t I I - - ' 1 ; : : : . . ..... , . ..... .,. -7- v . . . . . j:. - , - - - . I . . - - fiKjit,. wuu-tJ . - . i. ,i We wm be glad to reoelre oommualcitlote from our friends on wy ewi ill subject of i h. "xr i m ii v tt mm im. a w i r .mi w . . w v i mi i d - - - - . - - -3-- w i is v . a h : a - a i . m w f a r sa anaaa f . mm mm- mm mm m, m m - -m m m .m mm m m -.mm mm m m m l i m . v. 1 I I ' I I I II I ' f ft II 11 ft - . mmmrnrn .11 J . ft ft f II U M M ft ft J 1 ft V T S t 1 UJ U U - Y II IP4 ' ; " II n. r": Ulahed to the Editor. r,t-'i iit . M i lf-h II 111 II 1 i . W i I ill i Vi V.' a i j, mm - - " mm mm mm m . mm mm urn m m cmt iftv i m m m I mw w . i - --- - immff m m jOSH T. JASIES, rOtTTAOK PAID: si The name of. the writer must sJitsts he! ts III rfT0" w' " rv" rw . '-r - VOL. VII. 1 WIOnNGTON. N. C, THURSDAY. AUGUST 23 CCTPpmnttftT'f nrast be written . cn onl oae sideot the paper. PersonallUes anstbe eToWed.1: ' ! J1 And It Is especially and partJcular jy mad stood that the Editor does not always endoi IheTlews of correspondent nnless so SUU In the editorial columns. T.. Ksritw has the largest , .TV I"" ' ' . .:uUtim. oj any n. - " - : i . ' : ; i ; : I 4 1 TIIK FRUIT FA IK. A3ii'b: in Kicbmond. have the ... tm-. fV-er v ill - .lnrinz ber tour or 5 w vv L C-" -r , hca'th of Prince Bismarck ii said Tie tea-'" Mnnnt rcocivo . roor in1 uc ; . : i ,T.,t Hoaaiy.tUcDemccratic lturovemorcf Ohio will ra. oce-thir! of lhe cnlire colorcd vWe . X- .... v,,rk Kccninv.. li calmly , ;:;,ht a Southern llepubUcan who or an office-holder or an . ...MerisaErcat rarity. 1 1- ,v " the latest champion This M .."r He made hi raile in tt:H . . vnnr-old time on re- t other horse byJbur seconds t ! PrnliibilioniSlS . .ii uunu . i.yMSta:e Convention in Duston ll Jrlhv, September 20. and say I,.,, int.m.l tu male a vigorous cam- -xzn. . 1U saving Mnks or Kew York City i-nra,e of $0.19-2.393 in de. ... f .Mtitrv lat. or about 3 DCr ivni" 1 he total deposits are some $231,- r- Uugtry has appeared in Man-tU-t. r. r.nsland. and played JuliaJM . -The Honeymoon." Galatea and ;. ,'.:,. withcjual success, if one may nijt the local cnuc. i f f watermelon season in Hew York .virmallv at an end. The receipts !r,.m Southern ports have been 41 1.835 u ions, which were sold at wholesale at from 6 to 9 cents apiece. The lightning Uain between Taris Vienna and Constantinople has proved - . i - ; i i . v iriin win shortly be started between Pan?, IWlin and St. Petersburg. Frozen Out. Says Mr. Ceon;e T. Drcser. 4. vision avenue. Brooklyn N. Y. flercu wuu uv. " hnve su 43 Di -I feet Oil a lew times auu ou Ta ar r a , iiik-t . " . i.OCAL NEAVS. Y.Tl Sew Style W h. Dwli A SON Mullet W II URttS-Mcllln's Food. &J r ti MiLLER-noriila Water. Ac r W Ktr.cnstK. Clim'n Notice MttNBEROEK-VWtors to tbc Talr i: v IMdios, Prest-Take Jfotlce The recctpU of cotton at this port to day foot u p 53 bales. Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low rrices.atJACom.'s -rir 5 n nnmailablo letter in the rostoflicc addressed to Miss Mary Mc ! J Melntire. Marion lUUlt, WilOUl street. Kx-Mayor James Wilson, of this city, was at Broadway Hall. Saratoga Spring, on the 20th inst.. but expected shortly to return to Kcw Yprk. In the cargo brought down by the steamer John Jaa son yesterday there . i r .1 iron rm a rr VStlilla. were m oaiea oi uuj --",o-w shipped by John R. raddisoo. Esq- The , fireworks last ' night and the Crand Ball, which followed, were two of the most delightful features or the Fair.' Tho Opera House was crowded. There will be more fireworks to night. ThomaiJI. Pritchard. D. D.. i,n it will be remembered was tender- i.w-ct of the First Baptist k h accented the call and is ex pectcd to enter upon the charge early in November. , Tlie First Balo The first bale of new cotton this sea Tipre to dav. It was ,Mrion.S.C.. recevwlfrom Mr. T C Moody and consigned to Messrs. a' w ftWilliams&Co. It was class l as middling and sold on change to- .uvotnnriionatm cents rcr ponnt nnd will be shipped to Urerpool. Tho Closing Scenes. -ir mwv more visitors from 1ia eountrv in the city lo-daj. and crowds have continued to flock to the SECOND DAY. Since our report closed yesterday evening a great many and very notable additions have been made to the dis play of fruits and flowers in the Exhibi tion Hall. Prominent among them ii the New Hanover table, which has been materially improved in appearance by the addition o! a fine display of peaches. Other tables had been arranged and fmlL and flowers added to them until the new features of the" haft presented a picture as pleasing to the beholder as was that lof yesterday. Among otner bueatics. we noticed some remai kaoiy fine and luscious-looking Bartle'.tpeirs, which were exhibited by Richard Brad- lev. Esq.. and wero raised upon his place at the Sound. In the Duplin county exhibit were samples of syrups Pom R M. Middleton. from cane raised by Ihim in Wa;aw town Mn" CnDt. Middleton has an experi ence or several years in the cultivation or cane and the manufacture ot syrups. and has been eminently successlul, anil has demonstrated that this industry can bo pursued with success and profit, with ordinary care aud the exercise of common intelligence. We are glad to know that the agriculturists or his sec rA ivitL-in' nxoeriiuent3 in the 11 VJ Ll " a r . - . same direction, and that their efforts have been crowned with success. Anions other beauties which the hall presented, a description or which wo were compelled to omit yestcruav. was a floral shield, the ground work of which was composed entirely of China asters. Bbrclercu Dy. various suiw flowers and vines, and in the center oi which was artistically j wrought, in purple everlasting, or grass 'flowers, the legend. Welcome. F. G. A.. N. C. It was a line and skillful price or work and elicited many ravorablo comments rmm tho visitors. It was exhibited by Mrs. H. Webb, whose artistic handi work prepared it tor the occasion. There were also somo ol the finest and largest f watermelons we have SJftVli"vi"" - , ever seen, a portion oi which were ex hibited by Maj. C. W McClammy and the others by Mr. Newton Alderman, or Pender county. There ,was also a bunch or bananas, grown in the garden ot St. Mark's Hotel. Jacksonville. Fia. Aid irom those we havo named there i . niimlvprlp.4 exhibits or apples, pears, peaches, grapes, plums &c which we would gladly notice aa in all respects worthy, but space forbids. At 11 o'clock this morning. Capt. 11 P. Paddison, President of tho Associa- .: ti,n mopiiiii? Ut order anu VlUil, wl,"u " . . announced that the first duty ol tne nay was to name the several committees on awards, in order that they might pro ceed with and complete their respective nfjn, Tho