MISCELLANEOUS. THE GKEAT GERMAN REMEDY . FOR PAIN. IUItm a4 cvru - UUEUMJLTIS3I, Neuralgia, Sciatic. Lrabaso, r backache.. iiiiicxz. women, SOKE THROAT, QCTX3T. 8TTKU4XOS, STOAIXS, mosTBnxs. BCnXl.lClLDS, Ab4 a oW Mil ci TheDaily Review. UALF- AVAy of! nm cuts lKjmx. tKttjrn. ptrwUMi U It Til C&uUi U?:zti Ca. . VIrt Cm.) 1L, C. 8. A. Have yon forgotten where wc stood llctweeti Iho lights,! that night Thn rivr mlHti? tn lhi floral. So acl the bini$, they dared not sing? K lvc was ever dreara'd like this Beneath tho shadows of the park, Ueneath a whisper and a ki&. i Between the daylight and tho dark! There bal been Jrputile this was rest ; There had beeni passion this was peace I. - . The sunset dying in the West Made Nature sigh and whispers cease. I only felt what I had found, 1 You onlv knew wuat 1 would say Bat nothing broke the peace profound Between the darkness and the day: r 4 ITHEIGREATJ w n V THEIGREATJ ami ' rOIlQUEROR.) A SPECIFIC FOR How will it end? I cannot tell ; I asked it many months ago, Before the leaves ot Autuniu fell, Andchang'd to Winter's waste snow. J of Ypt we stand watchinz at the gate Of Summer-time for promise hark! No love, 'tis nothing! we must wait Between the daylight and the dark! . Clement Scott. THE UNFINISHED SCRIPT. I, MANU- tfT" EPILEPSY, SPASUS, SmULSlOKS, FALUHB SIDKKESS, ST VITUS DIKCE, ALCHOHOUSH, 'flPlUH anxG, SYPHILUS, SCRORJU, KlXfiS EY1U USLT BLOOD DISEASES, DYSPEPSIA, KMSKESS, SICK HEADACHE, EKEI'MITISH, HERYOUS .WEAKHESS, NERVOUS PE0STRAT10H, EH11H WORRY. -BLOOD SORES, EIUOUSRESS, CGSHYEKESS, riCXEY TROUBLES AKD IRREEULARITIES. in Dr. s. A. Rictoail MCo,mprietcTs St. Zastrp. (31) I ..r ttimonll nd circnUre wnd aun Ivr-nnn Continued CHAITER It- fuf and mysterious power is developed which U sc curative so varieu disease or ill health can possibl exist or resist Us powor, and yet it is Harmless for tho most frail women, weakest invalid or smallest child to use. "Patients dying n For ycaVs, and given up by physicians of Bright'3 and other kindey diseases. liver compiainis, souiu wMj...- consumption, have beeacureu. Women gone nearly crazy . Vromagoay of neuralgia. nervous ness, wakefulness and vanes diseases from cx The Story of Fato an Arkansaw UlanTolcl. Some timo iago the ! writer visited Prof, tiailnet. ol Little Bock, Ark.. i : i c;n 'tnfr in iho lihr:irv. erva?- el in conversation with the entertain ing gentleman. observel a roll ol.man ..rinf iiPil withastririof black cloth. We asked him it it were something de signed for publication;. ,.-,, . . It will never be published." he said nnrl hotrnn lo unroll it. "See Uow it la n n i 1 frUncinir at the boitoiii of the last page wo ;read the tollowinn Whii ho sat kilone. deeply musing, a mm W ' i - 1 fho house, una uere hroko off. Ueouesting. nlmnt imnlorins. th'e Prolcssor to tell n the history of the curious manuscript ho finally consented. '..in.mutn Arkansns when I was a vftiinn1 man. One night I sat in my m,rrv writine? a story for a t:;agazme health and had cause to t-el i lated over the success I had jast at tained by the publication of a small volume ot sketches, but still I lelt the heavy weight of hielaucholy depression: I arose and walked out, but soon re turned, not experiencing any change. I bent uiysell to the work of writing a Ureary siory aim worked with isurprising rapidity un til I wrote. "A hearse passed the house and1 Herd I stopped. A strange presentment told me that I would