PLEAS NOTICE, j this rins . tjzrj areata. Sunday We win be glad to rtcclTt cocmurlciUoEi ex- from otar friend on any and all subjects ; general interest but f :s 1 ' - ,i , 'j eeptal by JOSH T. JAME3 ,ntTO ad rBorxixTo. The name of the writer most always be tut iilahod to the Editor. 7 i" : . Communication must be written on onl act3' months, ft-W- Tare one side of the paper. : A': .' Q9t One month, S3 cents. Personalties must bo arolded. ; ill be deUrered by carrier, free V p" . trt of the city, at the abore v And It la especially and .particularly and i criocenurerweei. stood that the dltor docs i not always endci W ELMINGTON. N. C.', MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1883. ,NO 2031 tte yte f correspondent simleV so state rjr.T, .n . vol. vn. . nl.rl. Tie ! ! i " 7" ' - " mm The Daily Review has the largest i-- -mihiliOn. of any newspaper the Aia. tn tig cily qf Wilmington. morning to a large audience who speak is called Uho nictropolia ol Lucerne Iloston girls' favorite pcrlame is ice bersaniot. I onator Hampton i. a soiourner at Parser's Springs. V- "nll VtilT uiiuj uv rchbi3bop Gibbons, ol Baltimore, the . ...;llVr Rome about October I expeci iw . i 10lb lAdy Archie Campbell's divided skirt at the Prince of Wales' ball was con fcidcrtd as not being nnioveiy. Mi.sachusetts will bo the ilrat State in tbc Union to choose delegates to the IKmorratic National Convention. The stockholders of the Richmond & liinviiiellailroad Company will meet in Richmond next month to vote upon , v auction of increasing the coni pony's ..rvrt frum five to seven millions of dollars. recJleton, of Ohio, is an expert pis mi shuT- It is said that he can whirl aa fiaptv champagne bottle into the air and shoot into tho raoutb.tknocking the boiiom out. This must bo an after iliuner story, when empty bottles were tco numerous. .. It is proposed in Dresden to collect all the old steel pens and sell them for a fund to educate poor children. The atcclofpcns Uof the best ivnd can be uied in manv wayi. There is already in Germany a society of smokers which saves the tips cut from tne enus o cigars lor a similar chariiable purpose The Queen of Italy is very lond rfron. and seldom takes a walk withou stopping to chat with one or two or her ' MruwMa.1Iv little eirls. youioiui suuiww, In former days she would often ask a protege: "And what Is your father, my dear?n But since the haughty reply of a mite of seven "My father is a He publican r her Majesty studiously avoids this question. LOCAL NEWS. IIDEI TO NEW lADYltTUEMEiTX. Y ATE School Books HaissBtaota Sew G coils Mrs 3 J Bakxk MUUncry W E SraixcER A Co riy Traps V C M i LLxa Florid WaUr, Ac Giles A llURcniso Fruit Jars Oaix T TnoMas Fine Portraits P L BaiDoaas Rojeter's Candles . W XIDatis A So ! Shipped l IcC Pa axes A Tatub Solid Comfort W II Oasxx New Crop Turnip Seed Mc Doug ill A Dowdm-We IUtc Jonx I BoATwalGHT I am Receiving Keschxek A Caxder Baoa Groceries w i cbaichill Proposals for Stone E G BLA.l General Commission Merchant Misa E Ka.bju:k MULnsrr A Fancy Goods f..m n m t it Sew Fnrnlture Ware rooms Cornelius Harnett Council. ho. 1, Royal Arcanum There is a decidedly Falllsh feeling in the atmosphere to-day. New goods are coming In quite freely to tho wholesale dealers. Cornelias Harnett Council No. 231. Iloyal- Arcanum, meets to-night at 8 o'clock. . 