;;C::w ' CTJ5A8X kotics., : 1 ; fy. We win be f 14 to-, recefr eommiuUcaUoBt from our friends on any and ail' 'subjects of lnerallntercatbat -..r;;V;;::'; , - " - The name ot the writer must always be fu sabrf every eenta. Sundays ex eepted by JOSH T. J ABIES, .I-Bsccirrioss postage paid: ear slx oonth Three ,,r y. fi.oo; One month, S3 cents. ir will be delivered by carrier free I la any rart of the city, at We above or 10 rent per week, resthdn rstrt low and KberaL tl5ub5rr.ber8 will report any and all fall ' ir ihoir D&DCT regularly. 1 H nlahed to the Editor. - CommpnlcaUona mast be written oa pal one side of the peperl 1 . . . .......... - Personalities moat be aYolded, And It Is especially and particularly nnd stood that the Editor docs not always endot VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. C, WEDNESDAY.. AUGUST 22, 1883. NO. 200 the views of correspondents unless so! state in the editorial ooIobiiis. ; U !-' ; Tins PAPER . 77, jkiiitf Ktrtew nas me largest hX ft'' circulation, of any newspaper j Wished, in the city of Wilmington. J& j LOCAL NEWS. -"TJSirTO NEW ADYERT1SIMIITS. VArE.Sew Style j i S i ri.ur Notice W 1! Greex Turnip Seed Hi :bekgek Jnst Received V "siitLEK-norMa WatcT. c jjrm KaTK C Wines Sfllllcery and Fancy The receipts of cotton at this port to- ,tay foot up C bales. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery. srotnJACOBi' Hardware Depot, t I.at night was too hot for any sort or comfort and sleep was an impossibility ur.'.ii aticr midnight. Mn j. 1. J. Devane. of this city, with wife ami two children, U spending i . uaimr near Moranton. WVarknowtedjceth courtesy ot a . i!i !tii morning from Mr. K. A. Old hmu. i.f ihtf Winston tktUuul, and re ..r. i tint w: were not in at the time. , Af I ni irai2ers in iu vuj. uiauj . . ,. i, tout are Iadie3. It is expeceu mat i .i.mi ?: iimuU-r will be doublet!, perhaps " . iivUvi. lo-morrow. i Mr. FIttrher Manning and his wile are ben on a visit to that gentleman's ntUcr. Capt.K. W. Manning. They saw Item at Wrightsville uow for aW. two weeks, and expect to leaye fiirtiy for Charleston. ihc (Irand Ball will take-place at the i l era House this evening. The floor ha- been laid and there will be ample room for spectators as well as dancers. It promises to be a" most delightful r.tlair. The attention of visitors to the Fair is invited to the advertise ment of the North Carolina House as it appears in this issue. This house is located corner of Second and Princess streets and is very, convenient to the City Hall and Court House. Wo learn from the Journal-Observer that Paul Means, the colored boy who killed his companion at Wadesboro, last Wednesday, a report of which was published in tho Kkview on Thursday, ha been captured in Charlotte and will be sent back to Wadcsbaro to jail. Mr. Patrick Flynn, well known in tuii cUy. died at about noon to-day, aed about 70 years. He has been sick tor two or three weeks, and Irom the first there was hardly a hope of his recovery. Ho leaves a wife and two children. His interment will Like place at 1 o'clock to-morrow afternoon from his late residence on Swann, between Fifth and Sixth streets, thence to St. ; Thomas Church. Silver PlatetfrSpoons and Forks, low j Prices, at Jacobi.'s t ! Goue North. Mr. Joseph S. Williams and Mm. Williams left here this morning for tho North. They will go first to Maine and afterwards to New York city where Mr. Williams may locate. He has renUnl his hou? e in this cilv and old his furniture and may locate in some other city, but we trust that he will yet return to Wilmington to re main hero. Mr. Williams has been a resident of this city for nearly forty years and U is with great regret that ire see him leave.. Railroad and Telegraph. Wo Icarn from Mr. W. A. Johnson, of Clinton, President of tho Clinton & Warsaw Telegraph Company, that the linos on tho road will be up and in working orlcr now in a few days, say by September 1st. There has been considerable delay in consequence of the strike but tho work is now being rapidly pushed forward. Air. J ohnsoa also informs us that wark on tho Cliar ton & Point Caswell R. R. is also being rapidly pushed forward, there being eight miles of tho line now graded and ready for tho crosstiea, five miles