never finish the sentence. Next day I took up my pen to finish it,- but 1 had not touched the paper with the pen linn rvInrfinCT S hriek caused me to .MiffnmvfM and rush from the -Zm ;,icf in lime to so see a horse, at i.ohlSnii buiriv. dashing wilddly towani my gate. A frightened woman o : thahmrirv and I rescued her. 1 nut tho manuscript away and devoted :....Fnirinmvniiv neouaintancc; our rriendship grew into love and linally wc married. Then followed ten years of happiness. I did not tell ray wile ol iwi unfinished manuscript, but one day oK -.,tm.l t jind besrired me to finish it. Li ,im t iiL-n inrnnfess mv foolish fears, r i!v,w - -r i., ru mil final v I told her tnai l wouui. iub next night, attcr my wife had gone to rfntrn IliC StorV antl TCaU It T would finish it loi her sake.' I took up the pen and was just in the act DancIngWithaDnke. The other night the young Duke of Newcastle danced with fivo " corgcous partners. It was a special ball , night and the toilets wera such as to illustrate the newest developments in the sum mer styles. " His first partner is irr'Als gerian striped muslin, transparent. lined with pink silk and looped over a short underskirt of white satin cut into blocks around the bottom. Each block is band-painted with a spray of pink morning glories and foliage, this DiocK-irimming iaiung over a aeep Gounce of Oriental lace. The 'satin bodice has a spray of morn ins elories startinz from the left shoulder, crossing the waist diagonally and falling in a garland over the sides of the pan- lers. llis second wore a aress ol heavy white corded silk, hand-embroidered in white sadler silk bouquets. The front is a breadth of spendid chenille embroidery in the proper colors for roses and drooping clusters ot wisterias and their foliage, lbe long tram is split up the back and from the opening there rushes a sweeping of this chenille- embroidered silk. The third is in purplish, blue and bluish French gray, both materials the heaviest satin, and at the smallest cal culation twenty yards ot each is gobbled in the manuiacmre oi mis siuuiung costume Newcastle's tourtn waiiz was with a girl in a toilet or oak satin merveilleux, trimmed j on the bottom with a puffing of the same stun, sur mounted by a flounce bt old-rose silk, embroidered in open work. The corsage ofoakarmure is pointed at tho waist. with a flounce in large plaits set on all round. ; But the most eeorsreous dress pressed by the young . Duke's arm is gendarme blue, with huge brocaded flowers of shaded gold, nearly covering .i e Tit.: m.tA4a1 "i o pulled, looped and draped from the waist to tho end oi; me iram wim a Ireedom utterly regardless of cost. Be sides, there run up the front, across the breast and down the DacK an .exquisue trimming of floss embroidery of flowers and leaves in natural colors, cut out and thickly studded with -pearl beads. The lellow might easily have imagined that he was dancing with a duchess. Cincinnati Enquirer. Dr. It. V. Pierce's i "Golden Medical MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELIAOTOUS. j New Orlka5, Acgnt 1, lf5S3.M TO THE , PUBLIC T .1 Iuvcstfate J for Yourselves I Pofttmaiter Genera t Gteshanr avixif:- pub lished a wilfal and milicloud falsehood in re ganl to the character of The Louisiana State Lottery Company, the following tact are g It cn to the public to prove his statemeuts, that we are'encraired In a fraudulent lirines. to be false ami untrue : ' i Amount of prizes pld bjvThe LouUiana State Lottery Company from. January I, to present date : ' Tail tA Snnthnrn Kttttprr Co.. New Orleans. T M WescoU. Mnger. .