: PLEJLSS KOTICS. Tfe will be glad to receive coxaaixalcatloB tv Stiaday from "our frlaada on aay and an . aubJecU o f general Interest but ; , ' f Pted by The name ol the writer moit always t f J0SH T.JAMES. nlshed to the Editor. ' - " ; " fvwwmrTiitirtw tnnmt be srrittea scm oal H:to joSSTOSTAGE PAID: rTI: month. 12-00. Throe one side of the paper. i Personalities must be avoided. . And It U especially and partlcnlarly txnd T rrt of U clV. U above stood that the Editor does not alwajt endox : i I 1 r WILMINGTON: N. C, FRIDAY. AUGUST 17, 1883. HXf TOP I th& views of eomsoondents nnlea. M UlC VOL. VII. i v m i a i ' 4i 1H VUC CUlWflM wmni i .1-1 r I . - Tl . V1 1 . . it r- ni.V iJmtfw0 largest .V ...;u'i n. o ony newspaper Kn.V.l majority ior Got- fKir.tickykcepsgrawinz. Tbe c,, Francisco Ciw saya iuat "t.3 nnot be carried by any ""U'ins at irre trade. of the Louisville cx- Ti: fl frlnz that pecuniary loss j,.:;o3 a ltendanco of liiW Miss Mary Anderson' will begin her London engajments on September 3. It is said to cost from 10 to CO cents to stop a train ot cars. The man who invents a practical method of.. saving the energy now lost by breakers, and reapplying it to start iho car, will save society a million of dollars. Hon. William II. Barnum declares, in an interview published by the Sun, that Mr, Tildcn cave his check for twen ty-five thousand dollars in aid of the Hancock ca.nva.s3 for President, ana that he stands credited with' that amount. Ite also says Mr. Tilden cave valuable assistance to tho Democracy dnring .the campaign, and that he was not averse to the nomination or election of General Hancock. 4- Ti, Kearney was greeted by a ! i, zeu of adherents on his arri r.ramnciscotheoU.erday. He ,.4l:!uhoia. TierJclpWaVcMsayi: Dennis 1 . hke a dude, acts like a Ktf!vllianai. but still ho drew Jackson, the FayctteyUIe Observer 1 .1 r...if a statesman. says; ::.- r -' " Th rlinssinn of this subject is nr r j'lcr and family have start- viewel by the Ualtimore Day and the ira2one from Asheville. Wilmington Star. The writer was m ,coVcr,d a?on ir formet! by Governor Saiu in IbM thai N- ( .ty t-xplore the mountains as lar birthp,aco of jftck. !,. uni'"lll son, ami tnaiit was wuniiu.uuuwiu In speaking of tire birthplace of An re Tho excursionists. The excursion train, which left here on Monday morning for Washington, D. C, left that city on its return at 5 o'clock last evening and arrived here at 12:15 o'clock this afternoon." The trip was made w ithout accident, and would have been delightful had not an almost incessant rain ' interfered to mar the pleasures of sight-seeing at the Capitol. KiverNcws. From a letter received from Fayctte- villethi3 morning. ;we learn that the steamer Bladen had arrived at that place, notwithstanding tho low water, and left thU morning on the return trip. As the river was reported to be rising there is a strong probability that she will come through without delay. The Bladon, we ; believe, i3 the only steamer that has gone vtnrough to her THE MAILS. , . . ' , .. ' P Themalls close and arrive at the City Poa The meeting of the Grand lx)dge of office M follows : ! Knights of Honor, in the State of North N m JaJfS 7.15 P. M. n . i ..I. ( P.nAns.ltT . -n. rrnlla A. M. Uaroima, was nem mis weeis. iu