out of Clinton and three ont of Point Caswell. Quarterly Meeting Wilmington District of the Methodist Church. South. Tirntn round. WhiteviUe ;......Aug 25-26 Point Caswell at Pt Caswell Aug 2S 29 Waccamaw Mission Sept 1-2 Fair Bluff. Sept 8-9 Robt. O. Buirrox. P. K. Piano for Sale. A second-hand Piano for sale, cheap at the residence 217 South Front st. tf. Tke celebrated Fish Brand Gills Twine Is aold only at Jxcoki's Hard. ware Depot. :- . J-."' ... i Jizabeth. THE FRUIT PAIK. Opened This Mornluc: Under Very Favorable Auspices An Excellent Display and a Fair Attendance. The first Pomo-logical Fair ever held in the city of Wilmington was formally opened at the City Hall at 10 o'clock this morning under the auspices ot the Fruit Growers1 Association of North Carolina. From the moment that it was understood that there was a probas bitity that the Annual FaJr of 1683, ol this organization would, be held here unceasing efforts have jbeen made by many of our most prominent and public spirited citizens to bring it here and make it In every particular a complete success a triumph one that fhould eclipse all other exhibitions of like diameter in the State. When the doors were thrown open to the public this morning it was the universal sentiment tnat ail-that had been desired had been accomplished.' For many days men and women ot our city have been busy inthetaskof preparation. Men have devoted valuable tunc and fair ladies . have contributed ol their skill and taste . , . . . ... r .. m design, nan, rare and .uscious fruits .. .. , ,, . ,.r , 'loaded tho several tables: beautiful . . Jiands into many a fanciful and unique desisn. were inters perscu throughout the hall, a cool andjsparking fountain sent its pushing waters to peurify the at mosphere and enhance the beauty ol the. scene ; the works of art commingled with the rich products of nature; gay Hags, banners and festoons of evergreen adorned.the walls and the space over tho tables and stands,., until fctho entire hall seemed an enchanting kaleidoscopic picture, presenting new beauties with every change of the position of the be holder. There was but one sentiment one expression and that was ol pleased surprise at the magnitude and elegance of the exhibition. There had been grave fears among a good many that tho fruit would ,not be forthcoming and wo had been repeatedly asked with in the past few? days, "Where is it coming from?" 'But it was there this morning, and .in, abundance. Apples, pears, peaches, grapes and other fruits were there in prolusion and of the finest variety and richest quality. Iong be fore the exhibition was opened it be came apparent that tho room would not b3 sufficient for the articles contribued, while busy bauds were still engaged in arranging those which continued to ar rive on every train, as well as by carriage and other means of convey ance. For an hour before the time ap pointed for the formal opening, the people began to flock to the1 hall and fairly thronged about the ticket ojlicc Wf.5,snir ror he Liiuc to arrivi when tfacy could gain admission. There were people irom Alamance. (JuiUord, How an. Wake. Sampson, Wayne, Duplin, Pender, Columbus, unsiow, l.jrunswic, Bladen," Cumberland and other coun ties, besides a large representation from our own county of New I Hanover. At about 10:30 a- m. the officers of the Association and invited guests ar rived at the I Hall, preceded by the Wilmington Cornel Concert Club, who kindly turned outj for tho occasion. After the processsion had Gled into the building and entered the Mayor's office the gates were thrown open and tho eager throng pressed up,the stairway to tho exhibition room. At 1 1 o'clock the oClccra entered tho hall and after a few moments a voluntary was played by the band, followed by a short, impres sive and appropriate prayer by Rev. C. M. Payne, of the ' Second Presbyterian Church. This was followed by another voluntary by the band, after which the Address of Welcome was 'delivered by Mayor Hall. Mr. P. M. Wilson, Sec retary of the Association.8, was then in troduced by Capt. R. P. Paddison and responded gracefully to Mayor Hall; Col. F. W. Kerchner then made an apology to thosa present for the absence of the expected Orator of the occasion, after