THIS PAPIER rrrr eTealBX. Sundays cepieA by JOSH T. JAMES, , 51 woo. Six tenths. tXOO. Tkree O e oo: On month. S3 cents. ? .i.Jtf ... M-r . .n flL rf,!n - re their paper regnlarly. ant j- 77 Any tenets toi itf e taryed , f.-U rirewlation. of any newspaper ""eVS " tniXIioa acres of Government ,jQDtkota have been disposed of !jf rivaic persons within a year. Capia:n James B. Eads has received tr0r- the gorerouicnt $1,800,000 for hia work at the month of the Mississippi. - JuLa Wannatnakcr. the Philadelphia & y s di kin?, paM lwo hundred thou JJoIIarsfor aOvcrtisins last year y:A ::;adc a inilllioo. Te;Lnton Theological Seminary, Xe York, now has property worth 1 1 -30.000. which is an increase of ri-irly oue million of dollars within ten yv- 'I I..! leather trade sccras likely to be :non-:ishIy slftexl by tho shock of the rtvy failures, and the shaking will rinse most of the insolvent firms to .:rrr out. - 1: Omard Company is building .'.earners of fc.000 Ions burden and H.HhorsHi-power. to cost IKW.OOO, ..::. a speed to enable them to cross . . 't. A'.at.tic m bix uay. ( claimed that the first street let- :rr.bor ever used in tuU country rir r- UP in Boston in 1S9. tbe first . f lection being made on the 2d of Au- : of that year at noon. . . , . l i e Cherokees have had a close elcc- if the count leaves a doubt as h li t are elected, thf number ol scalps J 'itketribc may bo considerably re-1 .1 u before the dispute is ended. I u:.'tvan. the bruiser, stands more! :Lau an even chance ot being effectually j "K necked out." He has opened a, $20. i j gin mill in Boston, and that will bo j ..--. r&rlnin I f tff I ht YiCttPT f llim. J ! The breach of court etcquette whicli jrmittcda fair American belle who; Uaa not oecn preseuicu io preuui aw tho last state ball has stirred a tnuiult in Iondons high circles. The Queen is Judze William S. Holmau, Congress-1 man from one of the Indiana districts. la served nearly twenty years in tie House. He is prominently namcu as a leraocratic dency. candidate for the Presi There is an Oxlord graduate in the; hM, ntN-ewburvnort. Mass.. and he gives what iscalled !4a very eloquent 1 inn. rn -r.nlt ah notr-. ! .iuu biuikat ikrtiiv ' o"- 1 - j makinir iudlcious selections and show-i in? wonderful knowledge." j Charles H. Bryan, a Novada lawyer, j ;.i Wvt mtitn iwoh oftwo or three I hours' length, in a mining case. He was paid a fee of $100,000. He went Kst, bought a race horse and became a iaupcr all in a few months. It has becu stated that Mrs. I-angtry was enthusiastically received by tho rrince ol Wales, but wo arc not inform ed as to thc reception she reccircd by Mr. Itanglrj . who would be apposed to have some interest in the mailer. A thief was arrested in Ixiuisvllle on the day before the opening ol the expo sition. He offered $1,000 for a parolo until after the how, as he had confi dently expected to pick a largo number f rich pockets and disliked to bavo his plans frustrated. - " Wo learn from one ol our subscribers that Mrs. Mary Bordeaux died at .her residence in Caintuck township, Pen der county, July 17th, at the advanced J age of 60 years, 4. months and 13 days. She was bom in Colanabus county on the 4th of March, ISO. - Miss Fuller is a school teacher in llrand Marals, Northern Michigan. She is also an admirable shot with thc rifle, and, atter school hours, goes hunt ing in the neighboring woods. The family with whom she boards are kept Ln nnrlifd with game, large and small. She is the admiration of the country, and all tho young men are in love with her. a lndon weekly tells us that thc secretary of Mrs. Woodhull. "candidate t..r the Presidency of the United States lor ISSI," has