Tina tape jOSH T. JAMES, lDiro asi rBorsirTOK. BirRirTIN3 rOSTAGE PAID: jCBrfK" months. t2-W. Three .jotc. ))C leHTered by carrier free I P5,, any pari of the eHy. at the abote mtc? low and HbcraL X Zrfjcri will report any and U fU--Sre th-'r pal regularly. jif iVrf Rtricw has the largest cimtl'Uion, of any newspaper k1- d. in the city of Wilmington. JB The princes o! Wales still" loots .r..-J- Xeilie Arthur lias not yet seen 'X'enth birthday. it. T:.e pub!:!ers of Blaine's book cx- ell l.'. opies of tlie work. - Vk-.Iuh cuniatus 1(KCK Je,ws and ".','tJcwbh library in the worlif. fyl.C'asli. t "South Carolina, was in lie conference with Lontrcct, Mhonc ChahinTS. i i rll. Durand, the oldest of Amer- iiaintcrs, uas just t celebrated his .seventh birthday. K:niIlKbcrtSiivc to Mr. Currn, i.ot"okhiaiMr. Garretfs horse, a ., J watch wilh twenty four diamonds ii ::e case. ! ti e! Justice Waite, who , . r in Lvnie. Conn., has is at his I recovered -..n-.Hipiniur.es siistaincnl in a fall iraveKu-j with General Sherman i f.v:-.t.y. . . . The name of ex-Speaker Samuel J. j KamliU was urawu umrsuay as a pent; uror lr l!ie ."Mpiciuuer icriu m ui ( 'ourt ot I uarter Sessions at Philadel- 1-h A .Uarjiand j)Ostraaster has just died u aci has held his oflice lor moro than ;ul jcar. His greatest regret must i .. t-.i I.Mn tliif lio linl tn ftvn nn hi3 i ficc at last. t'l'.'oncl John Johnson, of Collin, Tex., the noted Granger legislator, 'hre.vtus the division of Texas into two ur three States iTthc proposed constitu 'ii'nal amendments are adopted Mrs. John Russell Young, wife of rite American Minister to China, and a niece of ex-Governor Jewell, gave birth to a son in Paris not long since. - The mother and child are doing well. The value of finished goods manufac tured in the United States is estimated at .,3W,000,000, and the wages paid tor the same is estimated at $98,000, cak or about IS per. cent ot the whole vn'uo ct the goods. jueen Victoria is said to have asked j !ier poet laureate, Tennyson, to write a j poem on John Brown. .Some people may smile at this, but that is - precisely j a poet laureate's business, and if he ob j jeeted he may be discharged. j Seaator Ransom says the North i Carolina cotton crop will be onc-tourtn hort; tobacco auoSorn ditto. The Democratic party is flourishing, the people are nappy. aDU ioe w..uu. al delegation divided on the Speaker- j snip. i Mr. Blackburn's retirement Ironi the .Speakership contest to devote his en tire energy to the United States Sia torship will it is said, compel Mr. Car lisle to adopt a change of tactics, the latter being also a candidate for both places . : Jefferson was the -champion absentee I'resident. lie was away Irom Wash ington 796 days in eight years. Monroe is next with 708 days in eight years. John Quincy Adams -was absent 223 days in four years, and Washington 181 days in eight year?. - " . ' ' " Mrs. Moore, wife ol a - Philadelphia millionaire, was specially noted jit Saratoga garden party, Ibe other day, l)ecause she wore laces and silks which cost $30,000, and also diamonds that were valued at $75,000. This makes $105,000 for one evening, outfit. The New York World says' the Re publicans of Massachusetts arc so agi lated ovef the prospect of Butler's re election that it is probable that instead of sending money to Ohio and Virginia, as in the national campaign, the Massa ohusetts reformers will be passing around the hat ami saying, 'as Blaine did : Your neglect to send money here is imperilling the national cause.' Says the New York Tribune i It the Hon- Alexander Mackenzie faithfully reflects popular Canadian sentiment, icentlemen who are indulging in dreams of the annexation . of Canada to the United States, or of Canada's setting up for herselt, are not destinted to see their dreams materialize. In an ad dress which he has just delivered at I .on Jon he spouts the idea of a separa tion and goes so far as to declare that Canada would give her last man and her last dollar to maintain ihe pretigo and power of England. Sandays ex- ' ' ' ' : ' - -' t ' i i ' V-:.