Tins paper evealsg. sanoaji e orpted by JOSH T. JAMES, tWTOB ajd rornTOK. M15CEIFTIOS3 rOSTAGE FAIT 3 lC. month, n.00. Three 0s Jf" .too; Or mouth, SS cents. KontM. JeUTewl by canto free It l J' . nartc.( the rllT. at the aboT , m nj r r H J i ! (lk w LT,writrwUi report any arid all fall- .. .. ,Mrnt.rtT or Tli ItoUy Review has tiu largest . , f.lc rircuUUionSof any neicspaper VOL. VII1. W LMINGTON. N. C, TUESDAY. AUGUST 21, 1883. NO. 199 mMr Capel insists on being ac ctticd ll,e firstsyHablo. Tie Prince of 'Wales has contributed , i.o io the Ischia earthquake fund. Winder II. Stephens homestead, I ler:y Hall, is for sale for $10,000. i i -tain Webb's admirers in Boston h xe contributes iur i. iuu. .-- i.iiicrai Ijngstreet will address sonic , old soldiers at Jackson, Miss., on Cei-tembcr 13. - - wicked politics n reports that Mr. r Wn .levotes half an hour in each day ;., preparing . , .um.ilion. Judge Black died at bis home at York, Pcnn., at 2:10 on Sunday morn ing. He had been sick' but one week and hi3 death was not unexpected. An unfavorable changoJook place on Sat- urday, about 4 o'clock, arjd ho I gradu- ally grew worse therefrom until the end. He was conscious of . his death and was perfectly resigned to it. Jeremiah Sulli van Blacx was born in Somerset couuty, his letter declining Ihe Pa.. January 10th. 1810. of Irish paren- t ' ti:. (.it I r .1 tagc. ill laiuur; was a iiruicr unu i at one time, just before his death, a member of Congress. lie was admitted to the bar when 20 years of age and was: married, when 28, to Miss Mary For ward, his .preceptor' daughter, who survives him and with whom he lived happily, for so many! years ami lor whoso consolation his last prayers were uttered. He was appointed Jud?o ol the Court of Common Pleas in 1812 and in 1801 was made Chief' Justice of the SupfV-me Court, ot the State. He A Sad lie turn . Mr. William T. Vann. . who lives about lour miles from Burgaw, Pender county, left home on Monday, the 13th inst, to drive some cattle to this city, leaving his family in perfect health. He was delayed on the way and in tho city and heard nothing from home until Friday, when he received a dispatch stating that one of his daughters aged 11 years, died that morning of malarial fever. She was taken sick on the Tuesday before ' (the day alter Mr. Vann left home) and. notwithstanding all the medical skill and motherly care and attention bestowed, continued to sink rapidly until her death. It was a sad task for a loving lather to return and find an idolized daughter, with whom he had parted but for, a few short days, cold in the embrace of death. A Disagreeable Accident. On Sunday last two young ladies and ! 1 - ... w!.lnrv !n n nnrl in t ho SMltVl was amxjintcd Attorney-General of the a U"J i United States b Indent AJ' 111 Hi 3CVUUI1 .1. vu.ti , . streets, the horse which was drawing i:.!n;iir.d C. Stcdman sm was, from -k., a.vuiints. an easy dupe for Wall . :rn-: ha i per 3. because or hia enormous sn:--aiM in ,q., wUiU nncilinn lift fillod until - - , wV 0 9 niiiLU - ------- I0 n late onhTof the Postollice De- j called upon to take f the . position of .-uuiicnt. iHtruasters are reinirel to Secretary of Stato made vacant byj the , ..:.! loiters only seven days before send- retirement of den. Cass, at the outbreak r.'iKeni to the dead letter office. ; of the war. I I About 21.000 of the 411,000 colored. The loss by the recent Hurry in stocks vJerio Maryland have formed an at ew York ? is put down by the dependent party. They are in revolt u'orti in round numbers at $250,000, j .ain: hito Republican bosses. ooo, to bo borne by the holders of stocks . - j which were worth $1,000,000,000 a year Mr. Arthur s boom inui mr wujuij .i s.r 1 aiikidiIIp nip. ..riiwMonerciua..... " , !Conrse. only temporary; some in.hcr woras. u swius u .. i. .! ?ays the Atlanta Constitution The Detroit lYcc Press, poking fun at i:.cioliticr.l calculator, says his "flgur ., is. harmless amusement, like ihe construction or Presidential pyra- j mid?." ; The New York Sun does not think that the next Presidential candidate j will be taken from Ohio, even ir I load It should carry the State by 30.000 ma- jority. : Kussell