The Daily Review. FRIDAY. AUGUST 17. 1S83. r-r- The Daily Review hs Uic largest bona, fidt Circulation, of any newspaper published, the cily of Wilmington. 8TATBNEWS. Marian ifcsi: The wheat crop ia threshing out beyond expectations. The crop ot this county wm ap'suwt rw KnSfio!B The drought still continues. The cast end -of the county had a fine rata Saturday. Up lands all over the county will jicw ery poor. To counterbalance the fine wheat crops now being threshed In North Core township, the corn crop 13 said to be literally dried up. Some larnis it is thought will not yield one bushel to the acre. Kren the bottom lands will yield but one fourth of a crop. FayettcTille Observer: Speaking of cuenmbers. we mentioned, last week-, an unusually large specimen of this Tcgetablc of Rrcat possibilities. But; MrOehrLat the loot of HaymounV has one grown by Miss Caldcr which measures 13 finches .in circumference. 13 in lenrth and weighs 31 ponnd3. Last Sauday morning, in the pres ence of his congregation. Kcv T YV Ebeltoft formally resigned his Porato ot the Baptist Church. Air Kbcltolt health, his physician having enjoined rest from pulpit work for at least one year to come. Ualeigh Visitor Mr. J ackson Mitch ell told us this morning that he was nearly C'J years old, and that he had nover been a juror or witness in court, was never in the guard house and never took an oath on a Bible, -lie v. Brantley York, 1). ! President ol Salem and Ilandleman Iligh School, Vnm ATMHcirn find ronlinued .study lost bis eyesight at about 50 years of age. jie is now auun u j wt j v, andyigorous. For nearly 30 years he has labored on cheerfully and with great zeal. Few more, if any. in this State have done more for education and vinwi. !! hM now .recovered hi3 sight so far as to see people, trees, ani mals. itc. so as to distinguish them. TKr,rrt Rttdhrrntr: The Pamlico Insurance and Banking iCompany, of this place, has not-round it necessary 10 call in cash but so per ccm- oi lis capi tAl stock. The balance is in good seen rit! Trinrinallv in solvent notes. Heretofore thisSO per cent, has not Kon litrxl Tar taxation. The nuestion having been presented to Treasurer Worth, ho held that it should be listed okhIIls. The notes are ovetl y stockholdcJj, and now that they are t1 ' nrdrnt credits of the bank. theywill of course be allowed to count them as liabilitie3.and in giving in their nmnrt fnr taxation. Call deduct SUCb nnff-q n liabilities in ascertaining the 'tnmtint tn be listed. as their solvent rmfitj. Whether the matter will bo itn tn thtk courts, we are not advised. The prevailing opinion is that-the State Treasurer is correct. , .w Mnnrnn KrnrtsAZ Mr JamCS Mc- Kecly, of Goose Creek township, has. a Poland China pig, five months old 12th of August, that measures four fect eight inches in length, and weighs ICO pounds. Mr J R Lathan, of Bnford town- f hip. reports that he killed a moccasin a few days ago by shooting its head off. when 42 small moccasins, of an aver a"t length ol C inches each, crawled out o! U- Mr. Lathan is a truth! ul man. The rain has come at last, and is still coming as we write. It is in timao to benefit corn materially, but wo fear too lato to do cotton much good. Th min nnnears to bo reneral. The drought was not as long as that of si. j but has probably done as much ago. Mr.JohaShute, probably as estimates that with plenty of rain from now on, an average of one-half a crop of corn will be produced in this county. -Some farmers place the estimate even lower. Oar own belief is that under fair conditions tho average will be greater than one-half. Durham Recorder: On Monday morning about ono o'clock the peace fully slambering people