' l : ' ' ' - i . - - ;- !'-; '"erT ' r. 1 .. . I , m'- - V .. -TT--TT-; n-r-. - . : n H M1T"TT" ll;l.U VIT- .. t-iiu r ..ai ij t i i - ii ill. ii4- c an - i i i i r a i - . & mm i m i i. 11 , :i 1 . a 1 it f 1 - cry - I I - I I 1 I I 11111,11 11 71 II II 11 ! - 17 I I I 1 1 1 ; 1 1 II II 1 1 1 1 f . W WW H 4 , n, ri 1ft W. 1 11 11 11 m . 11 i ix ji ji i m ! - . r 1 - 1 one aiue i uo pu . - 1 - - . '.;... i , . ; 1 i I I , . . ' , - - - .. I !: ! ; 1 T. JAMiSi ti.iro.- -fS paid: "r I . .ih i5 cent. J . .. .i riTnm ircv F;-y ly.ri of tt ny. i the .bore , ;-:-"rr.n ...vivoL. vn. WILMINGTON. N. C, MONDA.Y. AUGUST 13,1883. W will X tUd.ta wc1t eomxaTuaktttor.i trea our friends oa y tat an til3e general Interest but ' . ; . : . j " The name of the writer arost alwaya M fvt mUbod to the IMltor. - V v Commualcatlons must t wrttte vm V j one side of tb paper. Personalltlca must be aToVled." : iKl UU especlaDy and partScnlarlr 4 " stood that the Editor does .not always endoi 1 WA lQOl tlw rtewa of correspondent imleaa to state t I "II In the editorial columns. Tir, JZ!t LOCAL NEWS. , 1 ' : ' ,ur' icaths week in; .tr., 11 yellow fever. . ttlt.hB:s.;' .i.ldron wilt boil! -e 1 I r e ,acl.o00c3ls at lh White j IXDU TO IW ADYlRTtSimm. Yate ew Styles Milrbcll s Xye Halve "iloore County Orif t'A A Month and Board tV II GatEX Turnip Seed The World WaUh Stationery n?tBBROER School Books 11 Haas. Sopt To the Public Tow to Win st Cards. Dice, Ac Y C Miller Florida Water, Ac .1 W Haupeu vamUr Excursion .1 W IlABrta Blackash Ground Sale W B Davis & SON-rlce Ice Ire B F MirriiKi.i & So NewJ'Iwur J 12 LirriTT, Aj?t Stmr Minnehaha Burn ham's Standard Turbine Water Wheel P L Briikjltis Co Cake and Cracker iiirv C Craft. Art New Furniture Ware- ,r,i hvtlrauiTc ensincers in L, I ndorsctbe practicability fl Cornelius llarnett Council No. ll. Boral Up railway, air ""'p; ITK ManaKer-Telcrh0nlc Comma- to Ibc extent o predicting ! i"1"' Ma ! , : . miltrtvs Will Ultimately Slip- cT.Ti-w-r ITnlon Mttlual Life; InBurancc t.i.l. :i 1 - - . ,n. Cfcna!i. Company ' " - Mr. J- E, Lippitt is now the agent 01 i the steam yacht MinntluZfo, and will sec to it that passengers have every atlen t tion and in all other reipects will make . her worthy or patronage. Great Closing Out Sale. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW APYKBTISEMENT8. , r ChadJuck, the father oi m kkih bear A Bao-ror s Webb wiuow, u -v 'Luu'.rv.'ior the purpose of taking .r and her children back to ith him. j The illuminating mortar sign in Ironi : of Mr. J. H. Hardin drug store, in ! front of the New Market House, was Iknocketl down and demolished on j Saturday night, by a refactory mule I backing a cart violently agamsi u.c I column upon which it was placed. ; The lovers ol black fishing will have oue more opportunity for a day's sport on Thursday next. CJapt. iiarper uas closed a contract with the boss black fish to have the whole family on the rrvw on that day. See adv. elsewhere. The family excursion on the russpor1 on Wednesday next will be a favorable opportunity for. persons to spend the day down the river, Tascucci's band will furnish the music, and Capt. Iiarper has done everything to make it pleas ant for his guests. Goods will bo slaughtered within the . p one of the largest and finest Stocks of j Fall and Winter clothing and gents ! furnishing goods ever brought to AY u rainzton. A & I. Shciek, Reliable ; we are now Clothers. 