$1,SC6,300 Faid to Louisiana .National uanK, Jos HOglesby, President....' Paid to louisiana SUte National Bank, R II Kennedy, President... Paid to New Orleans Nations Bank, . A Baldwin,' President Paid to National Union Bank i S Charlaron, Cashier. ....... I Psid to Citizens' Bank, . E Ij Carrier e, President. . . . Paid to Germania National Bank; Jules Cassard, President Paid to Ilibernia National Bank, Chas Palfrey, Cashier.: Paid to Canal Bank, Ed Toby, Casb'r Paid to Mutual National Bank, Jos Mltcbel.CaBhier r 403,900 125,100 S8.550 64,450 57,000 J 30,000 i) , 37,000 8.200 '-Jt RATtROADS, ZZC HNS AND 0UTLEEY. A FLNK ASSORTMENT OT . Muzzle and Breech-loader ; Guns, I ; Revolvers andAmmunition Wilmington, Columbia & Aiiftuitii R. R?Cb Omcs'o Gcmui. SvraaxrtxDKXU 1 ' tlmlEt03, N. C July 8.1KS. , t. , , ; 1 1 m ij i Change of Schedule, " - - mwrw w oil. - OC ' & SPOONS' & FORKS, mSr A VERY LARGE VARIETY OK Pocket Knives,, Table Cutlery- u Popular prlcea to sidt all at N. JACOBI'S, if , dec23-tf HARDWARE DEPOT, No. 10 South Front -4- Livery and SaleStablesi Total nald as above ...$2,253,050 Paid in sums of under $1,000 at the f i the- Comnanv througout the Usitwl States. ..... 2,627,410 Total raid by all. .... J. i i i$4,Sbl,0g0 For the truth of the above facs wo refer the nubile to the ollicejs of the above name i cor porations, and for our legality and standing to the Mayor aniLOnicers of tue lty oi Or leans, to the State authorities of Louisiana, and also to the U.S. Officials of Louisiana. We claim to be legal, honest and correct In : 11 our transactions, h s much so as any business in the country. Our standing is conceded by all who will investigate, and our stock hs for years lecn sold at our Hoard of -Brokers, and owneci ny muny ui.wui.ni. u" spected citizens. f . . : j M. A. DAUPHIN, l-remeni HOUSES, BUGGIES, CARRIAGLS let at low ... ; . t . - :;; f or Horses. . . pnJETONS AND rates. Also Board The Finest Hearso in the City. l-Capital Prize $75,OOOja Tickets only $5. Shares in pro- portion. nccaliar to( women. ' I'ooDloMrawti out of shape hrysipelas! . j !frhPum. b ooa potsoninz, ujsp ia. iadisestion, and In Tact all diseases frail Nature is heir to Have been cared by Hop. Bitten, proof ol which Can be found in every neighborhood in the known world. ans. IB d&w lm. Discovery" cures every kind of humor, fiom tho commou uimple or erndtion to the worst scrofula. Four to six bottles cures alt-rheuni or tetter. ' One to five bottles cure tne worst kind of pimples on the face. Two to lour bottles clear ine system of boils, carbuncles, and sores. Five to eisrht bottles cure tue corrupt -- run ninrr nlnora nrul thn WOTSt SCfO- k. lUUIIIIJa Ul vv w fula. . . . Li Kit HmtrfFicra. anil in Tlialt-uozcn anu dozen lot3 at arreat discount. m th Louisiana State Lottery . ....... . . . . ( . Company, We do hereby certify that we supervise the nvmovita ftvrall the Monthlv ana enu- and con- Ai.ni irmnina of The Louisiana btvue Lot Dresses for seaside wear are tiimmed with Spanish lace of the same color as the skirt. . 