Sage says John W. Mackay will probably manipulate his Postal Telegraph Company as ho did his Bo nanza stpek for the special benefit of J. W. M. a"o. A great deal of the shrinkage is, of of the hieh level uuotatious were illusory, but : after all allowances are made the net loss isenormou3. i-ortimateiy me our den of it falls on those who brought . ic about. the vehicle became unmanageable and showed a disposition to move backwark j instead of forward. As ill-luck would have it, the body of the cart became loosened from Us fastenings to the shafts, and the principal weight being in the rear, it turned completely over backward, with the fair occupants un derneath, dumped squarely into the middle of a mud puddle with the body of the cart on top of them . They were soon extricated from their unpleasant and uncomfortable position, and, lor- tunately. without any serious i personal injury, but their go to-meetin' clothing was not in go.to-meetin' trim. Getting Ready. All day long busy hands and nimble fingers have been industriously employ ed in decorating and beautifying the City Hall until it has an elegant ap pearance. Daring the dayj contribu tions of fruit, plants and flowers were received and placed in " their respective positions as fast as circumstances would permit. There are 16 largo tables m all which are appropriately numbered. Asidevfrom these there are side" tables and stands in different portions of the balldesigned tor special purposes.- Everybody about the liall has been actively busy all the day in preparing for the occasion and as night approach, ed there seemed an immense amount of work yet to be performed before the exhibition opens to-morrow ; but we doubt not that it will be well and faith lully accomplished, it the workers con tinue to the end as they, have thus far. The transformation which has becjn effected since we left there yesterday afternoon is wonderful, and would lead one to almost think that he had alighted in a fairy land. I ' Agate has been constructed across tho entrance to the stair way leading to the hall, surmounted by an , arch bear ing the legend, VNorth Carolina Fruit J Old Norfolk. j Mr. JJW. Perry, a prominent com mission merchant. Norfolk, writes of Dr. Worthington's Cholera and Uiar rhora Medicine, that wonderful specific for Summer ConiDlaint. etc., that as a household remedy, ithas an unequalled reputation : he has used it m nis Janiry and would not bo without it. i j- 1 Ms !- NEW !ADHI2RTISEMI3NTS "' i . FLXA&B NOTICX. We will be glad to . receive coamttxilctioB from our friends on aay art aU subject of general Interest trol l ; - ' " : i ' i The name ot the writer mutt aJway be rwt . t - nlshed to the Editor. : " - 1 r .'ii Communication must be written j n oil one side ot the paper. -')' :: ; :";'-' .f, ; PerBon&ntlesmustbe avolded. - . And It la especially and particularly unci stood that the Edjtor does not always endoi 4 the views of eorrespondents csVm so state in the editorial . column. J.-J FLORIDA WATER, LAVKXDER WATER," ' VIOLET WATER. i HELIOTROPE WATER. - . wniTR l!(WK WATKB. V i RAZEN'A WATER.; Also a complete assortment of . Colognes and' I I'erf nmery for the Summer season. '-:'! M-t FrescrlvUons compounded day ' and night at F. C MILLER'S,: m - - . German DrocrlsLf ' surG- Correr Fourth and Kan sta. For Sale or Rent'., i HOUSE WTtt EIGHT . ROOMS. I i i' i r ' lit-'.'.. saa on." count pni oirte, wuero . nicy w i 213 North Front street, West sldo. Apply to UJUl pUaVVb J UiwC Ul stiv ftjft "v MkVBw 0ur Visitors HO THE FRUIT OROWEBS FAIR Aia: LOCAL NEAVS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yates Sew Style J W II Oreex Turnip Sec 1 ) lRrAt Contractor j Heixsberoer .lust Received .1 R Melton For Fair Week F C Miller Florida Water. &c .1 M M3o wan A Son ojir Visitors A K ItLACK School at Point Caswell (ler. barque Atlantic, Sobering, sailed from Antwecp, on the IBih inst-, I for j this port. The New Vork Tl'orW makes an ex-' At e o'clock this afternoon the tler iiibit of its progress, under Mr. Pulitz-1 momctcr in this office registered i de ,r's management, for the past three ! grecs , scaut. I months. The revelation of growtn ami pjlC