Tffl3 PATES .err evcnta. Sundays ex- eepted T JOSH T.JAMES, .rBStrJPTION rOSTAGE 3 51 - .100. SU months. $2. PAID: 00. Three ' .1 w- One month. 25 cents. be delirercd by carriers free Ti'F1 ,ri of the city, at the above .f Sl.i LI .-fc.rrt. 1 r'1 . . !av and liberal. or 1" cent ier week. v!rfcrM will report a7 an-l all fall- 75iiforni.i cotton mills company ii l-ccn incnriwi.i.. - , 1 pernor liutlorhas been perch Ush- Maine. His yacht trip win 1:1 Scotia. -", L AKicrican gtr. ay . Vi-.cricau girls h:v Xr uville. and carried ufl'all 1 Jjofthc French seaside. " . - j- the social . c':nPient of iKttche over the ; :'..n.l nn f it f 1 a ct 1"1 nr e . lh,iA" - . . I .. ...nrnfratNl I Ofi Jnv n. online .i-5'v'wv- -- . w w - 1 . . -' 1. I... ' ;:r.-! ni has materially affected tbe: , ;rit.i crop, and the indications aroj cr-.'p will Miiaiier in;iii i Mr-. Ai'fian Iselln avc her check j .r ii'J'XK wiiii which to pay to pay oft" tbe ..v :i ih,i Catholic Church of the j; Sarrament. New llnchellc, j w Y"k. j. Stanly Brown, President (Jarlleld's and J. U. (larficld. the JcceacJ President's oltfest son. havej rcivirneu ii' ivuiua j . i :;zhini; it" for a coop'e of. . .. .. , t, ' i.trsre ni. isailou v:o..oi ioi.on, j a irhoru:e the announcement that the ictrt published to the rtfect that the; italcoi cct shows liabilities of 750,000 is j correct, and that the true amount is ! Ftwccn $1,000,000 and 2,000,000. j uecn Victoria's brother-in-law. the . . , , e -i 1 rK ?c reiiniDg Duke of Coburg-Gotba, is 1 r 1 ? iv u i. i,;?nc .lUWUfc l jjuunju which contain, xt is said, revelations ol iolitical secrets which will be very dis- j tasteful to the Prussian and English ! eomts. 1 To-day a number ol caperts. who hive been appointed by the several cotton exchanges throughoul the coun try, assemble at the Cotton Exchange iu New York for tho purpose of select iag standard samples as a gnide in clas siticatiou. njornstjerne Bjornson is an easy aud j & 1 . Cnmntamnc Vila rapiu cut u Li in y x 1 1 . uviuiuivs jh.u will be seized by an inspiration and reel off whole chapters in a few Lours. He never revises or corrects or j even re-reads a manuscript after j writing it. The secretary of the arrangements at Toronto, Ontario, lor the proposed dinner by the bar to Chief Justice Coleridge, has received a letter from him. stating that owing to numer ous engagements in tne States, ho will be unable to visit Canada. mm Thomas Brown, Jr., of Rochester, New York, & member of tho Demo cratic State committee, has directed his attorneys to bring suit against the New York Time Tor Ubal, for tho publica tion of ialse statements In reference to his attendance at a meeting ol the com mittee. He lays hU damages at $30,000. The Rev. Bobu Coliycr is one of the American preachers who have occupied Iondon pulpits this Summer. Mr; Coli ycr, who is an American by adoption and was a blacksmith in his native Kngland, preached also. In Ilkley parish this Summer, in a church the gates of which are proudly pointed out as the work of his own hands "When he was employed in tho lorge. An old soldier, an ex-Con fedearte. by name Rogers, who by reason of many wounds, it is said, hobbles around the city by the aid of a crutch, asking alms, fell yesterddV near tho North Carolina depot. - Ho was pieked up in ah unconscions condition, but was pres ently restored. He is partly para lyzed, Xcics and Otscrrcr. It is bard, rery hard, that such things should be. And it is worse. It is a sharueand a disgrace upon the fair lame of our State that a poor, wounded Confederate f hould bo allowed to crawl around the streets or Raleigh or WiL miagton or any other place in North Caroling asking for alms! Dead, we extol the deeds ol those whose devo tion and suffering and death wwe are o proud of and livinr, wo let them beg ir starve. Shame! Sbamo! It is said that Butler will