1 niii'iTi themselves, and that tne . . . nnA.wt.ii irifh honestv. fairness, ana svrwf fr,nh tntnnrd all nartits. and. toe autnor iZih dnmnanii to rise this certificate, wUhfac- .imilfjt of our signatures attached, in its adver tisements.' Many times you wdnt to keep meat I nr fish fnr Rpvp.ral davs. Lay it in a solution of Rex Magnus over nteht and you can keep it . for weeks. You can aim L" non millr ti wppb or more bv stir- rino-in n little of the 4,Snow Flake" I A CAB LOAD OF nu. oM Xva nm on thlA road : NIGIIT EXPRESS TEAINS, DAlLT--Koa. 1 . - '. " -wr . A Vaa '4-' . ": Tave Wilmington Jgf- g" Leave Ftorew.........-r ?S Y 5 . Arrive at u. ti. a..uwuMu... r-TT 7- Arrlre at Columbia. iT Leave Columbia.........-... M Leave C, C. A A. JuncUon. io. Leave Florence.... .U ' A. M. Arrive at Wilmington., A. KianT Mail. akt Pa8sic3iob Tiunr, Dah.t - , I NO. 40 WEST. ' ! Leave TUmington........ ....-...10.0 P. M- Arrive at Florence. ...... ........... a. . - MAIL AND PASSENGER- TRAIN DAILY. .N.;-vv,,', - No.ttEasU iv ' '- - -Leave Flerenco at;...............?-23 P. M : Arrive at Wilmington., r. m , Train 43 steps at an Maoona. No. 40 stops only at 1 lemingwm. bumh . Passentrers for Columbia and allpotnts on O. ; A C. It. 1L, C. A 11- R. Stations. Alkcn Juno- 1 tlon. and all points beyond, should take 4S . Night Express. - ----- . - ... Jj: , .- Pullman Sleepers ror i;naruuro on xraiu All (nuns nil Evuu mmwu vmm4-w , Wilmington. , m t 1 ' Local freieht leates WilmlArton daily ccpt Sunday at 7 A. M. ,Tvlr " I General Superintendent. T. BL EMERSON, General Passenger . v julje ,. I ... y ! : , Kentucky Horses & Mules Wilmington & Welon Railroad Company. 1 Just received and for sale lovr. The best lot of stock in the city. . IIOLL1NGSWORTII & WALKER, OFTICK OF iGKNKRAti SOrKKKfTESinjiNl', iiilio New St.ililfts. miv4-tf Car. Fourth and Mulberry sta . New Yorfc & jWilmington Stanisliip Line. I ' . t- - M - 1 Wllmlnrton. N. C July IS63.J STEAflUiaW, Change of Schedje;; WIIX SAIL FROM NEW TORK EVERY SATURDAY ;ats o'clock, P. M; . - . m &m t wt ON AND AFTER JULY 8, iJ, a a 1 - P. M., Passenger Trains on the Wilming ton & Weldon Railroad will run as follows : . . DAT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS DAIXT - Nob. 47 North and ! 48 south. . ' Leave Wllailnjrton, Front St. Depot,' 6.40 A. M Arrive at Weiuon. - j.. ? Leave Weldon. &.w it.' Arrive ftt Wilm'gton, Front St. Dt, 8.40 P. M Fast Tii bough Maii. & PABSSasotttfrRArjo Dailt No. 40 South. j . Iriooo Wnldrtn . ......t.t.. O.Oa M " , I Arrive at Wilm'gton.Front St. D'p' t I0.J5 P. 1 AND PASSENGER TRAINS DAILT. No. nortu.i MAIL brand. dawt28a. The draperies form the bustle of dresses sent out dressmakers. tournuro or by the best Commissioners.; Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the leg islature for Educational and . Charitable pur- LiVDbO .... f " ' . . . REGULATOR. BENEFACTOR... REGULATOR!. . . . BENEFACTOR.1.. REGULATOR. -1 - ..... Saturday J July 28 . Sfttnrdav. AU!T 4 .....Saturdayr Aug 11 . ....Saturday, Aug 18 8.00 P. M. M. reserve added. fund ol has since been r ' I shall of the print. . . .itam wtnt m. cause. Its orijrln .i.r.r.7atii,n without. Uence. locnMtVedlo the CAUSE mntbe remov reauies mat 95 Per Cent. nt diMases artse from deranged kidneys and ilaidlKttUee at once at the root of the iKeJXty SfSanenUof which It la com .1 aci direcllr npon the great organ both Lrool) land liRaTO RivR. and by placing tbVm In a "Siy condition, drive ilUeasc an3 ffil2Si& trouble, ,cauBedbyun i.uhvKllncr. Liver and Uilnary Organs, tuYdUtreafflg Disorder, of Women; for Slr?ada .j.