of" Durham were aroused by the alarm ol lire. Shouts ot fire!" and the rinsing or bells was nothing new to the Dnrhani . peoplo; for the town within the past ihrve years Kas been almost totally destroyed by several fires. The lire could be sen from any of town, and the citizen turned out almost ten masse. Tho Banner Warehouse on - Main Street and between Scars Livery Stables and Bichmond, Cooper & Co's brick store was tho scene of tho lire, which was incendiary. The. stables were opened and lor a while horses made the town lively running over the paved streets. It was with great drlll culty that the stables were saved, the singles catching fire two or three times. The store of Messrs. Richmond, Cooper & Co.. was damaged by the lire. Lea & liockhart's Warehouse caught several times but by almost superhuman efforts it was saved. Several out. houses and twu wagons were destroyed. Tho total loss was about $10 000 on which amount there was $8,017 insurance. Sacs and Observer: Tho three hours heavy rain Tuesday night and tho rains yesterday afternoon have wrought quite a change in crop pros pects. Western North Carolina is certainly a great section for fruit. In Watauga county is an appple tree fifty years old which has on it about fifty bushels of fine apples; and has nine largo branches which give rise to 32 branchlets ; is seven and a half fect in diameter and covers 280 yards. Mr. Edward L. Pembertpn. ono of the best known cititzens of Faycttcville, died there yesterday, aged about 55. He noss man of that place, but some years sioco an attack of paralysis, caused his retirement irom business. .We arc informed by Mr. J. C. Scarborough that in the past week he has seen per sons from every county west of tho Blue lUdge The droaght. which is ot unusual severity, prevailed in all, yet owing to the situation has done less damagv there than it would hare done here . The crops of wheat and oats were splendid, and the supply of lood is abundant- The amount of sickness is very great just now, he reports, typhoid fever being the prevalent disorder. Chilhixa Record: The peach crop in Chatham has been almost a failure this year. Very few peaches havo- matured 1 . n 1 1 tt! n rr in rood condition neanj '"o defective. On last Saturday alter nnnntha oioom m nrr hant and saw mills of Mr. Solomon. Woruble. orGnlf-town- ship, were destroyed by are. -ine loss is very heavy, not ; withstanding there c-cvi inaminn. A lew davs ago.a white boy. named Joseph Sted- man, was wamog iu -'i Ixxikville and found a gold waicn mine bottom of the river. It must nave been lost many years ago for the works had all decayed and only the outer case remained. -The drought is ended and at last we have bad a mosc reiresmng rain . No rain was ever more wc 1 some, or hardly ever more needed, and joy is in the hearts ol us an. li is mo om season" (as the farmers ca'l it) that we have had in this vicinity for nearly four months, j AlthoUCh the com la shrivelled and twisted, and in.. many fields apparently ruined, yci mis xam will "bring it out't wonderfully and the hones of many farmers will be greatly revived. From all indications the ram has been very general- It began raining here yesterday afternoon, and continued with slight intermissions all night, so hat tho ground is well saturated and he streams are full. Charlotte's new enterprise the cotton seed oil mill, lo cated on the lino 01 tnc uicnmonu o- Danville Railroad.) is aboat ready to mirations, most of the ma chinery having arrived and been put in nlacc. Tho ' Dcsignolle reduction works, located about 4 miles from tno city, alter a runioi o monms. nave ceased operations lor uie prescni to al low of some necessary