I AX" JOSUT. JAMES, gprro raorarcrosw -ojjXiOXS rOSTAGJC PAID: c" -j L 5U month. tlCO. Tint 0nt motb 54 T will " b7 crritn free -i.; r- low 11 liberal. ,rlUrwta report aaya.4 all fail Y lte t!Kr paper regularly. '"ZfTke fai Kxrino hat the largttl jjfic n' newspaper " utV.vt i the city (if Wilmington. JSor Sbcrman bcems confident of j aJTy' defeat in Ohio. pastor Warner iM iKer, of New York. bik Ir-i;Iaine lhe man' John Morley has retired permanent! roo the editorship of the lxUMall On- EvSpesker Keifer announces Gen. Sura" a hia choice tor - the Presl Jctcy. . . Guvcrnor Inland Stanford of Cal or:.ii. has an income of about 3,000. ,isy"ur. H:. Hanks, an eminent Dublin phy iciin. ha declined tho d.stin&lon ot Ki!;ghtiit- . - Th taic principle ot uassia ieatner auo a'-afj'tda. - . liru'.iuu. are suppressed ia Paris I a icveruxnental reffulatiion ol the pricr cf bread and its weight. Mr Have?, of Presidential notoriety. i-.mvitf. s. now Methodis .. . ,n',r.ut Vn.mnnfiii,;, K. ooLillLarch at i remont, Uhio. -1 .. .. Daric ihc reign of Queen Victoria w.iCO.W Hindoos have died of famine, cvrv jutnt upon the British policy in lieu. Early say his ancestors came Donegal and were originally call- t-1 McGuichie, which signifies "early J he Austrian railway admlnistrfttioa s rroently decided in favor of the era' ployment of women as road guards on tbe same terras as the males. An Americau lady, well known in society in Paris, made a sensation by apgearing at tho ball of foreign count in a costume of white kid. fitting like a s'ove. Tho gias manufactures of tho We.u met iu Chicago ou Wednesday, to take definite action in regard to ordering a general reduction of the wa?es of their employees. The Richmond Diiatch says the Democrats of Virg'.uia might just as well look right into the face bt lhe fact Uiat fully 100.000 of the 125,000 negro Toters in the State will support the Mfu j bono ticket this Fall. j Charles Boettnor. of Burhngtou, Iowa, has gathered with bis own hands the most com oleto private ornithologi cal collccaon in the West. His collec tion of insects b large also, containing more that forty thousand'specimens. A correspondent of the Boston Herald says: MIt ever man hoped for if ever a candidate looked for, the Presidential nomination, in my judgment. Mr James G. Blaine Is hoping, for and look ing for a Presidential nomination to day. LJL The report of the Inspection of the prisons ot Allegheny county. Pa., by the women's auxiliary committee of the State Board of Charities, character izes the cellj in the . 'Pittsburg jail as chambers of horrors.. The jail is condemned as an outrage ou the com m unity. ' ... Judge Baxter, or the United States court at Nash vilfo. Tean., has issued an interlocutory order restraining the state comptroller from collecting . back Uxes amounting to" $85)00 from" the Lonisville and "Nashville and the Deca tur railroads, preliminary tn argument on a motion lor an Injunction. Freeholder John J: Hail, of New Brunswick, N.J.. 'reported missing. He was the section official ot the Penns sjlvacia railroad. He took with him. It is said, 5112,000 borrowed money." It is charged that forged nolcs aggregrat iu between $20,000 and 30,000 have been discoTered, . Fntaklin Simmons, thocolptor, who receives 9.500 fox a statute. ot Oliver P. Morton, is to deliver the statue In dlanapolla not later than October 1. The figure has already been shipped froaa Munich, where it wa3 cast in bronze, and the Indianapolis commit tee are n islng $3,000 to pay for a gran, ite pedestal. Itw'lUPay .All who desire to dress well on' a limi ted purse to buy their Clothine of A. & 1. Shiufji. They buy only for Cash -and allow their patrons to share in the benefits of all advantages thus gained. rrery Saadaj twpted.by - ,1 1 H vol. vii: J , The smat volcanic eruption in Java' was probably the most terrible disas ter which has occurred in centuries It ia said that 75 000 lives were lost, i We condense from a report in tho New York Sutt: ' When daylight came it was seen that an enormous tract of land bad disap peared, extending- from Toinf Cupucin on the South to Negery Pafeoerinic on the North, and West to Low Point, covering an extent! of territory I about fifty miles square. V In this were itu ated the villages of Negery and Negery Babawing. . None of the penplo inhab iting these places, or of the natives scattered sparsely through the To'rests and on the plains, escaped death. - This section of the island was not so densely populated as tho other portions, and the loss of life was corapaf ativcly small, although it must have aggregated lnlly 15,000 souls. The entire Kandang range of mountains cxtwiding aloni? the coast in a semicircle for about 05 miles had gone out ot sight. The wa teis of Welcome Bay, thu Sunda Straits, and Pepper Bav on the East of the In dian Ocean on the South had ; rushed in and formed a sea of turbulent wa ters ; ibe town of ianerang. witbtn twenty swept away by the lava sireaui. 'and fully half the population, mostly Javan- e-e. nuuiberiug about l,6)0, perished, i AtSpeelwyk, near Point Salcis, the red J swept away all the thickly settled por UWb 4WV9 OC IU Itm iiUUCfa ! 1114 tion of i ho to w u. About ten bazaars . i oeujQguK uj Europeans were uesirojeu. no lives are known to have been lost. troyed, and a largo number ot lives ivere lost there. I & UV IllAUU VI VUlUi J AAJ t vu a,uv month of the Targerang Kiver and twenty miles east ot Batayia, was com pletely inundated, and tho floating dock there was totally destroyed. Caataye, Claps, and Tronwcr's inlands, oil the portion of Java which disappeared, are ont of sight and not a vostige of them is left. Baby and Cheribo islands, oil the north coast, lost the few houses and in habitants upon them. In Batavia tho loss has been largely increased since tho former reports. The town ot Faggal was severely shaken, and few buildings were left standing. A violent shock was felt in j the island ot Sumatra on Monday after noon, and (it was feared that other disturbances might follow. Midah Island, ten miles off the Javan ese coast, and half way between the extreme points of Java and Sumatra, was almost wholly engulfed by tho sea. Tho small island of Singkel, probably originally only a cone blown up by au eruption, entirely disappeared. It was ; uninhabited. : . ti i e 1:1, .,- fully75iO00.bat the number of thoso who perished can never of course be accurately known. LOCAL NEWS. tXDEX TO RtWUDVERTISI MINTS. Tatu School Book J B Meltox SUU Fed Miss E.Xarres Just Kecctvcl F CMiVxkk Florida Water, Ac " W II G rx Ne w Crop Turulp Sectl ' llKTSSBSKGEH Todi's Buslii64 PeocH McDougall A Bo when Try the Cook New tuoon to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock. i . Thos. II. Sutton. Esq. ot Fayettev'lle, was in tho city yesterday. f Steamboatmen report tho Cape Fear as very low and still falling Some very fine September , mullets are boing brought to market now. 4 I For Pocket Knives or Tabte Cutlery, go to Jacobi' Hardware Depot. 1 It wa3 miserably dull at the City Hall and in Magistrate's Row this morning. Wood continues to come in quite freely and is selling at reasonable prices. At 3 o'clock to-day the thermometer in this office regis tereil hot 79 degrees. Dr. J. H. Durham will leave to-nijtht for Hickory and will be absent from the city about a week. j j The receipts ot cotton at this port to day loot up 93 bales, 7 of which were of this year's crop. ' This is the last day of the last Sum mer month, and with its dying gasp expires two-thirds of A. P., 1833. It is expected thai, the improvements in Front Street M; E. Church will be all completed sometime next wetk- Last night was th coolest of the cool spell, and fires were comfortable, if not absolutely necessary, this morning. Mr. Thomas C. Craft had out yester day for the first timo a new and stylish furniture wagon, one of the j handsom. est trucks In tho city. j j Mrs. K. Karrer left on last night's train for Hickory whtre