THIS r ATEB eepted by JOSIIT. JAMES, - . -c-tJPTIONS rOSTAGE PAID: SCL 00. Six month., tl-00. Tlire "".lioo; OoemoBUi.SSeeBto., Bt"; Vill be (KllTered by carriers free TV!i i ibt part of cUyr at tbe abor rf cVnU per week. '' H.'n rK T -rC va i , Lit circulation, of any newspaper IS 1 E 1 f 5W VOL. Vlli W ILMINGTON. N. C, TUBS DAY; AUGUST 28, 1883. . t .-:itAr.Vi'-n thinks thai we The Asaei -JrtdonoW.W. Holden an injustice bribing to bini an interested roc 13 , .u:a withdrawal from theKe . r, ir 1 1 1 3 w ... . 1 . ' T . n ininic 11111 , tt- niriY. PC'm Lea difficult rustler, we opine. Wm hto Pt history. to do Juristic In .that direction.- Hjltlcn s the war. is so black that. Miss Ellen Terry will hare $1,500 a week during her tour of the United Slates. A Ex-Senator Conkling wears a grayish coat and waistcoat and black panta loons, light gloves nnd gaiters, a simple bow tie and a soft black hat. WCi3 " ..-t..-.l frtuca vulvar cxpreiu.. w.w rlUeawhite markon JL- II. pedio inveigle the people of North Uoaable coward, ho deserted the fvasc in its extremity and whilo living . ind recciring protection from the ,rT .-overnmcnt whicli he had sought -J . -..- t m w place in existence, ne piou .u cr.tkriu downfall and ruin, giving aUUnJcouoselto its enemies. His nx-onl sin hc close of the law is bVker stisl. as the history of the crimes lor which he was so justly impeached bhow. Our friends' atterart to rx'enuste Holden'a sins by charging ttoui upon the Republican party is not, io say the lenst. in good taste and is surely cut borne out by the lecord. Republican rule in this State has alw3)s heen mean enougp. ana oppressive enough, God knows, but t: fc.u cover yet been quite so mean acJ unite so oppresssvc as it was in the dark days of the reconstruction era when the will of one roan, W. W. HoMen, was the law of the land and wlun he held in his own nlirty, vindic tive hand, the lives and liberties of thel ople ol North Carolina. The Citizen .-OJ 3 : We ascribe to that gentleman mo tives somewhat hiaher and purer. When he attached himself to the Ke-r-ublican party, he believed it to bo a -arty of principle. When be labored lor it, and when he suffered for it, he did it in the belief that he was working for a cause worthy of bis sacrifices. He lived long enough to find that , his party was a sham: . that its pretences tLtitscnisde wjoca Us bolQ liberty was a oftice and pow- essenccanuaF - " wn out ot ms er. Governor Jarvb will attend the Man ufacturers1 and Mechanics' Institute, in Boston, on September 5th, and will re spond for the South Jxi'Governor Sut ler's Welcome. " i S - : James Lick, ot, California, left bis millions to trustees, w ho j receive SL OW per annuin. . They draw their sala ries and do-not fulfil ibe testator's wishes. " 1 ! Mr3. Stowe would have been glad to gel $50 for the M. S. of Uncle Toiti's Cabin. She luckily fell into the hands of an honest publisher and made more than $20,000. J Senator Allison, of Iowa, is almost crushed with grief at the tragic death of his wife, and of course has abandoned all activepolitical work, but it is be lieved that his friends will the more earnestly work for his re-election. Ex-Governor Hubbard, of Conneci cut. seems to bo unfortunate. A few years ago his coachman carried off his lovely daughter, j And now, it is said, Wall street sharpers have carried off his entire fortune. 