ccpted by JOSH T. JAMES, tintt ANurKoritiEioK. ..CUirTWN1 rOrTAGE PAID: S 4A' si uontht, $2.0. Threi !c Jf .i One month, 35 cents. 31 ,ner wW ! llrercd !,y carrf" free . 'Ml, M report any an r i- - 1 " - . . . " 1 tivc ihe'r isjr rrgnLirly. ,iu tjVOL. VII. j j W ILMINGTONi N. G.i TUES DAT, SEPTEMBER 1883. n- MiVy .' Am Ac afsrwf I during week lights will constitute' a . , m. ririlnlion, of my newspaper , day's work.or in other words, the hour : '"' ... .-j c ii'..,..--.,.. i Of thi nicht firrH will lu rPn. 1,. 1 r J mine rvv or riimiivw.i'i. . . , t v" j'aoi , .!.'. lfM:.. : ; fire p m till half-past one a m, allowing ' NO. 210 Tie ui'rkc! linc . " raH. linn . ii. ! thirty minutes for lunch - - ! , ; . .it - . , bltvicu wm oe pam lor Uie 15oarl of Aldermen. 1 The Board of Aldermen met in regu lar month session yesterday afternoon. Sundav i inc committee on I .nance . made . . frnlav vi5 from STl tci 7i v 4M: mi uuo amu as ( uieir repon in ine matter ot me claim NeA.."nd).was ,ro,'iliotherovcrtiraesoryice--atlhe rate of;ofo n iWfnrmfA nr. oue-scventh of a dav's oav for arh ... - - nour. .u payments for over-time. tyonthe corner of Third and Ami IK- publie d:bi statement for Ausu&t including Sunday service, or "-J.I.W a reiluctiou of about five and tional part of a month, will irtii,r upon the number of week da ofk 4 hi-8 K fr. Kdwin Iak? i-J Berfi!.cr,i!e late General Pendleton , :hcroiiI derate armyv . i IIUOIUII. .r?; o v.r r As tar as length lespective oeats, anil secure their con- t when the hont will nrrK-n hern for a frac- ' streets ; reading the opinion'of the City be based i Attorney and the estimate of a me- ays in thccianu ours and rate of Awerraan unauuourn oitercu mo nnemenc in the public pound, wnotter rpayment for Sundav work are concern- ! following resolution, which, on motion. etl, the concession is precisely what was ! was adopted I demanded by the Brotherhood of Tele- i Himi Alderman Chadbbura niovciVlhat the? . lltver Xoavs. clerks of the market houses be .required j From a letter received to day from to bo in attendance ar all'; times duribr j fjayctteville, which was written' yester market hours and .attend, personally to day, evening, we learn that the steamer opening and closing said houses. . , X; P. Hurt ieft there! yesterday morning The following substitute for a rosolu. j and that the river had fallen . 3 incheg tion ot Alderman Boney, providing j smcc jier departure. ' Tho riycr , had that the police force he directed to arrest previously' been very low, and; this all cattle, hos and roats found ou their I Tt i ii r i f i- loxas in 11 had taxable values j point regarding Sunday 'ork U a very , m. i'ith ' to S 73; in 182 they important one ! If an operator here ruo.i ui.i- w w . j after works on Sundays he i3 to bo paid i nuuattd ti ii-'.-.'"- . extra, and if he does not work on that . - . l t t luc Iuitiis duel in which both coin ;, .ars win; killed at I he lir-t liro was .'.VMltdo busiues afl'air. .-. i'..n;re--iuan-elect O'Hara, ot thi3 sa.l( ws.s recently cnlcrtainctl at diu- ltr I v prominent co.ored citizens in ii .1. M. McKntght, of St. , -.1 c0. !iot Jiiniself through the head, KriJ y. ssyin tna, nc na Hvxil long t-itotigh. day no reduction ! is to be made from bis wages. To a; mail receiving 80 per mouth this concession would make a difference of over $10 per! month. These concessions . have ' caused much satisfaction I among tho telegraphers. To as Herald reporter 'yesterday an oQicer of the company j report in the matter of rebates on the arrangement with Mr. Parsley, where by both parties may set forth all the facts bearing upon the claim for dama ges to his property, corner of Third and Ann streets, by' sartace water, and submit tho same 16 some Superior Court J udge for his decision as to the liability of the city for said damages; both parties to