.-i -.err ewfc - - etrted fcy . , JOSH T. JAMWr rrOB iSDrMmiTOB. SandAJS postage ruih I. i aa- Qn month, 55 cenU. 0ouw. wnrmAbTcaiTten fire mi""- . 7 TT -- i Yjt r :--, ! V PT. ... -rt of the city, at tl abort or io cents rr rS will report any and all faD- M .-rf-ITC "Zrht Daily Review has the largest f ireuMion, qf any newspaper .I VOL: . VII. VV LLMINGTON. N. C, THURS DA AUGUST 30, 1883 NO. 206 ...t in IMtcityo Wilminston. TTrpTofwheal an! other c reals ;wKassla will be gooi. The iriendj of the outlaw. Frank janie. are now confident of bU acquit- Visitors to Abraham Lincoln's grave Keep it constantly decked jwith flowers. . A church-bell war U about to break out in New York. People who object to the ringing of church bells at unrea sonable hours propose to test the egal question as to the right of the ringer in the bclrry against the sleeper in his bed. .-. . : ; . . . i ' - j Baliiruoredocsa large business in Mrs. Bonanza Mackcy to subscribed j &nd thc R nt wook is ..A.fnraboic in mo meaire iuu fl'.V-v' Krost has appeared already in Central Vermont an4 also in thc lowlands near jjeoaiinter, Mass. r. .,;.i r,f.Iamc Kult. who killed I.jiuin Paiei, will lesin at ...r on aept. . i . . I U- woikonthe railroad over the material at ISucnos Ayrea ,-tdatSW0.00. Vdv oni? thousand soldiers of the i .... lonirderate and rnion armies are ai .Md:.i2thcexCnfcdenil reuoiou at .lfi!rron City. Mo. exoected to be the busiest ono of the season. No waste results from -the process, as thc parings are old to dis tilleries, the stones arrused as fuel, and the kenieh are sought by confectioners. I ee Am! t.:u h.t iu Sei-t. 2 railway i'ot Oflice scr- Northcrn I'acihc Kaiiroau to iort- vwf oki the . nrxnrd from St. Paul . f .Timt how; carelessly money is Union-1 handled somen mes in tne government offices. A dispatch from Washington says. - ' I j United States Treasurer Wyinarxind Comptroller Knoxhaie been invpstis gatinz two instances of carlesncssly on the part of their employees. Three half sheets of national bank! notes; bearing the enzraved signatures of the Register and Treasurer wtre recently found among the waste paptir of the Comp troller'a department and were returned tniimnfMM tit was ascertained that I a young man "who had been assigned to ; work to which he was not acc ustomed .lpntAllv thrown i tbo notes away. On Aujj H a package J of ten SI.000 United States notes, cancelled, i i L9 IUUUU IUD v . - - r ! tion division of the Treasurer s ollice The Frnit Fair Aaln. Somebody np in Greensboro (we wonder who it is) writes very hand somely to the Patriot giving an account of the recent FnRt Fair held here and of the experiences of the correspondent while in our city. It is a pleasant ar ticlc, well worth reproduction, and will be read with much interest by our peo ple. We copy it entire : 'See Rome and die.V ' See Wilming ton and enjoy the elegant hospitality of her oDcn handed Deoole and be proud that you are a North Carolinian. Often had I heard of the" "CapeZFear, aristocracy' and I .did not- go hence prepossessed. If I saw the representa tives of that caste. I confess to a weak ness lor "bUie blood." Cleverer peo ple I never met. Indeed. I am infatu ated with Wilmington. It would be a pity to spoil such people with too much of what is called "push." I never saw such pears in my hie and they made Guilford look small by cmpariason. but these are only raised for private consumption. A magnificent futuro awaits the Cape Fear country in tho development of fruit culture . The soil is sandy and is susceptible of the high, est cultivation, while tho climate is J all that could be desired. For early, high priced fruit Wilmington ouahtrto com pete with the more Southern points. One of these days. I am persuaded, . it : will be so. Thft lur was most as .good a3 thc exhibition at Giwnaboro a vuar asro. Considering j At 3 o'clock to-day the thermometer in this office -registered 81 degrees, which is comfortable enough. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Fine Portraits Don't forget the Dime Party at.. the yj,. finished in the latest and finest style, now parsonage of the . Fifth Street M; E. church, to .night." It "commences at; 8 o'clock.' i I Brig Charles Dennis, from Kennebec river, is lying near the foot . of Dock street discharging a cargo of ioe for Mr II. J.. Ahrens. ' A considerablo- addition l is being made to the sjorcpf Mr B.;Belloi9, ou Market street, near Se5on :in the shape of an extension in the rear; which is to be handsomely fitted jup and furnished and opened as a saloon. One of the beautiful or rather singu lar sights in the heavens now" at . midi night, or towards its ghostly -hours, is the planet Saturn in quite clone' con junction with the bright star Altabar an, in the Hyades. or head cf the bull. Look and sec if ever you saw it before. is an extrtopporttUJlty to secure It- bend your order (any kind of small picture ofct r new) and remember no pay U expected till the work bag been sMen and accepted." My prt-ft are etlil at a great feacrlflce ntiiw la rder to intro- aucerayworaJ r ; i ORIN T. THOMAS, Artist, ! Studio SCI Broadway, Ji. Y Aridresa 111 West 23d st. X. Y. Friend Vision e the city are lnTitcdjto calif' kj. r.f; .. J. f. ang2?-tt IMPROVING CAPE FEAR RIVER BELOW WIL MINGTON, N. C -PROPOSALS FOR STONE.. U. R. Kxcisbek Omca 7a SaratORa St., '- ' lAITIKOKli, ill., Augt S3dt 13. PROPOSALS FOR FUR SISHINO STONE fnr tha Imurovetnent of the Cape. Fear iUver, North Carol'jia, wIU lc recelvel unUl inof n of September 4th. 1S83, at thc United St tea Kngineer Oflioe, Wilmlnston, u, ana cned Immediately thereafter. I " v! For about 20.000 ton 3 Stone. - Illank forms.' Bpcciucations, and any.de&lrcd lntormatlon ?an lie had upon application to UdS'ihco, or o tue tesutest h.ugineer, air UB-NUV KacoH, at WilmingJon, N. C. WM. P. CRAIG1IILL., atif 2t :3i Lt-Col. of Knglneera, U. 8. A . (I Shipped n Ice." We learn that the "Phantom Uall, ' j -iREsnj fish to ALijpoiots last night, at Seaside i'arK . notei, was i r largely attended and was quite an agree in Sorth Carolina. able success. All the participants Iook- highly crcditabli, al- j J Shostly enough as thev glided ttao jh j were removed at si bout midnight. , Bouth Carolina. .aniLOreion. 1.020 mile. , Sni:or l.iphain, of New York, cu. i.vsrwa vineyard near Canandaigua Ule. while Senator Iamar.. of Missis ppi. raises bloodcil stock. t dam-opening contest at Ocean r;. X. on Tuesday. Henry W. Hubert ojened 500 clams in thirty-five aiinute and fiflcca seconds. r? ZZI . red from thc fact that in the single town ILe Galvestoo terinoslai asmany as 310 houses rcropin Texas this year will be oo.- hindered darin-r xnkiiMl(u than last year crop it . t rmm. f llA fOiTl rif I74. LLC 1UC3 W- . 1 . t M Acting Secretary 1 1 reocn taj-s mat while such accidents these caunot occur without carelessness on the part of some official or; lemDioyce. yet he .1. not think the ! facts furnish cause I lor the removal of any clerk or employee or for censure ol the neau I oi euner the ofiices in question. The extent of ihe outrages committed upon the Jews in Russia may be infer tile bad ;fruit year I might say it was fully up to it, Wilmington almost suf fered a panic a day; or two before the opening. They despaired of any show at all, and Capt. i'addison, the wide awake president, was packing his grip sack to leave for parts unknown, Guil ford saved tho day, aud. afterwards. 1 gallantly, participated in giving Capt. i Taddison a handsome caning. The Guilford exhibit, made by J. van Lindlcy and Bagsdale & Bro.. was not up to the highest standard by any means, but, all things considered, was highly creditable. The Hughes exmbit of evaporated fruits was particularly fino nnd attracted marked attention. W -"- fe . m . The meagre exnioit and Georgia, C35iua Jv" " - ' I.. r.l. nf w,na h Uii- ! ovon onthnsiftsm. . . .AA.nAAk..l. I inn nroHTCSS Ui icvu .