"1 trerr tTtnlaf.- Sandal eepted by ; jOSH T.JAMES, kpito - raorarxTO. .-inv POSTAGE PAID: !( Jur'" ar . Bou. a b earrlera free JfiJ 1 DC - . r io cents per wee. or 1 .:. low and liberal. JVC' -in rort ur and all toil- . iinv to receive tnwr f-i - " j 'ZrTKt Daih Review Has the large ishciU in 0 city tf Wilmington. JjiaidTard JcrroM b writinr a lile of Brick layers in Austin. Texas, are od . for six dollars a day. a s- Temperance reform has been mau--urs'ed in Kentucky. A ImUtiHe cd ".r has signed the pledge. TLc extra session of the TennsyWa Cia Ugiiiaturo has cost np to date i22l U00. and the complaint is loud. ' . - iv CDuld is having an $80,000 tomb i. . ;m i when lie Vshuffles off this mortal coil." But the worms will te3,t on his carcass all the same. ,r.i-.f:neral lrne and the HUri"v " 11 Tainccss liouise will ruake a farewell t, Toronto on tne im proximo. VI when ibey will formally open the rro vincial Exhibition : Tte Atlanta Constitution places average savings of (Jeorgia "from harl earnings of her people" for ti-n vcars between 1870 and 1880 at the the the le.5 than 5.00i000 per annum. i Thu effort to erect a monument to t.artieMin St. Ixuls has been aba u tUjced, and it has been publicly suggest cd ibat the money subscribed be turned ver to the orphan asylums. Mwe. Carla Serena, the explo'rer and writer, has been made an honorary corresponding member of the Geograph ical Society of Marseilles. She Js the rirst woman ever thus distinguished. Kev. Fred W. Kason, recently pastor ol the BaDtist Church at Newbern, has received a call tb become the pastor of the Baptist Church at Fayettevlltc, but we did not learn whether he has accept ed or not. ; 'Certainly. Iorne." Such is the brier telegram sent from Canada by the Marquis of Lorne, in answer to the re quest that he would take the chair at the London-Scottish Corporation Fesli yal, on the 30th of November. It is announced that lit members ot 1'MrliA.maut have ioined the London Municipal Reform League. AninS j the peers who have become members J ot the League are Ird Dalhousie, I-ord , v rowerscour.auuv.. At the meeting of the Central Labor! Fnion in New York, Suuday. a resolu tion to Bojcott the New York Sun was adoDted Lecause of alleged hostility to workingmen's Interest. Strikes will be , ordered on a number ot new buildings where nonvunion men are employed. - run n,ti ifftll Cict-ttU Doints out that during Mrs. I-angtry's nine months in the United Stales she cleared about five times as much as the income of the Prime Minister or Great Britain, and more than twice the monthly emolu ments of the Arehbishop of Catcrbury. For oysters New Yorkers spend $5. 000,000 yearly, Philadelphiahs $3,500. 000, and Bostooians $1,750,000. The prospects Tor a good crop the coming season are encouraging. The oystcrm- dustry exceeds io value all theother fishery interesU of the United States. All the real estate in New York city is owned by 61,052 persons, out of a total population of about 1,300,000. That is, upward of 95 per cent, of the population of the city live in rented houses or rooms, and do business in buildings belonging to other people. A bill in chancery is to be filed against Josiah W. Bogie. Governor of Michi gan, on behalf of an "infant grandson, charging him with malfeasance in the management of the estato of his do ceased son. The bill also charges that he failed to pay his son's widow the Tull amount of the insurance on the life of the deceased. - Dispatches to the New Orleans Tixnes DcmocraUrom all sections of the cotton belt show a considerable falling off in tlx croo prospects as compared with last year, except In Tennessee and por The decrease is estr mitMl In some cases at 331 per cent The corn crop aU6 is reported consider ably damaged by drought. ti,. ,r?;rn Hrill between the LVUi Ss w m Kniihu TeinDlaf Couinrsnderies at San Francisco took place Saturday. Only three com oianoVries competed. the Rapier of Indianapoli. the Do Moiay, vi Ijuisville, and the St. Ber nard, of Chicago. The Do Molay Coxumaaddry was awarded' the first prize, and selected the miner's vase; Rapier the second, an onyx column, and the St. Bernard a silver globe. , ft E VOL. VIL WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29. 