articles exhibited were into four classes to each of which iil rnmmittee. who was assifeuvv o"" " Tmined the various articles embraced in their class, decided which in their ooiniou was tho best and niaue tneir rdin-lv. The following were IV.K W mmitteos appointed: Class I-Applcs, pears, peaches &c xr- fi French, Chairman; vr. iun " ... C. Murphy,.Dr, W. T. Ennett. Air. " . A. Johnson. Mrs.R. P- Paddison. Mrs. R D Hall, Miss Mazgic Murphy. Mrs. H. VonGlahn, Mrs. Charles King and Miss Victoria Gore, j t t firruia wiues &C. UOl. Uia5a ii-ui-n-. j H. B. Short Udairmani Pigford. Mr. R. W, Best. ,ss mPo Campbell. Miss Kate quince. - iJiV-vj i , n.., i; Ueinsberger and M rs . J . u. - r III Tomatoes. piCKies, ju, XU., , . .. Mr. D. G. Worth, Air. i. a. Mrs. T. J. Southerlana. jurs. He!Te.Mrs.J. D. Taylor lJirs. Moore. Mrs. W. A. McClammy. . r v-ahi. rrni;n. ! " vut ureiureii. oy every ciucu w ..w. , Mr. Best is himself a Carolinian, and he We acknowledge, the .pleasure -for .. . . ,1.. ... " " tr XI A feel3 a iust and noble pride in ner wei- visits tais morning irom mesars. r rire. progress and prosperity, and by London, or the Chatham Eceqra, ana precept and example would stimulate Mr. W. M. Utley. or the Raleigh her son3 and daughters to emulate Visitor, who are here in attendance on each other in every movement tending the Fitm Mr. E. A. 'Oldham, or the tn advance her material interests and Winston Sentinel, also tavorea us wim make her the peer, it not the superior. a visit, and this time we,were fortunate of any of her sister States. His eflbr enough to be on hand and to meet mm to-day looked to that as the objective Military Matters. ooinl ol all the citizens oi iu ouu. wiiu.m A. Cumnjinz. re- Our Vioitoro m mrwm, m V rpo TUE JTBUIT RUWJKl' k WXii. AUv and we feel confident that( his words Brigade Quartermaster on the Monday idstks paid will be productive of muchgood. staffof Brig. (j en. M.'P . Taylor, has -d At about 1 o'clock, p.m., the several promoted to be Al .A. &f I. G, - ThrKt -ut committees on awards, having com- . . . f ijientCol., vice Col. pleted the tour of scrutiny and com gpQt. resigned." Capt. 'R. Bl'MilHer parison. made their reports, which were teen promoted uto be 'Brigade as follows: ' Ouartermasler. vicelMajor Cumming, - . CLASS I. . . -v nr:n:.. Xf PatsIav has J. van ... 4 r " n,:l. ihn finl' oeen appoinieu v. . v-., n. V Best bushel assorted apples- Undicy. CSuilford county, 1st premium; "r Knw Hanover. 2nd premium. ol CaPlain nip Lincback I Pvnvcinn irntn ' Lumberton r.ra.ih onimtv. 1st oremi- t.0 Krt ffr!mii Sundav school at hamlet by.a party wno Oi " xw.j." - xuv.v ..... m - . -i , ... au .,a , tr.mP r vn l.Jnrflnv. '2nd premium. I Pinn from Lumberton to Smith- on to neybcr wmc irfllll I IJ11K I t L. LlbLLlll. V 1- M a Rbvoltiojr Case. . -f- ; - -! : . By passengers arriving here this ..... .1-- rAntr T?.