. , , . - . . - - - t j. !' - - : ' - . . . . - . . ( - - - - " - - - - , . s j- ) ; , mis pap txeTr ereBlf. flaadr JOSH T.JAMES, Blahed to tbe Editor. I i v Coauntmktton meat b ; wrtttaa ottetldeot the paper. H 1 Ooe moatli, 85 ecaU. J PerwmaOUM most be aYOfcted. rerttby cArnen rree And It Is espectally a4 partlcaljurly sd rPr .. f the city. t " bore . !oJ tood putt the Editor doea sot anry wdoi .uiVOL. VII. ' ! WILMINGTON; N? a, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 8, 1883. NO. ' 1881 tbe Tlew of convspoBdeata nakM m tutc A 'l r. will report ny u vac eanonu wiumnt, i i s i li31 w. II ' ' ' - . ii . - v f -: ' ii j ix 1 .. : : i : : . PAID: II II II II i 1 1 . M ? V- J I'.i II i II t ' II III II J W II II J V V II J v i m i. m mm- i . - - ' -mm - - m mm - - - a - t - t I . T . - . 1 -y j y. : - . 1 '"--'-I ' ' - 1 ' " . I ' '- : ' ' " : 1 ... !'......' .... I . . . 'nTnnih Kevicw has the Uiiytst & A . rirrulxtinn. of any newspaper " -fnr; AXNEWS, -TtO lAOYlBTlSlMlJiTt. G It AP K CU WT U It E. . liVS Lpt-TothcPcUU: " l w. JiK-riorl.U Water. te ' ?, huv iro,-Sea.l!e Tark Hotel B rir. SMo-Stillon Draught Experiments of Captain S. Nobles. Near thU City. For the past six ytenrs Capt. S. W. Nobles has been experimenting in crape culture, near this city, and has com pletely refuted, j by bis results, the oft repeated and areucd assertions of theo rists that bunch or cluster grapes would nntrinpn in th la locality, and that the soil and climate were totally unfitted! for the cultivation ot exotic fruits. He 1 . demonstrates wttn theorists TT7 ii.r...n ,.r Vnrih lflj?rts and Diamiy (s::.l -v g. South Front st.. 'accomplished results that the -c ' . t... rnmlnflc ihAi either were areuinz ironi Sn IV .Vl lr that he still has it on I Wilfully neglecting to test Sra 0r r v. . in thU climate or that they ; soil is best fitted ;to the cultivation of the tine, and it would appear at a cas ual view of the subject, eyen if wej i -i . r r u rm. I am not nave posiuve pruoi oi wo that the soil and climate of the Cape Fear section were peculiarly adapted to this industry In addition to the efforts of. Captain Ndbles, we find upon inquiry that others in this city have experimented with exotic irrapes with the very best results, and their experience adds new wpii?ht tn thfl Already proven fact that wo have a grape climate and soil. Three years ago a little grand daughter of the late Henry Nntt,Eq., planted Meetiasof the Pharmaceutical J meeting of the American rharmaeeu- i Association. tical Association.made his report which (morning session.) ' was ordered printed. X The annual meeting of the Pharma- i rentirftl AssnRi5LLinn rvnrcnetl in Tiens 1 to close our report At this juncture we were compelled ! NEW AP VEItTIEMENTS. GREAT INDUCEMENTS ken Hall, in this city, thi3 morning. Forty members were present and eight new applicants were added to tbe list of membership.' Those in attendance were fine looking, and form a very attractive and intelligent looking body of men. The meeting was called to order at 10 o'clock by the President, ' Mr. Wm. bimpson. . ; i .:n-j;i t- ? p.- i!ni?a'i of this city will takej m e -rcmlicr ol the I'iiarraaceuucai as 11. i'.or. to the Seaside i'ark Hotel to- Iff .1 mmwrm rrn :7L i ..r them. Minebot Terry vr-'ep-d tbcm a has complimentary ! the seed of a Malaga grape in a flower theory and pot aIU jn due time the tender vine pc culturej forced its way through the earth in ! . - ... 