The Daily Review THURSDAY. AUGUST 23. 1883. The Dailv Review ha the largest brnut fuir. eirctdalum, of any newspaper published, in tM cay ot umxngwn " STATE NEWS. Raleigh TUUorc learn lrom Mr Nat Js Brown, who haslraveietl ibraufh Franklin. Granville. Warren and Hali - fax.that the crops were looking tolera ble well. The late rains have done much good in those sections. Elizabeth City lalcon: Mr. William S. Whedbee. or Hertford, fell from the ripper porch Tof the residence ot his brother, Sir. Monroe Whecdbee, in this town on Monday even ins, and sustained severe if not fatal injuries. Goldsbor Messenger:' Col. I. R. Fai son, of the Faison section, reports the condition of the crops rather below the average Mr. J.C.IIincs, of Sampson, thinks the damage wrll cut down the crop inlly one-fourth. Both gentlemen were in the, city yesterday. Newbcrn Journal : Mr. Rcnj. Mc Cotter, of Pamlico, was in to sec ns on Tuesday and says the diphtheria is rac ing In the New Ditch section of his mtmtv. Messrs. Joab Rice. Thos. Iltnlr ?ind Mr. Ilnbbins have each loalh a child within the last tiro weeks and there are several others in the vicinity. Xetcs ami Observer: Three youns men ot rittsboro, Messrs Thomas A. Hanks, Frank C. Poo and William II. rknn,uAn Plifchnrn vofrfl.t v for Waco. Texas, and propose to make the the 'Ixjisc Star State" -their home. "Smoky" quartz, which is so great ly admired, and which has hithcrio, it appears, only been found in the section of the State near the Blue Rtdjre, has becnloundin Wake near the Harnett county line- A monster crystal of it has been placed in the museum here. " Journal-Observer: Col. John E. Brown yesterday had Stonewall Jack son's historical war horse. "Old Fancy." in his stables in this city, aud to-day the horse is on his way to the Virginia Military Institute, at Lexington. Old Fancy has been in the keeping of Dr. Morrison, Gen. Jackson's father in law, on tho Doctor's farm, in Lincoln coun ty, ever since the war. Mrs. Gen. Jack son! having presented the horse to Gen, Smith, of the Virginia Military Insti tute, Dr. Morrison sent him to Col. Brown Last Monday, and I the Colonel forwarded him to Iexington to-day over the Richmond fc Danville Railroad. Old Fancy is now about 30 years old, and has lost a great deal of his lormcr beau ty. He is a line sorrel, and though his eyesight is still good, his joints are bc roraing stiffened and his gait is broken. Dr. Morrison has taken remarkably good care of the famous old animal and would only drive or ride him enough to give him the necessary exercise. Up to a horl time ago. lift Morrison would ride "Old Fancy" about the country regularly, but as the Doctor is now in his 85th year and too old to ride horse back at all. he retired "Old Fancy" as well as himself from this exercise. Gen. Jackson was atone time a professor in tho Institute and it was on this account that Mrs. Jackson presented the horse to Gen. Smith. It i3 tho purpose of Gen. Smith to care for "Old Fancy" as long as the animal lives, and when -the oia war norsc linauy yieius up ms burden of life, to turn him over to a taxidermist, who will stuff his skin and mount it for preservation in the museum of tho Institute. ' mm - - Interesting to Ladles. Our lady readers can hardly lail to have their attention called this week to the latest combination of improvements in that most usciul of all domestic ini . plemenU.lho "scwingraacliine." As we understand it. a machine for family use should meet first of all these requirements: Itshauldbe simple in its mechanism; it should run easily; it should do a wide range ot work; it should be as nearly noiseless as possK ble; it should be light, handsome, dur ablo and as cheap as is consistent with excellence throughout. These conditions the "Light-Running also several