THIS rAPKH -rerr Telr. " " - riXASSjKOTics. 1 . ;;j j i. J. w . ' - W will bo ilxd to reocrre coraxapnlcxUoo Sundays ' epted by from our trlcada on any aad all sntjeets feaenltBteiestbvt t . ' i " 1' 1' - ': jOSII T. JAMES touo asd riorioroi. The name of the writer mxM always t ru - - -- ' . . j i J nlaixd tome Editor. . . j ; CowmnntcattoM ami b .wrtttea oa oaf Stx tnontns, iniw Ooe mouth, S3 cents. ooe side ot the paper. ' 1 ' .,. 1.00 ,rVlll b deUd by carrier free 'II any P"t of the fUy, at th bore ntt. or . ia And liberal. PersonaCtles mtut be arolded. : And It Ls especially and paxUcularly nad stood that the Editor does not always eadoi' 1 iTtttWWft VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. CM SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, 1883. NO; 202 . will report any ami all fall- the views of correspondents nsJcss so atatc In the editorial oolnmns.! ij i i - tre thetr paper regularly. -TT : i - 7 - -r - - r w I 27i Miiy Beview has the largest JTt fide circulation, of any newspaper ilhcd. intXe city of Wilmington, -TTrnroent has tola wuw seres of Undin Dakota within a year. ; luhnConU. the father of Jay, wm .be first white child bora in Roxbury. j,y was known at school as a "bawl baby" The comer-stone of the Garfield mon ument at San Francisco will be laid, on lhc .4lb, and Governor Stoneman has made the day a legal holiday. ccnie German capitalists have bought an extensive tract ol jrrounu i a Aiinca, and are preparing to carry out a colos sal scheme of colonization. Louise Viardot. daughter of the !a tuo'u French opera singer, has been sp linted professor or singing at . the frank fort Conservatory of Music. I he Mif hian Prohibitionists have re.olvUto raise n State campaign ,na,l ol $100,000. and use it in beating Uu- Kcpnblican party. They have the money raised already all but about Martin Van Buren used to take part In tbe-iaadrilles and minuets at Sara 02a. and jfi63- senators and other dignitaries were regularly seen upon l he noor. owauay. uuij very youo folks danco there. f.'i-Scnator Pinchback, the colored statesman from Louisiana, says Presi J, af Arthur is the favorite ot the lie publicans of Louisiana for the next President. He regards ex-Senator Mc Ponald as the choice of the Southern Democrats. - mm.- ' The Chinese are flocking into Siam at the rate of 2,000 annually. They are so shrewd and enterprising that the whole trade ot the country has fallen into their hands, and if the immigra tiou continues they will very likely cap ture the country itself. Monsignore Cape!, the eminent Eng lish divine, will lecturu in Baltimore in the latter part of September. Arch bishop Gibbons has extended to him the hospitalities of the archieplscopal residence during his stay in Baltimore add will be prescut at the Tecture, It is evident that the reduction oi single rate letter postage from three to two cents has not been made too soon. The estimated surplus of the postoffice department for the last fiscal year is $2 400,000, or $1,100,000 more than the surplus for the preceding year. ) The story of the strange sinking of a Piratical vessel bearing the black flag off Beach Haven, thirteen miles bortb or Atlantic City, has been 'pronounced "a sheer fabrication" by Dr. Kdgar Ilolden. of Newark, who had been credited with having seen the occur rence. The New York Times attributes tho failure of the strike oi the telegraphers to the remissness of the Knights oi. La boJ. The leaders of that body associ. ate clothes with labor.- and could not folly sympathize with strikers: who wore store clothca and smoked cigar ettes. ; , . Boas Mabone. says tho Richmond State, has dated his .'Gecerai Orders" this week in Wall street. Ho is said to havo a million dollars .or bis own, but when be wants campaign funds he either assesses bis followers .- or. looks round among the monopolists ot-New .'York. - , - ' Misi Mary Anderson will appear at Mr. Irving' London Theatre, th Ly- ceumVon the 1st or September, and she wUl remain there until December 17; then she will travel in England and Scotland nnUi August 1. 