repairing u ine furnaces being done. The suspension is only temporary, and the worKs will shortly resume. , -There were scat tering rains about thocounty yesterday. but a!out Cliarloito tne lau was ngni. North and South of this city the rain was heavy enough to do great beneut in dm frrm last uizht a splendid shower visited the city and apparently extended all over tne country. a as- sengers who arrived in the city yo3ter day report that a regular mountain rainstorm prevailed along the Western V it It f o ml iniTlnilrofid Tuesday niirht. North Carolina Railroad Tuesday night, extending from Henry's to Newton. Thrninttll wftekrcedin2lvheavv.J)Ut the track of the road was only damaged in two or three places. 1 tie wires rr Ihn rip w Southern TelcirraDh Com pany, that have been expected to reach f Thirinf tf tnr finvprai tiavs usim. hwc run into the office of the company, in the Central Hotel building, yesterday afternoon at seven o'clock. The wires were attached to the instruments and operator Dodge pulled open the key and hammered oil tho following message, signed by Brown, Wcddington & Co., to tho New York Herald: 4,We con eratulate the business men ol your city on the completion of tho Southern tele crrttnh linn tn Charlotte. Wo arc now independent of the great monopolies.1'- 2CW L OIK rUWIVCU Uiu uiDoaajjo uu then the offices all along the line opened up a friendly conversation with Char lotte, their new neighbor, with whom they were brought into communication in tho twinkling of an eye Cured Six Years Aso. "It has been 6 years since I was cured of fits." says Mr., W. Ford, of Wirt, Jefferson Co . IndS'Sapiaritan Xcrvinc did it." And it always will, reader. $1.50. at druggists. 1 Afinc assortment of Guns and a. Jacobi's Hardware Depot. i'i 3WVI O NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. So Weak More Eyes. MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. A Certain, Safe and Effective Remedy for SORE, WEAK AND INFLAMED EYES. Producing Lonjr-Sij?htcdncss, ani Kej storing the Sight ot the Old. Cures Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye Turasrs, Kcd Ef cs. Hatted Eye Lashes, and Pro ducing Quick llcllcf aud Perma nent Cure." 1 Also, equally cfllcac lous when used In other niaktdlc!, such 84 Ulcers, Fever Sores, Tu mors, Salt Khcura, Burns. Piles, or wherever inflammation exists, MITCHELL'S SALVE may be used to advantage. Sold by all Druggist at iV. aug ,13-lw 1 ceo ioa Harper's Magaziue; ILLUSTRATED. I IIarprr'4 Jfapazine begins its sixty-sixth vol ume with the DeccmlKT Number. It Is not only the intwt popular Illustrated periodical In AmeriCA and England, but atao the largest in its scheme, the most beautiful In Its apjear ance, and the best magazine for tho home. A new novel, entitled "For the Major," by Con stance Fenlmore Woolson, tho . anthor of "Anne," was begun In tho November Number. In literary and artistic excellence the Maga tine improves with each successive number. Special efforts have been made for tho lighter entertainment of Its readers through humor ous stories, sketches, Ac. Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: UXRrCfi'S MAGJLZISfc 4 06 Harper's Wexklt........ 4 00 ILisrER's Bazas 4 00 The Thuk above publications. . 10 00 Any Two above named ......... ....... 7 00 IIabpkk's Vorxa People... 1 0 If ARrER'A Magazine . I t . m IIakperTs Yocko People aw Harper's Fraxklcc SquIre Library, , One Year (52 Numbers) 10 00 Postage Frte to eU ttibtcritxrn in (JU Uniita SaCa.. . ' j , The volumes of the ITntM begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year. When no time Is specified, it will be under stood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the current Number. ! . The last Eight Volumes cf Harper's Maga zine, tn neat cloth blading will be sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt ox $3 00 per volume. Cloth Cases, fori binding. 