THIS T APE evening, sunoays cepted by ex- j OS 1 1 T. JAMESf asd raoraixToa. ,rifTI(S POSTAGE PAID: 5tR Mt months. Iioa Three f " .p.",; one month. 33 rents. - f ... 1 ak . ... 1 1 . ril 41 V. A . - . .1 TV r"" ,..rt of the city, at the aboe , - ... ti ? i ,.nl ir i-iC r'" " . -t nv m i.1 all f ill- . rriuiri-"j 1 1 VOL. VII. n -Li2: LOCAL NEWS. WILMINGTON. N. C THURSDAY. AUGUST 2, 1883. ADVERTISEMENTS. V 7 PLEASE UOMOLli ' ' " . ' j We will be glad to reelve emkuIlleauoz fTOln oux friends on any and all subjects jot general Interest trat " - - -j' " ' 1 . The name of the writer muat always be tax nlshed to the Editor. - ' " . . " Communications must be written o on) one aide of the paper. . r : " Personalities must be avoided. ' . V id It la especially and particularly uad i stood that the Editor does not always esdoi N O- 1 8 3 1 the TlcwB of correspondents unless so "state i in ute eauonai coiamui. - - - - j i ; . I I 1 k" - , irciiMion. of any newspaper r7'' ' .:r: - ; tr:rLi Democracy faVcra a protec-1 . The toiled States Las paid iU soldiers . i 3c;eu::3i uuum. ud hocs will ultimately lead to a Til ol rPIe wilh onlyonotoe. r; .,r wcrcfel.TW visitors to thefrce f,.'n - tatbs in Sew York last week. ut wLioai J.152 were women and gtrls. tt-vtlicrin Siam says the white ..v there arc lead colored and! i v uiaccso by oeiug cumw i i::wce stone. ' , -m .- - A correspondent of the Nashville lashes the men who borrowed money, when he had it, and now ,;, M it him in misfortune. . -.- 1 t.e New York Times sums up that j5..n!y -will say of Montgomery i: j.r that he was honest, able, quarrcV r4n.l iuj practicable. " , I 1 1 UiC UO.'ru- siiuuiu iuiuc , ,,u;.:ry Sunthcrn pine region would !c ttl ,,.,;,-: . The scourge stops when n aif - ll'- l,,ne woods. IHOU TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yates School Books W II Grkex Jum Campbor Jous Co wax, Sect'y Notice F C MiLUKn Florlla Water. Ac I naniSBERCER Marine and Spy Glasses I Knighu and Ladies of Honor Local ad R JI McIn tire New Hosiery, Jersey Mitts j New moon to-night at 12, minutes past 8 o'clock. ' - Cap. J. C. McMillan of Duplin county, was in the city yesterday. Fine tomatoes were offered in market this morning at ten cents per peck. Alderman Samuel Bear, Jr.. arrived here from hi3 trip to the Korth on Tues day night. " i Ex-Mayor Fishblate. of thU city, and his daughter; are at the United States Hotclin Saratoga. Tli3 threatricil seasou in this city promises to be unusually brilliant the coming Fall and Winter. i Fires in July. The Fire Department of the city was ! called out (our times during the month of July, as follows: July llth, at a. m. , by a fire m the second story of Hibernian Hall on North Third, between Princess ana Chestnut streets. Damage mostly oy water. Insured. Cause of fire, appar- antly from carelessness m leaving; a lighted gas burner near a window frame July I7tb, p. m., by a firo on boutn Water, between Orange and Ann streets. Property destroyed, spirits turpentine, rosin, hay and a few bales ofcottton. Loss estimated at $20,000, fully covered by insurance. Cause, lightning. ! July 27th, 2:30 p. ra., by a fire in a shed on tho corner of South Second and Orange streets, which was extinguished by a few buckets of water. No dam- ago. Cause, incendiary. July 30th, 4 :30 a. m., by the burning of a two-story frame dwelling on b itth, between Bladen and Harnett streets. f'miQo RimDosed incendiary. Insured. XfcM""f "S-J NEW NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ;NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. New Hosiery, Jersey Mitts, I Col'd Jersey Jackets, 1 Mosquito Net, Lace and Bar, Linen Ulsters,. &c, &c. In Dress Goods we are now offering great induce ments,; as Summer goods I must go. Grand Excursion I Mr. George U. Dyer, of the lirra of John Dvcr & Son. returned from his trip to New York last night. , i i. Kcv. William J. Harnett, pastor : ti. Shiioh (colorel) Baptist