probably run again for Governor of Massachu setts. A special ia the New York ,Srw says: It is stated bv a gentleman, who j to!or jis Steda?. oWta1! ! candidate for reelection this Fall! against any man tho Republicans mav nominate except Henrr L & 1? t i3 further stated that the old line Ipm- tr'thc y fcttV"? largest f k rircidalion, of any newspaper 1 1 VOL. VII. V ELMINGTON. N. C.,MONPAY. SEPTEMBER ocrats will make no objection to Gen Butler's nomination, bat if Mr. Pierce is the Republican condidate.! it is the plan to nominate tho Hon. Charles 1. . Poii eweraocratic Conven fc,w" uuuci wiuiurawiD-' unuer coycj. or tne quasi declination at tbe end or his inaugural message, llut should Gen. Ratler again be a candidate the old Democratic leadera in the State don't expect to see him elected. In fact, as a part of the plan for li?81. xt is said to uc tho intention to allow his delcat i by masterly inactivity on! the Dart of tjic national party loaders !n the Stale. ! While in .St. Paul. Minn.. on one t ripped ' occasion. .Miss 3lmnia I'almer on the stac. exusinjr her to sorain her ? ankle. St. Jacobs Oil was Dromntlv &nn treelv nntilttHl " and in twn i iY!tin;.i n3n tLf i . ! Miss Miuuie was as active as ever. . LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW UDYCRTISIMEHTS. Yatu ScIuh1 Hook -1 t IlF.l.ssaERGER N'cwMorir ; Wamei-A Lady Teacher Mks S J ISaker MIHtaciy F C Mnxr.u Flort'ta Water,' Ac A ESfkigi:r A Co Hy Trap- j1!.es A MirnciuoN Ff nit Jars Y II GKT.tx XcwCroi Turnip Jel T I. RRlitr.KBrt & Co Kt3sters CamlifA W i: Davis A Ss Sliiiofl In U-i Takker A Taviou Sol M Comfort KxionT ok IToNon Kcqular Mettiiiff Foax L CoATWKiMir 1 am Receiving lonx l Taylu, Tax Collector Taxes Kkuchner A Caideu lluos Groceries K G K General Commission Merchant Tiio C Ckakt ievr Furniture Vareroorr A D C azaux Baltimore kdI Wilmlnjrtm amhip Coanpany The receipts of cotton at this port to day fooU up 2 10 bales. The Board of Aldermen meet this evening in regular monthly session. nm ., . There is an unmailab . Postofficc addressed to e.letter Calvin in tnc Lark- inr.aryn r-r, C 1 . The Itss?ort and the Minnehahu took down the "river to-day large crowds of colored excursion:st5. The celebrated 'Fish Brand Gills Twine ia sold only at I Jacoei's Hard ware Depot. ; j . I ... , j , . - j 1 A lady teacher is wanted to go a short distance in the country to teach in a private family, i Sec advertisement else where. i According to the almanac this is to be fair enough but next week week promises enough. to be very raiuy. Likely The Board of Countyommissioners are in session this afternoon, but fho reDort of their Broceedincrs is too late for this issue. 9 - i The nights are said to have been very cold up in the mountain last week, and numbers of visitors have left tor their homes. I I The wind got I arouud to the South yesterday and last night was almost warm but it was back again at the Northeast before day this morning. KCuIjjhts oil Honor. Carolina Lodge Noi 431. Regular meeting this evening at S o'clock. Full attendance desired. ltJ H - 11 1 ; 1 MrGeorge Z. French, whojis in .the city to-day, tells usthat the cotton crop in. the Rocky Point section. is very promising, but that corn may bo a little short. ' I German barque Texas, Capt. Loof, cleared at this port tONday for Ham burg, with 2,787 barrels rosin and 1,450 casks spirits tarpentme, valued at .0, 615.90. Officer R. H. BaUon. of the police force, whilo on h:s Uat a fewj nights ago killed a water-moccasin on Front street between Chnrch and Castle. It was three feet long. j I This has been an excellent year for the planters who have cultivated crops on the river bottoms. We understand that tho promise ol a yield on tne low lands in Bladen this year is very fine. There wero five cases Before tho Mayor this morning, all of which were for disorderly conduct. Ofjtho five -three paid and two went below. They were all ordinary cases and devoid ol special interest. Two young gentlemen, jWho had been out visiting ycung ladies, were rocked last night by some, unkuown parties whilo on their way .houje and when near the corner of Oranse and Sixth streets. j I i ' Mr. G. Y B. McDonald, anadraace J ! azent for Sell's Circus, is in the city - day and at tho Puxcell House here to make arrangemenU He as to accommodaVions for tne men and horses ol tbe circus. ; . 