--. .' ; . , --- .'.a. .. I.-,- ' : . v . .. . . . r - r " s :' "" " this rxrzR . PJLKASS KOTICS. ' . .rrr eveata Sunday j - ' - Weirtll Im cbuK to rceW oommn&ScatlOKt from' our trteads on any tad all aohjecif 'of; general latcreat but ":" . " ' t ' - y '" The name of the writer moat always be ft BlahM to tta Editor. ..' " . .'. j 1 ' ConimunlcaUons mast be written oa oal I Mated - JOSH T.JAMES, gtip cr:rTIoNS rOSTAGE PAID: month. tXOO. Three ! t&' i f;--. . r i " one aide of the paper. -' ' . J ; ; Peraoaalltle must be aT0lded, ; One month, S3 cent. til be delivered by cxrrlera free Andltla ecpeday and particularly und stood that the Editor does not always eodoi r'- 1 srilr .v.. t th lhATA week. ....biai ObtrtL TTAT - TTTT mmrm-m -m m-w-. -r , m ." mTTTTTint i TT A TTnTTnm i lOOO JO. 189 I th6Tlcw0' correapondenJa tmlesa ao state a J;;r,rai report -nyn au. j YVJJU.. Y1JJ. ,YY L JJjlllS IxXCFIH IN. U., lJa.UHDUAI, AtlJU01 IOO. - ... r' j : ,. ... . - ...... , -h. - -.- 'I 1 luv. iiw JL JLULJLJ 11 y 1 W 11 H i 11 JLlbJO V JLJO Y Y . o ' ' -'I tare I" he public baths in Ker York were .. Jj last week by uieo and boys "li t91 women and girlj. tck simulation is dull in England. Yd the Coitcd States, and the lamba :c3 numcfons than formerly. Car Ann. Mass.. lumisbca tminile fort'-? new postodic in Baltimore at a rste than any Maryland quarry Th. net funded debt of the city of Se- Vcrk.on July 31, was $4,725.- C.tO. as compared with $96,1 tl.9sS.58 l: ihe Uginning of the year. The only setlementof the Confeder 3:e loan will be that between the spec Ma:trsand their victima, in whom there is a peculiar combination of the rMb and the ass. .. Ac onling to all accounts, the Presi- , !i'!a: party K,Cifc tuHs " ,",,iVhra9ka. While the yield will rro-ptrfa fine harvest. I be lirst woman to arrive In Carbon r.te. Col., received an ovation, marked by Wa substantial tokens of welcome as a town lot. a mining claim, and the mnroy with which to buy a silk dres. a HcDubHcan orzan informs us that ; Col. John A Martin. Kansas. Dorsey's ucee5or as Secretary of the Itepubli can National Committee, announces himself as a candidate for Vice Presi- f J.vm Mb. Chambenajnc. he Americ.n teauty whom all England is crazy over, lias refused five lords and seven dukes forjthe hand of the man who took the first prize injthe lawn tennis tourna ment. The shipyards of England have done such an extraordinary business daring recent years that a decline of shipbuild ing cannot be far distant, whatever effect It may have upon the prosperity of the nation. It i reported that the once 4itMni!in. the Rev. and Hon. pivotal Gilbert delaMatyr, of Indiana, has retired iifr and his Stale and will r,rarhin Denver. He will not find: miny greenbackers in Colorado T A..An-n L1vvs1 i oaa r ranctsco epctt uuu w to build a house on Nob Hill, next year, that will cost 5.000,000. and surpass Vanderbilfs In interior decoration It is thought that the pictures that Mr. Mackcy is buying in Europe are intend ed for its walls. The Democratic majority at the State election in Kentucky, held on the 6th insu is about 50.000. The returns arc not all In, but from those which kave been received there is no doubt that Proctor Knott is elected Governor and the entire Democratic Stale ticket by the majority indicated. Sullivan and Slade, the Australian imported to this country by Jem Mace, for the purpose of meeting the Boston boy, had a soft gloyc fight in New York on the 6th inst., in which Slade was "knocked out in threo rounds. Sulli van did not receive a scratch, while the Australian was terribly used up. There is not much doubt that Sullivan has no ejoal in the world as a pugilist. The following prelate have been sum monedto Rome: Archbishops Corri gan. of New York; Gibbons, of Balti more; Williams, of Boston; Foehan, of Chicago ; Elder, of Cincinnati JHeiss. of Milwaukee ; Pcrchc, of New Orleans ; Seghert. oi