r I i X- i TUTS PAPSK ereal. sanoays . un1 eeiT rpted by JOSH T. JAMES, r t& . at St- 1 1--" - - Kin Three ... si month, ft.00. yflf iv une month, cent. Aa'u' ... . . i.ticr ml lrr ra triers free 1 H mm ' ! u. Ml III TVf? .riot ihecJtv. attbeabore . i ' ..." ' 1 r-- . . v.w and liberal. -irAT r-r wUlrerort.oya all ftU. V Ulj. V 11. WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY. AUGUST 4, 1883. re it.etr pap regularly. NO. 185 i please Miotics. We will t glad to recclrs eomaulCJiUoa troa otr triead m n j and all subjects f 1 Kncxal Interest tmt !.,-.:" The same of the writer moat always tetus j :BUhed to the Editor. ' r"-T 1' .' j; I'"" i :jT' ' Commonkatlosamuat be wmtea oa al oae aide of the paper. . i : L Personalities mast be avoided. Aad It U especially aad particularly and ; stood that the Editor does not always endot the views of correspondent mxles 'so! state la the editorial column. " ;V - j -1 i I i !.: I T..;I.mKrrteio fulS the largest :' Mrt. Rl.idatnni. whom I)iraoli nnM I Sunset Lo-tnorronr afternoon at ex rjjr I r.' - I , f.U rirmt'ilion of any newspaper : described as "the woman without, a i actly 7 o'clock siniB rcfieemmz vije, nevoies ner me NV irlcins authorilics oisonetl. in to the suffering and poor, who are her Transference. i soecial charge She soend- tcarcelv Ii ?n; n WorLr 1, '!" signed to relieve Mr. U. C. Taylor, at anything upon herself, wcariug the! . . TlieruIorruniw "(?;7TW V i Mr. May is to report here on the 29th 49V.! i i"ite popular with hi. : charity. anJ Mr Taylor Wm then pro. n.'.f ; Two feeble old women, the last des-! ceed to Annapolis to assume charge ol his new field of labor. Mr. May was transferred from the Cold Harbor Cem- rNuflhc late Spanish minuter iccndanU of Americus Vcspucius. have j his nei vO' a victim of insomnia and ; petitioncU the Italian eovcrumcnt for ajtransft 1 r !,! ved in deb: . i pension of CO paoli about 0 a mouth, j etery. PUOSPHATKS. An an allowance made bv the republic of i i3id that Frank Bangs, the U'jorence in 190 The last male mem-i At Auction. All of that fine household furniture -lU f rV t . mm. . If. .1 v:. r. 0.-.IJ " Z.rin- toTot a .1 ' ,B " " " 1 belonging to Mr. .1. Ibhn. consisting of I wi'in.iui r-M - : seven jcuib nua innrlor. bedroom, and dimngroom - - - ' vcw congressional and lesislative i furniture, as also kitchen furnhurecook- v uiurtrssof Amcrhran tailors has j apportionment bills have been intro-1 iDg utensils, &c. will be sold at auction :.ai:edtomectin Philadelphia on.jj in lha Pennsylvania House of next Wednesday by Messrs. Cronly & 'V.-h of September for the pnrpose ! n-nrpsentativia. The former sives the i Morris, further notice of which will . Tit .... T:. ! ... ....I. . . t f iirnolr in ini Ollprt JtinQ' I :n2 a ua'ii ; Uepubl.cans 17 disinyts aim me uemo- j i"uZn i large beds of what I take to be phos .7. , . :,. icratf U. The latterbill c ves the Kepuo-.coiuuui. uw lunnuw T- nhr,e. In i one! of the tributary basms .,tU-i.t-orge vamieium, i .um ttml he Democrats i lor inspection at his hSuse on Monday, iaXwell Swamp. Iherearetwo de: Important I Find Major Young: Discovers Phosphates in Duplin and Pender? Cquu ties. . l Maj..W. L. Young writes us from Kenansville, in this State, of some very important discoveries in" the way of phosphates, which' he has found in the two counties of Pender and New Han over. We judge from what he sajs that the find is an imDortant one, and wc think that a thorough overhauling of the lands and