1- TT AL.i For Pocket Knives or , Table Cutlery, to Jacobi Hardware Depot t i The Crops. ' Mr. A. 11. Black, at ene time Sheriff of thi3 county but now resident at Point Caswell and principal of the academy at fhat place, was; in the" city to-day. He was on his return Jrom hi3 planta tion on Middle Sound and tells us - that he has tho best crops there thik season he has ever seen on j the place. ! As for Point Caswell he says that everything : there corn, cotton . ueas. potatoes and I inhipa-nrnm; n Hn, nmn ' - Crops at Clarkton. We are glad to learn, as we do from i Mr. John II. Clark, of Ciarktbn. -wiio I : ,-,a ,i somewhat sinco his last visit to the I city, when everything was parched and the prospect was very gloomy, But generous rains have since fallen and the ; outlook has improved, somewhat. It ; s probable now that something more j than half crops of both corn and cotton j will be made there this season. Peas j and potatoes are very promising. j Tho New Postal Notes. Under the Act of March 3, 1683. ! authorizing the issue of postal note3 jfrom all money-order offices in .the commenced to day. The notes are designed for tho transmission of small siuus under five dollars through ths ! mails by the means of engraved forms i supplied by the postmaster, and a uni ! tonn fee of threo cents is chargad lor ; each note, whether it calls for one cent v.4 -- " ; the latter amount being the maximum for which they 1 can be issued. The : notes arc made Davable to bearer when 1; u!y receipted at any money order ol j I - fiee which the sondes may select. They j Msrs: F- Kin& Go-' have ; just are likewise made payable to bearer completed handsome beat for the when presented at the office of issue, and steamer John Daicsbn. which was turn alter once paid, the United States i9 j ed over to Capt.j Colvin to-day. It is discharged from all liability ibr anv ! nde ot galvanized iron, is 14 feet long further claim for the amount thereof. The notes are made to; run throe month3. and become invalid .after that time. The holder to obtain the amount of an invalid postal notes.must forward it to the superintendent of the money order system at Washington, together with an application ior a duplicate. An additional fee J of three cents is charged for the issue of the duplicate. Tho postal notes are not designed to take tho place of money orders. A remitter may,- at his option, select cither the money order or tbe posta note as a means ot remitting money by mall. Tho postal jioto is sent at tho remitter's risk, but as the" name: of tho person receiving it is Required to bo signed before it is cashed the notes will be practically as safe as a registered letter, and be cheaper and more convenient. Col, Brink, Postmaster in this city, has a supply of the new notes and lull instructions as to how the business is to be conducted. The notes are in a stub book. On the stub is the place of issue, number of note, amount, date of issue ana name ot omce drawn upon-1 On the left side of the note are the months of the year and dates from 1883 to 1891. Next to the right is the stamp ol the issuing ofiice. tho place for the three cent fee stamp and the dated stamp of the paying office. The body of the note reads as follows:-. To the postmaster of the money or der office at : Pay . to bearer,; at any timo within three months from the fast day of the month of issue, the sum ol dollars and cents. , Postmaster." This postal nolo is also payable to bearer at the office of issue, with the same limitation as to time.: :If lost or destroyed no duplicate thereof can. be issued. "Received the above-named sum (Signature,) n On the right side of the note arc three columns, which aro j . headed dollars, dimes, cents. Under the head "dollars" are the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 0.