Oregon City; Kendrick.of St. Louis; Aleman, of San Francisco, and Lamy. of Santa Fe. Of these Archbishops Perche. of Now Orleans, and Kendrick, of St. Louis, will be represented by their coadjutors. Bishops Ierray and Ryan. Egyptian cotton is imported annually in this country to the amount of 8,660 bales in 16S2 and an average of 8,000 bales in the last three years reported; Egyptian being used here, as abroad, in the manufacture of laces and other fine warts, approaching sea island cotton in iusup'.e. As most of this cotton is srownia the cholera region, picked from September on and shipped late in the year, the precautions which should .M .-m;n krnrA very long to be necessary. m To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Ghw Ac You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. n LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO HIW U0YERT13EMEITS. Tates Reboot Books W II Ghee Turnip Seed V C M I llex Florida Water, Ac lIzi5SBKsusBMexlcan Grasa Hammocks IIokacs A Ba.go, Cbm'n Taxpajern Ukc Notice I Silver Plated Spoons andForks.low prices, at jA.com .'a ' ! The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot upSi bales. j Watermelons aro nowj plentilul and can be bought at reasonable prices. Capts. John W. and f. T.- Harper have purchased the steam tug Blanche. . i j Vennor's predictions trr this month, thus far, have proved very nearly recc ! cor- i ; i j A man's mouth may be ever so small and yet be large enough to contain two or three achers. 1 The days are growing decidedly shorter and the last three or four nights have been quite cool. ! Steamboatmen report that there is 1 thatloaaeu Doats cau go no ianneriuan Cypress. ! The N. C- Phariuceutical Association will resume,' and probably complete the businesss" winch called them to- gether to-morrow TIip Rnard of Pharmacy met this morning at the Purcell j House for the examination of candidates. Several I I C U appucams were ut-ioru u. Ia speaking of Messrs. Munds Bros., . .i;anu ?n vAEtPriUv's ssue the tvpcs mens.a, Ua.u. pam mg sa cno wneu we uuuuuvu j w. salcfict. ThoN. C. Pharmaceutical Associa tion wont down the river on the rass port to-day. as the guests of the drug-1 gists of this city, and tok' dinner at me . Hotel Brunswick. To-morrow the 10th inst., is the day j for the "Farmer's dinner," at Clinton, Sampson county, j These dinners are held annually and are looked forward . I to as important occasions. xff fsimnpi Hlossom senus us two - big red apples as a specimen of what New Hanover county can do in the way of fruit growing. I hey are re. ! markably fine and fair. "M We learn that a colored boy had the misfortune yesterday to get one of his arms broken while engaged in a friend ly wrestle with one of his 'companions, but have been unable to learn the par ticulars. The Pharmaceutical Association will meet to-night and complete their labors for the'sessiou. The eight session wil1 bo held tor the reason that jquite a num ber of the members are compelled to return to their homes to-morrow. Wc hear of a number of circuses that are headed in tbja direction, but have no intelligence that any1 are coming to this city. Probably they will come rAM. ;ntr seta in. of which fact wo shall all be informed posters. i by the flaming The tax payers ot ! the county would do well to remember the meeting of the Commissioners, which is totake place on Monday, tho 13tb inst. The purpose cf the meeting is explained in an advertisc- Ky rtind in knottier column of UiCUb vvr uv - , this issue, John Hill, the colored man who was severely stabbed on Wrightsv(llc Sound Tuesday, and who was brought to this I city and sent to thelCity itospiiai. is doing as nicely as could be expected. The wounds arc dangerous, but not necessarily fatal, though the physicians cannot tell just now what will be the result. j She wandered with abstracted air Peeping here and looking there. Wo