THIS rAFKR - eted "7 JOSH T. JAMES, riPTXOS POSTAGD PAID: Three -. ..i . iimmunui.M ; .V. a 1 ri lUJeBweJbj carrier fp j TW Pi . " ,rt of the city, at tl above I . a iai . - - "" t. .r week 10 "? t ; - .wwt;! report any a ii rii-1 T ihrtr pper regularly. fh., Wy r.cvierthaxtht largest ,Krn-i!.Cf!ii.beiLe cornice Demo-! . .McrircHintion.or ny rTrypar . parations Tor her Oriole celebration, t . i jiJ. r.w y oj n uwyw-- wnicn takas place In September. by mince lor Governor of Wiscon- era- !3- no ..n tcsiman William 1). Kelley of Vchia. is in nrisuujij, ujuuu, ir.J i reported to be m improvea htJ-i" . . l'arkes. tlie Govcreor of , South Wales, and Archibald " . 1 . ! r.-.rVj. the notCU correaponueni. wi- ev! ii Sia Francisco from Australia on rjt.!ay. . . i.,;.,.n? Arthur went to Kansas i j Tf i-.ty seven years ago to look up a , ;o .-tart law office, but could not j SnJ ure tf ut him and returned to j Vc Vurk. Xv.k net receipts of the recent mill be- wo n Sullivan andSlade. in New ork, ' iii.r-JO. after paying all expenses, l4 which Sullivan received $7,000 and A masnificcnt column of gray mar ble, with l5 relief, has been duj: up i" l..Iiie. It bolooxetl to the Temple ol sn?l,,SnJ it is hoped to excavate the! wUetetiI'!l . I , . . ci..;. t Pinii ta nilcrrimn :,:.. hriao of Tmam Uiza at Mash-. S"13, - f!nPn,nnrnr Wicmn. U(nnUV1PlV find hoa nrAmieorl tnnln&A i hid. afvoaipanied by not les3 than 10.- j po5toflice in this city addressed to-Mr3. j -Mlicrs. couriers, servants and!julia yCwby, 219 Wi 17th; street, i ,i.ipfo:!owcrs. 'care Mrs. Burton.; . , - ; ". , . if! Mr. Ikorze C. Corham. stalwart.: Wc are iuformeti that six and a nalfi .a the South is no more in the j t n.mthin.ininla nml that 11 the l n'on has done for her is to have given a mail srrTicc. . i The discovery of a deposit of tin i" i lue Blue Kidge, between Amherst and j Kockbrldgo counties, isrcliably report-: If so, it is the lirst or tnc ktna yet :nado in the United States. 8euaUnr Don Cameron is deriving ircat benefit from hU treatment by au F.n elish surrcon. But he writes that he I compelled to totally abstain from the , u-c of champagne. Poor lon . The Boston Globe says a man worth 30O.0OO died in Lowell notjlong ago. An inventory made of his Restate con tained these items: Household lurnl-' :nre $2V. two horses $75. carriage $05. J ,-,r i Major Isaac Shelby has presented to testate of Kentucky a gold medal which was giien by Congress to bis lather. Isaac Shelby, the first gover nor of tho Slate, for. meritorious con hct in battle - The steamship City of Home, of the Anchor Line, arrived at New York last Thursday, having made the fastest time on record, coming from Quecnstown to New York. Her time wa fi days. 0 hours and 20 minutes. Mrs. Faunie Spraguc, the mother of theJex-Governor.baj accepted an offer of thcUnionCompany of ProYidcnce.which bought her homestead, to lease it to her during lite at $ I per moalb. She ac cepu upon the advice of Governor But ler, her counsel. Thomas Jefferson's mother L to have a new- granite monument over her grave at Charlottes viHe, Va. The monument liearslthia inscription: 'Jane Ran dolph," wile of Peter Jefferson and mother ol Thomas Jefferson. Born in lxndon. 1730. Died at Montlcdlo. 1776." It is said that tho European Volun teer committee in Alexandria discov ered that a canal supplying a crowded luartcr of the city with drinking water communicated with a place in a native cemetery used for washing corpses. Prince Bismarck passes his time at Kricdrichsruhe in directing tho Improve ments on his tarm. He spends five or ix hours a day In the open air. and sives orders to his workmen as though tly were mere secretaries of State- - The Mexican Financier states that a cinof ore has been struck in San Augustine mine, at Catorce, San Luis Potosi. which yields abont $M.0CO