Church, Proposals for Contracts The proposals for furnishing material W. H. HOWE, Manasrcr. WILMINGTON TO WASHINGTON CITY AID RETURN. STOCK OF FANCY MATTINGS . , At bottom prices, good styles. I ,!' t- A few Saratoga Trunks will be sold for less than real value. R. RQ IVJelWTIREi aug 2, 1883 - ' I ' ' ' ' " j Did Not Arrlv e. . Rare Cbance to Visit AVashingr- JfJJ; law! - ton. D. C. of Mr. L. Dryfoos, who was expected i Around here last night on a visit, did Dot oniy minsrton on Monday, Aug9t I3th, MONDAV, August 13tb;883. rnHERE WILL BE AN EXCURSION from Jj Wilmington to Washington I City, D. ' C. and return, leaving Front Street repot at 10 o'cioct, A. m. Monaay, Aojciist ism, arrivinc in Washington City Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Keturnlng leave Washington Thurs day evening at 4 o'clock and arrive in ' Wit' mington Friday evening. t - HATES ur t'AKJS-uounaxnp, ironiyu minuton toWaahlngton and return, 7; ftom GoMsboro ami return,; au.eoum ot arrive, having missed connection - to the South of us. Mr. Dryfoos received a telegram this morning stating that his relation would not come by Wilining- Mr. White. Manager of the Telephone Exchange, went to Wrightsville Sound to lion b Mrl). French, of this city, were rpgis- .i . . C - ! " . . . . Wi!.iaiuport, l'eun.. is me bou ui a ftt lhe Cenlrai Hotel, in Charlotte, , - iwcrful Africai! king, Dumba by j on .j-uesjay j Kv Congressman Wni. E. Ia"nsing ,t..,l Middfiily ol heart disease, at Syra . i-. N. V.. n Sunday. He was a ..i trtii vnil i!M Con-1 : ... mnuin-i ui iiiv- - - - j )Ulie3 now bang tueir nair over uit-ir 'r'"- ! ears, and sometimes' put on airs about the airs just Lover their ears. i hey are Virs to air caslles in Spain to be used in the improvements iu the fVmn Fp-ir river, which were advertised ton. ri tn.ilv cattle owners of Texas loriii iiic iwr.v ir.r t v-w.-v.. j ' . ' the people ample time ound trip ticket to the Capital for of the Capital of our r . . . ... , ,,r., building, Smithaonisn $7. Special train will leave W il- ment a'reaaury lepat ion will ston In Waehtngton City three days and nights, which will ail'ord the people ample time to see all the attractloua i or our country. Jinc uapiuu Institute. War Depart Department, Jiavy YarU and at j all other public buildings. i- I - ! ; A reireBuraeiiicar wui uc niutcucn wuib 10 A. M ton on Thursday, Returning, leave Washing-j traiin, where meaU and refreshnient can lw f 4 1 ft obtaiucn at reasonaoie prices nnnH; nn;n;u juiii, txu x by polite waiters. No iutoxloatlog liquors Mr.i.-c rnrtifL-Ki nl lo undersigned 1 will be allowed on this train. The chartering. Orders loi tickets sent to unueisi uiu y reservcs the right t exclude all objee- - and is on a ..." n annni-ii fr n thmiiorh ,o (WlllllLrV. da, .o . up a "toll ..-.H- -l-iH,; wcst tilJcrs for tho reSpective mStc to Salt Lake City but ,,11 h.n, .n al. W. I.. DeKossct anil -Mr. .Tainc-3 . ,l gt. Louis and travel the remainder of 1 1. For rattling and spun yarn the lowest the way in Mr. Lazarus- private car. bidders-were Messrs J. C. Springer and N. Jacobi. The difference between i Wo had a line shower " this morning ; tiem wa3 Df sucu a naturo that there is which laid the dust effectually, but it Uioubt to which the contract will be seemed lo have but little effect in cool -1 aWarded. ing the atmosphere. A new telephone and telegraph com pany has been incorporated in New York, with' a capital or $15,000,000. There was no business before the City Its name is the Drawbaugh Telegraph c t ,his morning for Mayor pro Company. The price ofcas in English and Irish dtie'. per 1.000 lect. is as fellows : Dob !tn, !H) cents; Leeds, 41 cents; Carlisle 0 cents; Manchester. 