-7 -j - - - - !"- . - ..- - ; -,1..' -iV-- ... . ,r, - t ' V " r: - ' h . . - . . . : , . . ... : VOL. VII.1; WILMINGTON. N. C.WEDNESD (iovcrnor Batlcr, on his arrival at Gloucester in his yacht America, was ' creetedwith three rouinsf cheers from about fifty employees of a canning com- LOCAL S. 4- INDEX TO NEW UDYERTISEUEITS. Yates School Dooks UiaxsuERGEH New Jltuic Wm M Uxrt .Tr-f-Stal! Xo. 7 V C MrLKER Florila Water, tc W It G REE5 New Crop Turnip Stcit Uartlett pears retailed here to day at c 4 . i. i ; The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 97 bales.. H j To-day has been decidedly the warm est ot the month ;thu3iar. Maj. C. W. McClarumy. of Scott's Hill, was in the city tj)-day. New Hanover Superior Courts meet3 the first Monday in December, Scuppernong grapes may bought at 25 cent3 per peck. ! i now be Silver Plated Spoons prices. At J A COBT .'s and Forks, low t ! ' r-i 1 s The stearaer ras.sj.brt took a large party Dr excursionisU down the river this morning. ; r - t -1 m uaj. ti . ji. tvcniy, oupcnnieiuienc oi the Richmond & Petersburg R- was in the city yesterday. ' j This has been another hot day. 2 o'clock this afternoon thcjlhemometer indicated 89 degressin our office. Scuppernongs are pleptilul in this market and are offered for. sale at the resonable price of five cents a quart. , . i Steamship Bcnefactdr, Capt. Tribon from New York, arrived at her wharf i in this city at about 9 o'clock this morn- ins. Air. tfc3?XSllen, attorney at law, of Kenausville, Duplin county, is in the city lo-day on brief visit of business j in connection with hts profession. . 1 j ! Messrs. John 1) Bellamy, Jr., and John B. Harriss. of this city, Jhaye gone North with the Boston! Exposition as the objective point of their visit. ! The Boston Exposition open to-day ! aud we feel quite well assured that the j exhibit from this Stale j will-compare favorably with that of any other. Raleigh , Greensboro and Charlotte will alL have theatrical entertainments next week out there notmng lor Wilmington so far until next month. ton so faiji Handsome new plate-glass windows are put into the s ore on Market street lately vacated by- Mr. II aim tnd soon to be occupied. by Mr John Tay- lor. . Mallette. colored and Ian old cffcnderf was bcr0're thti Mayor this mirninf pli.irw.d with bein? drunk and down. A fine of 10or 30 days in the city prison was the sjentencc in his case. and he went below. There arc now 18,010 postofficcs iu the United States, of which number 2. 18G are presidential offices, and 0.&73 money order offices. Sincs the year 187G the number of postpffices has been increased 40 per cent. ' . - Brown & Pearson, .the barbers on Front street, next door to Capt. R. M. Mclntire's dry goods store, will not re move, as was stated in onr columns a few weeks ago. They have leased the premises for another year. h Attention is invited to I the advertise ment of Mr. V. M. Hays. Jr.. at Stall No. 7 in the New Alarket. He has just received a lot of veryj'lflno mountain beef which will be displayed for sale at his stall every day this week. Housekeepers will do j will to take a look at it. i ' . People who affix postage stamps to newspaper wrappeis 1 irrijsuc'h a way that part ot the stamp hjys over , and adheres to the pajter jpelf run the risk of having their gapers sent to the Dead Letter Office. " lr that shape the . paper becomes a 'scaled packet, suo ject to letter rates. Tell me, yc wmgeu winds, that round my pathway, roar. is there no favored spot where skeetertM sing no more? no calm, secluded dell in-' which to build a home; where aque never shakes and bed bug3 never roam?" The answer came in sounds t as cool as Greenland's breath! twas 44No, you fool!"