Tin rAPJnt cpted by j JOSH T. JAMES. .V f'Af ,., " on month. SS qenta. ' , vct. ,.,,1 1, nrrlcn free r 1! 1 ' ...... .entered by camera tree I ,J.! ' V ,rl of the rjlf. at IN. above ; :.-3i - ...... . Jour nd nuerai. .Daily 11 rW n f w n in n y . iUM h-i W LP U . -m. . s a a i ii a l. i i f 1 1 IV 1'7 , ... U Ik 111 . II I 1 ' I I . m 1 I II II I If II I JLVDJIJ Y JLJLJ Y Y 0 r ' ' . . 1 ' 1 I- ." . ! . ' j PLEASE NOTICE. Wo will be glad to receive eonuaunlatt!ot from our friends on any a4 411 jtubjeeta J general Interest but r j ., ' -, - The name of the writer matt always be fvfjj tntaned to the Editor. j. . ti t , ..! n; ri' ' " ,r'l-t I " iKr regularly. t... ran.: VOL. VII. W ILMINGTON, N. CL FRI DAY, AUGUST 3, 1883. NO. 184 I it. L.nmrnt nf y . V rtn-,,:,iitVi. or w.y wetr.tpa.cr; i LOCAL NEWS. IHDEX T0NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Y ATM School Booke VII GRXtx Gum Camphor K C MlLLtR Klorida Vater, & - S D Wallace, Cah'r Dividend Notk. rot Afghanistan receives j IIeixsbkrgcx Marloeana Spy Glafte fever ha appeared at C.nr-: r; o Arr.cc , ,Mic)a year. . 1 - T.eharlorOasiow arnycu . v.nrt with fourteen larso tnmts of v " r At Quarantine. Nor barque Orcar OtW. Cnpt. Tor ; kilsen, irora Ilio Janicro, has arrived 'ia below and is now at i the Quarantine i Station. When 20 days out the captain ; wa9 taken sick with suiali-pox, from j which he died in a few days, bince then, however, there has been no sick- One baic of cotton received at this I ncsa nor appearance of any on board. port to-day. 5EW ADVEBT1SEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS i parol. .. a.y.tWo ir ccut. ol the Untisb nUJ.J- , have been in correspondence v !at Cairo and 12 pcr c"1- al AI I The Directors of the Bank ol New ; Mr Sander3, ol Chester. S. C, '-iarcblck. I Hanover have declared a sewi-annual! succeedetl in securing hi3 ser Capt. A. L. DcUosset. j of this city, whas registered in Charlotto on Wed nesday. New Hosiery, Jersey Mitts, - 1 Ool'd Jersey Jackets, I Mosquito Net, Lace and Bar, Linen Ulsters, &c., &c. First Bapttst Church. The Committee on supplying the 1 pulpit ot the First Baptist cnurcu have been in correspondence wun ivev. and have ; 1 services lor . I divideud of 4 percent:, payable on the j several weeks, commencing on Sunday, iihel2ih inst. Jtllorts were maae In Dress Goods we are now offering great induce ments, as Summer goods must go. Conuaonlcatlons nraat be written on, oal one aide of the paper.. ' ' ' C - i' u 1 ' 1 - PenonaStlea must be avoMed. ; I I !- And It la especially and partScQlarly nnl stood that the Editor doea not always endoi . the Tlewa of corrcspondenla nnleea ao (state In the editorial cohunna. ' j iNEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Grand Excurcion I W. H. IIO WE, Maoaser. WILMINGTON TO WASHINGTON CITY 1 . RETURN. . Q AND o- to "T r; , ,1 i n have him occupy the pulpit next Sun that Mr. Zach Morrill had. . t o.a n(rnirf. A V . . A 11 I Iff. 1 .. .ns "the American i in,iu.....r... .. . da. but. owidz to previous engagn ve York Stock Ex- 'f."'slor'UIle ? a,ve one "'" menu, bo will not bo here on that .lay. A .r.t m the hevr ork " sp it open bj a c.rcalar saw at he V Schoo t a m ..hUMrccenllj Ior raioston & WelJon railroad lPVu.m hn heM. but there will be no other i ic 't... - : yesitzruaj, uui iau w j STOCK OF FANCY MATTINGS i i j At botfcyp prices, good styles. j ; iy A few Saratoga Trunks will besold for less than real value. t the particulars. i .r l IWaumout, a Uoruan Catholic, j The excursion on the t ltsport this service in the church next Sunday. Iced Tea. Iced tea is now in season for supper aug2,1883 R. II1, MclNTIRE. - --'- r MONDAY, Ail-list 13lb, 1883. -I- . ! .,nlh i. the toll ol Kngiish bar- , m0rning. given by the RechabitcF, was ; " ' " ! ..... ,n tUo . it rUt f and at lunch. It you wish to have it t -a Mwl VliHX . i Ivnrtfi n 1l lirtlltrVl lliPPrt W.14 'l fair I PCI aUU IIUWUW rn.:i i , aM that ibn death ot Cetcwayo. . . Kin?, will force the British . . . .,Uril-a t n I nl