11 The City Hall and Magistrates' Bow were both dull places Irom which to gather pewa.this morning. Mr. J. T. Collins, ol Burgaw, has been Tery sick withTnalarial fever, but at last accounts was better. The IisspOT tooV a Urge party of colored excursionists down the river this morning. Oar thanks are due the managers for an invitation to attend a rlc to .be held at Duplin Roads on Friday, the 31st InsU Dr. Willie Huston, ot Philadelphia, arrived in the city Saturday night, and is the guest of his uncle. Dr. J ames E. Kea. Rev. T. raze Ilicaud , Pastor of Fiah Street M. E. Church, m this city, was in Albermarllast week andrwas to have preached in that town yesieruaj Chjulhoiirn. on the W. C. & A. tt. It., is certainly a progressive town. It !, n nnl llmi1 ft Us OWI1.' but il has a newspaper also, the Cbadbonw Gossip, published by Mr. W. H. Chad bourn. Jr., with Mr. James R. Taylor as Editor. Thanks for a copy. Piano for Sale. A second-hand liano for sale cheap at the residence 217 South Front st. tf. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacosi HardTrare Depot, t Rev. E. A. Yates, D.j D., preached at Front Street M7 R. ehnrr.h vesterdav to Air. John tiaar, Jr., proprietor ol the Mozart Saloon , U having fitted up a j. in connection with his house. It is ia the rear of the saloon andwHl open in Wilmington in five years or more. Tho FifU, Street M.E. Church has racentlv been rcDaintcd nn tne inside. plastering, which had ifallen off in crtfvtA n!rva 'hfia henn remiircd and " r- i i . new carpets laid in the aisles, very much improving the interior, appear ance of the building. i The State Fair. tf rAMiiroil tho nrPTTIllim llSt to be held at Raleigh on tho 15tb, let i - I ' I ct. imt. .nr) notl. nf rri-nliPr. Over Oku . ijiu uuu wwi w. ww-, $6,000 in premiums have been offered, arid the railroads in tho btato win carry articles for Exhibition Ireo on charge. The premium offend for the - - argest yield of cotton per acre from 4; v rrM i 5M . 630 and S20 . a 150 -a v v s " v pouud bale to bo exhibited in each case. For the largest yield of corn from live; acres , one bushel to be exhibited , $50 , $30 and $20. Required statements ana certificates to bo furnished. 1 - Ingenious WorJciiiauslili. Mr. E. WMcKenzie, of this city, but now employed at the shops ot the W., C. & A. R. R-, at. Florence, S. C, has just completed a work-box that is!a marvel of ingenuity. The box is 12 inches long by 61 inches in width, and Is constructed of difierent sorts of woods, of which there are in all 1.250 pieces. The woods'used were holly, rosewood, curled maple, mahogany, black walnut and white cedar, and they were shaped r,ttA tntrofhrr with no other tool than a common pocket knife. It was hiuu . i-vM - - made at night, after his regular working . . . .i ii. sent a pretty arrangement of flowers. The box was lineU witn suk, wnicn was also tho work of Mr. McKenzie, and was designed as a birthday