abide by the decision. The committee on Finance made a cd by Alderman Chadbjourn and adopt Jiesolvcd,- That the Board of "Audit and Finance be requested to furnish the city with teu mon additional during the months of October, November and De cember, for the solo purpose of riddinjr Temperance I-ecturo. -We and-sland:tliat Ucv.'T. Page Ilicand willdeliver n lecture or sermon on the subject of "Teniperance," at the Filth Street Methodist Church to-morrow eveningunder the auspices ef the the city of the nuisance of cattle and ' Independent Order of Rcchabites of hogs running at large Aldermen Dudley. Bear, Chad bourn and Howe voted ayo. Aldermen Bo ney, Sweat and Geyer voted nay. I this city, the members of the two Tents to attend in a body. The ptiblicarel invited. i The Pu'rh lo!ar expedition steamer VurJoe li arrived salely at an island iu Arctic ocean, off Finnmark, and all boanl ire well. said that these conocs&ions had been granted solely out of good feeling on the 'part of the company toward tho opera- Louis, i tors. cstcrn Union crjuhl uot afford to grant the terms in full demanded by the brotherhood; and' what it could af ford to crant it would not so lonz as i the operators" were in arms , against the company. iMowtnal the .telegraphers bad returned Io their" desks what was reasonable and possible to grant had been conceded., j 1 I fii,.?L who have been liguriug on the crop say that there is a shortage .n tMs season's crop in this country of Tiinw.oort bushels. Mr. lilackburn ha3 withdrawn from ershiD conteAt. nhd entered tnc race for tho United States Senate,! r.. tucecd Gen. Williams. LOCAL NEWS. i INDEX TO NEW UDYERTISEMENTS. YATKft-School Books E1EIN9UEE0KK NCW MnsiC F C Miller Florida Wafer, Ac J W JIarpek Family Excurs.on V II Gkeex New Crop Turnip Seed luring the month or July there were i-Vven deaths at Panama among the well-to-do olasses, and, it is believed, iwicc as many aniong tho natives and poorer classes . A miners strike is likely to occur in Mahoning Valley, Ohio, as the miners have asked for an advance in wages of ten per cent., which the operators have ivtused to pay. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 125 bales. j Mr. W. B. McKov. of this city, has gone to Boston to see the Exposition. Silver Plated Spoons aud Forks, low prices. at.TAOOBis s At 3 o'clock this afternoon the ther mometer in this ofllcd registered 88 de grees. I i. . . . j There was much of aullness'around the City Hall this morning and as a consequence news items were scarce. At an early hour Friday morning, at j There is unmailable ! matter in the Cursicana. Texas, a dozen ' brutes Postoflice in thi3 city addressed to Wil causht Martin Kelley, colored, covered liana Niestlie, 120 Byerson st., Brook hini with coal oil and set lire to it and lyn. N. Y. '' Horrible! "oiifned him todeath. Since the adoption of local option Uws in Canada in 1878, the liquor con sumption in the Dominion, according t Sir Leouard Tilly, the Canadian j The Cape Fear: Steam Fire Kngiue ! Company weie out on monthly practice yesterday afternoon.1 They have a fine steamer and they know hoy to handle it to advantage. unance minister, has fallen from -fhe celebrate J 'Fish j Brand Gills j Twine is sold only ware Depot. at Jacoui's Hard zaHons to 1,250,000 gallons A new switch capable of holding fifty i Ia!ace cars is being built at llichfield j A correspondent of the Goidsboro Springs, preparatory to the holding -of j Mcsscnyer, who signs himself "Pender the Republican State Convention. The i and who we take to be Dr. S. S. Satch- and Lacka-1 well, warmly recommends the vxncui; to the Delaware wanna Company will be 1,500. well, warmly recommends the nomi nation of Maj. Chas. M. Stedroan for I .rn!j nnnt (Jftrrrnnr. 1 The old industry of glass making has . 