which the popular State air of Carolina! Carolina! Heaven's bless ings attend her!' was rendered by the band. This being performed and re ceived with cheers. Mayor Hall arose and declared the exhibition duly open. We regret that space and time will nofpermit us to give a full report of the several speeches and 1 other exercises Mpnrfinir tha'oneninz ceremonies, as i they were very interesting and appro. priate to the occasion, ! ' THE TARI-S. There were sixteen tables in the hall, all of which were, numbered and oca cupied as follows: i Table No. 1 Apples raised m New Hanover county and sent to the Asso- ciation. They were fair and nice look ing, but wo wish that this portion ol the exhibit had been better and more in keeping with the excellence of the re mainder. Table No. 2 S. W. Nobles, of New Hanover county, exhibitor. Thisjtable was protusely laden with apples, peaches aud grapes of a ! fine quality and was much commended (as it ought to bej by the visitors. It was a very creditable display and in some of its features it was excellent. Table No. 3 Capt. R. P. Paddison. of Pender county and President of the Association, exhibitor. Thi3 table con tained apples, grapes uud canned fruits and vegetables, all of which were very fine. Table No. 4 Messrs. RJ Paddis son. of Pender, and T. Fr Pugh. of Sampson counties, exhibitors. This table contained a remarkably nice and tasteful displayof apples, grapes, pick les and jellies, and showed, as did table No. 3., the skill ot the housewife as well as the products ot the soil. Table No. 5 Elegant and mammoth specimens of pears, exhibited by Capt. W. A. Cummiog. of this city, and raised at his place on the Sound, to gether with several varieties of peaches sent here from Baltimore and exhibited by Col. F. W. Kerchner. Table No. 6 Several varieties ol ap ples. New York City exhibitor. A fine display. Table No. 7 This table was loaded with apples, peaches, several varieties of pears, luscious in appearance and mammoth in size, and several kinds of grapes, exhibited by Mr. William Mur dock, ol Rowan county. It was a very line display. Aside from these, the table contained a samiple of grapes ex hibited by Mr. II. E. Newbury, of Magnolia, Duplin county, together with a bottle ot sweet wine of his manufacs ture, and both exhibited by him. Table No. 13 Apples, grapes and dowers, exhibited by Mr. E. D. Pear sail, of Duplin county. Tables Nos. 9 10 and 11 Specimens of dried fruits and stuffed birds and animals, exhibited by Mr. I M. T. Hughes, of Guillord county. This ex hibit deserves much more than a pass ing notice, as it is one of the finest in the hall. , There were dried apples, peaches, tomatoes, grapes, pears, corn, and other vegetables, all neatly arrang ed in cases and properly labelled, and they probably excited as much curiosity and" provoked as much comment as anything on exhibition. The fruits were dried by the ordinary process of evaporation, and the work was ecr-. tainly attended to by those who knew their business. Wc are glad to know that Mr. Hughes will take this display to Boston for exhibition at the Manufac turers' and Mechanics' Fair, which is to be held there in October next. Table No. 12 Apples, grapes and poaches of a very superior quality and of several varieties, exhibited by Messrs Lineback Bros., of Forsyth county. Table No. 13 Apples, pears, peaches plums and grapes, exhibited by Messrs. S. Ragsdale & Bro., of Guilford county. This is a remarkably line display. Tables Nos. 11, 15 aud 16 Apples, crab apples, (several varieties) pears, peaches and grapes, exhibited by Mr. J. Van Lindlcy, of Guilford county. This was a remarkably fine display and on the most ex tensive scale of any in tho hall. Mr. Van Lindey is one of the Vice Presidents of the Association, an ardent and enthusiastic pomologist, and has been very successtul in "his' efforts to improve the cultivation of Iriuts In his section. The above comprises tho exhibitors on the numbered tables, and wo now come to stands arrayed against the walls, beginning by turning to the right as we enter the door of the hall. The first is a very large and fine display of tobacco exhibited by the Cape Fear Tobacco Works. The next is a stand which contains a portion of tho exhibi ted