circulated a printed call "from Tree England, supported by Eng lish capitalists. She is4,ready with all her wonted devotion to her country and la the cause of humanity to take this -ork upon herself, and gives unreserv 11y all her strength, enthusiasm, and all the wealth she has accumulated in England to the result of this election." Grape growing in California pty about as well as any form of agricul tural industry, even without discounting 1 JoLlft VOL. VII: the extravagant stories told about the profits of orange culture. ;Tbe Napa Itcyiitcr tells of a Vine grower in Green Valley who has a vineyard comprising only twenty-one acres, but these yieldod enough to enable him to ship 100 tons of grapes to a wine cellar in Napa City and 9.000 boxes ol 35 pounds each to San Francisco, acd still keep on hand tcu tons lor his own use. The grapes thus shipped by him sold for $30 per ,ton in Napa City and at twoj cents per pound in San Francisco, giving him $5,100. The entire cost for growing and selling the fruit was $30, leaving him a net profit of over $1,000 or moro than $200 an acre. -Wheat growing, even with the most successful crops, could not have paid over $S0 an acre. Thelland that yielded so bountifully could have originally been bought out right for much less than the profits of a single year. J - The following are the totals for the population of the great cities of Kurope : London 3.622,410? inhabitants; Paris 2.225,910; Berlin. 1,222,500; Vienna. 1, 103, 1 10 ; St, Petersburg. 870.570 ; Mos cow, Gil, 970 .Constantinople., f.00,000; Glasgow. 555.9 10 ;l Liverpool, 552.130; Naples, 493,110; Hamburg. 410,120; Birmingham. -100,700; Lyons. 372.890; Madrid. 367.260; Buda-Pesth., 360.5S0; Marseilles. 357 520; Manchester, 341, 510; Warsaw, 339.310; Milan. 321.840; Amsterdam, 317.010; Dublin. 311,000; Leeds. 309,130; Home. 300.470; Shef field. 281,410; BrcslAU. 272,910; Turin. 25830. , ! i LOCAL NEWS. "inDlX TO HEW lAQYERTISIMlilTS. Yates School Books ( . j W JI Gatx Turnip SM j I" C Millkr Florida Water, Ac Moonlight Excursion Federal Point Ameriran fusion of Honor Local al IIfjssberoer Meilcao Grass llamtiiockn Silver Plated Spoons and Forks.low- prices, at Jaoobis I t No casC3 Mm the CUyCourt this jyQrjjjn The receipts ol cotton at this port to- day foot up 4 bates. their Most of the druggists left for homes this morning It is stated that Sells Brothers' Circus m i:.i, n thQAth inf. in b : RnWh on the 26th inst. ,r-.t r ;i! Wt tr 1 ..r t . Miss Aiauuc isrent. 01 urcensooro. is itea Manila itronr ni hrprnnnm. on a visit to her aunt. Mrs. Thos. U . Browb. of this city. Messrs. Brown & Roddick's new i esirn TCrtrlh Vrnnt Rrprf. is ranidlv approaching completion. A tine assortment of Guns and Pistols at .Iacori's Hardware Depot. ! The prospects fre that the excursion to Washinglou City, which leaves here next Monday, will be a success. The revenue cutter Colfax arrived up from below to-day and made fast to her n harf opposite the Custom House. This morning I was thc coldest we h ave had since the recent hot spell, al though it has been quite warm during tho day. - ; j ; . A moonlight excursion on the Fasss port, on the 14th inst under tho inan agement of Capt. Jno. W. Harper and Mr. Geo. N. Harriss is the next diver sion." I I TrKmnm.nm W in botlinxr suds once a week they will become very tough, will not cut a carpet, will last mtinh Inno-pr and a.lwavs swecn like a 1 Ml ' - new broom. Mr.Geo.II. Kelloy jwho has been on a 1 - T - ' " " 1 visit to his son, '.Mr. Geo. C. Kelloy. at Birmingham, Ala. returned this morn ing looking much improved by his trip. ' n A volunteer watermelon vino in this city has three immense melons