Sundays ex i eretT by JOSIIT. JAMES. ""rloN- POSTAGE PAID: .rK,r: months. tiOO. Tare -f V.e month. Slants. 'J.'. .kincrcd by carrier, tree f? ;yrlof the city. the above pr . ,, lo an-i '"''-- till! import any anJ all W- Sil ' . ,rrnilJrlr. l-:r !"- !inrt. uf any newspaper r' " vl lU of Wilmington. r:ick call bli latest noye, . :T. . . i r 'Vit'- M .rmoni carried every county r'h ai the reccnt cIectlon . ina.t rnndition was -,Mt ioipru. j- -r V. Burke publicly denies c,nitnr .Tnnaa seat. It W IrJ Chief Justice Coterid-c sailed vYorkou tae steamer . , Liverpool, on Tuesday. ,, j. . ni:n the l'residential succes- lie;' iaian Usyne. of Tittsburfr, '.Vojco. the pending Arthur boom a f.c Nc Orleans Times-Democrat vi -iii t!.-i mixeil races will finally !Xf'nla ctho blacks in San Domingo jir Jul" Alien, who attended PresU .vr!n w he was shot by .lohn ir. by. i ,uvt ruur Crittenden, of Mi.uri, is a ,-i'.U:e It rnited Stalw Senator, to .,h ,-U Mr- Vest, who aUo wanU to be Mirii.W and-lari are now con- nn-re-lbyan undergrouud telegraphic nbaMiu a cast-iron pipe six feet nft.fcr the surface. Tn-; Swtii railroatl companies now .H.'.rr a portion of their carriages with a jLu'phoresccnt preparation, which wikci them visible at night. i:.-p:ib!ican papers at th-3 North aro ,!;i-ntcil with llayti. They tried to ujU- .Nortn Carolina a llayti once ...n n timn find the result is not a llayti but a hate you. ! For every five persons who uso to bacco in Kngland, Franco and Russis', there are fifteen In Germany and North America, twenty-four in Belgium, twenty-cisht in Holland. Two little girls, six and five years respectively, have recently trav e!td alone all of the way from Liver j-oolto Cincinnati, having been for warded by steamship and railroad men. . 1 - Frank Wilkerson. writing from Col orado, says: A man can buy land houses , ships and oven horses from his friends in safety. But a mine no man can sell, and in selling tell the truth nbotil it.' The Italian Government has received aurance from official sources in America that on the reassembling of fonjresi. next winter, the abolition of the protective duty on works of art will le proposed. Lx-Congrcssman Burdick, of Iowa hitherto a Republican, has declared himself in lavor of the Democratic tick et, and will make thirty speeches in the prc5eni canvass. Opposition to prohibition accounts Tor his changed base. Most Her. Micheal Logue. bishop of lUphoo. in a letter states that the peo ple in County Donegal have passed salely through the crisis of distress, having been saTcd chiefly by the chari ly of the Irish peoP!o throughout the world. Mr. Thomas G. Hunt, tho New York merchant who disappeared from hubomo so mysteriously about six i , hMrdlrom on his necks nfcv, - arrival in Cambridge. England. There i j nothing yet known to account for his ( unexpected departnre. ! The Newberry (S. C.) Observer an nounces upon good authority that while Seaator Hampton would prefer to re tire to private life, -so that he could des votemoretimotohi private business, vet while the people want his services he is at their command." The worst folly seemi to be the silver dollar lolly.' The col J ralue or the dol lars is a shade less than 831 cents, and the government is expending one . hun dred thousand dollars to build new warehouses to store tbern in because it cannot drive them into circulation. i The Masked Man of Paris ha arriv ed in New York provided with $100, which he has depospitcd with R. K. Fox, and challenges anybody to wres tle with him. Grxco-Uoman style, lor $500 or $1,000 a side and the champi onship of the world. He 4s 27 years old, weighs 195 pounds, masked, and is 5 feet 111 Inchea tall. J . a' I T f r VOL. VIL, WILMINGTON. N. C, THURSDAY. AUGUST 16, I). W. Bushyhead, the old chief of the j Cherokecs ia the Indian Terrltoryj has been re elected after a bitter contest. The Iond6n Statist says the British army "is a mere caricature as compar ed with modern armaments, nol only in point of size bnti in efficiency. It has no organized transport system , it has no trustworthy commissariat, and though it is armed with excellent rilles. tbo men have not tcen taught to uso them." The Chattanooga Times says Andy Campbell, who killed Gen. John Mors gan. was prQmoted to a second lieuten antcy ot volunteers; afterward he was given the same rank in the regular army. Ho was a reckless, drunken fellow, disgraced his uniform and was finally, while in arrest for disorderly conduct when drunk, killed in a bar room brawl at Helena, Arkansas, about 1574. i LOCAL NEWS INDEX TO HF.VAOYERTIJMIMTS. Vatki vew Style.