uiwu- foruwru iuiuiu " ,-; r v and 6 40 a. M. boro, tnose present irom mis city ueis Mails for the N. C BaUroaa ana fa, TM -TrHl r.rn1 HiiuIa- Dr. i routes supplied tnererrom mciuu- W T IT Fl!jiTnv. Stnt Medical Ex- 6 ! f ,, 8.00 P. M. and 5.40 A. M, am'iner, and Col. Jno. D. Taylor. Bep- h.!.: " F. M. resentative from Carolina Lodge o. wwtemiiuuiwuiwu, Clu. .... .... .. .i'7j..il....nii llllnirtnn Rail. -r,Q,1 ............. .. .O.W JT. n r'" r n r and Charleston. XajtHAitUiU v ""I n W i Biver, Tnestiays ana r ncutys. -Aw r ! 434, all of whom returned to the city Au joints between liamiet and Bal last night. An election of officers for the ensu ing year resuled as follows : ! G. D. Dr. R. F. Lewis, of Lumber ton. ! G. V. D.-X T. LeGrand, of Hock- ingham. ' G. A. D-E. M. Nadal, of Wilson. a, P n. .T. M. Sorasrsins, of Tar- 65 p. M. ...6.15 P.M. vt-rtificate of incorporation ot Una. as Parton has it. There is more evidence than that. A i!.c t-.-i -- - - - . lnereii :lt..,i::3Iu:ernationai iron au otcv. Ueman now res dent in this city ,'tBipany was liicd iBcwrYo1rkt??; was in Washington t'ity in 1831. during (bv. TU capital bioc .3 u Jacksoav second term and while tuerc led into iu.uuu siian.. ,nlcrvjow with the President he destination during the present low stage Cone(Te of water. G. G. Nath'l Jacobi, of Wilmington. Ci.ChaD. rJA. Iiikle. oi Concord a : Sherwood, of VJ uuaiuiuu v..tovilla iHj T-Tim rw.rtnn. aaliV. i : at-""' " - flilP V except ounaay..... .'; - Onslow C. II. and Intermediate offl- ees. TucaaayB ana Tiaays ...u.w SnilthvUlemaUa, byBtearaixat,a&iiy o m f except Sundays).... soj v. Mails for Easy "in, Town creeK, j Shallotte ana uuie uivei,. xues- - 1 no rr a Ttf 1 rni:iVM. -ww boro. wrinfcllA. daitv 80 A. M. r t r r .rlinn nf StatftSviLle. I 0 open for DKMVEKY. vjt. A. 1. . v-....."-, 1 .. - --1 "ii ta xr g.t.-s. c. scoficid. of Davidson oneS-xE...:r."::::7srM- Carolina Central scuiroaa. .:. . w. ruectea irora Bueev iwabs uusuiot T II AVE BEEN APrOIXTED SOLE AEtnt for -the TANSEU & DELAKEY ENGINE "I - J 1 , '.L't!.' CO'S ENGINES AND BOIXEE3 froia 4 to ISO I .--l: H - '. ! I ' horsepower; abio Tramway tor Narrow Gange Locomotives.;. ":- (V 7 'VL:'V Engines adapted to Farm ue a specially.! -On hand and for8ale very low, FIVE 8ECDND HAND POBTABLE E5UIMS3, I - .',1 , v from 3 to 15 borso power. aug 15-Cm S. W. 8KINNER. I Fine Arts. 1 r . 1 1 ! .1 I JAM NOW LOCATED, FOU THE PRES , - j -.- . J '-'I - It I : ent. and prepared to fill all orders for Crayon and India lot rorrraus. iiwuifcunmnvcu j w B. Douthitt, Of A Kara Avis.; Mr .T. H- Stevenson had a large con nf chicken3 to arrive this Raleigh. oono- thnm was one G. Secretary T. U1UIUIU?,, miu I .... I ..(.i.l n-rnca Vof UfPfln fl I Y 1DSIOQ. nn, .inrL'. In its general ap- Supiemo Representatives Col. J np fho Vhicken oredomlnated. D.Taylor, of Wilmin but it was web-footed, short-legged and Klutz, of Salisbury. waddled just like a duck. It will prob- f&V Q1 I IMrtioa of city at 5 A. u.a; a.m. auu a o 1 Portrait, It it is net satisfactory yon V M. and from other pointy of the city at 5 erf not acceit u rortraits from any kind f. i. ! ,w I of small ul2taroana exprcRseawiwiou iujurrr uamn OfflA mwn from 2 A. M. to I'Z M., and I ivir T,ii't A ft AriUtt I from 2 to 5.30 P. M. Money order awl Kegister n (f gludl0 Broadav, Nl V Department oien same as stamp oflice. I . , !' i ! Stamps for sale in small quauuues a gcuni . i..4s ' , deUvery when stamp office is closeL LI I S S O I U 1 1 O M . licnerai ueuvery wit-" - i . and on Sundays trom 8.30 to 9.30 A. M. !HE FIRM OF DUIJIIAM A EVERETT, not enough Republicans in was distinctly told by him that he was a lislature to sopplythe North Carolinian fby birth, having been rli r ... . . 