1883. n - T A majority of the board ot truslcss of the University of Tennessee have pass ed a resolatien. requesting (he resigna tion of the president and all the faculty, in order that a reorganization may be e fleeted. Col. U. C. Hoffman committed sui cide in the village of Iloreheads, New York, Sunday. Uo told his, wife before his death' that he had carried the strych nine for the purpose ot killing himself for ten years, i . " . " Lord Chief Justice Coleridge visited Central Tark, the Brooklyn bridge and SL Patrick's Cathedral : Saturday. In the evening M r. Elliott : F. . Shepard. with whom he is stopping gave a dinner, at which a number ol jpromi nent New Yorkers wero present. LOCAJNEWS. "imdu to" raw aoyertisemeiits. Tates School Books ' . . ' i F C M11.I.KB rlori'la Water, c W II G REt" New Crop Turnip Seed IlEIXSBEKGKR ScllOOl llooks School Sui piles , i tiEo M-CRAfov, A jet AlU-ntlon keepers llonse- The receipts" of cotton at this port to day foot up- C bales, j j i At 3 o'clock this afternoon ihe ther mometer in" "this oflice registered 63 degrees.- - . j I - -t ' The excursion of the Fifth Street M. E. Church, this , morning, was notsd largely attended as on former occasions this season, but there was a happy, nice party, and day. they have had a beautiful We saw yesterday in i front of Mr. Geo. L'. Crapon's grocery store, on South Front street, a lot of ;tube rose, in full bloom, sent here from Magnolia for sale. They were magnficent. Col. John 1). Taylor has returned to his post of duty alter an absence of a few days at Federal Point on a fishing excursion, in which, we are glad to know, he was quite successful, besides having a good time generally. ( Two members xof the Fox Club, Messrs. II. II. Heide and L. P. Thom as, had a fine run yesterday, afternoon. Thev made two starts and got one fox, a fine fen0Wj a few- mnes from the city, just Dact QfCol. Roer Moore's place, Kxnonts Foreiffii. 1 Nor. baroue Or.iar Qdd, Capt Tor l-onn triMrp(i lo.dav for Hamburg T ' IT with 4,074 barrels rosin, valued at $(, 885, shipped by Messrs. DeRosset & A Great Afire. Un Thursday, the 23rd lust., Mrs. Penelope Faircloth, widow of the late Moses Faircloth. died at her horaoMn Utile Cobarie township, Sampson county, at the great ago ! of 94 years. She was the oldest person in the county and wc believe in this section of the State. ' ' ' The Telephone. ; The telephone line to Wrightsyiilc is now in successful operation and is be ginning to be appreciated as a great convenience for communication be tween the city and the Souud. Mr. Dunningtbn is the agent at Wr ighlsville. We learn from Mr. White, the Mana ger, that the line will be jtepi open throughout the Winter season. City Court. Abraham Brown, colored, was brought before the Mayor this morning charged with disorderly conduct. The sentence was $3 tine or hi aays m m city prison. j L .Lucinda Smith, (colored, aisorueriy conduct, was sentenced to pay a fine of $5 or ge below for 30 days. She went below. i 1 Ono case of. disorderly conduct was disposed of by the payhient of a fine of $4. . j Golden ,-Days. ti,0 mnnthlv Dart of this favorite rmbKcation. for September, is at band nd with a table of contents and accom panying