fe5 Sunday ex Tins rxrrs rr erenlaf. cepted by jOS"T. JAMES, tt,rTu wraoiraroa. .ciPTioss rosTAcrs paid: srP " six month. $2.00. Three 1 : iinV One month, ceni. 111 ti4 IV FFV ftr the city, at the abore , in (boo'- . - j.nTrd br carrtcr rree 0f inratctlow and liberal. 'Tcclrc their rape regularly. of any ntrvuiyi .3 f 1 I VOL. WILMINGTON. N..C MONDAY. AUGUST 20, 1883. VII. i i i 1 1 ' . . 1 ; ; FLSASS NOTICE.. ! ; j We win be glad to recelYO communication from our friends on any and all subject o I general Interest but "" I j V- The name of the wrlteT must ahraya be fw Biased to the Editor. ' - .--.j t ; i ComnnmlcaUons must be written ea oal Ma., one side of the papers Personalities matt be arolded. 1 And It la especially and particularly und stood that the Editor does not always endoi NO. 193 I 016 yVsw)t correspondents unless so atatc 1U UH3 dUMMUM WWII m : ' rr Lf. in Ikt city of Wilmington. 'idta seamstresses get three pence ux sakias bo v v thousand dollars have been sub JiUd lor a crematory in New York. Mjiiachusctta ha 80.000 votcis who ' ..y sUxy at home clectiou time. A Ci " . ' .jT.rt will be made to bring thcro n . .. .nrl II thev co it will be Xl-bycto Hatler. undonbtediy. writes from Brighton. England, that bis j Mr. Isaac Levi, who for the past five health is greatly improving, and that he years has been a salesman in the cloth can with ease, without being wearied, J ing . house of Messrs. A. & I. Shrier, walk two mile3 on a stretch. 1 has accepted a position in the clothing house of Mr: J. P. Bucky. of Jackson Salmi Morse Thursday made an Roberts and lease of the .i t.'.,f m-. w rlrrl ion s Reoub since me rwcui.-v-.j .-can newspapers have not had much ! av about Republican gains tn that Commonwealth, as Proctor Knott's purity is larger thau any since the PsUerJal election of 1876. fr. Katharine McDowell, the South t rr4 a rthor. who has just died at Holly .rin'. MUs.. was better known as Shrrwoo.! Bonner." She wasa prolific 7:u r lor any newspapers and maga- i;raMm-ts report 174 failures in the thnnast week. 8 I lUUl " " o i ..re than the paeceeding week. 20 moicthc the corresponding week of Mid iio more than the same week Tic Knglish postal report says the average number of letters writ s, n it head is. in England and Wales, ui; Scotland. 30; Ireland. 1G; United S;au.-'1; France. 15; Germany 13. s:h1 Italy U. i i iovcrnor Hendricks has got into so much trouble lately by talking freely .villi the newspaper men that when oue of them asks biui now if he will accept the second place on the tickot with Tildcn, hc says nothing, but smiles and winks-" ajsigment to George D. Albert G. Eaves, of the theatre built by him in New York for the production of the Passion Play. The lease is for five years at $15,000 a year, with privilege of .renewal. LOCAL INEWS. WOa TO HEW ADVERTIHHIiTS.' Tates Sew Styles J W IIarpeb Blackflah j W II Greex Turnip Seed Local. Al riano for Sale Mns S J Baker Millinery F C Miller Florida Water, 4c W 12 Springer & Co-Fly Trsp GILES A Muuoilisox Fruit Jars llKrxsBKUGER Violins and Organ Parker A Taylor Solid Comfort To Sulcrilcrs Telephone Exchange P I. BRliHiKRS Cakes and Crackers MeDoro.vLL ft Bow den Wc I lave Knights or Honor Regular Meeting VK DatIS ft Son First of the Season John L Boatwrigiit I am Receiving John D Billmv, Jr-Foreclos are Sale excursion' Ladles Front St M EChun b E G Blaik General Commission Merchant Mls K K a KREU M ilLnerv ft Fancy Good 1n oh C CRAVT-New Farnlture Wareroom.. One of the son. warmest days of the sea- William H. Vanderbilt did a grace ful and generous thing in handing his check lor $3,000 to tho proprietor of a hotclinthe White Mountains to bo distributed among the thirty college toys who arc acting as waiters there. Professor C. H. F. Peters, of Clinton, X. Y., has announced to tho Harvard College Observatory the discovery by him on the night of the 12th inst. of a new planet. It is unusually bright Jbr . ! t.