JOSH T.JAMES, . r rKorKIKTOV. rOSTAGE .PAID: tr-ti"'- i 77,, mA !, tiwl tfit largest I . . . .j .-.w it uiuiTUizan. " -.Vr- ":ieri!au will remore .. . . -! . .in the 11 Mo4 er. h its tf frin ('bicaio. to: He! I r i;vI,e;mT Kranch K Spiuncr h, r, J-iius :l iiuudhai!. Vt. Fish b:lef ,4.n:rnrh whro Rl other wrif;- i - t kl3;r.v.;(?u ot candidates tor dcrksnips ; rh:.:adc:pbia i itomce resulted; ;;tt!i:inamlr!rtcetOKyou..2i J . i ,vr-l:wn. v io' Kentocky .Urrv'c:y. :rnJ-..n of the fn.,tj ikrryCay. wadcIcatvO for the lis-; . . . . a ! . . : .t .Alii TauI r !-r Lunwn in that S'at. L: !U.:Jaiore tn conip lUItiaiore conipiaiu that J :-otal facilities for tho transmiasion 'in"r,,r,MU jm.,'-! with rcicirnceUi the convenience NV-a Voik and Thiladelpbia. lie dm teel rail mailt in America j k r.; ti.oro who made it oyer $000,000 ' t:i e;riments and outlay It was : ,KVrl. rKT l1i;. i:il , jrJFiuv Works in Chicago. May C5, S K I l--,. . . fheisnut crop ol the year isctu 133 000 bushel.-. We shall 1 t7t to import a lot Irom Homewhere.j Ihis little crop will allow an average oi i . abiut thmj pints to each man. woman and child in the United State j i rMicnlonsly small allowance. A new use has been found lor cotton, j Tho only serrice in the First Presby MannfacUired into tlack it has been terian Church to-morrow will be at 6 'ircfutly introtluced as a roofing ma trial. Aside rrom its cheapness, it jni9es3e the advantage of lightness as rom pared with shingles or shite; it ef fectually excludes water, and it is said to be a non-conductor of beat. . Professor Baird, director of the Smithsonian institution and President ot tho Fish Commission; While he rare ly fails to recognize a specie of fish or any scientific specimen on sight, is often at a loss to call his best-known acquain tances by name when he meets them casually. The Monnorna, that it the Polyga tuist. have carried Utah, efecting prob ably all the local officers, such as prose ruling attorneys', sheriffs, court officials, Jfcc. Indictments may be fouud for polygamy in'tho lntnre. but there will be no convictions, as Mormons will be on every jury The Edmund's bill, b a failure, and Congrois will have to pass a stronger measure. The problem, to the least, is difficult to solve. The Russian Empire consists or thirty diPiVrrnt races of people. Life there is not individual, but collective. There re lr,t two cities. Mtcow and St-IVfrburL-- the remaining towns are viewed but as accidents. In. other! rountrif the urban population consti lutes one-ttyrd of the whole, in Russia but one-tenth. St. Petersburg and Moscow are tho only itics. perhaps, in the world, whose, inhabitants are tn jart peasant. The work-people in the factories or them; citiea ar engaged on the condition that they will be allowed vacation to sow their fields and reap their harvests. . i ! About 4J,500 men are employed in the Lighthouie Service, the cost or which last year was $3,034,000 exclusive ol $300,000 expended on xnew structures. While the number of lighthonscs 725, the number of beacoa lights on West ern rivers is about 0. .and experi ments havo encouraged the expectation that gas lighted beacons can be made to serve the purpose of costly lighthouses in many places. Lightships. ' on j5b3 other band, are declining in favoV.and .there are but thirty left in the service. The number of buoys is about 3,400, and the practice of lighting them is in creasing. The service compares favor ably with that of other countries, but many Improvements are needed, 'es pecially in the districts of the Atlantic coast. i Itaro Clmuco to Visit Washing- n tl , J M , . w - A reund trip ticket to the Capital for only 7. Specialtram will leave Wil mington on Monday, August 13th, at 10A.M. Ueturnintr. leave Wjuhing- tun on ThnraJa. 