114 Market St. 1 -f. ; choice nkw crov wheats good am- A fine assortment of Guns, and Pistols j ci of FLOUR. NEW FLOUR. ;rinding from Statement SHOWING THE CONDITION OF' THE ' at Jacof.i's Hardware Depot. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS riMCLEPHONIC COMMUNICATION WITH I IVMrllla I :nnri I If ABfl MfUMOUArO Sounds. Stations h ve been establish! at Uic following polnu : Wrlghtsrille. at Seawde Park Hotel Ureenviile. at residence of Capt. W. A. Cumming. Masonborp at residence of Mr: W. JU miin. Jr. Eate3-3ubs ribers to Exckange, 20e. N0"'?,, augi3-lt " Manager. For Sale- NE FINE HORSE, FAMILY Union almua - -I'"!' Port laid. Me: j . .... ) ASSETS. 1 life Intnrame Company tt December 31 st, I 'Mil ., il- 1 -1 FLOUR, i which kve tan furnish nt a I.OW PRICE in quantities to suit purchasers., j Also, constantly, oi hand, ' Yy. W. CORN, CHOICE WHIT.JS mcaj-, VEAtttl HOM1NV, OATS, BRAN, HAT. J j PEANUTS, Ac, Ac . B. P. Mitchell &r Sons. ang 13-31 I v.ni'll ,..,rn.ii. to pass through, the ' 1 , : r.. . oi cork armor. lloyal .Arcanum tT III - " . 1 mother fool-bardy Individ See other locals on fourth page. " ... .urt death at Niagara. Capt. , of rntion at this port to-1 . ' ,,.77177 uiViInh mfintion has , , H nii.-le.a well known uiver bak9 i been made here as having been seen and pr. tomawe m a...,.w. awokt. Wrishtsville was seen again on Friday. Some days previous he had strayed down to the. mouth of the rrPoL- nnd was in the water, that being the first time wo have ever heard of this animal being in salt water r ; Cornelius Harnett Council No. 231, s to-niht,at It mee j o'clock. i ... . ... ... jAirlmnnt ,..S4Kranc.oJH-' Ju.r,n.., -mmnike. pdcK to.be asounU . - - " . ! Lt t a years $C.(HX,001 worth of . .-..ii.ta1 iT-ifr thnt rwirt . 1 ,(.-. the smusslers have been as-J .'..a.1 F. nrrupl customs oftlciali, who et ived 30 per wnt. of the proms and substantial piece of work. b at 15rt members Uev.W. M. Kennedy was in town. T For Wasliinffton. ... . . . , .. . i.: r, Moennhnro. Thn excursion to wasiiingiuu xj. toay on mj "u 4 r 'ut.L. ...u:... u lnlv advertised. !, Troirhflrt YPSlCniav. to ni& Lv. wuitu -- j livi vi w f - - ; w 7.u 1 : home in Duplin county. j ol the Omo u (- w - The North Carolina (irauu Jcnige. mlar . . ii.w,Tr' trnipotive Association , t.n i-v-.v.- . . M. nn.ir hnM the r res u,r.iinuav..v , u:a -i t Grrensboro. . .! ramna KUi m iuun , .' :,.,7thc president armifiucd meocia? at 10 ocloct to-morrow m o aug 15-1 1 ApyW to MORRIS BEAR & BROS. Vainc of real estate, and irrouud rents owned by the Company, tmnnnt nf encumbrances thir. l.fJ5.17lV Loans on bond and mortgage (duly 1 'i i l , recorded and being first liens on 1 - 1 j IT -the fe simple. J .5S9.S44.0 Avonnt of stocks and bonds of , , ;! tha United States, and of 'hi snd otter States, sL all other stocks and bonds alsoluteiy i owned by me Lonipaiiy...... Stocks, bonds and ll other ecu. titles (except .mortgage.) y 1 pothecated to the Company as collateral security for rah c- f tualiy loanea by tne cwnapany. ffit-.Kt iIiia ami vroHl Oil Stocks T,h. -wnrirtM. ...... ... Jj. . 13.7l a...K 4m i'mniMv'd TlHnHnAt -f . 