illustrations of unusual exccN Umec. Wo loJk upon this as one of the best of the many publications we re rire It is evident that the matter is ith much bare and a great 3Vtlv " j tr.tttntinn U TJftid to tne illuslra tions. which lorm so r.vduM nfthe mazazine. - prominent Published by Philadelphia, at $3 a year.' t , :. : it wniJPoy All who desire to dress well on a limi ted purse to buy their Clothing of A. & I.' Sniticn- They buy! only for Casn and allow their patrons to share in the benefits of l advantages thus E. i ' (j- " - Carclessiiess. Yesterday a lady ot this city went out to Oakdale Cemetery to lay flowers upon the grave of a revered mother. While standing in the immediate vicin ity of the grave a sportsman discharged hfs fowling piece, the shot from which struck all around her and a few hit her dress, but fortunately with no injury to her person further than a severe fright. We don't blame her for being frighten ed. ! ' i " BIS Drumtish. There were lots of fine drumfish market yesterday alternoon, caught t towards Topsail.,' .The largest weighed 361 pounds. The party who offered it for sale said that he guescd it would weigh about 75 pounds when Mr. W. B. Davis offered to wrger that it would not weigh the half of it. The wager was taken and the fish was weigned and found to weigh, just 3Ci poundsf which is just about as close a guess as we ha ye heard of this week. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi1 Hardware Depot, t Klectlon of Olllcers. TheC. M. Stednian Fire Co.. No. 1, held a meeting last night and elected the following officers to serve during the ensuing year: President GJW. W. Davis. Vice President Geo, F. Hall. Sec. and Treas. G. H. Koelh. Foreman J. P. O'Sulli van. 1st. Asst. J. F. Lanier. 2nd. Asst. T. G. Canaday. Axemen B.F.'Swann, J. H. Mintz, Toney DeStafino, and CE. Williams. The meeting then adjourned to meet again at 8 o'clock p. m., Thursday, August 30th. ! The Hushes Kxhlblt. . In speaking ot the Hughes exhibit, which was so much admired at the Fruit Fair here last week, the Greens boro Patriot says : It is now stated by authority that the Hughes exhibit of evaporated fruits will be sent to Boston by the State Ag ricultural Department. It seems that there was a hitch of some sort inj the arrangement made by the Fruit Grow ers Association, and an effort was being made by some public spirited Wilming ton ladies to raise money enough to send it to Boston, when the Depart ment at Raleigh reconsidered its previ ous action, and saved the State the shame of forcing its private citizens to assume a public responsibility. So that the exhibit will go to Boston, and it. will surprise us if it does not attract much attention.. A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols IIertnrn.rs2 DeTOt- t Tax Statistics. From the books of the lax assessors, at the City Hall, we glean the follow Ing-itemaTof interest relative to taxable values in the township of Wilmington. this year, as com pared with 1882: . , . . . There are 1.198 white males in me county, listed for poll tax.and !,670.cok" ored males, as against i.wi wniie anu 1,503 colored listed last year. The ages of the listed arc between si ana 50 years. .... i The value of town lots tuts year is as sessed at an aggregate of $3,364,015, there being $15,735 delinquent, cgainst $3,180,256 and $37,600 .delinquent last year, roiai ior aoou j total for 1883 $3,217,916. Number of horses 390 and value of . ..in0f Ana. same saa,ooo tois jrar, sius w horses j valued at $32,790 last year; mules 53. valuo $4,215, against 43 mules valued at $3,525 last year; goats 7J, value $78, against 64 goats valued at $106 last year; cattle. 317. valuo $4, 457, against 218 cattle, valued at $3,370 last year; hogs, 317, value $726, against 260 hogs, valued at.