1 were gov- which the seed was pianteo, anu grew jcrned by the bare assertion of persons luxuriantly during tho Summer. Mr. who had never given the matter or grape I xutt, thinking that the vine wouia ijoi culture a lair trial. Capt. Cobles has j tno climate, took no pains wfch it Drovenhimself to be a philanthropist to and let it stay out in the yard during thn r.n no Fear section. anJ xa iruor i" M he .Winter, in tue ouramer, w Col. E. D. Hail. Mayor of the city. deliveretl an address oi welcome to tbe members, tendering them the freedom of the city. Ur. W. II. Green delivered a terse address in behalf of the druggists of Wilmington. The addresses were I responded to by Mr. J. G. M. Cordon, of Tarboro, on behalf of the visitors, in a very happy and effective manner. The following named gentlemen an- bis i swered U the roll call: ol Wilmington encourage others to come here and en- j greatiirprise; he found ; that tho vine gsge in the good work of tiinug the sou was alive and bad noN ueen mjureu in the least. tie men iook,u oui o pot and planted it in his yard and tram- iM,rmacatJeal Association laru.i ....... We tenJVr lhanke Jor aa mvnauon, , ; - m" t , , ; ptorv . ,,f Mr. W. A: French. Mr. Jas. W. Hardin. Ixcal as he I Collins and Mr. Geo. R. French Jr., , '...hom were all made in cAnncc- ' have grown and ripened . the Malaga . .. . a ii. Cazaux reached home j tInn with his farming and consequently, j grape, while tbe latter has also success- . and growing remunerative crops, nas ... ! i .,B!. fr mibliration the ..... . i ...I., .v kn nrnarimpnin HUOl 111 i ilin VlnH Oil Lfc LIL'ills. t n w""' ' -!on r'l7..u.W. K.. - did he wis rewarded for his care of j yj'le; F W Hancock- rrow r, iiio am iuji., w ."-.!-- f t,r..iirh .Mr. ! rttiry. to attend ib. M on w,e " r, f:irm(.ri f, a mBn ! lh0 vioe by 6i,ty well developed bunches phmentar, to tUc orth. .Mm oc "-a . , , hij ,..,,,-, ! of .,. erape3. which wcte of deli ' :.:,..! land book learning in pomology to a dous flavor and equaled ue import II. J - - - - L T . A lll..U He -mall Dortlon cf hi time, fully experimented mm mc -ume I W V j i i IT T .rou. Liverpool for Kew Vork in , riy .peaking, has .been de- j Hamburg P.eu in mc iau ? last summer . a uumuc. v.i w-v shouiderea,' two oi wuicu S It Biggs, Williaraston; W il Bobbitt. Rockingham ; J G M Cordon, Tarboro: II O Furraan.1 Oxlord; W 11 -Wilminfftoii : A L (Crimes, . . WW.. , J. , (ioodrhan;1 Moores-1 :. Newberne Jno B Hanks. Jno H Hardin. Wilmington; W W Hargr&ve. Wilson; E F Hatch, Jno II Hill, Thos B Hill, Goldsboro; J C Hood, Smithfield; Jas I Johnson, Raleigh; Jas W Km'g.W R Kingsbury. Wilmington; G L Kirby,, Goldsboro; A S Iee, Raleigh ;S RW Martin, Win ,inn n?. rr Marlnws. Newbern ; F C The next meeting of the Association will bo on Friday morningr-" ' Great Closing Out Salew ' Goods will be slaughtered within the next CO days in order to make room for one of thelargest and finest Stocks of Fall and Winter clothing and gents furnishing goods eyer brought to Wil mington . A; & L .Surfer, Reliable Clothers, 114 Market bt. . THE MA1JLS. V Themalia close anl arrive at the iCIty Poa Office aa foUowa : CJjQSt: - , , Nortlwra! througH maila, taat...'....h.l P. M. Northern; through nl.wrt.,,V?to? S a x itatelsh..... ....6.15 P. M. and 5.40 A. Mails for the N. C. IlAilroad and route supplied therefrom includ bxz A; A N. O. Railroad at i tn A 6 t K00 P it. and 5.40 A. M Southern. Matti for all pointa South, dailyl.l.. 4 9.00 P.M. Western maUs W. V. Kallway) taiy, - f (except teundAy).......