01 .cents; Rir ham. cents. It said that the Iresident of Mexico ha sent to Carlos Uiras. in London, a i power oT ' attorney to settle with the Kogiish bondholders. iknds to the amount of X 15,000,000 will be issued. The Palestine Exploration Fund ha3 indirectly recovered from a Uedouin tribe Eat of the Jordan pieces of skin containing portions of Deuteronomy and the Commandments, made about 00 years beforo Christ. The Irinccss Ixuisc will, at the Queen's request, remain in Canada all Summer, instead ol returning home iuJ August to visit Marieubad. She will probably not arrive in England before the middle of Kovember. Monsiguor Capcl, the well known Englbh Roman Catholic ecclesiastic, who became famous by his conversion to the Catholic faith of the Marquis ol Bate and other prominent members of the English aristocracy, arrived in New York last Sunday on lhe steamer tri-lotui. bid- For brush and caue the lowest ders were Messrs Ross & Lara. For stone the lowest biddeF was Mr. George Z. French. Longfellow' estate is worth 4350,000. It was not acquircd;by poetry but by a rich w?fc. Tho Times thinks that auch items as ,3 shares Boott Cotton Mills, $5,300." and "10 shares Lowell Manu facturing Company. $7,250." have the appcatnco of what in Wall street would bo regarded as 'a good thing." r - It is said that the gross earnings ol the Richmond & Danville system for the past six months are $K.000 and the net earnings are $000,000 more than for the same period last year. The gross earnings from January to July, fire rrrvortcd at S3.401.074. and " - tho net earnings at $1,370,411. The gross earnings o'i the Western North Carolina Raliroad lor that period were $ltA3G4. and the net earnings $IG,UC. To show tho larger business that is being done on that line, we quote the toss earning! for the same six months Tast Year-only $95,523. The Increase is $50,000. .For the year it is estimated that the gross earnings will be at least $300,000, and tho net earnings $100,000. . - The Great Twcnty-Hve CeuU Plant. Life insurance for C5 cents. Carry in the pocket Dr. Wortlnniton'a Cholera and Diarrhoea Medicine, for Cramps and Tains ol theStoraach and Dowels. Ilai no equal. To Builders and others Go to Jaco ex's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c You can get all sixes and at tho lowest prices. tern. Dudley to attend to and every thing about police headquarters was re markably quiet. The joint annual meeting of the Justices of the Peace and the Board ot Commissioners for tlie county of New Hanover will be held on Monday next, at 10 a. ni. - If it should happen to be raining to morrow morning the Rcchabite excur sion will be postponed until the follow ing Tuesday. August 7th. Unity Tent must have regalia; hence must haveexs cursions. iWt forget tho Rechabite excursion to-rnonw, (Friday) as everything will be done to make it a day of enjoyment for all who participate. Help them purchase a new regalia by patronizing the excursion.' We are pleased to learn that Mrs Joseph R. Wilson has so far recovered from her attack of typhoid fever as to be able to take a short ride j yesterday We trust her convalescence will be rapid and sure. i j Prof. M. C. S. Noble, principal of our graded schools, together with three of the teachers, have gone to Martha's Vineyard, where they will spend some time in devoting their attention to the giadcd school system. i Messrs. Daniel Robinson and E.1 A. Hawcs. of Black River, are in the city and called upon us to-day. Mr. Robin son is here on a short business visit and Mr. Hawes is on his way to the Rod Sulphur Springs, in Western Virginia: Knlirhts and Ladles of Honor. Regular meeting this (Thursday) eve- j ning. Full attendance desired. - it Tho Strike The situation here remains unchanged The strikers are still firm and show no signs whatever of yielding to the com- nanv. Tho following circular was le WMM J " ' ' - ceived by us this morning : AKT OTTE. N. C. Au2. 1. 