an investigation into the depth and extent of the deposits should be made at once.. Maj. Young vis very explicit in telling of the discoveries, and wc publish the letter herewith : KtNANSVILLE, N. C, Aug. 2, 1R83. Editor Keview: Dear Hir: 1 have discovered several i The Directors. The following Is a list of the new Board of Directors! of tbq Clinton & Point NEW ADVERTISE TS. t CasweU R. R., elected on Wednesday at Clinton, Capt. Rl P. Paddison having declined on reelection because ho will become a contractor on the road; F. W. Kerchner. James C. Stevenson, AJ II. VanBokkelenl II. Brunhild, II. W. Hicks, John D. Kerr, M. C. Peterson, E. T. Boykin, C. Patrick, W. A1. John son, J. A. Ferrell. and M. C. Kiilett. Bare Cliance to Visit Washing ton, D. C. Around trip ticket to the. Capital for only $7. Special train will leave Wil mington on Monday, August 13th, at 10 A. M. Returning, leave AVashing- IGth. at i P. M ent ro undersigneu Send Dividend Notice. rpHE DIRECTORS "OF THE BASKOF, EW nA-XOVER have declared Semi-Annual Dividend of rOCH KK CLNT.. prab on the Kth Instant, to stockholder of reonrrt ofthta'date. S. 1. W A JUAUE. Chr July 2. 18 3. j I aug 3-St rich man, is said to have the ... aibition to bevome a newspaper . ;. ,' t r A laudable ambition. ; i . T.,.i N. Jordan, talked cr for New j i.:.-:y comptroller, ban leen lor. , i iUl-.Mi-Barnum combination. j 20. In tho Senate a resolution was ! at 1 1 oVlock. adopted to adjourn on Tuesday next. LOCAJJ NEWS. Scandalous Elopement. ! A man by the na ne of J. T). Lynch. who was employed at the cotton factory ; in Sumter, S. C, eloped last Suudayt Fruit Jar TTALF GALIiOXS. QUARTS. PIST8i tnd PUG-BRVE TUMBLERS. , Giles & Murchison. ixily 30 I ... "" North Front ntt , j. Id HATS ! BONNETS ! Tr Ilau. wn iir.AfTK ETfrtinsioxi Tnsran HaU aod Donaet, cheap' ton on Thursday, Orders for tickets s will receive 'pronipt attention registered letter or money order. td. ! A. fe I. SHRIER. j : . ; A Pleasant Picnic. Editor Review The annual picnic ! afc Mr . Di J. Corbett's xrove came oil j aly 21 MRS. KATE C. WJNES, -'..! 1 -i So. 119 North Second Street i 4 - t r. New York World very properly not .toire an increase 'l Federal ; ar-ynic.- which the proposed Govern .'!. IUraph would nceeitate. i.l intAKtlui iro fillfxl wifh -aitty m,1- s night with a girl ol about 10 years of rm(J mud j , nvn who Vas emdoved in the same; The Thosphale looks and appears to 'factory. The guilty parties came to j be in character precisely the same as the ! : r n.r kind dredged- up from the bed ol the nosits on the land of Wm Kornegay : in one of the deposits, it shows for three The stones .weigh from two to forty c,tnrdavJ Julv 38th. that beiuz Mr. poundsrand are as closely imbedded as , (jorbett's birthday. There was a good the stones in a paved street ; me creviees . oan(j and a large crowd in attendance. REAL ESTATE.STOQKS, , BONDS, &c. INDEX TO MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yates school rknV ,: W it Gkkkx lium Camphor Mk M int HoAS Kor Sale 1 Missmiaih For sjirtltliTllle i M C & IJao Our Job Suit k" C MlLl.1 it Flori-U Water, Ac HUSHBERGtK Marioe anil Spy GUsei' , n-iv, I. " " I Il-jnchteft behind lun, a wife d two -k:.:! Ixixcr and fencer, who can sp:r ; Hi-, heaviest hitter, and measure. , 'w.th profet?ional swordsmeu. ; Wilmington, ! have been ithis morning where it said they living together, and they vrero arrested .land will be returned to; Sumter. cliiltlren and the girl, whose