present to a young lady of this city. TlielCeceut Rains. The storm of Saturday night extend- ed over a large area ol country, zcacamg m . . ti rr l nmintv nn irom x air AJiuu, uoiumuus uuu-j ' - bw. n A. R. R.i to Warsaw, tlio V. & W. II. K.. w - - F J I. and as far West Irom here as aneiDy. In this city there was drenching ram, ... -i uia ihnntai - accompanica Dys'""'"u;" and llSniniUZ. UUO umii vt h6"m -and tho only one in this immediate auut J. . . .u vicinity struct a leiegrapu poio m Southwest intersection of Nutt and Red i-vrvw straats. near the Champion Com nisCo's bulldine. and descended a wim loadinir into the ground and buried " " . . itself without doing any, damage to person or property, rurtneriuaamaKiug a hole in tne gruuuu tat& hntM,hwassooa filled wau a uwki - - . i t up by the wash Ol Sana causeu oy rain The" rainfall in this city for the ram. auo " ! 24 hours ended at 5 p.jiu. yesterday amounted to TJ-IUU mcnes . There were smart sno wee uug -c line of the Cape Fear, and the river - v a -...-.wahi tho boat lea on sainruay, pu risen about a foot.' Jhei were b showers at Fair U1UU. ouunejum extena imr w " , Marion. S. C. there was no rau., , . ' nw the -crops rare euuunu. mu " v iue ?,iw i places ruined by the long continued dryJ iuua '-"-ri weather. On the line of the W. &. W. K. U. i . w sit a s nn went 2111 aa some pi-v .. .... , Rurraw. Pender county, tlie ligntning Burgaw, a - ' .. ...Wrt r Dr. Y. T. Ennett. SirUCK Itiw ... . and killed a valuable i.orse wu cu ue 7 , .1- n.r.nftuHl. Sinirular to Mui.v . m-rk state, alter ueaio tuc , v:.,7 UIhle showing that tne uore uau uui. . n.h a manner. This is all of ih rious damaire to life orproperly of which wo have heard. vistprdav (Sunday) there i were .howerVat Charloston. 11CUUVI1 Ma ! . I o t?...anni 1 11.. a m uu w"- - jr. 1 ikn, snnin O. v-., oa , . - " -1--- a and !7r!f a m fat as MobileT AlTTwhlle at Vicksbure. Memphis. Natchez and nther noinU in tho Mississippi alley other points there were none. hours, ananas taken aooui tareo mount i -uow SUspenaea ai mo siuo ui iu Mail8 for Easy um, aown jreen, in its completion, i ine pieces oi wow doon whicn hroK0 ma lorce oi mo . i days and Fridays... are imaiu ut auvi - .r- nmerwise iwwun "'j"" 8 nnmv tw npiinrnv 1 1 - 1 A Hlffb Opinion. . . bearer. lor all sums from one cem. w ,B JIT3f bonnets, feathers. 2'6rStcSt ?S.tb ndvantab -ben ?rj3 c4roe4 that mone, orders W,U con- KorIh scoo.. g-g aClictcd with rhcumatisni.-Acw .Or . a5 tcrctoforc,.- ' ; . . leans Timts-Dctnocrat. . ..." -' Exnorts Forelcrn. Kna rw, r.m RnrmlJi.r .J-fMnii' Vnr lth 2. - 600 casks spirits turpenUne and 1.100 K.l. otr, olr,A,l at ftflO Rhinnftd by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son. 1- Snakes. 1 Mr. J. J. Pridgen, of Caintuck town- ship. Pender Co., one day last week killed a rattlesnake which was just- six feet lonir. We failed to learn the nam- her of rattles his snakeship ; had but j imacine they were a number more than u-awnnlH lltft to hear. VVWM " w I a i. !.-.