1 i lWbcnbo.cll,;l,brow "nJ Gripped of VJZS' " The . . I to c now It "4 r " he learned to wk: s U and sees it. Democratic party knows tt a There Das d "V 'v We judge from official reports that most of the tea that reaches jthis coun try, if not adulterated in China and Japan, is mixed withj gypsum soap- stone and Prussian blue in Isew lork. Prussian blue is poisonous. . Thirty years ago Bismarck suppress ed all public gaming tables in Ger many; but. according to recent reports, there is now more deep play in that country than ever, and Berlin 13 the centre of the gambling interest, j New York World: How many of many ol inc nroKert TJlnTSlSl consent to purchase a ia one-tenth of the: rubbish they are daily try in? to sell to the innocent pub lie? The new storehouse of, Mr. F. A. Newbury, on Mulberry, between Front and Water streets, is rapidly approach ing completion, and will soon be ready for occupancy. i It is the general impression that the backbone of the hot weather has been broken, and that we shall have no more sweltering nights in which to toss and tumble in a vain endeavor to sleep. The Passport took another excursion of colored people down the river this morning.' The time for such frolics is drawing to a close and it . is best to make good use' of the few remaining weeks. l hope it will be fair to-morrow," is the oft repeated expression .ot many who wish to join in the excursion which will take place then on the Passport. We guess it will be good weather, al though the . wind was Easterly this morning. ; The street hand3are at work improv ing the drain and culvert on the South side of Mulberry, between Front and Water streets, and across the latter street to the dock. (The work was much needed and the methods now adopted appear to be substantial and bid fair to be'effectual. j Poultry Thieves. . William Moseley. colored. (Colonel Mosely, the messenger at the City Hall) who lives on Seventh, between Walnut and Red Cross streets, had his hen coop raided by theives last night and eight fine lowls stolen therefrom. Not satisfied with the theft of the poulty the scamps also stole the lock to' the coop. To Save Time. The Wilmington & Weldon, Wil mington, Columbia & Augusta and all the other railroads embraced within the same management, are making ar rangements to have tanks at the several water stations on both sides of the track so that water and wood .can be taken while passengers are getting on and off ?he train. This plan will effect a great savin e of lime.whkih has Uvmmp tLli Dcescat flay. - - . - j The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 10 bales. ' ' t . The ra arket for : crude turpentine to-day has been excited and 'unsettled Jim Telfair, colored, was the lucky man yesterday to bag and briDg 1 to market the first rice birds of the seas SOn. . - 1- .i Jesse J, Cassidey , Esq. . form erl y of this city, is now one of the editors of the Daily Midland Drover, published at St. Louis. , . , . There, is Jia x unmaiiable postal card with no address, in the Postoflice in this city beginning j "My dear daugh ter," and signed "your ma." . Mr. S. G. Wrth. of the Fish Com mission, is in the city." He informs us that he will attend the Boston Exposi tion, which will open on the 5th of Sep tember, j, i A report has been current along the line of the W & W. R. U. that the time onthatoad for the fast mail trains is to be reduced to three hours between Wil mington and Weldon and that one stop is to be made, at Golds boro. Bosh ! air weather and morrow." The. expressly for Our almanac says, gentle breezes for to prediction is gotten up those who would like to enjoy the ex cursion to