on it. It is thought that the j aggregated weight of the three roelonswi:i turnhe scales at 150 pounds. : 1 Capt. n.'S. Beldeo. who has been on a recuperating tour te the mountains for the past month, returned to his post this morning. We are pleased to see him looking so well. 1 There has been 'quite a boom in spirits turpentine within the last 10 days, and there are some. wh think that tho price will reach as high as 40 cents fcr gallon before many days, i Steamboatmen report that there is no improvement in the Cnpe Fear, but. on the contrary, that the water Is failing. If this continues they will be compelled to lay np until there is a rise. The celebrated -Fish Brand Gills Twine is sold only at Jacobi8 Hard ware Depot. lareuuo , wuuu,, .w. Vesteruay thc members of the Phar - Honor, will meet to-niehL at 80 clock. j W ILMINGTON. N. C, FRIDAY. AUGUST 10, A well-known florist says that flowers will ikeep better wrapped in - a wet newspapers than in any other way. This is another argument in favor of subscribing. , ' Some one in speaking of female suf frage, has said that it would be an unwomanly feat for woman to go to the polls and vote. . We agree with the sentiment and believo that only unwo manly feet will travel that road ' for some lime to come. A Good Work. We have received, the North Carolina Teacher for Angust. It is a valuable work for both student and teacher, and we hope for it that abundant success which its merits deserve. The articles are all of great importance and the typography and press work are ex cellent. It is published monthly at a subscription price of $1 per annum, by Alfred Williams & Co., Raleigh, N. C. Personal. Mr. Edward D. Johnston, an old Wilmington toy, is on a visit to his re latives in this city. He is now a bird of passage being employed in the civil service under the U. S. Engineers on the river and harbor' improvements throughout the country. For tho past two years he has been Superintending the improvements of the rivers of Florida, and is now en route for New York city, where he is assigned to work on. the harbor improvements in that port. T ramped From the Train, Last night just iaer the passenger train left Charlotte a young white man i was caught stealing a ride on j tbe rear ! platform of the sleeper. The conduc- tor told him he would have to ijet off and stepped inside the door to pull the bell cord. The fellow evidently think ing that the conductor was going, for help to arrest him plunged off the train, which was going at the rate of about 20 miles an hour. ; The train was stopped and a search instituted tor the fpllnw. who still thinking he would be arrested took to the woods. It is not known whether he was seriously hurt. but the supposition is that he got off I light. His actions to sny the least were ! foolhardy and suspicious. j state Pharmaceutical Associa- ! rlnn. tion. .w.iit i,lv maceutical Association spem. J a .;. and nn v m c msm. UUWU.b4iw llTVt, tv wutj -n The meeting was called to order at 8.30, o'clock. The committee on Ex hibits made their report and recom mended the. use of the articles exhibit ed. The President appointed as delegates to the Convention to the American Pharmaceutical Association, which will conveneiu Washington City on the 11th of September, the following nameu gentlemen, Messrs Wm Simpson, E V Zoeller, E H Meadows, A P Thorp and H S Furman. On motion ot Mr E M Kadal a vote of thanks was tendered the druggists oi this city for courtesies sho wn. Mr J G M Cordon read a paper in answer to query: To what extent if any arc Pharmacists justified in manu facturing or indorsing proprietary prep arations, the" composition of which are kept secret. Referred to the Executive Committee to publish. An election of officers was held, with the following result: President W II Greeu, ;WiImington. 