-:.... nrtln ninth m7ni- an asieroiu, m;tu ui ..-0--. tutle. A Galvcstoa special, speaking of the water famine in that city, says : The water famine has gone so far that drinking water can scarcely be had. and water lor other purposes is not to be thought of. Many are dependent on their neighbors lor enough to drink. The gardens are burned, and the wood en houses are as ary as uuui. The New York World says: Having baffled the doctors by living, the Count of Chambord will probably now baffle them by dying. It does not seem at all probable tha he can recover from this present collapse. He is a flabfiy being physically as well as mentally, and his death at any moment will not surprise any one. '" The Philadelphia IVess (Uep.) says that Secretary Chandler is now a re tired 'boss," and tho sooner ho takes himself to tho rear in company with Conkling. Blaine and the other stales an whn have found it Impossible to keen od with the 'progressive The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 1G bales 1 The Ii$sport was crowded with cok ored excursionists this morning. At 3 o'clock to-day the thermometer in this office registered 02 degrees. For.Pockct Knives orjTablo Cutlery, go to JacobV Hardware Depot, t Nor brigTcra. Christcnscn. from this port, arrived at Havre on the 17th inst. ' . . Ger. brig Obcron. Westphal. arrived at Stettin, on the 10th inst.. from this port. ville, Fla., and left for that place on last night's train. Mr. Levy i3 a voung gentleman whose departure we regret, and we wish for him in his new sphere of action all the success his genuine merits demand. - Itesratta at Wrifflitsville . A regattaunder the auspices of the Carolina Yacht Club, will take place at ohtsville on Fridav next, by which time the Banks House may be occupied although it will not be completed. Five or six yachts are already spoken of as certain to enter for the race and it is probable that others will come to the front. Further particulars will . be made known in a few days. Drowned. j Yfiaterdav afternoon three colored boys were running about on some logs at Hilton ferry when by some accident they all fell into the water. Two ol them were rescued by a colored man. who ran to their assistance, but the H.Irrl nnrnnrl .Tnlin .TohnSOn. a Son of the colored outlaw. Tom Johnson, was drowned beloro assistanee could be given him. He was about seven years ofase. and at last accounts his body had not been recovered. Run nlns; at Larjre. i Complaint is made that some' of those who own horses and mules that are worked during the week, allow them to run at largo on Sunday, much to the annoyance of citizens and to the peri of children. Especially is this the case on the North side of the railroad, where, we fearn, two children came near being trampled upon yesterday by ja mu that was capering about the streets. News and Observer: "This week all ey es j will turn to Rosinopolis to see the handsome way in which she'll manage her fruit lair. That savoir Jaire pecu. iar to her in other things will not fail her in this matter of displaying a3 fine fruit as the world can show, to the best advantage, and in taking care of those who may go to see the show. Brutal Treatment; Willis Drake, the colored shoemaker of the "Hollow," came to police head- J quarters this morning with one of; his children, a little boy 3 or 4 year3 ot age, who had been whipped in a most cruel and shocking manner. It j seems that some colored people living in the East ern suburbs of the city had the child to care for, and for some offence, they whipped him yesterday evening and then turned the little thing out of doors where he remained all night. He was found by a colored man who was onminfr to market this morning, who took him in his cart and brought him to his