- I Mr. Willie Reave?, while at work this r. uu. x. -u. " r1"1"2"'18'; auwjij, r i h s hands, inflicting a pamiui aiinougu , - a tk wnri not uangerous wouuu. WaS On I nO lieSUY Villi Ul luo imuu auui . it .1 l 1 t.nnn Kim I tnuniD ana win prouauij i 1 trom wok tgramw u.ja. Ncw Uniforms. . t ,DOii r,f I iJKnn i -m fiiiiiirii w 1.11111 -i " " "k orUmzed on the hJnwth cTilo rf Iia road. It is nauieu 1 i.V" " . . "Rescue. No. 1." and the members have supplied themselves with new uniforms, a sample of which was on exhibition at Heinsberger's book and e.nraa.,UV. Tt COllSistS Of a . , 1 i a f KlrL- lpat her with neiojKi, anapc-v " - tttoMrt Krt 1 " on a red cround bord- ItUbUU) - ff - orl Iiv white leather Ott the Iront, anU . .. .1 V.lno dOUDie Drcasieu reu sum ti- M. Tim uniform is neat. Simple . o and very becoming. Accident. Just as the citizens were rushing to Lj)e fire tuJs noon am while quite a related on the corner lhron2 were cong of Market and Front streets, the sign on Miss E Karrer's store,' over the Front street entrance, suddenly fell on the n,i cUrmi.Wa nf Daniel Rowan, i iiKau nuu w--- ' thoufrh not inflicting any serious injury j u descent the sign struck upon a I . . . . i - i Un otherwise . serf0us. Almost a Fire. . . ! ,n tLdftv a fire was dis- al uuuuu uwu , l K olirwlc rC tllA rOSlll COVerea in on ui TVp" 4 irai4 P. W VV llliamS & LO. V SI I 11 lit AlCw. - " - - - FT V, n on tho opposite Side Ol tne river, f aiarm was at once given and the fire . 4 -i S-fc OT TT I U HI. 1171.1 IVIJU uepartmem wer ff - qq. rpnrtV lO D6 COnVBjeu owuoj- i ouwi - - but the energetic worK 01 mose em I . . thn nlnrwl in the vara exuu&mau I . .. nAnnoatrv frr the names ana it w uuu ww engines to cross. xnere wa"m 1 j um;nf of t.h time, and lor a "'" " urnired that the con- ten muiuww ..-ri flagration would be general, but fortun- . .-i- .i. wam crfitten under aieiy, mo ttw 0 control at once The damage was very small RniMprs nd others Go to Jaco . - Sn . 1Inds roors, Glass, I Ot 9 V You can get all sizes and at the 1wegt priccJI , , .wi irt nl ISuvelopes and Postal Notes. . .i..t. eantAmhpr me ousb Alieruo a.s - , "'"V"- ' Wq qffice department will begin to receive I ; . . .t.mtuui requisitions for meiwe n . .Qe pay. nnreloDCS under ine new avt4w. x oatu.. T - -- - - menu lor "special rvu . Z a torn iitil a- iu v uraSiw..- ,., FEAR RIVER BELOW ,Wll. wemwuu u-f' ."r,' tthe nostoffice in a. - " ;:1vDes; commene LuS:,wfnrsnch envelopes, 'comniene i . - . a fn i irtnrn mo. Will be lor- ing Saturday. Ut prpimo, s rf - r - . - mail going norm. ----- - I .11 i Dr;itfl from all parts uti aw lj a un la amm w 1.0 Via occuoied in twoorinree wM ""V ti . r I . nni.kions. but1 whenever the Drst requisiuou: I . ,L ..e).,a thpffi there will be recetveu no del very to me puouo nf Monday. October 1st, at rrS .TT hesive two cent wnicn niu and four cent stamps win " p - saic. AftPr the 30th instant, no orders for I . . . ....lrwaa" three coot "Jpecai ry-iuc ."""r .; wiU be received unless the appl.ea t ... . Ih.r Mil It trt ...witinn uu - 1 uiea a - . I . U exhausted by Hie ISl uctouer. jti3 presumed, however, that all who require t t0 ree cu . ' :,, them through September, will bay them, as ,T"w.k!. - The issue of "postal nous, The