1 cpied by JOSHT. JA3IES, ..rinSS rOSTAGE PAID: 5C&H.u . montlls. $r00. Three Kyg JT .J,- on month, S5 cestft. Ko6U"-. j deUTrvl by carrier free - m'r rrt of th nty. t tbe abOTe nv. r 1 ' ... , i0w and liberal. ri"ir report any and all tall- turlf pArr rcgclarly. 'fhTpni firvinr has Iht largest , r f n:iin. o cwy newspaper hcIiannese F.tnbassy h&re arrircd ;i rr- Charjpae is said to be slowly going Ci.: of fashion in Ixadon. p-c IiiPror of Austria and the Ki-ofSrria will have an interview JlUnzy DCXt niouth. Uelnfurccaicr.ls haw been sent to AJaiint Courbct, the commander or :e French joadron in Tonguio. ca:;ivan and Kjan arc to fishl. it is il U'e in October or early In Novem-h- TlcalTair will conio off in Boston. jve WilHamston 7Ym has been .! wi:!i Mr. Joseph (5. Bromill .hcl.e-Jol its affairs. Success to y H e cor-dition of the Count ol Chain ,1 ii-rc The friendi or the Count ateakan!ancd all hopes of hi recov ery. Ti Crazy Jane Society is an associ i!lon thai bas openod a Summer home r-wr c'a'udrea in the mountains at Wpliils;. l'a. la tie rruup of Stales composed of ILlcoii, Minnesota and Iowa, the liquor i'.is question is to be voted on in the a; preaching elections. President Arthur on his Yellowstone :r:j wears a red shirt, broad-brim hat, as J Ins proved a good horseman. But h hi not yet tackled a bucking pony. -. TLe cxUa session or the Pennsylvania Itslature has cost $160,000. and has rvsukedin tho passage or one appor- Jormicnt bill, which is severely critl rjel. Maj. E. A. Burke, managing editor of the New Orleans Times-Democrat, u a candidate for United States Sena torjn opposition to Mr. Jonas, who i a candidate for reelection. .Ml The last statement from the Treasury Department shows the balance of the National debt to be SI ,634. 171,727, the interest upon which is $51,436,709. The debt per capita on the population ol the I nited States is about $23. . - ' The provisional committee of the iAdie' Irish: Aid Society, of New York, have issued a call for a mass meeting to be held in Cooper Institute on the C7th instant, to raise funds for the defense ol the "Hero O'Donnell," who killed Carey, the informer. The committee requests Irishmen through out the country to tako like action. Onondside of an ordinary postal card a French stenographer lias written 11.031 words. They are contained in J75 lines, an average of 160 words to each line. Thus every line contains about as much matter as a page of a lCoio. volume! The space for the words had to be calculated, and this calcula tion forms a frame to the wonderful card. - -no Ben Butler having been elected by the Democrats Governor of Massachu setts, a leading Republican paper in that State now proposes ex-Governor Wm. Gaston, a true and prominent Democrat, as the Republican and oppo xtion candidate against UoT.lJutler This, it seems to us, as an excellent illustration of the disorder, dismay and distress which must prevail in tho Re publican camp. The forthcomicg report of the comp troller ol the currency will show that there are now 2.425 national banks, and that their combined capital stock amounts to over $500,000,000. The amaunt of their deposits reaches the sum af $1,042,907,763, which is twentj" two millions less than a year ago. These banks hold abont four hundred millions of ihe Government bonds, or one-third or the entire outstanding indebtedness or the country. How the rogues do go back on them selves sometimes! They preach social equality and mixed marriages icr owner rotle but t ill have none of it them- J selves. This is from a special to the I New York HVrM: Lxxisutox. Mich.. August 13. William G. Farwood, a white man. married a colored cirl of this place al Sand Beach a week ago. He has been employed here and in this vicinity for the past six weeks. Last night a part of our citUcns all good Republicans took him from the bridal chamber. In the negro quarters and treated him to a coat of tar and feathers, and gave him ft free passace on a rail out of the cor poration. The last seen of him he was liking Horace Greely'a advice and 'going West," helped along with small stones, dc. -II I M II I .1 II l A II IJ 111 1 f II II U l J 1 litK.- .1 i I II II II, II II II. II II y II II I II I J 11.111 :.. II" II: i I ? 