MISCELLANEOUS. jftVORTHIHGTOirs THE GREATVJ MHOLERA ( RAP4P IARRHWIURi Br OTt sa TXAM. Vj "4"T .-.tt.Gc.--1 C. . A. tut chaius A.t:cu c:mht, " Sun, t - . h i: Toa claim tfl nBckforAMAKi- Js'inrixE,". cp- cJ Bfiy ihrr rI1plaIBl, We claim It -;.-.nply. because the lira of alldlea . fnwuthrMool. IU Nenrinc. lteolvenf, '.-rt?ireul Laxative properties meet all the r.t t..t. herein referred to. It'sknown xcorll p!yEclolnlQluERoH Is s i.. t ami compotes th patient not by tUo . .mu of oputcs and drastic cathartic. .: tin restoration of activity to the tomacb i txoa rytem, whrrfby the brain Is rc f rvorbUl fandc, which aro created by abm e referred Ux T. r?cicn. Lawyers. Literary men, Mrr tt in. r.ankrr.Ladlt" and all thoe who1 cd .rirr i-tnplojmrnteauenerroc prostration, rr -ubrrtte of the blood. tfotnach. bout -I oi k, or who require a nerve tonic. ji-tivr . r-t.inlant.SAAarrAMNKr.TlXKlinai.ia!lc. TfeniJMiHN proclaim It the mot wonM rfnTin : --actth,teTerutalnlthcflnkinirten. iM bv all Drorcit. Tim Hit. S. A. Kit lOlONP MED. CO., 'nrre,SUoih, Ma l or testimonial and circulars enl clamp. CUt. 2f. e&tttta. Am-, ro T::i ZL'.7. i'l aulS lw-nrtn Vital Questions! ! Ask the most eminent physician Of any school, what is the best thing in the world for quieting and allaying all irritation of the nerves and curing all forma of nervous complaints, giving natural, childlike, refreshing sleep al ways? And they will tell you unhesitatingly "Somo form of Hops!" CHAPTER I. Ask any or all of the most eminent physicians: What is the best aud only remedy that can l3 relied on to cure all diseases ui the kidneys and urinary organs, such ai llruht's disease, diabetes, retention r inability to retain urine, and all the diseases and ailments peculiar to Wo iren.w And thev will tell you explicitly and emphatically "U-Jchu." Aik the same physicians: "What U the most reliable and surest cure fur all liver diseases or dyspc psia; constipation, indigestion, bllliousness. inalaml fever, aue, &c..M and they will tell you: Mandrake! or Dandelion!" Hence, when these remedies aro coru hino.1 with others equally valuable And coat pounded into Hop Bitters, such a Concluded next nignth.J iuly IHti&vr Im. 1 Z??& HI IfLaeaM to an effect, not a cxivus. IU origin within: tu manifestations wtthoot. Hence, to cure tnc dleao the CAUSE mast be remov al &nl In o other war en a care to effected WAUSEW SAKE iflUN'EY AND LIVER CUtlE U establUhod oa just this principle. It raJlaes that 95 Per Cent. of all dUcaaes arise from deranjrM kidneys and treramUt striae at once at the root of the Ufticulty. Tna element oi which It la com now! ait directly upon the great organs, both aaTVoDll an l llESTOHER, and by placlnje them in a beaithy condition, UxIto disease and -vain from the system. or the innumerable troubles caused by un hsalthy Kidneys, Urer and Ualnary Organs; lor the dlstreailcgc Disorder of Women; for Malaria ao4 fpr physical derangements rencr a.iT. this irrcat reajcly has no eioaL IWware of (mpoaisrs. ImluUooa and concoctions said lK"tSaskforWAIlXEII-S SAFKDI AI.KTt CURB. i for sale by all dealers. . 1L IL WARXEU CO.. aplll la Rochester. N. T. not, life 1 sweeping by, go and dare be fore rou die, some thing mighty ana aubllme leave bchlnl to conquer time. week In your town. i outfit fn rlvk. Kt rxtiilnr new. Pn1l n.-t n i.- u a free. No Capital not required We will fcrnlsh yrm eTerythlnx. Uany are men. and boys and irtrls make areat pay. lieader, if you want buslneaa at which yon can snake rfeatpay aU the time, write for parti era. ars to it. HA.1XJETT Co, Portlaad, llaltie. soy lS-dAw U. ficn yOA TAX TheDaily Review A MOTII Blt'S LO VI2. Some day,. When others braid your thick brown hair, , t And drape your form n silk and lace. When others call j'ou "dearand "lair," And hold your hands and ki.ss your face. You'll not forget that far above All other U a mother a love. Some da v. i 'Mong strangers in far distant lands. In your new homo beyond the sea. When at your lips are