1 4 had such a revival in Venice that 13,W0 j There is no Mistake about the fact beaiL. while many i yiat the crops nciwcen mis city anu Burgaw, with the exception ot a short people now make others are employed iu glass-blowing and mosaic. Other arts, which have distance in the vicinity of llocky Point, market stalls, which, on motion, was adopted. Committee on Streets and Wharves made a report oa the subject of paving North Water street, which, on motion of Alderman Bear, was received and placed on file, and, further, that the matter be deferred until the meeting in October. Report of committee on Streets and Wharves, with regard to the "gutter on i Ann street, was referred back to the committee. Same committee reported progress in ! the matter of the Sixth street bridge. I Committee cn Fire . Department reported, recommending that the floor i of Ann Street Engine House be repair ed, i On motion of Alderman Boney, the committee on Fire Department was instructed f o replace the floor of the said houso, either with boards or con" crete, and also furnish a hosjC-reel driver for the company. Alderman Bear moved that the com miittce on Fire Department take into consideration the matter of the alarm. Committee on Lights made a re port, which was adopted, recommending the granting of petitions for lights as fol lows: Oil lamp, corner of Ray and Rankin streets! (Twelfth and Red Cross); oil lamp, corner of Bladen and McRae streets ; gas lamp, corner of Fourth and Church streets. Alderman Dudley tendered his resig nation as chairman of the committee on Market and Fees, stating that1 he did not havejthc time longer to attenil to its arduous duties. Alderman Chadbourn moved that the thanks of the Board be tendered Alder man Dudley for his most valuable ser vices as chairman of the Market Com mittee, and that he be requested to re consider the matter of his resignation Unanimously adopted. The committee on the Sanitary Dc. partment, through Alderman Bear, made a report in regard to the iotroduc tion of second-hand clothing into this city, endorsing the recommendation of the Board of Health, to the - effect that the sme be prohibited as dangerous to the health of the city; also recommen ins a nxid enforcement of the regula- County Commissioners. The Board met in regular monthly session yesterday afternoon. j Tho Treasurer submitted his report for the month of August, as follows : General Fund, balance on baud. .............. t ..... . .$5,528.04 Educational Fund, balance on J hand. . . ..: v.-....!.'. I 1 1.859.22 Certificate of Deposit .6,500 00 He also exhibited one coupon of the denomination of $15. . The Register of Deeds submitted his report for the'month of August, and exhibited the Treasurer's receipt for $9.50. amount ot fees received by him for marriage licenses. It was ordered by the Board that K P. Bailey be allowed to list his property, situated on the east bank of the .Cape Fear river, and known as L. A. Hart's vinejard. Application of J.; A. McCalluni, for license to retail spirituous liquors in the city vas granted. 1 The Board proceeded tor draw the jurors for the October term of the Criminal Court, as loliows: . I I, . J. A. Hankins, Joseph Rich, S. Sailings, A: O.McG irt, John "C. Spring er. Richard i Si Hall,. Grier ..Kidder, John J. Geyer. C. B. Wright, R. F. Rowan, John McLauriu, R. L. Hutch ins, Edgar D. Williams," Geot J. Hussell, John Burgwyn, Edward Stills, George N. Harriss, B. B.f' Harrison. Thos. J. Bell. Dennis Brown, W. T. Williams, James T. Jarman, S. R Birdsey, O. R. Hollingswortn, W. B. Hill, John Fitzgerald, A. J. Howell, Richard Hooper, J ulius Fernberger and John W. King. j The Finance Committee was em powered and instructed to turn over the tax books to the Sheriff for collec tion, and ta,ke hi3 receipt for the same. The Board then adjourned, subject to the call of the Chairman. just rc Mortar Bricks. Mr, J. B.'Farrar, who