-J aF tr -fc J-ii ft ' -- . . - eft 3bd Sunday! eted by ; ' J0SHT.JAME3, ex , rRl PTIOSS rOSTAGE PAID: SJS Six ortW-t2.W.V.Thm Jff,VTw; One moatb,SS oenta. - Lr VvU be dcDTerM by cxrhtn tree IP" art 0f th city, at the abo-ta r mtM low and HberaL ' ' . V.' ' " -maa-TaB ft Tiicu r r 1 i 1 . , i . i f i , J We will be glad to jrefclre lOTTnininlc floi Meads" on any aad 1 ml! tl.:fecf i, .c J . . : I - -'il I t , fron our frlcads 1 general Interest but The name of the writer most always be fvi ei&hed to the Editor, -v -- v j ; h ; Cammnnlcatlon moat .be wrlttea oal oal PerMmantXesmastbe arolded, : u And It la especially aad partJcnlarly msl stood that the Editor does iot always endot VOL. VII. V ILMINGTON. N. C, FRI DAY, AUGUST 24, 1883. - K MO t 909 I theTlewsoteorrespondento iuUesa so sUtc , IX U. -V fa the editorial alumna. 1 1 - f 'i X . -r'iiW. of any newspaper dUion of tbe Count de ChAm-. h,rJcooUnae3 yery critical.- : oriU the Spanish agitator, U a tall, dirk Castilita, aged fifty years, a.nim. the oarsman, has $53,000 iltcd down, all made within past six yeari i. awrt Iincoln eyes were crossed . t.- imm and were subse- aaently strahtencd i. thouzht probable that cars tf ouM be run regularly across the big Brooklyn bridge to-day l olooel M. V. Sheridan. . brother of .ie lieutenant general, does tbe. press moxuog lor tbe rrcsiuen j lari4 cleans 1,500 miles of streets for i..ooOayear.andNew Vork pays lor not cleamnK 4i jLlv1,'"1'1 j.. ii' i' : Sarah Winnemucca, tbaPiuLe Prin-! cessOThas written a book concerning the habits of the Piutes. ,The rolnme wilj be issued by a Boston house shortly. There are rumors in' Washington of a consolidation of telegraph companies. A dispatch from that city, dated Wed nesday, says: . I A rumor was current among tbe brokers here yesterday afternoon that steps were being taken in tbe direction of a consolidation of the American Rapid, Bankers' and iMerchans' and Postal Telegraph" Companies! tor the purpose of organizing a strong, opposi tion to the Western Union Company. The rumor, however, could not be traced to any trustworthy source. At 3 o'clock this p. m. the thermome- It is said that the thermometer wis s. i( ;i ; ter in tbe office of Messrs. Blrosey MwnoarepeiiiiisM Kiniiin inn nuea ua ueirreeii. wmcu wu i vu rs ohw, w&.u 2 degrees higher than it has been at I Front. Hiaf n1a fit anv lima fhta VAr. 1 RfiiSQIl 1' FLO WD A WATER, i - VIOLKT WATER. " M. nowesj of "OTRWK ilATEl. ? i i - . I J I IIM kl 1 1 1 H I 111 A liLj AllbA iUMMW . r . .3,7 . 1, v ... x r7 IT1U SL S'l'l !r A This i3 the highest yet, this j & Miners' TransDOrtition line between I ai a eomnlete astwrtment of Color and : Boston and Baltimore,.; who suffered I Perfumery, for the 8ummer season. - - J! . , r an tori hvl rirKnpuuua win wun?u uj. .. . Mr. E. T. Draper. Manager of Mr. the exposure incident to his profession, & ri Germabnirriat.J T Draper, Manager of Mr. the exposure incident to his profession, imson's dry coods , houseire- was cured by St. Jacobs Oil. This is Mb loot and mouth disease has np- ,ircd among the cattle of Spalding, fouuty of Lincoln. England. -and is preaJicg- The cities of ;the United Stales are netting m debt. They owe over $400, no more this year than they did ten rars s?o- Xfce loral journal of Cape May great ly Jamaeed its popularity by accident ally using a 'b" in place of an "3.!t . ailing the place a bummer resort. Mr. Samuel S. Cox will, according to