very important and useful attachments and "notions" of its own, which go far to make good its claims to popnlar favor. The "New Home" specially recom jacuds itself to purchasers on account of its superior mechanical construction, ease of manaecmcnt and reasonable price. Over half a million have been sold in the last three years, all of which are giving universal satisfaction. This un- 1 1 ! ! r . I t . I riva-ieu uiicniae wmanmaciua-u oy ino NEW HOME. SEWING MACHINE CO., 30 Union Square, New York, who wish us to say that all who will send for their new illustrated catalogue and another page), will receive a set of fancy advertising novelties of value to those collecting carks, &c. w 1 1. THE MAILS. Thcxnall close and arrtre at the City Pos oQce as follow : CIjOSH. Northern through malls, fast.... '....7. IS p. M. Northern through and wi? mall.... 5. W A. M. Raleigh 6.15 P. M. and S.40 A. M. Mali for th N. C Railroad and routes supplied therefrom Includ ing A. S. C. Railroad at S.00 P M. and afW A. M, Son the n Malls for all points South, dally...... S.00 P. M. Western malls (C C Railway) dally, (except Sunday). 6.15 P. M. All polnU between Hamlet and Ral- tut U5 r. ai. llail for Cheraw and Darlington road. S.COP.M. Malls for points between Florence and Charleston 8.00 P. If. rarctievllte and offices on Cape Fear lilrer, Tuesdays and Fridays 1.00 P. M. Fayetievllle, via Lumbcrton, dally, - except Sunday. 6.1S P. M. Onslow C 11. and Intermediate offl. ces. Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A. M. Smith rllle malLs, by steamboat, dally (except outlays) .'..8.30 A. M. Malls for Easy MR, Town Creek, Shalktte antf Little River, Tues days and Fridays 6.00 A.M. WxlxhUTllle, dally 80 A. M. OPEN IX) It DELIVERY. Northern through and way malls.... 7.30 A. II Amthorn f!! liJA. M. Carolina Central Ballroad 9. 00 A. M. Malls collected from street boxes business portion of dry at 5 A. M.,11 J50 A.M. and 5 so t. M. and from other points of the city at 3 P.M. . " Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 1 J M., and from to &.30 P. M. Money order and Register Iepartznent open same a stamp office, humps for sals la smaU quan titles at general dellTery when stamp office Is closed, lieneral deUvery open from 7A.1L 7.33 P.M. an 1 on feun'lj- from 1L3Q to 9.30 A- M. Carriers deUTery opea oa Sunday rroa 8.34 US.SJA.JI. - -. J COMMERCIAL! jNKWB. WILMINGTON MARKET. August 23 4 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted teady at 39 cents per gallon. Sales of Go cask 3 at 30 cents.i Iater we hear of sales of 100 casks at 391 cents. ROSIN Quoted steady at $1.17 for Strained and $1,274 for Good Strained. TAR Quoted steady- at $1.80 per bbl of 260 lbs. ' ! CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted steady at $2.40 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1.25 per bbl for Hard. COTTON Quoted quiet at 9j cents per pound for Middling. :No sales re ported. The following ire the official quotations : Ordinary 16 16 cts Good Ordinary. y io Low Middling. Middling Good Middling., 10 DAILY RECEIPTS. Cotton Spirits Turpentine. : . Rosin 52 bales 367 cask 1114 bbls 189 bbls 1G6 bbls Tar. .'. rpcntinej'. CrudeTurxentine 4- MAIIINE NEWS. ARRIVED. L. Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith Title. Master Steamer John Dawson, Colvin, Point Caswell. R P Paddison Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, Fayette Worth & Worth CLEARED. I Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith villc blaster. Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, Fayette ville. Worth & Worth. , ; Vessels lor tills Port from For eifirn 1'orjs. HARKS. Nor Enilt'a, 379 tons, Slmonscn, sailed from Antwerp, Aujc 1 Am Glacier, 312 tons, Morse, cleared from London, July 30 Nor Kcpha, 471 tons", Tcrgessen, sailotl from I lam burp, Aug ; 1 Nor Iiudola, 3T.1 toos PeterRon, at Ham bur?, Aujc 6 Nor &ladousa,46-J tons, Pcderscn, at Rotter dam, July 6. Ger Theodora Catharlna,313ton,&!aynauer, sailed from Rotten lam, klay 16 BRIGS. Ger Diana, 311 tons, Hamburg, June 2d Schroder, sailed from WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND AUGUST 18.' 1883. Cotton ashore, 1,215; afloat, 29; total, 1,213. Spirits ashore. 3,583 afloat, 1,801 ; to tal. 5,387. Rosin ashore. 72.324; afloat, 0,901; total, 79,225. j i Tar ashore, 1,720. i ! ! Crude ashore, 2110. ' RECEIPTS FROM AUG. llTOAUG.18. Cotton. 8; spiritsf 2,1 18 ;! ! rosin, j 5,143; tar, 901; crude, 1,571. ; EXTORTS FROM AUG. 11 TO AUG. 18. DOMESTIC. Cotton. 12; spirits, 1.418; rosin, 361; tar, 908; crude, 1.830. FOREIGN. Spirits, 1,713. j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Millinery & Fancy Goods. Another Large Invoice of Millinery ! New Styles, New Colors, &c. FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT FULL. KID, SII.K M-d LISLE GLOVES. PARASOLS. NECKWEAR, FANS. ZEPUVR and MATERIAL for FANCT WORK. MILLINERY Second Floor. . FA NC V GOODS Fir I Floor. ; leieclfullT, 1 MISS E. KARRER, an EXCHANGE CORNER Foreclosure Sale. VIRTUE OF TIIK POWER OF SALE contained in a rertsla mortnts deed made uv t . i. (jaiau ani wire to John Lb uoat wrigbt and re-ordedln the office of the Itegis trr of Deeds of New Hanover County, In Book L L L, iwira 42G, the i nnder&Irned will sell at public auction, at tha Court House door, in tlie city of Wilmington, on Friday, SeptemberXlst, ls-vJ. at 12 o'clock, M, to the big heat bidder for Caah. an undivided one-fourth (14) Interest in that certain lot of land situated in said city. Beginning at a point In the Eastern line of Fourth street, ttf recti 4outh of the South eastern Intersection of said street with Grange etrect, run thence East parallel with Orange street 110 feet, thence South, parallel with Fouith street Ui feet, thence West parallel with Orange street 110 feet to Fourth street, thence along the East lino of Fourtk street Northwardly 6G feet to the lginnlng. J. D. UKLaLtAat x. Jr.. au?20-20t Attorpey for Mortgagee Kerchner &; Oalder Bros., WILMINGTON, N. C. OFrER THE FAMOUS SELF-FEEDING HALL COTTON GIN, at Manufacturer's prices- Parties wanting these Gins will please leave their orders mt once to avoid delay In getting them in time for the present crop. Rice. 50 Eicc. Rice Tc and 100 Bbls CAROLINA RICE, for sale very low. F. P. JONES, p LINTON, K. a, ATTORNEY AMD COtXA i 1 . - ellor-at Law. W1Q practice ta aay part of be Bute. Special atUBtioa the col. Uca ct c lxli. "-J. 2nfin Liverpool salt. Meat, ,UUu flour. Molasaos. Sugar, Coffee, Lard, Soan, Starch. Lye, Corn, Hay, Can and Case Goods. At Wholesale only. jnlySS KERCUNER & CALOER BROS. NEW ' ADVERTISEMENTS. E. G. Blair, General commission merchant, So. 13. North Second Street, . Wilmington. N. C Solicits consignments of all kinds of Country Produce. Top prices and quick: returns guar anteed. Will reanlp to other markets when "2J- I E. Q. BLAIR. Solid Comfort, fTIHERE 13 SOLID COMFORT IN THE use of Kerosene Stoves. A customer, who Is usin one, says : M With thla we are Independ ent when left without a servant." Ther are Gems aDd irreat "Kconomlsts." Different sizes and prices. Try one. sr pure White Oil. I -au20 PARKER A TAYLOR. Fayetteville Observer. THURSDAT, FEBRUARY 8th. til the underulgned will revive the publication the FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER. The Observer will be a large 28 column weekly newspaper, and will be mailed to sub sc ribers, postage paid, at $2 per annum, al ways in advance. It will give the news of the day In as amplo form as its space will permit, and both regular and occasional correspon dents will contribute letters from the