name we Pays length 13 hours and 4 minutes. SUppres., has heretofore borne anexcel lint oneiterwnT. IlhUdT in Hello-! ifnt character in Sumter. A tratelcr in Mississippi writes that t vnc this week. Pender. i Columbus, I Sampson, andj Now Hanover were represented. This i picnic is held iu the 28th of July each year under a large and shady grove, wrhinh it; snid to ho one of the most Stono river, in South Carolina, and is hpo.itifni nverirreen oak groves in this entirely free from carbonate ol lime. part cj- tj,0 statf. A good platform was On the laud of Georse McClammy, ierected in theSeenter of the grove and but on the other Bido ol the divide, in a a3 lne ruraj yOUua:ster tripped the light basm tributary to drove Swamp, I fantastic, or iled his modest queen discovered another deposit that shows Hirmicrh the '"riddv whirl his motto in a branch and ditch throe hundred or ! seemed to bo dam ! vivimus rivarnus. four hundred yards. . f At 12 o'clock according to the arrange-1 I This deposit is precisely tae same in j ment G nie programme by Jonn tiN ; every respect as that found on the ! urpi,y ,Mr Charlie Allen, in a few ! taxweii siae i 1 well timen ana eiegani rpujams, uuiw- ! Thfiso denosits lack only three or Lii.-od fr. Franklin Keith, the orator i - . "..Ii... . . . of the day, who fenoke on the origin ana fnimifs. Mr. Keith handled his' snbiect with much credit. After the sold In front of TnE courts iiousy ; irEARS OF KXPERIENCK IN THIS BITSl'i - X nca warrant me in askinx the public fori a liberal share of their patronae. i l i S. VANAMRINGK. julv '.'8 lawtw-Batuac Aucilonce? H Executor's Notice, A VIM i QUAL1FI ED ! AS EXECUTOR r,t thf last will and tcstim'ent of Urs.iUarr'.l. Lansrflon, ileceased, all person having cUlm against the estate of nir said lntcaUtt. ar hereby notified to present tho same on or te- -fore the 15th day of July, 1S84, or tM4 lidttce will le plead In bar of a recovery. m 1 All persons Indebted to the same mut nmwe immediate payment. U. F. JANGDON, Mi For tlie Fair. . . " . ,r .u-. c.-, W.,M rival , ti.p. rtints of trotton at this poi t t-: "e vmwvgw iuB -i-mv - y? dcrrees of t)Ctu,, horizontal and the : i.Hfc now J"-1- Ue dv foo-uo 10 bales ! lunin' four pai'er ilxS1J' W,UCU upper end of! each ot the deposits is -.w ol the great W olern btates in the ; day foo. up IP Daics. nllhlished during the progress of UiSed bv the miocene formation J :..-'tfr of corn production this yeir. ti. i Imt nun interment, an L, i . -t iM1L;,fin Uoirin! At Kenansville. near the sdrface, !e.,,otnrl dinner was annottncetl.. -Vou - - " . , m.i.uiaiw. ' .. . , ;, vr u.r,-a ! rich specimens of phosphate have been kuoWf. thaH your cerrcspon- The post-mortem examination ol the :adn,t. in Oakdalc this week. , this cUy by Messrs George N. Ham? j gon David -Wior's; place, and! always yhas an eye , . r-. ih tTrtm Kiiclish. t....iju t.(. vr ncrr. nroliibitioii and S. Cm . Hall, fhe FcmoLogm win ; .i-. half wav between thi3 find aud t a:nPiMi m the! wants 6t the inner dimmer. thof.