THI3 PAPKB . ; PLEASE NOTICE. l Wt will be glad to reoclvs eommvilctUont from ovx frlextd on asv and all subject of general Interest tm. . - Jt j j . The name of the writer mut slwAybe f nlahed to the Editor. ! ' . Commnnlcatlona most be wxtttea (ool r t pted by JOSH T. JAMES, gorTo rBoraaro. RIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: srBiri Three 7' t jf- One month. JS centa, la oy prt f th Jt'' at lbc ab0Te one side of tbe paper. " j Personalities mast be avoMed. Andltla"c5pecl&Uy and parHcalATlj and ;! stood tn&t the Editor does not always endot t the views of correspondents unless so state'. In the editorial columns. - -.. J -1. 1 ' ' A iK'n r. ... UT ami Ul fall- VOL. VIII WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1883. NO. 197 .triurr - TU TteU Bnicto has tht largest j rad'Uion, of any nevpapcr r" .Kafr in Calves ton. litre !i . f tcIti threatened wilh a water fam- , Ruleau. Consul-uenerai si Ia ha. sailed lor New Vork. He !bxs to be in Badcaador everywhere tt- . bailor broar, of Mississippi, is .ik'en of a Rood man for the second JS.-e on the Dcmocratio Presidential lit Let. - Tr.e ttte department has been ad- ,:Hdthat all prohibitory restrictions nihc landing orcoioreu persons in tula Ue nievl: iv-cc Arthur. Duke of Connaught, ,v.l bartender at a recent charity en tV.'a r.nunt. and when asked to throw :, r,!,,nUhesaid."I Conn auht refuse I!ciai promulgate! a decree a- luia Tuesday, that all Peruvians ((rIrrthcasesof 21 and fiO vcars; stll a! i furt iiers over one year of age m-.i-t pay a M' lax wf onc suvcr sl- - jiailai Williauis. employed on .the ...u-rnmciit pilenlriver at Mayerville MNs.fcll i tho river recently and This makes thirteen ti.t-n il.vwed frouj tLeso works within ti J3': two weeks. Vh.'.o Carpenter, M. H. lteaubein, join Walk ins and Stephen F. Gale are :h. inly survivors of the twenty-eiht mm who voted at the election that de- fJed. fifty years aso, whether Chicago l..mM 1k incorporated as a village. It would ccm that the strike of the Tilegrapliers is OTcr with, il having .cru announced that Master-Workman rauipbell has advised the members or :he Ilrotherhood to make the best terms they can with tho companies. Secretary Teller is said to have be conio a good deal wrinkled since he as suined charge or tho Depaitmont r Interior. Probably some of tho wrins klesinthe Department have become attached to tho person of tho Secretary. 1 1 is seriously announced that the Abbe Moignot has c&rricd out a scheme t,i explore the lied sea and the Hitter lakes of Tgypt. in the hope of finding mC trace of the Kgyptian army which was drowned while following the Isrc- a;itc3- . The Baltimore American says the MarIand Republicans have now such an opportunity for capturing that Slate as they have not had for years. This is tb sort of talk that is heard in Mary land every year. It is stale and not worth noticing. IJostonAmiMOnd.): If the Demo cratic party should take its Presidents candidate from Indiana we are inclined to believe with those whosay-altbough they appear to be in a small minority that Wm. S. Holraan is the best man there available. ym w .Win n Fike. who. has preached 4.U0 sermons, attendee: 1.300 funerals and officiated at 500 mar riages. bade farewell to his congrega tion in the Winter Street Church, at Bath. Mc. on Sunday. He has been pastor of the church for forty years. At a meeting or the Universal Arbi tration League in Washington Tuesday it was resolved that a general disarm meat should be proposed to the repre smtatlvs of all nations when they meet in this country in 1S92 to celebrate the 490th anniversary of the discovery of America- iti Mr. Goo. M- Carr. of Rose Hill, Duplin county, has assumed charge ol the editorial columns of the Scotland Neck CommonukaUh. Mr. Ctrr i a young man of parts and we feel sure that he will make for himself a promi nent position In the North Caroliua ed itorial ranks. . Counsel Tor the Western Union Tele- v .r,v Tndsv filed a de- .,r m the bill of equity pending i United States Circuit Court at Thi a- .utnMi on behalf ol the Uommonweaim t IminV lvania, charging ft violation of tho laws of the t. te in consolidating with