has turped from Shallotte, in Brunswick county, showed us1 yesterday a brick as asDeciuien of the kind made jdown in that section. It is a lime brick, made from oyster shell lime aud white sand, and is very nearly a pure white. It is sun-dried and as hard a3 a rock and might be called a brick of dried mortar. A house buillf of these bricks would probably present a very handsome ap pearance. For the Exposition. Messrs. Worth & Worth, of this city, have prepared. a sample case of rosin?, embracing all the different grades, from common strained to window glass, which they have shipped this afternoon to the Boston Exposition. The case is divided into 12 compartments, in each of which there; are 49 pieces of rosin, nil of one grade, and the difli?rent grades are sojarranged in fheir respective com partments as to give a pleasing and agreeable effect i n color. The top of the case is j)f glass, so that it may all be seen without danger oftbeconiing muti lated and ( Wasted through careless handling. - I The General f Agent ot Construction, of the Canada Atlantic Rail way, James King, Esq. of J Ottawa, says : I was troubled withj boils over my whole body, but by' the use" of two bottles of St. Jacobs Oil I wascured PLEASJ5 NOTICE. ",TT wDJ be gl&d to .itccIt cMitnuXLletioi) from tmr triMds on any'ana all snbjecti rencral Interest tct. 1. The name of the writer most always be fa alsni to the Editor. . " ' . - I Commanlcatla&s mnet he wrlttea on on I one eMe of the paper. " I PcreonaKUes mxist be avoided. And ltl8 epodLally and particularly und ' stood that Cbe Editor does hot! alwaya endoi Uie vlewa of correspondents -nnlcsa to atatc In tho editorial coltunaa. " f f f . i NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. Baltimore & IViliniiisrton Stcamslilp Line f 1 Steaiiier RALEIGH,1 CAPT. L1TTLEFLEU), Will eaU from SATURDAY, SEPT. Stli. AXD FKOM "wiuaviixvrca-'roisr. THURSDAY, Scpt. lStli 1 : - .:- . For Freight Engagements, apply to i I Al. CAZ AUX, " j Wilmington; n C. TAS. I?. ANDREAVS, Agt.J ecpt 3- 31 German St , Baltlmor KAISER BEER, Imported from j Germany .oO'per DoUii. j 1 1 BEST SOLD IK WILMINGTON!" VIENNA, TROPIC," I . '. : I ) K':". ; IMICESIX HEERj AMERICAN GOOn It Will Pay All who desire to dress well on a limi ted purse: to buy their Clothing of I. SiiniEu. They buy only for A. & Cash Pender Notes. M " - 1 1 metal and lawmaking, and the manu-! we ever saw p, before. 1 tions regarding the proper collection r r.,; in-imitiioi of: .,77,.--.7..VZ:t ! and removal of garbage. Leport adopt- a.iwic ji i i uiiiiM li.vuuraiuu. furniture in-imitation ol ; antique designs in ebony aud ivory has j !een begun. The Chicago Tribune thus muses over the hot-water bath taken by ex Senator Conklinjt: "The egotism of this strutting peacock makes one shud der in contemplating what might have happened to the country it he had re mained long enough in the Hot Springs bath tub to have been boiled until ' ho was ready for the table. Such funeral baked meat might have invoiveu a catastrophe to the country as fearful as if a cyclone had swept over it." ti The irieads of Ex-Speaker, Randall having asserted that Mr. Carlisle has opposed bills for the improvement of the Mississippi river, a letter from Mr. Carlisle, written last Dember to J. G. Tach. of Mississippi, is publish, which shows that be is in favor of ap propriating any amount of money ne cessary to make the navigation of the great water way easj cheap and safe, nnd promote ther commercial wellfaro of the country along its banks. The Western Union has at last made some concessions lo its employees in regard to night work and compensation for Sunday work, as we learn fiom the New York Ihra Id: Printed notices of the concessions which tho Western Union Telegraph Company on Saturday determined to grant to its operatives were yesterday posted up in all the offices of tho com pany. These notices read as follows : . "September 1. 