to same; date last year, a decrease this year of b.22 bales. : -j 1 Crops nt Clarktou. Air. John II. Clark, of Clarkton, Rlad.cn county, was in the city to-day. lie tells us. what we are sorry to learn. that the crops in his section are suffer ing very much for There was a slight but this was about the want of ram. sprinkle! last week all that they have had there for more than a month past. At Siaanton. on the 25th ult, the Coumon wealth brought to the attention f the grand jury .ome of tho facts con wed with the late duel fought in Au-j susta county between Messrs. Bcirne' Kara, but the colored driver. I)a"vid Push. the mot important witness, was cot forthcoming, and a rule was entered against him and hi suretiw. W. R. Tyre and S. T. Thornburg. on his re wiuizancc The case resu here for the present. The bond forfeited by BosVj non-attendance amounts to $500. Uo For Washington! j Thearrancements for an excursion to Washington City are now complete. and the managers assure the public that everything which will tend.toward-their comfort will bedone. No objectionable persons will be allowed on the train and separate coaches will be provided for . . r "' V" " r: " u ti10nffht that his injuries are not seri- tr washinston. me excursion iuruiuta a caniLal ooDortunlty. For particulars i . - - A Fortunate Escape. As Mr. II. M. Bowden was coming irom me oounu toiuer-itj luismuiuiug, and when but a short distance from the second toll-house, the horse he was driving tripped and came near falling. This brought such a strain upon the check-rein that the bit was broken, and the animal, in consequence, became in dependent of control or guidance. He was a spirited beast, and started off at a brisk pace, which increased in speed as he lound that he was his own mas ter; Mf. Bowden, in the meantime, en deavoring to calm and quiet him down by the tones ol his voice. Finding this was of no avail, after having lidden about two miles, to near the Alineral Spring, Mr. Bowden got out of the rear end of the buggy and escaped unharmed. Not so, however, with the team, for it had gone but a short distance when the pretty thoroughly smashed up, leaving only the shafts attached to tits.horsej With this, the animal came into town at full speed and ran into Mr. Jones' stable, on Princess street, where he was secured. He was considerably bruised and battered by the loose j shaft, but it CITY AND MONDAY, Alienist ltftli, ISH3. riHIEBE WILL BE AN EXCURSION from J. Wilmington to Washington Cily, D. C, and return, leaving Front Street Depot at 10 o'olock. A. M. "Monday, August 13tb, arriving in Washington; City Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Returning leave ft ashington Thurs day evening at 4 'o'clock and arrive in Wil mington Friday evening.' BATES OF FABE-xRound Trip, from Wil mington to Washington and return, 7; ftom Uoldsboro and return, &6.50; all South of (ioklsboro, 9. This Excursion will stop in Washington City three days and nisrhtg. which will affard tho people ample time to see all tho attractions of the Capital of onr country. The Capitol Quarantine Notice. Quarantine for the port of wil mington wili be enforced from May 1st to November 1st as follows : i i Pilots will brinsr all vessels 'froninorta South of Cape Fear to the Quarantine anchorage; also, all vessels which have Had any kindof sickness on board during the passage, or on arrival, and will cause a signal to jbe set in the main rigging on the port Bide, as Soon as pos sible after crossing the Bar. ! ' - No vessel must leave the Quarantine anchor age, or allow any person, steamer, tug boat, lighter, or boat of any kind Ito go alongside, unless by written authority from theQuarani tire Physician, and every vessel must be an-1 chored as far tothe eastward of the channel as is consistent -frith safety. Regulations governing vessels while In Quar. antine mar be had on application at the office . i . m a l m ; z . r. ... ux tuc vaaraiiiiue jruysician at BmitnvuiCi. Applications for permits to visit vessels io Quarantine must be made j to Dr. Thomais F. Wood or lr. Geo . O. Thonias. aad nermita so btained will be endorsed j by the Qnarantino ' "jmtiau, ax ixi ins ujiniuu, it la proper unu eaf to allow communication with such vessels. A penalty of ?200 for each and every offence I will lm cnfrtrMil niralnat i giro iuinaii vlnlo. 