- W II Grkex Tumlj Seed- HfclSSBtRGEK SrllOyl lAs tito U CuroM Fresh Good- V C Mii.lkis Vlori'ta Water, Ac Knights and Ladles of Honor Local ad , rW Kkkchnkr, Chru'n To lloiel Keeicri Cantaloupes have played, and water melons arc on the wane. A fine assortment of Guns and Bistols at Jacoiu's Hardware Depot. t Nor. brig Fred, Thorseu. from this port, arrived at Cronstadt en the 10th inst. . The Washington excursionists are expected to return hero to-morrow af ternoon, j " Dutch brig Jantina Kortcr, Kortcr. arriveil at Rotterdam ou the!13th inst., from this port. Good time nowi for1 those who haye the money to spare, to lay in supplies of fuel for the Winter- 1 Workmen were engaged to day in mot-incr nvr.rv renairs to the wharf AUtsiasM - j - . at Princess street dock., We learn this afternoon that fine rains were reported last night all along the line of the Carolina Central R. u. Kiiitrlits and Ladies of Honor. Regular meeting this (Thursday) eve ning. Full attendance desired. It Mr. Wilkin Roddick is at "Nantas ket Beach," as we wrote it, and not at Nantucket Beach, as it appeared in yes terday's issue. j Mr. Geo. N. Harriss has secured a position with Messrs II. Brunhild & Bro., of this city, and has entered upon the discharge ot its duties. Mr. Ircdeil Meares returned trout Ral ei"h last night where -lie has been "..cnit ? nrci.alist in rcrard to his which have, been causing him much trouble and anxiety of late. nutting ui) the hill boanls for the 'Circus posters, and ia a few days they will be covered with fi.m;nr niMnrpo of whnt mav be seen in Sells Brothers' forthcoming circus. (icneral Orders No. 71, issued from the Adjutant-General's office, assigns the Smithvillc Guards.Capt.Scroggs, to the Second Regiment, as Company 11. Mr. J. F. Johnson, of Shoc Heel, who called in to see us last evening to renew his subscription to the Review, tells us that theyihad no ram oi conse quence at that point when ho left there yesterday morning, and that the crops sad condition for! the want of i v w m it. . i Thanks to Mr. James D. Jenkins, tho Secretary, lor a complimentary in the . third annnal lair of tho Rockv Mount Agricultural and Mccha.n ical Association, to be held at Rocky Mount. October 23rd. 24th. 25th and Aih Wc acknowledge the reception of a premium list for this lair. I noir Tome: "We were glad to meet n V. Bradley, of Wilmington, n,u wrk. We formed a very pleasan with Mr. Bradley at Blow Rnrt this Summer, and are glad to know that he will remain in Lenoir for The Misses Jcwett, o .,- iJ. J.. stnnninz in Lc- iimiiiiou, . -noir. i.ku nrobablo that there will bo large influx of visitors here next week in attendance in the' Fruit Fair, it is incumbent upon those in chargej of the matter to make all necessary arrange moats for-their accommodation and hence the notice which appears in this issne requesting all who desire to enter tain boarders to communicato on the subject with Mayor Hall. ... .,, once I - - ' - i s- . - . . . .... ...! Has Arrived. Bev. K. V. Sanders, of Chester, S. C, arrived here on this morning's train and will conduct ithe services at the prayer meeting at. the First "Baptist Church to night. He will also occupy the milnit o I that church on Sunday nprt nrArhin in the niorninz ana i cvenine. fie i3 stonpin" at the Purcell ir,,., 1 - .1 The Pistol. On Saturday last Mr. A. K. Reynolds, of Smithvillc, had a loaded and cocked 1 1 ? 1 . 