Capita on State politics and affairs. - Democratic in politics, the Observer wll. labor, first of all, to assure tho prosperity of the Town of rayctteville, to develop the vast agricultural resources of its own and the ncignboring counties, and to promote all that concerns the welfare of the people of North Carolina. t. ' , Opposed to such Innovations on the homely ways of our fathers as. In the guise of pro gres, barm society, tho Observer will be round In full sympathy with the new things born of the changed condition ol the South which sound judgment or enlightened experi ence find to be also good. As to the rest: it will strive to deserve the reputation of the name It Inherits, feb 10 K. J. HALE. JR. Hulbert Bros. Wholesale Price i List. o. Price i Piano, 7 oct., square, rosewood,- carveil, agraffe... 7 Plano,upright,7ocL,cabinetgtana 1A OC I? Organ, 4 seu reeds.9 stops and grand organ 69 00 Organ, 6 nets reeds, 13 stops, coup- ' ler, sub-bass 73 00 Our Pianos and Organs are war ranted first-class. i Violin outfl t, box, bow,; plete S 00 d 00 I 1 00 t 01 3 4 Violin crcmona model, extra line. . Accordeon, 10 keys, bass box, nne tone..., Accordeon, 6 keys, 1 stop, 2 sets rceds.perf ect. Mouth Organs, Vienna concert, 24 boles Mouth Organs, Genuine Bichter 10 S boies, u o 11 Mouth Orjrans. Genuine Concert 24 double 24 holes, GS 1 00 14 Clarionet, genuine Martin, keys, boxwood 5 00 17 Fife, in ebony, German silve fern lea 50 16 Music Box, 1 tune, crank, line 1 10 19 8 tunes, wind with lever large i... 25 00 20 Violoncello, patent, machine head Sod - ' 10 00 le Bass, patent head, 3 or 4 strings 23 00 24 Guitar, maple, raichine head, line llnlsh 4 00 27 Banjo, 10 inch, 4 bra brackets 2 00 28 Cornet, brass cornopcon style, case and crooks ! 9 00 30 Drum, brass, Prussian, ornamented 9 00 Gold Violin, Guitar and Banjo Strings, H Bros 16 Silver Violin, Guitar and Banjo Strintrs, II Bros 10 Steel Violin, Guitar and Banjo Strings, II Bros.. S Gut, Russian, German or Italian, best auality. ;i5 on Books, Howe's or Winner's, any instrument. 30 Having just made a good trade for 100 Sing er Sewing Machines, will sell them for $25 each while they last. Money Is qu.te safe In common letter 11 plainly addressed. Terms strictly cash with order, j Will take stamps. I Agents and dealers send for our 40 page Cat alogue. On above net wholesale prices agents can make 100 per cent, profit. Call on us when you come to St. Louis. References : Any bank or wholesale house In the city. Hulbert Bros., Is the only General Whole sale house In St. Louis. HULBERT BROS., 923 Olive Street, Saint Louis. Mo. Ian 13-1 f not, life Is sweeping by, go and dare be fore you die, some thing mighty, and sublime leave behind to conquer time." $66 a week In your own town. $5 outfit free, i No risk. Everything new. Capital not required We will furnish you everything. Many are making fortunes . Ladies make as much as men. and boys and girls make great pay. Reader, If you want business at which you can make great pay all the time, write for particu ars to II. Hallktt A Co.. Portland. Maine, nov 16-dAw tf. I Harper's Weekly. ' ILLUSTRATED. j Rarpnt Weekly stands at the head of Ameri can illustrated weekly journals. Byitsnnpar tisan position in politics, its admirable Illustra tions, its carefully chosen serials, short stories, sketches, and poems, contributed by the fore most artists and authors of the day. It carries instruction and entertainment to thousands of American homes. It will always be the aim of the publishers to make Harpers weekly the most popular and attractive ramtiy newspaper in tne world. Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: Harper's Weekxt Harper's Magazlnk Harper's Bazab The Thres above publications. Any Two above named Harper's Yocso Peoplk.... Harper's Magazine j Harper's Young People i ; ...... .