16th. at 4 P. M 1 Orders for UcWcU sent to undersigned will receive prompt attention. Send registered letter or money order, td. A.& I.SHB1ER For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to .TaCXTbi'j Hardware Depot, t II II! II. II 1 I II u r ' 1 1 1 1 - i 1 1 i . : -W Mi WW-" 1 I . -u- -u-u-JLL JJy JJJLJLJ JL - H lJ II i Y- ii II A V V 0 1 aM.t. . J ; . 1 " ' ; I; ; ' -.r- 1 - ! ' lonesldo of ihopapex. , j 1 .. 7. ! ' , I : V . , : 1 " ' '-' I ' ! " i : ' 1 : . LOCAJi NEWS. JUDEX TQ 1EW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tatem rhool UooVi V C Id lULr.n-Florida Water. &c ir.o It Sixi-Er Tor Sale or Kent K M Mcl riKr.-Carpcu. MatUDR. Ac IIkinabrrcer 3rexlcan 0ra59 IlatnmorkH Xo City Court this miming. To-morrow is the twelfth Sunday i I afu:r. Trinity. ; : fMttry wjnJl. - - Ihe re,p rr cotton at this rt to- ttav foot un 11 bales. ; - : ; : TteUaitajsUi: to-morrow will Uj '" minutfs. : One interment In Oalcdale during the; 1 v a i u ' 1 ! 0,' ild and two adults were inter- ; red in l'iue Forest during this week. Two'intermcnu, b.uh children, in ! jBcHTueCcmoicrjdurins this week. . - - i A fine assortment of Gups and Pistols ! at .Tacobx's Hanlwurff Dfixt. The market was well supplied with Tffctalles, "meloni, j fruit, etc. this morniog. ! ! juivruius. i f There were two police arreata last i om mii. t. i iff night. Their cases will be heard Mon- . day mornms. i ! 1 . The Register of Deeds L-sued only! one marriage license during the wevkj www cuupic. Wecall attention to the notice of bou3C wfor aaje or Ti-ni f0 5 oun, ,n our advertising columns of this issue p. in., conducted by the Rev. C. M. Payne. Mrs.J.C. Neimeyer and daughter left for the North, on last night's train, and will be absent about a month, visiting in Baltimore, MdJ, and Washington, D.C. j We learn that John Hill, the colored boy who had a knife blade removed from his skull a day or two since, i con tinnes to improve, and is in a fair ! way for recovery. Unmallables. The following is a list of the unmail able postal matter remaining in the Postoffice in this city : Calvin Stokes, Ct; Raffcr Bryant, BjhamN. C; James Brown; Delta N . C j The Circus is Coming. Mr. S. II. Joseph, advance agent of Sells Bros. Circus, is in the city making arrangements for tho appearance of the company in this city on the 29th ot Sep tember. Preliminary announcements will be posted on ; Wednesday next. The advertising car with the flaming poster, will not lxs hero until about the 1st or September. i Cotton. K The receipts of cotton at this port horn Augutt Ut to date foot up 110 bales, as against 301 bales rrom August 1st to August 12th, 1683. a decrease or 194 bales. The receipts of the crop year to date foot rp 127.525 bales as .n.tncr nr. .141 lit Ips ti sAiiio dale jasc Jl - ;..ti,u Wrrf8 9if,b!iles.i , r Ipoys treed this morning, and, after Duplin n'elesrates. ; two or three hours' labor working up The following gentlemen will repre-j the points on him, approached a stran n.inlineountv at the Fruit Grow i rrer and said : "Veil, how youTasdis era", meeting, in this city, which is to be - . - - - i held on the 22nd mst. : , ChairNnan: Jos. H. Carr. D. Pearaall. Ai F. Wil- iiams, Kenansville; D. D. Wells, Mag- nolia; S. M. Carleton. Warsaw; D. S. rt-LCl.. T C l7flelKfnAl- Faison; T. J. Armstrong. Halisville, .ml