-t ,U. dll, ; w vote, , North Carolina. : be the oflicial or ot the , A, soc.a Uon K.' obnU , let joe 1g - predicts dry weather for August, boats. It will contain the oflicial pre- Tt is more n,an probable that when a j of tQi3 community know so well how to JohnW.nookwaltcr.oJ bpnngneia. , Wfttpr;n niaoe3 are 1 gramme and premium list of the Asso FLO ill DA WATER. - LAVKNUKR WATEK, ' 1 VIOLET WATElt, I I1ELIOTROFE WATER. WHITE ROSE WATER. I It AZENA WATER. Alia a complete assortment of Colojcnes and rerfumcry tor tne auromcr season, night at July 21- l'rcsciiptlonst comiionndcd dai and t F. C. MILLER'S, li i ! German prngaiat,' I , Corrcr Fourth land Nun . Dhio. has just miles of trav . . ... r- M!heiiie photozrapheil in their bathing CI. 16 UrUUSil aivu i nud Japan a keramic collection of 2.000 i costumes. piece? that coal $30,600. ; The celebnited 'Fish jBr Brand Gills . ciation, besides six or'eiirht cblamnsof interestins reading mailer. AY e wish it success. proper examination is maue. it wiu ioe j prepare, found that the bed of phosphate will be I frnnst continuous from Kornegay'sto Farrior's return a distance of three miles thanks to the kind. I genial and clever Mr. Corbett and his estimable lauy lor special hiuunws. Seuatolnolialeiu the practice 1 T 1 " ! Considerable excitement was occa- of law has made a large trtune lor I wtLTe "epI 1 ; sioned the other day among some bf the Himself of $50,000,10 $100,000. His. The Register of Deeds this week is- resWcnts on the creek between wife is saidto have $1,200,000, and i sued marriage licenses tor two couples, j vrj,jhtsville and Greenville Sounds by with her mother's interest $ 1.500.000. both colored. - j tho appearance of an alligator in that TT7 .'rt0,;-i t cn. r ! A large excursion party from Florence Some ol the influential Mexican . Q n .1 w n & A . i fn iiinz i and Marion. r. C, on me w ., v a. .unrnals are denoncing Get . Dm , .. . lho 15th nd Grant tuc ueapoucr ui ; " - j accused of! inst. the dictator a the Republic. They arc impoverishing the country by railway i xhere have been three interments dcyrlopment. Ilolh the new methods of hcumolion iut tried across the water seem to have InlS WecK III iiuo ww-. j ' Ol these one was a child and two were adults ( A dcsirablebuilding lot on lied Cross between Eighth and ! Ninth streets, is r balloon at Paris is an improve- offercd for sale. See advertisement m ko nroitv sncccssfal. Tho floating tricycle has crossed the Channel, and the new mer.t on its predecessors . - The Massachusetts State Republican foramittee has designated Bo3ton as the place of holding the State Conven tion and September 1 as the date. Chas. R. Codman. of Boston, was in vited to preside over the Convention. , . Mrs. Kliza llarrimau. of Iancaster. N. H., who is T2 years old and weighs ji ioQnds. walked up Blount Prospect alone a lew days ago. the distance iwiii iwn miles from her home, and w this isduc. The Board of Aldermen, the Board of Audit and Finance the Board of'Coun ty Commissioners (and tho Board of Justices of the Peace ali meet next Monday. A German barque which arrived here to-day from Bremen Vought over 5,321 empty demijohns as a part of her cargo. They are to be shipped to Charleston. mm a locality. In the early part ol last wees a colored boy who wason his way to the Sound, in a cart, arrived , after consid erable delay at the residence of his em ployer, on Greenville, in a frightened condition. lie declared that he had seen a large alligator hi tho road which opened his mouth and snapped his jaws at him. He was very much frightened aud thereupon turned out from the road and made a long detOur.to avoid the neighborhood of tho saurian. His story was scarcely credited but an ex amination of the locality showed plain ly the tracks of the animal. Oa Thurs day the alligator appeared again, on this latter occasion In the creek, aud he was fired at by several persons but was not killed and