- ' :l -;""t:q ,'? ' A Novel Stylo of Overcoat. ' U any one wants to continue saving the expense of an overcoat, and at the same time escape' rheumatism, such weather as this he must invest-fifty cento in a bottle of St, Jacobs Oil and lather himself with it ngiit weu. ; Bids for Stone. The bids for furnishing stone for the improvement of the Cape Fear .river were opened at the office of Captain Henry Racon, in this city, at noon yes terday. There were but twocompeti- j tor3, Mr. George Z. French, of thiscity, and Messrs. Ross & Lara. The bids were ai $1.50 per ton by Mr. French, and $1.35 per ton by Messrs. Eos3 & Lara. They have been forwarded to Lt Co!. Craighill, U. S. Engineer, at IJaliiinorc, Md., who will make - the f award i T. C. Medical Journal, t The August number of the Norlh Carolina Medical Journal has been received, Wer always receive this work wilh pleasure, for although non professional and consequently unac quainted with many terms used, yet there is much that we do understand and read with instruction and profit. It is a valuable magazine to the phy sician and it shows to the layman that medical science is working zealously and inteligently for the health and happiness of suffering humanity by per sistent research after the cause, region, characteristics, prevention- and .reme dies for the various ailments wilh which mankind are afflicted. Return tlic Books. We call the attention ol our citizens to the fact that there are a good many books belonging to the Library Asso ciation that have been loaned out and never returned. The books are all to be catalogued as soon j as practicable, and it is essential that every book shall be returned to the Library at once. We hope that this very important matter may be attended to without, delay as thfc Board of Directors will use every exertion to obtain them. There, are many other and still more cogent reasons why they should be returned . They are the property of the Library Association , which is an honor and blessing to our city, and every person should constitute himself a committee of ono to see that the prop erty is speedily returned to. its proper owners. . ASiiruof Success. The old, low, tumble-down buildings on Third, between Market and Prin cess streets, occupied by Mr. P. H. Hayden,- as a carriage manufactory, are to be torn down and new ones of more imposing appearance and possessing much greater conveniences for carriage making purposes are to be placed in their stead. The work ;bas already b2en commenced, and Alfred Howe, the contractor for the. wok, expects to have the now buildings ? completed, and ready for occupany" in about "eight weeks. The main building will be by 56 feet on the ground and will be two stories high. This will be used as a storehouse and salesroom for car riages, harness and - saddlery. There will be another building directly in the rear of this, which will be 2fi by 46 feet and one Story high. T his latter will be used for. woodwork and as a black smith shop, j Both buildings will bo of wood and whou completed will be fitted up with all ihe conveniences nd mod ern mechanical appliances for making goodwork expeditiously and cheaply Fires in Aufirust. ' There were six alarms of fire during the month of August, as follows; ... Aug. 5th. Store of J. H. Strauss, on N. E. corner Water and .Cheslnut streets. The building was saved by the prompt action of the fire depart ment. Damage by fire and water, to goods about $1B00, which was covered by insurance. Cause of fire unknown. Aug. 9th. . Fire among some cotton at Messrs. Birdsey . & Rankin's. No damage. Aug. 11th- Small frame building on Fifth, between Princess .and Chestnut streets, which was totally consumed. On the same night an out house on the corner