- thu creat remedy nAs no eiuai. ix.waro ut ' &poS imiutkos and ejection said WWS5lKlS&-for WARNER'S SAFE DI- AnvrrKs curic ror sale by all ARHER & CO aplllltn Rochester. N. T. r7n Ic3 csSoKu'fo? V II JS p eetto Increase their JJ U dJ 1 earnings, and in tin .fome wealthy; tboso who do not Improve tbelropportnniiies remain In poverty. e or lev a great chance to make money. We want many men, women, boys and gtrla to work for nm right .n their own localiUea. Any one ean io the work properly front the first start. The business will pay more than ten times ordi nary wages. Expensive outfit f urniahed free. No one who engages falls to make money rap Idly. Ton can, devote your whole time to the work, or only toot spare momenta. Full In formation and all that Is needed sent tree. Ad dress Stts box A Co Portland, Maine 3TlUiw tf. - -v nilitinn. IiaVinS Deen iU- hv rhpnmntisru ol the heart. llave you ever attempted. ..lo.uoiU Yes After my wif had been dead for several years I determined, piie ni-ht to finish the story. I went to the desk, but bad no sooner uifipvu w i. in the ink when a noiselu an adjotnins room attracted my attent;on. I lurry iu" into the room I found my son lying on thcjloor dead. He had always been in wretched hcaitn ana nau cumiuiiu suicide." ! .'...!. Do you ever expect to nuiaa story?" . ' , ; j ' . I expect to try again. possible for me remain superstitious. eYcn though I may have a PeJ cause for 3oiog so. Of course, all this hovo liannpriPU even U x uim t...n Ida' ctnrv T tliink that uext TWcrI.v niirht. if I feel like devote myself to the completion work, for I desire to see it in . nn anH cr mn sLart Oil. We were busy when Tuesday night cowardly confession were not sorry that something kept us away. Early Wednesday morning we hurried to the house where for years the pro fessor had lired. The horrible thought seized us that he had taken up his pen $.!cK ua einrv nnd had fallen aeau. cr.,timPlansed before we bad the hn door. At last WUIaB VJ kuwxrfk -" we rapped. i No answer. . Another rap. j No answer. I 1 With blood almost at treezing .;v. hir standinff erect.! wo ed open the door. The old man sat leading back in his chair, eating pio ; Come in.V no saiu coeeriuuj. see I have iust finished that story '. and it cave me an appetite for pic. 1 10 s o good thing to eat alter you .finish up - a ftorv. but you want to wait until yon are through writing. -,0a Did son hear any ftrange noises? we asked, "when you pega. to V1I. vps. A call oer- - . I Linfml Iflf fl jo.nmg yary l t ,hat story i ,ihi rnii nits liiiiiux. -. - . J . . - A. - - Ministers Sound its Praise. Rev. Air. Greenfields, Knoxville, Tenn., vrites as follows: "Samaritan Nervine permanently cured my son of epileptic tits." Here's food for thought. Sold by druggists, SI SO . ' , j English turbans and fanchons divide the popular favor of young ladies at the moment. - Mothers Don'tKuow. . ! children are punished1 ii for being uncouth, willful, and lndiner- cnt to instructions or rewaras, Birapiy because they arc out ol ,neaun: ad intelligent lady said or a cnim oi mis kind: "Mothers should know: that it they would give tho little ones moder ate doses of Hop Bitters for Iwo or three weeks, the children wouia oe an a parent could desire." ) t? tt on mrArwhnlmlns' nonulai vote its Iran- chise was made a part oi tne preaent Constitution adopted December 2d, A. io?y. The onlu Lotterv ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any Sate. It never scales or postpones. ( Its Grand Sinjrle Number Drawings take place monthly. a BUT.wxnm OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A rnnTiTvw xinth flraiwl Drawlne. 