11 : II ' I : wwww i . ' Lim : UAlh 1 HE V IE W ,- - . . - - " : :- - " " ' " j j " : -' ' , i:" VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. Ci, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST Recent changes of name by .conspicu ous. IMinburg families afe Muggins to De Morgyn, Ballock to Belcome and Cuddy to Cutlibert. The Review thinks that tho law" ought to forbid such things. i Archbishop Wm. Elder has i3suedan edict to the clergy of his diocese lo meet at Cincinnati August 21, to devise some means to pay to some extent the credit ors of the late Archbishop PurceU, as a matter of charity, but not as a discharge of legal obligation. Lillian Russell's beauty is said lo have received the approval of the 'Prince of Wales, who summoned her to his box at the London theatre in which she has been singing, and assured her that she was net in the least an American in appearance or accent. " j Some Ixmdoners 1 have taken to the Thames throughout tho summer months and cat.'diink and sleep in vhat are known as house boats. These) usually contain(a snu dining roomland sitting room combined, two or three small bed rooms, a kichen and a veranda. Princo Hohenlohe, of Prussia, the Connt Gluchcn, the"Earl of Latham and Ixird Elphistono arrived on Saturday from Liverpool en route for Montreal, where they will join President Stevens and'Ja party on the Canadian Pacific Railway, to explore that road to its ter minus. . , Barnum says that he lost $130,000 in lis vain attempt to bring two Siamese white'elcphants to this country His agent ibought the beasts throngh the connivance of a priest, and after the King had indignantly refuse to sanction such a sacrilegious sale, but they died on being taken aboard ship, and the old showman believes 'that they were pois oned. J 1). Rhodes is the name of tho man who proposes to follow in Capt. Webb's footsteps in the endeavor to swim the rapids at Niagara. A Buffalo special to tho New York Times says: Rhodes says that his object in making tho effort is to so thoroughly test the efficacy of his armor that there can be no doubt of its valno. This he does to secure a prize of $50,000 offered by the government for tho best lire-preserving apparatus produced before October 15. He says anything will keep a man afloat in calm water, and the "only test is such a sea as the whirlpool rapids. He intends entering the river where Capt. Webb did, and swimming or floating to the spot where the English man wa3 last seen alive. There he will have a rope stretched across the river a foot above the water, and a life-boat will be moored near there managed by expert seamen. He says that the whirlpool itself . is death, and that no living man can escape being engulfed. If his means of rescue fail he will throw off tho armor and endeav or to swim to tho shore. He intends taking the middle of Ihe river, where the waves are highest. Rhodes is 39 years old, a carpenter, and has a wife and four children. He is muscular and an expert swimmer. People at Niagara Falls say that he cannot get through the rapids alive if ho takes tho centre ot the channel, where the waves arc highest. Rhodes evidently t intends to make the attempt. He avoids news paper notoriety and talks reluctantly. LOCAL NEWS. IROEX TO EW AOYEBTISEMIiTS. Yates Sew Styled W II Greex Turnip Seed j IlEISSBEKQEH School Bookt F C MlLtXR Vlorl'la "Water, 4c LouUUna State Lottery Company S W S kin n ku Steam Engine. Hollers. At Wind and rain is the prophecy of tho almanac tor this week and tho next. Iast night was a first-rato time for coon and 'pssuni hun ers to engage in that sport. We have noticed quite a ntfmbcr of strangers upon our streets within the past few days, drawn here by business, or pleasure, or both. The time is rapidly approaching when those of our citizens who fled rrom the city's heat and dust to the pure air or the mountains and other summer re sorts, will begin to turn their faces homeward, although but few will prob ably returnbeforqScpteni. Notwithstanding the unpleasant as pect of the weather ,last night, there was quite a largo party went down the river on the Ktssporl to enjoy the pleasures of the moonlight exenrsion. - Mr. Sol. Haas. Traffic Manager ot the Associated Railways, was asleep m the Kimball House, at Atlanta, when the alarm of lire was raised there. He was the last to leave the building, and in doing so lost bis vest, containing his watch and a roll of money. ; j . rn Tnnr nd others Go to J aco bi's for Sash.' Blinds and Doors. Glass, &c You can get all sixes and . X the lowest prices. ; 1 A Biff Wildcat, Mr. R. S. Murray brought into this office on last evening the foot ot an im mense wildcat, which was killed by Mr. James Carr. on Acorn 1 Branch, about three miles from the city. When killed the cat was on a hog's back gnaw-, ing off the flesh while that animal was doing some pretty tali squealing. Thre foot wa9 as large as that of a grown Newfoundland dog. 