$4 00 4 00 4 00 10 00 700 ....... -1 50 '..5 CO Harper's Fraxklijj Square Library, One Tear (52 lumbers) ; 10 00 Postage Free to an tttbtcribert in the United State and Canada. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. The last Four Annual Volumes of Harper's Weekly t In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free ot ex pense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume; suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on re, cdotof $100 each. - Remittances should bo made by Post Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Xx$ppert art not to copy this advertisement wtfXtmt the express order of Harper A Bros. Address ... HARPER A BROTHERS, -dooll New York. LYOrj&HEALY I Statt a Monroe Sis., Chicago. Will Ki4 prrai4 1 aay kUm that DAND CATALOGUE. 1 . far taoJ, tl ff, 21 EncrtTu' 1 t laumMM. ooiw, l-Bpm, Uela, PwixMi - EpaalcU. r.n f t ftm4u Vram IHiorH sad TS Vifrtib, W lactam tin m iio a4kj- cm rr ahum t.mM. sad a ' .tr "fcMaJiuic - tip-coilydJtw KEST aw a m J J ak J MISCELLANEOUS GREAT INDUCEMENTS AT 116 Market Street. A3 WE ARE EXTENDING OCR STORE, and the workmen need the room, we are now offering GREAT BARGAINS IN Dress Goods, f ! : 1 - ' ; i . Embroideries, j White Goods, - I LADIES AND GENTS' GAUSE UNDERWEAR, 4 1 STAPLE AND FANCY Dry Goods. &c,&c VTcare determined TO CLOSE OUT OUR STOCK, and commence with our improve ments; also, AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK FOR '! !".-' FALL AND WINTER. Call and secure BARGAINS at . ' IU3.rJJ.KAfZ', 116 Market St. aug G Millinery & Fancy Goods. JADIES AND CHILDREN'S HATS, ! BONNETS, LACE TIES and BOWS AND RIBBONS, in all the latest styles. , i 1 I Orders from the country promptlf filled and satisfaction guaranteed. My patrons will And It to their interest to call and examine. MRS. S. J. BAKER, 122 MARKET STREET. aug 20 : Still they Gome. T AM RECEIVING DAILY. A LARGE assortment of DRY GOODS, CtOTHING, tfnOES, HATS, FANCY GOODS, Ac, for the Fall ti ade 1 My CA RPETS AND MATIIKG cannot be beat either In quality or price. ! A trial is all that is necessary. Respectfully, SOL. BEAR, 20 Market Street ang IS PlJfiGELL , HOUSE. IJNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, W ILMINGTON, NrC. B. L. PERRY, Proprietor. Late Proprietor Atlantic Hotel. Klrst-Class In all Its appointments. Terms $2.50 to $3.00 a feb&t 1883. Harper's Magazine. j ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Magazine begins its sixty -sixth vol ume with the December Number. It is not only the most popular illustrated periodical in America and England, but also the largest in Its scheme, tho most beautiful in its appear ance, and the best magazine for the. home. A new novel, entitled "For tho M&joiV by Con stance Fenimore Woolson, the author of "Anne," was begun in the November Number. In literary and artistic excellence the Mag a eine improves with each successive number. Special efforts have been made for the lighter entertainment of Its readers through humor ous stories, sketches, Ac ; Harper's Periodicals. Per Year; HABF&'8 MAGAZIKK .44 00 . 4 CO . 400 , 10 00 nARPER'8 WEKKI.T Harpeb's Bazas The Thbee above publications...... Any Two above named. 7 00 Hakpek'8 Vocwa People Harper's Magazine Harper's Yotjxa People 1 50 5 00 Harper's Franklin Square Library. One Year (52 Numbers.. 10 00 Postage Free to al subscribers in the Unilea States or Canada The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year. When no time is specified, it will .c under stood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the current Number. The last Eight Volumes cf Horner' Mono. sine, in seat cloth bindlnr. will be npnt hr mall, postpaid, on receipt of $5 00 pervoJume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 60 cents each by mall, postpaid. 