1st Vice President J II Hill, Golds boro. 2nd Vice President V G Thompson, Winston. 3rd Vice President T C Smith, Charlotte. Secretary J C Mnnds, Wilmington. Local Secretary L R Wriston, Char lotte. Treasurer A S Lee, Raleigh. Executive Committee E F Hatch. Chairman, Goldsboro; W W Har grave. Wilson; E Vl Zoeller, Tarboro ; S R W Martin, Winston; F W Han cock, Newbern ; Jno Tull, Morganton. The President then made the follow ing appointments : Committee on Business J JI Hill, L R Wriston, A P Thorp. Committee on Paper and Queries E V Zoeller. John Tull, J G M Cordon. Committee . . on " Education W H Green. Chairman ex officio, V O Thomp son, J II nill. J R Williams. E M Kadal. , . . Upon motion of Mr Wm Simpson, a vote of thanks was tendered tho press nr thn. ntv for courtesies, also to Gcr- mania Lodce K of P for the use of their mama wup, iv 01 hall. Tbe meeting adjourned to meet on the second Monday in August next in Charlotte. Prof. Washington CatletUof this city, furnishes an interesting and instructive article to the August number of the Xorth Carolina Teacher, on "The Exr planation of mathematical problemes" to pupils. Mr. Jas. C. Smith who left this city two years ago to make his home in tbe up country, is in the city on a visit. We learn that it bis intention to remove his family to Wilmington in tbe falL An other evidence of the magnetic proper ties of the Rock Spring water. To-day; is tho 126th anniversary of what is known in history as the Mas sacre of Fen" William Henry, which occurred on the 10th of August, 1757, during the old French and Indian War, and what is made the ground work of James Fen ni more Cooper's celebrated novel of "The last of the Mohicans." Yes, young man, wtf think it is per fectly proper for you to treat your lady love to an iced cream occasionally She furnished the fire and lights and kept you out of bad company during the long.evenings of last Winter, and you ought to be willing to return the kindness. For cleaning mirrors, dust-cloths, floor-cloths and dish-cloths are good things, and so is a glass-cloth, when its use is confined to table-ware but she who tries toclean a mirror with cjoth is foolish and Wasteful ot time.) Soft paper and ammonia are the proper things, and when tnev are U3ed the mirror is left s neck less and bright in I a very short time. ' . We notice daily a young artist a Wilmington boy in this city, who faithfully devotea his spare time to the pleasant task ot making crayon por trait of. the best friend, he, has an earth. Evenfroin the distance say of about 100 feeV from which We see him at work, we can easily discern the resemblance to . the original He is -untutored in the art-of crayon drawing, but is evidently endowed with a gift. The display of Lundberg's perfumes and Rhenish Cologne before the Pharm a ceutical Association deserve more than a passing notice. Druggist ' generally recognize the excellent quality of the j odors and were also struck with j the ! odd design in bottles and other vessels which contained them. Mr. James B Weaver who had the display in charge faithfully represented his employees and was eyer willing to show and lest the merits of his goods. 