50 cenu each by mall, postpaid. i Index to llmrprr't Magxuine, Alphabetical. Analytical, and Classified, for volumes I to CO, Inclusive, from June. 1&30, to Jane, 1330, one toL. 8to. Cloth. oo, Uemlttancee should be mads by Post-Offiee Money Order or Draft, to avol chxmce of loss. Kecrptrprt ere met to copy tus advertisement vSiXatti tXe exprext order of ILarter a Bros. . Address uajlteb a ehothtrs, dec 15 New York. , COJJIMEKCIAIj NEWS. " WILMINGTON MARKET. s August 17-4 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted firm at 33J cents per gallon. Sales Of 000 casks at these figures.. , ROSIN Quoted firm at $1.20 for Strained and $1.30 for Good Strained. TAR Quoted firm at $1.80 per bbl of 2S0 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted steady at $2.40 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1.25 per bbl for -Hard. COTTON Quoted quiet at 9 cents per pound for Middling. No sales re ported. The following are the official quotations : Ordinary Good Ordinary Low Middling Middling Good Middling 6 ll-16cts 7 15-16 " 9 9f 10 DAILY RECEIPTS. Spirits Turpentine 231 casks Rosin 0013 Tar iw DDis Crude Turpentine ddis M AKIN 13 NEWS. j ARRIVED. Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith- ville, Master. U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, Bis bey, Smithville, Master. . . Steamer John uawson, uoivin, jtoiui, Caswell. R P Paddison CLEARED. Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith ville. Master U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, Bis bey, Smithville, Master. ! WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND AUGUST 11 1883. Cotton ashore, 1,277. 1 Spirits ashore, 5,793 ; afloat, 607 ; total, G.400. Rosin ashore, 73,013; afloat, 800; to tal, 74,443. i Tar ashore, 1,730. Crude ashore, 2359. RECEIPTS FROM AUG. 1 TO AUG. 11. Cotton. 110; spirits, 4.011; rosin, 9,724; tar, 77b ; crude, SJ.9 it. EXPORTS FROM AUG. 1 TO AUG. 11. DOMESTIC. Cotton, 22; spirits. 543; rosin, 501 ; tar, 431; crude, 2.485. FOREIGN. Spirits, 250; rosiri, 2,880. Vessels lor this Port from For eign Ports. Vnr Vrev. 5S1 tona. Halvorscn. sailed from r!lo a -- w JnnA 111 Br Geo Davis. 643 tons, Macoraber, sailed Am(;jrVr..1l2 ton9. Morse, cleared from Nar Madonaa.462 tons, Pedcrsen, at Rottcr- Till R I " Nnr Sultiielma. 314 tous. Sorenscn. sailed from London, Jane 15 ... Gcr Theodora Catharin, 313 toue.Maybauer, sailed from Rotterdam, May 16 BRJGS. GerDiana.SU tons, Schroder, sailed from Hamburg, June 23 Dan Louise, 26J tons, Hansen, sailed from Bristol, July 20 Marvin's Celebrated Jir.E AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, AlCSUes and Prices, from fio.00 to $2,200.00. Acknowledged by the best authorities to be the BEST SAFE MADE, extract from Scientific American editorial Feb. 11th, 1882: "We are also asked as to tte best fire proof Mies. , We say MARVIN'S." A. A. WILLARD. dec 19 Arent at Wllmlngto . Branson's N. C. Business Directory FOR 1883, S OON TO BE ISSUED 6th EdlUon 17th year of publication, will contain over 60,000 3ST-A.jES, and Is Intended to be the FULLEST AND MOST RELIABLE ' REFERENCE BOOK ever published for North Carolina. The Business and Professional Men of every County, City aud Village will be recorded and classified for convenient reference. Price $5. apl 25-tf July 11-d Aw I 1883. ' Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY 16 Pages. 