-....--6 J r- .'1.11 wwuiw , -ry g eih .1 6.15 P.M. MaUforCUcrawnnd Darlington Rail- -,'' tocl 8- M Mails! for points between Florence - i and Charleston. o. w . . etteviile aia omcct ot ik: p ver. TuetayB-andrldaya......l.opP. . FayetteTille, via Lomberton, aaiiy, except Sundays .,...r..i3r. m. Onslow C. H. and lntermediaie offl- . oes Tuesdays and Frldaya. a.m. Smlthville mails, by steamboat, dally - fM fexcept Sundavs). A ..b.jm a. m. Mails for Easy "Hill, Town Creek, uL.UMt. oml T.fttlA RivPT. TueS- OUltUVIK T j .i.n.uv A. i. 8.30 A. M. AT 1 1 116 Market Street. A9 WE ARE EXTENDI KG OUR STORE, and tuc wortmcn need the room, we are now offering GREAT BARGAINS .... . . . . 1. .1 I . . . . . .lA.r.imichin Atlrititic. ana wporu mai f -flti lo the new inuusiry I .i.t. M.nwi htm HAV:.riM i. otortoil hi ftXDeriments in which had .SStalorU, arranged and that j cu,liTatinS bunch erapes. baTios pur-1 he weighed and foanJ that each cluster .i.rritinr-nttonseasoH. I o r.. vinea. one of each variety, ; turned the scales at 14 pouaas. Irom nurseries. 'Now ho has over one j Capt. Nobles has not only . exfett- whir-h embrace the ! meuiteil in jrrape culture, buta given nunureu taiiiiH ... v . . Klowers. Mish, Hopkins, days and Fridays.... " I OPEN FOR DELIVKRV. Northern through and jway malls Dress Goods, Embroideries, 7.30 A. M ovnr.hArn Mails.. Carolina Central itaiiroau. cc several steamers b( oHton direct to Liverpool i;tiroiean markets. and other Personal. Isabella. Catawba. Delaware. Concord. I'erkms. Ives, Martha, Salem and bcuppc?nong j some attention to small iruits.. jrour years ago he purchased a wild Goose Flnm, a fruit oi excellent navor, anu ear he in a a, X- r!a who has been aosent Hurope lor the last two months, has re turned, having reached this city last nidit. He was a passenger m the . ruhhi. lrora Biemen Jon IT has now 400 vme3 ew York, and reports that he had a f rowing. and will set out this fall at being set out pleasant passage, besides a good time , t .,,,000. and possibly more. He ihas j this city ha v e. erally since he has been aoscnt. ; in the past two years ciuiea.u. . 1:. r-inno hilt CRnnOt tell I IIO - - Lady. 20 of Rogers' Amn!d' and many others, ithe Malaga, which are very desirable. ! it hV now 400 vine3 in bearing, 12,- ll . .1: .... ' , rfL ..r ..., I!ort ! .u tIao n.l of the new he i nronazateu trom it. J. ne nei. j Mr. r..r. naiiej.u. c - 01 inpo.uTau,,.-. th third vear he had 300. has the Vergennes. rrenu... . , -" - MembcrB, oi ana mis year uo ,vvv .v....- incliMKng grafts which. arofrom4 taa tect mgn. He says that in this climate the grans will absolutely bear the first year alter He let a gentleman ot re one of the trees, and in . . t,A. !f .una crra ftpfl it eigutecn monius an ripened 'nineteen perfect plums. He - O AAi KA.MMVk t VOOr . . ..it. .1 ..,U Wp wore I hai n so oil his Diac5 .sv pewu hcwj W113.L Will UtJ iKsuifc. " " . . . . : 1 1T hfis .tnrtv varieties ... ! ,U, Aor his Vinevam JCSWiuaj in uvair6. - a few days since relative to uie couqu i moK? ru5cious iooklng and propagated them from trees which ho bought. Besides the Dear ins is he Has 30.000 seedlings now ready tor budding and grafting. Ho has alio 1.000 apple trees in bearing and 5.000 seed lings. It is a rule with him, whenever he hears Ol a fruit to purchase a few trees at any price and propagate from them. In order to thoroughly test our. climate and soil he has : experimented with I the pear, apricot, goose berries, and cur- ..17.30 A. M. i. 19. 