1 . Mosquitoes. It is said that a room may be rid ol mosquitoes by taking a piece of gum camnhor about one third the size of a j hea,a egg and Cvaporatc-it by placing j jt ja a tin vessel, holding it over a lamp j or taking care that it docs not j isnite j jhe smoke will soon fill the room and expel the mosquitoes. Crimiual Court. . , 1 - : : . a . The attention of the Court1 was con sumed up to 4 o'clock to-day in the.dis- j position of the following cases: State vs. Robert Moore, larceny; defendant submits. State vs. George Williams, larceny ; settled. ....... j State vs. James Roderick; carrying concealed weapon. Settled. I State vs. Mary Beatty ; settled. State vs. E. J, Wright. Dismissed. Stale ys. Mary Ann Giles, Dismiss ed ' -j" State vs. Adam Greene; larceny. De fendant submitted.- State vs. Mooroe" Johnson ; larceny. Judgment' nisi. State vs. Mary Anderson ; disorderly house. Continued. State Lou Grotgcn and Fanny Mai lett; disorderly house. Continued. Delivery of Newspapers. The special order of the Postmaster General requiring the prompt delivery of newspapers as well as letters is what has been needed for some time. Per sons outside of the newspaper business can scarcely realize the amount of in convencc publishers and subscribers have been subjected to for yeara by tho neglect on thc part of postmasters in country towns, and occasionalljr in cities, failing to recognize the impor tance of newspaper delivery. Instances are not infrequent where a newspaper has been read by the postmaster and his entire family, even ,,lent" to the neighbor before It reached the hands of the person to whom it was directed. The order includes among other impor- matters, .an-e-tpcess prohibition of soph detention of newspaper s packages, There is no reason whya contract for carrying a newspaper should not be as carefully filled by the government as a 5 for -letter carrying. It is a pleasure to note the recent very accept I able action of the department. NO. 1 190 Great Closing Out Sale. , Goods: will be slaughtered within the next GO days in order to make room for ono of the largest and finest Stocks' of Fall and Winter clothing and gents furnishing goods eyer brought to Wil mington. A & I. SriKiER, Reliable Clothers.114 Market St. - ; tf. . u, r-v' -L' The Cheapest Edition of the The Waverley Novels ever Published. Vj ' - ; '"-" T. B. Peterson & Brothers, 305 Chest nut Street, Philadelphia, Pa., have just commenced the ! publication of a new and cheap edition of The Waverlev Novels, by. Sir Walter Scott- which will be completed in Twenty-six Weekly Volumes, each volnme being a novel complete in itself, and one voiumn will be issued every Saturday until the whole are published. Each book will make a large. octavo voiumn, have on it an Illustrated Cover, ana will be sold ; at the low pnee of Fifteen Cents a volume, or Thijec Dollars wiFI way tor the full and complete set of Twenky-six vol umes, ui.ti copies of any of the novels, or complete sets of the edition,; will be sent po3tpaid, at these j rales This edition will be called 'Petersons' Cheap Edition for thej Million," and will con tain all tho Author's notes, as well as all his last corrections and additions. Remit Three Dollars to T. B. Peterson Sr Brothers. ( Philadelphia, ! and Ihey will then mail to you, at once, post paid, as fast as -issued, the full and complete set of '"Petersons' New and Cheap Edition for the Million" of "The Wavcrley Novels" in Twenty-Vix vol umes, together with a Proof Impres sion of the best-Portrait ever taken of Sir Walter Scott!, gratis, suitable lor framing. . I . Itare'Chauce to Visit ton, D. C. AVashinff- A round trip ticket to the Capital for only $7. Special train will leave Wil mington on Monday, August 13th, at 10A.M. Returning, leave Washing ton on Thursday, 16th, at 1 P. M Orders fortickets sent to undersigned will, receive prompt attention. Send registered letter or money order, td. j A. & I. SHRJER NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Moonlight Excursion. STEAMER