she will J pas two or three weeks In the enjoyment of tho invigorating breezes of the Pied mont section. ' 1 1 Mr. Jere Howlett and his crew land ed on Mason boro beach to-day 150 bar rels or mullets, the biggest catch ol tne aeason, thus far, and- the ' largest that has' been made there iff several seasons. - . - - 7- . -. .; V ILftHNGTON. N; CI. FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 'W Bouncing Boy; or, Where's the raragoric?'1 is a drama! novr in re hearsal under the direction of the Man. aer of the Opera House, in this city, who is also it aritfror.' Shnke. George? Mr. John Munson. after an absence of several weeks, during which ho has visited Ashevilie, Warm Springs and otiier points of interest In tho Western part of the State, arrived home this morning. ... We lefira from a very reliable, prac tical farmer, tbaUthe crops along the It oe of the W. & W. Railroad, between Warsaw and Goldsboro, are excellent, and promise to furnish as good a bar vest as thoso of last year. The New Postage Stamps. The postoflico department has select ed as the color for the new four cent or double rate stamp a shade of green some what darker than that in which tho present three cent stamp is printed. As the three cent stamp" w ill ;be retired from circulation no errors arc likely to ariso om the similarity ot color. Tho new stamp bears a profile likeness of Andrew Jackson and is quite handsome in design. The distribution to post- 1 . ru . . uiaci3ut iuu uew iwu ceut stamps will begin on Septoraber 1, and it is believed that everything will, be in readiness for tho change of letter postage on October 1. Tajrlors Bazaar. Wo were pleased to receive a call this afternoon from Mr. John Taylor, of New York, who will open here, on or about the 15th proximo, in Habn's old stand, on Market street, a.; branch of a New York house, which will be called Taylor's Bazaar. Mr. Taylor" tells us he will display a carefully selected stock of Fail and Winter millinery and fancy goods and that it will be his con stant endeavor to keep, up with the Is test styles, j presenting everything at low prices. He has secured the .ser vices of a number of lady trimmers of hats and bonnets who have all- had years of experience. Due notice of the exact day of opening will be made through the advertising columns of the Review. . j Fine Horses. A span of horses arrived here last night, consigned to Capt. T. J. South -erland and intended for. the use of Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Co. No. 1, which for beauty, symmetry and proportion could hardly bo excelled. Thev are of a dark dapple gray and so j near alike iu color that it would be al ; most impossible to distinguished one ifrom the other. They weigh respect fully 1,250 and 1,270 pounds, are beau tiful in form, and perfectly and gentle do cile although there is nothing sluggish or lazy in their disposition. Oneot them is 6 and the other 7 years old, and both appear to to be entirely sound and free from blemish of any 6ort. They were raised in West Virginia, and are cer tainly as pretty pieces ol horse flesh as we have seen in many years. tree t Lines. There seems to bo much ignorance on tho part of citizens who are erecting buildings, fences and the liko in the city, of the ordinance requiring a sur vey before they commence such erec tions. Some of the streets have been so much encroached upon'in the past that the beauty of regular lines and squares have been greatly injured or destroyed. This was. a few years ago, carried on to such an extent that the Board of Al dermen found it necessary to enact sev eral stringent ordinances upon the sub- . r ft 4. UA .... nUr,.n aI inno 11 jeCt OI SircCb UU9W UtllVIII. . For tho information of our people who are about to build , or have com menced to build, we copy the following city law which speaks for itself. (See pages 181 to 159, City Jaws aud Ordi nances. , i Sec tion 1. It shall be the duty ot i the Chief of -Police to notify all persons