the New York W'tfrld, receive nearly ih entire Democratic vote of his State in his contest for the speakership. Sunset Cox has about made up his in ind to ask Congress next Winter to investigate tho condact of sovemincnt directors of the Union PaciCc railroads. There is a crusade ' inaugurated in Massachusetts ! against Butler. The Boston Traveller publishes1 several columns of anonymous opinions under the heading "Butler Must Go," , which were obtained in response to inquiries sent principally to rank and file mem bersofthe Republican party through th State about Gov. Butler's chances of reelection this fall. We quote. - Soma 200 ward 3. cities, and towns are rnnsntel. and of coarse tire drift of Hip mnorts are anti-Bntler. The gen eral Republican opinion is that the Tewksbury investigatioil has sealed the Governors fate. But it ! uoes not seem tn liA bpcause his charcee were not-sub stantiated, but because bej proved too mnrh and "defamed ' the fair name of Massachusetts." bcax tml - through tbe reports there are several which ariticipat Butler eains, several ot the correspondents writing tuat mcir peopie iiikt? tio Governor, ir.e cmei siguiuwuiw ui whole eight columns, however, is found in the incidentlai rererences to mo ivo- publican candidates, it is eviaeni inac there is much more widespread disa greement on the question oi personal candidacy than existed last year, when there was reany very niue swuuuai feeling in the Republican Convention. Henry L. Pierce of Boston, is strongly endorsed in the cities, the correspon dents writing from the western coun ties and Irom Cape Cod to say that if he is nominated Gov. Butler . will make material gams, j Removals. Ihorrooacen.xcnangois u oe re- ------ no suspicion -Boston Globed : : moved on the 1st of October next to the "r" ! it i:r ,i i t: V . i n . i . . w.io weeiu sdcui m luu ib&c icsiu" vi - room on mo aouinwest curuet ui i . z -- - ang 6- Corr er Fourth and o aU : A and Princess streets now occupied by cousin. Mr. draper was. accompau.eu S 1 - J S. J.1L1&.! .SmA aaArMAtttAl Mr.E.J.Powers and by Messrs Birdsey oy niauuausaujr, wuu m. t-v; ThpM rooms are behind, on a visit tj her uncle in Wis- to be made into one by the removal oi consm, .... ' li- -' '-" I " .- tho partition in order to make sufficient j Artistic. 0 room for the transaction of the.busi- We have had our attention called to ness of the Exchange. some new specimens of pastel work and ' For Sale'or.Eent' Piano for Sale at the residence 217 South J"ront St. it. I Lot 66 feet front, ruunlo? back 165 A second-hand Piano; for sale cheap TTOUSE. WjTu EIGHT, JtOQMS. For Pocket Knives or .Table Cutlery, So to- Jacobi Hard ware! Depot. t NEW; ' AIVKTISEMENTS feet. Water Works in the hotxae.No. 1 -t 3 -T' -'-. i ;!!! i-Ui 213 North Front street. West side. 1 Apply to . .4-'. 1 j - i - s - aog 11-tf . - GEO. IL. KETXEY,' Asr't Messrs Cronly & Morris will remove a landscape sketch at Heinsberger's ; at about tho same time to the room on j book and music stores . . They are the the Southeast corner of Water and work oi Mr. Orin T. Thomas, and Princess streets, and we understand, were sent here from his studio in New: that Messrs D. L. Gore & Co. i will oc- York. Wo have had occasitii to speasi Wotice. I A 1X1 PERSONS HAV1 KU UlAKUJ!;a uji A i ' . i !j - decoration Committee of the Fruit Growers' ine Arte. AM NOW LOCATED. FOB THE TEES ent. and Drenared to fill aU orders for Crat on and