TASSPORT, TO FEDERAL J 1 :--r - POfNT, TUESDAY, Hth Uist. MU&IC AND DANCJNi;. SHEEPSHEAl) I SUPPER 1 1 One liotif at Federal Point to Ladulge In Surf BatliiPg. j JOHN W. HARPEB, 1 GEO. N. HARRISS, auglO-tf ' Managers Mexican Grass Hammocks JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER, NEW LOT. Parties who have been waning for- tliera can now le itippJied again I At HEINSBERUER'S. I : I j f' RAN KLIN SQUARE LIBRARY, -M - ' 1 IV" SEASIDE LIBRARY, LOWELL'S LIBRARY, and a lot of other new auci good Books, just 1 received at . , ' ! HEINSBERGER't1, K -I aug8 Live Book and Music Stores. State of North Carolina,; New HanoTer County, Superior Court. Jaraei C. Mucda, Plalntlffj Notice. H. C. Cawidey, Defendant. - I' ll. C Caftsidey, Defendant, In above entitled action. wUl take notice tbat the Plaintiff has applied f .r leave to iasne execution upon the j augment obtained therein, and that said de fendant appear before tM Court, at Wl mtng ton, N. C, on Monday, the 3d day of Septem ber. 1683, at 10 o'clock, a. m , and show cause why said motion should sot be grafted. s; YAXAHR1NGE, ." ! Clerk Superior Court, ' Kew Hanovor Couotv. july S0-4t ,y2fl,2S, ang3, 10 HATS ! BONNETS ! yrHITE. AND BLACK EXCURSION Hats. Tuscan Ilats and Bonnets, cheap. ' 1 MRS; KATE C. WINES, - ' ' I No. 119 North Second Street. aug 6 E. C. Blair, QENER AL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, j -c i Noi Id, North Second Street, s ' Wilmington, N. C. I SoliciU consignments of all kinds of Country Produce. Top prices ana quicz returns guar anteed. w til reshlp to oth reshlp to other markets wheu requested. ug 6 i E. O. Io A II- Commercial Hotel . Wilmington, NJ C.; JX. SCHLOSS, Prop. LT7IR8T-CLASS IN ;BVERT RESPECr. . - rirst-eiaaa Bar and BILLIARD i &A LOW ATTACIfED. r:Kl -T F. P. JONES, -OLLNTON, N. C., ATTORNET AND Coai eJJor-at Lav. W1D praedee In any part of testate. epeeUl attention gfye to the ool Uon of lalms. . v v , '. , eept lO-ly- 1883. J n 1 ir will be glad to" receive cocunknvuUona from oar friends oa any and all subjects o f general Interest but ' j- -r TlM ILUnA Of lhA f MiiilaliNM K tft wmwmm M W SB J SS Vm m nUhed to the EdltoK. Vi -. . j - ' "j - CommuauUonsinnst b wrtttM tn osj one side of the paper. -; ' . V PersonaMtleaniustbe STolded. And It Is especially and particularly uad J stood that the Editor doe not always eadot the views of correspondents nnless so stati In the editorial columns. : ! 1 , r - J- NEW ADVEIITISEMENT3. C rand Exc u rs ion ! W. H. IIOWMauaffer. -o- WiLMINGTON TO WASHIR6T0N CITY ! " 'RITURM. V ltV AR0 MONDAY, August 1,'Ub, 188.1 ! ' ! - I ' : I . I rpiIERE WlIJj BB AN EXCURSION ' from J. Wilmington to Washington City, P. C. and retnm, leaving Front Street repot at 10 inrrrAtt s vi 1 a -w avahIu! RATES or FARE Round Trio, from Wl mington to Washington and itlurn, il; fioirt tioWsboro nnd return, $1.6; all is-outb of, uoiiisuoro, - - " l ,) ; This Ecur.-lon will slop In Waahlnjrtnn ' . City three days and nights, which will a (lord . thet tropic ample time to se'o all the attraction a of the Capital Of our eountry. Thc Caplrol ' building-, Sraitueontan Inrttitut, War Doparti m;nt. Treasury Ueiiartaent, avy VanUand . nil otlier public building. , ; . . A refreshment car will be attached I to the train, where meals and refresh men t ran be i.btainel at reason a olo prices and be attended byl polite waiters. No tntoxleatlog liquor will be allowed on this train. Tho charti-ring-11' party reserves the right to eiclu lo all objec tionable iwreons at any time. Hood order, will te maintained. Par tlcq along the line or W., C. A. R. It. between Florence and WJJ- ... mington can purchase tickets to Wilmington ana return at cents per oclle for Round Trip. Thet e tictt ts will be sold only In connection with rffufld trip Wilmington and Washington . l .tin. 1 " n-. iu. ojniutiiijr, auuh 1 Jin. arriTiag in Wabir.?tan City Tuesday morning at lo o'ciock. ltetumlD leave Washington Thurs tlay eveniug at 4 o'clock and arrive In Wit 1 ticacis. jtauonuie ruarolina. Central ltall-. way will le sold as follows: Ftom Cltrkton, 8.85; Abbottsburg, Bladetboroi ft9.S0; Lumberton, 9t75; Moss Neck, 10 051 Ilel Banks, 1 10 40; Alma. $ 10. 