about to erect any building, wall or feuce, not to encroach on any street or alley; and inform them that the law re quires that the City Surveyor shall des- t . .? Afs lgnaie me ximus oi meir respective una betorcthey erect such building, wall or fence. And every person encroaching upon any street or alley," whether so notified or not. shall forfeit an'd pay fifty dollars for each and everyday that said encroachment shall, bo permitted to stand after being notified of tho en croachment. Tbq City Attorney decided that every new structure requires a new survey, and the Chief of Police has no discretion in the matter, as the word shall makes it his duty to see- that the ordinance is enforced in all cases. , - Let the street lines be kept from ; en croachment and remain " straight and beautiful, as designed in laying , them out, at right angles to each other. - t '"l is i -. sw i-i. "".-I.'-; '..- !, I i. ;.;'!, ;V " ..... ... v. . I '"" J' Lucky Escape. '4 An accident occurred this forenoon in the yard in tho rear of Mr. C. W. Yates book, store which came near being serioas-in its consequences, : but which was rather ludicrous, a3 . it ter minated. A colored man was , pouring water into a cask of lime, in order to make 'mortar, when it exploded and scattered the white liquid mass'all over his head and shoulders, burning hi3" face and head quite severely in some places. "The explosion frightenedj a colored boy in the "employ of Mr. Yates, w"ho turned a complete: sumniersault throgh an. open window, in-his haste to get out ot harm's way, and went rush ing-through the store as if thq Ku Klux were after him. . : Too tiAte. Mr. George N. Ennett, of Cedar Point, . Carteret county, shipped a barrel of very fine apples of what is known as j'Rue's riety, ictendiug them Reliance" va for exhibition at the recent fruit fair in this city. Un fortunately, however, they did not reach hero until after tbe fair had closed, and they were sold to defray tho f reight ex penses. This is to be regretted, as these apples are paid to be of a fine quality and flavor, and especially adapted to our soil and climate, j The trees are of ylgorours growth and are prolific bearers, and the fruit is of the Summer or early Autumn variety, although when handled with care in harvesting, they have been kept until Christmas. , Democrats Duped, j Some lime ago a colored individual by the name of Mebane yisited Wilming ton in behalf of a Republican paper pub lished by hira in Raleigh, entitled, we think, tbe Batmer-Enterprise. He secured about 150 subscribers here, nearly all of whom were white men and Democrats, who psid iti advance. For five or six weeks the paper came regularly enough but at the end ot that time Mebane found it convenient to suspend publication and no more copies have been received. It is thought that the amount he carried away from here was between $200 and $300. Probabjy we ought to be sorry for those who have bn duped but somehow wo are not. The Clinton "Wires. September 1st, to-morrow,1 is the day on which the Clinton & Warsaw Tele graph Line is expected to be open for business and from what we can learn it will push that date very close. The poles are all up and the wire is being strung now. A young lady, Miss Maria Shaw, will be in charge of the office at Clinton. . About the 1st of October Is the regu lar old-fashioned moving period, but many of bur business men aro ' taking time by the forelock by. taking up new quarters already: We hear of som4 who have moved, several who are moving and quite a number who will move in the course of one or two weeks . - "" " " .' We understand that work1 on the Clinton & Point Caswell R. R. is being very vigorously prosecuted now. About ten miles in all have been graded, six leading out from Clinton and four from Point Caswell. ; The burning out of a foul chimney in the First Ward this morning caused an alarm of fire, and the Fire Department on the North side of the railroad turned out. but the trouble