wondered what perplexed her mind And asked her what she sought to find ; qu .murr matie. wuho -w J uu Dozirone it, where s my chewin gum No Services. We have been informed that the Rev. Mr. Saunders, who was expected to preaeh at the First Baptist Church nex Sunday, will not be able to amveunul Wme time during next week. Consc quenUytherewillbeno kt- hnren next auuuj. fill the pal pit, however, , 19th inst. ? The celebrated f -Fish Brand Gills XUg i-l- Jacobi's Hard Twine is eoiu - - Waro Depot Commendable. A number of colored men of thiseity, having in view the establishment of a library and reading room, have organ ized the 'Banraeker Library Associa tion." It is formed in the interest of education and morally, and we wish it every success. They will hold a meet ing to-night at Evans Hall,- on Prin. cess, between Front and Second atreeta, where they will happy to see any who may feel friendly to the cause. Fire. An incipient fire was discovered this morning about 10 in the office occupied by Messrs Birdsev & Rankin and Mr. Jno. E. Crow, on North Water street and was extinguished without much trouble with a few buckets ot water. In a corner of the office was a quantity of scrap cotton and it is thought that a cigar 8 Lump had been carelessly thrown in the pile and ignited it. There was no general alarm, but the fire depart ment turned out promptly m response to the telephonic signal sent to tne en gine houses. Foreign Steamships. FromCaptA.P. Cazaur we-learn that arrangements have been perfected to suddIv all demands for tonnage lor e a all foreign shipments of cotton and naval stores during the'eoming season. He has succeeded j in getting several large steamships, which will come to this port as occasion requires and load cotton for foreign ports. They will come under charter and will be subject to the same'eharter party as sailing vessels iTho steamshiDS will have a holding j capacity of from 4,500 to 5 ,000 compress- "aa r a a 1 ...Til ! M ;M a eu oaies oi cotton auu win m a meas ure take the nlace of sailing vessels. Mr. C. P. Mebane will be the consig uee of the steamships, and much credit ! is due him in the establishment o 'steam communication between Wil mington and the ixrt3 or the old coun try. Joint Meeting, A nieetinir of the New Hanover Board of Health was held last nigh tn nonfer with a committee from the Board ot Aldermen,consistinc; o rvnr Hall and Alderman Bear, m mfprpnr to the Introduction or im portation of secoud hand clothing. j Mayor Hall, as Chairman ex officio, presided. Alter a free exchange of views, and looking at the matter from a i sanitary standpoint, it was decided that the committee should report to the Board of Aldermen that the Board of Health deem the importation ot second hand clothing hazardous to the health of the city, and asked, for au ordinance proscribing it from our midst. It was further recommended that a systematic and energetic policing of private pre mises bo engaged in and housekeepers are requested to lend their efforts 1 to wards putting the city in a perfectly clean condition. The becreiary was instructed to furnish in the future tho daily papers with a copy of the procced- ngs of this meeting. j A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. The Baltimore and Wilming ton S. S. Co. A line of steamers between Baltimore and Wilmington, is now a fixed fact. Tho Steamship Raleigh, -will sail from Baltimore sometime between the 1st and 10th of September and will be followed by ; another steamer. The Company have not as yet decided which of three steamships they wM put on the line with the I Iialcigh. Capt. A. D. Cazaux will be tho agent of the line in this city. It now devolves upou uui merchants to patronize the line if Jtbey desire water communciation with Balti more. If tho lino is not patronized and the company are discouraged in their efiorts, it is not at all probable that