of Mr. J. Van Iindley, for which there was no room on the tables. The next stand was occupied by J. S. Rags dale & Bro., tor the remainder of their exhibit, and Mr. A. C. liege, of Islington, Davidson county, who made a fine and varied display of apples and grape. The next stand contained a Jmodel of the peach packing shed or Messrs l.inenacic isros.. or saiem, n . v. waica wiey "c fc" senteu to tne i. u. rruu uiuwtia Association J It was a"marvel of neat ness and convenience combined-and was a most cunning price of workman ship: The same stand was also laden with samples of sundried fruits and plums and several bottles of sweet wine by the same exhibitors, and with display of Bartlett pears of very fine appearance, exhibited by Mr. George Laughton, Morehead city. The next and last table on the frohtsidc i of the building was occupied by a very fine display of' dried fruits, exhibited by Messrs A. C& W. S. Worth, ol No. 333 Greenwich St., New York, and by a sample of mammoth green peppers exhibited by Mr John G. Marshall, of New Hanover county. ' - Commencing now- in the Southeast cornerof the hall wo have a very1 fine, elaborate and tasteful "display of wax flowers, exhibited by Mrs. W. j. Guy of Charleston, S. C. who is a teacher in the art of their manufacture. The next is a fine display of pickles, catsups &c., from the - store of Messrs P. L. Bridgers & Co. Immediately North of this is a map prepared by Major W, L. Young, showing the sagar producing belt of North Carolina, while the stands lor a considerable . distance are ladejn with various kinds of fruits, dried fruits &c among which were some mam moth apples exhibited by Mr. W. M. Hand, of Pender county. .The nex was an exhibition of grape3 by Air. II. W. Beatty, Jr; They were ot the Hopkins Seedling variety and were remarkably fine, nicei and large. The next was a fine exhibition of dried fruits, displayed by Messrs Hall Bros., of . Hickory. N. C. The next was a .display of two enormous pears exhibited by Mr. L. Vollei s, of Pt. Caswell, Pender eounty. In the centre ot the hall, at the south ern pnd. was a disnlav of assorted grasses, exhibited by miss iciona Gore, of this city. Further down and near the centre of the hall was a'bou quet of flowers, prepared and exhibited by Mrs. H. Webb, of this city. -,Next to this was a gothic arbor, a portion of which was occupied by. Mr. N. W. Craft, of Yadkin county, in a display of apples, pears; peaches, grapes and wine, while the other portion was nsed for the same purpose by Mr. G. K. Faust, of Alamance county: The dis play upon this table was very fine. Knvt in ordp.r was a fine disDlhv of wines, liquors, cordials and cigars, ex hibited by Messrs. II. Brunhild & Bros., while at the end of the hall was an extensive display of confectioneries, exhibited by Mrs. Warren, and another equally as fine exhibited by Messrs. E. J. Moore & Co., both of this city. The last which we have time to notice now is thj exhibit of machinery for making fruit cans with workmen 1 en gaged in making them, exhibited by Messrs. Harding Johnson & Co., of this city- Hon. Danjel W. Yoorhees, Tj- S. Senator from Indiana, saysi I consider St. Jacobs Oil a splendid remedy. I suffered firom rheumatism ot the back. I used St: Jacobs Oil, whichj gave me instantaneous relief, and finally cured me completely. ' , . Races at Wrightsville.- 1 , There will be two races at Wrights-" ville on Friday, a rowing race, to take n1ar at 1 1:30 . o'clock, between the Kttrious, owned by Mr. A. lxrd, and the Krab Klaic, owned by Mr. 11.. R. Latimer, and a regatta, to take place in the afternoon, commencing Jat 12:30 o'clock,' in which twelve boats will participate. The yachts, with -their commanders, are as follows: " Glide Capt. II. R. Latimer. Madoc Capt. W. L. Smith Jr. I , I roftc Capt. C. W. Worth. Contest Capt. H. Fennell. Bona Capt. Pembroke Jones. Foam Capt. W 1. Parsley. Carolina Capt. E. E. Burruss. Nautilus Capt. J. W.Atkinson. ,, lltUa Capt. Richard Bradley. Lizzie Capt. Geo. A. Peck. Iicsllcss-Ca.pt. McRee Cowan. Zephyr Capt. II. M. Bowden. The yachts are all required to report promptly at 12 o'clock: , A Little Boston Barber Blown up HhjbJ Theodore Voight, a little German barber, was shaving at the shop of Mr. Chas. Baeumler, No. 25 Avery street, when a Star representative interviewed him. He said: "When I found that my ticket was the lucky one I did not prop my razor and stop work. When finished! expressed my ticket to M. A. Dauphin. 