father. We saw the child and it a sidps and hack were raw from the Excurioon! j POSSIBLY THE LAST OF THE SEASON, - - ! .. ' . V. ' ! under the supervision of the Ladles1' of Front Street M. B. Church. PASSPUKT Will leave hervbarffor SnalthtU'e and the-Forts al 9 o'clock next Thursday morning, . the 23ru. Fare for trip 80 cetts. Children under M years of age 25 cents. One of those matchless dinners on board for 50 cents. ; . j aog 20-St. Uew Styles 11 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS First of the Season. jADIES AND i GENTLEMEN'S FANCY Stationery. Mercantile and School requisites. i I'sc 25 BBLS. FRESH CORNED MULLETS. Blank Books, every size and style ot binding; Send In your orders. aug 20 W. E. DAVIS ft SON. Wrannlnsr Paper. Paper Bags ; and Text Books, adopted by. tho State Education , a specialty., i Solid Comfort,! THERE 13 SOLID COMFORT IN THE use . '' '! :;-! " -I ! of Kerosene Stoves. A customer, who Is using one, says: P With this ve are Independ ent when left without a servant." They are Gems an 1 jcreat i- "Economists." Different sizes and prices. Try one. j - . Pure White Oil. auff20 PARKER & TAYLOR, Twine. - . Board of ' mix 20 C.W. YATES; 119 Market street We Have Blackflsh 1MIE BLACKFISH EXCURSION POST pdned from last Thursday, will tike place on , TUESDAY MORNING, Slst liisj. PASSPORT ' ' ' 1 - ' ' : I -""'" I' " will leave her whnrf at 5 o'clock, A. M. 6harp. aag20-lt 1 J. Vf . HARTER There was some very good Sampson county beet brought into market this morning. . A flagstaff wa3 placed on the City Hall this morning to project over the sidewalk on Third street: Rev. R.W. Sanders preached at the First Baptist Church yesterday, morns ing and evening, and created a very faborable impression among his hearers. Stcamboatmen report that there is plenty of water in the Cape Fear fpr boatingpurposes.butthat.it is slowly fallinsofi'. The recent rise was about 10 feet. : , Mr. James W. Conoley. one of the most experienced druggists in this city, has accepted a position in the new drug house spoken of by us a few issues since. ! The committee on pulpit supply otthe First Baptist Church have received no reply yet from Rev. Dr. T. H. Pilch ard to tho call to the. pastorate of that church recently extended him. in. . .i tA thnt. n. number i of V 6 UUUClsiauu voung gentlemen in this city have .i. i u for a mcon- cuaiivicu i-u n ihn Rocks, with a hsn at IkLayos. on neit The New Postal Rule. The new postal rule seems not to be pnerallv understood. It is intended to O " 0 secure a more general delivery of letters that were formerly sent to the dead letter office. As heretofore, three cents will be sufficient to forward a letter ac cording to its address. When less than i. nnt'on a letter the sender is notified, if his name is on the - envel ope, that the letter cannot be forwarded, ir hn wonder's name is not on the en velope, the person to whom it is ad dressed is notified so that he can remit the balance of postago and have the letter forwarded to hiui. j Under the rule, if a letter is mailed without a stamp, or with less than three cents, the addressee has the opportunity to get it. Under its operation fewer letters, will be sent to the dead letter office than formerly. A Pleasant Farewell. At the residence of Mr. V. Ballard, corner Person and Polk streets, Thurs day evening, a pleasant party assembled to extend Mr. Sydney Alderman a larc- well. This young gentleman during his stay in our city won a host ot menus, and none who more appreciated nis high character and unselfish Christian labors than tho pastor and members of Person street Methodist church and Sunday school. During the evening Mr. Bumpass, on behalf ot Mrs. V. Ballard and Mis3 Minnie Redford, pre sented Mr. Alderman with a handsome pocket Bible, and Mr. N. B.Broughton, lor little Minnie Bryant, presented a