Smith ville and the Forts, given by the ladies of Filth Street M V nhnrnh vahn knnw SO Well liOW tO make such occasions enjoyable. I : Our Little Ones - For September is at at hand. It is as hsndsome and bright and interesting as ovfir. renlete as it is with and illustrations just suited to the very tender mind. It is published at 3G Brown street. Boston, by the Russell Publishing Company, and is worthy of a place in every nursery in the land. Not Iuiprovlug. Mary Bell, the infant daughter of Mr. W. B. Newkirk, who fell from the NO. 204 NEW ADVERTISE urate rs ''Shipped in Ice. JlIlESII F13II TO AJLIT points in Xorth Carolina. : I It J South Carolina, and Georgia, , Guarantee to deliver them good rendition. I "a 1 1 .W. E. DAVIS & SON. I For Sale j or Rent. TTOUSE WTH EIGIIT jEOOMS. Lot 06 feet front, running! back 165 feet. Water Works in tlic house. No. 213 North Front street. West side. Apily to augll-tf CEO. TT. KELLEY.I mi At Miliinery & Fancy Goods. T?INE HATS, BONNETS. FEATHERS, X1 ti loves, RIbl)ons and Trimmings. Neckwear, Hlk'fs, Zephyrs ami other ancy Gootl?. j - Summer Goods selling cheap. I -! I i MttS. KATE C. WINES, No, 119, North Second S i-ect. aug 22 next South of Postoflirc Bacon, Flour, Molasses. inn Boxes BACON, 1UU l.OOO Bbls FLOOR, all grade?, 106 Bhhi MOLASSES. For Kale ly aug 27 Kfc.EC UN El t & CALHER BROS Sugar, Coffee, Rice, inn Bbls Refined SUGARS, all grades. 1UU 100 Bags COFFKJS, an graac. au, f 0 Bbls RICE. Tor sale by KERCHNER & CALDER BKOS PLKASX. KOTfCZ. - - . We will Wglad to receive cocuBualcaUoiii from our trtcndi on any aad all subjects general interest but The name ot the writer must always be fa aisled to the Editor. ! .1 - " Communications mnst be wilttea - oa oal one side ot the paper. Personalities must be avoided. And It is especially aa parUsalaxly tad stood that the Editor does not always eadoa the views ofcorrespondeBta unless eo state in the editorial columns. ; - . ' j i GREAT INDUCEMENTS -AT i ' i . 7 r - AFA 116 Market Street. AS WE ARK EXTENDING OUR STOBK, and the workmen Deed the room, rc are now offering GKEAT BARGAINS IN BrcsS Ooorts, Embroideries, .White .Goods. .' LADIES AN1 GENTS' Salt, Vinegar Lard. Sacks LI V: SALT, In" Ollt. . ladies and gentlemea and An(.9ninpd under tents at&ioop arejiov umw-i pure --nr.tWtbat she was in Inpary is serious and iears are en, fertarnedfhats List of Letters. . .. -iswt lAtters remaining When they expect to remain A list oi o Wcd. Annrnst29. 1883 Tllc late llonuur, W. Hidse- . - to the en- at thePost Omco .a ncrcr quite Paruici w - - OiUUU 25 Bbls CIDER VINEGAR, aug 60 Buckets Lard. For sale by KERCHNER & CALDER BROS Millinery & Fancy Goods. Another Large Invoice of Millinery! is GAUSE -UNDERWEAE STAPLE AND FANCY j Dry Goods,! &c,&c Wc are determined TO CTX)SE OUT OUR STOCK, and commence with our improve ments; also, AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK FOR i I'f. 1 FANCY GOODS DEPATITMI''I FULL. KID. SILK ard LISLE GLOVES- FANS. FANC1 talesman, goyiu-"----up ocean. The party is B-Alexanaer iu. othles. 120. but ing breezes oUhe ocean, xv BS. cSSnclI. " ; Tx- irom Masnoiia. wupuu cs j cartereu, -erfield j D-A v 'rVX , PnlTie Devane. IIoMen when they o2ice, consists of Dr. w ""r ) wif' w m --rpollie- peyane. ildren. Mr. JS- " k i'av; -yr. 0ire Kate W Uiiam, ind ch d. Mrs. J. M. IlarteU ana two anuvu""' cMikar anil. Mr. Itarris. John j Johnson, parIsols, neckwear ZEPHYR and MATERIAL for i ' " WORK. M ILL1NERY Second Floor. FANCY GOODS First Floor. Respectfully i i MISS E- KARRER. . EXCHANGE CORNER 1f6 Market St. aug 6 - ... A ,. ' :-r ' I aug New Goods A LBUilS, AUTOGRAPH AND PHOTO- JX. graph. Uobertaller,careKate a.n" rilh Soutberland. Mr. Jow , :n thn aaaixs v r . i i . 