1884 Greeting letters received from all points, including Wilmington, Uicn- For five scows the lowest bidder was mond, Augusta, Charleston, Atlanta, air. ueorgu iu. ouiuiwcid. vv.chimrinn. Rait more. .New lort. No contracts will be awarded until Philadelphia. Pittsburg. Toledo, Chica- the proposals have been submitted to co, Omaho, Detroit, report all solid : me cniei o, . : ---- incompetent, whining and' lieing; and approval. Ihrtbinand bulldozing, but it don't What Shall we Do? win. i We are in a dilemma a singular, them arj(i they know it. Let each do if 5f uraarmt sn nprrlpxin?. & lauffh-1 his whole dntv. and ; a iust . God will UUU l "ww I I O -r I - , ' able dilemma. We have endeavored, as crown ns witnvictpry a faithluland conscientious gatnerer ana wpltlh dav of , the strike finds reporter of news , to keep our readers nnr members confident and determined. duly posted as to the condition of the Although there have been lour deser- a ; tun ciirrniini ntr r.ounties. as uona irooiuui u.- Mr. Iazarns is one ot the largest j will receive prompt attention. Send registered letter or money order, td. ! A.& I. SHR1KR 44 1 Would'nt be without Dr. Benson's Celery ami Cliamomile pills if Uiey cost SL a pill. Tliey cured me of neuralgia ,: of 9 years standing." Joseph Snyder, Paxions, ra. &u cts. per dox, a- uiu gists. v NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TITE JUS- ! Notice. mHE ANNUAIi MEETING OF TIOES OF THE PEACE and the Comity Commissioners for New Ifa' over County, for the purpose of levying taxes and transacting such other business as may be brought before them, will "be held at the Court House, on MONDAY, August 6th, 1883, atlO o'clook.a.ns j .JOHN COWAN, Sect'y. v - ! - I - aug 2-lt Star copy Saturday well as in other items of interest, but so far as. the crop prospects are con cerned, we hardly know what to say. We have spoken to many farmers as to the condition of the crops within the have captured six operators and one lineman. The W. TJ. oflicials acknowledge their helplessness this morning by stating their wires nave been cut. Ol course this is an excuse for tailing to handle business properly and the public see through it ; theirjtorce ot calumnies is almost exhausted and they The battle is ours. last few davs. and while they are all c 4.v.r.,iroaa a ml ntitronoo.. 1 must ffive under. opinion among them. Some have said American Rapid says iorty men of that the crops were excellent and some W-U. in New York walked out and have said thev were poor.' We have joined the. strikers to day. Wc are solid conversed with two men to-day who eVCf7JlSo ro. N. C. Awr. 1. 1883 1U-A in the same countv and but a few ah mpn nnit W. U. office in Rich miles from each other and their opin- mond a few m inutes ago and left ;old ios we wide apart. They arc man Tree l the . ; both practical farmers, ana men Everything O. K. here the concert whose words relative to any oramary ami ball to-night promises to do a 01 ,ttM nii'rht be iniplicity relied upon, success but in this matter they gave diametri cally opposite news. We see no other rav iin in let the cron3 take care of themselves. Friiit Jars. TTALF GAlix)NS, QUARTS, PINTS and PliESERVE TUMBLERS. I Giles & tourchisoii, july 30 North Front St HATS ! BONNETS ! TTrniTE ANr black excursion Hats. Tuscan Hats and Bonnets, thap. july 21 MRS. KATE C WINES, . I ' ' ' I No. 119 North Second Street. tinimtjlfi m-rsons at anr time. Good ' order will he maintained. Parties aiong me une oi W C. A. K. K. between Florence nnd nil miugtou can purchase tlcseta to WilrolnKton anl return at 5 cenu per mile for Round Trip. Thefee ticatts will be sold only in connection with round trip Wilmington nnU Washington . tickets. ! ltates on the Carolina Central ltalt-; way will le sold as follows: From Clarklon, 8.3; Abbottsburg, $9; Bladenboro, 9.20; Lumberton,. f.i.73; moss jscck, iu.u;; ei Banks. 