other com panic a. J.. I. Newell U tellin some tales which cause eminent statesmen to nuakein their boots. He claims to liave the facts and Oxirro to sliow that a million dollars were paid to members of Congress to secure tho charter of the Texas Pacific railway. If the re vela tions continue, says the Savannah ,AVtri.tho next House will have its time pretty well occupied in exposing Radical rascalitiei. LOCAL NEWS. 1 1 D EI TO KIW ADYCrriSlM EITS. Yates Xew Styles j II MC'L CiREEX BklS W II G ree Turnip Seed Sol. Bear Still they Come i C Milleb Florida Water, &e K VaxLaer riAooa and Orgns IIeixbekgex McT&mm&ny Organettes Day's length 13 hours and 21 minutes Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 41 minutes past 6 o'clock. There was a fine breeze this morning, but the sun shone fiercely hot. Very good beef, and a olenty of it, in market during the past few days. For Tocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacom Hardware Depot, t Thcerasson the lawnijaround the City I Iall was! cut and carried off to-!ay. The interments in Oakdale thi3 week were two adnlts and one child, three in all. We learn that Mr. II. E-SeoSt contem plates removing to Chicago at an ca.-ly ,!a- LL J There was one interment that ol an adult in Pino Forest Cemetery this week. ' We noticed some very fine beef and mutton at Fourth street market this morning. I Abont 20 of the Point Caswell colored excursionists got .left byj the boat this morning. The streets of Wilmington never pre sented a more lovely .appearance than they do now. There was onc interment in Bellevue Cemetery this week, an adult, which was brought here from abroad. The Register of Deeds issued two marriage licences this week, one for a white aud one for a colored couple. There were quite a number of flat londs of wood at th Honks this morn ing, and the prices demanded were vurj reasonable. I i Rev. R. W, Sanders, of Chester; S. C, will occupy the pulpit of the First Baptist Church to-raorrov, morning and night, at the usual hours. : ' . . t- , n n ; n .taken a rise and uaiu c j have gotten above the reach of an or dinary purse. The price asked at re tail to day was 23 cents per dozen. Passengers who came down on the steamer John Dawson, say that alliga tors and sturgeon in tho Cape Fear and Blaclc rivers were never eo plentttm as now. An excursion party of colored people, numbering about 100, came down from the Point Caswell section on the steam er John Dawson, last evening, and re turned this ftenwn. j From a letter received in this city this morning we learn that there has i, ten feet rise in the Cape Fear at Fayettoville, so that navigation to that city is now unimpeded. 1 We hear that several ot our citizens ladies and gentlemenj-contemylate visiting the Manufacturers1 and Me chanics' Fair at Boston. That is right ; let our people, as well as our products, be represented. Tho excursionists , have returned but they report the government badly scat tered, in fact, dismembered. The seat of government was in Washington, as usual, bnt the heart wasi um somewnere among tne prairies " - We learn that work on tho new Court House, at Burgaw. Pender coun ty, is progressing favorably. The loun daUons have all been laid and the heavy flooring timbers and sills or the irame work will soon be placed in position. vrV will be commenced on the five government lighters) for the building of awarded the contract, on Monday next iheen nrc pa red at; theioccses: or. rather, the lopp ineiuiuw. mA r it. t w. Tavlor. ana lighters will be built at that yard. Of course no one has any interest in the recent drawing ol the Ixmisiana State lottery further than to' see what . - n-;-oa 1 Dure wtiu rtri Mtarn no tickets ure , hoLIen in tlii, city and conseqnentlr no winner, nor lo4- bat lhm a number who lite to ce tot the lucky numbers. I been held at the Fiah Street M. E. Church, every night this !2E hieh have been well attended and made very interesting to the wor- ahiDDCrs. asiuwu' i rmer among the Methodists, we pre- gumo that tho meeungs -eral with that.denomlnation. ; Bids will be-received until 12 o'clock, on Monday next, at Mr. II. Mc. L. (j recti's office. lor furnishing refresh ments for the Fruit Growers' Asso ciation, at the Fair next week. Cotton. I -The receipts of cotton at this port for the week ending with to-day, foot up 8 bales, against 12 bales for tho corres ponding week of last year, a decrease this week of 4 bales. Tho receipts of the crop year to date foot up 127.533 bales, as against 136.453 bales to same J date last year, a decrease this year of 8.920 bales. Serious Accident.