'Class I, at New Orleans, Tuesday, September 11 , 1883 100th Monthly Drawing. Capital Erizei $75,000.' ; i nn mm rf n.irAts' at Irive Joi- lara KaclK Fractions in Fifths in proportion. jf ' r , LIST OF TRI55ES ... ..Saturday, Aug 25 Twmrh ' hiiia leading and . Lowest Through Rates guaranteed tp andlirom Points In North ana ooum vaxomu. For Freight or massage appiy w - - THMAS ErBONp.perfntendent, . i Wilmington, N.'.C. mnvn egeh liVftlirht Aarent. " 35 Broadway, l?ew York. wm. P. CLYDE & CO.. General Agents. july 25-tf. - " ' S ; Fayettcville Observer. An TIIURSDY, FEBRUARY 8th, 1S1 Thvpi Wilmington.... Arrive at Weldon....... i.i . 2A0 A Train No. 40 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro nnd Magnolia. j I i 1 ' Trains on Tarboro urancn itoaa ixave uoc v Mount for Tarboro at 12.00 A. M; and 4.80 P. . M Dauy. Returning, leave xarDoro , at iu.uu A. M and S P.M. Daily. I w , Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3,25 IV M. . Ite-V turning leave Scotland i Neck1 at 7.31 Aj dally except Sunday. ! ... I ,1 - Train No. 47 make close connection tat Wei', don for all points North Dally. All jrallyl Richmond, and dally except Sunday ya Bay , Line. ' - . !l .'1''",'t '' !" Train No. 43 runs daily snd makes close con , nection for all Points North via Richmond nut Washington.- -t ,u- V 1:1 . y. All trains run solid between Wi'nlnifton and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. ' t ''' : -! . For accommodation or local traviM a passen-. gcr coach will be attached to local freight leav- r Ing Wilmington at G.15 A. M. i Dally .except Sunday. , J0II3l r, piVrW. . - General Superintendent. . .:, T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. . . julv6 ' - '!' ' -S " Company. OmCB OF GEKEBAL 8UPEBWTKH DEUT, A happy combination for costume i3 of bottle green garnet summer siik. a carnage and , dark Dr. Iieneon's Skin Cure is without a peer. It consists of both external and internal treatment and costs only $1. per package. At druggists. The newest notion In sleeves is to have but one scam, and that on the out side of the arm. Don't Die in tlie House. 'Rvio-h on Rats" Clear s ! out rats, mice, roaches, bed-bugs, moles. flies, ants chipmunks, gophers. 15c. point, shov- WE II AYE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF t Cakes and Crackers IN STOCK, CHOICE AND FRESH I ad- Oh. toia you wuiu . . i..TH been dear fellow; you should not so foolish its to have behoved me. I never was married, you i kn owv iae some ploS-Arkanjato Traveller. Cured Six Years Asro. -It has been G years since I was cured did it." And it always wdl, reader. $ 1 .50, at druggists, j . A fine assortment bf Gun3 and Pistols Deoot. .'- 1 Sugar-Cured Hams, Strips and Shoulders Try i Our Pride Flour, IT 13 TUB BEST AND WHITEST OS THE MARKET. .,. ...... .. 1 Capital Prize of 1 Capital Prize of 1 Capital Prize of ...... .- 2 Prizes of $,000....... 5 Prizes of 2,000.. ..... 10 Prizes of 1,000....... 90 Prizes ot 500 100 Prizes of .'200 800 Prizes of 100... v 600 Prizes of ' 50. 1000 Prizes of r 35 r. : APPROXIMATION KIZEB. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. a 500. 9 " 1 ' 250. 