a ton. This mine has long been dis tinguished for the great treasure it has produced. Ceorjc Whitfield, tho famous preach er, is buried beneath the pulpit ot the old Presbyterian Church in Newbury port. Mass. Probably none of Air. WhitOeld's relatives hadjevcr visited the tomb until last week, when Mrs. Walsh of Savannah. Ga., a grandncice of the distinguished divine, went to the church, handled reverently the " Bible from which her ancestor preached, and s'isited the tomb where his remains lie. r H WU Y XX. Baltimore is making. extensive pre- tainer from a New Bedford total abstt-Un nence society, and has promised to close i every illegal grozgery in the city with in six months. Hei begins by causing the arrest ol an active member of his own church for renting a building to an unlicensed dealer LOCAL NEWS. IHOIX TO HCW ADYERT1SEIIEITS. Tates Sew Styles t J EL Durham Card W II Garrx Tarnlp Seed 1 Oris T TnoAS Hoc Art HEI5SBEBGER School Bookl F C Miller Florida Water, Ac j Dl'kbam Sc. Everett Dissolution J E LiPfiTT. Agent Family Excursion Moonlight Excuraion-Federal Point Min DChba Steamship Jtaulalar. Capt. Doane, arrival from New York this morniug The streets aro dry and dusty aud a gowl showcr would prove truly relresh- QQuile a number of. visitors Irom j - i Charlotte arrive! on the Uarouna j i Central traiii this morning! The telegraph strike is about over, in the South and the striking operators aro returninc to their keys airain. There is an unmailable letter in the miIes of the Clinton & Ft. Caswell rail- j rn.i il ha re heen irraded- and that the work is progressing Yery fanorably. ltr . " , .. ,l . We hear that a good many ot the boroe3 in the Moore's Creek section of Fender county, are dying with the disease known as the blind staggers. I As will be seen by reference to our ; advertising columns the dedtal lirtu of Everett & Durham has been dissolved. Dr. Durham will continue in the busi ness. Mr. Orin Thomas, formerly in this 1 city, is now located at SGI Broadway, New York, where he is prepared to fill Tall orders for crayon and India ink ! portraits. " " ' . ... j to the Fruit Growers1 Fair are request- j cd toidircct the same to the care oi Mayor L I). Hall.- and . they will be propel ly cared for. 'ritorn la such 'a! ihwz as downrigh1 bad luck, and some people seem to be continually entangled in it. If they fall backward, says tho old saw,, they are surclo break their noses " llemembcrthe moonlight excursion on the Minneholia !to-inorrow night, j There is no enjoyment more pleasant than moonlight on the water and this affords an excellent opportunity forj pleasure. j ' Our thanks aro due to the committee for an "invitation toj attend the 90th anniversary of the Fayctteville Inde pendent Light Inlantry. which is to be celebrated at Fayetteville on Thursday, the 23rd inst. : : II you wish to occupy a good position in the estimation of thc worldj tho best step you can lake is to try to be worthy. An honored ancestry is an excellent thing, but good conduct is much better than a flead grand lather- ! Tnat moonlight excursion to Federal Point on the Passport, to .night, promi ses to be a grand affair and will, no doubt, be well patronized. Plenty of good music for dancing, fish supper at Mayo'a and the delights of surt bathing arc the attractive features of the oc casion. t The needed rain has not yet made its appearance in quantities sufficient to moisten the parched and dusty earth, and the crops are suffering much in consequence, uiro i"utuft drying up rapidly and unless copious rains fall within a short time the har vest of this cereal will be very ugni m this section A Fatal Ftvll. Mr. T.J. Sontherland lost a very valuable horso yesterday evening under quite singular circumstances The horse, which has been 'rather playful in his disposition, had been