was all over before tbey could reach the scene, . j j Ye learn from one who was present, that tbe Dime Party at the parsonage of the Fifth Street M. E. Charch, last night, was a.' complete success and a very pleasant affair: j I - . ' The Weldon Arci? comes to us this week showing unmistakable evidences of prosperity. It is enlarged and greatly improved and we congratulate our brethren on these significant signs. In answer to several enquiries,. from the country as well as the city, we will state that so far as we are aware, ino return tickets. to the Boston Exposition have yet been placed on sale here. Watermelons begin to have a chilly appearance, though they will be polate- able to some for two or three weeks longer. . ,; It is about time for tbe advertising car which .precedes Soli's Circus to pnt in an appearance, but we ream that it has not yet entered the State. George Vr.WaUing. Esq.. Supt. New York Police, encloses the action , of Su Jacobs Oil. : , - - t To Builders and others Go to Jaco f Va for Sash. Blinds and Doors. Glass, &ci Yoa.caji get all sizes' : and at the lowest prices. : : . ; .. 1883. no; 207 : : r i - -1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TRY THE COOK BCTGOIES. ' FOU WIIICII WE ABX IQIZ AGEN'NS. HanieM to go with them at verr low prices, lhe Jarjcest Meortmcnt of sad dles. Trnoks, Travelling Baga aod. Satchel la the State. - - - Vj - - : ep.Vring promptly done. Trices ! law. i-' i I . - ' McDOUGALL IiOWDKN. ' .. attg6l ; Tm No. 114 North Front St. Todd's Business Pencil. EOPEtVNIjl KEPEL. BIEOIUSI LEAD, QUICK ACTION. Tiie mcst DURABLE, mofct-l'niUTICABLK and moat COXVEXI- ! ! j ' i i EST POCKET PlfXClL erer placed before the public at the price. i ... Tho monnUnjja are of the best Quality .ROLLED GOLD PLATE, and covered willi HA11D KUBBEU TUBE. For sale at . HEJ; NSBEJtGERSs ans 31 lAva Book and Music Stores Stall Fed. rjllB FALL SEASON WILL BE OPENED to-morrow, at the XeW Market, by tho exl l bit xoa of some unusually t holec ' STALL FEl) BEEF, I ' j FAT MUTTON and i TEND Kit VEAL, : i which all are invited to examine and leave or- ! : . -: . - dcri for choice cuts. S3 Purchaaes delivered promptly. J. 11. MELTON, auj; 31-lt New Market, South Front fit Just Received. J HAVE JUST RECEIVED BY STEAMER a larsre lot of II ATS suitable for School Hats for MUsca. I A nice assortment of COLORED 8TRAWS. Milan and Canton, for Ladies' Fall wear latest shapes. i i . fASII RIBBONS and all other widths and qualities ' Full line of Handkerchiefs, Silk and Linen. Gloves Kid, Silk and Lisle, i Parasols and Neckwear. Am selling the above at very reasonable prices to make room for a large stock of Fall ana winier uooas. I H i Stamping and Hair work done promptly. Agency Universal Fashion Co's Patterns! Respectfully, j MISS E- KARRER, aug 31 EXCHANGE CORNER Fine Portraits. IF YOU WISH A VERY FINE PORTRAIT finished in the latest and finest style, now is an extr opportunity to secure It. bend yoiur order (any kind of Email picture old or neiv) and remember no pay is expected till the work has been seen and accepted. My prices are still at a great sacrifice now in crder to intro duce my wora. ORIN T, THOMAS, Artist, Studio 801 Broadway, N. Y. AddTess 144 West 23d St.. N. Y. W Friends visitinaf the city are invited to caji i - ! i aug X7-tf IMPROVING CAPE FEAR RIVER BELOW WIL MINGTONj N. C PROPOSALS FOR STONE. -I ! V. Hi Engiseer Otfice, 70 Saratoga St. BALTIMOEB, MP., August !3d, 1883. TRtP03ALS FOR FURNISHING STOSE JL lor the Improvement of tho Cape Fear River, North Carolina, will be received until n.vn of September 4tb, 183V at the United States Engineer Office, Wilmlcgton, N. C , and openca iramoaiafeiy inercaiier. For about 30,00) tons Stone. . Blank forms specificationa, and any detired information can be ' had npon application to ian wee. or to tne resiaest n.ugii!ecr, 3lr. hwki bwov, ac tviiming on, k.u. ! WM. P. CUAIGHILL, aug 27 6t Lt-CoLf Engineers, U. S. A . "Shipped in Ice." tR ESH FISH TO ALL points in North Carolina. South Carolina, and Georgia. Guarantee to deliver them In good condition. aug 27 . 