1 . t unnr trio jjemocraiiu uiuuwio - Ihcre t!. (.'cur . i. ... f, .m.i (uUnnil, Carolina line. and not far from i. . ,ni lUL'iuscn ...w w- ... ttL,,K ... . ti. WnThnv settlement tKoeratjareiaKing iu pair's ww ..3C another. T HP A J I MO EX TQ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yates Sew Style 1 E D Hall, Mayor m is W II Greex Tnrnlp Seed j HEISSBEttGER SchOOl Books F C Miller Florida Water, Ac Masonic Committee To Contractors . : v orwiton rpcei red hore since last Tuesday. i The almanac promises wind and rain for all of next week. Full moon to-morrow morning at 30 minutes 'alter 7 o'clocjk. CaptV. V. Richardson, of Colum bus county, was in the city to-day. William Ulaikie. the Harvard boat- n 'iicately savs. in an interview. t?.it .John Morrissey and Abraham Lincoln are the only two men recently uho could have stood up against auiu- van. The Roston Herald says some facts are so plain that it would seem as il fhpv did not reauire a demonstration: one of them is that it is hard to buck gainst $50,000,000, with $200,000,000 .... fcinn i!0 000 back of it.- - . Tne women ol Boston seem to be losing what little interest they at first took in exercising the inestimable rifhfof voting. Only 40 of them have thus far this year come lorwardl t be accessed for a poll-tax. The stndy of dressmaking has been introduced into the public schools of France by the government, which also Provides for tho insiructiou or teachers iu this branch by defraying their ex peases while they receive a course of lessons in Paris. frtorL and T. F. O ' (rand Trustees J. C. Carriers' delivery open on Sunday from S.30 I 1J to .30 A.M. i I I has this dav been dissolved by mutual consent J. II. Durham assuming the liabilities of thej To Builders and others do to J ACO I flrm.. and la authorized to receipt for all In . Pl . , ' I . . 'I. jl.m t i I - i Kl a loi uajui jjutiuu kav Vw , ' Z Z to ftntt Kinston;A. W. Moye. of GreenvUle. & yon (in get aU sizes and at the brewers' Fair next week, as the person ldT. W. Slocam of Go. lost price, m ! .... n r nnoii 4 f. ! 1 S. S. EVERETT Wilmington, N. CJlug. H. 1 i ! lw . :nfArl,1 Sf fr,T- Finance UOUimiUCU-iuuisucu V.- ,T furoos: ' my. of Wilmington , G. W. Brinson, of tbat purpose. j,...- nf Rreens- I jUWUClll, UUU u. -ww,.-, Supposed Suicide. boro - I A colored man, named Freeman, was I Dr. W. J. H. Bellamy was re-elected found dead in the woods, about 10 miles state Medical Examiner, receiving for from Whiteville, Columbus county, in the position the high compliment ot a tho early part of this week, under cir- TisUg vote of the Grand Lodge, cumstances which indicate that he had Winston was selected as the next ronimitted suicide. Three pistol shots Dlace ot' meeting, and the time, was were heard in the woods by some par- changed from the secqnd Tuesday to lip who