- Under Minics and cents" are the numbers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. 7. 8. 0 and 0. , When theJ note is issued the postmasler-pnoches out of tho note the months,- year and the numbers in the three columns'" all u H ded to, which makes' up the amount for which the note is. issued. "Thus. ifUio note is for $3.74, the 3 in .the column headed dollars,the 7 in the column head ed dimes and the 4 in the column head cd cents aro punched out. The notes are very neatly engraved, and promise to become very popular with the busU ness public. 1 '' r It WiUPay AH who desire to dress well on a limi tedjurae to buy their Clothing of. A; & I. Shriek. They . buy only - for Cash and allow their patrons to share jn the benefits oLall advantages thus gained. JLlb'Jti ,:Y- Ji:JM : :V v :y 0 . . " i'.. - . . . - ' - ....... . I - ' . - ' '.'. ," ' . , . .,, . . j 1 . .. " - . It is the opinion of a gentleman resi dent in this city; a i timber man t", thjaj thb prices ot timber will be high this coming season, Hefouds his" opinion upon the basis of limited supply! "and tmlimited demand. , - - V ' There are no indicalions of an equin octial gale anywhere on the" co'astj notwithstanding tbo fears which -.have been expressed by some. The best that has been done in that line is -a 40-mile gale of wind oft Hattefasto -day.'."v'r ; I Exports for August ; The following are, the artieles, and the valne of the same, exported from this port for the month of August, -ast closed, as compiled from the books atthe Custom House: 13.006 barrel rosin; valued at $19.708;' 6 do tar.: valued at $12; 6 do pitch, valued at $15; 234,370 gailons spirits turpentine,,, valued." at $89.35; 50.000 feet lumber, valued-at $713 ; 105 thousand shingles, Valued at $470; total value of export during the month $110,334. -i A fine assortment ofGuusand Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. f iialtimore and Wilmington The Baltimore Wilmington Steam ship Line is again aa established fact. The first steameivihc IMcigh, well and favorably known in these waters, "will sail from Baltimore on next Saturday, the Sth inst.. and will leave Wilming ton, on the return trip, Thursday, the 13th. Capt. Al- D. Cazaux is the agent for the line in this city and the . compa ny could not have done better than ito confide their interests ia his nanus. For Ireight engagements apply to him at his ofiice in'this city. ! I and 44 inches breadth at the widest part and is provided with two air tignt com-; partments, one at the bow and the other at the stern. It is the first tim. with in our recollection, that such a job was ever turned out here. ,The boit is com fortable, safe and commodious. The work was all done by Mr. WVE. King. Mnjor iitcdnxin Maj. Chas. M. Stcdmeu and Mrs. Stedmeo. of this .., city, who are now travelling in Europe, are expected back about the 10th ofQetober. When last heard from they were, at Lake. Cqmo. They had recently been ' in Rome aud saw the Pope wholaid his hand upon his' head' and blessed " the .handsomoJ Wilmingtonian and then complimented himupon his phrenological develop ments. Judging from the ' letters re ceived from them' it is evident that Major and Mrs. Stedman are both - en joying their tour to the utmost. j ' To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi"s for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c. . You can get' all sizes j and at the lowest prices t ': . 