A Tt. Oliver- ML Olive. Ti.Pam,' Dinner ! MU,Bhome. I did not bring it with ' B repealing the iVtifwu in this sec Tho Farmers Dinner. . ike the r f ijg- Qr by yiiminaUn? the rrem gennemeu piuo nwo at the Farmers Dinner." at Clinton. Sampson county, yeiterday. wo learn that it was iu every particular a decided snccesa. There was a large attendance or ldies and eentlemen. embracing uv t". ; : j ril V.j. rT V. a Mil Atll I.V.7 some oi we - yi The ladies were all dressed in white and were truly charmins in appearance t ,ni rjnatinr in manuer. lne amner was excellcnU" abundant ahd-well. h.. - wi no name for it. The address of uvx Hon. D. 11. McLean was a cnoiany eflbrt and was listened to with -profound tipntion and interest Tho pleasures 'of the day were closed by a grand ball atniJjht, with good music. i was one of the best j ever "held in that inn which hat ever been noted for the j excellence of manner in which such festivines are cotton up. Silver riated Spoons andiForks.tow Jacotji.' . , . j t t i : ' ? ... ' i . ' T . .... . . - - - y- ... . , WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, Tuesday Night. The moonlight excursion on Tuesday i niitbt under the management of Capt. : A no. H'.orper and Mr. Geo. N. Har- nss bids lair to be as pleasant and onioyable as it3 predecessors. fn i . f xueie win ue music anu reiresnmenis on the Passport and an excellent sheep- head L supper can be hsd at Mayo'sT" 11 r- Sufficient time will be allowed for per sons to.indnlge in a. surf bath. Every : " . ; arrangement which will tent towards ' account of the:.. ...! r.u : : sionists will be made. The excursion . ol Tuesday etenm? will be the last the season. . A Wnu.Iercr'a Itetur.i. ; Mf wm;am KioJ.oni foruieriy 0 this city and tor some years masierj m rrvAnfn t Krt ohAna r t ra 1: Ar ; A. Railroad, when they were located i OIl ,.he opposite side of the ri river, arnv-i i last nihr audi th 10 guest . - D brothor-m-lav, Mr. S. W. Tloldcn, i on Cheetnut. near Ninth street. Mr: shops of tho Western & Atlantic, rail-! rond, and resides at Atlanta. Ga. He left home eeveral daya ao to attend; tho annual meefing J of the Georgia iuj.i.iuiwwgu.u.wt - ii" - thenco-here. where he will remain . 4 - . , , about a week, r - - . rr,-- .-. j Crlmliial Cou?t Sentences. the following areUe sentences of the ! Criminal Court for the session. Joshua Hewctt, larceny, $25 ; and cost. . Henry Green, A. & B. 10 days in the county house of correction Abram Green, larceny, 5 years in the penitentiary. . Robert Moore, larceny, 3 years in the penitentiary. Geo. Washington, larceny, 5 years in the penitentiary. Munroe Johnson, larceny, 2 years in the penitentiary. David Johnson, indecent exposure of person, 30 days in the house of correc tion. : i - Hint? Evans, larcency, 2 years in the penitentiary - All of the above were colored. Those for the "pen" will be taken off in a few days. I A Warninff. . For some months pa&t persons -visiting Bellevne Cemetery have been seri ously annoyed by boys who indecently exposed themselves while in bathing in Green's mill pond. So great a nuisance had the habit become that ladiesTery seldom visited the cemetery. The boys were frequently remonstrated with about the matter, but of late they defied the superintendent of Bellevne j and as serted that they were not afraid of the law. Yesterday indictments were found by the Grand Jury against two or three, whosej names could be ascertained, The boys, who are colored, and about 1 17 years of age, were arrested - ana lodged in jail in default of bond for their appearance at the next term of the court to answer to. the chaige of "Indecent exposure of person." This should be a warning to others. Did Not Get Him. r' Feist Mayer thought he had one ot de mornin a cease?" 