baby hands. And children playing at your knee Oh, then, as at your side they grow. How I have loved you, you will know! Some day. When you must feel love's heavy loss. You wdl remerabcr other year?. When I, too, sank) beneath the crosj. And mix my memory with thy tears. In such dark hours be liot afraid. Within thy shadow I have prayed. Some day, f Your daughter's voice, or smile or eyes. My face will suddenly' recall: Then you will smile in sweet surprise. Ami your soul unto mine will call In that dear unforgolten prayer; Which we at evening used to share. Some day. A flower, a soDg. a word may bo A link between U3 strong nnd sweet; Ab, then, dear child; remember me! And let your heart U; mother beat My love is vitti you everywhere You cannot go beyond my prayer. Some dav. t At longest it cannot' be long. I shall with glad iui patience wait. Amid the glory and the song. EL lor you bforc the Golden (iate. After earth s parting anil ear u s pain. Never to part! Never aain! Cock-Flghttiiit.vs SluKi Once upon a time a man with long brown hair, which patted naiarally in the middle, and eyes as mild asihose of a Jersey cow, journeyed from the North to the Southwest in search oi health His moraU were good, but jhis lungs were weak. At ieast this was tho con clusiou of eminent physicians. He was a clergyman, but as t(ae denomination to which he belonged was not responsi ble for, his physical condition, it need not bo specified here. The young man was a scion of New England, chaste in depcrlment, and sanctified in appear ance, wearing golden spectacles, the better to prevent him from beholdinc the rampant sinfulness of the people with whom he came in contact. The young New Knglandcr drifted to New Orleans. The plimato suited him. He remained to teach school, and prospered in a measure. ! But the influences that strengthened his lungs weakened his morals. He became a victim to the mania for making riioney. One Sun da y this was long) ago he heard a sound ot many voices on one of tho by streets of the city of his adoption. A great crowd had gathered around two stray roosters which were fignting savacely. The comments and exclam ations of tho crowd were in 17 different languages, ranging all the way from English to Lingua Geral. The clerical young New Jbnglander studied the situation with interest. His activi ties were aroused.' An inspiration seized him. Why not take advantage of the savage defight of thes roughs and sailors and Dagos and turn it to account? He carried out his brilliant ideas, and to this day. although the clerical young New Eoglander has been turned to dust theso 50 years, the cock pit he built stands a monument to his r-rsirhr onprirv and culture. Every Sunday in tho jrear it is in lull blast, and bets arc made and booked in Eng lish. French, German, Italian. Spanish, Portuguese .and Russian. The point we desire to tuake is this, that the South by virtue ot the sopeJior energy and enterprise of the lopg-haired New Eng laud clergyman is able to compete even with the cultured North, so far as its staple amusements are concerned. Wo submit to any unprejudiced mind that tho pastime of cock-fighting is quite as ennobling and enlightening as the amusement known as slugging, which during the past few years has become the typical Northern sport. Atlanta !Ua.) Conntiiution. Cn -land's Prettiest Woman, Keswick, in Cumberland, can boast of ouo charming possessiou in the shape of the prettiest woman in England. She is a barmaid at tho Nelson wine vaults in that town. Her name is Edith Twenty mau, and sho is reported to be as good and modest as sho is beautiful. She has the gorgeous milk and roses complexion that is so rarely seen outside of England, united to splendid eyes, full, dark and lustrous as those ot a gazelle, pearly teeth, regular features, with rich dark hair, growing low on tho brow, and a 'figure whose tino outlines were not to be concealed hv thft rut of her Icountrv-mado gown. Sho is simply dazzling, ahd how such