of-EightbTand; Princess streets, which was consumed. , Both of ; these fires "were without doubt,' theworfe $f an incendiary J The fire spread to the stable of Capt. R. Ml Mclntire, but was extinguished with small lossU A t- nbbut 12 o'clock on the same ' nighV Hre 'was fliovercd on the root of the dwelling on Market, next to the corner of Eighth street, wnjca.waa. ..juiuwumiujj . by sparks carr&l from the' last named building. It was extinguished immcdi atclv and the damage was slight. - -; Au. 27th." i Fir on the West side oft the river on the roof of a shed in; the nrl tnrn vard of Messrs. G. "W. Williams !& Co, suppdsed to have ht- from sparks from a passing j steamer. It was extinguished by : the nien employed in the difTereht yards, and the fire department did not cross the"riTer.!;:; , ; ' ' . We rejoice with the, good : people efj that portion of Pender county" in lliej ; vicinity of WHIard (Leeaburg) at the line ana mucu needed showers which visited that section y esterdayJ 'i r. ' j ; Varieties of grapes, other than scup pernong, sell here for 12 centslr pound. This is at the rate we prusume of about a thousand dollars an acre for a prodnc tive vineyard ard ought to 'pay tolera- ble well.. I t Iu connection with an article relative i to street lines .published a few days ! since, we are requested to" state - by " a city official that ail street lines, are . re quired to be'made by the City - Survay or as no one else can give the required certificate. - - , There is to be a joyful time at the Seaside Park Hotel at Wrightsvilloitos morrow night, when a masquerade and phantom ball is to be given. The ladies are busy preparing for it anil as 'it is to be the last of the season thero will projj; ably be a large attendance. Some alterations and improvements are to bo made at the Postoflice. . "The lobby for the money order office having been found too small, it is to be enlarg ed by removing the partition, at. lie Soutk cml f 'ihe main lobby. aboi!it eight feet farther to the North". This will give more'room for both the money order and stamp offices. - Golnsr Nortii. j Mrs. S J. Baker leaves on to night's train for the Northern Afarkets from whence she will bring back a fine se lection of goods in her line and some of the most artistic millinery goods to carry on her business in thiscity The ladies will be -dufy i notified when the i . r j new styles shall have been opened . and become ready for inspection. The Passion Flower. From. Mr. Heinsberger we have re ceived a copy of the "Passion Flower and Other Poems"1 written by Mr. Theo- II. Hill. It is handsomely bound and printed on beautiful, , tinted paper, with gold edge. The volume is ? dedi ' cated to John II. Boner, a North Caro linian, some of whose fugitive r poems, as Mr. Hill very gracefully S3ys, would do honor to any poet,' living or dead. The book is for sale' at Heinsberger's. bookstore. - ' . " - . Number J28. A now engine, .which has iust been turned out of the Carolina Central ; R. Rj Shops at Laurinburg1, arrived - here yesterday afternoon under charge of Capt. James Maglenn, Master Mechan ic. It is 1dccidedly handome piece of work and not only handsome but ser-, viceable. It is the largest'enf inehowi onth.'O.t road "and one or the largest tho "State.- All of . its appointments arc admirable and reflect much ' credit upon Capt. Maglenn,! under whoso su pervision the.entirer work ,vas done:.as well as "upon every man'vh6 at3edin its construction. Number, 28 weighs 66,000 pounds and the tender, - with "wood and waterattachmentF," weighs 48,000 pounds more. The cylinders are 16x24 inches. The new engine left here this morning on the return to Laurin burg. - ' !; ;- - . , A Good Publication. ' The September Magazine of Ameri can IJislory comes freighted with en tertaining and instructive reading itr generous measure, and with thirty