celorea Baptwt uiurcu. A-M. Conway, pastor of the Baptist Church, (colored) m th s "u ue dswwsiu AUHU IUU1V lUWlW.UiUWUuuu. "e 8a ' nouuuu amounting to $403, and ot this amount $153 was contributed in Wilmington. He desires to return thanks to those who have aided him, both here and elsewhere. He was not so successful as he hoped to be," because of the fact that so many who would have assisted him were absent at the Summer resorts. He ernects to eo North azain in the 1 W Fall.. There was quite a washout by the storm ofSatardaynlgbton tho Caro- Una Central UaHroad. where i. iscroW on d 4 V Mia mvin? Of , , " . . all the trams. t nunu viviumiil unma, ui t , - 1 l . f"-. !. lU irara vn. arc oui erjr iew iumc ui.j, tailing from the stores to-day for- 18 cents per pound. There was a second alarm ot fire this toiwoon. from the Fifth U ard. but i wn mnjii kauiv w - olorm The mipts of xtton at this port to- day foot up 3 baieg. 'i'JtlHi MAlliO. Themalls close and arrive at the Clty Pos oQice as follows : ciiOSE. ii m 1 if; I M. NArth0rn thmmrh and Wiv malls 5.40 A, RAloljrh 6.15 P. M. ana 0.4U a. ra. Man for the N. C. Railroad and routes supplied therefrom lnclud a Mr T f . IJsjilrnnd at w n TV, l AM 3i-.i fo 1 1 j vi all nnlntM South. 1 ToVw " r;: s.oo p. m. nr.m molla r-f! f ' KAllwavl dallT. fripnt Snndav) i . iw. a ii Mt.ti iatnrivon If amlp.t and Ral- ' 1RT m MaifforCherawadbarita -'clgn ...".. .8.00 P. M. MaUs for ooin raX lnts between Florence j m paiftn .ou r. b. vPttP.villeaiid offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays. . .. -1.00 P. M.. ........6.15 P. M. i vwr . . j ---- j Onslow C..H. and intermediate onl ces, Tuesdays and Fridays. . ..6.00 A.M. smithviiiem J (exceptor mans. w atAAmboat. dally (except Sundays) ""J " " o on . Ttr to 6.00 A. M. lv ...o.ou at. OA a m OPKN FOR DELIVERY a. m nri'V.on thwnrh nd WAV malls. . . .7.30 ainthnrn Mails .0 A. M.. foriin r'jntrAl Ralboad. ........ - 9.00A.M. Malls collected irom sireei. uote uu"" portion of city at 5 A. M., 11.30 A.M. and 5 30 i t ui tinn fmm ntner Domic ui mo I r. nf stamp Office open from 8 A. M. toWM., and I o r H.novnmTp.r and Register I irUIU W v " I T9 f o"r ie in Tmall quatltiea at general I n 4- . n-nAn aoma M BtH.ITl'n OmCC. ' deuro wbjngo closed. and on dfv from I . - - .ty A A A 1 hm;io w t to c.30 a. al Th- ipKrated 'Fisn Brand liius n . I'll I . . i. r . .r tTAvrl xwine issoia oniy at oauubi o ware Depot. I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . llw" Turnip Seed ! AN DRETU'S AN D BUIST'S. Quality very f. best and prices satisfactory, WILLIAM IL GRKKN, Druggist, aug r 117 Market Street Fine Portraits. w vnn wrsii a vkky nan rjii.aa 1 fied In thi ftest and finest style now x a opportunity to secure it bend your vinH nf amti nicture old or new) has bc?n seen ana accepieu. y v".r' SSiaeenr in crder to intro- wo. TIIOMAs. Arti8t, studio soi Broadway, n. Y: i a j m mj i 1 w i. call ' 1 - " " . ....ernu s n DRHPflSALS FQR STONE. rT RmKm office, to Saratoga st,. - balxihokk. Mi.. August ,1. naTC Vl KITRXISIIING STONE F for the improvement of the Cape Fear 1 1 lor in liuuiof cuivws v r - . , , 8tate8 Engineer omce, ididkioii, - . Of Uoened Immediately thereafter, a a wi a vrtiiP Information can te naa, -pu ff"-;7 thla.ftice. or to the resie "S'lf HEvKr bacok. at Wilmington, n.c. . 