a pearl of beauty has been left hidden In this quiet little town is a marvel. She is well educated, paints in water colors, and is perfectly free from all vanity and self consciousness. Had sho been born a French woman she would ere this have dazzled the public I in some mute role in one of the great spectacu lar niwvv nf the dav. As it i?.?shc will probably follow the example of her eldest sister, who was as f beautiful as she, and who married a good, honest fellow in her own station of i life and who is now a comfortable matron with a house full of children. ' j A ICare Layout. Here now is the "layout" of a party that will soon be asking for votes : The Boss Shepherd ring frauds in the District of Columbia. The safe burglary iniquity. Tho whiskey frauds, reaching to the White House. I -I Tho Frcedman's Bank swindle. Tho Belknap fmpeachment. Tho Robeson naval frauds. The Sanborn frauds . The Indian Bureau frauds. Tho Pension Bureau Irauds. The Black; "Friday rascality., The theft of tho Presidency in 1S7G. Tho Indiana bribery in 1SS0. And the star route frauds, not to mention a long list of j other offenses. j mivu vu ju h; auu nuuuu AtMriU A 1!.: l . . uiciimun iijr iuucai party inai ever existed in this country. Indianapolis Ssniinel. . , Many times you want to keep meat or lish for several days. Lay it in a solution of Rex Magnus over nijht and you can keep it for weks. You can :?o keep milk a week or more bv stir ring in a little of-the 'Snow Flake" brand. dawt28a. A certain merchant in want of a boy, lately displayed the following suggestive notice: "Boy wanted who has fully rested himself, and not too intellectual." Ministers Sound its Praise. Rev. Mr. Greenfields, ' Knoxvillc, Tenn., writes as follows : "Samaritan Xervine permanently cured my s,on of epileptic fits." Here's food for thought. Sold by druggists, $l.0 A singledrop ot blood will furnish the mosquito food for a week, and yet people who drink heartily themselves begrudge the poor mosquito that single drop. 1 " ; Mothers Don't Know. How many children are punished for being uncouth, willful, and indiffer ent to instructions or rewards, simply because they aro out of health! An intelligent lady said of a child of this kind: "Mothers should know that it they would give the little ones moder ate doses of Hop Bitters for two or three weeks, the children would be all a parent could desire." When his hairdresser got into finan cial difficulty, Fogg said it was a case of dyer distress. Boston Transcript. Dr. Benson's Skin Cure is without a peer. It consists of both external and internal treatment and costs only $1. per package. At druggists. - According to the faculty, eisht parts in ten of the human blood consist of pure water. ; This seems to leave a very small margin for whiskey. That Husband of Mine Is three times the man he was before ho began using "Wells' Health Renew er." SI. Druggists. Quarterly Meetings Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church, South. TIIIUD ROUND. I Clinton at Goshen Aug 18 19 Elizabeth Aug 25-26 WhiteviUe Aug 25-26 Point Caswell at Pt Gas well Aug 28-29 Waccamaw Mission -..Sept 1- 2 Fair Bluff. ; Sept 8- 9 Rout. O. Burton. P. E. C?iiFVi-stTin from Youthful Imprudence bUlIGrerS causing Servoua Debility, mental and physical werkness. Valuable In fonnaUon for home cure FREE. Used 23 years successfully.- Dr. . G. Olln, Box 242, Chica go. , may Sl-d4wly Prepared from formulas used by an eminent physician during 20 years successful practice. SiKJCliic No. 1 Guaranteed to effect a radi cal cure of all affections of the Blood, whether Scrolulous or acquired. Skin diseases, tlm pics, moth patches, etc , are permanently cured bv IUte's Specific No. I. Price $1. Specific No: 2 Cures StMrsAL Weakness, Nervous Debility, from Youthful Indiscre tions or Excesses, producing Exhausted Vital lty and Loss of ManhooL This remedy Is un equalled In the cure of these complaints. It Is a powerf al stlmnlns to the weakened Nervous System, assists Nature to renew the strength and vigor of the debilitated organs, and effects a radical cure. Price $1. Specific No. 4 Ivcs Instant relief and per manently cures Rheumatism. Price 2. Specific No. 6 A posiUve cure for all weak nesses common to females. Price $1. Sold by Druggists or sent on receipt of price by J. W. Bate, S'J N. Clark St., Chicago. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. may 31-ly-dAw nnn Ho Kopeats the Remark. Will you please repeat that remark, Mr. Mathlson ?" ! - Turninp; so as to look your representative squarely In tho face, the head of the house ot Soreu Mathlson & Co., Pharmacists, No. 1,802 State htrcct. Marble Block, Chicago, re plied : "Yes, elr, with pleasure- My remark was that we consider Parker's Ginger Tox ic, now called Parker's Tosic, the best arti cle of Us kind In the market. Our Bales for the last six months tell the whole story and settle the qucsUon. The Tonic, like a good dinner, carries Its own recommendation with It. It's bound to sweep the West like a prairie on fire. In cases of rhenmatlms, dyspepsia and liver and kidney troubles It scores succes ses and wins friends every day." Iliscox & Co. beg "to call public attenUon to the fact that hereafter Parker's Gixger Toxic will be advertised and sold simply un der the name of Parker's Tonic. We make this change for, the reason that unprincipled dealers are constantly deceiving their cus tomers by snbsUtutlng Inferior preparations under tho name of ginger; and as ginger Is really an unimportant flavoring Ingredient, we drop the misleading word. There i no change, however, in the prepara tion itself, and all bottles In the hands of dealers, wrapped under the name of Ink er's Ginger Toxic, contain the genuine med lclne If the fac simile signature of Iliscox & Co. !s at the bottom of the outside .wrapper. aog 11-dAw First National Bank of Wil mington.! CAPITAL' STOCK SURPLUS FUND , $250,000 66.000 Deposits received and collections; madeon all accessible points In the United States. DIRECTOR'S j i . E. BURRUSS. ' D. G. WORTH! A. MABTIN. JAS. ST BUNT. B. F. II ALU j orncxRss E. E. EUBBUS3 PrestdemU A. K. WALKER-...- W. LARKIN3...... . W1J3..--. -.V. . - Cashier Atit CaaUcr MISCELLANEOUS. . New Orleass, August 1, 1S3. TO THE PUBLIC ! i. ' Investigate for Yourselves! Postmaster-General Gresham having pub lished a wilful and malicious falsehood in I re gard to the character of The Louisiana State Lottery Company, the following fact are giv en to the public to prove his statements, that we are engaged in a fraudulent business, to be false and untrue : ! Amount of prizes piid by The Louisiana Stite Lottery Company from January 1, 187, to present date : Paid to Southern Express Co., ; New i Orleans, T M Wcscott, Manager.. $1,S66,SC0 Paid to Louisiana National Bank, Jos HOglesby, President 4G3.900 Paid to oulsiana State National Bank, 8 II Kennedy, President 125,100 Paid to New Orleans National Bank, A Baldwin. President 88,550 Paid to National Union Bank, S Charlaron, Cashier 64,450 Pld to Cifzens Bank, E LCarrieie, President .J. 57,000 Paid to Gcrmanla National Bank, Jules Ca8sard, President..... . ..... ! 30,000 Paid to Uibernla National Bank, Chas Palfrey, Cashier 37,000 Paid to Canal Bank. Ed Toby. Cash'r 13,150 Paid to Mutual ational Bank, ! Jos Mltchel, Cashier 8,200 Total paid as above ....$2,253,650 Paid in sums of under $1,000 at the various oflices of the Company throutl'out the Urited States. 2,627,410 Total uaid by all r.