1881. In Sep tember ot that year she will return to this country. The debt of England amounts to $3,814 000,000. Her statesmen think the debt ought to be paid, and the 1 louse or Commons has decided that the task shall be undertaken as soon as possible. It will require about $43.- 225,000 year for ninety years to com plete the job. George n. Anthony, a son of the wealthy ex Governor Anthony, of Kan- am. and wHisin of Susan IS. Anuiony. surprised some or tho St. LouU people the other dav bv ouietly marrying Miss ran nmtibelL of that city. The two calledai the house of a clergyman Co whom they were unknown and were married. Mr. Anthony is in the rail Vay business at Chihnihan, Mexico, and U wealthy. Gen. Jtwcph E. Johnson is 76 vears of age. He is erect, weighs 160 pounds ami is sieet ti lncues nign.Sar. The last time we saw Gen. Johnson, about one year ago, he was about 5 feet 7 inches high and weighed about 130 pounds. But perhaps he has grown since then. I ! i Senator Vance, of North Carolina, is at war with the rai and it is said he roads in his State, will stump this Fall against their interests, says the News and Courier. There is a war, too, against the railroads in South Carolina, and the result is a. victory for the com missioners in driving capital out of the State. An Indianapolis paper thus summed up the divorce market in that locality : Brisk competition among our o2& lawyers has brought down the prices of divorces. We quote: Common separation, $15; small alimony. $25; large alimony. 50 to $100, according to circumstances. Business cood and increasing." LOCAL NEWS. - IMDEX TO HEW ADYIRTISEMElTS. Tates Sew Styles E l Halu, Mayor Bids W II Greex MelUn's Food, Ac Exccasios Last of tho Season r C Miller Florida Water, c II ciHSBSOKR Violins anl Guitars R M McImtire Ready for Business Day's length 13 hours and 8 minutes. The dust is something dreadful, rain is mnch needed, j There were no interments in Oakdale Cemetery this week. j The receipts or cotton at this port tor day foot up 4 bales. Sunset to-morrow afternoon 35 minutes past 6 o'clock. , Maj.T. D. Love, of Bladen county, was in'the city to-day. ! There were no interments in Belle- vue Cemetery this week. "About this time look out for rain," according to the almanac.! Eggs were retailing from tho stores to-day at 20 cents per dozen. ' :f Why will you continue to suffer with neuralgia when St. Jacobs Oil can be had? I At 3 o'clock this afternoon the ther mometer in this office registered 92 degrees, full. j . Capt F.MTWooteu is now travel ling agent for the Acme Manufacturing Company. T. : i:, There wore two lniermums m x iu Forest Cemetery this .veek one child and one adult. The weather became materially cool er last night and the opportunities lor sleeping were delightful. Rev. E. A. Yates. D. D.. will preach at the Front Street M. E. Church at 1 1 o'clock to-morrow morning. There were quite a number of flat loads of good wood in the docks this morning, which was offered for sale at $3 per cord, j . ThA Ueffister of Deeds issued three m.rrUra licenses this week, ooe of which was for white and two j were lor colored couples.1 -The display of beet in the market this morning was very good, but the exhibit of vegetables was rather inferi or in quality and limited in quantity The top to the front of Messrs. Brown & Roddick's handsome new building, on North Front street, is now complete and in position. It is both beautiful aud imposing. i- Senator E. T. Boy kin, of Clinton, Sampson county, wis in the city to-day en route for Bladen court. He has been suffering from a severe billious attack, and although much improved in health, is still quite feeble. - The ladies of the Fifth Street M. E. church will give their third excursion n WMnesdar. the C9th :ct on tho IMssport to Smithville and ih Forts. It will be for the benefit of .hnreh Refreshments will bo on , . f. .t-tvKi mid a Food time saieaiitj ii guaranteed. I m City, Court, j brought be- iDero cjk w " " . far the Mayor this morning, charged with disorderly conduct. In one case .. . ... son or 20 da vs in the risnn. and in the other the sen tence was $10 or eodays. Thffinewas .i .1 while in tne naia . in. -- - , former the party went below. Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low t prices, at Jaoobi.'s Raiu in the Country. Wo are informed by passengers who arrived from the North by last night's train, that there were fine and frequent showers yesterday on the line of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, ex tending from the vicinity of Enfield, Halifax Teachy's in Duplin county. They were much needed and will prove of much benefit to the sec- Lion through which they reached. Musical. The Wilmineton Cornet Concert Club, considering their numbers and the opportunities they have for practice, discoursed some excellent music during the recent Fair. We are glad to learn that there is a prospect of an increase of members, and that they intend to work and practice until they stand at the head of the musical bands of the State. Webopo they may be successful, as they are an honor to our city and are worthy of every encouragement from our people. Camphor for Mosquitoes. Somebody says. "I have tried the following, and find that it works like a charm. "Take of gum camphor a piece abont one-third the size of an egg and evaporate it by placing it in a tin vessel and holding it oyer a lamp or candle, taking cai;e that it does not ignite. The smoke will soon fill the room anil ex pel the mosquitoes.- One night, not long since, I was terribly annoyed with them, when I thought of and tried the above, after which I neither saw nor heard them that night, aud next morn ing there was not one to be found in the room, thoush .the window had ,been left, open all night." . " ! A Good Work. Thp Sp.ahon.rd & Roanoke. Raleiah & Gaston, Raleigh & Augusta and the Carolina Central Railroads, composing urhnt. ia known AS the "Seaboard Air Lme SrstL-m.Mare setting out a hand book descriptive of the country travers ed by the several roads named for dis tribution athe approaching Boston Ex position. The object of the book will be to call the attention of those who would likoto make homes in the South, fo .h ndrjintaffEs offered along; these WW c roads; and to do that most euectuauy nWrtcrrftnhie views have been taken of the factories, villages, colleges and other objects of prominent lmeresi along the respective routes. These pho- tographs will be engraved and tne dook will be illustrated with tbera. Aside from the pictorial embellishments, the work will contain a description of the country bordering on these roads, with a description of the soil, products, climate, water power and other useful knowledge for the benefit of those who contemplate migrating to this section. Its purpose will be toi invite immigra tion, and we commendhe plan as one of great importance to onr people. Well Caned. The Fruit Growers' Association held a meeting last evening at which Captain R. T. Paddison, the President, was pre sented with the following address : President Paddison: ' The delightful reunion oi me Growers' Association has drawn to a close. The days tnat we nave speunu gether.4 with all their bustle and activi- ty. all tceir inumpns, ever varying enjoyments, are now ti,;nra o thn nast. But they are record ed and treasured up in faithful memo ries, where they will oe lonaiy cbwjsucu and often awakened and reviewed. Our paths are about to diverge; but before sepapating. we aesiro w expression to tne leeungs oi uum pleasure and the deep gratification that have filled every day and almost every hour of our stay here Especially would we here recognize the generous. self-sacrificing kindness tne uni form consideration and , yonr ceaseless and eyer successful effotts i -to make our visit as pleasant as possible to us. You commana our esiccu admiration as a model President of our association, while you enjoy our warm eratitude and affection as a friend, and brother. It