an other attempt will be made in a number of years to establish a line of steamers between the two ports. The Baltimore &ri,of the 6th inst. publishes an article purported to have -been clipped from the Star of this city, to the effect that Gen. Littlefield of North Carolina is to put on a line of steamers between tlx Iwn cities. w That is altogether a mistake; our neighbor did not publish! the article credited J to it, neither has Gen. Littlefield anything to do with the enterprise. Mr. E. Littlefield. ot Balti more, a gentleman with large shipping interests.is one of the company .that has established the line. Southern Railroads. Hon. James Edwin Moore, attorney for Albermarle and Raleigh, V - C. U. B.. says : "I hare used Dr. Worthing ton's Cholera and Diarhoea Medicine, and most heartily commend jt as a yery valuable remedy." 25 cents. j Week, of Prayer. From the twelfth to the nineteenth of August 1883 it will be observed by the Methodist E. Church, South, as a week of prayer by appointment of its bishops; 1 . ! Criminal Court. The attention of this tribunal was devoted to the disposition of the follow ing cases: j Stato vs. Sarah Mayer. Selling liquor on Sunday. Defendant submitted. Judgment $20 and costs. ' ; State vs. J3enry Green. Assault and battery. Guilty. " Judgment 1 penny and costs. Stole. wb. Henry Morton. Larceny. Motion to quash. Motion overruled. Appeal by defendant in forma pauperis. Appeal granted. State vs. Hintz Evans. Larceny. On trial. Johnny O'Brien." Tt i now definite!? known that "John O'Brien" has skipped the town and left his bondsman in the lurch O'Brien was detected some three or four weeks ago in trying to effect an entrance into the esiiblishment of Messrs. Aaron & Rheinstein through a back window, but as he had heretofore borne a good character and he asserted at the time that he was intoxicated and did not know what he was doing, he was given the benefit of the doubt and released. He was apprehended inside; of Mr. Jno.C. Heyer'4 store a few nights ago and tried to make ffood his escape, but failed and was captured. He waived an examination before the City Court and gave bond for $400 for his appear, ance at the present term of the Criminal Court, i When he was called he failed to answer and judgment nisi was entered on the docket. It is now ihought that "Johnny" knew exactly What, he was An'mrr nhn raii?ht in the rear of ""'"ft " Messrs. Aaron & Rheinstein's and that Ije played the intoxicated artistic manner. dodge in an We have just ascertained some facts in connection with the lestive "Johnny wrfc'iMi Wda to : the belief that he is professional, and has been carrying on his larceny schemes for the past two years. For two or three years he was a po liceman and stood well with the author ties until a short time ago when! he was discharged for being asleep on his beat. As a policeman, he was on duty last Winter on Messrs. Hall & Pear svll's block, when their establishment was robbed, and again he was on the Dawson block when Messrs. Aaron I & Rheinstein were victimized, and it looks now as if "Johnny" might have had a finger in each one of the pies. j Act at Once. The time is drawing very near for the opening of the Boston Exposition, at which North Carolina will have the most complete exhibit of any of tho States in the Union. This exhibit is made so as to draw, capital and labor to our Siate, which every one admits ;a nAMi vorv much. The State au thnritiAs. that is. the Department Ot Agriculture, ii doing its fu only backed up by the aid ldu?y, and if of the peo much good pie tarougnout me ow .tr;n hn nprnmnlished: much capital will come to the State; many.manufac- torieswillbe established, anu mines ot iron, gold, &c. opened out. This can bo. and will be if the citizens, the farmers, and the land owners in our State will only furnish information so we may furnish to those who are attracted by our