led ito tho stable, and as he was .being led Away he reared and by some accident slipped and fell upon his side. He never rose again and died in a short time. It is pposed that be ruptured a oioou C3- su his fall, which caused death. tei in " . ' 3 ; 'Mm t t W LMINGTON. N. C, TUESDAY; AUGUST 14, City Court. ! The following cases were disposed ol Mayor Hall this morning: I 1 1 I C . t. raks ,n tbe street., was ffned $3r; Wtl'lCb ho Da'ld. I i A white man, a stranger in the city for committing a nuisance, was fined $2, which he also paid, jj , To JLeivve Us. Mr. II. C Taylor, for the last seven years Superintendent of the National Cemetery in this city, leaves to-morrow night for Annapolis, Md., to whjch place he has been ordered to take charge of the National Cemetery there. While here Mr. Taylor has made many friends who will regret his departure, and who will unite with us in wishing him a long, happy and prosperous life. Magistrate's Court. Bennett Boon, the well-known well digger, was arraigned before Justice E. D. Hall this morning on a peace war- j rant sworu out by John H. Smith, a blind man. Both pal ties were repre sented by counsel, the former by Mr, John P. Bellamy and t!e latter by Mr. - . . F. II. Darby- Boou ww ucnnu over in the sum oi $w to me nei icrm ui m Criminal Court: The Last! of the Season. The last familv excursion of the seasou win ue given uu irm x ioov i morrow, and will.undoubtedly be well attended. Capt. Harper has met with welKdc?arved success in getting up and conducting these excursions by his unu form courtesy aud attention to the corn- ... m.a nn . nuwrvtinP maimenance oI those rule3 0f order and decorum which makes Uie exs cursionists perfectly at ease and free from all petty annoyances. 1 An In teres tiDff Number. The August-September number of the Southern Historical Society Papers has been received and is one of the most interesting issue? ot that very in teresting periodical. It is mainly de voted to the life, history and character of General Robert E. Lee. together with the j incidents, ceremonies and speeches made at the unveiling of Valentine's recumbent figure of the great Southern "Chieftain, at Lexing ton. Va.. which took place June 28th. 11683. A Summer Faucy xiiere has been a suddeii boom in hot vater cocktails. Nobody knows w thc booin started, but it certainly i where is in full swins?. The correct ttmng in ine morning, when a man is in a prosaic uncomfortable condition known as 'big head," is to take a hot water cocktail. The drink consists of hot water in an ordinary glass, and i3 gulped down at a single toss. It is said-to -be a very healthy drink, ;but its popularity is probably only due to the passing Sum mer fancy. . ' - j Sentimental. It was'our fortune to meet Jimson on the 6treet a lew days since, and as we had some little time at our disposal, and he seemed communicative and con fidential, we humored the whim to listen. There was a peculiar calmness and soberness in his tones which struck us as remarkable on account of his usually vivacious manner. A short time ago," said he, alter a few moments of desultory conversa tion "I had occasion to leave the city on important business in a distant portion of the State. I never had real ized what a struggle it would cost me to bo separated from the loved ones at home until then. The evening before my departure (for I was , to take the train early in the morning) as I saw my darling wife moving quietly about the room and preparing my valise lor the long journey, and placing . therein little articles which I should not havo thought of, but which her affectionate care, even solicitous for my comfort, readily suggested, I felt a sadness come over me that it was impossible to re press. We had never been separated for a single nightj since our marriage and I never knew tho