1 J Sm AAk m r ! revolver in his hand, and in attempting to let the trigger down, his fingers slipped and the hammer came down with force sufficient to discharge the weapon, the ball passing through the palm of nis left hand, inflicting a pain ful wound. Knights of Honor. The Grand Jxtee of Knights of Honor is in session this week at Greens boro. having met on Tuesday. Mr. N. .Incobi. Grand Guide. Dr. W. J. H. Bellamy, State Medical Kxaminer, and UOl. .IOIIU 1. laviur, ivy jjcscuwuic ui Carolina Id-e.'No. 434. from this city. . .... : nMn.Unoi V' Imnft to have HIM iu atiwuMvv. ..w r- some report of the proceeding to mor- row. : City Court. The following cases were dispose! of by the Mayor this morning: Wm. Sullivan, colored, disorderly conduct, 5 fine or 20 days in the city irison. j Louisa Davis, colored, disorderly conduct, $5 fine or 20 days in the city prison. i Kate Johnson, colored, disorderly conduct, &5 fino or 20 days in the city prison. All three ollenders went below. Stiicido at Councils. 4 I n tw T" T Pnnnil .Tr . fit UOLC UU1U t. M. . Pnn noils Station, on the C C. n. ii , in- forms us of the suicide) ot a young colored man. name not mentioned, m the vicinity of that place, on Tuesday, by shooting himself in the breast, with nistol. He was on I v about 20 years old, and this was his second attempt of lnt at self destruction. He had re- cently prolessed religion and had entered into the subject with such zeal that his mined had become somewhat unhinged, and in this condition he com mittcd the rash act Tlie New Postal Notes. The new postal notes, which are to be used after September 3 in tho trans- mission of small sums of money thro i, irn;trl strtp mails, are now being bUv uuttVM w printed rapidly in New York, and they will be ready for shipment to all thel postoQices in the couutty this week, Kvcrv book contains sou postal note forms with the address of the postoflice printed on each note. The pages or the books are perforated, so that when the nofos are torn'out stubs remain to show the amounts for which they wore issued . A note can be filled out by a postmaster lor any amount not exceeding 5. at a cost to the sender ol three cents tor each note. The notes arc made payable to 4 the bearer," and they can be U3ed as tractional currency in any place to which theyarcsent. .. The notes are pnuwou vu bank-note paper ot the oesi quality. chemically prepared in sucn a raauuet . 1 as not to oe auecicu uj - posure to light, wnue it e.u, tne action vi aciu ui Hv..- used by forgers. The color oi tue paper is a pure lemon, and tne iront sunnw is printed over with an unueriying tint , . . oi golden brown a cwruuiuauuu lected by Superintendent Macdonaiu as being the salest and most suitable Ior the purpose. I he water-marss in tne paper, twisted in the form ot a ngure w, have the words "u. o. i oatai. " luplicate reading from both' Iett and riht. These water-marts can oe seea only when the note is held up between the light and the eye. lhree printings are required to complete the note, in the underlying tint is a vignette con sistiug ofa classical female head wear ing a helmet, which was engraved from the portrait of a postmaster's pretty daughter. Much of the tint is made up of miniature photographic designs, containing the words "United States Postal Note" repeated many hundred times, and engraved so finely that one can read the words with the naked eye, while it would be difficult lo make a counterfeit. Winged wheels, witn a halo from behind, make up a portion of the tint. The back or the note is elab orate and is printed in a dark green. In tho centre is the monogram "U. S.." engraved with a geometrical lathe- The monogram is imbedded in an intricate cycloidial lace work of white line cut f jntr the tracings of which' were done J alio with tne geometrical lathe. uettm Keady. The several committees ot the irmt Growers' tair are doing good work in their several departments, and it j the exhibition should not prove a success it will not be because of any failure ot thcir's to do their duty.. ; At the City liaii men are are enzageu in erecuug stands and tables for the display of thel different Iruits ana other articJes wiiicn . m . ' i may be sent lor exhibition. These I tables and stands will be , appropriately frimmpH anrl riAvtrof orl f lint wllPlt with thericb and varied TruiU - - which will be contributed they will present a charming appearance. A Fine .Display. Mr. Thos. C. Cratt makes a very handsome and elegant display at hi3 new furniture house, on South Front street. He has a beautiful stock, and it is displayed with much taste, and ladies and gentlemen will find much there to admire. He has three floors Imtiso nriil tlioo irp fill full ofgooda. which are being disposed . " ... 