- . . . .i estimate the proauct at - a!rrratinff niade by l he eastern couuuc buuww ; u ouofcuiuv. " rl,nt. Pin rf flOlie OUCt? LUUStJ pWUiO OS I'Donncil, who killed James Carey, $156,250. Including the fourteen Kus- j take a nolion to raise fruit. A section aUed on Tuesday foi England, where his trial will take placo. Tlw Supreme Court at Cape Town rejected hi appeal to be tried there. There is a drawback to the campaign tn Ohio in the illness of Judge Uoadiey fao has been taken with a malarial iltack and has lost nearly two weeks therefrom. sians wounded by the troops in quel-j ling the outbreak, 'the number or lives lost so far lias been j twenty-eight. At Berchadh eighty bouse of Jews have been burned, and instances or Jew bait ing at other points are numerous. The police and troops are at length acting with energy for the restoration of or !der. that can produce such grapes and pears as I saw on exhibition ought not tu be la?xrard in UDholding and encouraging tho State Fruit Growers1 Association, j Wilmington appeared to emoy the fair. . buu Bttluire uisay. the gate receipts ; jueen Victoria' recovery from thej eilects of her fall on the stairs of j Windsor Castle, nearly five months ; g-o, is now almost complete. Ilerj general health is greatly improved, aud j she U in good spirits again. . : . The insurance companies oiace tuc average length of life at forty year. But the average length of life in Great Brit ian for 1881 appeared to be on the in crease. During that year there were twenty-five men and sixty-six women who lived beyond one hundred years. One stout Norfolk yeoman reached one hundred and twelve years. last was LOCAL NEWS. I1DU Tfl HEW IADYERT1SEMEIITI. r axes School BooW I r C Mnxta-Flori ia Water. Atf w II tSKKEir New Crop Turnip Seid HK12TSBKBQKK School , Books-Srhool fU pile ! were smaller by nearly $100 thantfiey-j were at Greensboro the year previous. But the fair was a success financially, nearly -$?00 being left after ( paying all premiums and expenses.- A big -.t oYnnnsP. WAS 1116 . eXDlDlUOn I hall, ine c i- w ; i been handsomely fixed up and clabor- rnin- ' atcly, decorated tor the occasion at a) jjate Gen. 31allett. i cost of about $500. jrhevisiting at-, thtLt KiahoT I tendance was very bum , H,v,"r " . , . e .u r.rnn is not tne oni survivor oi iuo The Baltimore Oriole commences on the llth of September and will cpntin ue during the 12th and 13tb. For the accommodation of those who desire to attend, the Atlantic Coast Lino have made a reduction in fare. It will prob ably be a jolly time and great prepara tions hove been made to have it eclipse, ; if possible, any of Us predecessors. j Our young people ought not to foiscet tho picnic at Puplin Roads, Duplin county, which -takes place to-morrow. It is right on the W. & W. Railroad, 36 miles from the city, and there will be plenty to eat and drink, opportunities for dancing to the music of the harpers, and a good time generally may safely be expected. Exports Foreign Schr. UU Dins, Capt- Aq'uini, cleared Guarantee to deliver them In good condition. . aus27 I I b II I 11 it . t i ' v ; -.i k i I We will be gl&d to xtcerre commtudeatSoas from our fzicsds on any and all nbjeeta seaeraltntereetbut ' r ' ' ' V " ;' The name of the writer most ahrayt be fu alahed to the Editor. . r- - -J -.i: : - Oommnnlcanona muat be wnttea oa-oal one aide of the paper. . . . i . Person alltlea mturt bo aroldod. And It Is especially and particularly ud stood that the Editor docs not ahrays endot the rletrs of oorrespondenU nnlesa so stated In the editorial eolaauoa. A - I - GREAT INDUCEMENTS AT ML. 116 Market Street. ODE STpHS, AS W AJ1K EXTEND IKO aiid the workmen need th room, TC arc now offering GREAT BARGAINS 1 i ' IN W. B. DAVIS &SON. For Sale or Rent. jg-OCSE WiTH EIGHT ltOOMS. Lot 66 feet front, runnilg baclt 1G5 I 'I feet. Water Works In the house. No. 213 North Front street, West plde. Apply to 1 augll-tf ' GEO, II. KELLET, At Millinery & Fancv G-oods -prNE T1AT3. ajrtlNNETS., FEATIIEES, iTT,,e8. Ribbon und Trlniming?. NecJcvetir, Hdk'f s, Zephyrs and other Faticy Gooas. i 3T" Summer Goods selllnjr cheap. -! MttS. KATE C. WINEe. No. 119. North Second S reet. au42 next South'of lostoffi Dress Goods, Euibroiderles, White Goods LADIES AND GENTS! GATJSE UNDERWEAR STAPLE AND FANCY. D ry Goods, &.cf&.c J . "I 1 I We are determined TO CLOSE OUT STOCK, and commence .with our Improve. mont; lao, AN KNT1UK NEW STOCK! FOB Bacon, Flour, Molasses. to-day for St. Martin's. W. I., with 50.0CrO feet of lumber.