8 CITED TO BOT AJTD GIRLS OF FROM SIX . TO 8LTTXRC TEARS OF AGE. Vol. IV. commences November 7, 1882. The Young People has been from the first successful beyond anticipation. N . T. Eve ning Pott. It has a distinctive purpose, to which It stead ily adheres that, namely, of supplanting the vicious papers for the young with a paper more attractive, as well as more wholesome. Boston Journal, For-neatness, elegance of engraving, and contents generally. It Is unsurpassed by any publication of the kind yet brought to our notice. PitUburgh Gazette, TERMS : I HARPER'S TOUNO PEOPLE, I " rj4 Per Y ear, Postage Prepaid, f 1 FrxGLB Numbers, Four Cents each. Specimen copy Bent on receipt of Three Ct. The Volumes of Harper's Young people for 1881 and 1882. handsomely bound In Illumina ted Cloth, will be sent by mall, postage pre paid, on receipt of $Z 00 each. Cover foi Young People for 18S2, 53 cents;' postage. 13 cents adtiltlonaL , Remlttanees should be made by Post Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of A Bxothexs. Address HARPER e BROTLTJERS, - dec 15 ... New York. 1255- hL:I ' 1 II II i MISCELLANEOUS GREAT INDUCEMENTS AT 116 Market Street. .A3 WE ABE EXTENDING OUB STOBE, and the workmen need the room, re are now offering GREAT BARGAINS IN - Dress Goods, Embroideries, White Goods LADIES AND GENTS' GAtJSE UNDERWEAR, STAPLE AND FANCY I ' Dry Goods, &c,&c Wc arc determined TO CLOSE OUT OUR STOCK, and commence with our improve- , . ' ; I - ments; also, AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK FOR FALL AND WINTER. " j Call and secure BARGAINS at HI. IU2. KATZ', 116 -Market StL aug G I PUR0ELL HOUSE. TTNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, - WILMINGTON, N. C B. L. PERRY, Proprietor. Late Proprietor Atlantic Hotel. First-Class In all Its appointments.; Terms S2.KO to $3.00 a dy t(k . ' Machines Eepaired. I WOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY MY friends an't the public that I am prepared to repair Sewing Machines, guaranteeing low rates and good work and satisfaction in every particular. Orders left with me will receive prompt attention. C. fc JEVENS,- july 18-tf 13 North Second Street I WE- HAVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Cakes and Crackers IN STOCK, CHOICE AND FRESH ! Sugar-Cured Hams, Strips and Shoulders. Try Our Pride Flour, IT IS THE BEST AND WHITEST ON THE . " ( MARKET. North Carolina Roe Herring. P. L. BRIDGERS & CO. HO North Front St. aug IS Summer Boarding. npWO OR THREE FAMILIES CAN FIND JL - . comfortable board in a private family at Pitts boro, N. C. Large,' airy rooms ; good water ; plenty of fresh butter and milk, fruits, vegeta bles, Ac. Large and shady playground for children. A daily mall to nearest railroad station, nine miles distant. Only one night's ride from Wilmington. . i ! For further information apply at REVIEW OFFICE, or address i I P. O. BOX IS. tnavts Plttsboro. N. C James J. Burnett, JplIOTOGRAPHER, NEW MARKET BUILDING, . (Up Stairs) South Front SL Photographs L U Dozen tl.0 ferrotypes 3 for 50 cents Respectfully notifies the public that he is prepared to do all work in his line, promptly and at low pi Ices, a call Is solicited. . may 19 The Ball and Theatre Season JS OYER. EXCURSIONS AND PIC NICS are all the rage now, and JOHN WERNER, the practical German Barber and Perfumer. Is personallyln attendance at his Hair Dress Ing 'Saloon ,29 Market Street, between Water and Front, Syilmlngton, N.C. r may 16 MISCELLANEOUS. TJIOWDAYi AUGUST 13th. ON MONDAY NEXT, WE WILL' OFFER EXTRA INDUCEUEsVs : : ! - V ":TO'BUYERS-OF,-- 5,! -'(;( J'"'J . 1 CARPETS AWD MATTIWciS; I Yon may find just what you want, and il'o, you will get a bargain. On. Tues day morning the floors of my Carpet i goods cannot be shown for some days. Orumb ClothsLinen Cloths, Just Received Jerseys CorsetsNursing Corsets, aug 11. 