50; 8hoo Heel, tlO, -60; Laurinburg, fl0.8O; Laurel Hill, $l; fcund Hill. $11.40; LUuilct. $il.50. Newborn to tJoldsboro, Tarboro to Rocky Mount. $1 fori thc round trip. Parties along the line ran I purchase tickets of Station agents. Ticket -good only on this train and on dates named J Parties taking other trains will bo charged fnll fare- i - . i ' Two or three 6)cuial coache will bo attach- j r ed for white people, provided enough can be obtained to 11 1 them. In order that ample act commodilions may bo provided, tickets will be withdrawivfrora ale August 10th. .They j can now be purchased of the follow log named I r peraons : I. 11 EINSRERGER, C. W. YATES, A. ft I 8111'LElt, and of W. U. HOWE, Mana- -ger. For further Information apply to I J i -w. II. HOWE, Manager. No. 1,022 McRae St., Wilmington, H C. Please Notice Day and Date. , . j (- augi-td - , .1 ''-,! S c ho o I Book s . , EPOSITORY FOR. PCIIOUL IWOkI i J) adopted by the State Board of Edacatioa. Liberal discount to country jnerchants and teachers. School Stationery of all kind.' l ! v I j !! i v ORGANS AND PIANOS sojd to Schools and Cliurc'nes at greatly reduced prices, and . on easy instilments'. - i J "I ; f ' .,- C. W. YATES. 119 Market street aug6 Fly Traps. rnuE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN THIS market. Par - I .y . ti RAIN CRADLES cannot be surpassed In Torlee or oualltr A large and well selected stock of nard ware at W. E. SPRINGER Si COS., - Successors to John Dawson A Co.,' 1 aug Market Street Turnip Seed Turnip Seed. NEW CROP1 1883. ! V ' T?0R SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Country oxders invited. i - - M " - ' - I WILLIAM U. GREEN, Druggist, 1 1 aug 6 ' 117 Market Street Fruit Jaro. H ALF GALLONS, QUARTS, PINTS aofl PRESERVE TUMBLERS. Giles &SxurcIiIson, aug C ' North Front St FLORIDA WATER, . ! LAVENDER WATER, . I VIOLKT WATER. I HELIOTftOPE WATEBJ J . W1HTE ROSE WATER. RAZKNA WATER. Ahvo a complete assortment of Colognes and Perfumery for the Summer season.. ill Kf Prescriptions compounded day asI uenaan Drugjrist, ! aug C- Corrcr Fourth and Nun sts. , Solid Comfort, ! i -. t 1 -t- rpHERE IS SOLID COMFORT IN THE n of Kerosene Stoves. A customer, who Is using one. says: "Wlththia weareindeDend- ent when left without a servant. "i TJie are Gems and great " "EconomUts." 1 Dlfffrcnl elzea and pries. Try one. . i . 1 I T Pure wtir Oii. aug 6 PARKER TAYLOR- I We Ha vie. - -l - 1 . - j ' ' SUPPLIED A LONG FELT WANT ; BV La.hlih trior m flraO.t.1. (SnliM IImi, and Trunk Store, where aUkJnis of goods In our line ran be bought at prices lower than ever before ofreret in this xuarket. - - i : f JSW Repairing in all lu branches attendeil promptly. !-1 - -1 - f I McHOCGALL BOWDEN. aogfi No. 1 1 4 North Front M James J. BnrncttU pHOTOGRAPIIER, NEW MARKET BUILDING. V (Up Stairs) Sooth Front St. PhoWrrra'plas........i.......l.-.l IOxeB tL Ferrotypes........ for 20 ceo u Respectfully notiaes the public that he U prepared to do ail work in hi line, jprotaptlj and at low p; lees. A eaJl Is soUelted. t .. may 19 - - ."I" ? u - f -" Z

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