1 VaT has VOtl TOt UOt 11- m oaM til etrftngvr I m a W "Oh. yes.. j have had that for the pasfthree or four j years. I was one of the first members.' t .X-.ll mriM mil rw SO K1I1U as IU show me dot license? T like to see j :em." 1 1 "Youst like de Tntchman's ancnor; py shiminy. dot'ttootin; dot don't go down. Veil, I sharge yon arecTouaro , dot's de law." ' 1 -Why, I have paid lor my license. land have the Treasurer's receipts I ... .1 nen ov shimminy vy you uuu sho" 'em. Make no foolishness wm a T .,.?arHpf nt d de- me my Incnd I am de chef of de de tectil force and I take you before lne Mayor." I " ! - "Why.wbathaTeiaonc to.ue iust here one of the druggists of th ifj, Worthington's infallible Cholera oitv hanncned to be nassinz when the) -nd Diarrhoea Medicine, for Dyspep- 1 what , i ST- nVn V- fines, this man mean -r I W. informed that the stranger was a visiting druggist, when - i ho In a very disgusted manner saw. "veil by shingo vy" you don't say yon vas one ol dem farmicentis already, how you links I know you vas one ol dern tam vellers, any vay.y NKW ADVERTISEMENTS rJOTJDAY, AUGUST 13th. . ... , ON MONDAY NEXT, WE WILL TO BUYERS OF - CARPETS AND MATTINGS. ou may find jnH. what you want, and day morning the floors of my Carpet4Rooms will be torn up, and these goods cannot be shown fur some days. ' - iOfUHlb Cloths- -Lilieil Cloths? , ux wmu uwub , . imv vwwi.i j l f Rop.eiVAd JftrSeVS ,v I .v. ' rt - . -aTi ri .1. OflUUrSeiS nUlBlUg UU10tt, aug II, 1883 Sliould tlie Evil le Allowed to ' Exist any Longer? The medical profession of .the State am much ratified with the good which our Board of Medical Examiners is ae-f complishing. They are all the more pleased with the law because it was given to them a barren, lileless thing; and they have, by twenty years of as siduous cultivation, made it effective-! But, with all their influence, they have; not been able to make the law reach 1 a certairvclass ol so-called doctors, and mete out to them their deserved punish-j ment. j j I Recently an example ot! the worst sort or pretence and ignorance has come to the attention or our County Super intendent oi Health. Dr. F. W. Potter, which is only one of many instances from the same source, which should bring forcibly to this and other com munities, the necessity of defending the people against it. - There is a rule, adopted by the cemes tery companies, requiring I a certificate or death from a physician, before a permit will be issued for burial. Here is a specimen of a certificate, copied lit erally: ' i i "To Suprentend of City: i 1 Dr. Jos. D. Prophet attended said Lewis William's child or which said child died 'this 27th day of June 1883 witbdisease'i kn6wm nsbillious or splene - Yours Dr. Jos. D. Pkophet. Wilmington, N.; June 28th. 1883." It has been ascertained that, the au thor or this certificate is a negro charla tan, having a shop in the Northeastern part or the city, and having a sprightly mulatto boy as Cleric. ' He apparently dispenses his own mixture, and plies bis avocation with all the hardihood or his class. It look9 as though all these medical sharks were trained by a mas ter hand. They resort to telling devices, such as the following, for example : A negro man. . suffering with a chronic, and probably incurable disease, having been attended