10 40: Alma. 10.); Shoe ueei, lw,-' CO; Laurinburg, 10.80; Laurel mil, ff eana Hill, $11.40; itamict. fii.oo. ewuem u Goldsboro, a'arboro to Rocky Mount. l for the ronnd trio. Parties aloinr the l line can Purchase tickets of Station Agents. SlckctA good only on this train and on dates named. Parties taking otner trains win do cnargw. fnll fare. I : i ' Two or three puecial coaches will be1 attach ed for white people, provided enough can btj obtained to fl 1 them. In order that ample ac4 commodations may be proTidcd, tickets vrlll lw wK.hdrawn from R&le Ausrust 10th. They can now be purchased of the following named persons : P. HEINSBERGERJ C. W. YATES. A. & I SHRIEK, and of WV Ui. HOVE, Mana ger. For further information apply to I v. 1. uuw juanagcr,1 No. 1,02 McRae St, Wilmington, S. C. JKW Please Notice Day and Date. ' I aug l td j. , j '! j - . ;l ; Marine and Spy Glasses, NEW ASSORTMENT, Just received at' ' i IIEINSBERGER'3. i - A Second-Hand Piano, "JVT ODERN STYLE, 7 OCTAVE, CAR VEI LEGS, in perfect order, will be sold cheap to make room for new ones. Here Is a Bargain. I Call at HEINSBEliGER'S, Kiver Improvements. It seems that the work of improvin the navigation of the Cape Fear river, ld 00 to thc stock they intend Poor Beeves. t A few cattle are being brought into this market, but they arc generally of a poor and interior quality, which leads us to suggest that if the farmers in the countrylwould bestow a little more care between this city and its inoutli, is progressing fully as favorably as could to sell for beef they would have them in much better condition j without any be expected ano!" .that the results thus ext;ra expense to themselves. There . . 1 J-f. rt w Vry o I . . . i ' far. urn ntimlv K5lt ISfaCtOrV. tOT & 1 4k L 4.W J m considerable length of time a force AoA wHrplnnsF machines, has been aiuvu is no reasonable excuse tor bringing such goihic looking beasts to market; there is no satisfaction in them cither The Bar. Thc following is the report ot sound ings at main low waterjas given by the pilots: ! Bald Head Bar. 13 feet. 0 inches. Western Bar. 11 feet. 5 inches. Down the Itlver. Tho Passport had a merry party of excursionists on board this morning who will spend thc day at the Rocks, Smithvillc and the Forts. Tho excur sion was gotten up I by the ladies of Front Street M . B- Church, who know just how to make such occasions plcasanUand entertaining. The Itechabltesj Unity Tent. No. CO. I. O. if Recha bites, give an excursion toi Smithville, the Forts and thc Blackfish Grounds on the l'asspori to morrow. 1 There will bo no dancing, but there will be an organ arvd'plentr of good vocal music, besides an abundance of cooling refreshments 0f the best quality and at city prices. A, fine assortment of Guns and TlsioU at' Jacobi'3 Hardware Depot. . t engaged in deepening arid otherwise to or oUyer and we know, that : ...l.n la Vnnnin a Snow's . , 1 : " I Marsh Channel, about ten miles dcow the city on the West side of thc river- and the first large vessel which ever nassed throu-h there since these im- nrovements were commenced was the Clyde lfne steamship Beyulator. which nt ma nn nn Tuesdav eveninz through uaujv f - in Kitchen Market. The following retail , prices rule this market to-day, August 2: Beef 815c per pound; veal 15c per pound ; Lamb 12i 15c per pound ; mut ton 12i 15c per pound; chickens 12A all tho VC1V through bv the second &ta c officer of the ship, and the depth of water, acccording to his report, was in no instance less than 15 feet and Ironi this, as the minimum depth, up to three fathoms, or 18 feet, as the maxi mum. It is not to be supposed that this measurement, taken as it was ! when thc vessel was under headway, was as accurate as soundings taken by the regular pilots, who measure, erery inch of the channel with their boat at as near a stand still as possible at each cast or the lead, but it is efficiently correct to demonstrate that real and. we trust, permanent improvements have been made. The celebrated. Ti3h Brand Gills Twino is sold only fit J acobi's Hard wareDcpcti .