7 ting any of the Quarantine Kegulationa of the I'ort. ' W, G. CURTIS, M. U., Quarantine Physician, Port of Wilmington. thus. r. wood. a. D. ) titU. Li. THOMAS, M. apl 4-lam7t 1st m ; Tucking, Irish Point Lace. I--'- . i i I i : Hamburg Net, Spanish Lace and Scarf, Bathing Flannels and Towels, Bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, Marseilles and Honeycomb Mproads, Extra Long Thread Glovei, I ! I ' r I" i worth 5Cc, for 23c Cause MeriDO Underwear, And ever so many articles too numerous to menu On. bought 1 D. S Consultants. - All of the above have loen BELOW REGULAR VALUE, and our rons WILL GET TflE BENEFIT OF IT. Call and get some of the Bargains of pal: 1 j 1 iuly 116 Market St. see advertisement in another column. Knro Cbanco to Visit Washing ton, U. C. A round trip ticket to th .Capital for only $7. Special train will jleave Wil mington on Monday, August 13th, at 10 A. M. Returning, learo Washing ton on Thursday, 16th. I at 4 P. M. Orders for tickets sent to undersigned will receive prompt attention. Send registered letter or money order, i I t d.. A. & I, SURIER. ! UU5 0 Fortunately, none d Mr. Bowden's family were with him at the time, or the accident would probably have been moch more serious in its results. It was fortunate, also that Mr. Bowden left the vehicle at the time he did. lor. had he remained a moment or two longer ho would have been thrown over with it. and would have hardly failed of receiving serious, it not fatal. Injuries. We have been informed that the lat est style of corset is cot injurious to the health of the wearer. "Of cors-et isn't. buildiog, bmithsonian Institute, War LVnart ment. Treasury Department. Savy Yards and ail otner public ouuuinars. a verresumcnt car win be attached to the train, where meals and refreshment) can be obtained at reasonable prices and be attended by polite tvaitcra.. No intoxicating liquors will be allowed on this train. The chartering party reserves the rizht to exclude all obiec Uonable persons at any time. Good order will be maintained. Parties along the line of v.. u. & a. it. it. between Florence and ivil mlnsion can purchase tlcaets to Wilmington ann return at o cents per mile for Hound Trip, mete iiciuis win De sononiy in connecuon with round trip Wilmington and Washington iicaets. Hates on tne arJina central rtau way will !e sold as follows: From Clarkton. tS.83; Abbottsburg, f9; Hladfiaboro, $3.i!0: iumuerton, v?a; o-ect. ?ioos; Kcd Banks. il04: Almi. 9lv 50: Ultoo J feci, i 10. CO; Laurinburg, S10.S0; Laurel Hill, $11; t-aiid Hill. $lx.40; Himlet. $i1.50. Newbern to Goidsboro, Tarboro to Eorly Mount. SI for the round trip. Parties along the hue can purchase ticaets of Matloa .agents. Ilckets ood only on mis 'train ana on dates named. 'art:e8 taaing otner trains wiu oe cnarsed full fare. u Two or three special coaches will be attach ed for white people, provided . enough can be obtained to fl 1 tnera. In order that ample ac commodations may be provided, tickets win be wltnarawn rrom sale August loth. They can now be purchased of the following named persona : P. UCINSBEKGER, C. W. IfATES, A. I SHRIER, and of W. U. HOWE. Mana ger, i or Tanner information apply to w. il. li owii. Manager, i No. 1,022 McRae 8t., Wilmington, N. CJ mr Please NoUce Day and Date. f aagl-td Excursion ! Excursion ! JJOWN THE RIVER TO SMITHVILIE and the Forts, on Stmr. PASSPORT, Thurs