75,k)0 25,000 10,000 12,000 1O.C00 10,00d 10,000 20,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 6,750 4,500 2,250 1.997 Prizes, amounting to..... yZ APPucauon iui . - made to tne omcc oi wmauj - leans. . . i. .io.i44 ritr- For f urtner lniormawon, j "A' Ine full address. Auure l.j. ders or Registered tetter to ; ; NEW ORIGANS NATIONAL BANK, Ordinary letters by Mall or g5rrep8Hf New Orleans, iia. or M. A. DAUPHIN. : m r, n eo7 seveniu . o jis -aug 15.wed.sat 4w-dAw L . the undersigned will revive the publicaUon the FAYETTEVJLLLE OBSERVJfilL . The Observer will be a large28 column weekly newspaper, and will be mailed to sub SgfiNBSS TVfve B JSKTShK Carolina Central-, R. I R. V.. . e.r. na Ha finflPPl Will DCrUXlt. I v - , . v f - ' - iiav in no aixi ii j . i i- ! it and Dotn regular am uwowv.. - - i dentB will contribute letters from the, Capita on State politics and affairs. . Demoratld 4u politics, ;the OBSERVER , wlL labor, first of all, to assure the prosperity of Sc Town of FayettevJliefito develop the vast agricultural resourced of Ite own and the netenboriDg counties, and to promote all that concerns rhe welfare of the people of North Opposed to such innovations on . the homely ways i of our fathers as, in the guise of grci:!harm society, the Obskrvkr will be 5fhi'j V.n omnnVthv with tho new things IVVhrnErf condition ot the South which sound judgment or enlightened expert enco lind to be aiso goou. An to tlie rest: is ww strive Wilmington. N. C, June. 18th.' IK to deserve the reputation of the name it Inh rtU lllbertBros. Wholesale Change of inched u lei LlBOKATOBT OF ' ' STATK ASSATKH AXX CHKM18T, , 606;East Grace 8treet. Richmond, Va., January 30th, m Mk. N.-Kzekiel has made known to me the composition of his Hair Restorer: and I have aL subjected It to chemica .examination It contains no lead or silver, ' mbstances very commonly employed In making preparation f?rtoebair, Boranytiung? harmful, and may therefore be used without apprehension of In- Mimlra ,UJ1Uli1" waLH.TATIXBfM.D... j state Chemist. nn.ii. h.rvim ,ah Mr. Ezeklel, for the Hair Restorer you so kindly sent rue, I toke rtrnri-anr1niuivinirtovou that its bene- nclal effects upon my hair have beeii i so appar. oo tr, itrt the commendation or an my frienils who have noticed it. uhnnt which the toUet ol none who have used It wiU be complete. Hoping It may rt-toe yon the pecuniary success you bo ncmy ' . I remain, very reepeclfully, ' V. VfVi 27. 1S67. For sale by aU druggists. Price fl tie. ' ' ' ' ' ' per bofr feb 17 North Carolina Roe Herring. P. L. BEip&ERS & .CO ' HO North Front St ang20 not life Is sweeping bv. sro and dare bo- fore you die, some- BUUIUUC wale . " . . wn s nnint free, t Iv S;LtM rww. Capital not required wTwin furniabTyoa everything. Many are 5J!L" irir Jrite mukA-aa much-as inn and trls make great pay, Reader, If yon want business at which you can IlltLACroVnd. Maina. 1A-tAw tf - - Old Newspapers apj;;U R SALS VERY CHEAP. , 4 ..t. AppljI'O this orriCE o. 4 Flano, Price List. s i Price rosewood, .....f io iu 7 oct., square. wtvw "O'LT- . . - 1 7 Piano,upright,7 oct. .caDinei gi anu 13 Organ, 4 sets reods,9 stops and grand organ.. Organ, 6 seta reeds, 13 stops, coup lftr. sub-bass.. ........ Our Pianos and Organs are war rented nrstlass. i I . f .f i Violin outfit, box, bow, strlngs.com-. i ? plcte.... v-. 3W 174 00 59 00 .73 00 3 Violin cremona moaei, extra nne. . 4 Accordeon, 10 keys, bass box, line ; tone.... "It 6 Accordeon; keys, .1' stop, aaeta i reeds.perfect. Z1Z7 - Mouth Organs, Vienna concert, , hoies.- .............. 