-" R. mormng on vu wi" ln r. tcallatthe'3forth6tate t we learn ot the arrest on the upper, line S4f on south Front street, whers they win , r. nA on ' nnpd'4v of a colored find the purest j nice of toe grape and the mt or the road, on luesaay. oi a coiuicu exhlllraog Crtracuofthe spplo. the peach. man and a white girl who had eloped 0f corn, rre and othereerealvnll of whfch are UJOU i P . , . fcrre 1 In the roost appetizing manner , J together, from Keyser, on tie Ii.oc AJ A. THB coolest laoek beku in the I., otii Monday ? night. -The man i;ta city andrnfacture; r named Frank Hollman and Ithe gjrl is aog si-st j. u. aicgowan a sqs ' U the daugnter or Mr- Eli McLeod, a very iaiuia W Aim - respectaDie ciuzeu. auu iuuuw . violkt watkb. i 1 f Kpvur i Hollman nau oeeni , uisuiriKuris waiw4. - -i mm at Jicjser., noumjw u , i ,. - WI1ITE KOSK WATEIt, Z1' 0mnWfl(l hwMn M.i Leod and 'on. : .t - , uazena. watEb. J ,,, ... . ' ... U- I a. A ot. rnlmrnaa mrl oa J itorfnmerv for the Summer season. n considerable ; "amount ; Of j . prescriptions TOmpoueded- day and monv. That nicht he disappeared I .'o I : German Drnca I r 1 - - I mK..Mlk a XJ a I ' r M . a f u b'mi o v i siii or il. v - . ijnTRr mt uurui muu ai iui sat i. 1 and the girl was aiso iouuu , i - morning to oe- raissuig. nv'v found at Mathews, on Tuesday after- nrnn 111(1 IIlfiffin W U.S WM "W ajww, . . - - enstodv and Hollman fled but was H For Sale or Eent.' J. OUSK WtH EIGHT ROOMS. Lot Go-feet front, running back 165 captured, afterwards near Charlotte. .vater Works' in the honse.' No. The: parties : were nou - t it. wt sidcK Anikir ti. j i..t .nH Titora rv P. I f,vl T i ' down tue.roau lasi, mgui auu .1' file took Hheml ngii tf some I (Kia lf I EO. II. KELLEV, Aat party Fine Arts. i '--I AM NOW LOCATED, FOR TUK .1RES- ! for Craion Itt Dreservinc crab apples J. Van vme to-morrow, as we -learn - I . ii nni.r. .viirGirtri.Ht9 I marniusr. Lindlcy. lstananu premiuui. me jocsontan. . V .T ...ont.,i no n hln lt. nii moarcd to fill all oMcm . Von 1. ntl- ...:n r mViorfnn ..t. 4 !in nn Kndav Jiouniau i iciiicae.ilt " r- lnL Prtrtr-i.-. i irnaranteo you -j . i a 11 i.i its-. .ast r iii iron w- 111 hiih. ;LiLiiuu.ai r . j ne lassporc, whiuu i. " . t , r v . i . , 1 e " 4 IA fnocr ' at r least 20. She . . . , . L j j rtM n.Wt: f he she appears to be Hpit single variety peuia i pariy uowu iu nvc, . ; ---- i . . .... ; . , ti. 4. .,.- ,,.l t.. l!l premium: V. A, I train at the C. C. B. B.4topotWfcarf and is an ordinari.looking,rl - j , a - 1 'of small picture and exprefwed without Injury ansr litf- - Studio 861 Broadway, N.'V the excursionists wi 11 embark there, re- pretty. She says. ,we understand, that fie W StVleS J t .ft . v r r summing, sou Fiuu.. , i,u0c.0.u,.w 7;" T . u. m u p" if ;whflA Hollman is iust ... 1. n t 04 t 1 a ii. t ta h r rarntuiTi 1 1 1 1 1 1. w 11.? 1101 tauav v Best halt-busnei .peacu, turning to iu ucyv olrW frihaded 1 a gcHCaUUS, iaV4 JrtJ . y r Vin trirl tr Plone with. him. No cvi varieties L. W. Howard, Topsail, 1st time tor the up-train. premium; G. K. Faust. Alamance, ana h premium. Best six varieties peaches J rin.iiov 1st nreuiium: G liUluivj f - T ADIKS AND CENTLEMES'S FANCY I Au Omission. rlAnoes of intimacy between -the pair stationery. .MercanUle and School rcqotsltcs. . a I i - .!....! ; 1 There was an omission in our repoit , . KfiP noticed previous to tneir 1immmM TV LA I - . 