- Robert Nash, a young colored man of this city, while engaged this morning in hauling timber for Mr. Al W.Reiger, in Brunswick county, a few miles from here, was riding on a log when the team ran over a stump throwing him off in front ot one of the hind wheels, which run over hi3 thish and broke it. He wa3 brought, as soon as possible, to this city and medical attendance at once summoned io reuder the Accessary surgical assistance. l'rolilic Peaches. We saw this morning at the store of Mr. Fred. Ileyer, corner of Market and Second streets, two bunches of peaches, which were remarkable as being very line in nppearnce and on account ot the number. On ne of tho bunches. which was not more than ten inches in length, there had been 20firll-grown and finely developed peaches, although sey eral had dropped off. The other had 10 upon it and four had already dropped off, so that it had originally 20 peaches al-;o. They hang about as thick as they could cling together, and it is a wonder how they could remain so long enough to ripen. It is needless to say that they were ot the dint variety. By Moonlight. A party ot ladies and gentlemen last night took advantage of the full moon. tho deasant weather and. a favorable tide to make an excursion in a ro. boat to the Navassa Guano Works. In the party were some first-rate vocal ists who made most delightful music. Arriving at the works they rambled through the different departments, after which they stepped upon the scales and were weighed . The lightest among the 'adies -weighed 87 pounds while the heaviest weighed 128 pounds. The lightest gentleman weighed 125 pounds, while the heaviest tipped the beam at j 201 pounds. They returned at about 11 o'clock, all well pleased with the trip. Brutal Murder. From a letter received at this office we learn that a white man by the name ot Jerry Grainger was murdered in a most brutal manner by a colored man named Grissett, in the 15th' inst.. near Conwayboro, S; C. Grissett, who was implicated in the killing of a 'man for which two were convicted and hung last .'unc, and Grainger had a difficulty and the latter caused the former to be bound over to keep the peace. On the day of the murder Grainger had started to his work in the woods, and while 'on his way was hailed by j Grissett, who was waiting in ambush for him, and told that if he attempted to run he ( Grissett) would kill him. Grissett then beat Grainger so severely that he died soon after. The murderer is at large, but the sheriff and a posse are alter him and feel confident they shall accomplish his capture" before many days. J The Cathedral City. The centennial convention ot the Pro testant Episcopal Church will convene in Christ Church. Philadelphia, on the rvtoW." this vear. It was in this church that the first Episcopal con vention in this country was held, one hundred years ago. j This will be the Tri-ennial convention of the Church, and one subiect foriits action will be the division of North Carolina into two di 3 I rwisM or. rather, the lopping off of i KL - .,n;oa ir ih Est for lew outiiiu v.uuiiijii . lomiiinn nf n new diocese. If this is decided in the allirmative, the con vention will also, we presume, appoint th limn and Dlace for holding the first convention of the new diocese, lor the oifi.Hi of-a -bishop, the appomiraeni ol coramitteesand the establishing of other matter?. Wilmington is naturally the place at which this convention should be held. a3 there are lour par Ubes and an Episcopal residence here, and this city will, we presume, also be come the Cathedral City, as it was In the daya of the lamented Bishop At kinson. . '; ; ' ; ( Afine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacoex's Hardware Depot. t The Knlirhts at Greensboro. The Greensboro Patriot prints the following report of the banquet which was given to the Grand IxxJge of Knights of Honor by the Guiltord Lodge, on Wednesday night: The Guiltord Lodzo rave the Grand Lodze of the Kniehl of Honor a royal spread at the Benbow House last night. Covers wrre laid for one hundred and every chair was filled promptly by 10 o doefc. Tables ..were so arrangea as to give ample room to all, and that . . i . 