a(iie3 0f theFifth Street M. K.I prosperity is astomsmng. church wm give another of their dc- l'hilatlelphia Jiccord: There is force lightful excursipus to Smithvillc and and fact in the remark of the New thc port3 on Wednesday, the 29th inst. Vork H'orWLbat there is no trouble to TTshorti of Columbus coun- tezuimaic uujiuw, . . th r;tv to-dav and Will proua- f l 1 .0 .1. .MW bly remain until alter tnc rair. ji in forms us that a largo number of people from that county will be here to-mor row and thc next day. Augnst seems disposed to depart in a big blaze of sunshine and amid tropical heat. It has been j very warm to-day. and but for thc delightful Ibrcczes with which we have been fanned, tresh from the ica. it might have been called red- hot in mate business that ia suffering. The immense crematory in Kome is almost daily use. Crcmatiou is daily becoming more popular, and bids fair soon to dispose of more corpsej in the Italian capital than old fashioned burial. . - -President Circvy's aversion to capital punishment is very marked. He has gone so far lately as to reprieve from thn sentence of death a wretch named Houlet. who had brutally murdered ai Tll0 decorations in the City Hall lor noor servant womau. !t nn Fair are 6iranly superb, hvery t Timi(f the Dreacher. will re- A . . A ..l.o 1 turn to bis Brooklyn pulpit on thc first Sunday of September. In his travels through Kentucky bo is being greeetcd by very Urge audiences, people flocking curiously to seo him. Tbo Inter-Ocetin reviews the financial situation favorably, and boils the panic down thus: "Tho people are coming to their senses. The lambs do not pro rose to have this clip ot wool sheared on W.all street. That U about the size of it." '-j MonsignbrCapelaays: "It has al ways seemed to me that I should like to have been born a Jew and turn to a icti.n. 1 I should have been in good company at least- St Peter for one and St. Paul who boasted that be bad been a 'Jew of the Jews.' But for The South Carolina Railway Commission, says the Augusta CArom fU there wou!d have been another competing line from East to South that SeceT&Co.couianotgoDoioup. allude to Mr. John M. Robinson's pnr iect. the money for which was ready and plenty more behind toback it up. Italian newspapers comment upon the extravagant demands made by pop ular tenors when .foreign managers come to the land of song to make terms with them. Ono famous aingcr. Ta magno. U said to have asked SIOS.OCO to appear in opera at Pari during six months. Another lenor$amenUoned Maini whom aa American manager sought to ecgage for six months, and rrho demanded $ 120.000 lor that pexiod. thing is iu thc 1 most admirable taste. Tbo ladies and gentlemen who have done this work have certainly reflected reat credit upon themselves and they are entitled to thc thanks of thc entire community. ' j The body of the young, colored boy who was drowned at Hilton on Sunday afternoon; mention of which was made by us yesterday, was recovered yester day afternoon. Hi3 neck was found to be dislocated but this was supposed to have been caused by his fall. The verdict of the jury of inquest was -accidental death." I i ! j A New Variety. A public spirited gentleman of Col j umbus county, a few weks since, in ! view of the approaching Fair, offered ! finite a liberal reward for the capture, alive, of an aligator, stipulating that it ! should be at least twelve feet long. The object ot the capture was to bring it to tho city to exhibit at the Fair as a cu riosity which a great many visitors from the interior jof the State had never seeiis In answer to the offer of the reward 'one of the citizeus of that i county, a few days sinco, brought an alligator, which was only about three' feet in length, and claimed the reward. He was quickly told that no such infer ior lookiug saurian as that would an swer the purpose, when 'he replied, "Well, it's to be a fruit fair and I thought I'd show ?cm j what sort ot a crop we could raise, evenT it it wasn't quite ripe. To-morrow. On to-morrow morning, the first of the Fruit Fair," the doors of the Exhibi I tion Hall will be opened at 10 o'clock, and the ceremonies will commence at 11 o'clock. The