1 lice and telonglDgto the Compa- ! ; j, nHTilKNT OF 'Cn ln handa of Agents, .and In j t . . LAK(jE ASiOKTJlBi yr trd,psiVu... r Premiums oraaseasnienis unpaia. iiu,o;.t t Prcmiaatr assetpment loan aud ( L I notes. ....... I : Mslf L AU other assets, detailed in state i ; I J ' f mn; .................... -&:,s.w.io Family Excursion. . M-iniDm i 1? I ft. THK STEAM Kit rAni, y , i ., 1 NESDAY, AUQIjST l.tn. rasnicci a...i wUl farniah Music. J. W. HARPER. - ang lit-It 1 ; O WE HAVE A Cakes and Crackers IS STOCK, . " : : ' .'" CHOICE AND FRESH J Total A wcu. ......... . .',,"! LIABILITIES.! Blackfish Grounds. nmiTRcniT lf.th INST.. STMR. PASS PORT will make her hist trip for the season to S Btkckflflh GroundB. on the lGth in.t. It b?hopVl that all lover ml o imS bracethls opportunity or oteg; ft s it iir be iaBt Af the season. Boat wiu lcac at oVlock. A. M. sharp, stopping at .P"" on .K-ir I J. W. HAKIH.lt, Locs nnpall, Inchullng those re- SlfetCl. ....4. ..... R-pcrve, as reoulml by Jaw.. All otuer t;wiroa.. - com started at 10 o'clock this morning with quitoa large party, fully as many asaug23u : could bo expected from this place. It; . To'tlie PUWllC. ! is probable that many omers wm jom :andswellthe throng at the different Sugar-Cured Hams, ! 1 j 'I ! . Strips and Shoulders. Try Our Pride Flour Total Liabilities. . . . . . ; I. . f5,K9,468.4 1W.242.( 5,45t,033.tKI 11.1VJ.4jJ Total Income........ Total EpeniUtures. . ... . . . . I. . . ,1,0M,775.: i M ' NOETII CAHOUN A BtiIK.HJ4 tS Risks written....... Premiums received. ............... President. JOnN E. DkWITT. I 'i -' - Secretary, nENRY D. SMITH. I stations between here an Weldon. so ".nr.nblican party tor Us misdeeds ipg. that br the time the train reaches Rich- t Jutterly denouncetl the Sejtt law. Thoma3 j. Gardner, Esq., has been j mond -lt wjU be crowded. In rerd to the choiW. a di?Patch j appointed United Sta es The First. j JfflodrU.: . T?rZ On Saturday last1 we received a half-! relish dctors:now l;ere. wh. have credentials, empowering lum act. , the nrst we have J rrienceinuut " i,m,r ' ,uu,u,,,fc -i - -r- seen this vear. It was grown ou a . a wrAai iKi . iiu waw""aa - i TiUsof adistinctlyditTerentcbar- There will bean excursion party .rum m. here on tu s: earner Vdnesdav. the lath rilHE BRUME OVER LElS CREEK IS Aw fully repaired. an. Vehicles of any ze can pass over with safety. t ! H. HAAR. aug 13 11 1 Supt. Wil. CoatTurupike.j Arf W. .1. GORDON. 6f Wil- IT IS THE BEST AND WHITEST ON TH mington. N. C. MARKET. I C E. North Carolina Roe Herring. n tu tjr - . . . - i t, report that the plague had broken out wHch wiU arrivc he in Damiltta is ofliaally denied. Jiver t?tt,cn on y The crop reports from A irginia are in3L j diicouragmg. Atmces ihu aw.., M,M r v Mitche under date of August 10lb.. Ray I & Sons are now grinding from choice new crop . I WU.. and arc ti I IV J . w John, V. Atkinson's "Fairfield"1 plan tation in a field in which there are50 acres planted with the staple, lhe farm is cultivated uuder the supervis ion of Mr. James O. Ormsby. who says if hia neighbors are not very o,o'r hRAvillhave the first bale of -- . . .... . . .U-l cotton raised in this vicinity ia u.o. 111 '- o m P. L. BRIDGERS & 00. 11 0 North Front St. SEND IN YOUR OKSER?i TRf VBSBLS ' aug 1?HDS'and Cil E? SON aug 15 cctth -quality of flour, which tne3 i (or want of rain. In some sfions , l0 sell at Tery low rates. 'V . . it tmm &rrAlra. find I i which they arc prepar- mnrkct. The Opera House. New Furniture Warerooms a T NO. -20 GRANITE ROW. bO. FRONT NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. Weak nuTAVrights Thc theatre season in this city will , aTC opened with what i tutnk is a well ... 