1883. Commencing toiday, seven and a half hours' actual service in this oflice The Family excursion oiihe Tassport J to morrow will undoubtedly be well patronized ai it is to be the last of . the season. Capt. Harper is deservedly popular with his j passengers and ho makes these family excursions pleasant for every o'bc who attends. Nothing but threatening weather will prevent the party from being one of the largest of the season. Ke-capttircri. From a note received from Sheriff Taylor, ot Brunswick county, we learn that Joe Goodman, the outlaw, who some months since escaped from the jail a. Smithville, was retaken on Sat urday, the 1st instj, by Constable S. Hickman, assisted by a posse, and is now safely confined in his old quarters in jail. The capture was effected at Mr. Bland's plantation, on Back Branch, Shallotte township. , j I . . ; Too Venturesome, j On Sunday, Aug. CGih.jas Miss Mary E. Vann, daughter of our old friend and subscriber, John R.Vann; of Rock flih township, Duplih county.! was en- rind in some dutv in the kilckcn of her falherV house, the rest of the family being abseot at chuichsho was startled by an unusual noise ami looking around sho saw a hawk in hot; pursuit of a pel dove which hail taken to the building tor protection. The young lady wasted n time in trying to Vhoo" the intruder off, butcfught up a stick and killed him, and then deliberatr ly 'resumed her household duties. ! - Vv . ed The following petitions for the erec tion of wooden buildings with tin roofs, were granted: S. Burtt, one story, South side ot Mulbery, between Front and Water; W. C. Farrow, addition to No. 8, Mulberry street; W. Larkins attorney lor M. S. Dawson, a shed, to bo used as a stable. East- of B. F. Mitchell & Sons mill; Cbas. Wcssell, store on South side of Mulberry, be tween Front and Water, two stories high; Thos. I II- Wright, attorney for Mrs. C. A. Fulton, to complete a frame building on her premises, on Fifth, between Princess and Chestnut; Samuel Bear, Sr., shed on hispremises; J. G. Oldenbutte.1, one or two small frame buildings, and to repair one building on Nutt, between Mulbery and Red Cross streets. Alderman Howe moved that tho ordi nance in regard to hog pens be not j en forced until thd 1st of November. Adopted. " .. ; r ''x .. It was resolved that the petition of Mr. Latimer, to erect two - tin-roof buildings in rear of residences on the corner of Orange and Third streets, be granted provided ' that such buildings do not stop the alley known as Hoskins" alley.'. ,": 7;.:, 'X X;'.. rf Petition of supdry( citizens, for a by drantat the corner of Brunswick and Nutt Btrcets, was granted, the Board of Audit nd Finance concurring; Petition for the improvement of Brunswick street, was. on motion re ferred to the committee on Streets and Wharves. - and allow their patrons to share in the benefits of all advantages thus gained . .11 ' .'. . 1 tf NEWJ ADVERTISEMENTS The little village on the W. & W. Railroad, in Pender counti', known as Leesburir, with the Postoflice name of Camera, has dropped both names and is now known as Wiilard. both ! tis ar railroad station and pjstoffice Re cently there have been many improve ments made at Wiilard, (nee Leesburg Camera) and it is in a really flourish ing condition , and bids fair to become one of the promising towns ot that sec tion. Its inhabitants are sober, indns-j trious, hospitable and public spirited and are wide awake lo the demands of I the age.k ' - ; j Among other new j features worthy of note is a very fine jscooli which, has recently opened there! under favorable au3 pices, and we are glad to learn that it has alreody become a prodounccd success. Rev. L. TV Carroll is the principal and he has secured the servi ces of experienced and successful