depth ot my at tachment for her until then. And all through the night I counted the hours which all too quickly sped when we must separate. The early morning breakfast was eaten in silence and alter bidding her a tearful-adieu I hastened to the depot. There was a good many at the ticket office as I approached ami their happy nisnncr and rude laughter grated harshly upon my ear. and it was with a voice choking ith suppressed emotion, that: I called, for a -second class ticket for Burgaw'.w ' trZ- ' ' Silver Plaited Spoons and.Forks.low prices, at Jacori.V t ' Tlio Minnehaha. There will be a family excursion on the Minneltaha to Smithville and the Forts to-morrow, and we bespeak for it a complete success. Capt. J. E. Lip pi tt, the agent of the boat. 13 bound to do all that he can to make the excur sionists have a good and enjoyable time. . J - 1 ; In New Type. The Charleston S. C. News and Cou rier, one of the best newspapers in the South, has come out with j au entirely new outfit of type and presents a first class appearance. It has been in exis tence 80 years, and like wine, it has constantly improved with ase. - t The Fruit Growers Fair. The several commiittces appointed to make the approaching Fair of the North Carolina Fruit Growers' Associa tion a -success, met at the Mayor's office in the City Hall last evening, and, on motion of Mayor Hall, Col. Fi W. Kerchner was called to the chair and Mr. Gabe Holnes requested; to act as Secretary. ' i ! On motion ol Mr. Holmes, the price of admission to the Fair was fixed at twentv-five cents for gentlemen and ten cents for ladies and children. On motion of Mayor Hail, a commit tee, consisting of H. McL. Green, J. C. Munds, F. M. King, B. UJ Moore and J. Jr Hedrick, was appointed to make arrangements for a ball, to come off on one of the nights of the Fair. , On motion, Mayorj Hall, Col. Mooro and Capt. R. P. Paddison were appoint- ed.a committee to secure an orafor for I the Fair. I Capt. R. P. Paddison moved that a committee be appointed on programme and the chair appointed Col. Hall. Col. Brink, Capt. Paddison, and Messrs v A. Adrian and Fj M. King on that com mittee. Meeting adjourned.. I MARRIED. Ou the 7th Inst., at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev. Hector McLean, W . W. GILBERT, ot Wilmington, N. C, to MifisS. F. daughter Of thc late. Neil McNeill. Esq., of Robeson county, N. C. j IN MEMOJBIAM. At a meetin? of the Hibernian Benevolent Association, the following resolutions, ex pressing our sorrow on the death of one of our roost esteemed members, were unanimonsly adopted: . Whereas it has been the will of an AU-wise Providence to Tcmove.from mir midst our worthy brother, JOnx HOG AN, who depart ed this life July .Hat, 1883, we, as members of this Societr, while acknowledging tho loss of one of oar brightest ornaments, meekly bow to the Inscrutable will of our. merciful ther, who doeth all things for hisownwist purpose; belt 1 Resolved, As members of this Society we. hhall ever cherish the memory of him, who whUo in life became characteristic for hia be nevolence toward the distressed, which, with his other Christian virtues, formed a bright sitolllte around his trne Irish heart, i Resolved, That we deeply sympathise with th fjmiil of onr deceased brother in their ir reparable affliction; in. him they -have lost a J loving ana uevoieu nusDanu aouaiimuu indulgent fatter, bnt trusting that Almighty (ioa will be to them a father and protector, i Resolved. That a blank page In the Record of the Society be Inscribed lohis-inemory, and that a copy of these resolutions be presented to the faraUy of our deceased brother, and thev also be published In the Daily papers of the citv. itv. JOHN UAltKl, PATRICK OLA VIN, JOHN W. REILLEIi ' t i committee NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Fine