State's display. To get tho Northern men to settle or invest in North Carolina, we must be able to tell them where they can buy lairds for farming purposes, where tney can buy water powers, mineral and wooded land, unless those who "have such for sale will furnish such inform ation themselves. Unless theyj will prace their lands into market, giving it into the hands of some reliable land agency in the Stato we cannot expect much gvjd to result from the efforts made by our displays '; - I urge and insist that every, person who desires to sell any real property furnish me with a description, price and terms of same, and I will assist them to place their lands upon the Northern and New England markets. I ask every man who desires to see v.k n.rniini rtrncn(i to aid me in this work. Very Truly, jno. t. a ATKnjii, State Immigration Agent, Wadesboro. N. O. Rare Chance to Visit Washlng j ton, L. C. A round trip ticket to the Capital for only $7. Special train will leave Wil mington on Monday. August 13th, at 10 A.M. Returning, leave Washing ton on Thursday, 16th, at; 4 P. M Orders for tickets sent to undersigned will receive prompt attention. Send registered letter or money order. td. A. & I. SHRIEK Dr. Benson's Skin Cure is without a peer. It consists of both external and internal treatment and costs only- 5 1, per package. At druggists. .? Kitchen Marketr i The following retail prices rule in this market to-day, August 6: Beef 815c per pound ; veal 16c per pound ; lamb 12 15c per pound ; mut ton 12l5c per pound; chickens 12i 30c, each; ! grown fowls, 35&50c; eggs, 161 cents per doz ; butter, country 25 30c.; Northern, 25035c; lard, 134815c; Baltimore hams, 16 18c; breakfast strips, 15 16; N. Ct hams. 15165c; shoulders. 11 l2c; sides,li12ic; fish. irout, pigfish,! &c., 20a25c, clams, per quart, 19fc; per bushel, 75c ; cabbage,' 10 15c per head ; cucumbers, 5&10c doz; sweet potatoes, 50 cents pert peck; Irish doi new, 30c per peck; onions 50 cents per peck, 5c per bunch a beets, Art Yr bnneh: whortleberries. 5 10c i : n per quart; green apples, 25c per peck ; squash, 20 cents per doz ; tomatoes, 20c per peck ; okra, 35c per doz1 ; green corn, 12iJ5c per doz ; peaches. 20c I 25 cents per dozen; cantaloupes, ! 3 .,r- . a KOfiAftfn Hmirli a ri rvJ 10 15c per quart, butter beans, 15c per quart; field peas, 5e per quart; snap beans, 30c per peck ; northern cabbage, 1020e. I Citizens Meeting BUROAW. AUffUSt t, I Wiiekkas.- We the peoplejn consid eration of our best interests ana tue future prosperity ot the town ot rmr eaw, and without intending to reflect .. .. i - upon the integrity, uaeuty or compe tency of our Board of County Commis sioners, do hereby Resolve, That in obedience to tne popular will, we do hereby respectfully rpaueat the Board of Magistrates and rinnntv t Commissioners! to construct the Court House now about to be erect ed at Burgaw. so as to front Fremont inefAAH nf Wr hrht! street, as now m- tended. t Resolved. That we respectfully re quest the Board bf Magistrates and County Commissioners to make sale of all land bought by the county, of J. H. Teinken and wife nnd J. H. iMash bnrn and wife, and restore the proceeds thereof to the special tax fund. J Resolved. That these resolutions be Lsent to the Wilmington papers, witti a request that they be publishea. S. S. Satchweli., Chairman. G. E. Shepakd, bee. OIEO. BOYETT In Columbus couuty, N. C, on Julv 27th, J8S3. Mrs. ELIZABETH -TANE BOYETT, relidt of Bryant Boyett, Esq., agel 6S years and 4 month. ' t She had been a consistent member, of the Baptist Church for forty yeara. ; JJleeacd arc the dead who die In the Lord. j FliIENI. . Tra-nscript Messenger copy. I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Taxpayers Take Notice, O1 N MONDAY, AUGUST 13tb, the comtuit sioners lor New Hanover "County will r:ont at the Court Honse in Wilmington, for the iur pose of revising the Tax