1-n oiv woeks anu 1 Srn ii burning up. The indicauon ; A telepbou.c mes v - -. . " . 0ctobcr nextt when . jL..,...,J,cftu nowU.Turrr.ok" will be presented, with rcr. No More STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. OFFICE OF Sf ECKKT ART JoF j&T ATC, I Insurance Eeparttaent, ! Raleiirh.N.C.lilaTlstJlS In compliance with Sec 9 of "An Actio c n- '4 ' ! ' aolidate the Insurance Lawn of North CarolV- na, 1 ceniry ininw uu " r j " from the sworn statement of the Union Mu tual Wfe Insurance Company, of Portland, McfttcemMr aiatriSSJ.'nwr: on.mtf in ibis - Department. j an!r n S;crctiry of Stated' Eyes. ' r!!l roviv : the lumber for the, banks house is now al ! Q tLe beach, and that the work of :. ... -M.mhlUhwl to aidlr.Mlnff the building will go lorwaru evenue sjbicm , - 1 n paying thc expenses of tho war. The ; rapidly. ' J 3 . .1 mnrn . Thiladclphia Time: "The internal on re in war J.:" anclthi-wardcbt more --:;:,ninns in the mars j concert, u mm 'III' mm & II I IT W Fm. I . AaV" """O ... , 1.1 I llinv fc . t .tr :.i.r4ififf halauce luntleu man iiaii pv oat of immediate reach, there 1 no lunger excuse for maintaining war ket in abundance aud the the prices are ithin reach of the most impecuni " " - . r . iclected atock of -The Creole" will be prcsemea ,k ni UpllclinS. Miss Lillian Uussell as the leading EnmitttrO ailU 4JJeUUlli&! character. The play will be given for t Km,raclng many new dcsijroa'iu the benefit of the Wilmington Corne I ; D, ; . roncertCiub. It has had an exien.vc BeurUOm ailU 1 aiioi wu.vw and successful run in Isew xo anu A-;nfr ihr last season, and otner cities umib - -- taxci. uiotes extravagance, ant the way to ; v e tuoso t,i last year Tfn- has been highly praised ous. but we have seen only a very tew . performing the char, tt were rich and nice to the taste. as ..Creole JZr,:' nTl . Vhc ! TUankrhe committee. j . ,O.V0ners.V.K.niacknu Joan w war tax utu3 lUJITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. A Certain, Safe and Effective Remedy lor SORE, WEAK AND INFLAMED EYES, I Producing ' Jng-ShU!dness. an I Re: storing the Sight of thc Old. i For Sale or Kent. . i - - - . i., jjouse With Eionx UOOMSj. Lot W feet frontj running back 1C5 feet. Water Work hi the house. No. ! 213 North Front atreet, Wcit aide, f Apply to J a,LjU( GEO. II. KEIA.EV, Ag t Moonlight Exoursioni N STEAMER PASSPORT, TO FEDEBAI inrWii to all who favor me witu a can. 1 aS 13 tf TUOM A3 C. CRAFT, Agent 1, n fnr an invitation to attend Tho Monuomcry AtlcertUtr conYention of -the North vnrthern visitors there -frequently ex-; Amateur lW Association. ,..,ri rhen they go our hardware and agricultural Io8 stores, to find that everything is brought from abroad.' From a Tar in wagon to a shoe reg. from a grain separator to a clothes pin. from a 'Z a gimlet handle, throughout entire range of.farro. shop ana artides. there Ulvardly one thai does nn hwr the imprint of a Northern ?hirTb?rc U a trcmeudous sermon ia tils, bSsermon that falls on un heedtrgears. - , r T1IEMAIL3' TeoAlls eloa and arrlre at; tM. Oty Poa omco M -oUowV M5p M Nortbera through p. M.lnd 6.40 A. M. r Wl . w el ualhroavd anl lag A. 8.00 P- M. and 3w40 A. II. southern MalU for all point. Soatt. T Waters' mVc.;Vi"Killway) daUy. e. p. (except Suy'VfVwVml Ral All points tetweeu Ilamlet urt, r M ilfl&camw'atrfil m-vl v." tVl'ruirAM yViU for POtnia uc-- ....