Arts AM NOW LOCATED, FOR THE TEES- ent. and prepared to ftft all onlers for Crayon ana inaia ma jroriraiws- juaiuv j a real fine Portrait, if it is not satisfactory you need not accept it. Portraits from any kind of small picture ana expresses wiwuui uju t " ORlN TT THOMAS, Artist, ang 14-tf Studio 861 Broadway, N. Y. Steamer Minnehaha . MOONLIGHT EXCURSION, TO FEDERAL POINT. WednesdavsNightr Aug. 15. " 8 HEEPS HEA D 8UrPER AT - MAWS. MUSIC AND DANCIXG. Fare for Round Trip 50c. Will leave fcer wharf at 8 o'clock sharp. aug Hit JI LIPPITT, ; Agent , : 1 ; Family Excursiop. -plillLY EXCURSION ON ! THE MINNE- HAnA tormorrow, (Wednrsilay). Tickets for the round trip 50 cent. I Children 25 rents, aug H it ''. J. E LIPPITT, Agent. Dissolution. rpnE FIRM OF DURHAM A EVERETT, haa tbi tlay been dissolved by mutual consent 4. II. Durhtm assnmlng the liabilities of the flrro, and U antboriaed to receipt for all in debtedness to I he aamc, , " j r ' (Signed) J. II. DOBHAM, j lj Wlbulngton, N. C. Ang. II, L-t - lw Card. ') la . "I"- CA?vTBE FOUND I!f FUTURE AT. KO. Ui QTtti front St, over tbe Marble YarO- iuxlftfl J. IL DURHAM, PenUst 1883. NO. 193 NEW ADVEBTISEME W E W F LOU NEW FLOUR. E AGE SOW GRINDING FROM CnOlCE NEW CBOr WnEATs good artl cle of ' . ' FAMILY FLOUR, - . . i Which ..we can furnUU at a LOW TRICE in qua&tities to suit iurehasers. " ! Also, constantly on hand,1 P. CORN, CHOICE WHITE MEAL ; ! .-' .. PEARL, UOMINY, OATS, BRAN, HAY, i ,- PEANUTS, c, Ac " : B. F. Mitchell & Sous. ' ang 13-3t : . I . WE .HAVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Cakes and Crackers IN STOCK, CHOICE AND FRESH 1 Sugar-Cured Hams, - 4 Strips and Shoulders. Try Our Pride Flour, IT IS THEHEST AND WHITEST ON THE MARKET. North Carolina Roe Her ing, P. L. BRIDGERS & CO. HO North Front St. aug 15. i NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. No More iUllTCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. A Certain, Safe aud Effect! ve Remedy for SOKE, WEAK AND INFLAMED i EYES, , I ;, Producing Long-Sightedness, an t Re storlDg the Sight of the Old. r , npnt Cnre.- Also, equally efficacious when used in other maladies, such as Ulcers, Fever Sores, Tu mors, Salt Rheum, Burns, Piles, or wherever InflammaUon exists, MITCHELL'S SALVE jnay be used to advantage. - Sold by all Druggists at ic. aug 1-Mw rn A W TnE TTokld Watch Statioxe X iV O. JCi Bv PJtCKAOB is the fastest) selling article in the market. Contains 18 sheets Note Paper, 18 Envelopes. Pencil, Pen-Holder, Pen and a handsome piece of Jewelry. Retail price 25 cents. Four dozen for 6.00. ; A W'ATCU OUABATEKl WITH EVERT FOLR dozen you oRDEtt. . For 25 cenU. in one or two cent postage, stamps, we will send a com plete sample package, wth elegant Gold Pla ted Sleeve Buttons. Gold Plated. Studs,' GOM Plated Collar Button, . Handaomo i Watch Chain, Gold Plated-Ring and elegant Scarf Pin. Register large amounts. 4 page IUus t rated Catalogue of Guns, Self -cockina: Revol vers, Telescopes, Spy Glasses, Watches. Ac corueons.iVlolins.Organettes, Acfr. Write at once toi oriu wsouiBcwr- Will II rj ing Co.. 120 yaaaan St.? X. Y.--" BOOKS-2 Tons a Day. OVER 800,003 VOLUMES READY. The cho cest literature of he world, often the best editions published. 10O-PAGK CATALOGUE FREE Lowest prfces ever known. old by dealers. Sent for examinaUon REVOKE payment, on evidence of good faith. n. a ldbV: Publisher. 1 Vcsey Street, N. . P. O. JiOX ITS i. . ; tu5. gURNHAMS VCTAMrt4 r " r . . r-rtr e o V ! BURNHAM BR0S,Y0RK,PA. aoir to Jits at cards, dice, &c . eitsr tuinc! fisntFneto Anvone. I maaa2sctor and fcep jf .taatiT ra hand tnmrt arUel wA bf f I tbasporUac ftratwnutyW WIM with la 1 aBdrKaMMB((S,VwT0rKt;U7. 