India I ok Portraits. I will ruarantoe you a real fine Portrait, If it Is notsstlBfactory you Association, will present cupy the,building made vacant by the comrnendably of Mr. Tholnas, work, approval, at 10 o'clock removal of Messrs Cronly & Morris. while he was in the city, and we thint these specimens are fuily equal in point Postal Notes. r morit tt nnv nf hii nrevious efforts. w a avs v vi .v - r ' aug . tTiot'ritfiu tn top for need not accept It. Portraits from any kind ;nt their hUls to me ror BmaU pl5tne an(i expressed without injury ' n WnrdU Wtii ORIN T. THOMAS, Artlst. t jr , a. m., Saturday, ath, n (f studio, Stil Broadway, N.t V,f i . J. J. IIEDRICK, Chairman of Committee. Tt a nflAof GTa iv it annoai-a ffiaf t K rnfil revenues ' . ... i Hw IWlWttfc W s Kopau. i"r- rinr i?ou ot, wriQriiT.sviiie. " - ! derived from tho sale of postage stamps - . , - will make the best display. have (alien off as the time for the reduc- 1 here was a large crowu prcu. y we have IUU iuuiuhw w fi.v..v . c i ; . : I i . ' preparations for the change and are not cupieu tor ine ume uu ouseKeepera,o , ? adding to ouUtanding stocks of stamps mates that there were i persou f We w Styles 1 1 tt ATilEa AND GRNTLEMEN'S FANCY" Stationery. MercanUle and School requIUcs,' Blank Bonks, every size and style of binding1;' , nrnn i at fxt i Wrivr mm ps I the beach. a very largely increased demand for the The rowing race was won byMr. A. new stamps will be the result. Itisas- Ird, of the Kunous. ' . t t. t l.n HUil o nrnn with sumed that the sales ot postal u. jjr. T-"! caids next year will bo less than the Ttoa second and the Frolic third Soso of the fiscal year iust ended. The race was between the yachts but the decrease will be made Glide. Rosa. Frolxc Foatnh an in the number of stamps sold. No Contest was was on the ground bnt did 1 . t. rri L'voti rirnnivin rnr n provision has yet been made for the ye- noieuwr. au :7- demption of three cent stamps and ens the race on . M , R; velopes in the hands of postmasters. . .wJf .. . - Thisedemption can only take place by Kenan and- WtI-mbj the actot Congress'. It is suggested that uuages. wr - - these three cent stamps and envelopes nwi. Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags, an The sculptor Schilling has been in vited tooto Kiisingen to make a oust of Prince Bismarck which is to be the final model for all futnre portrayals of the Prince. Money continues plethoric in New York at 24 3 per cent, on stock col laterals, and 2 percent, on United 8tates bondj. Time loans aac 4l5 per cent., and prime discount 56 per cent. I)rd Quecusberry is about to pur chase an extensive tract of land in Texas. His agent has been making a tour of the country with a view of in veitiog in ranch property and stock. llll Many of the so-called milliner shops in New York arelsaid to be private tippling places for fashionable patrons. The increased cost of dresses, etc, is really the price oi champagne and other drinks. Talmage refused to taste the wine which was poured gratis for him at a Kentucky hotel table, even though tho waiter assured him that, being weak and home-made, it would not IntoxN LOCAJ' NEWS. INDEX TO MEW t'AOVIRTISEMENTS. Yates New Styles j J B Melton The Meat Fair j .1 J IlKPRiCK, Chm'n Notice ; W IIUbkek Melon's Food, Ac F C Mili.ee Florida Water, Ac Hkissbekgeb Violins and Guitars American Ieelon of Honor Local ad . - The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 