01 as rapiuiy as circuiustaiiu-cs. m 4 M n. ....II ,n . Thn iliirrl flnnr is divided 1 tlUUIIIl V. :. Mn1 it . . e wot in hl4 At. r IB.11 WB SW KOII1H Ul tfce fibre manufacturetl by r the Acme WTrlsa nooP thn nil,' hn no- nifidc UQ v j, o Snln rimllnicsiie fnrnialiinor n. 1 1 1 " IP f 1 .1 1 I for the purpose, Mr. Craft says, equal. 1 il LU UiUbbi VOv, mu. . if not superior to moss. Fatal Aflray. From a passenger who arrived here on t.n uarouna. neutral tram iuia .. 1. S . I . ' morning we learn that a - quarrel took nUoa between two colored boys at Wadeeboro yesterday, which resulted. retail v to one of them. iThev were working for Mr. II. Behrends. and got into a dispute, when one struck toe other in the neck with a sharp chisel, cutting the carotid artery, which caus- I .l .1 U't r i . r 1 1 1 o . WTo fcii lad l U UCUlll III i 1V3 UiViAiviiKJ. , ' ' . . v. Ur lonrn the name of either of tne parties ,but understand that the murder I fid bov was about 15 years of age while nis assailant was about a year older. The remains of the boy who was killed, onnom nan ied. bv bis father, were 0rOnght to Laurinburg, where his lam lnlivpd. The father's acony at the uesth of his son was described as in tense. The murderer was at once ar rnsted and brought to Rockingham and confined in jail. NewDrug House. We understand that Dr. A. J. De i0sset and Messrs. Munds Bros, have entered into a business arrangement to gciher and will conduct an extensive Lima- establishment here. They nave I O w,. .- leased the premises on the Northeast comer of Market and beconu streets which are to be handsomely arranged ror the purpose, iney expect to opu there early in October, and the lirm Uame will probably be Munds Bros, & Co. This new arrangement will not affect the houses now conducted oy Munds Bros, in New York and Wilming- ten. Mr. J . Thcus Aiuntis. win remain in New York. Mr. W . Juunas wm continue to conduct the business on Fourth street and Mr. j.uieKson Munds will be found at the new down- town house Your Ancestry Yes friend, you may find it an ;ng an(i instructive task to study I . M .v . - o eenealogical tree, and you may fi j hy paticnt research, that some oi r snccstors were of noble blood whose coat ot arms ypu mignt auopt . back twenty generations, j al lrt.vintr thirtv vears to a generation, you i w " " ra - w bc ied into the thirteenth cen which will be as far back as you ... e amJ wnere if any where. you wiu find a noble ancestry. Your troublo wior be iQ following up the most ddsiraDie branch of the family tree, for vftll win fin(j that your ancestry, in m the direct linef numbered . . ma ijrft arsons: no more and no You had a father and mother; rcran(jfathers I and two grand- tners; jour igreat-grandfathers and four, great-grandmothers, and so en, doubling the number in each generation as you follow the line back, now, it is much more than probable that a few of those occupied noble stations fmany were first class citizens; some were "no great shakes' and some were as mian and contemptible - as ' they 1,1 ho A a the nrooortion of the nobility, so-called, is very small asj compared with those inthe,: humble walks or fife, you will do "well ; to bo intioui, or you will bark , up the wrong branch of the family tree . It will be well also to remember that the moral3 of the nobility at that time as a general v thing. . were nothing to boast of..,. : " . .-"",,... . .' -1 '- ' f; ?"'. j Silver Plated Spoons- and Forks low prices, at Jacobi.1 . I . ".'t M f ' 1 Q m There was a b;2 smash-up on the Statesville bound train on the A. T. & O. R. R.s when foni" miles out from Charlotte, on Tuesday morning. Two I flat cars and thc-raail and express cars were badly wrecked but fortunately no one was hurt. There were a number of passcugcia, atuyu luwu ociwa iuiw, from Wilmington bound for Asheville, on ino wrecsea iratn. . 