'It is said that the cat had been run by dogs several times. . No Excursion. An excursion party from Banners man's Bridge, Pender county, was ex pectcd to arrive here on the steamer Iliver Queen to day, but it failed to put iu an apoearence. Capt. Bagby inlorms us, however, that the excursion will be hereon Tuesday, the 21st inst. We presume the postponement was made iu order to accommodate a large number who Intend to be present at the Fruit Growers' Fair, which will begin on the 22nd inst. ' Capt. Skinner' Agency. We invite attention to tho advertise- ment of Capt. Sam Skinner, agent for the Tanner & Delaney Engine Com pany's engines and boilers, as it ap pears in this issue. He can fnrnish engines or every description, trom 4 to 50 horse power, as also tramway and narrow gauge locomotives. , and he makes a specialty or engines for farm work. The Tanner & Delaney works are among the largest in the country and their manufactures enjoy an excel lent reputation. Improved in Health. The latest news from Mr. Wilkin Roddick, of the firm of Brown & Rod dick, stated that he was at Nantucket Beach, a well-known and popular place of resort near Boston, Mass. . It will be a source of gratification to his many friends here to know that he has much improved in health. For some time after he left this city the reports were quite unfavorable, and we are glad to give such a cheering account of his present condition. The Harhor. The port is slowly filling up with ves sels from abroad, and there are quite a number on their way here, to take advantage of tho cotton season, which will soon be upon us During the latter part of July and the first wek of the present month the harbor had a deserted appearance, there being at that time only one square-rigged vessel in the port. The number has not now increased to a great many, but they centinue to arrive, and by the time the month closes there will be quite a fleet In port, the number of which will be increased somewhat in consequence of the colton crop being considerably later this season. ; Autumn Fashions. A prettv walking dres3 for a litfle girl is made of dark royal blue camel's hair cloth. The edge of the underskirt is trimmed with two tiny ruffles of dark biuo velvet. Above these is set a deep shirred and pleated flounce of the camel hair goods. The jersey bodice, ot dark bluce stockinet, is trimmed with a plas tron 'and collar of velvet. A small panier sash of the camel hair goods hides the joining of the skirt and bodice. Added to this suit is a cute little Hungarian jacket of French gray cloth, embroidered in dark blue silk. The neck opens in a point 'under a little shoulder cape of dark blue velvet, over which turns the narrower one ot the jer sey. Thejcape is tied together iu front with strings of dark blue- satin ribbin. Plain velvet cuffs finish the sleeves and silver buttons art set up each side of the open jacket. Discouraging. Mr. F. A. Newbury has devoted much time and attention to the culti vation of flowers and shrubbery at his residence on Market street, and after five years of patient care had made it an attractive feature among the beau tics of our city. He wa3 justly proud of the improvements that ho had made, but he did not feel very proud this morning when he went out to find that a marauding cow had broken into the yard during tho night and almost en tirely destroyed the fruits of his un wearied itoil and care. He informs us that nearly every plant, shrub and flo w er of value , many of which it will -be almost impossible to replace, were to tally destroyed. It is discouraging to have tlie labor ot years thus ruined, but we presume that Mr. Newbury will be gin the task again, although it is quite safe to presume that it will result as in the present instance some marauding cow will bare a night's carnival at his expense, T - ' ' Italn! Rain! Froni passengers arriving here on the JohrrDawson this