were not lar distant, anu wnen the th:rd Wednesday in August. thev went to ascertain the cause, they Th evening session of Tuesday was - . . i i. . found Freemanlead, with a revolver, devotcl to conferring Grand ioage ae- t hree chambers of which had been dis- ffreeg and examplifymg the unwritten . . , i . I a eharsed. in his hand, and three ouuei work wonnds on his person, evidenUy made a banauet was given on W ednesday within a short time, one of which Had even;nff bv Guilford Lodge No l.7T7,o nenetrated the region ot the heart and the Grand Lodge, at which over two . w- , a ..1 I . ! was pecessariiy fatal, ve couia giean nundred persons were present, wmcn is no farther particulars, ana axo not in- reckoned by tliusu who were piesent o formed of the age of the man or whether onc cf the most pleasant affairs of the ho was married or single. kind on record. ; The delegates all received a coruiai i r . w. a r-.onnln nf (Greensboro Tno following nnmbers have drawn -"" " hospitalu NEW ADVlSKTISElilENTS Card. BIDS 1 " i ; -ITTILIi BE RECKIVKU FUtt UiTJ5.ii CHESTNUT STREET DOCK, itu til 12 o'clock M., on MONDAY, September 3d. Speeillca- Hons can be eeen at my oflice. . aug 17 2t ! E. D. HALL, Mayor I CAN BE FOUND IN FUTURE AT NO. 113 North Front St, over the Marblo Yard. i . ! it- J. II. DURHAM, Dentist. auglt-tf B' Smith vlllc at 3M o'clook. the delivery of Passengers To Contractors. IDS' ARE INVITED FOR MAKING AL teratlons and additions to the I MASONIC 1 HALL. on Market Street. Plans and Speci fcations j polnt3 jjntijC river, cau be seen at 104 N orth Front sstree c. JAMES C. MUNDS, ii J. M. FOR"3HEE, E. S. MA.RTIN, ! -.t Committee For Smithville. J' l U. S. MAIL STMU: MINNBVAVf i TTAVING BEEN PUT , THOROUGH repair, wilt on and after to day. (Monday, : August 13tt. wave her wharf, foot of Market street, at Q o'clock, A. M. Returning Uave PM., stopping for and Frclgl lit at ail The Agent guarantees ihat Paesepgcrs by tlil3 line SHALL receive; every attention, land ag 1 For Pocke.t Knives or Table Cutlery, 1 Hardware Depot, t .B!rtB,M:S Km! ties emended tononever, sid. OOCKWlumsracntu "k e.t ... 4.-rm onn end in ChicaJTO n,i Rtv Mount. N; C; No, 61,880. - " - " office. There arc quite a number of places sccond capital. S25.000, sold in Chicago on Market street where tne siaew.-u and Seima, Ala.; No. U3.5b3. tniru cap needs repairs. - ital, $10,000, sold in Nashville, Tenn.; . .. . . A rr. -rro rlrawiriff ;6.000. sold in HOTELS, BOARDING llUUSs, modate Visitors to tlio Fruit Fair -i,coni- municate at once witn Mayor uaii, -iu wnm Please state how many they can accommo- ! iiAtR. and the nricc per Day. per Meai ana rer Idrfne. F. W.iKERCHNKK. v . . i 'iiM'n nr .11111 perfect order maintained. Personal! attention given to the rcccivtog and delivery of Freight 1 tho week at Family Excursion daily during I reduced-rates. , ! - Tho patronage of the public 1 respectfully . solicited. J. E. UPPITT, I aus 13-lw , t Agent. The Fastest Yet. Engine No. 33, on the Wilmington! & Weldon Railroad, with Mr. Winfield t,i o niTinr.ftne davlast week on thefasttrain made the trip irom wei- nLfiyuw--r.;- -r-- i-i 1 HH 1 . . . rtrriYT-Ty f XT Q ' FRESH GOODS. Wanted. COMPANY WHO PROPOSE TO '. . etl-timbcr -I W A stablish a manufactory thereon, w The Philadelphia