3 bales. Tbe moon enters "on its last 'quarter at 18 minutes past 12 o'clock to night. FINE FAT VEAL, I . ; - ". - - I I A number oue article. ' FAT, JUICY LAMB, I And Extra Fat j STALL FED BEEF, that we will show tomorrow. Call and see It and lay In supplies for Saturday ahd. Sun- i text Books, adopted .by the State Board ot . i Education, a specialty. i twine.' C. W. YATES. -I au?20 119 Market street can bo used for double postage by add- ins a one cent stamp, and there will be no necessity for their redemption, which would entail a j great amount of labor and expense upon the department. Fair Notes. ' The receipts at the gate for tickets to tho Fair afrjrrcirated 376, a sum much Urror than wo expected, and one tha must be highly satisfactory to the As sociation. We have endeavored, during the day, to get tho total of receipts and expen- Himrn of tho Fair, but as some ot tho m a w - w - bills have not yet been; rendered, have found it impossible to do so.. It will probably be three or four days before all the biUs will come in. hen they ao, The Late Fair. .. Compliments are in order now lor tbe gentlemen who so successtully man aged and conducted the i ruit Fair heia hero this week They had before them, in the outset a ! stupendous undertaking and one which was extremely doubtful as to results. By the patient and ener getic exercise of industry and persever ance . they have succeeded in not only gathering together a large number of intelligent producers, but they have succeeded in laying before them the most magnificent collection of fruits that has ever been exhibited in North Carolina.- j - .' -- ' ' There were 1 some drawbacks, of course and some little hitches in tbe ru anageraent, but these were to ; be : ex pected, as a matter of course, and they lay. an 24-1 1 ,.J. B. MELTON, 1 , Xjew Market . Violins and Guitars,' W Clarendon Council, No.1 tu, A. 1j. o and the accounts are adjusted and set iinnm. will meet to-niehti at 8 o'clock, ijcd. we have been promised.lort publi - . - w . - - . - I t : r t.t: ... cation a detailed statement ortne re not, by any means, detract irom me 'Ihe excursion sposen oi un iu- au - ..er,oomf)nts attondinsr the m Wh,'tinn. -We cau only . . . 1 t .....a;,!. rtUU uli)UVi-- . I - l"V - - - on the Minntcnrvia nas urcu unawma. ,-nh in k interestimr fK,t tho v.ir mav be held here bly postponed . mRtter to manv of our readers. ; ,,; next yeat,'-and', that the same Last night was com loitably cool. ior Tbe haU WR3kept open last night gentlemen may be entrusted with its a - i mm r Aar n:ni - - i the first time mis wwimuu UQtu n o'clock, and was .visited Dy a management, provided they can : oe m- could sleep witnoui oppressiou num - f people-1 During the dnccd to accept tbe undertaking .... .., Ab I -4- ' : - v - ftveninir nearly an oi weiruii. as There was another display oi p0Sed of at private sale and earned ITH THE BEST ITAILIAN STBINGS for the same. ...,,,! Ritcher Harmonicas, Single and Double, Bass Drums and Kettle Drums, M I . ' i.: i ' . - : Accord eons of all sizes, styles and prices, FlutesJ Fifes, Harps and Zitbern7 s Double Basses and ViolinceJlos, Piano3 and Organs. For sale at . f HETNSBEHGER'S, aug 24 Live Book and Music Stores School at Point Caswell. T jyj-Y SCHOOL AT THIS PLACE WIIL open September 10th, proximo ' h ; j j i - ; Bates of tuition per montb, t3.00 $J.C0 and ' - , : 3 . T "i " !r. 44.00 accoi-dlng to