is, therefore, that we cannot refrain from offering yon this tribute, while we pray the Giver of every good and perfect gift, to fill your days and vour years with ever-renewing happi ness, and to bestow upon you and your dear ones His choicest blessings. In conclusion, allow me. in the name jof the Fruit Growers' Association, to beg you to accept this testimonial of our affectionate regard At the conclusion of the address. Mr K. W. Lineback, of Forsyth county, in a neat appropriate speech, in ( behalf or the society, presented Capt. Paddison a gold-headed cane. Capt. Paddison. in brief, but well chosen words, accepted the testimonial. - -1. . . Piano for HAie. . : A second-hand Piano for sale cheap at the residence S17 South Front su tf. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi' Hardware Depot, t s . " - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. READY FOR ON MONDAY, THE 37th INST.. SHOW GOODS IN THE ij CARPET DEPARTMENT. All remnants and short length Carpets JERSEY JACKETS. j j : In black end colors, all sizes. A -o MATTINGS ! Closing out the balance this stock aug 25, 1883 1 1 KxportsForeisrii. Ger. barque Ma ricr Capt . Perm ien . cleared tolay for Hamburg with 4.951 barrels rosin, valued at $7,199, shipped by Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Cc. Cotton. The receipts ot cotton at this port for the week ending with ts-day foot up 111 bales, as against 293 bales for the corresponding i week of last year, a decrease this week ot ; 182 bales. The recepts of the crop year to date foot up . w - nst 136.746 bales to 127,6i4 bales, as again same date last; I year. a decrease this year of 9,102 bales. Some Changes. j . . --' Some changes have been made lately in Portnefs Tivoli;Beer Agency in this city. Mr. Julius iiiens, late agent, will be sent to Norfolk, Mr. Zoesse, Assistant Agent, returns to Alexandria and Mr. John H. Ticn;ken. of this city, so long in the employ of the Agency, is placed in charge of the office here. Mr. Wal lace, a former agent, has been here for a few days en route to Alexandria. i -r j Fine Crayon, j At Yates bookstore is a very fine life-size crayon portrait of Mr. Neill Mc Laurin, for many years a well known merchant of this city, and father or Messrs. John, Joseph H. aud Hugh W. McLaurin. The picture was copied from a daguerreotype which was taken when he wa3 more than oo years oi age and is pronounced by those .who were familiar with Mr. McLaurin to be a remarkably correct likeness. Improvements. Capt. B. M.iMcIntire' is making some very decided improvements in the inte rior arrangement ot his store on North Front street,preparatbry:t1b the recep tion of his Fall tbek. which will begin to arrive in a few days- In a portion of the rear a new floorhas been laid, and room has been utilized for better ac commodation of both goods and cus tomers." jThetrear portion of the room, as far forward as the main shelving, is to be supplied with a nice new carpet, and that part of the building will be do vted to the exhibitioner carpcts,cloaks, suits and dress wear, Exclusively. When all is completed this store wjll be in entire keeping with the times, and will compare favorably with any store in the South. j Removals v Messrs. W. I. Gore & Son and Mr.! J. Corbett haye purchased the store now occupied by Messrs. Cronly & Morris, and after making some neces sary repairs and ( alterations, will oc cupy the same on or about the 1st of October next. We were mistaken yesterday in ! saying that this store would probably bo occupied oy juessrs. D. Ij. Gore & Co. It was a confusion of names. Capt. George Sloan has purchased the McRae house, on Mulberry, between Second and Third streets, now joccu nied by Capt. S. V. Skinner, and will get possession and move in October 1st. Capt. Skinner will remove to the Wil liams house, on I Fiflli, between Pock and Orange, and his son-in-law. Mr. H. II. Heide, who has been residing with him, will occupy tho Wenzel house,, corner Chestnut and Seventh streets. - - - j Messrs E.J. Powers & Co. will re move in October to the office now ocs cupied by Mr. J. IMacks. in thelold Bank building, corner Front and Prin cess streets, and Mr. Macks will re move one door East t The kitchen on the premises of MrL Henry Schutle, on Market street, near Third, fell yesterday afternoon with a. loud crash and is; a complete ' wreck. Fortunately there was no one in it at the time, a servant having left it but a few moments previous to its fall. , It was a very old bnllding. , ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS BUSINESS I! WE WILL BE PREPARED TO will be sold at prices regardless of cost. JERSEY JACKETS. few braided Jerseys, very pretty. MATTINGS ! quite cheap. . t R. tV3. RflcIWTIRE. Bids j ILti BE RECEIVKD IN TITE AfAYOR'S Office. uP to wkdnesdavniixt, 12 o'clock, M.. for LAYING DOWN A CI UTT KR In Ana I - ! Street from Third to the Elver. K. I. If ALT., Mayor. aug : 5 It .- Last of, the Season. i . . 1 -. - - ' I 1 rnilE LADIES OF TlIE FIFIII STREET M. E. Church will give one of ihelr excur sions to fcmithville. the Forts! and the Black fi?hGroundSt on WEDNESDAY, August 20th, on the Sleaxer PASS PORT J Refreshments at elty prices. Fare 50 e'ents. Children 25 eta. aug Zo-it Star copy A BOUT THE FIRST WKF.K IN SEPTEM BER the undersigned will so to New York to purchase PIANOS and ORGANS. Any orders entrusted to him for aty particular make will receive hi personal careful attention. Prices f uaranteed to he as low as the lowest, either or cash or on the instalment plan, j Samples, CataloRues, Cuts ,and Prices pan ue nau by addressing 1 aus IS lawtf-eat 1 E. VasLAEIL Executory Notice. H AVING QUALIFIED AS EXECUTOR of the! last will and testament of Mrs. Mary J. Langdon, deceased.-all persons having claims against the estate of my said: intestate, are hereby no titled to present the sme on or be fore the 15th day of July, 1884, or this notice will be plead in bar of a recovery. - All persons indebted t the same must make immediate payment. R. F. LANGDON, iuly 14 laww sat Executor Sale of KeaL Estate for Partition. jgY VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF A decree of a sale made In a certain ex yarle special procecdicg pending before the Clerk r I i ; i of the Superior Court of the County of New Hanover, State of North Carolina, , jwherein Nicholas Carr and Minnie Lec Carr, an infant, by her next friend Geo. R.fBate, are plaintiff, the undersigned, the Commissioner appointed by said decree; will sell on Monday, Septem ber 3rd, 1S, at 12 o'clock, M , at the Cotirt House door of said New Hanover County, for cash, Uhe following premises : i Commencing in the Eastern line of Fifth street. 60 feet from Northeastern corner of HaDover and Fifth streets, runs thence North along! Fifth street 4 IVi feet, thence East parallel lyith Hanover 6treet 165 feet, thence South 41'ai feet, thence West 165 feet to .beginning. Being part of lot 4 block 265 in tho plan of said eity. i - P. .H.. DARBY, aug 4-law4w-sat Commissioner Violins and tJnitars, WITH THE BEST ITAILTAN STRINGS for the sam j Ritcher Harmonicas, Single and Double, Bass Drums and Kettle Drums, Accordeons! of all sizes, sty lesand prices, Flutes, Fifes, Harps and ZItberns, , ! , i i I rouble Basfcea and Violinccllos, I , Pianos and Organs. I For sale at HEINSBERGEK'S, j aug 24 ! I Live Book and Music Stores MULLETS. BBLS. CORDED MULLETS, 75 CAUGHT THIS WEEK 100 LB3. TO THE BARREL, Quality and quantity guaranteed. Order at once. aug 23 W. E. DAVIS & SON M ELLIN'S FOOD, . (Large ana ScaaiL) JIKER'S FACE POWDER. POND'd EXTRACTS. B ROWN'S ESS. GLNGEtf. rjlOILET : ARTICLES, C, Ac. j WIM.IAM IX. Ui&&JU, UTUKfTlSl, aug ZS 117 Market Street Millinery & Fancy Goods. -plNE HATS, BONNETS, FEATHERS, Gloves, Ribbons and Trimmings. Neckwear, Hdk'fs, Zephyrs and other Fancy Goods. I KW Summer Goods celling chap. ... MRS. KATE C. WINES, No. 119, North Second Ssreet. f aug 22 next South of rostorocc , JUST THE PAPER THE PEOPLE WAIIT i . ED. OLDHAM'S WESTERN SENTINEI. -. (EstahBsbed 1S52L Should be Read at Every Fireside In Eacstern :i-r; North Carolina. : ': Full of Newa. Fnn. General Information and . Something to Interest Everybody. 