1 1 1 : ft tney were Doamuuuy nu uriisucttiijr dressed goes without saying; Frnits of all sorts coverea we raoies in great est profusion, and to the ungentle scftc the spacious dining room. seemed like a veritable lairy land, in' tne centre oi the room was a magnificent arbor hansing with luscious grapes, and sur rounded by piles ot choice tropical aud home fruits. Great stacks of beauti fully iced cakes and great bowls of de licious ambrosia, were here and there and everywhere. Indeed it was a royal feast, and as the fairy like Miss Mamie Benbow flitted about from table to table, she shared the compliments that weio lavish! v bestowed. The feast was preceded by an cxhiiorating scene that made every Knignt wi?n ironi me uoi tom of his heart that he was a-.Iac6bi. As the fair lingers of 1he lovely Miss Benbow were arranging an. exquisite bouttonier on the gUlant and handsome Kniffhtfrom th8 lair city by two sea. the knights rose to their teei and cheer- od with a gusto.i It wa3 a trying ordeal to the modest Knisht. but he remem hered that the reputation of the Cape Fear country was at stake, and with- the kind and timely assurances ot bis medical adviser. Dr. Bellamy, he rose maiestically4o the occasion and deliv ered one of the happiest of impromptu speeches, lrameamnis paimiest uays could not have done better. -.V An hour or more was consumed over the snread. which was: abundant and was served bv attentive ana emcienc . . . -i . servants. Alter the teasi w. &. rau. Esq., in behalf of the Guiltord Lodge, arose and welcomed the Grand Lodge in a two minutes speech. Grand Dicta tor Lewis acknowledged' the welcome so cordially extended and the munificent hospitality so generously bestowed by the Guilford Lodge, and called Grand Representative Klutz to his assistance. His remarks were brief and felicitous. A number of Knights were called out aad ail maae onei anu appropni re- spouses, inespeecn oi tne evening was maue oy ivnigni. uauuui, iroiu TYilmlncton lis is a natural orator, HQU auaCa bv - - z- LfhfinJsViod manners of a Chesterneid. All eyes were turnea ana cars ojnjucu a ha rose to his feet. With a voice . 1 : 1 ..i .: . .4 Hrti-iV,t treniUlOUS WILD, emoilWU, uauncu, uuuut- less bv too much chicken saiaa ana a made two nishts before trom what was then RiiDDOsea to De mausnaoL asjuuu . . . i cholera, he spoke feelingly ol this; re- union ot thd brethren, now ltTiiiea , uib iiwrt with ibv to once more sit around Liie )t9Liv uuw .. click of champagne glasses and listen with eager pleasure to the bright sanies rF rait- thnf. r! wavs distinguish such w w .... occasions Ho paid a glowing tribute c I. HAnnf nntor the evening tot tis uiuinauu . r a. A ...Uk Vi r 1 rf T ' 1 1 -nPV- LainmeuL. unit n v er-forget-you, at the cluster oi - eiegani qnii fr errant rose buds that ornament- x the. Wis of his coat, he biushingly howed to Miss Mamie Benbow; He caliecl to his iect oy rcpeaiuu . - . encores, anu sfoku wiui tumuamouu t . I Ik Anlltncinaf i ..ctnoca nF tho vrnwth and thritt and hnntv of Greensboro. A um louoweu And Kniaht lieGrand took advantage of it to move an adjournment. The motion was ruled out of order, and Grand Dictator Lewis read an invitation from the proprietor oi uw wtnuuu House to attend a hop then in pro- nrrPSS 1 ne lUVltaUUIl ro v-v . . . i r L'n;.va raith t h.inics. ana a uuiiiuu jvuituio ottoniioH the hon. Dictator Lewis; proved himself the most graceful dancer tbA floor, as he whirled through the mazes of the giddy waiiz wun ineraw-1 -W ' . . . ,. ... A fulMiss Nelson. , . 