00A. M. . VJi .Y..": l.nelnOBft Miller, J C Hands. J I) Munds, W U ( 1101. and 5 30 ! K M. and from other point! ot me cuyi ! J rko nTUn frnm A. M. to i'iM.. and from 2 to 5.S0 P. M. Money order and Register i Denartmcnt open same aa stamp ofhee. . Stamps for sale In small quantities at general delivery when stamp office- is closea. - General delivery open rrom 7 A. Mj P.pi. . ; Carriers' delivery open on Sunday from 8r3 to S.30 A. M. ., 1 - - 1 ' " 1 To Builders, and others Go to Jaco bi'8 ibr Sash, Blinds and Doors,, Glass Vnn ran crp.t all sizes and , at the 1 iowest prices n r " IADIKS AND UK White Goods, J ' t Munds. Wilmingtin.; It M McDonald. La Grange; Jno 1C Mcllhenny, Wil mington; M-Nadal. Wilson, J D Nutt, Wilmington;' L .Richardson, Selma ; B T Siiumons, Weldon ;'Wra Simpson. Pwaleigh; T C Smith, Char lotte; JP Stedman. Raleigh; Jno II Steveos, Monroe; V O Thompson, Winston; A T Thorp, Rocky Mount; TnhnTnli. Moreanton: E V Zoeller, J m. 1 o i Tarboro. i I - 4 The folfowiriifuatiied gentlemen were admitted, to mc.tabetship. Mes'srs. J. M. McMinn, Henderson ville ; J W Conoley Wilmington i Wm Anderson, Wilming ton; B S Royster, Williamsboro; H. II. Lyons. Asheville,-H W' McNat, Shoe Heel; Geo Everington, Lanrinbure; GAUSE TJNDERW 8TAPLK AND FAXCV Dry Goods, lc9lc Wearc dtomilncd TO CL03K OUT OO STOCK, and cummence with our K Improve- NEW AID VERTI8EMKJN T nieots; also, AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK FOR Seaside Park Hotel. rpUERK WILL BE A BALL AT THE SEA Trkir wnif T?fTKr..1 Wriffbtsville. -TIII v 17 it. Kit vfi .m-nlimpntirr to the mcmuerH oi x.. , t- . i ....... ...v.iv. : the State ruarmaceuncaa ASbociaiuu,i" FALL AN f WINTER. Call and seeurc BARGAIN'S at J no W iiarnson. mbcou- : , citizens generally are Invited; , &ecre- aussit it. rr.uni, x 1 As an answer to queries propouuded , as yet . t i.iim tn h eotton anown ew y. - - 71 lnwIn and never aw a more luscious I worm, wc uave - .11 frel Sed nnhliah with plea?ure: ,"Sulwau "v " r------ - 11. nathev fairly croancuunueriuc.i kAi 1 1 til 1 .11 w iiil. i fki hint nun ui. iwwmw - - - Jr.. irom ocoifc 't'r." ., vines . ... 1 hxh we publiM. wtin pwu . , . unJer their wefchi E...T0U rTlEW:-In W , i '." "r.wi. fruit. The grapes mm SOtt S 11111. 1 sm.w " ui uwvi"i . - with! n ..n:rnrmiu rii and were a to say to mm inafc uij v were u uuhwuj tbe array worm is to put my pigs f an!8ixht wcll calculated to make one en, bJl" WSSS-w vegetation will !cuUure. laa space ol ol lan . ere of This is a sure preveuti . . ; irround was at tne icasi taituwuwu Wrv restcclfullv. : .u.r 1. if sold at the -oiue. Wallace P.O.. N.C. . . !...... A vin t a rvnr " reSi? . .hSTt N.ble. u7pS i ran and h boon successful withthem. clearly demonstrated tuat our sou auu climate are peculiarly adapted to grape Mr. John D. Birgs. of the Battjniore. big ,Ie fiays .uriuik auu 4j. -w : . Worthimrton Cholera and Ia"h(ea Medicine, that he rcgarus u b'c medieino for all affections of the b'.e rucdicico bowels. . of the fruit ripening uniformly ia in cultivatiouand pruniug. It is not so much trouble to cultivate grapes as it U A Desperate UIow. Two colored men, George Carey aud John Hill, employed at the Kcwkifk place, on WrigbtsvilU Souud. now 00 .tinied bv