1 1 m Promotion 1 Mr. Win. tasdale, lorj some years pas Superintendent's clerk in the Caro lina Central R. 11. office in this city, has been, tendered aim lias accepted a position in theofliee of Major Winder, the General Manager, at Raleigh. Mr. Easdale has won for himself an envia- bio reputation as a gentlemanly, clever and obliging oflicial, anl we are glad to know that his merits have been recog- nizGd and this promotion accorded him I Historical. This is the 106th anniversary of the I U.HU n( Itnnninirfnn luHinh nroa t-tlflir 7 7 P 7 f i" i Inn thn ih h nr Ancniet 1 jTT mul rrtfwlA - - r . 0 uibuiimu uu, commander ot tn American orces. who said, before the battle commeuecd, . i I . i oum see ii lose icii ixkiis, juuuw . w nrt. . I - . l r .r fl Rlnt-L' xxrill lw ft wirlmv " Tlvft 1 I, . ... ! Americans were victorious ami vruuerai Stark lived to be oyer 80 years of age. ! ( The Fruit Growers Fair. Capt.R.P, Paddison, President of the Fruit Growers' Association, who was in the city to-day, tells us that i he has had cheering advices as to the probable attendance and display at the Fruit Fnir to be held here next week. He thinks that the number present will surely run up into "the thousands and there is'good reason to hope lor a fine display on that occasion. The Fair is to be held next Wednesday and Thurs day. 1 t : ' : 1 i The celebraLed 'Fish Brand Gills Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot ' Kitchen Market. Tho following retail prices rule in this market to-day, August 16: Beef 815c per pound ; veal 15c per pound ; lamb 1215c per pound ; mut ton 1215e per pound chicken? 12 20c, each; grown fowls, 35050c eggs',. 16? cents per doz ; butter, country, 25 30c. Northern, 2535c; lard, 13 15c; Baltimore liams, r 1618c; breakfast strips. 1516; N. C. hams, 15 161c; shoulders, ll12ic: sides,ll12ic; fish, troutr pigfish, &c, 2025c, clams, per quart, 15c; per bushel, 75c ; cabbage, 10 15c per head; cucumbers', 5 10c1 doz ; sweet potatoes, 1 50( cents per peck; Irish do.neW, 2535c per peck; onions, 7c per quart; whortleberries, 5 10c pej: quart; green apples, 25c per peck ; squash, 20 cents per doz ; tomatoes, 252 per peck ; ok ra, 35c per doz ; green corn, 12J5c ier doz ; peaches. 20c 25 cents per dozen; cantaloupes, 3 10c ; Watermclons,540c ; bunch grapes, id 15c per quart, butter beans, 15c per quart; field peas, 5c per quart; snap beans, 30c per peck ; northern cabbage. 1020c ; egg plant, 5c each j Like'Iiigrlitin rr i rr Cramps and pains seize upon the boweb and stomch, for which Dr. Worthington's Cholera and Diarrhoea Medicine is the cure. I OIED. MAR-TINJn this city, on lue 16th Inst , ADELalDE WILLSOS, wife of William A. Martin. " , The funeral services will be held at the resi dence o the family on Market street, at 10 o'clock, A.M., August 17th, thence to Oak dale Cemeterv. - The friends of the family are invited. I 8tarcopy NEW ADVERTISEMENTS JJOTELS, 1 BOARDING HOUSES, AND ml VATE FAMILIES, who desire to accom- ' ! modate Visitors to the Fruit Fair, . will com municate at once with Mayor Hall, In wriUng. Please state how many they can accommo date, and the price per Day, per Meal and per Lodging. F. W. kERCHSEIt. 1 aug la-it ' Chra'n of Com FRESH GOODS. i . - , '. J -i RECEIVED THIS WEEK NEW" SUPPLIES 1 ' , '- OF FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES. Seal of Nortn Carolina Smoklug .Tobacco, the best now made. Sarilines, Crackers of al kinds, among them the Jersey Lily, newest, Li'est (and lest. i Jlackerti, Preserves, Jellies and a large yariety of Staple an l Pancy Grocrie. . I GEO. M. CRAPOS. Agent, " . - , aug 1C - ' Sooth Front St For Sale or Sent. OUSE WiTfl EIGHT ROOM. Lot G6 feet front, running hack 165 feet. Water Work la the house. No. J 2IS North Front street. West aide. Apply to xaz 11-tf - GEO, H. KELLEY, Aft r.t-'T pU-k '',.,4. -'i t,;: :' -." .- "..