advancement, payablo at tbeend of each month. Board In good fanu; , lies can be had at $8.00 per months . ' .w ' This. Is a mixed scbooi, iiusio is wuiin it Mrs. John li. Faddlson," whom I cordially recommend as an excellent teacher In this de- nnrtment. . . . : i'l i Y. For further parUculirs address! the princi pal. i-:j.yn n v 8 n o - ! -Hl! pTesbyterlau copy 3 1 ture Warerooms . . . . t 1-1 , i works last night, in front of the city away. in consequence of this there was liaii, anu it was nnursre j - no s&ie oi iruu suwwu uiiu.u6, . ,a oritrprfiop to lake place in vo nw Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low prices, at Jacobin M -M t CONTRACTORS. SEALED' PROPOSALS WILL; BE RE- cetved uhtil 4 o'clock. P M,, iTuesdsyj August 28th, for building a New Ward aM Mortuary, and for 'repairing tlie roof of main; building at City nospltaf. Plans and epeciflcations can be seen at CoJ. John D. Tayior'a office City Hail, where Proposals will -be left Parties bidding will make separate estimate upon earn The Board of .Managers rescrye the light to reiect any or" all bilft- . ! W. H. CHADBOUKN, 24 ?y Committee New Furn AT NO. 20 GRANITE BOW; BO." JTHUM T at.. I have opened with what I think is a Well selected Block of ; .J 'Ht,. 4: Ci. - rt-Jr Furniture and Bedding, , Embracing many, new deslgnsnj , . Bedroom and Parlor Suits. 4. Our aim shall be to deal fairly and squarely with all, and rcspeclf ully ask a share of i tbe nubile patronage. Courteous treatment goar anteed to all who favor me with a cau. j .1 ausrW tf f THOMAS C. CKAFr. Agehti E. C. Blair, ENERAL COMMISSION" MKR(JHA-NT No. 19. North Second Street, J r . , ' '-' 'Jf- " ''VfllmlngtonNC.1 ', Solicits consiginmentsof all kinds iof TCountry , . . Produce. Top prices and quick returns guar anteed. Will reship to other markets when requested,; ., .;. .: A,l ' 'Isflr, '? : ' ' . Solid Comfort. ; aug '21-2t 21 ands. Rain is again very much needed, yesterday's issue of this paper. cate. -", ' . ,r . -. A rnister containing 4 White powder. which can only be ignited when brought into contact with water, has been found at Plymouth, England. The police believe that the contrivance, was in tended for cae by Fenians. . Th marriage or Canutto Peed, nephew of the Pope, with Miss Boeno, will take place. . la Fri &is f0 Mgr. de Bende will bless it, and 'Mgr. CatAldi.tbe prefect of the pontifical " ceremonies, will represent the Popo. : lionlJ Paiteor, the sreaV French nat craliiU : whose I researches into i. the causes of disease have made his fame world-wide, baa been granted a pension ol $5,000 a year by the French-Government in recognition of bis services. iS Afcwan 1 It is alleged that among the specula tors who were fleeced in the Ute Wall .tt mirations ex-Governor Cornell, of New York, figures to the amount of rt m. minion uouars. ovwo of his friends, however, deny thathig losses were so large. ii a, i - - A party of bicyclists have been travel throuzh' the comitry districts ol Pun.i Thv created great excitement among . the rural population, who followed them iow crowds' along the roads, and regarded them with super fctliiout awe. i . f . ; . Cardinal Manning lakes a hopefu vmw of Irish aH&irs Agrarian agita tion Is at an end. tie says the social disturbance are mainly dae to the con tinental secret ccietics, and that Ire. Lind cannot thrive without England and be if opposed to assisted emigration. ; THE lHAIIiS.? i Themalls close and arrire