- 10400 shingles, 6 barrels tar, 0 barrels 'pitch and 1 j barrel rosin; valued at l.2iu.W shipped by Messrs. Northrop & Cura- i nn boxc bacon; iuu 1.000 Bbla FLOUE. all eraderi. 100 Bbla MOLASSES. For sale by r K KItCHNER & CALDKR BROS on it i thDUffht. some vasuc idea that V it miugton is unhealthy. There was never la more mistaken idea.; The city is ! healthy and shows a mortality record ! i a. :ii onft'or kir nnrn nflTMOfl With .... w-- j mat wui uu sunv V r ft i The receipts of cotton at this port to- any cjty in the State. Mayor Hall, a most capuvaung kcuuwuwi,, vw. the city is absolutely treeiroin siagnant water. Tne lew memoera u iuc naaw day foot up S3 bales. . 'Table Cutlery, widlv excited f a niirhL. Tho whole city placarded with proclamartons declaring the Comte de Paris Kiag of -France as Loais Philip II. and Iter U conch ex citement there. Ten thousand of thew placards were torn down by tbe ponce bat in many places their efforts to. tear them down were resisted by Ihecrowds ntrroundlng them. William II. Yanderbilt is credited by tho New York Star with harms given away more than $3,000,000 in. charity within a comparatively tew. years. Ana what of that? W. H.. must hare an income of at least $10,000,000 n.year and ifhe gives away $3,000,000 in six years bo rire far lass than tho- clerk at a salary of $1,000 a year who puts in 50 cents In the box every Sunday with an occasional quarter for the poor of his parish. Undo Baromy Tilden has hi oka out la a new place lie ha donned a jann. ty aAUor.bat. with a blue jacket. and white trousers very narrow at the top and very wide at the feet, and basno. out from Greystone tor a dash of salt water. The New York Unsays the number of trips inado daring the sum meron one of the crack yachts of the x. v.t CTlnb led to the ac- . iuitemeut of this new taste. He has now engaged Mr. John Uoach'a mag nificent steam.yacht Yosemito for the rest ol the present season, and it is said that he may order built during thc com ing wiater a steam vacht to excel any thing now afloat. Mr.Tilden's friends speabwith admiration, not onlyoithc knowledge oi yatchlng that be has pick ed up in a few weeks, but also of tho sterling qualities he has exhibited as a sailor. He faces the roughest eather without the slightest inclination to' sea sickness. - . For Pocket Knives or Co to.TACOBi Hardware Depot, t There was universal dullness pre vailing around the City Hall this morn ing. ( i ' Merchants and business men on Water street complain of the stagna- tion of business. The wanderers who have been sum mering at the .many watering places and seaside resorts are beginning to return to the city. , How many are going io the: Boston ItooonSv .on veunesaay, ciation who were in attendance were right royally treated. A delightful trip to the Sound and an excursion down the river and outside the bar at Smith ville afforded ample diversion and somewhat made up for the torrid heat of the weather. A magnificent ball was given in honor ef the Association, but your correspondent thoughtlessly left his dancing clothes at home. Tho parting scene took place in a room whero a half dozen or more were gathered to talk oyer the fair, criticise what had been done, and to point out what might have been dono if So and So had done this, that thn ntho.r. It was rather a unique frntherinz. Capt. Paddison was lying nf full lneth on a hair mattrass, liter- --j. --- . A no niati cyci make the niir n success. -Mayor Hall was pres- t - ....m.;i.it lttfr in tho r.,i ,t ?i ttn hour Was about to piDosition? SDt. 5:b. and willcontinhe until about J any worn to a frazzle, for nc Jfirn o. Koremberir - j .