Oner IllOltJ IW limicua.w w have been, alt hough there was a fair number who took advaula?j of the i cation. There have l.tiin. nnt tla tnn tti fin. . iittid, n kuc n . v before it is to be cold water hours used ; the delicate lecn no flavor ol the tea and abundant strength FayetteviUe vrafn.i oml thre will not be i nui v--" - .nit affair in South Africa. steamers here Miiicc last Monday, winch , a traceif one taste i the judge o1 - is evidence that the river U luv ami ; , .,,: n'u tmt makes tea so often K.r;.K -i!akn.ti expected inSanFran- navigation lifllcuiL The Xorth e i disagreeable and uudrinkable. Yon ... ;. I'.'.iMjd tin- trieuniel conclave waft expecletl here yesnlav. b:it she j necjnotnse more than the usual quan ... Kni-hu Templar. He i bring- j (ajipj to put in an appearance. tity Df lea. u it is to be served at a ... Hirh him Uie Itoyal Hawaiian! rexrirfeiqitc a number i noon .meal, put it in water soon after ! . . cni.iu w,rm niffhm this breakfast and ice a few minutes before i i-Ac ioniiota : sprrimr. Th best wav is to have the; Very Sudden Ieath. An old colored man by the name of John Gause died very suddenly in this city yesterday about I o'clock, at his house on Dickinson's Hill, near the Cnrolina Central deDOt. He bad been ailing for some time but would not give up. He went to his work as usual yes- . .. 4 ii terday morning out returneu auoui. fMTT rt lpli nr as I J-J KJ ilJ.lr VVtUfiui"3 " - 13 ' wrell as usual and about 1 o'clock, as he was feeding the children, fell and expired in a moment. His death is said to have been caused by heart, dis ease. He was about 70 years of age and was known as a worthy man. Dividend Notice. OF THE BANK OF fTUlE DITIKUTOBS NEW HANOVER have leclartt a Semi-Annual Dividend of FOUR rKK CKNT., payable on the th instant, to Stork holders ol veoonl of this date. S. O. WA i LACE, Caah'r ,Tulr 2. 13:3. aug Fruit Jars. ATF t ALLONS, QUARTS, TINTS and 1KRKUV'J3TITMBM?RS. I ! i Giles & Murchisoii. july SO North Front St . i ... i . i ia ani oca Qprv nir . . nnrriel to M. Uacurrt, formerly gl i.and-bear-it-buUyou-vc-got-to-take-; ice broken in a pitcher, and put one ..N-rry ol Uie Frcuch legation :t it heat, last night can take the cake-; lump in eacDgias3 i';im U said to hare received a dowry 'tycs, indeeil. the entire bakery. Cross Purposes. . t 1.10.000 lire iBi To Builders and others Go to J4.C0 'S for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c. You can get all si 7-es and at the ' lowest prices ' ' HATS ! BONNETS ! HITE AND BLACK KXtUBMun W Ilatis. Tusan Hats and Bonnets, cheap. MRS. KATE C. WINES, jnly 21 j No. 119 North Second Street. Watermelons. Here is an incident of love's labor A party at Smithville wished to l .i I tenant ht ni! hi wife will f i vr U'oct 1 irrtnl- nf I Vndcr i l0!t l iiitivii" .Ml. ' ' v" " - - I . . HTM ... : 1 pnnta (or this country on thoi-Mh ot Au- . nul broughl to market this morn- see a par y in - .tst. II. win make addree io the ! . joad CoDsisting of 10 watermel-1 important business and so early this Wr cities, and remain here probably ! Qn lhe aggregatc weight of which was j morning i he got f b until late in Uie autumn. g40 ts. or an average of 40 pounds hdsted.his sail r the city - - - I Ti,nu on his Dlace On the way he was overtaken by tue n..MMilU! nublir debt for ch. They were raised on hi, p ace . . . . . nim u took bi3 . . 'Z:S -r. .,nnf in (Irani townsliip. ana wcuoa tuenot- -r;; - - u , ; . ,uIr vr, n this year ih. The total debt,- less cash in the rea-urv. i $1.543, l'JO.til .M. Golden Hays. j The August number of this truly ex- "T ",tT " , K .h,r 1 ccllent monthly is at hand and it is as YU FrtVidcut kins d:ed a bachelor . mr.n n,Pver. abound- t- tlrrfnrc cast UDOn tllO ; ' . I uvuvt ' t. illnclMliAnO n nil lf1 i Crll t current s'.ory that his daughter is wan- : "f ' "nu " JdM malter. is - a u - j - ' boat in tow ana brougnt mm uere. ! On arriving hero about tl o'clock he 'i found that the party had gone down on the PmsiHjrl to Smithville to see him, the two