at .the City Pos office as follws v - v ; 1 -J Northern through mails, wt.jl-T-vH ? The streets arc dry and dusty, anu u The hall, uiis morniug. long- sorted and bare, ana quite a nuiuuw w Raieigh baa r. auu . this weather continues a few days er vegetation will suffer. There was a large attendance on the excursion given yesterday by the ladies of Front Street Church and the occas ion was a very enjoyable one. . ladies and genuemen, wno wiuic v- rtas supplied therefrom luclud- Und the auction sale that was adver- tagA-o. Railroad at .QM Used to take i place at 10 O Clock this gem Malls for an points South, morning, wtth the hope oi max ng "gSa": re. c. Railway) daily. pnrchas. were lSi atnWAM lllll IIII IlULUllJaV WV - Pritchard, I). P., will inlerior and decayed apples and grapesH a01..?. Rev. T. li ..C15 P.M. road : ..8.00 P.M. into between Florence 8.00 P. M. - t- i .- t . . rosu. .... . r. hi natorate of the First hod been left as worthless, ana Maiia for po oj- " . , .f.t. il. jk.ia nsnoarl I and Charleston. r, a .VnMh in'fhia ftiiv nn nuuuf, il. fluui ,irAU(Mi wild iuu uduimiuvv rj.u in,. A-mvia. sin i :n r ear r . i - . 1 I i5k.. TniiLv and riaavs.....-i.w xvai i j v. NArnmnnr nniu i u ha rrmrtv5i.i oi loo arwiuica. i . - A H(J VU UBJ ojm i uj b ,JV exhibition at the Fair via Lumberton, daily, . , J . I m, K. rr..- I- .lmnot ortpri tO-daV. 1BvSIBw ' . I "fiJr liinH 1ntjrmAdlAie Olfi- 1UO UifcJT -' ; - " I rl.m Mtiar nfArinr. IOr Uliwu". - rn: rm a AT . . . i isrorA srnne 01 i icui tawv, i Tnaodav, &na jtuuivh those of our visitors wno nave f. L.v.hition' was held kTUlewlis. by steamboat, daUy j a. .l.:. l.Amoa having cone UO nau . . . .TMnt flnncUvg).. .V...S.W urnea w iuci i . . . tho hpsr. i ..i r- -nm rvv- ....-onrthfi Sound. tooiate in me ---- re,," T Y"". viuiwuu" . ,s 0i t hAPn he a two or 1 rotia m VO rifl IfK. alaV au a av w jlai ara ann BTHIIIVIi. ......aaaaaa,! v. - , i. ... I j - -'-j orti U7V4ritav111 (UUT o- M. . .l. ii.M.m.Uiiin !hi n nffl . . r Vi.va Tint - S. 1 TrrKfaTllA riAllv. 'IOMT US UltTUiUUiBwui" - " throfl WPP ICS eaXllCi no w , - s""-A-. nrTTUPPT registered 92 degrees, but somehow the douDtthat the first .premium would theni through and way mails.. -.7 m dav has not seemed so uncomtortably .avn hm awarded to Capt Nobles, ol SX''a:::::Tioi :.t.nv1nM(L. I ' . :ut 1 Vi a I , . . it wtv. .hui hATM business wannasanyoiiwiBiraF' thiscity. aswe nave scoa muuu ion of cityat 5 X m7,Ti.s5 a.m. and 5 30 snra- . i i.t month, products from his yineyard P M .and from other potate of the city at 5 Mr. Isaac L. Greenewald returned to fully equal in point of excellence to yJ0fW9A.'xoj ... i.et r,;.ht VfiPr n two weeks' w Sfl-r at the Fair. . from 2 to 5.S0 P. M , Money UiC WlfcJ ; 1 . ,1 trip to tho Nonnern ciues, wi n laid in his Fall and Winter, Mock of that 75 MULLETS. bbLs. corned mullets; ' j i CAUGHT THIS WEEK , 100 LB3. TO THE BARBEL. Quality and quantity guaranteed. Order at once. aug 23 j Vr. IS. DAVIS & SON. riniERE IS SOLID COMFORT IN THE use. . I . i ' ; h,v-r.-". iilnc -1 1 of Kerosene Stoves. A customer,1! who W using one, says: "With this we are fndependi ; left without a servant.''; kThey are Gems and great Economists. sires and prtees. Try one. Puro White Oil Different aug 20 PARKER t TAYLOR. Fly'TrapoJ!vi M R ELLIN'S FOOD, T? market. (Large andSmad.) IKER'S FACE POWDER.; lOND'd EXTRACTS. ill B RQWN'S ESS. UiNGEtt. rpOILKT AUriCLES, c, AO. - WILLIAM H- GREEN, Druggist, kn(rS 117 Market Street a I Hr crnnd manV Department open same wnm should the Fruit Growers' Fair be nf ?S&. 