-tod btawelf m did i h. , to . mm Postoffice here addrcsseu to xvirs Hannah Kndears, care of Mr. John Hare, Cumberland county. N. C. Although there was no regular excur sion a goodly number took advantage of. tho rino weather to indulge in a trip to Smithvillo on the Passport this morning. .-: j 4 Mr. William A. French had the mis fortune to loso a valuable carrwgc horse Lit.niht Thc animal was sick but a i;n,A And his death Iwai caused j bv congestion of tho lung?, i ! , Thelastest appearance in. the jour, nalistic field is the Daily Pilol. publish ed at Winston, in this State, by Messrs M I. & J. C. Stewar:. It is small, but it is bright and newsy, and we wish it success. j There was some excitement' on Mul berry street early this morning, caused by a horse, to which; a dray was at tached. running awayJ j No damage of consequence, and the animal was soon secured. J 2- A skating rink has jbeep opened at Smithvilleforthe amusement of tue young folks and to give them an oppor-;-.;t of iretUnc their heads damped on of ilio hall. Wo hear that one UK - young man got quite few days since- leave, when l'roressor i-meoac.. sap ped him. and pulling from his pocket a berrnn to reao a oocu- tookCaDt.! Paddison from h?c KoH like a dash of creased electrici ty. He gained his feet only to be stag n wnll aimed blow from an clcirant and handsome goldieaded cane, presented by tho members pi tne Association, ltirico uiu- ne bs-umj attempt to recover his equilibrium, but it was no go. In despair he succumbed and called Mayor Hall to his . rescue. Col. Hall had seen men hors dtt combat before, and took in the situation at once. It was handsomely done. e shook hands, promising to meet at Raleigh m October and reelect Paddison pnsident of the Association by Acclamation. Sugar, Coffee, Rice. 1 n A Bbla Refined 8UGAR3, all grade, 1UU aug27 1. ltO Bags COFFKK, all giade, f 0 UblB kiuk. or eaie uy KERCHNKR & CALUiiR BUOS serious fall !a t Pomolofflcal. ' Wo learn that some of the larniers and others on the Sound who take an infPrMtinthe culture of fruit are en gaged in budding their trees with the best varieties known in ims Eeuiuu. Tbis is the proper season of the year for that kind of work, and as it is a pro cess which requires but little skill, we hope all tree bearing: worthless or? in terior fruit may be treated in this man ner, so that they may be made to pro duce only the besti 1 " To Builders and others Go to J ACQ .,l fnr Saah. Blinds and Doors, Glass, Sen, Yon can get all sizs lowest prices. " class of 1818. at the University of North Carolina,' a stated by us yesterday, in speak iugf the death of Gen. Mallett. Dr. Morrison, or Charlotte, amem bcrjof that class, is also still alive. Dr. Morrison, it will be remembered, is the lather ol Gen, D. H. Hill's wife, and, of Stonewall's Jackson's widow. " ' -Gen. ;Mallett was at Chapel iiiu Commencement two .years ago anu made a short address on that occasion, which has been printed and will be carefully preserved by those who are so fortunate as to possess a copy . He was 84 years old then and he began his re marks very humorously with the open ing lines of .the familiar school-boy's speech: -' ' i '. .1 I You'd scarce expect one ot ray age To speak in public on the stage,' ved with tho heartiest laqghter and applause. !.