Fair will be opened with prayer by Rev. CM. Payue, Pastor of thc Second Presbyterian Church. An Ad dress of Welcome will then be made by His Honor, Mayor Hall, after which there will be music, followed by an oration, at thc conclusion of which that good old song, "The Old North State." will be sung by the entire audience. One excellent and attractive feature of tho Fair will be the presence of the Wilmington Cornet Concert Club, who will render some of their best airs morning, afternoon and night. The doors will remain open until 10 o'clock each night. The Grand Ball will take, place to morrow night, in tho Opera House, and there is no doubt that it will prove one of the most elegant affairs of the kind known in the history ot our city. Geowers' Association, Exhibition 1883 The hall itself is tastefully decorated with flags, banners, evergreens and' ap propriate mottoes, while upon the rostrum at the Southern 1 end of the room, is a fountain which throws up. its jets of sparkling water to absorb the impurities of the atmosphere, and then falls into an artificial bas:n, whence it is carried off by means of pipes prepared for the purpose." Tne fountain ' i3 de corated with evergreens in a most artistic manner, the beauty of which language lis entirely impotent to ex press. To-morrow we expect to give a full list of the articles exhibited with the name of the exhibitor and the place whence they came, something which we find it impossible to do to-day. They will be many and excellent and entirely worthy the efforts which havebeen made to make the Fair a success. cxhiliratiDg extracts of thc apple, the peach. of corn, rve nnd other cereals all of which are ervc l in the most RDDetizins manner 3 THE COOLEST LAUR BEER in the city and ths best 5 c-nt Cigur m uiulactureu. i Com, and see for yourselves, i ! ang 21-St J. M McOVAN A SON School at Point .Oaswell. ! I JY SCHOOL AT TII1S PLACE WILL open September iOtb, proximo. ' Kateb Z uiliion ie.r montoL t- fc $1.(0 and j$4 00 according to advancement,) payable the end of each month. Board In good fami lies can be had at $8.00 per month. Thi3 la a mixed schoo . Music is taught by Mrs. John K. Faddisou. whom I cordially recommend as an excellent teacher la this de partment -Fr further particulars ad iress the princi pal. RU2 ang 11 tf H GEO, IT. IvELLET, Ajr"t OTELS, BOARDING . HOUSES,- -AND rulVATE FAMILIES, who desire to accom modate Visitors to thc Fruit Fair, will com municate at once with Mayor Hall, in wrltlos Please state how manjrthey can accommo date, and the price per Day, per Meal and per iXKlginir. r:-.-vt . jvKKCiian.it, augl 4t Chm'n of Com Fine Arts. i li ar I AM NOW LOCATED, FOR THE PRE- eut, nnd prepared to fill all order for Crayon and India Ink Portraits. . I will fruaranteo yoit. a real fine Portrait, if It is not satisfactory you need not accept it Portrait from any kind of entail picture nnd expressed without injury. on.r11.lf . Rf ui?(n ;i Rmiilsi:)!. Y. It!- A. R. BLACK, Principal !l-i&w3w Presbyterian copy Jft s CONTRACTORS. B A LED PRO POS A LS WILL 1 BE ' EE- For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, co to Jac.obi' Hardware Depot, t Point Casvell School. We invite attention to the advertise ment of Ex Sheriff Black's excellent school at Point Caswell, as it appears in thi3 issue. This school has already attained for itself an enviable reputa tion, which will be maintained. It is located in one of the most healthy vil lages of this section-where good board may be had at $8 a month. The tuusi cal department is under the direction of that accomplished lady, Mrs. John Excurison I pOSSIBLY THE LAST OF THE SEASON utwler the Biiperylsion of tbo iJadlea ot vFroni Sti-eet M. E. Church. PASSPORT will leave her wharf for Smith vll.'o and tnejForta at t o'clock next Thursday mornimr.i tho 23rd. Fare for trio 'SO cetts. Children under li celvcd unUl 4 o'clock, P M., Tuesday.AuguiJt I yeara of age 25 cents. One of those matchlcfa l dinners on uoara lor ou cenia. . aucwii. 