by-nTegnlar-physician tor some months, andwho had finally made a long interval in his visits, and these visits more to administer to char ity than lor medical service, found at one or his visits -that tho patient had been made worse by some external ap plications.;An enquiry elicited the state ment that the author ot the, above cer tificate, had been giving him somemed icine. He, had gained the patient scons fidence by bringing in some or his cured patients to bear living testimony to his skill, i Excited by this array, the neigh bors made up the sum ot money de manded; the patient was treated by the "prophet," and after the money donated was exhausted, the patient M as aban doned to his disease, and abandoned in a most pitiable condition.. J s- , Is there any remedy for this state of things? I Certainly there f . jnst changing the phraseology tho law establishing the Board ot. Medical Lx aoiiners. The section of the law! beanos on this point is as follows: See- 2. lie it further enacted. That f rom and after the !5th day of April. 1859, no person shall practice aedjcine or surgery, or any of the branches there of, or iu any case prescribe for the cure or diseases for fee or reward, unless ho or they shall have been first licensed fo fAdnin the manner1 hereinafter de3 cribed: Provided That no person who shall Dractice in violation of this act 1 hall be deemed snifty of-a eusneroean- 1-7-7-7- . j ' - "j nuirative in tit.Clha citizen would .be detendedrery irreatry against the un nosition ot charlatans, l ne weas, igno- ; -rn neipiess classes of our population, the masses af the people, tl majority of voters are , hee nced , ; SgXj to the .!snsrst;on . -o ; Jg there no municipal law or statute ? law meet the exigencies .of . gw derg7; jf go it onght to be applied ! before more harm is done. T.F. W. h 5eeu fmmd In iandi2estion and Diseases ot the StomaclTandBoweU. ; f l f t Orcat.ClosU.ff Ont Sale. Goods will bo slaughtered within the next CO days in order to make room for one of the largest and finest Stocks of Fall and Winter clothing and gents farnishing goods ever brought to Wil mington. . A & I. Shriek, . Reliable Clothers; 114 Market St. ; ,tf. NO. 191 NEW -ADVERTISEMRXTS. OFFER EXTRA INDUCEMENTS if go. you will get a bargain.; On Tues- Of various sizes, very oheap. r.K xvn , nro at.i. - -, JX GXIEAI VA1J1KTY, GOOD STTLKS. R. M. aiclNTIRE. For Sale or Rent. CTOUSB WiTH EliJHT ROOMS Lot fW feet .-.front, running back" lfc'5 feet. "Water Works in the hpuw? 13 North J'ront direct, Wet Utc. Apply to 1 GEO. 11. KEU.EV. Af aug 11 it ., . Molight Excursion. S STEAMER PASSPORT, TO FE1EBAl POINT, TUKSD.VT,Hth Inst, i WMtlC.A.ND pAXCIS(i. SHEEPSHEAD : , ..i.i SUPPER AT IsJIA.-yO'S. Fare for Bound Trip B0 cenU. . One hour at Federal Point to Surf Bathlpg. JOHN W. UARPJEk, GEO. N. nARRISS. aug 10-tf Managoif5 Sale of Real i Estate for Partition. gY VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF A decree of a sale made in a certain ex parte 1 r . i special pi-oceedlcg pending before the Clerk of the Superior Court of tho County of New Hanover, State of North Carolina, wherein Nicholas Carr and Minnie Lee Carr. an Infant, by her next friend Geo. R.IBatc, are plaintiff's, the undersigned, the Commissioner sppointtd by said decree, will sell on Monday, Beptem ber 3rd,; 18.33, at 12 o'clock, M , at the Court House door of said New Hanover County, for cash, the following premises : Commencing in the Eastern line of Fifth street. G6 feet from Northeastern corner of Hanover and Fifth streets, runs thence