-;. Personal. Hon. D. K. McRaeJias returned from an absence oi a month or more at the North looking, we are pleased to ob serve, much improved in health by his vacation from the cares and duties of his profession. t, Mr. A. H. Greene returned to tho city last night after a lencthy visit North with his family He made his head quarters in New York and from thence made occasional visits to many and va ried points of interest within easy reach of the city. Mrs. Greene with the chil dren stopped at Winchester for a short nil on "their return will leave Master Greene there at school. MrJS. T. Boykin returned to the city last night from attendance upon Bladen Court and remained in tne cuy to-day. ' He will visit Smithvilie , on tbo Passport to-morrow in tho hope that tho trip and tho breezes from the ocean may proved beneficial to bi3 somewhat shattered health, and will return to bis home at Clinton, Sampson county, - on Saturday. ; -I J f r wife has found St. Jacob3 Oil of lexceedingreat benefit Jn. rheumatism, with whicn she suuerea mucu uuuisuo ased this remedy saya ex-Wec.tenant Governor,' Norman J . Coleman, of thc St. Louis, Mo., Sural World, in a re cent commuaicatiop. i ; " ' " and at the A fineassortmet of Guns and Pistols (it Jacobts Hardware uepou - T i Salt, Vinegar Lard. :j 3 Ann ack3 Llv- SALT, j lUUU 25 Bbls CIDER VlNEtfAR, I ' Cn tiiAlrAa T O . t VnV Blip hv . aug 27 KEUCHNER & C ALU KR BROS Millinery & Fancy Goods. Another Large Invoice of Millinery! New Styles, ' New Colors, &c. FANCY GOODS DEPARTMEN1 - - - FULL, v . : ' ; .' I: : KID, SILK ara LISLE GLOVES. i , I PARASOLS, .NECKWEARj, FANS. ZKPHVR and MATERIAL for FANCY WORK MILLINERY Second Floor. FANCY GOODS-Flrat Floor. . Respectfallj, ' j MISS E. KARREE, " ang 27 . , V EXCHANGE CORN KB School Books ! r School Books , i ; f - ' - L LIBERAL DISCOUNT ALLDWED -. "rEAdlERS AND MERCHANTS SCHOOL JSCPPLI E5 Paper. Pens, Pen- .,--.. - - -i '..' i ells. Slates, Sponge, Copj Books, Book Fagji Crayon, I ck Ac, Ac. ' . a W. YATES, aajf27 i ' - 113 MatTcefrtrr ct FALL AND WINTER. Call and sccaru" BARGAIN ftt 116 Market St. aug K FIX) RID A WATER. LAVENDER WATEK1 vrniKT uriTlrn H ELIOT HOPE WATER. - WHITE ROSE WATER, 1 -' RAZENA WATER Alno a couiplcte assortment of Cologne act reriumery lor me summer season, jj i 45r Prescriptions coranoundcu Ut . ana mgntai c. v. juiLoxva, aug 27 German DrnggUt, t Corner Fourth and Nun ta. We Have OUPPLIED A LONG FELT (WANT BT octlMtohliti. a A .1 a mm tm---mm mi : U.M.aa and Trunk Store, where all kin is of goods In . our line can be bought at prices lower than ever before offered lit thL market. i , JtSf Iteualilng lu all Us branches attended to promptly. ; i t aug 29 No. 114 North Front St. New Crop Turnip Seed ! f A NDRETIl'S AND BUIST'S. QoaUtr beet and prices satlofactorj. j , I T , WILLIAM H. GRKRN. Druirgliit, " jl ' aug 27 117 Market Street! . - i El a Ga L3laila JENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 19, North Second Street, t j ' 4 v ; Wilmington, Sf cf Solicits consignments of all kind of country Proiuc. Top prices artil quick returns guar an'eeu. wm res nip to utnc reqaetiftO. - aur27 i .i - i markets wheu E. G. BLAIR. Solid Comforts .. . , - : i - t ! THERE 13 SpLID COMFORT IN TIlEus of Keroeno Stoves. A customer, who 1 .nsing one, says: With this we are lr.depend ent when left without a srvant."i They ara ucms ana great -TinomiBU. juzeieni size and prices. Try oao r rare wmto ou. ang; PARKER A TAYLOR. Attention Housekeepers. A a NOW JS THE TIME FUR rurinu up your Pickles for winter rise, and knowing tho trouble heretofore of getttng tho 8plc and Seeds noceesary, I ordered and bare jtit recclrod a small tot of Whole and Jlbccd . , : '.( '-' '' 'i Spices for thc purpose Call and sec them, i A'o, the Handy Box bhoe Blackins, j wita hiwilc altadied. And a fdll line of fmn FamUr StippUea, at Crapon's Family Grocery. - - - ''- - GEO. if. CBAFON, Agent, Flu TfincsL rpjfE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN T'lllS 1 ''. - i-r.'""'ti", n market. Our. t" ., ,:!?' i ' GRAIN CRADLE3 !; ; i r cannot be urpaftsed in price or quality. 1 A large and well selected stock i of Hard ware at w. E. c PRINCE it A CO'S., Successors to John Dawson A Cot aug 27 ; llaxkettttreei aig- South FrontSt School Books ! ;ASD r School Supplies FOB ANT SCHOOL IN THE STATE. "I. TO MERCHANTS AND TK AC TIERS A -LIB ERAL DISCOUNT IS ALLOWED AT HELNSBERGER'Si itjas W -' lire "Book and Unslc Etorc ,

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