1 ' Trt (ho nmner n aco it OU2US to nave uaan monilnnftl that a heartv vote ot ivonL- woo tendered Dr. Cheek for bis heroic and timely efforts in saving the cholera anecteu ivuifjuia uui ture graves.! and the survivors iron double assessments. Throughout the meeting or tne uranu T .ruler n has "been pleasant ana narrnoni- ous. and the Guiirord uoage entertains tne nope ujuu ii uw rv . tui a t i a i i m it iriT. in play the nosi again swu. Preparing for the Fair. At the City nail tho work of decora- tion for tho l? ruit Growers' jcair,ugn . . - fnccnimn shane ana iorm. iub Liiuico areali systematically arranged about the hall, and over each is suspended a i r I J i A 1 r. whlh will SDieiu-auapw "r" be inscribed the name of the county making the exhibition lor that table and the name of the exhibitor. In the centre of the ball is a rustic stand, quite ( tasty and unique in appearance, which is designed especially for the exhibition of grapes. When all the work is com pleted and the several tables and stands are loaded with fruits, flowers and other products of the State, the ball will present a magnificent sight. On Iboltallj j Col. L. D. Starke, Attorney Norfolk mnu oouiueru it. v-, - . rviT u: 'a art nnd Diarrhoea Medicine is held in the highest esteem in this section."- . Silver Plated Spooas and Forks, low prices, at Jaodei.'s -r t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Bids TiyiLL BE RECEIVED AT MY OFFICE unUl 4 o'clock, MONDAY, Pj M., for furnish lng refreshments for the Fnitt Grower's Fair, to be held here on tbc 22nd and 23rd Inst. aog II. McL. GHEKK, Chm'n. BOUT THE FIRST WEEK IN SEPTEM- klt:R the underalsmed will iro to Sew York to purchase PIANOS and ORGANS. Any orders entrusted to him for aw uarticalar make will receive hi. personal carerul attention. ' Prices fruaranUed to be as low as the lowest, either for casti or on tne instalment man. - Samples, Cataiocues, cuts ana! .races can bie had by addressing ! aug 18 lawtftat I E. VakLAKR. Still they Come. I AM RECEIVING DAILY. A LARGE assortment of . - - DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. IIOE3, HATS, FANCY GOOi3, &C., for the FaU t:ale My CAHPETS AND MATTI5 ft cannot be 1 beat e'.lhor iu quality or price. A trial is nil thai Is necessary. , Respect fully, KOI. HEAR. 2rt Market Street atig H McTamrpany Organettes VTELQl'EANS AND AUTOMATIC Organs The McTammany Orgauette enables any one, i ' i . whether nndcrstandlog music j or not, to play any desired melody or liarmony, eacred or I i secular, from the most plaintive dhyre to the most lively danci music. - i i ORGANETTE, Style 1, f, with four pieces of Music. For gale at HEINSBERGER'S, au is Ldve Book and Music Stores EEAL ESTATE,STO OKS, BONDS, &c. SOLD IN FRONT, OF THE COURT HOUSE y nesa warrant me iu asking the public for a liberal share of their patronage, s i . ..-ojiwu, Jlzzz, - ." mux W ILL , BE RECEIVED FOR OPENING I ' T . i . Tiomr . t 1", . n - CHESTNUT SIKIit-l uwa, uuni ! i , M.. on MONDAY, Septemier M. pecmu Mrtn .. bo pw;n at mv oCicc. augi7 2t E. D. HALL, Mayor nTVT, hoarding houses, and H i v , r I f' ? the Fruit Fair, win com- -, i milnicate at once with Mayor Hall, in wriUng I " . . . , , . :u- m kntnmn. Please state how (many they canjaccom . . -i.'rw fn per i mm pWKMH UUUUOi - teckived this week new supplies J' Tt iiiim pisrrii rv lis sj a. vji lbwvjah w ( 8eal of North Carolina Smoking Tobacco, I Sardines, Crackers of all kinds, among them ! i the Jersey Lily, newest. la eat and best. Mackerel, Preserves, Jellies and a large - i i yariety of Staple and Fancy Groceries. ! GEO. M. CKAPON, Agent. i i aug It; ' South Front St New Styles I . 1 y ADIES AND GENTLEIEN'S FANCY Stationery. Mercantile and School requisites. Bank eyery and 8tyle of bmdIng; , wrapping raper, jraper g u ;w, t adonted by the State, Board of - i . Education, a epeciaity. C. W. YATES. 119 Market street j aui3 Execntor's Notice. TT AVING QUALIFIED AS EXECtJTOK 7v, and tAotAmentof Mrs. Mary J, TAncIon. leceased. all persons having claims i nf mc Mid intestate, are wl bepie;iabarof rmnatmml4i Alipenoimto-icu----- - immMiiitf na-vmenu . i . iuLrl laww sat Executor For Sale or Rent. OUSE WlTH EIGHT BOOMS Lot C feet front, running back 165 JUii, feet. AVater Works In vho nonse. ono. L-.Vm '.A ... , v ! - v- 213 North Front street, West feUe. Apply tA angll tf j "GEO, II- KEIXT.Y, Atfi, ICE. III , f.