having passed each othen un knowingly, on the way. Nothing daunted, the Smithvillian took on a cargo of watermelons to pay expenses of the trip and started back in his sail ". .. i U ..I ! I ,l,nuS rouna we country , a3 . -n mouths Hmc one to reliv e ncr unautM. m. .u,!!, n,miil.ir with I ,i u ;a UnoH thnt ho arrived in !r''- . the young folks. Published by James j timco interview his friend and that Ammta Chronicle. The watermelon iT.lverson. Philadelphia, at $3 a year. Uhe two did not again pass each other Mincs has been overdone. The KiverNeus mior tv ot 8 UPncr eastwaru ui. if - - ! on the way. satrer?eriou5losies. Newspaper met, . ibbwwuiw .. m. . h ho "work up the truck business- had absence since Monday, arrived here to no Muupwou Luv.ndleft thiscTcnine with about tittter not mats many inpa -1' j , I IjllZaOClUlOnU. OUt rtiibvw ... number of than f!vnress. which is a miles, this side, where she will transfer the freight to flats to be transported to its destination. The Kurlh htalc ex pects to make the trip in season to re turn and take freight for the A. P. Hurt, and be again at Cypress by; the time the latter boat will be able to reach there from Faycttevillc. j j Dear Epitor To satisfy a larjro number of your friends, please give us thro1 your paper an answer ! to the foK lowing highly interestiuc question . : ;lf at man desecrates the Sabbath by fish in" and should accidentally drop his line in a 'school' of fish, would ho ne cessarily be guilty of disturbing a Sun day School -i Fishy. In the absence of our" oHishal editor, who is in the country getting new sub scribers for the Review, we beg leave to refer the above enquiry 'to .some of tha nleasuro seekers at Smithville or A Narrow Kscane. Reports of what came very near being a terrible accident were reported here to-day. It seems that two men and three women, ail whites, names not as certained, we're sailing yesterday in a boat a few miles below the city, when in some manner the rudder became unshipped, ond there being no control over the boat then, she jibed and cap sized. One of the men succeeded in trpMin!? one of the women ou o the upturned boat while the other two females clung to the reniainiog man and these latter were about to drown when a boat manned by two colored men came to the rescue and took them ashore. They then recovered their own boat, righted her and bailed her out and returned to the city, very wet, it is true, but uot at all unhappy at the fortunate termination of their mishap. Clinton & m. Caswell Kailroad Col. F. W. Kcrchner, Mayor Hall and Mr. A. Adrian, who left here on Wednesday morning last to attend the tntintr of the stockholders of the j the Sounds, either for solution or inter- CIinton & ioint Caswell Railroad, ment. j which convened at Clinton, Sampson Merchants at Memphis aud iu the surrounding towns report more actual tah paid for purchase this summer ttita lor a generation. All classes or v.ticn, including many colored far mers, are showing the prosperous re sults of thrift and industry. The parents of filtcen Chinese ladies in Canton had arranged for a -wholesale marriage of their daughters on a !eat day. The girls didn't like their prospective husbands, and went In a tnxly to the river and drowned them selves on the eve of the least. The long agony is over at last, and A. II . Pike it tbo'new Senator for New Hampshire. He was elected on the -d joint ballot. He receiyed IB I votes oat of 315,the whole number cast. W. E. Chandler can now take a rest from the arduous duties ol his official" position in Concord. Frevost Paradol. the French Minister, shot himself, as tho Spanish A nib as sa kr Barca did. The only other case on record ot suicide by a Minister from a foreign government to this country was in 183. when Mr. Obergon. the Minis ter from Mexico to the United States, committed suicide by hanging. Governor Butler of Massachusetts, received by express a day or two ago two small cream-colored owls, each of which exhibits the peculiar 'obliquity of the eye that marks the-face of his rii.nv. The box was aaurcsseti "Governor B. F. Batler, from an ex-Confederate .MU. . f - 1- . . . . Jitaro Chance to Mslt wasywk- lar While the meeting of the stock- fi 30 Lafayette A comparative staicmcn.prv., ton. I. GV ; holders was in progress. Mayor Hall, i City. : II! .ir 5 J IrTw 1 A round trip tickel to the Captor j ot this citj. being called upon, made an Stomach and Bowels ureu.i-vui lUiiuinuvMw. . - , - l v:i -K1 CnrnMt nni - encouraging gpetdi :,-,u k hi Vrvrfhm- . 