afternoon, we learn the Point Caswell section has been vis ited with copious showers within the last 24 hours, which were much needed and will be a great blessing to the farmers. Rev. Thos. II. Prit chard, I. T. The First Baptist Church of this city have extended a called to Rev. T. H. Pritchard, D. D. formerly President of Wake Forest College, but recently pastor of a Baptist church at Louisville, Ky., to become their pastort We con sider Dr. Pritchard one of the best pul pit orators in the country, and we shall be glad to hear that he has accepted the call.1 ' -I 1 .Let Them Come. We have heard it estimated that there will be 3,000 strangers in the city on Wednesday and Thursday next." in . at tendance upon the Fair. - We dtubt not that that number wlll be exceeded. At any rate and whatever the number they will be heartily welcome and will leave with no just j cause of complaint that our citizens are wanting in warm hearted hospitality. To .Leave Us. j We learn that Mr.. F. M. Fremont, son of Col. S;L. Fremont, has received an appointment to an honorable and very responsible position in a large lum ber manufacturing 'establishment at Savannah. Ga., and'wili leave for .that city in a day or two", "He has our best wishes for his success in this new field of labor and usefulness, which it is: but a foregone conclusion to say he will .be sure to attain. I i ' July Police Report. . From the police reports for the month of July, 1883. we learn that arrests were made as follows:' . . , I Assault and battery, colored male 1. Carrying concealed weapon, color'd male i; Disorderly conduct, white males 11, white females 1 ; - colored males 15, colored females 10. Drunk and down, white males 2, colored males 2, colored female L Larceny, colored males, 2 Obstructing sidewalk, white males 2, colored males 3. Throwing rocks, white males 2; colored males 3. Violas tion of cattle ordinance white male ; 1. Violation market . ordinance, white males 2, colored males 5, colored fe males 2. Violation sanitary ordinance, colored male 1. Total number of arrests 67. Of these the nationalities were as follows. Norwegian 1; Pressian 1; Irish 2; English 4; Swedes 1 Germans 4; Americans 8; colored (who may all be presumed to be Americans) 46. During the month one white male has applied at police headquarters for lodg ing ; 15 places of , business have been feund open by the police; 37 dogs un licensed have been captured and killed and one dog has been-killed for biting a lady in the street. The fines collected during the month amounted to' $81.10, and . the pound fees collected were $31.50. Total $112. 60. ' 1 ' :, Florence, S. C. We are glad to notice that Florence, S. C, is pushing ahead in the great race for wealth, population and distinction with a vim which sho ws that she means business. It is a sort of half-way house between this city and Charleston, S. C., and its inhabitants arc making the most of its advantageous loeatiem to bring it to the front as a go-ahead, live, progressive business place. A cotton factory has been chartered by the State, to bo built there, with a capital stock of $150,000, which ias all been taken, the company organized and officers elected and operations en the building will be begun about the 1st of October next. There is also one cotton seed oil mill about ready to commence work and an other is contemplated. Aside from these, there are many otherenterp rises either commenced or contemplated, which gives the place a real importance in the business world. It speaks wejl for the future of the town when it is known that within the past four or five years the value of real estate has much more than doubled, with but very little now in the market iibr sale, owners preferring to hold it for a still further rise. " ; Hon. Thomas S. Kenan, Attorney General of North Carolina, arrived in the city last night on-a short visit to relatives and friends. . i -I -0 , Bro. McDiarmid, of the Vobesonian, is la the city to-day. He came down to goon the blackfish excurson,butiL3 that had been. postponed, he did the next best thins; ts called to see U3. : 15, 1883. NO. 194 Nor brig Iiyno, Captain Sotensen, cleared today for Antwerp, with 1,713 casks spirits turpentine, valued at $31, i40, shipped by Messrs. D. R.'Murchi- sbn & Co. - i'p---- The Excursion. ' The family excursion on the passport, this morning was