Lint and equalizing assessment. All peraonB aggrieved by the ac tion of the AeseBSors, and all property owners having complaints to make, are hereby noti fied to be present on that day and make known their cafo of dissatisfaction. HORACE A. BAW. au"9-it . Chairman. Mexican Grass Hammocks. JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER NEW LOT. i Parties who have been waiting for them can now Lc auppJied again I At UEINSBERGEK'S. -pRANKUN SQUARE LIBRARY, SEASIDE LIBRARY, i : LOWELL'S LIBRARY, and a lot of other new and good Booka, Just received at HEINSBERGKR'd, aug S JJvc Book and MuIc Stores. HATS! BONNETS t TrrnrTE and black excursion Hits. Tuscan Hata ana uonneis, cneap. MRS. KATE C. WINE., aug 6 No. 113 North Second fctrect. E. C. Blair, p EXERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, I No. 10, North Second Street, Wllmlneton, N. C. J fcollcita ronaignmentaof all kinds of Country Produce. Top prices ana quics reinms gur an teed. . Will requested, aug 6 reshlp to other markets when E. O. BLAIR. Commercial Hotel Wilmington, jN. C. M. SCHLOSS, Prop. PIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. MOT, nrsfrclaaa Bar and BILIJARD LOON ATTACHED. w Sa James J. Burnett, pHOTOCBApilEB, T ; - - 1 ". NEW MARKET BUILDING. v -J'v i (Tip SUlr) SouthXront St. Photgrapli..i........-----HDn rerrotWe ...i J....i. 1 for SO cent PMtfniivMtiflM the vobtie that ho la nmtared to do all work ra hla Use. prompt I j .it taw mtaea. A call U oacUCO. . maj 19 - . . - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.! GREAT INDUCEMENTS AT SUE- KATZ 116 Market Street. A3 WE ARE EXTENDING OUR fcTOBK, and the workmen need the ioom, we are now offering GREAT BARGAINS i IN f 8S , ' I L W Dress Goods, Embroideries, -i - I White Goo t .n;; LADIES AND G'pTrS' n. a TJSE TJN DERW E AK. il U OJj U li AJLiDt If U&Hi STAPLE AND FANCY Dry Goods, die Wcare .letermined TO CLOSEi OUT Qt'K STOCK, and commence i with our Improve me o(g; also, AX ENTIRE NEW STOCK FOE FALL AND WINTER. Call and seenre BARGAIN'S at? HI. Tvl. KATZ', 116 TJIarket St. ang 6 'I School BtokG TEPOSITOBY FOR SCHOOL BOOKS U adopted by ihe State . r Boanl of EdacaUoa.- Liberal discount to country merchant nti ids. and 'I teachers. School Stationery bf all ktnr ORGANS AND PIANOS fcold to School i' - r i m ) ' . and Churches at greatly reduced pricW, acd on easy Instalments. . I C. W. YATES, aug o llll Market atreet Fly Trapq. rpiIE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN Tni8 market. Our .!..., GBAIN CUADLES i i , cannot be surpaaaed In price or quality. I ware at W. E. SPRINGER A CO 8., I- a largo ana weu eeieciea biock oi itani Sacoeaaora ' to John Ja waon A Co., I aug I Market Btreel Turnip Seed Turnip,Seed. I NEW CROP 1883. Ij . T?OR SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. JO Country ordera Invited. WILLIAM H. GREEN, Drngglat, . r 1 1 aug 6 117 Market Street Fruit Jars. ani TTALr GALLONS, QUARTS. PINTS PKfc5ERVE TUMBLERS. L Giles & Murchlson. I aug - i, North Front ,6t FLORIDA WATER, I LAVENDER WATER, , , ! nnr i.t vrrin f HKLIOTROPB WATER. c WHITE ROSE WATER. ' ' I RAZENA WATER. AIao a complete aaaortment of Cologne and Perfamry for the Bammer aeaaon. m PreacnptKma coranotrnded day aaa night at r. U. JiILLKK'3, j German DrngrUt. Correr Fourth and N as u. aug Solid Comfort: WERE IS SOLID COMFORT IS THEuM va m nj wv4p x& ur-wa ualng one. Mrs: 1 "With ihla We am lndpenM t MTrf4BM ftAW a nmtsmttw whit' ent when left without a acrTant. Thr am Ciem and great KconomUU.' IHfferent alzea and v rice. .Try one. fV Pure White Oil. ang 6 PARKER TAYIiOR. We Have SUPPLIED A LONG FELT WANT! BY estAhlisbing Cxat-chus Carrlar. llanu- and Truak Store, where all klnia of gootU 1 our line cb be koagbt at pricea lower MOT loIrin!r In all It brane!-- cnaca promptly. McDOlAUL. A EOWDEN. No.114 North Vrtmt f ang 6

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