-. ...... . $4,881 ,060 For the truth of the above facts we refer the public to the oflicexs of the above .named cor poratlons, and for our legality and standing to the Mayor and Officers of the City of New Or leans, to the State authorities of Louisiana, and also to the U. S. Officials of Louisiana. We claim to be legal, honest and correct In 1 11 our transactions, s much so s any business in the country. Our standing is conceded by all who will investigate, and our stock has for years been sold at our fcoard of Brokers, and owned by many of our best known and re spected citizens, 'j ' M. A. DAUPHIN, President ETCapital Prize $75,OOOJS Tickets only $5. Shares in pro portion. Louisiana State Lottery Company. We do hereby certify that we supervise the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi Annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and m' person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and. that the same are conducted tcith honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and we autlior ize the Company to use this certificate, with fac similes of our signatures attached, in its adver tisements." 1 Commissioners. Incorporated to 1S68 for 525 years by the Leg lalature for Educational ana Charitable pur poses with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve rund of -fooo.oou . nas . since ueen added. . I Bv an overwhelming DOPulai vote its fran chise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2i, A. v., i7. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any orate. It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Ninth Grand I Drawing, Class I, at New Orleans, Tuesday, September 11 , 1SS3 IGOth Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars Each. Fractions in Fifths in proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of '. 75,000 1 Capital Prize of 25,000 1 Capital Prize of 10,000 2 Prizes of $6,000 ! 12,000 5 Prizes of 2,000....: 10,000 10 Prizes of 1,000 10,000 20 Prizes of 500 10,000 100 Prizes of. 200.. i .-. 20,000 300 Prizes of 100 30,000 500 Prizes of 50 25,000 1000 Prizes of 25... 25,000 approximation trizes. j 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. 6,750 9 500. 4,500 9 250. 2,250 1,967 Prizes, amounting to $265,500 Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the oSice of the Company In New Or- For further Information, write clearly, giv ing full address. Address l O. Money Or ders or Registered Letter to -NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, New Orleans, La. Ordinary letters by Mall or Express, to M. A. DAUPHIN, 1 New Orleans, La. j or M. A. DAUPHIN, - - i 607 Seventh St.- Washington, D. C. aug 15-wed-sat 4w-dAw Tobacco. W E HAVE FULL LINE3 OF TOBA which , we are selling EIGnT CENTS under prices prior to May 1st. Also a very largo Btock of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS at bottom figures. WORTH & WORTH. may 7 j C. D. Morrill. "TJNDERTAKER, CABINET MAKER AND CARPENTER. Office and Work Shop on Sec ond street, opposite Southerland's stables. Respectfully solicits orders and guarantees good work, prompt delivery and satisfaction la ererv retpect. : i I - mv l-tf JUST THEIPAPER THE PEOPLE WAIT KD. OLDHAM'S WESTERN SENTINEL. (Established 1332.) Should be Read at Every Flresldln E&estern ' - North Carolina. , T J J- i Foil of News, Fun. General Information and Something to Interest Everybody. SEND 50 CEXTS ANT TST IT THREE MOSTHS. WINSTON, X. C " a'plti ; ; . ' - " - MISCELLANEOUS. ' GUNS. AND CUTLERY ,'y A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Muzzle anfl Breech-Loader J Guns, Revolvers'and Ammunition SILVER PLATED- M SPOONS & FORKS, I A VERY LARGE VARIETY OF Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery. Popular prices to suit all at N. JACOBI'S, HARDWARE DEPOT, dec!22-tf o. 10 South Front St Livery and Sale Stables. JJOBSKS, BUGGIES, PIUETON3 AND CARRIAGLS let at I low rates. Also Board or Iloraes. The Finest Hearse in the I City. A CAR LOAD OF Kentucky Horses & Mules Just received and for sale low. The best lot of Ltock in the city. IIOLLINGSWORTII & WALKER, At the New Stables. may 4-tf Cor. Fourth and Mulberry sts Fly Traps. milE BEST AND I CHEAPEST IN THIS J. market. Our GRAIN CRADLES cannot be surpassed in price or quality. A large and . well selected stock of Hard ware at W. E. SPRINGER & GO'S., Successors to John Dawson & Co., aug C Market Street E. G. Blair, GENERAL COMMISSION UKRCUAMT,- vx No. 10, North Second Street, I Wilmington, N. C. Solicits