North along Fifth street 4 IMj feet, thence Kast parallel with Hanover street 165 feet, thence South 41 feet, thence West 165 feet to hegianing. Being part of lot 4 block 265 in the plan of said city. I F. H. DARBY, .aug 4-law4w-sat Commissioner REAL ESTATE,ST00KS, BONDS, &c. SOLD IN FRONT OT THE COURT HOUSE P17EAR3 OF EXPERIENCE IN THIS BUSI X neaa warrant me In asking the public fori a liberal share of their patronage. j i S. VanAMRINUB, inly 28 Jaw4w-at-nac Auctioneer if Executor's Notice. HAVING QUALIFIED A8 EXECUTOR I . , j of the last will and testament of Mrs. Mary J. Langdon, deceased, all persons having claims against the estate, of my! said intestate, are hereby, notified to present the same on or be fore the 15th day of July,; 1884, or this notice will be plead In bar of a recoTcry. All persons indebted to the aame must make immediate payment. R. F. LANG DON, laly 14-law6wsat Executor' ' Mexican Grass Hammcrcks. ! - . i " JUST j RECEIVED ANOTHER NEW LOT. . . ' , Parties who hare bfen watting for them can now Lc snppl led again -- At HEIN5BERGERS. "P BAN KLIN &QUARE LIBRARV, .'v";.;:. SEASIDE LIBRARl'v - - 4--" LOWELL'S LI Bltiltr, - , ' andajot otjihri!cw and good Rooks, jnt received at -f aug S UEINSBEEGER, LItcS Book and Music 8loTe. ! E. G. Blair, QENER AL COMMISSION MERCHANT, No- lfl. North Second Street, ... i Wilmington. N. C. . Solkato cc4Ulguatntaof all kinds ot Country Produce. Ton price and quick returns guar an teed. Will . rewhlp to other markets when requested. augC j E. G. BLAIR. Commercial Hotel T Wilmington, iN. C, " Ml SCHIXJSS, Prop. TUTpLAS3 IN EVERT RESPECT. , r Ilrstrelass Bar and BILLIARD SA CMN ATTACHXD :'i - :' :if' f V.tT i P. P. JONES, Q LINTON. K. C, ATTORNEr AND Conn sUor-at Law ' W1U practlc ta any pari f h8ttt. Special atteiUoa glrea to Ue col. t4t ot elarras, i - , aept 10-Iy 1883. We wis be )sA to receive eosasitinlciUcti froa oct fxtendson any sad rcbjecU of Seacraltatcresfbat The naaaof tbe.wrlteT nui &hrayt n alahod to the Jailor. A "- . ." Communication mmt b written o ob oae tide of tho paper. Personal! Lic must b at oUeU. ' T ... iMUu eepeexallT and partlenxarty tu.4 stood that the Editor docs not alway endoi the views of correspondent uleu m tutc tn the editorial column. . ! 4 ADVERTISEMENTS. Grand Excursion ! W. II. 1IO WE, Manhfircr. -v- WItMINSTON TO WASHINGTON CITT AND RITORH. : TTfTv) 4 MONO A 1 August lfltb, I8:t fpHEBE WILL. BE AN EXCURSION from J. Wilmington to Waahlorton City, I. CJ and return, tearing Front blreot iepot at 10 o'clock, A. M. Monday, Aoruft Wtb, arrtrlnr tn Washington City Tueelay momlr' nl 10 ry iueeiay mamirg'alrio Jeavo Washlnctoa Thnrn o ciook. neiurnu 1 day evenin at 4 oclock and arrive In. Wit uilngton Friday evening. i 1 . ; .1 . j ua tcs r x a itb Round Trip, frorti wiij , raiugton to Washington and return: 1 7: fibm Uohlboro and.. return, u outh ot GoKUboro, $7. ' . ' j I This Excurtiou xm ttois in AVashloirtotv City three day and nights, which will afford the people ample time to seo all the attraction ' of the .Capital of our country. The Cat4tot . building, bmlthsonlan I neUtute. War Depart nrent, Treasury Ucpartccent, Nvy Yard and aiioiuerpuoiiouuuaings. i - I 1 1 A refreshment car will lo tattachtft 'to tho train, where mcala and refreshment ran be obtained atresouablo prices and be attended by polite-alters. No intoylcallog liquors will be alloncd oh ihi train. - Tho chartering party reserves the right t ei elude all objec tionable persons at, any time. Good! order will be maintained. - Parties along the