Mr. James Cowan, had a quarrel yesterday noon when the former . v;t and cut tho latter on tho eide of the bead, the neck, back and forehead; in the last of which the knife h'ri ncnetratea the skull and was broken off. The wounded man who is about 19 years ol age, was brought to this city to Dr. Totter, who succeeded in nimoTingaportior of tho blade about an inch long witho it much difficulty, buttherointstiUr mained. The scalp was removed to th(j ikuU and many in effectual efforts were made to remove the remaining point, and it was only after ideated attempts that it was ex tracted. Tbe wound was then dressed aud the patient taken to the city hospital, and at last accounts was aacomfortabte an could C5 reasonably expected Totter was assisted in the operatifirl by Drs. Norcotn and Schonwald to grow corn.and the crop on cur soil is larmoreremuncrative. Asaiunneruw dencethat this climate anu sou i culiarly adapted to1 grape culture we have but to state that Capt. hobles Cowan, had aharTCSt is now ripe. Ail 01 ms inm. u ripened at least two weeks in auancu of that grown in other portions of the State, and it is a matter of much regret that his crop will ail have been gathered before the meeting ol the Fruit Growers Association in this city 011 tho 22ad inst. lie U ot the opinion that a grapo of sufficient body can be successfully cultivated here to make raisins. When the fact is taken into consideration that grape vines are easily propagated and that they need no protection in this cli mate in the winter,! we see no reason why this locality should hot eventually be a famous grape growing oeiu Nobles has called our attention to the Wil miii Hon is three degrees South of the latitude ot San Francisco And the grace growing belt bl California. Tv,rnrl and the grape, growing belt of the old country including the Is- The. renorts of the President, tary and Treasurer, were read and res ferred to committees. ' DrW H Green',. President of the Board of Pharmacy, -read .'his report which was accepted. Charlotte was selected as the place to hold, the next annual meeting of Ithe Association.'. c . After the appointment of the usual committees the meeting adjourned until ; 2, o'clock. ; ' l: - : :, In an ante room adjoining and .con nected with the Hall in which the Asso ciation holds its meeting. Messrs. W. E. Brown &Bro.oT BaTlmTore have a very fie diapy pf blk icxlracts , and fine toilet 'j articles, plush perfumery boxes, and a very handsome display of satin goods, all of which they make a specialty. Mr. F. D. Green, who is at the head of that department of the house, is displaying and showing the goods, while Mr. Thomas B. Ilill.a traveling salesman of the house, has a very fine and full line of samples on exhibition. Messrs Brunhild & Bros of this, city have about 10.000 cigars on exhibition which were mado in , their establish ment in this city. ' tbe Champion Cigar Factory. The display j is very crcdita hln and. we are Dleaaed to see that! they are not hiding their light under a bush el, but are showing to the visitors what op'r. To the Public. XTOTICK IS HEREBY GIVES THAT Bu iricB. Carriage and Wagonettes can now cross ico ivrces, nu 1 tie iiiiiihuskuvuj. a Tnntoon lirtdare. Lumber was one or other heavily loaded vehicles cannot pa until further notice. ; Still on Draught, rjlHE COOLEST AND BEST BEER IS THE r.iii ami trv it. The most artistic mixed v hi - - - J j i - ' . I. drinks arc a specialty. The