Jargely attended, al though the appearance of the weather was. anything but inviting. . As it was to be the last family excursion - of the season,-on that boat, a good many had made preparations for the occasion,! and would not forego the anticipated pleasures of the day, simply because the sun was obscured by clouds! i- i . i. The Fruit Fair, j We hope that our country cousins will come to sec us in large numbers on the occasion of the approaching Fruit Fair in this city. , to - be held next Wednesday and Thursday, the 22d and 23rd inst. We expect . them and our people are going to do everything in their powerto enteriain them hand somely. Extensive halls have been handsomely fitted, up ; ihe Opera House, under the same roof with the Exhibi tion; Hails, has been placed in order for a Grand Ball on each evening 'of the Exhibition ;,ample refreshments will be accessible at all Hours; the several rail roads will transport all articles for ex hibition free of cpst ; and passe nger fares have been secured at greatly re duced rates. Truck Trouhles, There was no meeting of the 'C. ;M Stedmaii Bucket Company, last night because there was uo quorum, ibut we understand that another meeting is to be called at an early day. Much indig nation has been expressed by the mem bers at the demand made upon them by the Board cl Aldermen to surrender such property as may. be in their- pos session belonging to tho". city"". and; au thorizing thel Chief of the Fire Depart ment to disband , the company because they had not attended a hre in six months. Tney allsge that it is not their lauic mai tney am not auenu mu are on South Water street,) near Ann. a few weeks ago because of; the fact that the ladders had been removed from the truck and loaned to somet colored men to use in painting a church; and had not been returned; that they started out from the truck house with the truck but not finding the ladders they did not carry itto the fire. .They say that the truck is not the property of the city, but of the company, and that they 'will not allow it to be taken from them and placed in the hand3 of some other com pany. : ' )' : - Silver Plated Spoon9 and Forks, low prices, at Jacobis t Clinton, Mo., August 4, 1883. Editor Review. Will you oblige an old soldier of the Mexican war by inserting this in your paper? Will Dr. Holmes, Dr. Provost orny other person who was in the U. S. Hos pital at Saltillo, Mexico, in 1847;, please send their addres to the undersigned, a member of Co. I, 1st N. C , Volun teers? Respectfully. j Roijekt Ellington. The Southern Army . had very able physicians, and the ablest on General Lee's staff used Dr. Worthington's Cholera and Diarrhoea Medicine for all) bowel and stomach tronbler Price 25 cents. - : : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Steamer Minnehaha. MOONLIGHT EXCURSION TO FEDERAL POINT. Wednesday Night, Aug. 15. SHEKPSUEAD SUITES AT MAYO':?. I .... - i MUSIC ANI DANCING. 1 ' - . i". ' .-. Fare for Kounl Trip 0c". Will leave br wharf at 8 o'clock sharp. augH-2t J E LIPPITT, Agent Mew Styles I LADIES AND GENTLEMEN'S FANCY Stationery. Mercantile and School requisites. Blank Cooks, crery alze and style of binding; Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags and Twine. f-Text Books, adopted by the Btale Board of Education.' a specialty. - - v j ,.s. . . anglS i e 113 Market street FdrlWrigli VS-AND AFTER VUNB J?th, the WagW cite will leave fWwWGimtlLLE SOCXO. EVERY; DAT. from corner Second and Prin cess streets, at6 o'clock, P. M. Returning, will leave Sound at 7 A. IL r For f cither informxtton rpjj . 'iU : . X. J. EOUTI1ESLAKD, Vfe win he glad to recelr cocomimleauoiia from bux friends oaaay aa4 all entjecu of general Interest hot f The name of the writer must always be fv- nlahed to the Editor. CoTcmxrnlcatlons meat be wrltteaj oa en I one aide of the paper. :- Peraonalluea must be avoided, i And It la especially and particularly and stood that the Editor doea not awarB cadet -the rlewa ol correspondents unless so state In the editorial columns.. - i i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HAVE BEEN APPOISTED SOLE Agent t I ! for ' the TAKNER DELASTEY. EXCISE CO'S ENGINES AND BOILERS from1 4 tolM horde power; also Tramway or Narrow 4iauge Locomotlyes. i , '.' Engines adapted to Farm uae a specialty. 43rOnhaol and forale very 1 low,; F1VK SECOND HAND PORTABLE ENINkS, trsm 5 to 15 horse power. 