1 w wKAt a 1 v 1 n nr 1 1 1 ikii rx 11 1 auiv. ' 1 ui o luiuaiiu w .ui rvi ui . w mingion on Monday'. August 13ih at which was listened to 10 a!I. Returning, leave Washing- attention and interest and with a dec.o ,.n Thursday ' 16th. at 4 P. M edly beneticial etieci upoa n w m w - Orders for tickeU sent to undersigned 3Ir. Shackelford's Grave. The Newbern Jotirnasays: f'Mrs. county, on the 1st inst., returneu to tne oitv last nizht. In the absence of Col. m m John W.Shackblford has just ctod Kcrchner. Who ten lhe cuj on her husbands grave, at Kichl.odS. in n,orir,B-s tra.u we are unable toewo a neat iron railing and raised above it a I a detailed offidal report of the proceed oeauUfu! shaa .ffeet high of Mdears ! ings. a, w. .expected Ides.red odo . Scotts granite, luis mark: 01 respec ts well deserved by the noble Shackel ford and will be a lasting tribute to his memory. It bears the simple inscrip tion 'Hon. Joan v - snacKenoru. bnt we learn that the meeting was en tirely harmonious. Col. F. W. Kcrch ner Was re-elected Presideat and, with one or two exceptions, the old Board of Directors were re-elected. About three C : USeil Jao lBtL 18d3. aged thirty miles of the Clinton end or the road ,s eight ycar two months and two days. ! well grmded. and the people of toe to wn eignt years I . ; are sancuine in the opinion that the . Boston. Mass . i11." PT ZiJr bm her sisr roa.l will soon be built, and they have ; of Frederick. Jnn railway communication with the rest of ; and husbandavcrctlie river. Wilmington in particu- The Planets iu August. During August the planets Neptune, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter and Venu3 are all "morning stars." Neptune, if he were near enough, would be seen above the horizon about half past eleven o'clock in the evening. Saturn "peers above the eastern hills" an hour after midnight, and is r followed by Mars twenty minutes later. Jupiter is due about a quarter after three, and Venus rises half an hour later. Mercury and Uranus are the evening stars. The August mooir fulls on the 18th at -a quarter before eight in the morning. Ou the first, when waning, she is in coujunction with Jupiter and Venus, and on the 29th with Jupiter again. On the third she is at her nearest point to Mercury, and to Uranus on. the 6th, and on the 29th she is yery near Neptune. i At half past one o'clock on the afternoon ofjthe 25th she is in close conjunction with Saturn. In some portions of the globe the moon occults Saturn for the fifth time since the beginning j ot the year. She completes her circuit of the planet by her coniuction with Mar3 on the 27th. J The celebrated 'Fish Brand Gills Twine is sold only at J acobi's Hard ware Depot. The frontispiece of the Mauazinc of American History for .'August; is a fine portrait, never bcloro ongraveu, ot tue hero of battle and romance. Col. Alexl ander Scammelli who fell at the siege of Yorktownin 1781. The leading article', 'Claybornc the Rebel,' is a remarkably entertaining and informing cliaptcr ol authentic history, contributed by the distineuished Virginia writer. John Esten Cooke. It reads like a veritable romance. The illustrations, seventeen in number, which brighten its pages, form a curious history in themselves. The portrait of the famous "Rebel" is a study it represents the face of a man of action and unswerving resolution who will surely fight to the bitter end, The second paper in this admirable number of the magazine is the conclus ion of Captain Potter's able series ot essays. "Texas