consignments of all kinds of Country Produce. Top prices and quick returns guar anteed. Will 1 resjhip to other markets when requested. , aug 6 , E. G. BiiAIR. Number 8. lOOD BEEF, MUTTON, , ' LAMB AND! VEAL. The best the market affords at ' BORNEMAN'3 STALL, - ,No. s, New Market june S New Yorlt & Wilmington i ' Steamship Line. STEAMERS ' I WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK EVER! SATURDAY, at 3 o'clock, P. M. REGULATOR. '. '.. i Saturday, July 23 BENEFACTOR ....Saturday, Aug 4 REGULATOR Saturday, Aug 11 BENEFACTOR...... .Saturday, Aug lb REGULATOR.. Saturday, Aug 25 TVifmicrh mils IjvHnsr &nd Lowest Through Rates imarantced to andirom Points In North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to i.i ' THMAS E. BOND, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. TIIEO. G. EGER, Freight Agent, 35 Broadway, New York. WM. P. CLYDE & CO:, General Agents, july 25-tf. I i Millinery & Fancy Goods. T AD1ES, AND CHILDREN'S IITS, ' BONNETS, LACE TIES and BOWS AND RIBBONS, In all the latest styles. j Orders from the country promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed.! .- f l My patrons will find it to their Interest to call and examine. . MRS. S. J. BAKER, 122 MARKET STREET. june 9 For Sale. UST BE SOLD j THIS WEEK MY llUOouuvuv - - urtnr Machine. All new. Can be seen at residence. No. 411, South Sixth street- , july 23 1 - nuaay. Laboratory of . , f j STATE A8S1TEK AHD UHKKinT, u G06East Grace Street. ' RrcnMOND, Va., Januaryt 30th, 1S83. ifn ill Ktcttim. haa ma If- tnnum to ma tlie composition of his Hair Festorer and 1 have aidO BUOjeciea it lO cueuuossi exauiiuuvu a commonly employed In making preparation IOr UM) lUUr, nor BOyiuuij; uasmiui, aut wa therefore be usel without apprehension of la- lunous resutu. . WM. H. TAYLOR, M. D.. State Chemist. Whilst that king ydtu Mr. Ezeklel. for the Tlafr Keatorer rou so klndlv sent me. I take rreat pleasure in saying to you that iu bene ficial effects upon my hair have been so appar ent as to attract the commendation of all my friends woo have noticed U. ' It is in my estimation a treasure, without which the toilet of none who have nsed it will be complete. Moping It soar realize yoq the pecuniary success yon so richly deserve. - j rcmaavveryreBpeciJiwij, . MkS. A. ii V. Wise. ' Richmond, Va- Teb. 27, 1SS7. ForsAlebyalldrngglsts. Price tl per bov He. "I ,. lelil? ItATXIiOADS, Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta 111 It! Co. j OrrnaCoT Gsxsxai. StrrEaurrEXDErr. j I Wilmington, N. C July Sl&J. i J ir " - Change of Schedule. AS AND - AFTER JCLY Sth, ISSZ; at si st n n mar ".-v i i awi w m iHMmn r nriifi will be run on this road : 1 1 i I v ; ;' Wcet and 47' E&aU IK. leave Wllmmgton.: j........ .wr. v Leave Florence. L. ...... iW.A. u. Arrive at C. C A A. Junction.... 6.20 A. M. Arrive at Columbia. A- M. TMr rLrlnTnh1 9. &5P. SL. Leave C, C4A. Junction. ia. 1. M. LcaveFlorer.ce 1.55 A.M. Arrive at Wilmington... J Ai M Niorrr Mail axd Passkhgeb Tbaet, DAK.T ''I ' j yJ. m ui Leave Wllmlngton......i....;;...10.40 P. M Arrive at Florence. 1.45 A.M. MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN DA1LT No. WEasU.-r;;-'' ll ' 7 '-''.'j Leave Florence at... ...... .! 3j25 P.M. i Arrive at Wilmington .7.41 P. M Train 43 steps at all Stations. - I i No. 40 stops only at Fleming ton. and Marlon. Passengers for Columbia and all points on U. & C. R. R., C., & R. 1L Stations. Aiken Juno tlon, and all points beyond, should take 43 Night Express. ' I 'I " Pullman Sleepers for Charleston on Train 4S ! ! All trains run solid between Charleston , I Wilmington.! ," I - ! Local freight leaTcs yilmington daily . ; fftt Sunflnv At 7 A. M. ; I i ; " JOHN Fj DIVINE. L General Superintendent. T. M. EMERSON, General PasscBgcr .Jul! , Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Comphiiy. , A: OFT1CR OF GEKEBAL SurKRnrrtHOXNT, I Wilmington, N. C, July 8, 18t3. 