still roams about the head-waters of the creek and the ponds In that vicinity. A tine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t h Years ago I found a rich deposit of Thus ended a pleasant day. i phosphate on the East side ol the North I Ytimtok. j East river, but it being 18 miles frotn the j p0;nt Casweill July 31, 1684. navigable waters oi . mis river a sam i ! but little about it. I have also found : Great Closing Out Sale. Sn'S Kfho'mS;-. uletS: j Ooods will be slaughtered within the hen and the North Eastlri ver. A rich j Dext r0 days in order to make room for specimen has also been found on j on0 of the largest aud finest Stocks of lliJ1 Fall land! Winter clothing and gents W. W V . - - m m yery promising outcrop snows nseu on jiuruiauiusigvuua cni v.. ..r the lands of R. F. Williams, two miles i rai0gLon. A I. Siikier, Reliable East of Bannerman's. in Pender couu j ciothers. 114 Market St. tf.- For Sale. rjiiri UNDE1J3K.NKD, 1 ORDER p make L change in bin loeatloJ, offer for Mile his -pTfceut Ptock of Generjtl MerrhandtBe, ine - Turpentine DioUHery, a good Dwelling Iloliae H. - ' I . 1 i ' H " ' and lot with all neccsaary oulbuildlngi, the - groubds being in a high flale of cultivation ' ' - I ' ' ' ' i 1 M " Also, two tract! of land -ultabte 'tor truck !j farming, and one house aad lot In the town. ' . To mv one wishlns: to enzago In business T ' this is a fine opening. Appiy 10 aug l lwkd ltw ing. Apply to 1 JOHN ML PADDISOS.1 Point Caswell. N. C Marine and Spy Glasses NEW A&SOBTMEST, . i .Tiit lxcelvel at A NEW ADVERTISEMENTS For The cmtacious fchalk formation) Emmons, that runs diagonally across tho twu State?. North Carolina and South Carolina, seems in reaching : renaeranu luiiiiu uubio , njo,,,., F ruildisg lot. on videdinlo two separate and distinct j A desilable i,lilii " 11.1.1 It- nniitiniinns nna MSl HOT I -C- ... ... , vti i. , -f . paraiieil oeiir whuuuuub wuw wv.u8 gcd I098 ietween uigum ani hidw bucwp, ia oflered for ale. For furtlierparUcuiar flp ply to MRS. MART HOGAN, j aJug 4 It i IIEINSBEROER'S. A Second-Hand Piano, MODERN STYLE, 1 0CTAVE, CABVEl - : - ... I : . ! ! ! T.vi;4 In nerfeftt nnler. will be flold CheP;to Here a Barga r..n tliiq world a . . L. lanAA fr ahATA thi " .. ' the lie-gm reaww... -, ffian mU5t eilher bP anll or nammsi.. I Ixngfcliow was wrong, however. sea level. t i-i- ;Ma thft lxjnaon i mw ftr nien arc neimer me ll jkw"' 1 : " - - .1 nor the sturdy anvil, i ney are muuu but bellows. computes that there Is now in tho mar ket landed property situated in Great Hritaln to the extent of 250.000 acres. the valne ot which at a low estimate is Last night was warm enough but the r. sin i I :nffhnnra vomcool and pleasant iti tn 12 not less man iny muus w ; uiwia,v - .. aa d to be not less to cleeninc This forenoon the wind i a i r i " Sixty public men and several doctors in St. Ixmis haTe been questioneJ by a :-Publican reporter, as to the beneBts r hot water as a morning drink before breakfast. All agree that, as a role. U excellent for a disordered stomach resulting from excessive eating or drink- IDS. 1 was from the North) and the atmos n vprv nleasant . At 12 o'clock the thermometer stood at 86 degrees. The excursion given yesterday by Unity Tent of Rechabites was not large ly attended, k is true, but yet everyone 0 .innir htul & rood time and a The E. V. White. Mr. J. H. Highsmith, male of the -'I steam dredge E.V. White, which was JOIS - , in h rt VA h(Pn supposeu anu