1 ; -if . Ld5 Harf H"?' Alphabetical. Analytical, and Classiffed. for VoIuidmI ta at tnclusive, from June, 1S50, to Jane. 1SS0. one Remittances should be majfo hv tnetriffia Money Order or Draft, to avo.d chance of loss. Ayvtpapcrs are not to copy this advertisement VftthotU the express order of nx-cf 4 Bros' . Auuress - .- , , HARPER & ESOTHirRS, - - - clwlj--.-- : New York, MISCELLANEOUS. mow d mr &AU oy st?i sth. ON MONDAY NEX' WE WILL OFFEE TO BUYERS-OF CARPETS AWD WATTIWC You may find just what you want, and day morning the floors of my Carpet Booms will be torn up, and these goods cannot be shown for, somei days;;);-. " 'Tt,'1' ; i"- Crumb Cloths--Linen Cloths r Just Received Jerseys IN Corsets Nursing Corsets j . aug llf 1883 Dr. GLAUK A CURES ALL DISEASES OF THE STOMACn, LIVER, BOWELS, KID - i I . - 1 . ' - - ' 1 1. eys. Skin and Blood, MILLIONS testify to Its efficacy In healing the Above r - - : I - ' I . I ! named diseases, and.pronoune It to be the - -j-'-"--j, " ! Labo.ratorv 77 west Dr Clakk Jonxsox : This certifies that your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP has grtven memtici relief for Heart Disease and Liver Complaint. I would not be without It for C vo times the cost' july 27-iawdfiri&wlv I HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SOLE Agent for the TANNER & DELANBi, JKNGINK CO'S ENGINES AND BOILERS from 4 to 150 hor.e power; also Tramway or Narrow Gauge Locomotives. ' ' -'-. Engines adaptel jlo Farm use a specialty. On hand and - jor sale very low, FIVE SECOND HAND PORTABLE ENGINES, from 5 to 15 horse power. i -aug 15-Gm . S. W. SKINNER. FRESH GOODS. JJECEIVED TUI3 WEEK NEW SUPPLIES OF FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES. Seal of North Carolina Smoking Toba the best now niade. : i ' 1 Sardines, Crackers of all kinds, among them the Jersey Lily, newest , la eat ami best. i I ... Mackerel, Preserves, .lei lies and a large variety, of Staple and i'ancy Groceries. GEO. M. CRAPON, Agent, aug 16 . I I r South Front St d r NEVER nirrnr nonro 11 ".vnwui,. CA1 NO EQU f -30xUNfON SQUARE NEYYDRK. J. L. STONE, Stats Agent, Raleigh, N. C.' Also State Agent for New England Piano, New England Organ and Mechanical OrgulneltesJ , Address. -. ' J. I STONE, ang21-(5m-y , Raleisli, N. C. , JUST THE PAPER THE PEOPLE WART. ED. OLDHAM'S ' . ? WESTERN SENTINEL. ' s- (1S8tatll8bed 185) -J - Should be Read at Every Fireside In Eaestem : . North: Carolina,' Full of News. TxuL General Information and . Something to Interest Everybody. - 8ESD 50 CEXTS AKT TRT IT TItEEB MOXTTTg. , WINSTON, N. C. - . TT T7 : T" V i oTICUUR MISCELLANEOUS. '1 if so, you will 'get a bargaio. on jv.LJ Of Jarionsizes, very jcheapi1 BLcACK AND COLORS, ALL SIZES. .!- IN GREAT VABIETY, GOOD STYLES WclWTIRE. 1 JOHNSON'S T Indian Blood Syrup BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO MAN. GUARANTEED TO CURE DYSPEPSIA. Agents Wanted, ya St., New xorEUcr.. unieelBta sell 1L ' J mux kuss. New York Weeklv Herald ONE DOLLAK A YEARl T 1HE CIRCULATION OF THIS POPULAR newspaper is constantly increasing. ! it con tains all the leading news of the Dally Hera Uf and Is arranged In handy departments. The1 FOREIGN NEWS embraces special dispatches from all quarters of the globe. Under the head of i II. AMERICAN NEWS are given the Telegraphic Despatches of he' week from all parts of the Union. , This fca ture alone makes " f ! j j , THE WEEkLT-HERALD J the most valuable chronicle In the world, as ti is tr.e cneapesc every wees la given a faith- TUJieponox - j ! POLITICAL NEWS Embracing complete and comprehensive ilea patches from Washington, Including ijfull re ports of the speeches of eminent politicians ou tne questions 01 tne oour. : . j THE FARM DEPARTMENT of the Weekly Herald gives the