1 , -r r NewOonimbson Ho,use. Mr. A. W. Rivenbark oa last Satur-r day resigned the position he has so long held with- Mr. F, A.'Newbury. For twelve years past, ever since Mr. News bury came t( Wilmington, 'Mr.: Riven bark has-been "with him. lie now severs the connection for'the purpose of entering into business ior- himself and ina feiv days will open here a .general commission house. Mr. Rivenbark ia well and favorably kmmrff to our people as a y'otlng mhf'c1icr;;''"i?usif and capacity and we trust that he .may do well in the liuc'h'chas .earyed out for himself. ! Meteorological. Mr. S. A. Haney, Signal Oflicer at 1 f. jthis pointurnishes us with lthe follown hnir TnrTrk1r(T5rol Tru-Tt fni- the mnntht of August just closed : -"' Mean actual barometer, 29.979; mean reduced "haromHerr30.9 f rnoAlhly mear tcmperaturer 78.2 ;' highest :m- pe&tnre, 96.5; lowest temperature. 2.0;! monthly mean humidity, 75.4 j monthly mean dew point, 69.1 ; prevaiUnffdJrec ttonof .wind.Northeastv total rainfall, ! 6.10 Jnches"; total monthly movement of wind, -1,012 miles ; maxiraum velocity of -wind, 18.- Southwest: number of days bn which rain fell, 14 ; -nnmbir of Lair sunsets', 21 ; number of foul sunsets, 19;' percentage of verificaifon, 94. . 'ri Quarterly MetiiiRs : i.- ' -! Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church, South." r "'.-i THIRD ROUND. Waccama w Mission ....... -Sept Fair BIuiT. s .. . .Sept 1 HOBT. O. IJLTmW. P. 1- 2 8-9 E. Stiver Plated Spoons and Forks, low prices, at Jacobi.'s ' t ' 3. 1883: NO. 209 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS rpHE T AX li OOK9 FOB lSSn.VVKBlEN 4 placed in my jiands for collection. ' Taxes are now due and Taxpayers are earnestly request- 1 - - ed to make prompt settlements f j ' JOU.S D. TATLQK;- . "sept 3 2t - ! . Tax jColIector Wanted, w a: i;ATry- TEACnFR TO GO A SHORT iiotancc in Lthe country in a private family. Mot be competent to teach , music on the piano. ept Apply at IIEIXSBPIEGER'S, eod rac ' Live Book Store. TRY THE COOK T3UGGIES. FOR WniCll WJS ARE SOLE aGENNS. Harness to po with them low.priccs. ,Tho largest assortment !nt rcry of Sad- dies. Tnui-4, Travelling Baga and Satchels in me ratv. 43" Repairing promptly done. Prices low. t 3tcDOUGALL 4! BOWDEK. I No. 114 North Front St. "sept 3 Sew Crop ! 1 . .. ".,;.:. Turnip Seed jrANDRtTH'S AND BtirsT'S. Quality v bet and irices satisfactory. 1 WILLIAM ill GREEK, BrugRiet, septS I - 117 Market Stwet C . I a 1 t j JEKER AL COMMISSION 3aERCHAKT1 No. 19, North Second. Street, .! Wilminaton. N. Solicits consignments of all kind3 of Country Produce. Top prices and quick returns guar anteed. Will , reship to other 1 markets wheu reruested. ' --l ,: - - ! - septs . . EL G. BLAIlt. Solid Comfort, rjlHERE IS SOLaB COMFORT IN1 THE us of Kerosene, Stoves. A 1 customer, who Is using one, says: VVitu this wc are independ ent tf lion left witliout a Servant.'! They are Gems and -great "Economists.": JJlfferent size and prices. TryoncL.;, . 1. Pure White OU- v ' ' ecpt 3 l'- ' - . PARKER TAYLOR. FlyTraps. IWE BEST AND CHEAPEST IX THIS market' Our' V GRALV CRADLES cannot be eurpassedtnprieeorqualltv. A largo and well selected stock of Uanl ware at W. E. SPJKESGER & CO'S., Successors to John Da w8onr& Co., aept 3 . ; -,; -i , Market btreet . Old North State Saloon. JTATIVE pH AM PAGXE, SUPERIOR TO (so called) Imported at high prices. - Finest Beer on Draught in thecHy. Save your stamps by drinklhg" BEST WHIKET at CHEAP PRICES. sept 2-3y For Sa e or Rent. JJOUSE WiTU EIGHT. ROOMS. Lot 66 feet front, running back 165 w .J.LI It- itPsfu 213 Xortli Front street West side. Apply to ang 11-tf - G0, H. KELLEY, Ajrt School Books ! School Books I LIBERAL1 DISCOUNT ALLOWED I TEACHERS AND MERCHANTS. I : : ; SCHOOL .'SfJPPLI-Paper, Pen, Penb - -: -4 -1 - ' : : I clla. Slates. Sponge, Copy Books, Book Bags Crayons, Iok, &e., Ac- I vv ; C. W. YATES,"'. J 6ept 3 119 iTarkeV street Millinery &! Fancy Goods. t ADins Xnd ciiildres;s Ilats, 1 !; ' BONNETS, LACE TIES aad - ' i . - - -. . ." . . :;. ' -'-.v -bows and Ribbons, in lall the latest styles.'