1 I . - K Faust of yesterday, which occurred entirely eiopement I through an oversight on the part of the ; ., Van 2nd premium. . fi Kf nrhfoh'wa now correct. In Best collection plums-U. . au, - 0f the exhibit made by 1st premium; J. c. asuaic . ReattvJ Jr.. the sentences which -2nd premium. . . Uiinwrl should have read: "They The committee wish to make special; ril-Int. Coorllinar VflrifitV. - . , i were oi iue nuLiaiuo o ; mention of a fine, large appie. tup cultivated by NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . l I m a- ra est on exhibition, uuere oeu.i; . t-a Xr ai r.avlor.ot Bladen county, largest apple) exhibited - . exhibition of kv w M. Hand. Esa.. of Pender - VJ ... .... mlum for the , MULLETS. BBLS. CORNED MULLETS, CAUGHT THIS WEEK, inn t.r. TO THE BARBEL. Quality and quantity guaranteed. Order at once. . , aug23 . !, W. E. DAVIS JauJN. Blank Books, every size ana atyie or na1" ; t Wrapping Pier, Paper Bag and Twthc. . . Text Books.'adopted by the State Hoard ot Education; a specialty. c. w. 75 au?20 YATES. 119 Market street Notice. this evening, at Mayor's- office. Business or i t" importance to attend to. aiigoj F. W. KERCHNEK. Chm'n Take Notice. The next was an exhibition of cranes by Mr. J. H. Murphy, render county. 1 Unntv. The v also were of the. Hop One bushel latest assorted variety kins variety and were remarkably fine, n I ar. - si Iai(Vo ' 1 grapes-William H. Mnrdocic, oi uauu. . Rowan Co., 1st premium; J. van l-ina- The Opera House. : j ; . ey Guilford Co.. 2nd premium. There have been some very impor- Best six named varieties grapes x. changes made in tne uperj nousu wr rc, vibin Hn.. 1st premium, Uwhin tho last lew davsSaiiAB.on.wnien c v fnhlP.a. New Hanover Co.. 2nd weresuseested by.the .Fair a.Tyi premium. Special mention to be made Ut took but a short time to have' eftW J of Kobert uogers grapes, eu. iu Ui W1V TjAliaE attendance ' . . I : fA. fh. firvfn ann 1 T J If ) l. 1 I"'"" S. D. nans. I " oecn remuvcu iv n JVJ Best sweet wine W nanon u . v.u, constructea in T. the Society have decided to hold the Tair oin m i -ir:rl let: nrP.mium. 1. nnf Hnnrn nr tilEea UD ai oieaauic. j i ;? -i OI XOKliy iuojiu, - r- vaw.. w- . - . W. Cratt, Yadkin Co., 2nd premium. been placed tnere anu was useu Best dry wine Wharton J . tireen j night for the hrst time, as a uauwuit 1st. premium. N. W. Cralt,, 2nd pre- hall. By this arrangement tne largest aud most convenient nau, uum dancing and the convenience or spec tators, is obtained. A row of gas jets has been placed over the Opera House entrance which presents a very line appearance even in the day time, and School at Point Caswell. ; MY SCHOOL AT ? THIS Ilf ACE WILL open Septcmocr lum.proxiuiu. j Rates of tuition per month, 2.00, tS.CO and ; t " - 1 -II . e at .,- vpmr! ai.oo according to advancement, payaDie at ; Inm Cn AIB3IEN OF THE ARIOUS o cac month. Board in good f aml- ' w lipn can be had at 48.00 per month. - committees wiU meet promptly at fe o'clock, U.S.,!L2 mixed school. Music la taught by Mrs. John B. Faaoison, wuora i wruuuij recommend as an excellent teacher In thls dc-, P"orQfurthcr particulars address the prlnci-"' pal. i ; . J , : - , aug21-fl&w3w A. R. BLACK, Principal PreBbyterlan cepy 3t f raium. Best collection rigs Mrs. H.B.Uers, city, 1st premium. Best sundricd apples i.ineoac. o Bros., Forsyth Co., 1st premium. Hall Bros, Hickory, 2nd premium. . Best sun dried peaches. Lineback Bros.. 1st premium. M. ?. Corbett, city, 2nd premium. Best vaporatcd apples M. T. Hughes, Guilford Co., 1st premium. Best evaporated peaches, M. T. iinvnq 1st premium. Best display dried aud evaporated M. T. Hushes, 1st premium. Best canned lruits Mrs. U. raaui- . 1 al Inf nmminm MfS. Jli. sou. reuuer vu., ow h'"jv'-' Warren, city, 2nd premium. ofi watermelons Mai .. O.. W. juc r f.n 1st premiumr J VyiaUiliJjrf l cuuvi w., i T Pettewav. city, 2nd premium.