icutu T lost at sea about three weeks ago, ar rived in the city Thursday night. From him wc learn that the dredge experi enced heayy weather and strong head winds, and was in much danger for about thirty hours, but that she weath ered the storm like a , 'little major." Ho further states that at the time the barque passed them he was the only man on deck and for that , reason the vessel took it for granted that the dredge had been abandoned and h Teft to perish. He says that thetaz which was towing the TMtiU American travelers spend, it is esti ....tt ino.000.000 in Europe every Summer. The 3.500.000 Inhabitants ol j on! the West side of tho river, while ! the secondary one lies on the East side of the North East river. These belts are upon the table land, and frequently their margins are ten miles apart; the river flowing through the great oasm , between the belts. . i , . . j In South Carolina the phosphate is i found in the serraiures oi lue.x-aaiwu margin of this belt (chalk formation) and in Pender and . Duplin counties traces of phosphate are lound all along the margins of the two respective belts. The probabilities are that when prop er search is madp phosphate will be lound in great quantities in these two pounties. and perhaps the find will ex tend into Wayne and Le,noir counties. Kesncctiuiiy, make room for new ooen, Call at rrriT -vr ct T TJT 17 O utWMt Xlvo Book amLAlualo Store n. Corner Red Croaa and 8tb sis W. L.j Youxj. I My Jobs Suit. AM rKEPABED TO. DO ALL WORK I i . connected with house paintl r g. We have j uat completed some of the best work in the city. My Jobs alwavs give satiafaetioni as I am a practical painter and have had years o expc rience m the buBine. & BRO., aug 4-2t ! 9 iO Princess t. s For Smithville- TEAMER MINNEHAHA LEAVES HEB Gum Camphor,! -mCELLIN'S FOOD, 1U Combs. Brushes. Extracts. oaps, l'ua uoxea, ac., c, nriTTTl U TT IDVinl Tim rrtri m inlT 5 ill Market errcei E. C. Blair, Wharf to-morrow (Sunday) ; morolng, : at t o'clock, for SmlthTllle and Federal Point. aUg 4-1 t I - , : - Fruit Growers Fiiir. r- n t PnfMiann. President of the Frnlf Growers' Association, arrived gae Qf Jeal Estate iOr : triia oftv lnct pvpninir from an extend- . i i! ' edrip throughout the State, which he. JrartltlOnt ! i Y VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF A made in the interest of the association. From him we learn that here will be a yery large crowd in attendance here, and that the display of horticulture will be large and unusually fine and varied. The crowd which will be in attendance TR decree of a sale made in a rertafn s part special proceeding pending before the Clerk of the Superior Court of the County! of New Hammr tate of North Carolina, whereto Nicholas carr anq nf i.i""i"T .3 uiwu small profit was realized. The mem- j gtaia by thdn all the timo. The tag ... rr - .11 t1 n 17 find 8.1V ! .... -v r.iu rnnal a n1 ini mPillRtC- bers 01 me o.eu wo - put into iMonoiv wi w- that they will try n agam ow. Capt. CoTvln7of "the steamer John .T-.n.T ir. 000.000 daring the season ..poa the strip of sand between Capo May and Ixmg Beach. We expect to millions spent at Ocean View and Virginia Reach. Ulyariously estimated at from- four to j SgSSSSilsLSSi spiven thoiand persons. A very lare . .v , dPCTPC. wiu gcll on Monoay, epiem number of our .mountain friends of the Black River section.