1$83 Dr. CLARK CURES ALL DISEASES OF r km eys, Skin and Blood. MILLIONS testify to its, efficacy to. healing' tfcc aboT named disc ases, and pronounce jr. u I T!i?iv T?T?lirT?TV TTTCnWAT THMAVi GUARANTEED TO CURE DY'SPEPSIA I jigeiits Wanted. laboratory 77 West 3d St., New York City. DruffsUts seli 1L . - Tn1.vcAv jti.i rprtitles that rellef for Heart Disease and Liver Complaint. jiiiy -lawunritxwiy . .. Millinery & Fancy Goods- Another Large Invoice of Millinery ! New Styles, NewColors, &c. e FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT FULL. KID, SILK ard LISLE G LOVES. j PARASOLS, NECKWEAR, FANS. ZEPHYR and MATERIAL; for FANG"? WORK. I - ! i MILLINERY Second Floor. I FANCY GOODS Firs t Floor. Respectfully, MISS E. KARRER, july 9 '- i- j a Ji 'W mjmm Kerchner & Oalder Bros,, WILMINGTON, N. C. OFFER THE FAMOUS SELF-FEEDING HALL COTTON GIN,! at Manufacturer's prices. PaTties wanting these Gins will please leave their orders at once to avoid delay in gettinsr them la time ft.r the present crop. Eice. Rice. Ricte 50 Tea and 100 Bbls CAROLINA- RICE, for sale vcty low. 2nnn Sacks LIVERPOOL SALTi Meat, ,UUUf lour. Molasse3, Sugar, Coffee, Lard, Soap, Starch, Lye, Corn, Hay, Can and Case Goods. At Wholesale only. . july 23 KERCHNER & CALDER BROS. Hulbert Bros. Wholesale Price List. o. Price 4 Piano. 7 oct.. sauare. rosewood. carved, agraffe .$159 00 7 Piano,uprigh,7MjOct.',cabinet grand 174 00 13 Organ, 4setsreeds,9stops and grand organ 59 00 Organ, 6 sets reeds, 13 stops, coup ler, sub-bass 73 00 " Our Pianos and Organs are .war ran ted first-class. 3 Violin outfit, box, bow,; plete 3 Violin cremona model, extra fine.. 4 Accordeon, 10 keys, bass box, fine tone.. 6 Accordeon, 6 keys, 1 stop, 2 sets reeds,perfect Mouth Organs, Vienna concert, 24 , holes.. 8 Mouth Organs, Genuine Rlchter 10 holes, GS 11 Mouth Organs, Genuine Concert 3 00 i oo 1 00 t 04 24 i aoubie zt noies.iis 1 00 5 00 14 Clarionet, genuine Martin, 6 keys, boxwood 17 Fife, in ebony, German silve ferules 16 Music Box, 1 tune, crank, fine. ...... 19 " 8 tunes, wind with lever large... 20 Violoncello, patent, machine head good.... 22 Double Bass, patent head, 3 or 4 i strings.. i 24 Guitar, maple, michlne head, fine i ' i - finish j 27 Banjo, 10 inch, 4 brass brackets 28 Cornet, brass cornopeon style, case and crooks 30 Drum, brass, Prussian, ornamented Gold Violin, Guitar and Banjo Strings. II Bros..... ..f.. Sliver Violin, Guitar and Banjo Strings, . H Bros.. Steel Violin, Guitar and Banjo Strings, HBros... Gut, Russian, German or Italian, best " quality.... Instruction Books, Howe's or Winner's, " any instrument. . 1 50 1 10 25 00 10 00 23 00 4 00 2 00 9 00 9 00 10 & 5 30 j uuue ewu intue i or iuu smir' er Sewing UfAchlnes, will sell them for $25 each while they last; .. Money is qu.te safe In common letter If plainly addressed. v Terms strictly cash with order. WW take stamps. - t Agents and dealers send for our 40 page Cat. alogue. - On above net wholesale prices "agents can make 100 per cent, profit. - Call on us when you come to St. Louts. References : Any bank or wholesale house Inthecity. I Hulbert Bros., Is the only General Whole sale house In St. Louis. .' i "HTJLBERT Bllfw II. n4 w .nr.. . l .1 A 1 - . . 923 Olive Street, Saint Louis. Mo. ian 13-17 Commercial Hotel Wilmington, N. C. , M. SCHLOSS, 'Prop. "piRST-CLAS3 IN EVERT RESPEQX. Ftrst-clasa Ear and EILLIAILD SA ' MISCELLANEOUS. Rooms will be torn! up, and these I : i Of various sizes, very cheap. black and colors, aL - . . . . ,i i L SIZES. i IN GREAT VARIETY, GOOD STYLES.) R. TJ3. rJldWTIRE. JOHNSON'S n d i an BloodSyrup THE STOMACIlI LIVER, BOWELS, KID it to be the - i - " I EIJZABKTHTOWX. N. C . Julr 12. 