1 . uru v I'.KXiiiniuii. WU. P. CRAlUUlUL., Lt-Col. of Engineers, U. S. A. aug 27 Gt "Shipped in Ice. IRESH FISH TO ALL pomts in North Carolina, ' i " South Carolina, 1 and Georgia. Guarantee to deliver them In gool condition. W. E. DAVI5 A SON. riii-. - rtTr annrl q JXinUUtJrY 136 lauiy u uvuM UUA V Dim m ...... NEW AD VEirriSEMENTg P. L. BRIDGE RS & CO., ST III. claim to lead ik the CANDY BUSINESS. i Soyster's Pure Candies RECEIVED FRESII EACH WEEK. Three Pounds for $! ELEGANT ASSORTMENT PICKLES,. PRESERVES, AND CANNE GOODS. LARGE AND SELECTED STYLES OF Cakes and Crackers Country Mcrchanta willfin llt advintageous to price our goola an examine our etork be fore purchasing eisow tere. P. L. BRIDGERS & 00, HO North Front St. Bacon, Floury Molasses, Inn Boxes bacu., I II I i nnn RhU KrlllR. all srrades. A . V wr -m 1 C3 . j K H11CIINER & CALDER BROS Sugar, Coffee, Kice, inn Bbls Refined SUGAUS, au craues, 1UU 100 Bngr8 COFFEK, all graae. fftRhlaRlCE. rorsaleby aug ' KERCIINER & CALDER BROS j Salt, Vinegar Lard. 3,000 Sacks LI V. SALT. ! 25 Bbls CIDER VlNEtJAR, Rft Knfeftta Lard. For sale by aug 27 KERCIINER & CALDER BROS 4- Millinery & Fancy Goods Another Large Invoice of Millinery ! New styles KOW Colors, &C OIJACS, xov vyv FANCY GOODS ! DEPARTMENT I FULL o- itlD, SILK ard LISLEj GLOVES. PARASOLS, NECKWEAR, FAN 8. 'KPTTYH and MATERIAL for FANCY WORK. j . MILLINERY Second Floor. FANCY GOODS First Floor. Respectfully, j j MISS E. KARRER, aug 27 EXCHANGE CORNER New Goods. 1 A LBUMS, AUTOGRAPH AND PHOTO XX. graph. 1 Fine Box Writing Paper. Straw Waste Paper Baskets, inkntanrta nf all kisds and sizes. Rnrai Vnaaia. leather Card Cases. Memorandum Books, large and smll. for vest pocket use. . n Paper and Linen Picture Books. vMaitino-r;TYl flhflsa Men. Ragged edge Note Paper and Envelopes to suit; something rew. velvet Piftur frunea. larsre and em a II. Best kinds of Black Ink, Carmine and Scar let Ink, Ac, Ac '1 For sale cheap at HEINSBERGER'S. aug 27 Live Book and Music Stores Millinery & Fancy j ADIES AND CHILDREN'S HATS. BONNETS, LACE TIES and i 1 ' BOWS AND RI BBONS. In all the latest styles. Orders from the country promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed. ; My patrons will find It to their Interest to call and examine. ; . : MRS. S. J. BAKER, 122 MARKET STREET. , , ' aug 27 ; . 1 . School Books ! - School Books! a LIBERAL DISCOUNT ALLOWt I X TEACHERf AND MERCHANTS SCHOOL SUPPLIES Taper, Pen?, Tew ells. Slates, Sponge, tpjr Books, Book Bngf Crayons, Ick, Ac. Ac. j - ' C. -W". YATES,- ,!:;. . '.!.. . i-. . - FLORIDA WATElt, VIOLKT WATER. " 1IELIOTKOPK WATER. I 1 : v , ) WHITE ROSE WATER. - -'. UAZENA vWATER. Alsoaromplets asaortment of Colognes and Perfumery for the Summer season. 49" Prescriptions compounded day and night at F. C MILLER'S, ucrman vrv.rsn&i. Correr Fourth and Nun sts. id Nun i We Have OUPPUKD A LONG FELT WANT IIY O esUbllshlug a flnt-clafis Carriage, llAmi't-s and Trunk Store, whero all kinds of gocxU lu out line can be bought at prtcca lower ever before onevod fii this market. 