.'.. ' J ""Orders ffom the country promptly filled1 and satisfaction guaranteed. " - . j . Mj patrons will find it to Uieirl Interest to' call and examine: I " ( -4 f .... . , f-,....-.':. . ,- ." . - ....... i - I i MRS. S. J. BAKER, i ,122 MARKET STREET. -septa f -! - - -j v Attention Housekeepers. 8 NOW 13 THE TIME IFOR PUTTING Fup your Pickle for winter mse, and knowing the trouble lieretolore of getting the Spices and FeJds'neeessary, I ordered and have just re:eired a small lot .of Whole and Mixed Spice3 for the purpose. Call and sec thcaa. . JC&J, tbe Handy Box iboe Blacking, with kindle attached.- Aixl a full 1ior of frohi TtknUr Sfnpliee, at Crapon's FamUy lixocery. .' - --r. GE(- CRAPON, Aent, se pj t Somh Front St I - PLEASB KOTICS. ,f --r. ,We will be glad . to zecelre eocuxuxnlcatloi from our friend oa iay and all cnbleett J sener&l Interest tmt - t 4 Cjii ; Tbe name ot the writer meat ahraye be fa Jahed to thefidttor. i C K, :f 11 :,": Commxinlcatlons moat be written oa onl one aide of the paper. - ' '"! ' :-' - rersonaliuee must be avoided.. V " :" j, j! 7J Cf i I. And It is especlalrjr and rartlcclarly end ' stood that the Editor does not always endot j j tae rlews of correspondent unless so etatc j tn the editorial colomna. ' 1 ' 1 :- r ' - NEW AOVETtTISEMENTSi :. - . h H Baltimore & Wilmington Steamshipv Line'. :-'-Vi : Stcumer HALEIGII, CAPT. LITTLEFIEL1), Will sail from SATURDAY, SEPT. 8H1. I ' AND FROM " : w-iLiiisrCirTOjsri THURSDAY; Sept. 13tli For Freight Ensarrements. annlr to; 'i A, 1: CAZAUX, ArL :?t - - - .. .... .t.'. ir. .'. :. .i .-iL-..JI - j i ' - TViluiiogton, yj C. JAS. h. ANDKFAVS, Afft. . sept 3- 4 German H , Baltimore. KAISER BEER, Imported, from Germany $2,50 per Dozeii.t , 1 BKST SOLD IN WILMINGTON. t- VIENNA. TROPIC. :-! s i'lIfElX BEER', - " v.t ..... :, , ,.; - .1 . AMERICAN GOODS. XxlKl K SUPERIOR QUALITIES UNtlUKS t - TlONED-f koo per dozen. ELEGAN T ASSORTMENT OF - ,0akes and Crackers ROYSTER'S CAND Purest and best made in North Car r - : ' " 1 '-"! r Three Ponnds for $1. ENGLISH DAIRY, EDAM 1 FRESH AND american'cheese."' r': "i . P. L. BRIDGERS Ss CO. HO North Front 8t. I 1 sept PJew Music. f. pEKK A BOO, by Scanlan; " H , i , j , Tho Bells Aro Ringing, by J K Earnest; ' Kiss Me. by ,Emmet ; Wake Out, by ! do The Pong Fol!o; price 50.; , T he Folio of Mn.icv price 50c ;' : Musical fp8trumenta 6f all kind, ii i-V. Pianos and trgins sold on the Easy Instil- at. , . - . .! i HEINSBERGER'S, ' . v - - pt 3 Lire Book and Music Stores New Furn itlire Warerooms. " AT ko20 .G.iANiT2 CoVJ6ti.;o4iT &t., I, have opened wHhrwlt L.ik Lj a well feC'.CCtCd stCk Of ;!: -r n ' I ' Furniture anil Beading, Embracing many neir de tin Bed room and Parlor Suits; -1 . - . - ,t i,. - Our nlm ehall tx to deal fairly iwl !nircly wiUi all, and reipcclf nily ask a eliaro of t!i public petronage. Conrteouii trcatojent gaur anUc'l to all wWfavorme iritb a chIL ! s?ptji lf .THOMAS C CRAFT, Agciitl FIJIHDA 'WATER.-"- -" k l ,rr:. LAVKKDKR WATER, . I VIOLET WATKRJ j II ELIOT HOPE WATEir i WHITE ROSE WATER. .." r , - RAZENA WATP.R. Also a complete aaortracnt ot Cologne and Perfumery for tbe summer seaaon.' 1 1 Freecriptiona compoawied , dy atl nibtat t - F. C lilLLER'8. i . - German Drnjrrfst. J, aept . ... j Corcer Fouxtb and Nan U.- I "Shipped in Ice.'":; JJIRESII FIS II TOALLpoIota In North Carolina, J'oiUb Carolina,' and Ccorfa, onarinttc v dc.'iver tlcm Ju. MC.iver Vtcrn 111 I x V i i . j goJ roiKtitlon : 3 W. E. DAV11 &SON. 1 'Mm. r m :'.; :'

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