Alder Friday and ..Mriotie element of the Republican party, the better it is likely to be lor him. m Relative to the new postal felegraph company a dispatch from New Tiork John W. Mackay was wrrouj the ?istce of S ?.. of the $2 000.000 ot capital stock ol tbe Josl Telegraph Company. This gives him complete control of the company. He vriU not talk about his plans in regard to the Vvstem. but U every day at the Nevada :Sank in this city, maturing them It Usaid that one of the features a l &ewicm will be a unifona rate ufone cent per word to all parts of the MryTandthat the system? will be d rJUkethat ofthe governs inent postofflco as possible. Yesterday's Xacs and Observer con tains the following: ninr.n. Anmst 18. loJw. I adopt thlsmethod of siting that I i supper night. The Blackfish excursion on the Pass- nrt. which was proiected for last wee Kf Whinh was nbstponed on account .riK.konw weitbcr. will take place . n ; lik-p v to be the last lJ n . of the season brutal beating he had received and where the skin was not taken off I there were ridges as large as one's finger. Linnincott's Masrazine. LippincoWs for September has an. at tractive table of contents, including several articles of special interest. An Italian watering-placei "Viareggio,' is the subject of an iiluslratedlpaper. Un der the title of An Episode of John Brown's Raid." Col. A. K. McClure gives an account of the singular adven tures of Capt. Cook,- whose counsel he was, brings to light many intesting par ticulars in connection with the ill-starred expedition, and the state of public feel ing in the border country. "In Sus pense" is an anonymous production. "Five Graves ioMoatana,"' traces the history of a notorioxs gang ot "road Agents " "Our Summer Court in Scho harie," is a very pleasant rural sketch marked hv a vein of humor; and "The Metropolis of the Farm" calls up all the associations connected with barns. "The Jewel in the Lotos," which is illustrated with a beautiful frontispiece maintains fits interest; and the short . . mm m A TT11 tlT A. stories, "Uelia unmwet; "ine u orst Man in the Troop," and "The Discip lino of Paper Dolls, are varied and entertaining. There are, as usual, sev eral good things in the "Monthly Gos sip." LippincoWs is always eoiphati cally readable. j ti.a iKnni i-en.li mi rue wc- J.I1U JI...- i casion of the Fruit Fair.' We are gratified to see so much interest taken by our citizens in all the preparations necessary to the enjoyment of visitors to the Uair ol me ruii Growers' Association. Not least among these preparations are those for the Grand Ball. It promises to be tue most brilliant and recherche of its kind that has been in Wilraiugton in many years SUPPLIED A LONG FELT WANT BY establishing a firstrClass Carriage, Harness and Trunk store, where an Kmas oi goous m our line can be bought at prices lower than ever before offered in this market. OS" Ilepaliing in all its branches attended to oromptlj . McD.0UGALI & BOWDEN. aur 20 No. 114 North Front St. Fruit Jars, AL.F GALLONS. QUARTS. PINTS and TD SUBSCRIBERS WILMINGTON TElfPHDNE i 'exchange, j : T) LEASE ADD TO YOUR LIST j No. 73-JOIIN W. GORDON & BRO aog 21 It Insurance Agents -I . i : C. WHITE, iManager. H Giles & Diurchison, aug 20 North Front St Violins and Guitars, ITil THE BEST ITALIAN STRING W for the flame -1 - a and Double, Fly Traps. mHE HRST AV ) CHKAfJSSX IX Xiiia I market. Our , I GRAIN CRADLES - . ; cannot be surpassed in price or quality. A large and well selected stock of Hard ware at W. E. SPRINGER & CO'S., Successors to John Dawson & Co., augf0 I Market Street j E. G. Blair, Ritohcr HarraonicftS, Slngi Bass Drums .and Kettle Drums, ! Accordeous of all sizes, styles fud prices. i Flutes, Fifes, Harps and Zltherns, - Double Basses and Violincellos, . i . i ' . :!.,!'" . i .: t Pianos and Organs., For ealo at: j . J HEINSBERGrER'Sj aug 20 Live Book and Music Stores Millinery & Fancy Goods. v GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 19, North Second Street, Solicits ?onsignmentsof all kinds of Country Another Large Invoice l roauce. jiop prices wiu m"j id.is "t. anteed. Will rcship to ptner jmarKuw wucu requeateit. aog 20 among "photographers. News Observer. ! i :! .ilinliiirm Air COIU PCUCll WUltU'iuaiiu. . . man bears with him tho best w.suos 01 rr Zr. i ...i m lonvinfT ns. anueieKuiiuaw.io. our pcopie, vn s".