$647 last year ; sheep. 21, value $31, against 1 sheep, .valued at $1, last year. Value in 1883 of larming utensils, household and kitchen furniture, pjo yisions. firearms, libraries, &c., $173, 245. against $157,154 and $300 delin quents a total of $ 159,454 in 1882. Money on hand, $92,425 against $6K QfiCin 1882. ? Solvent credits, including accrued in terest. $334,231, against $360,791 in 18e2. ' . Shares in incorporated or joint stock companies, $299,427, against $301,747 in 1852. I All other perishable property whatso ever. $852,482. against $886,869 and $1,000 delinquent, a total of $887.8tt in 1682. Bailroad franchise, $1,325, against. $375 in 1882. ; f i ' y Aggregate value of real and personal property $5,162,162 and $15,735. a total of $5,177,697.- against $4,991,597. and $38,930 delinquent, a total of $5,03087 In 1882. . yet - amount- or income, $95,449, against $74,409 in IBS2." ;' ; V j - : . 1 '" - : ! : . . - - - ' -S . . . ..:! ' Mncii Better. We are very glad to learn that .little Mary, Mr. W; B. Newkirk's child, who was so severely, injured on Monday by filling from tne piazza of the family residence, is now much better and in a fair way to recover.' - Up to this morn ing the child wastry ill but to-day it awoke much better, thus . relievinir . the anxiety and suspense which have, been so keenly fell during the past two days. There are no :borie3 , broken and the escape of the little one from death seems almost miraculous. . I - . 1 - . ' Pandrufl In. reply" to numerous enquireis as ' to the best remedy for randrulT, the. JTol lowing is suggested: Dandi uit is : snurfv"inati'er '. which extoliales I from the skin. t It is caused by a diseased condition prodnced "generally , by un- cleanliness and the use ol hair oils and grease on the head , and j by . want t of washing. - To prevent it -the head should be washed every 'morning:rwith water. and soap and rubbed dry j with a towel. This will cure the trouble if persevered in. It any hair dressing is used, a simple oil, as. oil' r of almonds mixed with anjequal part of pure alco hol, or. bay rum and a fw drops of tincture of Spanish lly may be rubbed on the hair aud skin of the head immed iately after the hair is rubbed -dry. The rubbing is very beneficial to the. skin. . Music and Drama. The management 61 the Opera House! have adopted a- plan regarding the sale nf tickets for the comins seasou which we think will be of material advantage to the general theatre-going public There will be no season tickets sold as was the custom last jear, but the seats will be sold as they are j selected and paid for, upon the healthy and just principle of, "first come, first served. ' Seats will be on ale three days in ad vance of each entertainment, commenc ing in each case at 8 a. m. The enageraents thus far made are of a good order of merit and some ef them are of the best, so that our amusement loversjviil have no cause for complaint. It is expected also that i the remaining engagements will not in the least lower the general . average of excellence. Music, as well as the drama, will be liberally represented and the most of it will be of a high ordefj. Death of Gen. Mallett. General Edward' J. Mallett died at Piftard, Livingston county. New York, on the 20th inst- of disease of the heart; at the lip old age of 86 years.; ne was taken very suddenly and expired almost instantly. His remains were interred in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn. Gen. Mallett was. we think, a native of Cumberland county, in thi3 State, but has for many years past resided in New York city, having Veen at one time President of the old St. Nicholas Bant. He was a graduate of the University of I North Carolina of the class of 1818, and was a, classmate of Bishop Green, Arthur J.