-and was sent to us as a spccime.i I " :,ronii what the baroue said to can do in the fruit line , up t - did a horse apple and weigbsHonnces. mm an . . -. is uw who have never visited Wilmington will make their first trip here during the exhibition. Gratifying intelligence 1. nroceeded on her vojage landing the comes rrom allparuoi dridely in PhlShia where .hows the deep interest Uten .u pomo uicvjc oj.. j ;tK;n nnr linrrlprs. CaDt. 1 aaUl- Ka if hor and return eu nonie. iue aj . . .. r dr labored harf part of the ro aje son tell us he b in receipt ol leUers of dredge th mo6t encouraging tenor, and thinks ?nJ l!e.C.re.W.,be,0,? did that the exhibition will be much han!f less ingiucucM. - . , i-3Vrnit orowers from New York and Boston wiH exhib it their fruits. We know that ineciu- b?r 3rd. 18 3. it 12 o'clock. M ; at the Court izfri riAftr o'f aaid New Hanover County, for ,.Mh ! the following premises r Commencing Extern line SfW street. ftctfm Nnrtheastern comer of Hanover and Fifth streets?? thence North along! Fifth street Sufeet, thence East parallel with Hanover street 165 feet, thence South 41V feet, thence West 165 feet to begloning. Being part of lot 4 block 2G5 In the plan of said elty . j l-. IS. DABuii au 4-iaw4w-sat S Commlafcioner C. ENERAli COMMISSION MERCHANT. No. 19, North Sccon'f 8trect, j -1 ' 1 !' Wilmlntton, N. C. Solicits conbignmentsof all kind of Country Tnrfnr a ni rrirva and aulck returns guar anieed. Will rcship to other market wheu requeeted. July 23 E. . Bi-Allt ! We Have t SUPPUKD A LONG FELT WANT 1T estibllshlng a first-class Carriage. Harpets and Trunk btore, where all kin Is of goods ln; our line can be bought at prices lower than ever before offered in this market. Ar itepaiilng in all Its brnches attended to I promr X MCDOUOALL BOWDEX. lulv 21 No. 114 North Front $t. Millinery & Fancy GoodsJ Another Large ! Invoice 1 I .. i of Millinery ! They distinguish the married from j the unmarried ladies at Newport by tno cut ot the corsage. "The latter." says a correspondent.- "may be sans sleeves bat you may be sure her neck is cover ed, while those married society belles exercise ingenuity in allowing the drcfii b as decollette as possible.'1 ' . . ' ! w. . .ww 1 . tiP if I . .1 1 . . .nn. Tho steamer isiaici.. wu.- . ' at a loss to know wny me ranjuc posed that the tug had left them as. sue Tfas rdong side vrhee vessel passed. To Builders and others Go to Jaco m's for Saab, Blinds and Doors; Glass &c toucan get all sizes and at te lowest prices. j to-day.'' consigned to Messrs C. S. Ixve! & Co.. having ! come, inroua" Fayctteville. she being the only boat from that place which ..ere this week She wiU leave to-night on the Return trip and hopes to get through. . ; . r : . - r zens will stir themselves and ; see that our visitors will enjoy themselves to their hears content and not regret hav ing visited bur city in quest of pleasure and comforts ; , A Saver Plated Spoons andForksJow prices. at Jaooei.'s .;; , . .t . School Books. EPOS I TORT FOR SCHOOL j iHAJJva adopted hr the 8tate Board ol Edueatloa. liberal dlacount to country mercbanu ami teachers. Schoof Stationery of all kind. ! ORGANS ASD PIANOS sold to Ccbools anl Churches at greatly' redoced p;I, and on easy Instalments.. . f ;, - A J, : C.W. YATES. New Styles, New ! ColoraJ &c. FANCY GOODS DEPARTMEN1 ,: FULL, l-.'-i July 50 ltsnarket stmt U -m KID, SILK ard LLSI.E GLOVEJ. PABASOLS, NECKWEAR, FAKS. . ! ' ' ' i 1 'tH-R and MATERIAL for FANCT . work. : ' r :- r MIIXINERV Second Floor.: . j -' ' FASCT GOODS Flwt Floor. - I Respectfully. , MISS' E. KARRER,