2ew Orleans, La., for col lection I $5,000 cash wa3 returned to me for my $1 invested." He is asobcr, indnstrious and prudent young man, who was born in Marklissa, Germany; is aged about 23. j lie has several brothers and sisters at home whom he win proDabLy open a barber 'shop or his own in mis city. vosion i j atr, uijf. 1 F. P. JONES, rt LINTON, N. C., ATTORNEY AND Conn ellor-at Law. W1U practice 1b i any part oi he BUte. Special attenUon tflveal to the col. tlon oi claims- " t : .eer IM7 4XIEI. i FLYNN In this city, to-day. 2ind mt., PATRICK FLYNN. gctl 70 years. .Tho friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the f aneral to-morrow (Thursday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock, from his late residence on Swann between Fifth and Sixth streets, thence to St. Thomas' Church and thence to fct. Thomas' Cemetery. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Millinery & Fancy ' Goods. F INE HATS, BONNETS, FEATHERS, Gloves, Ribbons and Trimmings. Neckwear, Hdk'fa, Zephyrs and other Fancy Goods. 5 Bummer Goods selling cheap. -. MRS. KATE C. WINES, No, 119, North Second S.reet. i. I an? 22 - next South of rostoffice Notice. ISITORS TO THE FAIR ARE INVITED to visit the v 1 ' . . i .. ., j-- -'; NORTH CAROLINA HOUSE, I i - Corner Sec-nd and Pi ln ess cta.. Where the est of WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, A-c.-wlll lf furnished them. Afetli at all hours Open day and night. Nearest place to the CityTTnll., P. .STELLiJF.3, ' ' I- aug213t Proprietor Our Visitors rjlO TJIK FRUIT GRWEUS' FAIR ARE respootfully iuvitwd to call at t.he "North State Sal on," South Front Street, where they will find the purest juice of the grape and the most exhillratiog extracts of the apple, the peach, of corn, rye and other cereals,. all of which are eerrel in the most appetizing manner Par THE COOLEST LAiiER BEER lathe city and the best 5 c?nt Cigar manufactured. Come anil Bee for yourselves. aus 21-81- T. M AIcGOWAN A SON Sctool at Point Caswell. -it lyjY SCHOOL AT THIS PLaCE WILL open September 10th, proximo. ! i Rates of tuition per month, t'2.C0, Sl.COand $4.00 according to advancement,, payabis at I i I the end of each month. Board in good fami lies can te had at $S 00 per month. I This is a mixed school. Music is taught ly Mrs. John R. Paddison, whom I cordially recommend as an excellent teacher in this de partment i For further particulars address theprincl pal. ; i A. R. BLACK, Principal aug 2l-i&w3vy Presbyterian copy 3t Just Received? i rjlHE SONG FOLIO A collection of .the Most Popular Airs of tlie day. Prit-e 50c. Getze's Improjved School for the Parlor Organ Wbitej's Instruction for Organ. i Hnuten's Revised Instructor for Piano and i Organ. f I Burr owes' Piano Forte Primer. i . .... The latest Sheej; Music can always be had at HEINSBERGtER'Sj aug 21 , Live Book and Jklusic Stores FOR FAIR WEEK I i TT7-E II AVE MADE GREAT EFFORTS to h-rlp the FRUIT FAIR this week by jtivi'g , t - our visitor to eat ihe best that may be hid in the way of '. ' , FINE STALL FED BEEF, ' j The prettiest you ever taw FAT JUICY MUITON,i an extra fine article VE 1L, LAMB, Ac, Ac. Polite attention and prompt delivery guar anteed iu every Instance. I J. R. MELTON, aug 20-2t , New Market FirsVoftk Season. -1-. BBLS. FRESH CORNED MULLETS. end in your orders. I- auif 20 W. ErDAVIS A SON. Solid Comfort. 1 1 rpHEBE IS SOLID TJOMFORT IN THE use of Kerosene Stoves. A customer, who is using one, says: "With this we are independ ent when left without a servant." They are Gems and great Economists." Different sizes and prices. Try one. ! , g20 j PARKER A TAYLOR. Commercial Hotel Wilmington, N. C. r 51. SCHLOSS, Prop. piRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. , " First-class Bar and BILLIARD LOON ATTACHKT) i p SA 77 We Have QUPPLIED A LONG FELT WANT BY and Trunk Store, where all Kinds of goods in our line can be bought at prices lwtr lltau eTer before offered In thL market. 