best 5 cts. Cigar in thft'ritv. can bo fonudMit the "North 8talC Saloon," So. e, Sooth front street. ang 8-1 1 ; j Ml. TJJ. KATZ 116 Market St. au a L '-1. School BooIcg. kEPOSITOBY I FOR SCHOOL by BOOK the StHte Board, ot Edotatipa. I D adopted Liberal diseoliint to country nierctzanu iu i ' .. j j teachers. Hchool Stationery of all kind. ! ORGANS AND PIANOS sold to School ... and Churches at greatly rednced prices, and on eay instalment. ' C Ys TATES ' cSc h7nt. ccpeU. ZaVnwSc the Uc U Sn.n-hU ,U, wM- faffioc, Smym MVV J . . - .l.tifndn ;.-,. 1.:. ,;...nd has tbe reputation l5ed ,ro In or about ine m . ;Vmlom.and turbulant ofWhinston Chj; "ff"' - I . . , . . 1 latitude of; lrehcnion. Itare Chance to V ton. I. C. A round trip ticket to the Capital for only $7. Specialtrain will leave Wil mington on Monday, August 13th, at 10 A.M. Returning, leavo Washing ton on Thursday, ICth. at 4 ,P.. M Orders for tickets sent to undersigned will receive prompt attention. Send rfiistercd letter or money order. ' td. A. & I, SHRIEK.; Wil- with not fact .... 1.. w. .1 rrvf rwvn ! . - nn.rtli n! 4he arreted. aUhough wo understand that miDSton. But iu t connection a warrant has been issued for his ap-!lhJ$ niatter we mux ideoftho conUoent. wnere iu. U -cr ia'tbo same .autude ihin it U on the Kastcrn coast by two EX TCt.owibo difference usaall, accorded, we have .i!m.tii about sim lar to that ol the cronsbcU.. Ui. the expr 5?e:??,r":M-0r.aU Intelligent hono at no distant day U1A1 LiA4 m 4 f m " to see and know -that the Cape Fear section is a renowned grape growing belt. . ' Well said. . The Atlantic Steam FireEngineCom pany. of Newborn, held a meeting on tho 6th inst., at which they passed a se ries of resolutions unanimously, which j were hizhlv commendatory to our citi zens and especially to our gallant fire men. They arc as follows: First, That the recent visit of this company to the city ot Wilmington, disclosiirg the uubounded hospitality and generous spirit of its citizens, and especially of its gallant Fire Depart ment, has impressed every member of thi3 company, ana Kinuieu u pf"w- ; ika nntornriftp. enerpv ana zeal r n.ir cUtrr citv. which will with ns U.wlma nf thf flltarO. Second, That the officers and mem bers of the Wilmington Steam Fire En gine. No. 1. and ot the Howard Relief rnffinA No. 1. not only won the admiration and gratitude of this; com pany.: by their hospitable and kindly treatment of us. but also called forth our highest emulation by their dexterity ml Rkill as firemen, the admirable equipment and management ot tbetr www. "j .u: ol.-nrtvlfHl?-i rnlki riff" UD lllS TO Oil 3. i pnirines. anu meu .uuu.o My...w.. . c- , mcnt ol our numoie cisuiu . i jieats oiumu mws. '-j - engaged in the same war against a com- j Yorkt iaTe a prctty display of mThfrde That it is our desire to perpetCi hind painting satchel powders. All of fnHiVflin thus begun, to the displays are very creditahle and the ansDicious friend i much the drucrrist for whose cuui;i . m : -' - . augG ; 119 Market itreet Mexican Grass Hammocks. TUST RECEIVED ASOTI1ER NEW LOT. Parties who have been watting for them can Fly Trapo". rriHE BEST AS D market CHEAPEST IN TIIIS now Le enpplied again At llEISSBERGEU'S. FRANKLIN SQUARE LIBRARY, LOWELL'S LIBRARY, and a lot of other new and good Books, Just raceired at 1 HEIKSBERGKK. 