$.00 P. at. -na cnarlestN. 'AVll'r- .00 P. U- to be held at Burgaw to-morrojv. So far as Wilmington '.is concerncu thc telegraphic strike U i at an end. Messrs. Peterson and Mclihenny have gone back to work. nd Mr. Topping has gone to Washington! City. The . . .tu k.i 4 rvnf however, in tne StnawCra aiiii j . large cities. . ' ; The brig Jennie Uurlberthis arrived ,ttVll. Tm A'-. -" , r , ihi. iCennebcc river, away down in Maine, with 700 tons of ice for Y V. Davie & Son. Maine s JZZ ro mther muddy but her ice is as pure as crystal and the best on the) continent. I I -Two voun men from the city at tempted yesterday atternoon to cross Bradley's Creek, (from fQ;illoTh Wrighuyille. at nearly high water. The c.nst.Jnce.was that they both got a docking. The water at one time was Mhigh a the seat of tho buggy and the Zvtl an excellent animal waR sw ming. The creek at point fordable at low water. Aloonlisht 13xcurslou . There bids lair to bo a very pleasant narty on the moonlight excursion to morrow, evening under the manage SentorC.pt. John W. Harper and v. Harnss. luverj ar- nemcnt which will be conducive ... .r niMnre and comfort ot tne par W w . A ... ! ticioants has been maae uu - j . , r heeii enzagca. a uanu 01 iu5w . Do hecP3hcad supper at Mto . nrf bathins and. strolls on tue noonl . i,0tf1iirHments. Tho beach are auios'"- Patyort will leave promptly at o'clock. School Books ! School Books I School Books! PfwihTcill, ! Ked Eres, Matted Eye Lashes, auu 1 r duchS Quick Relief and . Pcrma- maiauMJB, uv. UVTJ at wherever mors, Salt Rheuin, ?cl!?P riS saI.VK ! lafiammation exists, MlTClIElu DA" ; may be used to advantage. 1 7Sotd hy all Druggists at 2. aug 14 w n POINT TUESDAY, 14th lnt. ; i- MUJsIC AND 1JANCINO. ! ! " - i - SHEEPSHEAI) i SUPPER Fare for Bound Trip 50 centa.' fTI 4 TT-P. THE WOKI.O WATCH SlAmgr X A la ey ir ac k. Aif , r.w,;? .i iint in.lnUo In Surf .i.i.iniiinmarliet. toou " Buyr iracDoutrcMn.i.v....r - i ana a H;cn fOr '6 00. A Pnce irtTil EVF.ET FOLK -WATCH tiEO. B. HAKRISS. ! , i 1 4 I" " t J ' Manager 8 . P ML " .Vot SnndATa......".-"- -- Omilow C II. "lYrr.?. .... .6-00 A. M. amlthTUie raau. (xre MalU Vs- i M.IIT1 A. A. M. Union Mutual tlfe. Wo invito atteniton to the adrertise m nt of the Union Mutual Life Insur ance Company of Portland Me. wpre sented hero by Messrs. John W. Gor don & Bro. The X. r, - . nfi. enva of this iyOm- vtetr, oi me - Tn.'s substantial old !JHP5J of useful activity, anu. ia from tho account it pore actiTe anu u-..-r-M-- haS Lhi"f, tostcfre": operas" . n.es. nuite an large y lt?T asscts more surplus orlriitinn alo its assets, . . haTiome Piece of Jewelry. eM TJathlnsr. ALAHGE AND COMPLKTE AS i cnrtTMKNT. Also. Px-oa and organs, i SSff SS&vSS Turnip Seed--Turnip Seed. HEINSBERGER'S, SiSiSS ; ,,,Wo?obis?S.,;u "3 , . Uas.o 8.re ?SSrtS SHT'SSrWiS. T?0B SALE WHOLESALE ASD EKTAIL. aS" ""- J 1- cordeons. "oa,v--.vrmTf,Tl i' .... at once w wonu "..-. niillUiJ coTirury oiucr. uir.kcu. rn.. 120 Swaa St.. 1 . i B00KS-2 Tons a uay. The a handsome p re rrvll - nv . . 4 Ann tl winvT V itr ..