teach ers as his assistants. Mr. Hosea P. Murray, one of the most promising young men of Wiilard, will leave in a few days for Baltimore, where he will attend his second course of lectures at the Medical College.) : He expects to graduate this session. He read Medicine " under the "tutelage of Dr. K. J. Powers, of Wiilard, and tho latter feels a deep interest in the success of his pupil, and from an intimate knowledge of his characteristics, pre dicts for hloi a brilliant future - in the profession. ' T ' ' " l . Withinthe last two , or three weeks ten or twelve valuable horses have, died jn the immediate vicinity - of Wiilard, from the disease known as "blind sta( ger? I Family Excursion. rpiIEKE WfIX RE ONE MORE fAMILT EX'CURSrO V, cn tte STE A MER PASSPORT, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 5th i Parnate's Band ..).-- i -!-.-: - i - j. W. HARPER. will furnish music. : sept 4-1 1 Taxes. T HIE TAX BOOKS FOR :1Sh5 HAVE RISEN placed In my hands for collection Taxes are now due and Tarpiyeri are earnestly re-ineet-ed to mate prompt settlements. j JOnS D. f ATJX1l, I - sept : Tax Collector Sew Crop ! Turnip Seed ! JA ND RET IPS AND J1UIST.. Quality v best imdjrlcfts satisfactory.! ". '' ' WILLIAM H. GREEN, Druggist, '. ,-i ' . ' '. . sept 3 . 117 Market Street THEIR SUPERIOR" QUALITIES ' ITN-QL'ES- T f O N E D-r-2, CO per dozen. ELEGAXT ASSORTMENT OF Cakes and Crackers I- ROYSTER'S CANDY Purest and best made la North Carollnj Three Pounds for $1. -o- ENGLISH; DAIRY. EDAM FRESH AND ESE.i I ; AMERICAN CIIEE P. L. BEIDGERS & 00. t w-pt llO North Front St. Wew HIusic. TEEK A BOO, by fccaobin; - The Belbi Arc Ringing, by J K Eirncai; The Lotc of the Sliamrock, br i 'do Kiss Mej by Emmet? L Wako Out, by do . : A TbO Pod? Folio, price c; ! The Folio of Music, u rice 60c: Musical Instruments of all kind. I Pianos and Organs sold on the Eaay menr nan, ai ! (- HEINSBERGEIt'S ' ' '" ' I- - H -I rept 3 J -t -' Lire Book and Mtwic Store Millinery & Fancy Goods j T7INE HAT.-,' BONNETS. FEATHERS, ( i love, IUbbons ami Trimmings. Neckwear, Hlkfs, ZenJiyrB and other Fancy Goodn. 3 bummer tioods telfins cheap. i MRS. KATE C. WINES, So. 119, North Second S reet. nvg 2J j; - - - next South of Poatofilce Old Sorth State Saloon. J-ATIVZ CHAMPAGNE, SUPERIOR TO (so calledj Imported at high prices. Finest " - ' .:J --e - ---- ' Beer on Draught in the dty. Save your stamps by 'drinklny' REST WHI-KET at CHEAP PRICE. ; ; ; " - -! - sept 2-iy School Books ! School Books LIBERAL DISCOUNT ALLOWED New Furniture Warerooms. AT NO. 20 GRANJTE ROT, 80. FRONT TbL, I have opened with what I think Is a well selected stock of ' Furniture and lledding, Erabracln many Wnr t!ea!gps In Bedroom and Parlor Suits. Oar aim shall be to dal fairly and squarely with all, and reaped fully ask a share of tbo public patronage.- Courteous treatment rnar ante4 to all who favor me with a calL i jj aept34f THOMAS C CRArrAfcnt ; FLORIDA WATER, - t i LAVENDER WATER. ! j 1 VIOLET WATER, l: ' UELUn kOPKVATER. -f WHITJB ROK WATER. , razena water. Also a rompleta aaortment of Coloroes and Perfnmery for tho bummer seaion. , - t ; - Mi" Prescrlptkms eomima'wied . , and . u . mj. .i.. ...... . . sept 3- Oerman Dnurrist. astTNuJi sta. Correr Koortb rfiACHERS AND MERCHANTS. SCHOOL srJPPLIEJ Paper, ' Pens. Pea- Wehave reccired from Yates1 Book stnreflk:facsimile of -the first number Ised-oftbeNew York 'Sifit, fwhich isjcllStaueponce. Copy Books, Book Ba. rfod ScDtember 3d. 1633: irfst 50 vears wyona, ir.K, c, c yesterday..; It is a four- pa?erap'cr With thtee columns to the page, . and i is 1 just oae fourthlhe size of the Bun oi ) the present clay, I C. W. YATES, "&ep 3; 113 Market street; "Shipped in IceL" JpRESH Pisn TO ALL la Jforth firwllna, j" South CaoIlna, an"! Georjl't, l 1 ! I gorl condition. , . , ,'. . aept 3 - . y. c. DA.V3 & SOX.