1 j W. E. DAVI & SON. MUlinjeryi & Fancy Goods. A DIES AND CHILDREN'S HATS, .1 ! BONNETS, LACE TIES and i BOWS AND RIBBONS, i in all the latest styles. j . . Orders tota tlie coantry promptly fllled and satisfaction guaranteed. My patrons will Had "if.. - . call and examine. it to their interest tc MRS. VS. J. BAKER, 123 MARKET STREET. . Ug 27 - I i ,; V . : f "V ; ?- "V V- . :- : -. s . - . ! School Books ! i' ijberatJdiscount allowf d ! TEACHERS AND. MERCHANTS school Supplies Paper. Pens, pen- ells, Slates, Sponge. Copy Books, Book Fag Crayons, Ik, Ac, ftc ,: -' , " . C. W. Y ATES,: an37 .. ; . ' ;- 1W Market itreet rLHASE KOTIC2. W win be glad to receive ieoaaaiuucaCors from oar frianda oa as? and tja . uh)eci fe5WllateTMtbntw:; M l -1 ,, j;t 1 ; i The name of the writer must always be fu al&hed to the Editor. ; CooraunicaUona anst be written a est oaesldeof the paper.' . " PersoaallUes ratnt be avoided. 11! . inbui ... " And It U-especially and partJcnLu-ly end etood that the Eaitordoea set always endor the views of correspond en i twicer In the'editorlal colusica. ' ojatau P. L. BRIDGERS & CO., If STILL CLAIM TO LE-VI IN T - CANDY BUSINESS. Eoyster's Pure Candies . RECEIVED FREn EACU WEEK. Three Pounds for $lJ ELEGANT ASSORTMENT PICKLES, PRESERVES. AND CANNED GOODS. L.VRGE ANTD SELECTED STYLES OF ' i 1 -.- . I - Cakes and Crackers Country Merchants will find It adrantagootra' ' - 'I'M to prlca our goods and examine our 6tpck bc- : ! j. ' j I ! tors purchasing elsewhere. ' P. I 1 !:- . ! !' ,.,. P. L. BRIDGERS & CO HO North Front St. aug 27 .'j ... I - .. j I am Receiving BY NEW JTORK STEAMEKS EACH WEEK THE FINEST SELECTION OF ! Fruits andVegetable$ CONSISTING OF . NORTHERN APPLES, , ....! 1 " , jj; i NORTHERN POTATOES, CABBAGES, TURNIPS and ' n f BEETS. rt Have Just received the following variety of T CAKES AND CRACKERS, whl;h I! rccom mend to all Housekeepers and Excarslonlsts. uuiger lany. uranse uar, Aesorlod Drops, , aweet Corn. Empire Mixed, vanuu wafers: fx;mon Wafers. ! Newport Wafer. Larraby's hnowflake. These goods are of ancstkinallty, fresh acd crispy, i John L. Boatwriglit. ang27-tf - ; i . j New Furniture Warerooms, AT NO. 20 GRANITE ROW, SO. FROJtT et., I have opened with what I thlnlt Is a welt selected stock of , ' I ' I Furniture and Bedding, Embracing mauy new designs ln I Bedroom and Parlor! Suits. : 'r . ' I j Our aim shall be In deal fairly land squarely with ail, and res pec fully nk a share of V-9 public patronage. Courteous treatment guar ant'-e J to all w'w favor me. with a calL i r 1 augCTtf. WtMA" C-CttAKr. Agent . FLOIUDA WATER, ! ! LAVENDER WATER. j VlUl-f.T WATER, - i ) UELIOTUOPE WATER. I WHITE ROE WATFR. Al$fj a oniplelo asso-tment of .Colognes and Perfumery for tho summer season. if f rescrlptlons mnou iil oiv kna nibtat F. C. 511. LKR'.s. j ! M ' Uemisn Drwrb-t. aug 27- v Correr rourth and NuisU. Jfew Crop Turnip F ANDRETH'S AND BUISTJ. bet ai:d prices satisfactory. , I WILLIAM H. OBKI-N. brnra1t. 117 Msrkn Mr6eJ E.C.Blair, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCUANTi No. 13, North Secont Street, " ci... . WllTnicRton, N. C. Solicits consignments of H kind .f i nt PrfKiuce. Top price and anbk mm. anlfcd. Will ieship to other mafkets when angS7 E. 0. BAIR. Solid I Comfort, rpiERE IS SOLID COMFORT IN THE tin ot Kerosene Stoves. A using one, aKt says: "wim uus we are laeptri est wbsu items and rrcat Econotabta. LMaVrnt -u K-ik wuooai a. aerrani." ; iMr are slxee and prices. Try one. $ f , t . Pure Wiote OU. ' : ' I' aug 27 i , i PARKER TATIXJR. Fly Traps. T rllilE TiEST. AND CHEAPEST IN Tnia a arkct, Our - - j GRAIN CRADLES1 1 .'! cannot be rnrpacl in prlre or quality. - A large and well selected slock of Hard ware at r W. E SPRLNUEtt JS - Aaeeeaaora to John Dawson & Co,.' V v , -laxketttrkt Sech Quality r . 'VlVl

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