1 00 1 c Genuine Richter 10 8 Mouth Organs, . . hs.lOB- 1-r ... ........ 11 Month Organs, . Genuine Concert double 34 holes,GS1.......... 14 Clarionetgenuine Martin, 6 keys, 17 RfeinbonyVGerman eiive ferules 16 Music Box, 1 tune, crank, fine..... 29 v u. g tunes, wind with lever . i - large.. ............ ........... 20 Violoncello, patent, machine head 22 .Double Bass, patent head, 3 or 14 Gtiitar, maple, mtchlne head, fine v finish.. ....... ;................ 27 Banjo, 10 Inch, 4 brass brackets 2S Cornet, brass cornopeon style, case ana crooks..... j.. oa nmni hrsis. Prussian, ornamented Goltl Violin. Guitar and Banjo strings, H Bros Sliver Violin, 6ultar and Banjo Strings, j . - - - n isros.. ................ Steel Violin, Guitar and Banjo StringsJ H Bros.i. ..'H Gut, Rufsian, German or i Italian, best '.- quauiy.... ....... ..........-! Instrnction Books. Howe's or Winner's, trtfin( inafc nvftiiA n rood trftde for 100 Slnx- er eMg tf MhlnM, wl" toem for f each r Mliie aafellif common h letter fir .ISShi. order. rwm uie StAgents asd dealers send for our 40 page Cat xSibwe net wlolesale prices agents Call on ua when you come to t. JLools.. - r Referencca;.f Any bank wholesale bouse rJ niiii TiT tii. onl General Whole 24 1 00 5 00 50 1 10 25 00 10 CO 23 00 4 GO 2 00 9 00 9 Ii 10 ON AND AFTER JUNE 13th, 1883JTIU5 following ecneanie will be operated on! this RaUroadi. VI ' 1 PASSENGER MAII AND EXPRESS TRAIN, Dally except Sunday. ' ",, . 1 Leave Wilmington at.. ...... 7.10 1. M. NoJl.5 IaveBaleighat........,...7.wtJr.. ) Arrive at unariotte at. .w a. 1 Leave Charlotte at..... .....8.4S P.M. No. 2.J Arrive Raleigh at. a.. ) Arrive at Wilmington at....o.w a. Pasaensrer Trains stop at regular station only.- and points designated in the Companyi Time Table. ! .-..I ; : ; SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. ' r; ' Dallyexcept 8nndays' 'lrX' " Leave CnarlpMe.....-.............t 8.3 F. ;' Arrive at Shelby....... V W P. M. LeaveShelby 7 A. Mi Arrive at Charlotte.. .....v..... 10.30 A. u. Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with R. A A. Trains to and from Kal eigh. '. -'-' ' r ""t . ' T Throtigh SlceplngCars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for Stateavllle, Stations . Western N C R R, Asheville and points West. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens Atlanta and all points boutnweat. J - . k L. C. JONES) . F Saperlntcndent. F. W. CLARK, General Paaeenger Agent iune 13 . I .. : : . . .1 i. -. ;ii . . - PACIFIC GUANO Just received and; for sale. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO AND r in II: i f!5 SO Dissolved Bone Pho sphate. We never have had, the JCrst IcompUint or -these Fertilizers not bringing a;profltable crop See ourCountry Agents fb 2-dAw- ALEX. ,1 v 8 F RUNT A fiON. sale bousd tn EL Loulav 923 Olive Street, tin lly s - HTJLBERT BROS., -; 8 stint i)uus, sio. A week made at home i b the industrious, i Bert bul-, bcss now before the public. Capital not! needgii. We riU start yon, Men. women, wyi ana girw wanted everywhere to wora ior w. flow the the tiroes Too can work In spam time, or rive your whole time to the business. No other business will pay you nearly as welL No one can fall to make enormous pay, by en crr,a at once. Costly outfit and terms free. Vfnnc made fast, easily and honorably. 1 Ad- areas Trub A Co., Augusta, li&lnc . j noTltdAwtf. r 1

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