8E3TD 50 CEarre A2TD TRT IT TH&XB JtORTHS. . . WINSTON, N. C. - - ' " aplH; . - - j - ;. FLORIDA WATEBVS IxAV5UElC WATEIi. VIOLET WATER.! HELIOTROPE WATETt; I . ' WIIITS nOSB WATER. UAZE5JA WATKlt. Also a complete assortment of. Colojiea and Perfumery for the Summer season, ATjr" Prescriptions compounded ' day ! and night at . F. C. MILLER'S,! i . German Drogcut, aug C Correr Fourth and Kun sts. For Sale or Bent. H OUSE WiTH EIGHT ROOMS. Lot jCG feet front, rudnlng back 169 feet. Water Works In the house. No. 213 North Front street, West side. "Apply U ang 11-tt ' " J GEO, IlJ KELLEY, Ag! Fine Artb AM KOW LOCATED, FOR TIIR IP RES- ent, and prepared to fill all orders for Crayon ana India ink Portraits. I will guarantee you a real fine Portrait, if It Is not satisfactory you need not accept it. Portraits from any kind of small picture and expressed without InJurVv, S UUIIH X . Artist, ang H-tf Studio 8C1 C road war. N. V Wew Styles ! yADIES AND t.'EVTLEMEN'S FAXCY Mercantile and Mihool rcqiillll. Stationery. I - - t ' H - Ii - ' j Blank Hooks, every aizo and styld of binding; ! I .. t ... - .!'.! I' U ' Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags and Twine i r Text Books, adopted by the State Board f Education, a fcpc-iaUy. C.1W. YATES, ausr 2t 19 Market 1reet School at Point Caswell.4 M Y SCHOOL AT THIS PLaCE WILL open September 10th, pro xioio ..'Ratcja of tuition per montji, f 2.00,! $!.C0and $4.00 according1 to a1vancernent, payatolo at the end of each month. Board In good - fami lies can to had at $3.00 per month. I II " I This ls a mixed schoor. Music- 4s taught by Mrs. John R.I Paddison, whom! I cordially recommend as an excellent teacher In this de partment 'I I i I I- ;. ., j Ftr further particulars address the-rnncl-. pal. ! -U , ... I . t -i - ! A. R. BLACK. Principal acg2i-iw3w rresnytcrian copy, 3c j H J. New Furniture Warerooms. A T NO. GRANITE BOW, SO. FRONT I St., I have opened with what I think is a well selected stock of Eurnituro and lledrtins:. i- ' I -. . i- I'l -h Embr Jug many new defcignsjln ; ! Bedroom and Parlor Suits. Our aim shalLbe to deal fairly and squarely with all. and respectfully ask a i share of the public patronage. Courtoous treatment guar i anteed to all who favor mo with a call. ! aug 23-tf THOMAS C. CRAFT, Agent j E. C. Blair, t; - ENEUAL COMMISSION UEUCnAN I jso. vj, onn aecona street,- t i : I Wilmington, N. C. Solicits conelgntncnts oi all kinds of Country Produce. Top prices and quick returns guar anteed. . Will reshlp to other markets wheu requested;. . j - '(,- 1 I I :'aug20 ' I E. O. BLAIIL Solid Comfort. T p HERE IS SOLID COMFO N THE use oi Kerosene etoves. a customer, w ho in using one, says: "With this we are lndepend? ent when left without a servant." i They are Gems and great "Economists.", Dine ren. sizes and prices. Try one. - Pure White Oil I I i . I aug 20 j , PARKER & TAYLOR. Fly Traps. rpHE BEST j AND CHEAPEST 1 1 A THIS X market, ! Our l GRAIN CRADLES cannot be surpassed in price or Quality. A large and well selected stock of Hard ware at W. E. SPRINGE R4CO,Bu7 i Successors to John Dawson A Col, aug 20 Market Street I am Receivingi BY NEW YORK STEAMERS EACH WEEK . . . 1. .i i.-..... , THE FINEST SELECTION OF v-: Fruits and Vegetables, CONSISTING OF x NORTHERN APPLES, northern's potatoes, CABBAGES, TURNIPS and ; , beets. t Have just received the following variety ot CAKES AND CRACKERS, which 1 1 nrcWr i i -' .... " -I'M. mend to all Housekeepers ami ExcurIonIU. Ginger Taffy, , - - Oruge Bar, - - . .) j. - ' , Assorted Drops, t , ' . t ! Bweet uorn. ,. . . i I Emnlre Mixed. ' - -... S VanlUa Wafers, , I 1 Jemon Wafers. I x ' Newport Wafers. ; -t , Larrabj'a Snowllakci i Tueee good-t are of flocst quaLty, fresh ax d crbipy. ... . . . ,'. -.- l : 1 1, i -r..l i. ' - ' . i .': John L. Boatwriglit. ' ! I , - ' El

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