Times says-if the lcmocratic party cannot survive the election of Randall to the Speakership, aaWatterson predicts the sooner it dissolves the better. But the real trou ble. as the Augusta Chronicle puts it ii how to survive Watterson. . . , Miss Flood, the California heiress. ays Iiondon Truth, has inspired Lord IJeaumont, first in tho list of English viscounts, and a Catholic, with the ten der passion. He had previously been inspired in the same way by another heiress there. Miss Halty Crocker. The difference between Northern and Southern nnclvilizaUon is well told by t t,a Atlanta Constitution when it says that while 'the civilization of the North is whooping Itself hoarse over h'nodv sluzzing matches, tho poverty- stricken South Is compelled to content itself with an occasional uispuw tweca two comimckcr chickens." It Ir now authoritatively stated that Congressman Poindextcr Dunn, of Ar kansas, will not vote for Mr. Randall for Speaker. He has heretofore been claimed among his supporters. Con gressman Thomas B. Ward, of Indiana, who defeated the late Godlove S. Orth, is reported to have said that ho is not r,.xr, itndall ior Speaker under any . . - . ..... rcumstances. as he does no torn u wild represent tbe uemocrauc ment of Indiana. e were mu i;" Tr,;iHelnhia: No. "On iato 4"i v" . . . w " T copious showers last night wmcn were ew T .nV. thirty-five minutes which is two mm Sealof Xorta Carolina Smoking Tobacco, rpl hWms. ! f "-ll'J- urawms "irrl " 1 time than that made by engi . ... bare Mis3.; Nos. 15,201, lu.io,, "-.I..,. i.om(w n fpW weekslaso. ine Debfc uuw We understand that there will oe - ..m.Mo52 .d rawi n2 S2.(X)0 each, awi AU-U . . T ' sdines. Crackers of all kinds, among them several family excursions next wee on inlDayt0 G. . Guatemala. Central "f'P . ' ,., ':," : 7 Mn lh ,Ti uw. M west .nd best. - . . - - uiisrRnm w ms iu luhv, . j Parties who may have such lanria in fitanrtftft nf are rcoucsted to eommnnl the Minnehaha. America; Indianapolis. Ind.; Parsons, uuiaua-. , - - mmtA wa3 215 minutes, ! making me r:, heefin the market this morning Kan. ; New y.orKananicaguF-OMTO anf0A nftr at one minute . , nc verv iQ .,nH Vnrt Wavne. Ind. It will De ."T r" ? .. was not largo m huwihu - - - - inferior in quality. ... . . . - . r, rni : r- .rn Hoi inrp Ine ... . .i . inn in r i u noticed mat mo uuiuut:i. t Mackerel, Preserves, JelUcs and a large variety of Staple and Fancy Groceries. prize ticket. 93,563, differs Irom that as published in the &qr mis moruiufe. which gives it as 97.563. We believe that our figures are correct. elebrated 'Fish Brand Gills The cc The rain seems to have been pretty general, extending all over tho &taic and into South Carolina. Seo ad. for bids', for making altera tions and additions to the Masonic Twin0 is sold only at Jacobi's Hard building, on Market street. ware Depot. . There was a very heavy rain at the personal. Sound yesterday, said to have been one following from the Val of the heaviest had this season. to me pro- Thoconstruction of the Banks Houss posed removal irom this Stateot our at the Sound, has so far advanced that eitcemed friends Mr. John R. Paddi- it improbably bo completed in i"ison: carlv part of next week t 7 . The William ci w i.ih, recent Episcopal Conference. .t