&J.O- p m SEND IN TOOEOKDEM TOR BIOS., t.iUDS..1CAu.nv.gi280N j ' - HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SO iotE Agcjjt -f for the TANNER '& "DELANEY' ENGINE ' t- - i... , (6.1 CO'S ENGINES AND BOILERS from I td 1M 1 horjejower;jalco Tramway or Narrow Gange j. IxtcomotlTes. y. "'- -i" ::.-. s : u " f - - --....-"' I f "t : -Engines adapted to Farm nse a specialty. '-' r i .- i ' - On hand and for sale very hw, FrVK SECOND HAND" PORTABLE iInGINES. from 5 to 15 horse powen, I' aug 15-Cm . - S. W. SKINNER. ISAM NOW LOCATED, FOR TnE TEES- ent, and prepared to All all orders fop Crayon and India ina portraits, l wui guarantee yon a real line Portrait, if it is not sausiactory you need riot accept it. Portraits from any kjnd of small picture and expressed without Injury,, j. ; . OltIM T. THOMAS, Artlftt. , aug I t If Stmlto Sl Broadway N; t 1 Dissolution, j rjiHK FIRM OF DURHAM EVERETT, h;i3 tins day bcon tllssol vel by muninl copsent .1. If. Durham assuming the liabilities 6 f the linn, and Id authorized to receipt for all In-1 debtednesa to the same. 1 1 h (Signed) j. II. DURHAM. I S.!a. EVERETT. i Wilmington, N. C. Aug." H.i 1SS1 ,' J. 1 w . , - J Card. I CAN RE FOUND IN FUTURE AT NO. ' . . ' .. ' . . J it, i' lis North Front St, over tho Marble, Yanl: aug 14 If J. H. DURHAM,! Donttdt. For Smithville. U. 8. mail stmj:. mixnehatia. TTAVING BEEN I PUT IN THOROUGH repair, will op sml after tod day (Monday, August 1.1th) leave her wharf, foot of Market i , . " - i ,: - ' street, at 9 o'clock, A. M. lieturnlng Leave , -" I V is : i Smithville at 3. o'clock, P. M., stopping for I j 1 v - I - I , ' the delivery of Passengers , and Freight at 11 points on the river. uvouauu receive every aneniion, anr ; HH3 III perfect order maintained. i' ! .1 c J ;: Personal attention given to the receiving an(L delivery of Freight. : r ' j Family Excursion dally during the week at. reduced rates. 'L . ' 1 J 1 The patrouago of the public 1 respectfaUy solicited. J. E. LIPPITT, ( - I au 13-lw Wanted.1 i B Y A COMPANY WHO PKOFUSK TO stabliah a manufactory thereon, well-timber ed cypress lands. Parties who may have stich j I ? i lands to dispose of are requested, to eommunl i - 1 - i catc, with me at Wadesboroor by .letter with ilr. Josh T. James, at Wilmington in person. Full prrtculars as to exact locitlon of lands. i - I 1 - . , number of acres; probable yield of timber to the acre and lowest price, must be made known. JOlfN T. PATRICK. SUteJlmmlgraUon Agent, aplia-tf - Wadesboro, N. New Furniture WareroomsL l T NO. 1 20 GRANITE BOW. EO FRONT St., I have opened with what I think Is a well selected stock of , jf f ' : ' i : Furniture and ;Beddiiig, . ! Embracing many new designs In 1 Bedroom and Parlor Suits. I . . r jit . Our aim shall be to deal fairly mod squarely with all. and respectfully ask a share of tbe public patronage. Courteous treatment guar an teed to all wio favor me with a call. angI34f THOMAS u. uuai i, gcm Turnip Seed Turnip Seed, NEW CROP 1883. , ' - if-- - OR SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Country orders lnrlted. j ' ) !.'' j" W ILLIAM It, GREEN; Druggist, ' aug C j " 117 Market Street FLORIDA! WATER, LAVM-5DKB WATER, IDZLIOTEOPK WATER. I WHITE KOSE WATER, RAZENA WATER. Also a complete assortment of Colognes . and Perfumery for the Summer season, , tar Prescriptions compounded day and night at V. C. lilLLEB'S, . -, . German Druggist, aug 6- Coreer yourth ami N an sf 1 ; " Solid ComfortJ . ' rpHERE IS SOLID COMFORT IN tHE nse of KerosRce oiotwi. a. customer, woo n i tiling one, says: " With this we are itieneiwi- i pntwhen left without a servant-' They are , (Jetnt and great' "Kconomlsts." DlnVrent : sizes and prices, i Try one. . 1 . "VI r rare www tni.- m " .. J ' " s sngC . PARKER TATl4tt g We Have ;. ; ; t SUPPMKD A IXINO FELT WANT IlV rsfUrlUfhing a first-class Carriage, Harmon . ait a Trunk fcture, where alt klnls of good. In our line can he bought at prices lower than ever before offered In this market. - . tar liepaltlng In alt it branches attended anrG NO, 114 Nona t roat h$. !

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