latest as well as the most practical sutrgestions and disco v- ' erics relating to the duties of tho farmers hlnte frtf TMllalnn Paftln i PahHiw 'tiiiln'fl T n Vegetables. &c, Ac, with suggestions for keeping buildings and farming .utensils tore pair, j This Is supplemented by a well-edited aepartment, widely, copied, under the head of THE HOME J j' ; j - 1 ' giving recelpes for practical dishes, hints for making clothing and for keeping up with the; latest fashions at the lowest price, i Every item of cooking or economy suggested id thla department is practically tested by experts be fore publication.; - Letters from our Paris and London correspondents ; on the li very latest fashions. The Home Department Of the Week ly Herald will save the Housewife! more than one hundred times the price ol the paper. Tho Interests of , j .j .n- ' j : -SKILLED LABOR, : ' Are looked after, and everything relating to mechanics and labor saving Is carcrully re corded. There is a page jdevotcd to all the latest phases of tho business markets, Crops, Merchandise, &c. Ac A valuable feature is found in the specially reported prices and coo ditlons of . , t , ... . . - , (,; . - - ; I j THE PRODUCE MARKET, j Sporting News at home and abroad, togeth er with a Story every week, a Sermon by some eminent divine, Literary! Musical Dramatic, Personal and Sea Notes, j There Is no paper jin the world which contains so much news mat ter every week, as the Weekly Herald, which Is sent, pastage free, for One Dollar, j You can subscribe at any time. '.:;.(... j j The New York! Herald, i In a Weekly form, One Dollar. Address ' NEW, YORK HERALD, Broadwayand Ann Streeta,New,York. dec 19 - 1 j Branson's I N. C. Business Directory gOON TO BE ISSUED 6th Edition ltth -year of publication, will contain over ' 60,000 3STAMES, and la Intended to bo the1 FULLEST AND MOST RELIABLE REFERENCE , BOOK ever published for North Carolina.' r, t The Business and Professional Men of every County, City and Village will be recorded and classified for convenient reference. - Prl!e$5. - 1. apl 25-tf Harp ers Young PGopleJ AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY 16 Pages. Buixta TO BOTP AaD GIRLS OF TKOM BIX TO SrXTEEJr TBABS Olf AOS. ' I VoL IV. commences November 7, 1882I ' The Young People has been from the Bret Buccessrui Deyona anticipation-. JV i IT. Eve ning Post. . . u. . ... -; :,. ; . i V. has a distinctive piirpose, to which It stead ily adheres that. namely. of supplanting the vicious papers for the young with a paper more attractive, as well as more wholewome. Boston Journal, . . .1..- . -.-j. For neatness, elegance of engraving,' and contents generally, ft la tmsurpassed by any publication of the kind yetj brought ! to our notice. Pittsburgh Gazette. T , terms . :"b ?i-n HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, ; t 1. Per Year, Postage Prepaid, f : l m- fTKQVB NUM BEK8. Four OnfA h Specimen copy sent on receipt of Three ijts. The Volumes of Harper's Young People for 1881 and 1882, handsomely bound to' Illumina ted Cloth, will be sent by mail, postage prd ? aid,! on receipt of $3 00 each.. Coyer lot oung People lor 1882, 85 cenU; postage. 13 cents additional. 1 . i i Remittances should be made by Post 'Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise SS?JLtut "e"PM order of Hastes Brothers. . Address - - .1 i HARPER A BROTHERS.! m decflS , ..v J New. York..-. r? , Machines Eepairedl i ; i I WOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY MY friends and the public that I am . prepared to repair Sewing Machines, guaranteeing low rates and good work and satisfaction In everv particular. Orders left with me will receive prort attention. . . C. E. JEVENS, . july 13-tf , 13 VzzVt ft"cecn1 Street

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