-- Best cantaloupes T. ii.omuu, j, 1st premium. CLASS III. , i . intTintnns .iJ Van I.ind Dt.SU JtaCVi.a iwu.!. ; ley. 1st premium ; S. W. Nobles, -a niinn nrpopries Mrs. i. IT. a. t;. Roger Miss Cromaitie. Mrs. Owen Fennell 2nd until 11 o'clock to-night. ' The Auction, alver tised to take place this evening, will be post poned until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning, aiig 234 1 : R. P. P ADDISON. Pres't lOND'i 1CXTRACTS. aug 23 -jJELLIN'S.FOpD, V -s-uV:il -lrA nn olp.- T IK.EK S FACK rowu. wnen ngnteu au uigM j, gant display as well as provoj, a granu : iliofrA-iroin"ff Pub I X lie. The jets were put up under tne isj . . . . . supervision ot. Messrs xa.; lilUh j riioux. -a.iL-xwa3.o. ,., Co . and arc protected from wind anu William H. green. Druggist, weather by glass giooes or a prc J?u- tcrn. By these changes the Opera - i anwea wan (Large and 3 mad.) , augw-tf New Furniture Warerojoms.' A T NO. 20 GRANITE ROW. SO. j FRONT stTl have opened with' what t think is awell selected stock of , 1 fi ' ,.. . Furniture and .Bedding,! .;J Embracing many new designs in Bedroom arid Parlor Suits; it ohail ha tn deal falrlv andsqusrelj . , with ail, and respectfully ask a share oltbe ivnr mn with n call. ' - THOMAS C. CBAFT, Agent 'A ; -aiVv11 tiafrnneffA f !ATI' nnfoAd to all who favor mo with a call. 117 Market Street Fruit Jars.; ALP GALLONS, QUARTS IT piTfiSERVE TUMBLERS. - PINTS ana r. Giles & Bmrcliison. f North Front 8t aug 20 Eight market. Paddison. 1st premium. Best collection jellies-Mrs. K.,1. Paddison. 1st premium; Mrs. J Paddison, 2nd premium. , . Best collection sour pickled fruits ivrM t P. Paddison. 1st premium. and Mrs. Ella Hill. ' , ; . nt collection sweet pickletlfruits Class I V-Evappratorsi canning j R - raddison. 1st premium; chinery. air. J- T4 4,- I Mrs R. P. Paddison, 2nd premium. Chairmau; Mr. John 11. Murpny, , bouquet assorted flowers-Mrs. II. Webb. 1st premium; miss yicWi. J. H. Sailor. Maj. C. W. McClammy. Mr. C. Hege. Mr. G. W. Wertbrook; Mrs. Frank Clark. Mrs. . -ham'and Mrs. Harry Iob. At 12 oV.ock. noon. Mr. 4. van Lindley. one ol the Vice. Presidents or lw A-uiin. in a brief, neat and ap- propaialc -speech introduceil to the audience ' Mr. tt. W. Best, or the National JJoard or Agriculture, wno oUeprrd an address on the -supply and uw.a.w . . r-... Hall. The exhibition will remain open deraand of the fruit traue in until U o'clock to-night. The sale by f ihe - differerit ciUesor the lnitea It was an aauress- ARE RESPECTFULLY INVITED , TO VISIT HEIN3BERGER'Sv aug 23 ., rive and Mnalc Stores Millmery & Fancy Goods. - T BONNETS, FEATHERS, j Neckwear, Our : ' " V,UI. . .... . tit rra i liKAln LillAaiili - . - .4- waroat W. E. SPRINGER A CXI-S..U Sncceesors to John Dawson , A Co., - f . aW aug 20 Market Street Hoosecanbemade'available at short ; ,." f - i, TIV IjapUi notice, either for dancing, lectures or "ir TTTOttSTO THE FAIR T BEST ! AND cimAPEST 111 -F1?15 tneatncai reptcamuuug. ? i lVltCIieu lii.arn.oi. The following retail prices rule in this market to-day, August 24: Beer a15o per pound-, veal 13c per nound: Iamb 12A15c per pound; mut- f ilel 5e ner pound :.chickens 12i uvu g 20c each; grown fowls, 3550c: eggs, 2025 cts per doz ; butter, country. 25 30c: Northern, 2535c; lard, !3i.)c; Rltimoro hams.! 16018c; noreaKiasfc rina. 15fi)16: N.