4 v 1 - T - aug I5fm 8. W. 6KINNEU. 1 New Okleaks. August 1,1 TO THE PUBLIC 1 Investi&rate for Yourselves! Postmaster-General Greaham having lished a wilful and malicious falsehood in re- gard to tbe character of Tbe Iouislaha State Lottery Company, tho following fact are glv en to tbe public to prove his st&temeutaj that , we are engaged in a fraudulent business, to be false and untrue i Amount, of prizes paid ly The Louisiana State Lottery Company from January J j lSTiVj to present date p : '' 1 ... ! Paid Ito Soutbern Express Co.; New " 1 ' 1 Orleans, T M Wescost, Msnsger..f i.iw.wo Paid to lxuleisna National Bank, ' .. 1 ,-. 403,000 . -7 ; i - T r.4,450 J57.000 .ios H Oglesby, I'rcsldent Paid to i onisiana State Nationa.1 Bank, S II Kennedy. President.... Paid to New Orleans National Bank, A Baldwin. President.............. Paid to National Union Bank, , b Cbarlaron, Cashier, . .... i ....... . Paid to Clt'zens Bank; -..- E L Carriere, President. . . Pali to Germania National Bank, Jules caesard. President i . . . . Paid to lllbcrnla National Baifk, Chas Palfrey, Cashier.;... ....i Paid to CanalBank, El Toby, Caah'r Paid to Mutual National Bank, Jos Mltchel, Cashier so.coo ,37,000 13,159, Total pah! as above. ........ ...!. $i,2M,(Wl Paid In sums of undes.fci-OQP at th ---J ..vriw-mci otlhe Company - ' througl'oat the United States...... 2,627,410 . Total paid by all. ...:.(......,.:..; tl,88l ,0Cp For Ihe truth of the above facts we "refer the nublic to the ofliccas of the above name! cov- porations, and for our legality and standing io the Mayor and Officers of the City of New Or leans, to the State authorities of Louisiana, and also to the U. 3. Official of Louisiana. Wei claim to b legal, honest and correct In ft It our transactions, as much so 9 any ! business In the country. Our standing Is conceded by all who will iuvestigate,'and our stock has for years been sold at our Board of Brokers, and owned by many of our best known j and ro spocted citizens. ' j M. A. DAUPHIN, President: j drCapital Prize $75,0003 ji Tickets only $5. Shares in pro- portion. Louisiana State Lottery Company. ,. ' We do Hereby certify thai tee twptrviMik arrangement for ali the Monthly and Semi Annual Drawing of The Louisiana State Lot- tery Company, and in person manage I and con trol the Drawing themselves, and thai, the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and we author ize the Company to use this certificat;withfaer similes of our, signatures attached, in its adver , Commissioners. Incorporated In 18C8 for 25 years by the Leg islature for Educational and Charitable pur coses with a capital of 1.000.000 to wbcb a reserve fund of $330,000 has since been added. - By an overwhelming populai rota ltafranr chlse was made apart of the present State Constitution adopted December Sd, A. D., l!?TX, The only Lottery ever voted en and endorsed by the people of any mate. . j , t " It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take pUce montlily..., A 8PLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Ninth Grand Drawing, Clase I, at New Orleans, Tuesday, September 1 1 , liftvj-iifwtn Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize; $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at -Five Dol . lars Each. Fractions in Fifths in proportion. ;4 LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of. Ts.ono 23,000 1 capital -rrue 01.................. I lIUlUUfllMUI........ .. - 10,000 2 Prizes of fS,000.............L 12,000 5 Prize of w nm . in nrira 10 Prizes of 20 Prizes of fW fjsf 1,000. 900....; 10X0O 10,000 -loo Prizes of 300 Prizes of 500 Prize of 1000 Prizes of 100..., m. so.ooo ' so..... .u , 25.... 25.000 - ArraoxDcaTiox raizes. 9 Approximation Prize of f 730. 9 " " i 500. ,ro 4,500 2.2W 1,SC7 Prize, amountlbg to f 3B5,SOO , Appucauoa for raxes io cibw buvuvi ouij uc j male to the omce of the Company in New Or-1 leans. ' ' -' -' For farther Information, write clearly, sir-. 1ng frill aildres. Address 1. O. Honey Or-; rters or Kegisterca veuer u - i tLW ORLEANS NATIONAL BAN K," " , - NEW OKIXAJtS. 1JU Ordinary letters by Mail or Express: H M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, Law or M. A. DAUPHIN,' tifl Seventh St., Vfaahlcton, D.C, . acg 15-wcd-aat 4w-diw 1

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