1 rrn Years - - mwi v,r nr rote rv lives were assailea frt the MtiDZ and clcarcut.snu- r'Zl. and camp equips H Morsc-Ja., , the sabsenncuw.y - nators during tue pcriuu . 5 IK 1 11 . 1 TV TTulVeatlier. Q-Jaa II Owen. R L .vest ockei cn pictuye b r, U fAlL tn have OW w , ollnwin!r P Isaian " , visitinz Cartte, Chess iien. i"'un . trt enow iw FIX) RIDA WATER. . i i LAVENDER WATER, VIOLET WATER. iiiT inTRnPR WATER. I ""niTK BOSl? WATER i T. . A7NATWATEB iart a romolete assortment of Colognes and Fcriumery iur n" j ' kr;LcilpU0F. ffffisaa.; "1 nlgntai orman Drujreist, It Corner Fonrth-and Nun sts. aug 'H We Have s Fine lioxAVriting Faper.' .!Jrr v8te Paper Baskets. not bow ..... rvin T V IIPPLIKD A LOG jri5i.A taWUhine a Ursulas Carrlaire. Urnef Sdftusk Store. wherenllklnas or..-. our line can ue uourui. i t'y" r- evcrlfore offered In this market, i I; SepaMnli In all Its branches attended o promptly. aug'iO Books. MCDOUGALL A BOWDEN, . ! No. 114 North Float StJ it and sees iu d anj was that he bad sown lhcQ Tvto,to?&lM apbor lound, too, the truth . 01 w ism: w rlt the halter draw But-alur U. aa exem .Avn write in. buw . ... ITn a5sssa5 sc- ssss?5S: Perkins. m 'c Wvatt llobeson, U-jonn a. -ty - rva smith, ry gwu. - r-1l .n,l- gcounbeiaeverdTJo twnwv.v . to Cameron wijmj - . . lrne to ..v that 11 olden was e"j . . prineiplo -r""v0 RUf. cat .... w Wid ar the time min. itr " have been $250,ow- LOCALNEWS. Tatis School Books llxnisBaKO-Sew Gcoiis FC MiiXKK-Florlda. W rrr oR-NewCroP Turnip Seed To'UnWroirastoritormm, yT The Wind always btow. from a region wb a s.-e . (Tirtn ill i&ii . lO a icb'u" V . .lnia W&T8 UlOT 5. CamumS ----- -- i3-forJning .ftWKJSteS : clouds are nm rapidly frorn the norm or rf there will be rai .g.. mauci . nr.a MArv bman Tnn,toD. avid Wil30n aeu '"- T : .ho above PersonscaUtag f-Tf not UslwiUpleasesay-auv-' - , called for thnr ; WasWngton. . v "w ut mill i & ij mJ v - to the aeau Rrink P. M. t r " ,g caras. w" Envelopes to Raesred easre ohji' lscsi Kinuo ui A let Ink, &c., c For sale cheap at HEINSBERGER'S, ' LlveWk and Music Stores CTriiit Jars ttalfIgallons, quartsints i an fltESUHn Xu .11 fiiifts & Miircnison.! aug 27 North Front Bt throats overr - . bidding ol mo r V -. JndsaT was " 7r ., ' , .TTTrTr now there will be a oqiu " kmi iniamoua tn . cntP.mber muueis arc morrow, n " e r - .1 -tinfr ir ;ntnr therewm uc- r - and how the w mo "'-"-" ,Q Holden to Septemoer isslbned by the . same llolden P goaoDg wmT ahVotit somewhere New Crop Millinery & Taney Goods. T ADIES AND CHILDREN'S HATS, -1 BONNETS, LACE TIES and BOWS AND RIBBONS, mull the latest styles. frnm the country prbopUr-nlled and I Vvv - E. G. Blair, r ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. No. 19. North Second 8trcet, - ; WUminnton, N. C. I . J2ST"- WilP rhip tootU markeu when requested. !. E. G. BLAIR. .Solid Comfortv beabe remembers !the , topptor since the hoars. rs 'cloud, are movmg racldiy iryu fltflrnl ontne v" a f it rtn 11 IN fcrw in winter, there wm - - ; a .. 