-1 ri uie, im v"v w. 1C a; ia V'e aroiuynnT. l-atrict. idJition J"MaVo divides ct - KorU.Ca.Ha than &nd a dinting tral Burrwi.. . "k-. !neM Mill cottoctol from 'Jr. j, Vj 5 30 Portia ot cttj at 3 A. A-M. JJJJ JJ r. M. and from other pototr of the cuy at M fl aua'p l2ice open from i A. M- "JJJSJ from s to X3t r fllcTadaSs; Wadesboro, W.C. rnns desiring to secure to'V"01 , ::r domestics by white larm 17". thft ffrst rrfiocfi to come -o -jo persons neia 1 ,.rrarjrcriienU have S-orders K.I beenper."-- .-te filled. ratio oiexijcu. ts noT inr&owo6o -and. over and above !iT'Tere iis a net surplus Eor Smithville. U..s! MAIL STUB. 31INNEIIAHJ, TTAVING xw - rgLir. .win, Anpiat imi leave ncr wharf, foot oi warv street, at 9 o'clock. A. M. iteturng- Smithville at 3 o'clock. P.M.. atoppingfor the delivery of Passenger and Freight at all points on the river, j The Agent euarant'.es that Passengers hy thU oe SHAIX receive every attention, aid perfect order maintained. 1 j rcrsonal attention given to th- receiving nd mm . WSSdaiirduHos the week at ITuw of the puuie 1 jjf aoliclteVl . . Agent. ang 13 dw Wew Styles I ADIES AND r.BSTU5MESr . ' ri.in a rV iaa Mtl Vfll.l ntV liDAlAi editions pubnsneu. Y" "IjI xrr olfl FI1KK West prlceaejer known. NOT sow ang 6 WILLIAM H. GREEN. Druggist, milarket Street J; U. JWX "'L . bUrhhams Fruit Jars. 1 m - at.v OALLONS: QUARTS. PINTS sad UKSERVE TDMBLEES. y ; , fiilfis & Murcliison i ang 6 ! I ' " North Front gt iMt to -'mako assurance aU,pol?y: i.r Says: Ti ff u.,rriiJt"" him wUhta umr.- . niiSSiUoMMSCTW, i.hrod 'iisn -AB,r0nW at JACOBrt itan iwrtuo T , ivrartment open humps for save ta small quantities a" i - -- km .i.m. .m. Ii rUMM. ' - 1 Geaeral deUrery oin from 7 A. M . 7 JO r. a, xad oa suadars from SJ0 to 9 JO A- B Carrters rieUTcry open on Sunday Iron lo S.W A. 3. . waro Depot- rr.i. it-itimore "News plaints, for which Dr. JJ5gg;9 lbe bolera and JffhlShtag for all Peed, sure cure. Best tning boiret iruut". - - Silver Plated Spoons and.Forks.low prices, at Jacobin 1 ..i- .-,1 cohnAl reouisites, RtAtlonenr. iicrcanuic . , , v r . I I . . tt iiinilinir: RUnk Itooks. 'rvery w r j " Wrapping Paper. Taper Text Books, adopted by the State. rvant Education, a specialty. I - .... - L". C. W. TATES, V 'J J JHir-r CREC BY BURNHAMridPI "MOORE COUIlTYGRir T CORH MILLS AND KlLLSTOklS, nWTIflTOCVfilHIj ArrLicAnoa. ictTB 6Ai2tiiiBiitp ea. Branch OSce, fir!etie u -TJiTION Tins PAPCT IA 7 IX. saaaa" FIJU1DA WATER. LAVENDER WATETt, I. T lVlTlfT? iiKi.rTKOPK WATER. WHITE IKtWAir-iVj,. ! UA7.RNA WATEK. AU t a complete assortment of Colognes and ptrfnmery for the unJmer season, j i I ' - j ira- tM.u.rii,ttnn comtMa chiy ana I. cirbtat r. V. allLLEK'S. h K . - German lirugrist, I sug fi- Correr fourth and Nun ata. Solid Comfort. 1 ang IS 119 Market street ang U4wdw rrvrtT avr BOAKD for thre a- - .-... ii.Mrn . . n(iTr.M a . ... . PhliaaeipiwH j - . ans 13 4w F Old Newspapers R. BALE VEEY CHEAP. . . Appiyito Taa orrics THERE IS SOUD COMFORT IN THEnw J - .. , j I -i ' i t " of Keroseoo Stores. A cuatomer. who f uing one, says: "With this wc are Irdeprnd ent when left without a servant 7hj-f tirnm. nH rrAt Kronomlrt.w Intlt'reni , Gems and great SZcoaom hrts. site and prtftes. Try one. - I r I nUG PARKER A TAT1 tHL I 1 - 1 ' v . j- .( 1 We Have; f SUPPLIED A LONG FELT WANT?! UT etabllshinffafreKlM"8 II""-" MdTrnii-riWew all kin 1. of goo. tn -SnrlinVcanhe bought at prlow lowtr thaw iMrCT tfore offered In this market. - . i - lylletngta all lu branches attended prompUy. McDOUGAXT, A BOWDEN,' aug 6 " No. 11 North Front bt.

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