1 1 Change of Schedule. GVN! AND AFTER JULY 8, 1883, AT 3.00 , JfP. M., Passcnarer Trains on the W liming- J toe) & Weldon Railroad will run as follows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS DAItT Nos. 47 North aki 43 Soutw. . ! J Leave Wllaibigton, Front St. Depot, Gi40 A. M Arrive at Weldon 12.40 ! P. M Leave Weldon..... 8.00 P. M Arrive at WUigton, Front St. D'pt, 8.4tt P.j M Fast Th bough Mail & Passgkoeu Trains . ' 1 DAILT No. 40SOUTU. - j ' I . Iave Weldon 1.. 5.55 P. Mj Arrive at Wilm'gton.Front St. Dp't 10.i5p. Mj ,; MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAINS DaILT l No. 43 North. Vr' 1 1 Leave Wilmington...... ; 8.00 1'M. : Arrive at Weluon 2.'.0,A.M. Train No. 40 South will stop only at Wilson, I Goldsboro and Magnolia. , I 1 Trains on Tarboro Branch Road Leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 12.00 A. M. and ,4.30 P. M., Daily. Returning, leave Tarboro at 10.00 ; A. M and 3 P. M. Daily. I 1 . J Tnrics on Scotland Keck Branch Road lcve Halifax for Scotland Neck, at; 3.25 -P. -Be. turning leave Scotland heck at 7.3 A. j daily except Sunday. 3 . Train No. 47 make close connection at Wei- .don for all points North Dally. All rail vis Richmond, and dally except Sunday 'via Bay Line. 1 . Train No. 43 runs dally and makes close con j ncctlon for all Points North via Richmond aud Washington All trains run solid between Wl'mlngtcn and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. t j. For accommodation of local travel a passcn gcr coach will be attached to local freight leav- ing Wilmington at 6.15 A. M. Daily except Sunday. " i . f JOHN F. DIVINE, 1 General Superintendent. 7 T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. juty 6 . . .(...: .1 ; . .. Carolina Central E. R. j- Company. Office of general 8 uvranrrxxD em t, Wilmington, N. C, June 13 th. 18J3. rr nir liJtT'W -j:. i Change of Schedule.- . -k. m a TT a UWIIl'V T f-.? W 49iU , IBM MtrfO . following acnemue will be operated on this Railroad : 1 . .. , . ! , PASSENGER MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, ,.': Dally except Sundays.' r: . ij t ) Leave Wilmington at.. ......7.10 P. L J Leave Raleigh at 1..7.33P.M. A Arrive at Charlotte &t ...7.00 A. M. , N0.1. ! ) Leave Charlotte at... ...... .8.45 P. M. No. 2. Arrive Raleigh at. .8.30 A. M . ) Arrive : at Wilmington AC..8.25 A. U. I Passenger Trains 4 stop at regular stations only, ankpoints designated la the Company's Time Table. 1 1 SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL . ' 1 . . EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. , I. K 1 Daily except Sundays. , j' Leave Charlotte ......1 5.30 P. U Arrive at Shelby.... 9.00 P. M. Leave Sbclhy ..1 7.00 A. K. Arrive at Charlotte.. ..10.30 Aj. M. Trains No.! 1 and 2 make dose connectton at Hamlet with R. A A. Trains to and from ILal clgh. -1 - .1 11 I Through Sleeping Cars between Wllmmgton and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No, 1 for Statcsvllle, SUtlons Western N C RR, Ashevllle and polnU West. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens Atlanta and all points Southwest. L n 1 r. r.fiwa r 1 I SuperlntcndenL F. W. CLARK, General Passenger Agent iuneU3 . t-"- t 1 ' A week made jlI home b the Industrious. Best bust. 1 ness now before the public . -3 Capital not needed. We start too. Men. women, bora And rtrl wanted everywhere to work for us. Now la ' -the the time. You can work In spare time, or , give your whole time to the business. No other business will pay - you nearly ' as welL No one can fall to make enormous pay, by en - Siglng at once. Costly outOt and terras free.! oncymade fast, easily and honorably. , Ad- I drees Tkcb A Co., Augusta, Malae. , r ' nov 16-IAw tf. 1 . 1 I PACIFIC GUANO .1. Just received and' for sal SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO , and ,:, :-. ... I ,v; !f ' I Dissolved Bone phosphate. We never Bave had the ;t!rt rcornp'olat cf these rertillzers not bringing ;p roll table crop See ourJCovny Agents. ALEX. EPCUNT'AZSON.' tzb 2-lw- rp i 1 r f3 f wlU