--P ' 1883. lilt 2 LEASS K0TIC2. We will be glad to receive coamunlcatloiB from our friends on any and all eubjtcta of general Interest but I -. . -; I j . r The name of the writer-must always be fo . - - " -v .V, ' - ' I - I - 1 ! ntshed to the Editor. T v-'" I I Communications must be written o oal one aide of the paper. : I. Personalities must be avoided. j j j As'tttls espedaQy and particularly tmd 1 stood that the Editor doc, nof always endov the Tlews of correspondcnta untesa i so stale In the editorial columns.' M TT HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SOLE Agcntj for tbo TANNER & DEULNEY ENGINE: i . . . .i' i l; CO3 ENGINES AND BOILEES from ! 4 to 150 l bono power; also Tramtray or Jfarrow (Jauge Engines adapted to Farm uo a tveclalty. J- On hand and for sale very low, FIVE SECOND HAND PORTABLE , ENGINES, from 5 to 15 borso power. .' . - r auglSm ' S. ,W. SKlNNElC Fine Arts. 1 ' I JAM NOW IX)CATEDt FOB TIIK PKES V v r , .-. '), ... ; 4; cut, anl prepared to fill all orders for Crayon and India Ink Portraits. I will guarantee you a real fine Portrait, if It Is ne t satisfactory you need not accept it. Portraits from rtny kind, of snxall pL'turo and expressed without injury. auglt-lf i Mudio KJi Broadwar, N. V. r . i; i i : Dissolution. fimP. FIRM OF DURHAM & EVKRKTT, .1. If. Durham aftsamlng tho llaMlitleaoi, the has this day beendltiHOlreu by mutual consent firm, and la authorized to receipt for to receipt ior an in uebte-dnetjti to the surne, o the sap (SlRnei) J. II. DIIBIlAM, S. 8. KVKRE.TT. Wllmln ton. N. C. AlUT. 14. lSiSj I lr i J CAN BK FOUND IN FOTITRK jAT HO. 115 North Front Sti, over tho Marblo Yard, .1 &v2 U tt J. n. DUIUIAM, PcntisU For Smithville. l U. S. MAIL STAIR. MINNEHAHA. i ' I ' i H AV1NC2 BEEN PUT IN TIIOROUPII repair, will on ami after dayj ( omlay, Ailgust 13tt) Iqave ner wharf, foot of faraet street, at 9 o'clock, A. M. Betumtna: Iare Smith villt? at 3 o'clock, P. M., 6topplng; for the delivery of Passengers and Freight at alL- points on the river. ! The Agent guarantees .that. PoaBcngQra )y thii line SHALL receive every attention,; and! perfect order maintained. ( rcrsonal attention given to the Receiving a sd ' delivery of Freight. jj. " 1' Family Excursion daily during the week iit veluced rates. i 1 1 - .' ' p The patronage of the public 1 respectfally J solicited. J. KJ Lll'ftXT. . auff!3-lw i . Aon. School Books ! School Books I School Books ! in A LARGE AND COMPLETE ! SOUTMENT. ALSO, PIANOS AND OR .. i i 1 JANS, at HEINSBERGER iS aug 13 . Live Book and Music Stores New Furniture Warerooms. T NO. 20 GRAN'ITE ROW, SO.ij FRONT St., I have opened with what I think is a well selected stock of Furniturei and Bedding, Embracing many new designs In I, t Bedroom1 and Parlor , Suits. 'Our aim shall be to deal fairly1 and squarely i1 with aU, and respectfully ask a share of tbj public patronage. Courteous treatment ruarf anteed to all who favor me with a call. r i augl3 tf THOMAS C CRAFT, Agent ( , Turnip Seed Turnip Seed1. j r NEW CROP 1883.! 1 E OR SALB WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Country oxden invited. 1 WILLIAM H. GREEN, Drugl4t, augC 4 Juarket Stree FLORIDA WATER, LAVENDER WATER, 1 i 1 T VIOLET WATER, I HELIOTROPE WATER. ' WIUTB ROSE WATER. ."' . i : 1 RAZENA WATER. Also a complete assortment of Cologne and Perfumery for the Summer season. j jr Frescripttona compoumled day, and night at . Gernuui DrnsrsdstJ wag 6- i Corrcr Fourth and Nun sta. T Solid Comfort. T HERE LS SOLID COMFORT IN THE nse of Kerosene StovM. A customer, who Is ! nsingonc, says: "With tbU we are Itlpeil ent when left without a servant." iTlwcy are Gems and great "EconomlsU." lMITerent ! sizes and prices. .Try one. . i , J - r Pare White on. I i t ug6 , ... 1'ARKKH JTAVI1KJ We Have OUPPUED A LONG FELT WANT lit , O efiti!Uh1ng a firsKlas Carriage. Ha moot and Trunk Store, where aU klnls of gomU in our line can be bought at price lower than, ever before offered in thla market. II' r jr Jtepalting in all 1U branches attended . , pTO"lpl,7: f McDOUGALL A BO WD EN, " ang 6- : No. Ui NortU Froal i 5 " '4'

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