day, August 2nd, under the management of tlMi.'KiiMOiiroDi &t. Al. tz. ennrrn. t are .'jOc Children under 12 years 23c. Tickets at Parker A Ta ylor'a. Dinner will be served on boaVd for 50c, and yon will be satis tied. Steamer leaves her wharf at 9 o'clock, july 31 2t j CELEBRATED CANDIES ! i - - t MANUFACTURED TN RALEIGH, and comprise a full assortment of' the leading styles. They are, without doubt, the PUREST I ' 1 ana BEST CANDIES made In this Sta'e, and EQUAL to any made in this country. Three Pounds for 1. BASKETS! A large and choice selection of Plain and t ancy JiAKHivr and LUNCH BASKETS. Never participate in an EXCURSION or travel on the Cara without a Basket WELL FILL. JUU. Anuf.xi. UKlDGKBS & CO. excel in preparmg luncnes to nu them. i Think of the Devilled Meats, the Corned Beef, Chipped Beef, Sardines and various oannou aicats. xninK or t ne Cakes and Crack ers and Cheese and jO lives and, P.CKLES. i r ; 1'ujh.XjK.s. pickles that are hot. Pick les that are cold, Pickles that are sweet, Pick les thitare sour i Hcklea of all shaded Green, Brown and Pickles COLD ENOUGH to cause "frigidi ty of the stomach in hot weather ! Pkklcs HOT ENOUGH to make your eyes water !- - - j j Pickles SOUR ENOUG H r to make vonr mouth water! i - PiCkles SWEET ENOUGH to make anv one's mouth water to see you cat them ! Think of all these tbinra and see if we can not suit you. r "COME EARLT TO AVOID ; THE RUSH." c. Notice. W. McCLAMMY WLIj, HAVE from the city, july 24-lw charge of my business during my absence R. 8. R ADCLIFiFE. P. Lr BRIDGERS july SO HO North Front & CO. St. Giim Camphor, jyjELLIN'S FOOD, , ; ,! Combs, BntBhes. Extfacto, soaps. Puff Boxes, Ac, Ac, . Ij i Julv 5 WILUAM n. GREEN giat. 'T7- 117 Market Street E. C. Blair, Q.KNERAI. COMMISSION MERCHANT, j No. 19, North Second Street, ., Wllminrton. N. f. pJ2wtfl psnmentaof all klndi of Counfa-y S06' tJ.?P prlce8 quick return? guarV ';W1 f wship to other markets when W23 . ! E.'0. BLAIR. We Have Rccliabite Excursion. ITNITT TENT. No. CO. I. U. of Bechabites, ) will give an Excursion on Stmr. PAS oRT to Smithville, Forts and Bltcknah Grounds, FRIDAY, August 3d, 1X3. Refresh ments served at usual prices NO DANCLXti. The Committee wiU have an Organ to f uraUh musie for the occasion -- Committee Thomaa B Skipper, George W. Bishop and J. W. Branch. July 30-tt monv - I " Travellers. J3ESONS GOING AWAY; .FOB A TRIP, and wanting a Trunk or Travelling Bag or Satchel! will do well to call and examine my tock before purchasing elsewhere, as I have a larga assortment. " -1" -1 Al-w, a floe lot of Linen Dusters awl Str.iw niats. " Those fine White Vests that I arasellmgo cheap are almost gone. SOL. BEAR. " Jaly2S ' . . 20 Market Street O estibllshlDi? s nrsu:las f:rri. nL.'J and Trunk store. wh -n viAVri:; 1'''. " it lit." . v kvuiu in L 1 b0? prices lower than e. er bfore offercl in this market, i roaVptly f i M IU triU,che tended to . McDOUGALL A Bownfcv .FT ' No. 114 North Front 8t. Livery and Sale Stables. JJORSE. BUGCIES; PIUZTOS? AND Axvxul ici ai iow rate. Alsd Board or noraca. i The Finest Hearse City. . m the CAR LOAD OF I Machines Repaired. I WOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFT MY friends and the public that 1 am prepare-i to repair Sewing Machines, gnaravteeiag low rates and good work and satisfaction, in every particular. Orders, left with me will receive prompt attention.' C. at. JEVENS. July lS-tf 15 North geconil Street Kentucky Horeea & Mules i t Joat recelred and for sale low. ! The best lot of stock inlhe city! ' j HOLLINGSWORTII A WALKER, ; "AttfiNew8ubl, :- 1 my U Oar. Fourth and Molberry ml !! Mr For Sale. IV3UST l l.O THI3 WEEK HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FUBMTURE anI dewing Machine. " A T3 mw. Can be ?e at residence. No. 411, South Sixth street-

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