28th, for building a New Ward and Mortuary, ... i and for repairing the roof of main building at City Hospital. Plans and t,ecincationa can be seen at Col. John D. Taylor's office. City Hail, where Proposals win be lef. Parties bidding will -make separate estimate upon each hiiilrtlncr. i ' The Board of Managers rcserye the light to reject any or all bids. nisi Jut AtAvrvfcu, W. H. CHADBOUEN, aug21-2t 2124 Committee Just Received rjMIE SONG FOLIO A collection of the Most Popular Airs of the day. Price Mc. j Getze'a Improved School for. the Parlor Organ White's Instruction for Orgau. i Huuten'8 Kevwed Instructor for Piano and i , Organ. Buirowcs' Piano Forte Primer. , , j The lattjst Sheet Music ran always bier had at t HEINSBERGER'S, j i aug 21 Live Book and Music Stores New Styles!! T A DIRS. AND GENTLEMEN'S, t FANCY Statioucry . Mercantile and School requisites, Blank Books, every size and style of binding; Wrapping Paper, Taper Bags and Twlno.., Text Books, adopted by tho State Board of 1 '1.4. I'"'.'-! Educat'ou, a specialty, . ; 1 I f ; aug 20 C. W. YATES, "t I i ' 119 Market street -- Foreclosure Sale. ! .- i i BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER OF SALE contained lu a certsla mortgage deed made - wriirht and rfrdftd in the oflica of the Peirii- ." f.r of DoaiIa nf Xcw Hanover Countv. In Book l-t Li tj Lt, page -i, mo 'UQUcrBiKWti win ecu n i , public auction, at the Court House door. In the city of Wilmington, on Friday, Scptembcrlt, Cash, an undivided one fourth intereat In -that cet tain lot of laml situated (in. aaid cityJ Beginnmg at a point la the Eastern line of Fourth street, OGfect$outh of thc South-: eastern Intersection of said street with Orange i f street, runs thence East parallel with Orange-! ; street no leet. tnence eoum parauei wm y Fouith street 6 feet, thence West parauei FOR FAIR WEEK ! ---r- ,,., u tait rpriT vroPT with Orange stmet no leet to r ounn Bircci, . . WT HAVE MADE GREAT ErFOBTS I jlCnce aing the East Une of Fourth Wtrect . i I AYhen to Batlic. The Royal Humane Society in its recently issused report, gives the follow ing useful advico to swimmers : "Avoid bathing within two hours after a racal. Avoid bathing when exhausted by. fa tigue or from any other cause. Avoid ii. Mr. J. .1 Ilopktos. nav- bathing when tne ooay is bathing aiio- ln Market. Mr. J. R. lelton will present every day this week, at his stalls, in the New Market, for thc bencfi of visitors to the Fair, an unusually attractive display oi fresh meats ing "recovered from his recent severe illness, is again at his post, at stall Xo. 1, and will be glad to serve all who may call upon him . ; i City Court. ! Trifair Smith, a colored boy of about 12 years ol age, was brought before the c,r thU moraine, charged wilh lar ceny, and was required 'to give bond in thesumorso iornis apuv-ai- the next term of the Criminal Court, in r.nit nf which he was committed. Patty Prcoieau, colored, : disorderly conduct, $5 or 20 days.! She went be low. . , . I j 1 ' - -. 1 Piano for Sale. . V second-hand Piano for sale cheap at 'the residence 217 South Front it. tf. mm ttPrsDiraiion. Avoia gether in the open air. it after having been a short time in the water, it causes a sense of chilliness, with numbness, of the hands and leet. - Bathe when the body is warm, provided no time is lost in cettins into the water. Avoid chilling the body by sitting or standing undress ed on the banks or in' boats after having been in the water. Avoid remaining too long in the water; leave the ater immediately there is thc slightest feel ing of chilliness. The vigorous and strong may bathe early in the morning on an empty stomach.- The young and iWp who arc weak had better bathe two or three hours after meal; the best time for such is irom two to three hours after breakfast..; -tV Vv Mre.J.oiin E: Lippitthas been award ed thc contract lor .furnishing refresh ments at the City Hall during the pro gress of the Fruit Fair. This means that there will be handsome tables, fur nished with the best that can be had. Specially elaborate preparations will be made for the night of the Ball. i List of Letters. A list of unclaimed letters remaining at the Post Office in this City on Wed nesdav, August 22, 1883: j j A Clara Andrews, Mary Ann Allen. TjWright Bizzeli.