9.f- "MOORE COUHTY GRIT' CCilMMiaS AND WILLSTONES, 'BESTIflTIIEVOniD .y, - " t AAJCfUS Or HU but icrra caisuia krutsic cs. gy-MFA'TIOX TUI TAVZil angI34wdAw - -is -: " ' - "" A MONTH Axr BOARD for thre lire TOunsr men or ladle le each count Phi ladelphla. Pa. . rngliv Old Newspapers j- R SALE VERT CHEAP. Appljlto this orriCK 'A f R. i j . .. Cures Teat Drops, Granulation. Stye Turners, Red Eves, Matted Eye Lashes, and Pro ducing Quick Relief and Perma- ! 1 V J - riJtASK NOT1CTL ' f :' -- i We will be glad to recti t cocnnnriVuUop - . I i nil fron our frUads on any and all subject j o I central Interest trot , ";. . v I - ',! A " I 'j The name of the writer nut always be ft aiahed to the Editor. - - f ; Communications mnat be written cm osl - one side ot the paper. , ! rersonalttlce must be STOkied. j And it Is especially "azul perUcularly mxl ' i i i stood that the Editor does net always endot the views of correspondents unless jso state In the editorial columns. ; , t ;-t ) ' NEW ADVlTISEMJJNTS. Moonlight Excursion. QN STEAMER PA8S1HJRT. TO FEDERAL. POINT, TUESDAYj Hth Inst, i f -MCfiIC AND D AN CI NO. J SHEEPSHEAD SUPPER - . 1 "Jt- I . Fare for Round Trip 50 cents. One hour at Federal Point to indulge In Surf Bathli'g. JOHN Y HARPER, GEO. N. 1IAERISS. j ManagctA auglO-tf I For Smith villej II S. 31 AIL STMR. mNXFMAlM, ' i 1 ! i -pjAVING BEEN PUT IN THOROUGH I repair, will on. and after today, ( Monday, - - , f i ... Angust 13tl.) leave her wharf, foot of Markc . , " , 1 , ; . : ' street, at O o'clock. A. M. Returning Ix.av SmUhvltlcatS'jt o'clock, P.M., stopping fo r - -. ' i - i u the deliver? of Paswugew. and freight at alt ' 1 ..... poiuis ou iiu-river. - The Agent 'guarantees that laasengerrtiby lliij line SHALL receive every attention. Af.d perfect order maintained. '.. ' v.j.. ,i. "'- jj rorsoual attention given totliemeiTlng and - 1 ' ...... . -i:'; .I'- : delivery of Freight. " I . I Family Excursion dally duriug the week at ug the is rf( reduced rates. The patrouage of the public Is respectfully solicltedJ . J a. Ul rllT, auglS-lw " ,- !i Agent, School Books I f ' ; School Books!1 School Books A LARGE AND COMPLETE ! AS- i i- . ' . t : 4 , SORTMENT.. . , ALSO, PIANOS AND ORGANS, at . HEINSBERGER S aug 13 i Live Book and Music Stores New Furniture Ware rooms. -.i ...-. i A T NO. .0 GRANITE ROW, 0. FRONT j St., I have opened with what I think Is a well selected stock of j ' j Furniture and .Bedding, Embracing many new dcglgoSjln Bedroodi' and Parlorj Suits I Onr aim shall be to deal fairly, afid sauarclyl with all, and respectfully ask a share of tbo public patronage. Courteous treatment gnar ant"ecr to all who favor me with a call, aug H tf T1IOMA9 C. CRAFT. Agent K --t SEND IN YOUR .ORDERS FOR BBL9., BUDS, and CAR XATAD LAfTTi aug IS W. E.. DAVIS A SON For Sale or Rent, H OUSE WITH EIGHT KOOM. It. C fft f rnnJ rnnnintr bark : ICS ! feet. Water Works In thc house. No. 213 North Fryit street, Wcat side.' Applyto iuglMf GEO, H. KELLEY.'Af t Turnip Seed Turnip Seed, I NEW CROP lSHSK J . TOR SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. . . . . ' t . I'll- t Country orders rnviten. ; - 1 1 ' WILLIAM H. G RE EN, Druggist, I . , i I. r! augn 117 Markets tret 1 ! Fruit Jars. JJALF GALLONS, QUARTS, PINTS and FKtfiSKRVE TUMBLERS. l Giles"& Binrchison. i : ang 6 North Front St TlAiUlVA WATER. ' w . a 1 1 k ir v- i i Kir VIOLKT! WATER, ! Lrl IIEI.H1TKOFE WATER. , WHITE ROSE WATER. -RAZEN.V. WATER. Abio a complete assortment of Cologne anl Perfumery tor the bummer season. N ' rreacnpiunMi compoaMi day, ana night at r. u. ah Lu;irs. - . t i GTman Drnrrist, ! Correr Fourth arul Ndd sts. aug 6 Wew Styles ! ADIEA AND GENTIJi MEN'S FACY Stationery.. Mercantile and School nidMtei,, Blank Books, every i? and style of blivllog Wrappidg Paper, Paper BagJ arwl Twtej Text Books, adontcl hr the State' Board 'of- KIoeattoD, i.ecialty.- ! ' ! . . " a.W. YATES, ll 19 Market itrtet auglJ 111 i fWWh ' ILii