admitted to the Union ;" then follows "General Nelson, Ken tucky, and Lincoln Guns," a forcibly 4 written ; and substantial article oft wenty-flve pages, from Pres ident Daniel Stevenson, D. D., ot the Collegiate Institute, ? Augusta, Ken tucky. The shorter articles ot the number arc An Old School Book" (the English Reader), by Joel Benton ; "Charlevoiz in New Orleans." by John Dimity; and Rev. B. F. De Costa's "Reply to Mr. Bancroa" on the subject of Early Voyages. The Departments Original Documents, Reprints, Notes and Queries, Replies. Societies and Book Notices, are filled with varied and readable matter, the whole form ing one ot the most acceptable issues of this valuable and important historical publication which has yet been issued from the press. The new management ; are to be heartily congratulated on its pronounceu success. I'UDiicauon 01- I'lace, rew ions School Books. ! ' ' 12POSITORY FOR SCHOOL BOOKS adopted by the State Board 01 Education. Liberal dlscouut to country merchant and teachers. School Stationery of nil kinds. i I ORGANS AND PIANOS sold to Schools and Churches at greatly reduced prices, anl on easy instalments C. W. YATES, july 30 119 MarkQt street rpiIKRE WILL BK AN EXCURSION from Wilmington to Washington City,. Pi C.; and return, leaving Front Street Lepot at 10 o'clock, A. M. Monday, August 13th, arriving; in Washington City Tuesday morning at It o'clock. Returning leave Washington Thar- day evening at 4 o clock l and arri ve In Wil mington Friday evening. 1 i RATES OF FARE Round Trip, front Wll mington to Washington andi return, $7; jfiom uoldaboro and return, $uj50; all youth 1 ot Goldsboro. $7. 1 This Kxcuvrion will stop In Washington City tnvee days and nights, which will aitorrt the people-ample time to see all the attracUons of the Capital of our country. Tho Capitol building, SmlthEonian Institute, War lepart ment, Treasury Department, Navy Yards ami all other public bnlfd ings. I 1 A refreshment car will Ins attached to the train, where meals and refreshment ran be obtained at reasonable prices aud lie attended , by polite waiters. No intoxlcatiog liquors; will te allowed on this train.! The chartering nnrl ir i-iicvvvoi l hi rlirlit Id OtrrlmlA all nhtpf . uonable persona at any Ume. Goid order it will le maintained. Parties aloug the line of V.. C. A A. K. It. bet ween Florcncy and VU', miugtou can purchaso tickets to WUmlngturi and return at a cents per mile for Round Trip. There tlckits will be Bold only In connection with round trip Wilmington and Washington tickets. Rates on the Carolina Central Rail way will he sold as follows: From CUrkton, $8.s5; Abbottshurg, $9; ltladenboro, ? '2y: Lumberton, 0.75; Moss Neck, $10.03; iRed Banks, $10 40; Alma. 10.50; Shoe Heel, tlO.l GO; Laurinburg, $10.80; Laurel Hill, $11; Sand Hill, $11.40; -Hamlet, a) 11.80. . 'Newbern to Goldshoro, Tarboro to Kocay Mount, f 1 ror the round trip. Parties along the line- can purchase tlcaets of station .agents.' Tlckeu f ood only on this train and on dates named. 'artle taking other trains twill bo charged full fare. ' ' ; i Two or three special coaches will be attach ed for white people, provided enough can bo obtained to fl l them. . In order that ample ac commodations may bo provided, tickets will be withdrawn from sale August 10th. f They can now be purchased of the following named persons : P. HEINSBERGKK. Ci W. YATES, A. & I SHRIER, and of W. U. HOWE, Mana ger. For further information apply to 1 V. H: HOWE. Manaeer.l So. 1,022 McRae St, Wilmington, H. C. Please otice Day ana uate. augi-ta 1 Marine and Spy Glasses. A NEW ASSORTMENT, 1. FIX) RID A WATER. , t LAVENDER WATER. I OLETi WATER. ! HELIOTROPE WATER. WinTE ROSE WATER, t RAZENA WATER. Also a complete a-ssortment of Colognes and Perfumery for the Summer season. .PrescnptionB compounuu ua nn jr. Ki. miiuii a. night at jnly 21- German Druggist, Coroer Fourth and Nun sts. For Sale. rjIIFt UNDERSIGNED, IN ORDER TO make a change iu his location, offers for eale his present !tock of