line of W.. C A A. R. K. between Florf no and Writ- : mingtou cau purchase tic seta to Wilmington and return at 5 cents per mile for Bound Trip Tccec tickets will be sot J only In connection -with round trip Wilmington and Washington tickets. Rates on the Carolina Cem rat lull way ! will be sold as follows:' Front CUrkton, &?.tj; Ahbottsbuvg, f; BladetborbJ 9.2y: Lumlerton, 9.75; Mo-a Neck,- 10 03; 4uhI -Rinks, $10 40; Alma, $10.50; Shoe Heel, $10 ' 60; Laurinb'ifrg. $10.80; Laurel Hill, $11; Sand . Hill. $li.'4t; Hamlet. $tl.50. Newbern to . Goldaboro, Tarboro to Uorky Mount. $1 for1 the round trip. Parties along -the lino cau purchase tickets of Station Agents. lickcU f ood only on thli train and ou dates named.! artJcs taking other trains will be chargetj full faro, . ,;. . . . n j - Two or three special coaches win bo attuoh- ed for white people, provhled .enough cntvbe obtained to fl 1 tLem. In order that ample -commodtions may be provided, tickets wilt . be withdrawn from sale August 10th. They can now be purchased of (be following named j persons : P. HELNSBEKOKR, C. W. YATK8. ! A. & I MHRIER, and of W. It. HOWE. Mana- ! gor. - For further Information apply to t w. u. uowk, Manager, " No. 1,0:2 McKao St., Wilmington, N. C. . Please Kotlce Day and Datoi it ; . augl-td i . . i- - . t f !. School Books. ..... - . - ..,! ,1 . 1 : DEPOSITOKY i FOR SCHOOL J BOOK adopted by tho State Board of EdncaUoo. ; -; i ' j ' .11 Liberal discount to country merchants and teachers. School Stationery of all klnda ORGANS AND PIANOS sold ti Schoola and Churches at greatly reUucvI prices, and on easy Instalments. : !. J. .- ! C. W. YATES, augC . IK) 3Iarket street Fly... Traps. rriHE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN rT IS market. Our 1 GRAIN CRADLES cannot be surpassed m price or quality; A large and well selocted stock of Hard ware at W. E. SPRINGER A COS., j Successors to John Dawson A Co., I 1 aug 6 Market Street I Turnip Seed Turnip Seed, I NEW CttOP 1883; T?OR SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. X' 1 .-1 Country eiders invited. WILLIAM IL GREEN, Druggist, aug 117 Market Street FruSt Jars. TTAXP GALLONS. QUARTS.' PI KTS and JJt PRESERVE TUMBLERS. Giles & Hinrclilsoii. aog 6 i -i Kortb Front St FLORIDA WATER', LAVENDER WATER, I I ! ' ' ' HELIOTROPE WATER. WHITE ROSE WATER. . j ' JtAZENA WATER. Also a complete assortment of Colognes and Perfumery for the Summer season., . . MW - Prescription eomtiounded day ' and ? night at F. C MILLER'S, - i " German Druggist. ang! Comer Fourth and ii on U. t ; Solid Comfort. rjniERE I SOLID COMFORT IN TIIE iuo of Kerosene Stores A customer. I who U using one, says: .- With this we are Independ ent when left without a servant. They are Gems and great Economist. ' 'Dlflorent sizes and prices. Try one. i ! ' W Pure White Oil. ' Ml sngS PARKER A"TAVX)R- ! We Have O tJPPLIED A ''LONG FELT I WANT BT , O esUhlishing a first-class Carriage. UarncM and Trunk btore. where all klnJs of goods tn our line can b bought at prices lower j than errr before offered in this market. - I SOT Repaltlng In all iu branches attended prompt! r. - . i - . , i - " McDOCG ALL A BOWDTCN. .. angS No. Ill North Front At. James J. Bnrrictt, j pIIOTOGRArJIER, ' I " NEW MARKET BUILDIXG. ; . , (Cp Stairs) South Vrcnt Ihot9graplu-...............,..W Dozen .Ut Vrrnt mA. ............ iur wkuu ReBidfully notlfles the pabUc that ho is prepared to reoared to da ail work In his Uao. tiromstlr m . . - : . . . . . . - ana at low pi ices, a can u sonciteo. 3d at kr may IS 1 1