-: ,: v-f , .;"; -r' School j Books. EPOSITORY FOR SCHOOL i i 1 adopted by the: State Board of Education Liberal discount to country merchants and - - - i teachers. School Stationery or an k inns. 1 ORGANS AND PIANOS poM to Schools I 1 and Churches at greatly reduced prices, and on easy Instalments. july 30 C. W. YATES, 119 Market street Excursion ! Excursion ! -pwOWN THE RIVER TO, SMITIIVILIE and thc Forts, on Stinr. PASSPORT, Thurs day. August 2nd, ! under the management of the Ladles of Front St. M. E. Church. Fare 50c. Children under 12 years 25c. Tickets at Parker & Ta Tier's. Dinner will be served on board for 50c, and you will lie sausnea Steamer leaves her wharf at 9 o'clock, july 31 2t j I july 30 Live Book and Music 8tores MR Notice. r tV MnPT.AWMV WrT.T. TTAVK charge of my business during my absence from lhe city, july 24-lw i 1 R. S. RADCLIFFE 1 Cum Camphor, TVTELLIN'S FOOD, ' Combs.1 Brushes. Extracts. Soaps, Puff Boxes, Ac, AcJ july 5 117 Market Street E. C. Blair, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCIIANT, No. 19, North Second Street; ; WilmlngtonlN.C. Solicits consignments of all kinds ot Country Produce. Top prices and quick returns guar anteed. Will reship to other markets when requested. July 23 E. G. BLAI1L FLORIDA WATER, T LAVENDER WATER, . m VIOLET WATER, HELIOTROPE WATER. WHITE ROSE WATER, i R A ZEN A WATER. Aluo a complete assortment of Colognes and Perfumery for the Summer season. J3T Prescriptions compounded day ana t JT. U. AllLdbJCU O, I German Druggist, Corner Fourth and Nun sts. night at july 21- T that channel. Soundings were taken each. grown fowls, 3550c; eggs, 20 cents per doz; butter, country, 250 30c.; Northern, 2535c; lard, 13 15c; Baltimore hams. 160 18c; breakfast strips. 15 16; N. C. hams, 15lG!c; shoulders, lioic; sides.U12ic; fish, trout, pigfish, &c 2025c, clams, per quart, 15c; perWshel,!75c; cabbage, 10 l5c Der head: cucumbers, &S10C doz; sweet: potatoes, 25 cents per peck; Iriah do, new, 30c per "peck; onions, 50 cents per peck, 5c per bunch ; i beets, 5c per bunch; whortleberries, 510c per quart; green apples, 2530c per squash 10 cents per doz; tomatoes. 20c per peck ; okra, 35c per dox ; - green corn, 124ffll5c per doz; peaches. 20c 25 cents per dozen ; cantaloupes. &a 10c; waiermelons,540c; bunch grapes, 10Sl5c per quart, butter beans, 15c per For Sale. i ... ,. . - r.- 9 m"k HE UNDERSIGN KU, u unutu x kj make a change In his location, offers for sale his present stock of General Merchandise, one Turpentine Distillery, a good Dwelling House the and lot with all necessary outbuildings. grounds being In a We Have SUPPLIED A LONG FELT WANT BT establishing a first-class Carriage. Harness and Trunk Store, where all kinds of goods la our line can be bought at prices lower than ever Deiore onerea in mi maricec Repairing In all Its branches attended to promptly. - i I McDOUGALL BOWDEN. 1ulv2l No. 114 North Front St. Livery and Sale Stables TTORSES, BUGGIES, CARRIAGLS let at low rates. LND high state of ccltlration Also, two tracts! of land suitable for truck farmimr. and one house aBd lot in the town. To anyone wishing to engage In business this is a fine-opening. Apply to ''J aug 1-lwkd ltw Point Caswell, N. C. i Travel lefrs. j PERSONS GOING AWAY FOB A TRIP, ! - ! ! - an wanting a Trunk or Travelling Bag or i . i i Satchcll will do well to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere-, as I ha?e a Lrge. assortment. ' -Also, a fine lot of Linen Dostcrs and Straw Those fine White Vests that I am Selling so cheap are almost gone.. - : SOL. BEAR, : July 23 21 Il'irkct Street PHJETOX3 Aleo Board or Horses. ... ' , j! . j j 'j'" The Finest Hearse in ; the. City. ; A CAR LOAD OF JCentucky Horses & 'Mules Jnst recel red and for sale low, ; ......... .... ji . The best lot of stock In the city. nOLLlNGSWORTn ft WALKER, At the New Stables, :1 I '""'! "'' may 4-tf Cor. Fourth and Mulberry sts J For Sale. IU1 UST BE SOLD THIS WEEK HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE and Sewing Machine. AU ncwl ! Can bo sees at residence. No. 411, South Sixth street ju!y2' -J. J. r.vr.ViZTt.