- - I J4T - . ... .i,0crnifinfintdancin2 Wiiminton gains a Unnstian genue- uuudii 7-0 . - - u iimington gam , nnnUoA haii made bv throwing open the entire man ami au . -x 1 nQ ;lo and first noor 01 me vrpcia nuuoc, 0 w bies and its dress circles, the whole to i n,;fU wa nn f;hinese ian DB ULUtDU mm h " terns, will make asocial display rarely if ever, equalled in the j history ot tne citv. This will come ouou wo cycu'o S2nd inst. On the following evening there will be a Grand Ball at the Seaside Park Hotel, in the sDlendid pavihion under the spreading 111 rr riyf9 lican rarty. neither do I belong Liberal Republican party. 1 to the my reasons bewfteor 1 jJJJ:. We'll not bother Mr. Ilolden to give his reasons; we'll give them for hirn. here and now. He wants his disabili ties removed by the Legislature, so that he can enter the political field once more, and that means on the Republi can side. Ia no case should the Democrats touch him or his disabilities Let him rot and stink in the grave he has dag for himself. ' , - a lot fpr has been received in this city stating that Gov. Jarvis win no o able to bo present at the uair. w expected, in consequence of which the Wilmington Light iniauiry parade, as they intended to do, lor es cort duty. ' It is probable, says the News and Observer, that quite a party of Raleigh people will goto Wilmington next week tTsee the fruit fair. Tickets will-be sold at greatly reduced rates 3 ters can go to Wrightsville or Smithvillo Rnd get some sea air, it they! like. What is possibly tie last excursion ot the season under the auspicious of the ladies of the Front Street M. E Church, will take place on the steamer russpori on Thursday next . The ladies ... r tJr pleeant dm- will prepare ouc 1 ners. which' will be served on board. The Fair. I As the time approaches for the open ing of the Fruit Growers1 Fair, the peo pie are becoming more wide awaice re- l:L! garding the importance oijineexuioi tion. That it will be a grand success entirelv worthy the city, is a fact al ready established in the minds of those d within the bearing and mur who have watched its progress lrom the I r.hfl roiiin waves of the old start until the present, w e are iniorm- At,L nli& cd by Mayor Hall that one genueman ttrelearnfromMr.il. McL. Green, from Greensboro wishes for 25 leet 01 Chairman of tho Ball Committee, that space, and the prospect is now mat au JohQ n Daniels ha3 been appoint available room will be taken. Richard . - Manaccr -with the foUowing Bradlcv. Esq., ot Wrightsville Sound. g . R Campbell, John F will make an imposing display of fruits, . , M nr0ni a- G. Conoley, a sample of which we saw at the book- p, j0nes, J B. Hanks, George cfoor Mr. P. lleinsDerger mis moiu- . 1V r. rprtoi?etJ Jr.. M. 1 bv.w - ! -I I XAimiM, ' I Foreclosure El Q. BLAIR. of Millinery ! Sale. . . . - rmmm-m-wr vivttrn r- v I x T. OKI X? BY VutTUE or 'nivtn tru ou ur rontained in a certain mortgage deed maue DViW.J. Calais and wife toi John L. i Boat wriKht and recorded In the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of New Hanover County, in Book t t.t. .uo-oior, thp. tnndersismcd will sell at public auction, at the Court House door, in the city of Wilmington, on Friday, September21st, 1383, at lx OXIOCK. cat w fc" mgAMso Cash, aa unaiviuca oneriuunu iui. 11V1: r.rta!n lot of i land situated in