2 ans 8 Liro Book and Music Stores. sister city, which, will remain j bein done in this city. . ): s through all the changes and r. Joseph B. Wearer representipj Young, Ladd & Coffin, of New York, has a fine display of Lundborg's per- fames. ! . - j - ! Sharp & Dohme, of Baltimore, have a largo and varied display of pills, fluid extracts, syrups, roots, and herbs. They are represented by Mr. John A. Well ington who is assiduously showing and W Hats HATS ! (BONNETS ! ite - AVD BLACK EXCURSION Tuscan Uato and Bonnets, cheap. i . i - MRS. KATE a WISES, . ! : .nff 6 So. 119 North Second Street. Our GRAIN CRADLES 1 . cannot be surpassed In price or quality. 1 A large and well selected stock of Hard ware at W. E. SPRINGER A CO'S j 8acccasora to John Dawson A Co.. I aug6 Market Street Turnip Seed Turnip Seed, . NEW CROP 1883.. j ' FOR SALE WHOLESALE AS D It CTAIL. i i . - : i . j Country otders invited. . WILLIAM H. GREEN, Drngglt,0' augG 117 Market Street - ii ij i" i u u u 4 r . ' s. t.uTr.i.a.l KotvMn the NeuS6 I . .. .. . snip uius raauiuw. :Vt otonri i inspection iney are iaiu uui. and Cape Fear, and that we will extend j to the gallant firemen of our sister city ArTERSOOX session. ir.i aIswi a -vhenprrr tc may suit their convenience, to the City ot j Elm E. C. Blair, G ENERAL COMMISSIOS MERCH ANT, No. If, North Second Street .1 Wilmington, N. C. 'Solicits consignments of all klndi ot Country Produce. Top prices anu que. reiui nnlppd. Will requested, angb res hip to other markets when E. O. Ill-A IE. . i . TK.t Aeonvofthe3e resoiuuous be TfofwarUed to the Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Company No! . and to thcIord Relief Fire Engine . Com ny No. l.audalr publish ,o our city papers. &'nt , J. W; Moore. , E. B. IlACKBUKN. r 1 . t "T. A.Greek, Com. The meeting was 9:30oclockJ l. i ! - - ' . . . 1 1 The committee on juucaiiou &kcu to be and were continued 1 nntil the next meeting. i--1 jm '-?f- . . The Auditing com m ittee reported that they had examined the books5 of the treasurer. Dr. A. S. .re. and had found them correct and well kept.-' Mr E V Zoeller, delegate to the, last Commercial Hotel : Wilmington, N. C. M. SCIILOSS, Prop. THIRST-CLASS IN EVERY. RESPECT. W.t-laaa Bar UadTlnLLIARD 8A called to order at t rjooN attachxd.' I : Zr- James J. Burnett, Fruit Jars. TT ALP GALLONS, QUARTS, PINTS aid PRESERVE TCMBLERSJ ! Giles & Hiurclilson; anz 6 - North Front St FLORIDA1 WATER, ; ; f , ' IAVE5DKB WATKK, ; . i VIOLET WATER, - , HELIOTROPE WATER. WHITE EOE WATER, I KAZENA WATER. AUo a complete assortment of Colognes and Perfumery lor the Summer season, i tar lrescriptions eotnnouBded: day - and lgbtat r. U. AllLLrUi'S, -- I . German Drngrttt, . aug a-, Cortcr Fourth and. Sun sts. : Solid Comfort THERE IS ROLIO COMFORT IN THE n5 of Keroaene Stoves. A customer, who ' using one, says: With this we are tit-entwh-n left without a serrant.' The r are Gem and great Economist." IMfferent bM a rift hrbM. TrT one. : . I i MM- Pnm WbitAMl. ' '' nc6 PARKER 4 TATlilR pnOTOaRAFHEB,' -VJ f y NEW MARKET BtJILpiNG. -(TJd 8tslrs) South Frcnt tot. l&SZtnZ'ZZtZ tmblic that he is SSdtdo all work tntls line, promptly andat low pjicea. A call 1 solicited. may 19 - - - - - - We Have SUPPLIED A LOSG FELT WANT BY e4tibHhlng a flivl-cla Carriage. Jlamees and iToalt feiore. where all kto-ls at gootsln -oar line can be bought at prices lower than ever before offered in thU market. :. , i mw Repairing ia all iu branches attended promptly. -. McDorjAit a IX)T7DI1N, ? : acg No. IU :'onSiyrost M. V