-HilU; Hamilton C. Jones, James K: Polk; Hon. Hugh Waddell. and others. Bishop Green being the only mem berwliplp4.w: sqm ves, .kGex. Mallett has many pear relatives in this city! 'HeVa3 the uncle of Col. Peter Mallett, formerly of this cily, but now of New York, and granduncle of the Messrs. Mallett and Mrs. Gabriel Holmes, of this city. 1 The wind has been from the North all da.v and the atmosphere is conse- quently pleasant and bracing. NOT ADVERTISEMENTS. School Books ! ! AND " . I t School Supplies ! FOR ANY SCHOOL IN THE STATE. TO MERCHANTS AND TEACHERS A IJ B- l - ... . v ! ERAL DISCOUNT IS ALLOWED AT HEINSBERGER'S ang 29 Live Book and Music Stores Attention Honsekeepers. AS NOW 13 THE TIME FOR i PUTTING np jour Plcklea for winter use, and knowing the trouble heretofore of getting the; Spices i j - .. - - i and Seeds necessary, I ordered and have just received a small lot of Whole and MI ted" Spices for the purpose. Call and see tbem. j Also, the Handy Bo fchne Blacking, with han-Ilc attached. And a full line of fret h FtmUr Supplies, at Crapon's Famfly Grocery. . ' - -G. M.-CRAPON, Agenw ang . " ' South Front St , NO 205 j NEW AIArERTISEMENXS F i ne P o r tr a 1 1 s . I TF YOU WISH A YEliY MNErORTUAJT J finished In the latest and finest style, now U an extr i pyortunitT to secure it. bend your order fanv kind of small nlctmrc old or new) and remember no pay u espeeiea un utc work has been seen aBd accepted, aly prices are still at a erest sacrifice now in crder to Intro: auccmy wow.: t i , - . i Studio 861 Kroadway, N..Y. Address 14 West 23d si.. N. Y. - ? i - Friends; visiting the city are Inrltcd to call .. . : , j - aug27-tf IMPROVING CAPE FEAR RIYER BELOW, WIL MINGTON, N. P. PROPOSALS FOR STONE. U.S. ENGitfEEX OmcErM Saratoga St., ; ICAtTIMOB, XP-fcAU4JU3t K1. lt. PROP03A3.FO; ITUBIJISIIIXQ STONE for the Improvement of Xhe Cajxj Fear Kivcr, Xerta Carolina, will ie received until j norn.of Seniember 4lh. .1883J at the United! Stiles Engineer Offiee, Wihiilnjiton, N; C i and j opened Immediately thcreaitcr. .-. .. t. IUnnk forma erecifiea lions, and any desired for a limit u.iniu tons oionc. - Information ean.be had-upon application t,o this nice,' or! to the re.slae-ti .J-ngineer, air. Henuv Bacox, at Wilmington, . C. WW. P. CBAIGmLt,, anj; "Ti ot Lt-Col. of Engineers, U. Si A. "Shipped in Ice." THRESH FISH TO ATX points In North tjaroltna, South Carolina, and Georfci.i, iuarante to deliver them good cou'litiotf. ang 27 W. E. DA VI 3 & SON. For Sale or Rent. jq-QUSE VTtTll EIGHT ROOM3. Lot S6 feet fi-ont, running ack 165 feet. Water Works In the house. No. 213 North Front street. West side. Apply to aug ll-tf GEO. II. KELLEY, Ag't Millinery & fancy Goods. IpINE -HATS, BONNETS, x EATItElts, Gloves, Riblons and Trimmings. Neckwear, Hflk'fs, Zephyrs and other Fancy Goods. . 2r Summer Goods Belling cheap. I ! " I MRS. KATE G. WINES, No, 119, North Second s-reet. I aug 22 next South of Postofllee Bacon, Tlonr Molasses i - - . . i . . ... - lff Boxen BACON, 1UU J.00O Bbls FLOOR, all grades,! . , i 100 Bbls MOLASSES. For eale by dug -T K -RCHNEIt & C ALDER BROS Sugar, Coffee, Rice. i Art Bbls Refined SUGARS, all gradee, X UU 100 Bags COFFEE, all grade, f 0 Bbls RICE. For sale by. ang 27 KERCIINER & CALDEU BROS Salt, Vinegar Lard. 3,000 Sacks LTV. SALT, 23 Bbls CIDER VINEGAR, 50 Buckets Lard. For sale by aug : KERCIINER & CALDEU BROS Millinery & Fancy Goods. Another Large Invoice of Millinery ! New S yles, New i Colors, FANCY, GOODS DEPAUTMEN1 FULL. KID. SILK ard LISLE GLOVES. ! PABASOLS, NECKWEAR, FANS. I . . . , ZEPHYR and MATERIAL for FANCT i L WORK. ' i ' '. MILLINERY -Second .Floor, j 1 j -FANCY GOODS First Floor. ' , f .. - Respectfully, . -! i MISS E. KARRERJ aug 27 EXCHANGE CORNER Millinery & Fancy Goods. JQADIES AND CHILDREN'S IIATS, . . . ' BON NETS, LACE TIES and BOWS AND RIBBONS, In all the latest styles. ' Orders front the country promptly filled an'l :--.,- i satisfaction guaranteed. My patrons will jfind it to their Interest to call and examine. ' MRS. S. J. BAKER, 123 MARKET-STREET. aug 27 ' . .. , School Books 1 School Books ! a LIBERAL DISCOUNT ALLOW II f r TEACHERS AND MERCHANTS SCHOOL SUPPLIES Paper, . PeuAj, Pen elk. Slates. Sponge. Copy Boo, Hook Bag. Crayons, k, ;e., Ac 1 C VV. YATES, aug 27,. : . 113 Market street t1 -km i Wi wl be gUd.to recclre oaas&Jc&8ot trom our trtenl on any. and 11 lubjecia seneriJlntereatbul, - i i '!" The name of tbe witter tanat iatwaya be fix nlahed to tie Editor. . ;' - i' -. ;-v CdTomnnlcatlon naat . b wrtttea oa 'oal one aide of the paper. . -J. t;"rl "i" Personalities must be arotled. 1 - ' And It la especially and particularly oad tood that the Editor Uoea not always eadoi loevtewsof wrreepondenU iailesa !ao state GREAT INDUCEMENTS AT jit- 116 Market Street. U i AS WK AUE EXTEKDINO OCR "STOEK, and the workmen reed the room, ire are Tioir I ottering '---'V.tTt;.'.H-.'J GltEAT BARGAINS JN Dress floods, Iinbroi(lerics . White Gaohsj JjA'DIES AND HUNTS' GA1JSE UNDERWEAB, - ! I - i i i STAPLE AND FANCY" Dry Goods, &c, We are determined TO CLOSE JOUT OUII I STOCK, and commence with our; Improve- ments; also, AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK FOR FALL AND WINTER. I ' J - Call and sccuroi BARGAINS at ai. HI. KATZ'i 116 Market St. aug o FLORIDA WATER- - . -l-LAVENDER WATER. , 1 VIOLET WATER, HELIOTROPE WATER, t I WHITE ROSE WATER. 1 I RAZENA WATERS Also a complete assortment of Colognes and Perfumery for the Summer season, t Mar Prp.Kr.rtritlon cflmiMiindml nr - unit night at F. C. MILLER'S . 111 U 8 J i G German Druggist,' aug 2' Corrcr Fourth an a Nun sts. We Have . - i I ' '..'1 OUPPLIKD A LONG FELT WANT BT ?Sri i'S our nne can De oougnt at prices lower, (nan: ever before offered In this market. ii 1 47 Repairing in all its branches attended to promptly:. . f' J j .t. i McDOUGALL A BOWDEN.T, aug 29, No. 114 North Front St. New Crop Turnip Seed ' i LAND RET Il'S AND BUISrS. Quality v beat and prices Batlnfactory. , r. . WILLIAM H. GREEN, Druggist, aug 27 117 Market street ' E. C. Blair, ; ' GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT,' No 19, North Second Street; j , . , WUmlnaton. N. C. ' ' Solicits consignments of all kind, of Country Produce. Ton prices and quick returns gnats - a anieea. v in jesnip u outer bxi wncu . . I . E. 6. BLAIR. Solid Comfort. rjpiIERE IS SOLID. COMFORT IN TIIEns ; of Kerosene Stoves. A customer, who 1s using one, says: "With this we are independ ent when left without a servant." Thy an are Gems and great Economist-.' Different sizes and prices. Try one. pure wniteuu. aug 27 PARKER A TAYLOR. Fly Trapp I. t lW .vl Alr Vlli m JLl " . L. . . ..! !" ' market. Our a . i!M;- ! . GRAIN CRADIfESt ! : ' ', i cannot be surpassed In price or quality. t I A large and well . selected stock of Hard ware at W. E. SPRINGER A CO'S., t Successors to John Dawson A Col. I u ang 27 , . Market Street ; i : - u- Newi Furniture Wareraoms A T NO. 50 GRANITE BOW," K; FHOxV St., I have orened with what I tLink; I a. well .- . ... ... - i selected stock of - i - Furniture and BcdfUiig, Fmhr-tf-ifiir mknrr new tLaznn Bedroom and Parlor Suits. Ouz aim shall be to deal fairly and isauarely with ail. and respectfully ak a share of tte public patronage. Courteous treatment guar anteed to all woo favor me with a call. ang 27 tf TH01TA3 C. CIIArT, ArcM