General Merchandise, one rurpentiue Distillery, a good Dwelling House and lot with all necessary outbuildings, the grounds being in la high etate of cultivation Also, two tracts: of land suitable for truck farming, and one house and lot In the town. To any one wishing to engage in busioeet i hi is a fine ODeninir. Apply to aug 1-lwkd-ltw JOHN R. PADDISON, Point Caswell, X. C Travellers. pEKSONS GOING j. AWAY FOR A TRIP, and wanting a Trunk or Travelling Bag or it" - Satchell w;ll do well to call and examine my stock before purchasing eldcwhere, as I have a large assortment. ! . Alw, a fine lot of Linen Dusters and Straw Hat. 1 Those fine White Vests that I am selling bo cheap are almost gone. SOL. BEAR, t ialv-23 ! so AiarMt street l; Just received at HEINSBERGER'S. A Second-Hand Piano i ODERN STYLE, 7-OCTAVE, CARVED LEGS, In perfect order, will be Isold cheap to make room for n;w onen. Call at Here Ih a Bargain. HEINSBERGER'S, july 30 Live Book and Music Stores J- Gum Camphor, "TELLIN'S FOOD, V' "" Combs, Brushes. Extracts, I "Soaps, PutT Boxes, Ac, fte. July 5 .117 Market Street Millinery & Fancy Goods Another j Large Invoice of Millinery ! E. C. Blair, ! ENERAL COMMISSION iMERCHANT, . No. 19. North Seconit Street', " i . j WUinlngton, N. O. Solicltsonsignments of all kinds of Country Produce. Top prices and quick returns guar anteed. Will reshlp to other markets wbcu ! requested. july 23 E. G. BLAIR. We Have OUPPLIED A LONG FELT WANT! O establishing a first-class Carriage. HarneM and Trunk Store, where all kinds of goods In our line can be bought at prices lower than ever before offered in this market. I r Repairing in all Its branches attended to Promptly. -. :, i -i mi . i ' AIcDOUGALL A BOWDEN. . Iulr2l No. 114 North Front St. - New Styles, New Colors, &c. FANCY GOODS, DEPARTMENT FUpL. hows that daring tne month of July the collections amounted to $9,278. .V15.CT, againit 1 12.88. 15V 35 for the iQie month last year, a -decrease of $3,W9,i3.23. The cause assigned for the tailing off is the redaction under the new law of the tax oa tobacco and other articles. will receive prompt attention, bena registered letter or money order. -td, . A. & IVSHMEU. We hope, upon the return or w. Kerchncr to the city, to be abla to give a" frill and complete report with the names of the new Board of Directors. ton's Cholera and Diarrhoea Medicine. Price 25 cent?. . , j ! . Silver Plated Spoons and Forks,low prices, atJAOOBi.'s - t KID, SILK ard LISLE GLOVES. ' i I PARASOLS, NECKWEAR, FAKS. ZEPHYR and MATERIAL for FANCY WORK. MILLINERY Second Floor. FANCY GOODS First Floor. Respectfnlly, MISS E. KARRER, july S EXCHANGE CORNER For WrightsTilie Sound. rX ANI AFTER JUS 19tb, the Wagon ette will leave for WRIGHTSVILLE SOUND, EVERY DAY. from corner Second and Prin - 1 cess street at 6 o'clock. P. AL Returning, Livery and Sale Stables. !- - " v -. : - u: : JJORSES, BUGGIES, PH.ETON3 AND CARRIAGLS let at low rates. Also Board or norses. " . I -' The Finest Hearse in the City. : ! A CAB LOAD OF i h Kentucky Morses & Mules Just received and for sale low.! The best lot of stock In the city. HOLLINGS WORTH A WALKER, At the New Subles. ! may 4-tf Cor. Fourth and Mulberry sta ! 1 State of North .Carolina, New If anover County, Soperior Coort. Notice. ' i CS MOW M., ma. A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols ?jTOlr . , . ' . I For further inforrnauon appiy at Jacoei's Hardware Depot - t I ieii t. j. soutj to - HERLAND, Jan C. Mar ds. Plaintiff, 1 - 1 T v. - ! . H. C. Casidey, Dftcndant. II. C Camdder. Defcsda.t. i above entltlr.1. action, will take notice tbat the ritailfi bait . applied for leave U Issue execution upon ttte judgment bbialned therein, and that ald 4e , femlaut appear licfore tbU Court, at Wl mlog toa, N. C, on Monday, the S1 day of Kepteta ber. Vs, at 10 o'ckKk.a. m , and inhow cauc .! why said motion sbonhl mot De granted. S. VakAMRINOE, Clerk Saperior Court, . Kew nanorer County, july Si &t s 19 ' -

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