1 ft Ileimirinir in all its braache attendeI to Promptly. m I . aug 20 .... , 1 . No. 1 14 North Frtrnt St . E. C. Blair, GENERALXOMMISSION MERCHANT, f r l: No .1 19. North Second Street, --,;, t.t k - i - vyilmlngtoo, N. C ''Solicits consignments of all kinds of Country Produce.' Top prices nnd quick returns guar anteed. , WU1 reshio toother markets when requested.' ' - V FLORIDA WATER. - - . LAVENDER WATER,' ' a ' . nOLET WATER, 1 ' - HELIOTKOPB WATER. 1 1 ' WHITK ROSE WATER, i ' V "" ' RAZENA WATER! Also a complete assortment of Colognes and Perfumery for the Summer season. i ' 49" Prescriptions compounded day and night at : . F. C MILLER'S. . i . 1 German Drugtrlst, 1 aug 6- , Corner Fourth and fiun sts. ' ForSaleorBent. JTOUSB WiTH EIGHT ROOMS, Lot 66 feet front, running back 163 RPTi feet. Water Works in the house. -No. yj 213 North Front street. West sldel Apply to ang 11-tf , GEO. H. KELLEY, Agt Fine Arts. i I AM NOW LOCATED, FOR THE TRES- ent, and prepared to fill all orders for Crayon and India Ink Portraits. I wUl guarantee you a real une rortrait, ir u U not satisfactory you need not accept it. Portraits from any kind of small pitureand expressed without Injury. ORIN T. THOMAS, Artist, aug 14 tf Studio 861 Broadway, Nj . Wevy Styles; Ij A DIES AND GENTLEMEN '3 NCY i Stationery. Mercantile jfjd 9rhnol miulcites,- Blank Rooks, every pl.e and style of binding; I . : r''- j1 Wrapping' Paper, Vaier Bags ami Twine. Text Books, adopted by the State Board-of Rlucat'on, a fipecialry. I i " v I I , C. W. YATES, aucr2rt 1 r lht MarkcUtrca Foreclosure Said. BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER OF SALE contained in a certain mortgage deed niado . ov W. J. Ca'als and wire to John! li Itoal wrlght and recorded In the office of the RcgU, tcr of Deeds of New Hanover County, in Book LLL, page 426; the undersigned will sell at pnblic auction, at the Court House door, In the city of Wilmington, on Friday, Septembertlst, at 12 o'clock, M, to the highest bidder for Cash, an undivided one-fourth interest in . that certain lot of land situated, in said city. Beginning at a point in the Eastern , line of Fourth street, 66feet South ot the South eastern intersection of said street with Orange street, runs thence East parallel with Orange street 110 feet, thence south parallel with Fouith street tifi feet., thence west parallel with Oraogo street 110 feet to Fourth street, thence along the East line of Fourth etreet Northwardly 6 feet to the beginning. , J. D. BELLAMr", Jr.,4 aug20-2ot Attorney for Mortgagee 1 .1 lew Furniture Wreropfns.' AT NO. j 20 GRANITE ROW, 80J FRONT St., I . have opened with what I think Is a well selected stock of Furniture (ind Bedding, Embracing many new deigns In , , . 1 j ' "') '" " ' ' ' '" Bedroom andParlor Suits. Our aim shall be to deal fairly and squarely with -all, and respectfully ask a share of tbo public patronage. Courteous treatment guar.. . ahtecd to all who favor me with a call. 1 1 v , ang'AJ tf ' .THOMAS C. CRAFT,' Agent . Turn i p Seed Tu r x p Sebd . A NEW CHOP 188Ji 1 " " ' ? JOR SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Country orders Invited, r ' - WILLIAM H. GREEN, Druggist, 1. aug 117 Market Street Fruit Jars! i . . . JJALF GALLONS, QUARTS, PINT8 and PRESEiyE TUMBLERS. 1 . ; i Giles & liurcliison, ' ' 1 1 ' North Front St aug 20 T r v 1 rann. , i r fJlHE BEST AND CHEAPEST IM jTHIS market. Our t 1 ' - , i GRAIN CRADLES I cannot be surpassed In price or quality. A large and well selected stock of Hard ware at W. E. SPRINGER GO'S., j , . Successors to John Dawson A Cov 1 aug20. ! Market Street ! I am Receiving .. . ' '.' . ti- t- BY NEW YORK STEAMERS EACH WEEK THE FINEST SELECTION OF ' Fruits and Vegetables, CONSISTING OP V. I NORTHERN APPLES, 1 NORTHERN POTATOES, .., J. CABBAGES. TURNIPS and I BEETS. Have ju6t reccfrcd the following of ' . F " i ' CAKES AND CRACKERS, wlitl h I rrconi - mend to all IIousekreers and Excnrilonthls. Ginger Taffy. I I Orjrure Bsr. . -. 1 , , 1. 1- - f Assorletl Drfw, o wee t Com. 'L Empire Mixed n , ; .VanlUa Waters. :.';- A ;. leaon Wafers, ij : Newort Wafers. - -'1 L -;-;f -,' Larrabj's hnowflakc. l it ! 1 11 These goods are of finest quality, f rcsfi and crimpy. - ' - ' ... . John L. Boatvrifrlit an' 20 tf ' '5t

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