- C. ,hams,15316ic; a .1- . . . . 1 shoulders. ll12ic; sidesaiar-ijc; nso, ;n.flii A-ft 1 20iS25c. clams, per MT7INE HATS, I am Recoivingj BY NEW YORK STEAMERS EACH ,VfSES; i THE FINEST- SELECTION OF 1 1" Fruits and Vegetables, M RS. KATE C. WINES, Xo.119, North Second S irect. i -aug tt . ' ' next South ot Postothcc quart, 13c; per bushel, 75c; cabbage, 10 Glovca; Ribbons and Trfngs. - Necji H"0"1 . . i t. .r- Hdk'fa ZeDhrrs and other Fancy uoow. iwoftrt wr head .-Northern apples 5c per MiP"Vaibia Belling cheap, i neck:sweet potatoes, 30 cents per peck, Trish do.new, 2535c per peck; onions, - nnnrt- whortleberries. 5010c Ipr ; nuart : green apples, 25c per peck ; squash, 20 cents per doz ; tomatoes, 25c per peck; okra, 35c per aox; grecu t Notice. auction of articles on exhibition, whicn was intended for to-night, will take place at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning, . . and this wUl close tne x air. Piano for 8ale. A second-hand Piano for sale cheap at the residence 217 South Front st. tr. with wise words and' good, practical common-sense teachings and advice, i . limned to with profound m- u .i fttLenUon byUhe audlecca. IcLmot faU to bo or advantage to the arid outfit to have been heard Gore, 2nd premium. Best collection cut roses Mrs. H itkk it nrcmium. t. wwv, I ...... Best assortment grasses-Mis5.V icto- ...- 1 ..a nraminni! MlTS. 11. ria uorc, cuj, p.- Unlcr. city. 2nd premium. CLASS IV. . Zimmerman Evaporator-E IK Pearsall. Duplin county, lstprenyum . .nrhinerv Harding John- - JtUUlUb .w v - ... son & Co.. city, special mention. - - j Deserving of special douw fr""" J " t,:kuv1 hr E. D: Fear- evaporaun,. v sail, of Duplin cosmty, ouv m w or the commiUec- it did not come prop erly uudcr the list ol articles ot . compe Ution embraced within the meanlng and intention ol the fruit lair. - - : i . r r. a TT? 1 WVTTTPT xrisrroEs to tub corn. 12i15c per doz ; peaches. 20c f J ciAKOI.INA UOUSI3 25 cents per dozen;' cantaloupes, 3 5 OKTIl CAKULWA xa lOc- watermelons,540c; buncb grapes, u - comer Second ana i-rinrew i-.s., 10 15c per quart, butter beans, 15c per WAere tli4 best of s wines, UQUORSi' Mesli iCeareat CONSISTING OF . '; NORTHERN APPLES. NORTHERN! POTATOES, cabbages; I TURNIPS and BEETS. . " quart; field pea9,5M0c per quart; snap lfbe them. beans. 30c per pec; normetar, .- - . . . 1020c; egg plant. 5c each- i " "T". '- - ' " f - : rAtinr plaeetdthetyusu. v,.v.;;, n;.rt f the - Methodist I . j. d. stelljes. THIRD BOLSU. . ! Enzabeth. ... v.. -v.. - -. . . - Aug Whiteviile. ..-" -:r ZCtZ Point Caswell at it Jasweu Aug f Waccamaw Mission -ep ; Fair Bluff:. . v- rjSe?! Tor Pocket KniYea or Table Cutlery, go toJACOSi' Hsrdware Depot, t rfDMivn a FELT WANT BY S establishing si first-class Carriage. Ilartws ournMTanl lijaght at prtees lower than Ter before offered la this market f " jBeliang In all Its branches attended to n-23 . No. Ill North Fro-t fct. 4 ty of1 " Have just received the j following srl CAKES AND CRACKERS, whlth . I re. om- . M . : . . . vw..MlanIlfl .1 Ginger Taffy. , - i .. . O ..' f Orsnge usr, 7 AssortelDroii, . ? . -sweet Com. Kintlre tlxci. - , Vanilla Wafers, -!-; , I ' . .j" IvemAB waier, , i t r . Newport Wsfcrs. -t - larrabjr's Hnowflake. ;,'lf ! These good are of finest quality, jfrch and Jolin Li Boatwrislit, aog tf .. J '