said cky. Beginning at a! point fcthe.tern ni VmxmH at.roAt.fififeetJ'iouth of the South- eastern intersection of said street with Orange street, runs thence isast parauci wnu viaus street 110 feet, thence South parallel with Fom th street W feet, tnencc vcbi uaiauw trP4t lift fftct to Fourth istreet. ihxnPi a ion thft East line of Fourtlt Utrect Northwardly 66 feet to tne Deginmng. j j. D. BBliUAHi.jr New Styles, New, Colors. &c FANCY GOODS DEPARTMEN1 FULL. . -i 0 aug 20-20t m Attorney for Mortgagee I KID, SILK ard LISLE- GLOVES. PARASOLS, NECKWEAR, FANS. ; ZEPHYR and MATERI ALi for FANCT WORK. ., a -MILLINERY Second Floor. FANCY GOODS First Floor. - Respectfully, . New Furniture Warerooms.hyjiss E. - KARRER, NO. 30 (iRAMTE ROW, feO. FUONT j - i bicUASQB COHNIB St., I have opened with wnai 1 inm v" selected 6tock of Millinery & Fancy Goods, j , 01 y ,lilinw T ADIES AND CHILDREN'S HATS, Furniture and -Bedding, L BOnnets, lace ties ai : : Embracing many new designs in BOWS AND RIBBONS, bedroom ana rariorvouiis, mautheiateststyies. r Orders from the country protnptlf filled ana "'--!" . H ' . ' M- 'i i My patrons will find It to their jthtereBt to ; , 1 " - . 1 i - i call and examine. .''.,!' i ; : !j j .' )- MRS. S. J. BAKER; ! j 123 MARKET. STREET.1 !'.'. . - aug 20 Our aim shall be to deal fairly and squarely with all, and respectfully ask a share of the public patronage. Courteous treatment guar antci to all wio favor me wth a call. augSOtf s. THOMAS C. CRAFT, Agent ing. in the shape of a lot ,ot ncn au luscious-looking, pears, a present irom Tr. Bradlev to a lady of this city. r r nnr own citizens, who take an ;nfDrr. in the cultivation and propaga tion of floricultural. horticultural and r. rod acts will make large. interesting displays. It Is impossible. at present, to tell who will be the pnn Piano . for Sale. A second-band Piano for sale cheap at the residence 217 South Front st. tf Knlsrhts or llonor. CaroUns Lodge . Kb. 434. Regular meeting this evening at 8 o clock. Toil attendance desired; " . 1U - Quince, W. C. Jones, ana French. The following gentlemen have been named as honorary managers: hobs. W.J. Green. T. M. Holt, D. U. wc lnxt. H. B. Short. George Davis, O. mt mrm m WV a 1 p. Meares and XV . 1. Loncn. The Reception Committee 01 tne isaii is composed of the following named gentleman : Messrs D. J. Worth, Jos. itiaiuu, Dr.iG. .?nnl exhibitors, nor the extent of their exhibits, but enough is known to show WaUerg G j. BoheJ John I tht it will be a grand display. Ittiow w Kidder: n.'W. Hicks, only remains for the people 01 me Q Thomas; John .Corbett, lxuisj .j. to come and see what we can uo 1 OUerbours and Charjie Fenneil. and tho hospitality ot oar people wiU Dnh0c3L Medicine, the wonderful hA lare enough to oe moii 1 cure ior diseases 01 wo wv-,-fAnf all the Tisitors who may honor I Bowels : MItedJidsmS!5 Io: tlie xair oy tuuii twvvw. . - and rsc I am Receiving . ": V'. ' - -.'! : BY NEW YORK STEAMERS EACH WEEK : , ! i ' " ' ' ' THEI FINEST SELECTION OF FruitLand Vegetables, j CONSISTING OF NORTHERN APPLES, j NORTHERN POTATOES, CABBAGES. TURNIPS and j "l ' . V;" "' "' t BEETS. ; i ' itv int rcrrlvcdtbe following variety of CAKES AND CRACKERS, whith I recom mend to all Housekeeper and T. xcnMtonista. Ginger Taffy, , ( ,1 orange Bar, :-v - -Assorted Drops, 1 sweet Corn. - : Empire Mixed, , ! Vanilla Wafers, L -- J:'-."-'.. tmon WaferB. ' j " , ... - Newport .Wafers, hi. : . JLxrabj's Snowflate. These goods are of finest quality, fresh and crispy. - ' '.'mm.' Jolin L. BoatTrriglit; WE HAVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT! OF Cakes and Cracke s CHOICE AN IN STOCK, D FBESH Sugar-Cured Hams,; r i : Strips and Shoulders.; Try Our Pride Flour, ! IT 18 TUB BEST AND WHITEST ON THE MARKET. North Carolina Roe Herring. P. L. BRIDG-ERS & CO. au- J 11 Olfortli Front St,'