18SI I tout i in ajv lu,uvu & i ku i' nas elven me mn.h I would not be without It for Ave times the cost j j . r New York Weeklv Herald ONE OOLIiAlt A YE Alt T HE CIRCULATION OF THlS POrULAR newspaper is constantly increasing, it con tains all the leading news of the Dally HfralJ and Is arranged In nandy departments.' ,Thc FOREIGN NEWS j ! , I embraces special dispatches from all quarters of the globe. Under the head of ,i AMERICAN NEWS are given the Telegraphic Despatches of 1 be week from all parts of the Union. Tula iea-i ture alone makes . ' ( j J THE WEEkLY HERALD j I the most valuable chronicle In the world, as it is the cheapest. Every week is given a fait fnl iMUvrt of I i , I POLITICAL NEWS embracing complete and comprehensive del patches' from Washington, including full' re ports of the speeches of eminent politicians on the questions of the hour, 'i i THE FARM DEPARTMENT of the Weekly Herald gives the latest as well as the most practical suggestions and discov eries relating to the duties of the farmer, hlnU for raising Cattle, Poultry, Grains. Trees, Vegetables. Ac, Ac, with suggestions for keeping buildings and farming Utensils in re pair. This is supplemented by a well-edited department, wiaeiy copiea, unaer tne neau oi the noME,p . . giving recefpes for practical dishes, hints for making clothing ana for keeping up with the latest fashions at the lowest price, r Every item of cooking or economy suggested in this department is practically tested by experts be fore publication. Letters from our Paris and London correspondents on the very latest fashions. The Home Department of the Week ly Herald will save the Housewife more than one hundred times the price of the paper. Tha interests of - i ( SKILLED LABOR, J are looked' after, and everything relating mecha-.ics and labor saving is carerully re corded. There is a page idevoted $o ail the latest phases of the business markets, Crops, Merchandise, Ac, Ac , A valuable feature Is found in the specially reported prices and con ditlons of I . - , 1 . .( THE PRODUCE MARKET. 1 Sporting News at home and abroad, togeth-' er with a Story every week, a Sermon by some eminent divine. Literary, Musical Dramatic, Personal and Sea Notes. There is no paper la the world which contains so much hews mat ter every week, as the Weekly Herald I which Is sent, pastage free, for One Dollar. You can subscribe at any time. . - ! The New York Herald, In a Weekly form, One Dollar ! a Year. ''. Address NEW YORK HERALD, Broadwayland Ann fetreets,NewtYork dec 19 . - - i , Travellers. JpERSONS GOING AWAY FOR ,A TRIP, and wanting a Trunk or Travelling Bag or Satchell will do wed to call and examine my i- T. ,t stock before purchasing elsewhere, as Ihave a Urge assortment. . . ' Also, a fine lot ef Linen' Dusters and Straw nat8- ". '1,-'''-". .''l Those fine White Vests that t ani veiling so cheap are almost goile. i - - . ,. . . SOL.! BEAR, july 23 - 20 Market street W E W ST O R E. -pOB THE CONVENIENCE OF UY CUS TOMERS AND THE PUBLIC GENEBALL j I have opened a " ' ' : I 'V,1 ' Fancy Grocery Store I 'V: '"" ':;: .:"- fis Tim : i NEW BIARKET HOUSE, I 7 CORNER MUTER'S ALLEY. I 1 SHALL HAVE ON HAND AT ALL TIMEa Tlie Clioiccst ; GrocoricsJ a. snch as I keep at my Store oa North . Buy vour GROCERIES from me and it will afford mc pleasure to deliver at jour home such articles as yon may. purchase In tho Mar ket. , : ' i t : I SAVE TIME AND TROUBLE by mak i-i all your, selection In the NEW, MARKET HOUSE. ?5r ? " ' i i ' ' Jolin L. Boatyrrlslit: .myl-tt v . LOOn TTACnXD. 7 p SI.

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