1.1 I U Y IUU . l f h nws . i r. n n n 51 1 1 1 1: . i j. ' ' am-i vneu iw - Seaur and' ose "k up is , he first month wltK Ki th enorth U- rinit. Thc atmostphere has be -i.r this week j L fio All ! satlslaction guaranteed. ' - -v row I J - ANDRETH'S AND BUI5T . u ., rpHERE IS SOLID COMFORT IN , THE uso caU and examine. me - . Ctiucn Iook. up ntember is me wr Ir"m ;f u Mows from the wu" some ol.tht v ' w .lojaen. : . .triTheen fUy ten Ve east. the heartest rain.. ea ,W .roT Uta. U waMinrblowsiremtbewesw lrTbaUet tb.m re-read what Ter this week j t and ,!meof tho Vtct. '' Saturday. anpearsmw" ... v- .r- lasirr'" - ., .odthenlMJ ""LamouLt f John Holland, colored. prIstd Wrf. Leib be Major' n.ormnc f?. ?.ih!em feel between L .ith aiiorrtyuct. and Alter tn tj their shoulders iIia vrinrs alrefl - ain t there, urn . .ioner. oi i - ; . - . no yesietu, w-- , transacted. COUld j After tbUJost I V doQ,t Cnd fined 5l for the offense. , Jers anu i t t. - . ; r ... the wines aireauj rrrr. f -r tiie Coromis b wrv i lit' w - There was t Bur- olPcnaercouHj - . I w .-rtrme. tloriua. ..noe was Eliza oi ouwtw. -- She business liewu. i - r-. - - .Wrtueh now marrieuiM.iui, , v only the mother of etgn LachiWren.of whom fittn are l.ting. S?Sd twins twice. SheU halo and 7 be a very hard One, who U dead, had fourteen children, and rain is souin u j unle9S 9- :infWr:ninVwithin 1.000 miles oi i white Irosi Whenever ".7hin , oOO loriuiufe - ' 7 u fallinswitni 0io. Wbeneve 'rtToTnortbwest of yon. llll.'- . T... : ot Kentucky, Tbc- h.rd SiS on a late occasion Hon. Richard le.ftn, thc harda i Knmpii tli . . was severeij . 0r -as m nis an" 'a,byrJacetaaOil -Hh. OlUCe. V--"-. i the happier it and prices satisfactory. , WU-UAM H. GSifg Pine Portraits. . mV FIVE PORTBAJTJ rrTT WISH A . now 1 WiThed to the latest and noes -- ltsi extr ofiTVXturc oM or new) ifWir fanr kind of mi lP tne WOrk r-Trinember no PST"m trices are nl b;n seen d. accrpv.- tQ lntro. iuil at a irreat sacrum - - dure roj worKnT,is T THOMAS, Artut, 1 j ci:;.irt6i Broadway. N- Address 144 West Bt. N.Y. lnv1tol to Friends Tisitlnc the cuy aag T tf call MRS. S. J. BAKER, 122 MARKET STREET. aus 27 Tber sre ent when ieii.v". . I)lffereDt one. i '.' 1 . i - and lzeaandpnces.i xtj 0mr Pure White Oil. au27 FARKEB Jfc TATLORi f School Books School Books? IBEKAI.1 WSCOVST. ALLOWED Fly Trap : ; . iirqT rN Tina r iTiir r tnarket. .TV .RADLE3 .-t xvhi!IIANTS.I "i6" w HPllIXUKtt GO'S..! ' TEACHKi a. ware " ' T! 7o Jolui 1awsan A Co.. Ten' A cVnPiipia-Paier. Pens. I ...I Copy Book,, Boot Bag,. i:li,h, . . Crayons, 1 u k." . v- J C. W. YATES, : . 1 119 Market street r ang Ji Market Street waters have been trou- AU who dc'sire . - . m M 0 1 k worker, bho mw vui ---- iw-v,, . V-vrt die at twcokjr ! jhteea children each. be distinctly heard last .. . i.'r.iar , r kv storms' wttnm ed purse few days. - " .' . Twiiio l wld only at Jacobis. todressVcllon a They buy omy r - rrt. 1 JEver North CaroUna. jf iTfJe Unltal i s mASv iLurjC. it I -ajr fjvFurniture Warjerpoms L Kxyrineer office. W iim Bt8 .S5zZiit.iT thereafter. Kank forms. SV dU-strsharein g,. nd aj.l01iy, ZnunJ thus gamed. 1 " . -f"- u. 8. a tnptiOL - . . . . tr- i axuri 4 tf . . ST su. -n u, I have oij"0 elected fctock ot FRONT .... . . ' net with what I minKis - v week- made lat home b tSdnstrtous. p'nQut Ss. ! rtJfJLttbW. r"tlnd Kir Is wiU stort yo. en; now l ?f !5S2T cnirork In ?Ptlme,or wa- - - the dusi-ct-. - riTeyoBrwuw- ---r --nearly as -reu. Khebnsiaess , wiU pay. p" by en- vVT rme can fall ioma f-roe. ! honorably. No "fitid ragmg aso.T-r hone AninT. Maine. BOY It-OA W Furniture ami Bedding Ad Krabrii hWmany new Acfts in J; Bedroom and Parlor Suits. i our &$tx visnli wlLhU :?S1S!rleor treatment guar public ptrona?. J1 r&JL ,r n -15f THOMAS C CRAFT. Agent -