-(2). MA Booker, Mat Brbwn, Mary Jane Beery, Madge Brown, J A Bradley,! Charlie Bagley, Charles Bennett. J , C Elizabeth Carr. Julia Campbell, Wm M Canby. . 1 ' . - D Annie R Davis. Catherine Du mas. Charles Dixsey, H Davis, (artist), Lizzie Davis F Dennis Foreman, G Wj Freeman. G Thos Griffin, Bcttie 1 Graham, Willie Godbolt, Rachel Gaiioway, M W Guyer. i H Eld C B Hassel. J William Jefferson, Thomas Jen kins. t- i K William Kornegay, Martin Kel- ley, James H King. M Marinda Moore, Hagar Moss., NLT Nixon, ; P Randolph Peters. Granville Pas ton, Christian Peterson. Q Maria B Quince. ; RJohn Ray. Darklis Rufe, )V ra Russell - S-Chas Smith. Geo E Strohecker, Louisa Sinclair, Minerva Simmons,3. T Capt A H Turpie, Robert Trask. Thomas J Tart. Uepsey Thompson . V Susan Walters. Paten VYhite, Melinda White, John W Webb. j FIRMS. E M Lazarus & Co ; Schiff Bros ; Branch, Lladley & Farmer; JasSBaze- more,;'' ' - " I' - - " - Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised;" if not called for within ten days will be sent to the dead letter-office at Washington, D. C. . Ed. R. Brink: P. M. - V '' '.. k . ' iThe celebrated' 'Fish Brand Gills Twine is sold only at Jac6bis Hard : ware Depot. r "L:i. - r . . :' to help the FRUIT FAIR this week by aivirg our visitor to eat the best that may be hid in the way of 1 j FINE STALL FED BEEF, i i- i . . : 'i L The prettiest you evr taw. " i ; -i ' - i FAT JUICY MUTTON, an extra fine article. i 1 VEIL, LAMB, At., Ac. -I - ; ' PoPic attention and prompt deliyery guar aoteed in every in.Unce. aug2C-2t Sew Market Northwardly 60 feet to tho beginning. I J. D. BELLAMY, Jr., I . aug20-20t .Attorneyi for Mortgagee : ; 25 First of the Season. BBLS. FRESH CORNED MULLETS. Send In your orders. , W. E. DAVIS A SON. New Furniture Warerooms. i a t -Ki -m CB4VITR TlrtW. SO. FROST St., I have opened with what I think 1 a well -4 - selected stock of . ; ' ' j . .. .... f' ,'J y Furniture and ;Befl(Ilng, i 1 1 Embracing many, new dcigo ta p Rp.Hrnnm and Parlor Suits. Our aim tshall be to deal fairly and squarely , with aU, and respectfully ask a share of the public patronage. Courteous treatment guar ; anteed to all who favor me with a can. .'-. Turnip Seed Turnip Seed. aug 20 Solid Comfort. - ! npHERE IS SOLID COMFORT IN THE use of Kerosene Stoves. A customer, who is using one, says : "With this we are Independ ent when left without a servant." They arc Gems and great "Economists." Different sizes and prices. Try one. ! .. r Pure White OH- ' ang 20 ! PARKER A TAYLOR. I NEW CHOP 1 883. 4 T?OR SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL; XL . I'- - country oruersinvitetu WILLIAM II. GREEN, Druolst, - ' i I aug6 - ' 117 Market Street I! I am iving We Have BY NEW YORK STEAMERS EACH WEEK ClOPPUKD A LONG FELT WANT BY O establishing a first-class Carriage, Harness and Trunk Store, where all kinds of goods In our line can be bought at prices lower than ever, before offered in this market. J& Repairing in all its branches attended to promptly. cDOUGAIAj BOWDEN. aag 20 I No. 114 North Front St. THE FINEST 8ELECTI0N OT Fruits and Vegetable!;, f Fruit ! Jars; TTALP GALLONS. QUARTS. PIJfTS and XI : I' ' PRESERVE TU3LBLERS. 1 Giles & Blurcliison, Aug 20 I North Front St f CONSISTING OF . NORTIIERK APPIXS, , NORTHERN POTATOES, CABBAGES, ' ' TURNIPS and - m Fly Traps. BEETS. rpHE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN THIS market. Our WL ... GRAIN CRADLES cannot be , surpassed In price or qualltrl A larsre and well selected stock of Hard ware at W. E. SPRINGER A GO'S.. Successors to Jonn iiawsoa uoM aug SO I j Market Street i; E. Cm Blair, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, r So-19. Jforth Second Street, I . . WllmtagtoD.N. C Solicits consignment of all kinds of Country Produce. Top prices and quick returns guar anteed. -Will res hip to other markets when nave jus reccirea tne ioiiowing Tarwij vi p i -. "',.') '..j ,1: .;, CAKES AND CRACKERS, whuh I rerom- - mend to all Housekeepers awl Excarknit4 Ginger Taffy, 1 orange Bar, i Assorted Drops, U sweet Com. Empire Mixed. " Vanilla Wafers. Lemon Wafers, k . j ' Newport Wafers. ' T ' - m LarTabjt'a Enowflake. These goods arc of finest quality, freti atd crlspy . ; I: - . John L. BoatwrigM