1 1 ' ! ' 3 Impairing In all Its branches attended to promptly. . . ' . . . - J.l.; k i aug 21) No. 114 North Froat fti - Fruit Jars. TTALF GALLONS, QUARTS, PINTS and PUESRRVE TUMRLEES. . Giles & 3iurclilson. aug 27 North Front St 4 E. G. Blair, QENERAL COMMISSION jMERCHAlj.T, No. jsortn secona fcircct, r Wllmlncton. N. C. Solicit coiibtffnmentsof all kind of Country Produce. Top prices and miick relnrns guar- anteol. Will Cahlp 1 10 outer markets wikh t equcBte!. K. O. RLAIRJ T Solid Comfort, THERE 1$ SOLID COMFORT IN THR uae ol lierosene bioves. a cusionjer,! wu-1 using one, says: "With this we arc Independ ent when left without a servant." They are Gems and great "Economists.! Different sizes and prices. Try one. . m I j j aw Pure wiute wi.' i ' ' ! aue27 v PARKER Jk TAYLOR. Fly Trap 1 s. T HE BEST AND CHEAPEST, IS! TIIJJJ market. Our' '- - ! . .- : ' GRAIN CRADLES ! I Mnnnt lift tuirnaaaed hi rice Or nuftlltV A large and well selected stock of Hard ware at W. E. SPRINGER A CO'S., successors to i onn uawaon a uo aug 27 . Market Street New Furniture Warerooms. t T NO. 20 GRANITE ROW; Soi, FRONT j . 'i ' ! ' '. - Ii St., I have opened with what I think Is a veil selected stock of V Furniture and Bedding, J Embracing many new designs in 4 i Bedroom and Parlor Suits. -i J- . y ' Our aim shall be to deal fairly and squarely with all. and respectfully ask I a ihare of tbo public patronage. Courteous treatment guar anteed to all who favor me with a call j .-- : aug 27 tf THU31AS C. CRAIj A , Agent For Sale or Bent. ' JJOUSE WITH EIGHT" KUUAlSj. t Lot CG feet front, running back ICS fjl' 'J 1 feet. Water Works In the house. No. l--Vji 213 North Front street, West sldoj Apply to aug 11 -tf ! GEO, Il KELLEY, Ag't School at Point Caswell. is m- Y scnoOL AT TniS PLACE WILI oicn September 10th, proximo -'i Rates of tuition per month, 12.00, tl.CO and 4.00 according to advancement, payablo at the end of each month. Board In good farol lies can bo had at $8.00 per .month. . ' ' This Is a mixed school. Music Is taught by Mrs. John R. Paddlson, 'Whom -r cordially recommend as an excellent teacher n this de partment, f ' f Fcr further partlculsrs address the prlncl- 1 - A. R. BLACK, Principal - aog 2l-dAw3w , Presbyterian copy 3t 1- . 1 am Receiving -. -1 ,-v ..-.- -: vx-v BY NEW YORK STEAMERS EACH WEEK I THE FINEST SELECTION OF Fruits and Yegetables , CONSISTING OF NORTHERN APPLKS NORTHERN POTATOES, CABBAGES.,'5,' ':tX, niTTniTTrif) ,1 luiimro a-uu , -1 :'beets.-: ' J j1', iHaTeJnstrecelTCdtho following varWtyof CAKES AND CRACKERS, wnKb )j rcom-; mend to alt Housekeepers and Zxcarjionbti. Ginger Taffy, . . ! Orange Bar, . " . Assorted Drops, j . sweet Corn. , s, j-' :-.,! i. " Empire Mixed, 1 ; Vanilla Wafers. - I -Lcxon Wafers, 1 , ! ... ; - , . - Ncwiort Wafer. iarrays Mnowfl.ike. ' ' " 1 . .!(.- ' ' ' Tliew good arc t flnetjnalltyf frcf and rr-' ;! .:.: . . ' ' - " .'' . : John L: Boatwriht. ' au27 If Old IiCTrspapors yOR SALE VERY C III: AT.

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