7.S0 p. j Millinery & Fancy Goods. 1 -plNB HATS, BONNETS. FEATHERS, liiAVM -Ribbona and Trimmings. , Neckwear, Hdk'fs, Zephyrs and other Fancy Goods.! Fruit Jars. W at v A T.T.ON3. QUARTS. PINTS and . - - " t - . PRESERVE TUMBLERS. Giles & Biurcliison, j North Front St IHE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN tlTIS Our - . ' i 1 ' fIRATN CRADLES - cannot be surpassed in price or quail t a lftmA and well selected stock 0! ware at W. E. SPRINGER CO'S., ; : Successors to J ohn Dawson A Cov, . 1 aug 20 j . . Market Street I am Receiving BY NEW YORK STEAMERS EACH WEl TJ1E FINEST SELECTION 0P.f i . ,-.,. iM,. -vMlm Fruits ana Vegetables CONSISTING OF - it . NORTHERN APPLES,! NORTHERN POTATOES, i.i CABBAGES, i an 20 boots and shoes. tv r a irrcat demand for con- vances to the .Sound this morning, by " . . . 4 U Mfratla people who wanted to wiuh.jy. 7k r!mr,na Yacht Club, which was .v" ... . .! i.v announced to: take piace ai 1 "- noon, today. - ' ,ThU is the time of the year to lay m supplies of coal anil wood. It is both prudent and cconoracial to do so. Some of the weather prophets say we are to have -a hard WinUr., with plenty of -rl ?r; Vennor. however, says that both November and December will be mild and rather open. But he is not iniaiiiDic. - - -- year. 4n,, on San. 8.J0 to A. - , J Sere would, be an exhibition such as T 7 ' ; held in this city again next iw Gnnth never has seen; and also that it should be held earlier in the season : To Builders and others Go to J ACO w .rinrsp. the sntreestion and have no R1. ror Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass .... au. rnH. inrlic&ted would J mr Vrm n pipi all sizes and at the UOUOb k aw o '7,,, follow. The people oi inis bwhwu i lowesi pnce- We Have TURNIPS and BEETS. 't' i.'i Quarterly Mectinffa been aroused by the exhibition to the taS?Sin Wilmington District of the Methodist equal to the best fruit erowing counties Elizabth ...... .....Aug 25-26 r4 . . v Uvi,;ll.L:--....i.....Au 25-28 ln u- r.... PCaTwil at Pt Casweliug 2S-2 Th celebrated 'Ffeh Brand Gills WlfXCamaw Mission.... --.pt K . . . ,. L.. r . nA.o ITrrl lr-:-UlfT J. . .CBt o w Twine is soiaomy n rjr y"o.Bmw.V -jraroijepob. ; M- - s r fflPHn-l .LONG, FELT WAST UX O establishing a, flrst-clasa Carriage. Harness and TrunK otore, wnero au . ju-ju liwusui, our line can bo bought at prices lower than eVer before offered In this market. , - Repaulng in an in onuiciir, ucuuw '"'I MrDOUGALL BOWDEN, t n- 0 1 v No. lit North Trout 8t. 3 Pi' promptly. u?.-vri A week made at home b the industrious. Best busi ness dow before tne puoiic. r.BtiStAl not needeu. We wlu start yon. aiea. women, uoy o s" .;IT.rorbir ts vork for us. Now J the the time. You can work Ui spare time, or eire your whole time to tne business. sa other business will pay vou nearly as well fall tnmiVa mnRBODB tiST. bT en dreaaTXTTB Co., Augusta, Malne. ; T Bovl8-dwtt. . ; - ; ' ''' - .. Have just recclred the -followlpg .variety of , M H ' r I recotu- CAKES AND CRACKERS, wlit'.h mend to all Housekeeper and ExcrlOuli falnger Taffy. -Orange Bar, - ? ' Assorted Drops, " Empire Blived, I -TanilU Wafers, 1 , v . , v IiWoo waters, M . ' ' -1 Vonrnort Wsfers. ''Xti'tY. "5, -;iU4f Larrabi'a enowftakc. These gools areof flflVtitiaUty.Jrwh'and erispy',: -w; 'S f" i ' 4 v-- , 4- -