Sewanee. Tcnn.. it was i Kn entirely inexpedient. both on grounds lof ecclesiastical poll . , r .inn trv-insideraucn oi lyanuaisoui . m inf-t nf all concerned, to cstao- r.K .nr (KMntfl indeDcndcnt ccclcsiati- cal oreanizalioa for tho colored people dwellinz within the territory of any con itlriibsd iurisdicUon." This conference was composed of fifty prominent men of the Southern diocese. Including thirteen of the bishops, and the resolution a test separate churches for the col nml race was adopted after a full and most Interesting dirension of the merits Our town is uoonto gain another fastest time ever made oyer that road and it ounht to be considered fast enough to satisfy any one. The Greensboro Patriot, last Wednes day, said: tr?cKf .Trnhi. of Wilmington, is . Ill K. L.X. U WW tfWWV w - . .i 1 i .--t TTnirrht- a t f fn fl 1 n ? votea ine diuiujuicsii um6u. vw--.-0 Jacobi accompanies him. That was a bard hit at our wormy friend but it is said that at the banquet that night Mr. Jacobi got in more than one good thing in reply. t.i ?.l lUt Afr Willio Muse, a 11 is ritiu snn nt tho late Commodore Muse, C. S. nnuT in this citv. holds a aw ww mm - aug 10 GEO. M. CRAPON, Agent, South Front St For Sale or Eent. OUSE WiTH EIGHT ROOMS. Lot C6 feet front, running back iw fCe't. Water Works in the house. No. 213 North Front street. West Bide; Apply to aug 11-tf GEO, IL KELLEY, Agt ed cyprees lands. cate, with me at Wadceboroor by "flt wltb Mr. Joib T. James, at Wilmington in! person.' Full prrtculars as to exact locaUon of ibtnda, number of acres, probable yield of fhnber to the! acre and lowest price, fcaust niade known. aplI19-tf L J Vt , jn 1 H JOHN T. PATRICK. Stotellmmlgration Agent, Yadeboro, N. mm ICE. t-t rrT".. cood citizen m the person oi nir. u . . wp.known in this city, Sullivan wuo was v ... f Foint uasweu, nurw . 4 . . .u r.unl ;n ,Ka Mavor's Court is not, hZnX Mr. Paddison is a . man ot part oi me ucKct ui uc jcotj i ! . a :fl.,0 in h s native State. in the Louisiana btaie ixjtiery, uu boit nnderstood. tne weu-Kw "f ' nica to welcome him in - " r. " as, Mr. Muse isresident in orcd painter or mat name. . m!.ut The Farmer and Mechanic, , . , I .!. ft VW - 111 ' ft!P : - ' o -1 rn New Furniture Warerooms. AT NO. 2ol GRANITE ROW.'SO. FRONT j '' I - ' I 1 fat., I have opened with what I think is a well selected stock of j - j , . Furniture and Bedding, ! - : ' ,!' ' I ii-- ! i V- ' Embracing many new designs la t ! Bedroom and Parlor Suits. Our aim shall bo to deal fairly andaqoarcly . with all, and respectfully ask a share of ttse public patronage. Courteous treatment guar anteed to all who favor me with a calb I aug 13-tf THOMAS Ki. tBAl A,igc The walls oi me new UZLV? nnral Lee's Staff. vr fTrnt to learn that lenaer. vo. ..r nn ifrt Pnrrnmr npnpr- ..... . L 1 ! tw.-r--- . m;nnnt I I Jr. r. HOUSU.jawi""" Railroai aro all lam anu. wori.ii.vu ... is abont kj osome .- g A Generai ta&. now a enaSed in patting' on to. citizens Jonn ,. I - dikinUhed rrationer in ran, wrote e4"e"" - ' ; -w-u: ok. ,-ntnr- oltlCiaiiy : lr. wmiugwu r our m idst. l ne r armw R k oant. Raleigh, N. C endorses him as lol- Kocny mouuw SEND IN YOUR ORDERS FOE BBLS.J HHDS. ana uak luau ij aug 13 W. E. DAVIS tc SON rJew Styles I rTipa AXn GENTLEMEN'S FANCT j i i The Temple of Israel, now that tho im- STh7Farn.er and Meehanic an inter- c'bJ $2H3SX& long a s..o,iery Hn.nl. t. nn4rl rvimnletcd. Loetir.rr ipttnr from aluosta, ueorPu, . . . ..;on hoth in and . L ... ' ftf v.indinar: mcnts on - w r-fadveon nectcvl with. the leading wy- . ooM. r , T-AKapi I til WuaL I II I' II I I LK-&&a U W I V w V 1 u I I II I L I.L1U .a ftAS SMI .V 1 1 TmUiA t in S. v neiocr r Wrapping Paper J raper iig . prove It adds much to meocaiu intcrcsted The many friends oi him we know noi. cn viat S twins and Forks, low IUft.w- -- . 1 r m. . nfAC. I UUIM--l - A 1 a v I UUIr laOii . . . . . . I yo .r.llVtRT x ur. trin and decidea . to remuio i"'-" ir-m i i ii l i - w - . . . . i . . la I Fvry w.Vr , , nn.!h nir tnvrn cinrnnt will be clad to Know ia. " thither. aiuosuw "WU.VB" o& v o "Ul TjftAir(1 I SrMlfin --bonnie Scotland." of 2.000 inhabitants on the , S u F School BOOkS ! enjoying himself m - r" R., 1G0 miles from Savan- it .:u nt return to mis wu.uj - , . ,. , K,ieiinPM at tins sea U nm-' j t l nau. iluu is iua w w. ... r Mmctime in October. , , shippinl: 40 'or more ca loads of We lea that there were heav, rains E2e. Va.- ves erdayand last nilht all along the 'dho0swu shioSSOOop ;worll 'r melon. of tho Wilmington & Weldon Ua.1 VtoJ-ffi "nTJreS road. whlclvwUl make the farmers in luctopt toJeaTe the b that section rejoice M . bosincss is business." We regret bis A colo-red individual. cTarsed with "Sen disjrdcrlj conduct, was the only lease feTeeUure aoot very lar distant. f...v-i.nr'aoonsidcrationthismorn- . :i. u :. tnmnra tuk .um - j rtA i.t in thocitvl The mercnanis i-o' Ug. A fine of $5 or 0 days in e cay c wcek for the purchase .t, the sentence. Ho went be-porurwaauu Fi" " ; 0f t ail WW M UlMZk wv- School Books! Wrapping Text Books, adopted by the State Board of - . , - - : ...... Education, a specialty. " C. W. -YATES, aug 13 I 119 Market ttreet Turnip Seed Turnip Seed. NEW CROP 1883; j V IOR SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Country oiueriinviteo. jjj WILLI A3I II. GREEN, Dniggti . . i . .. ... ! I i. augC 117 Market Street FLO IH DA WATER. LAVENDER WATER. VIOLET WATER. HELIOTROPE WATER. 3 1 WHITE ROSE WATER. ' . RAZENA WATER. A Lk a complete asaortmcnt of Colognes Sand Perfumery for tho Summer Reason. . . , i ii . m'm I'rescripUonii compounded da and nhxbtat F. C. MILLER'S, -; I " ' ; uerman jurugri. aug C- Correr Fourth and Xnn eU. Fruit Jars. i- , - ALF GALLONS,! QUARTS, PINT and i mr UUUUUl luwau . jerVE TUMBLERS A LARGE AND COMPLETE AS- SORTMEST. ' : " ALSO, PIANOS AND ORGANS, at UZU ' Live Book and Mualc Store Giles & Biurcliison. aug 6 North Front St Old ; Ncirspapers jpOR SALE VERT CHEAP. - iprpa.tf TiixsorncK Solid Comfort; . . . ,i t ' mflERE IS SOLID COMFORT rN.Tnftttso of KeroseM Stoves. A customer! I who I tufngone, says: With this we are ldepend-. ent when left without a servant." , Thee are sizes and prices. Try one. pure wniteuii. - - angS I'ABKEB a TATU) SUPPLIED A LONG FELT; WANT BT etblLlitng a flrt-el Carriage, Harness and Trunk Store, where all kin Is of itoois la ourHnetyinbe botrht at price lower than ever before offered 1m this market.; r. ? tJT Re palling In all its branches attended promptly. MeDOU(JALI A towdenJ 1 augO , ; No. Hi North Frost bt. and demerits. low.