or more attractive illustrations. , It is one of the best numbers of this " standard publication yet issued, ils The leading article is by (Jen. John" Cochrane, en titled jiThe Centennial of thcCincin-: nail and is illustrated with -poftait3 of scveral.of the founders and all , of. ihe President Generals ot the "society iince.: its foundation: the frontispiece Ti an excellent portrait of the present Presi-dsnt-Geueral, , Hon. Hamilton jfish . The "second nhible,-1 A Balfimorc Penny," also illislled.isan extreme ly interesting contribution from H. W Richardson", 'of Portland, Me. ' The ianay Norman alker, of New Orleans, Is h paper of exceptional value, . . . . - . .1.-1!. containing much, new matenat, anu delightfully readable -Tho departments of Note, Queries, Replies. , Societies, and Book Notices are: admirably- well sutaiakL3'&i3 magaftiAbecominff more and jnofSTahjable with &ch n urn tedittrsd ta bay their Clothing of A. & I. dttrxek. :mey ony. otnj ior; vasn an4,ftUow their patrons io Jharejntbe benefits of all advantages 'thus gained. - ; ' ' X ' - j - ' - 'if it has! &leua t5erioJlcal literature. Ve happened- to step into'Sohc of the j grocery houses on Water street to.lay. iJn . s gome i rum into his Inkstand-. He stat eu uiai wncn mis. became; lincJc rand nuddy rum wa3 art exeeifent thing to ;mix with it, making it ohin without 'its mrning paie. ta; aiso ;saia mat corn whiskey was equally as. good, ami that ho formerly used that article, but finding that the ink disappeared unaccouhta bJy fast atter; j.he whiskey, had ) been added, he watched' and soon found that it was drank up by nice. We had no idea that tho little pests would drink whiskey, but he averred that he actual Iysaw.a m"ouse Stick his head into the Inkstand and drink heartily, and he is a? truthful a citizen as oyer it has been our fortune to know. We have heard of tipplers who wjuld drink varnish blacking for the sake of the j alcohol it contained, but this is the first 'instance of which, we have heard where a mouse would drink ink for the sake of the corn in the whiskey with1 which it was dilut- Tbo Iate! Too Late!! Too laic noW for any one, whatever may be his" position or by whatever motive actuated, to attempt to th row any calumny or insinuate anything in jurious to-the lair fame of Tho Louisi ana State Lottery, which, ' incorporated by the State of Jouisiana in 1868, gives to tho world renowned Charity Hospi tal at New Orleans, La the princely sum of $1,000,000, and scatters millions broadcast from Nova Scotia to Panama. It monthly drawings take place on the second ; Tuesday f -each month (the 160th, on Sept. 11), and Gen!s G. T. Beauregard, of La;,!and!Jubal'A. Ear ly, of Ta.. attest over their owh signa tures the absolute fairness, strict integ rity and entire good faith towards all parties of the drawings; which are con ducted entirely and solely by them. All information can be had cheerfully from M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La , on application. y s j NEWr ADVERTISEMENTS STALL NO. 7. TJAVISG JUST KECElVjED ; AN EXTUA line lot joC MOUNT Am BEEF, 1 shall itifc lor sale at ray Stall, g. I Front &t.L Market ... ; - t for the ensulupr mok, as -VAT jmd TENDER ilEEF as has been 'exposed for sale in thia. raarket'for some time paat. Aldo an EATRA QUALITY-. OF LAMB, ' Orders p.romjuly.iilled and ilellvcrcd. WJVf j M. IIAY3, JK.N epfSlw Stall No 7. Front St Market . Wanted. A LAIiY TEACnER TO HO A .SHOUT distance in the Country in a prl rate family Must le forapctent to teach music: on the piano. : Apply at r HEINSBERGERS, sept 3-cotl rac " J Live Book SUre. Xcv Crop T Turnip Seed ! JTANDRTJLI'S AND BUIST'S. bebt and prices satisfactory. -k Qnalityv WILLIAM H. GREEN. Druggist, rsept 3 i - i 17 itarke't Street Millinery &. Fancy Goods. THINE 11XTS, BONNETS FEATIIEUS, Gloves,' Ribbons and Trlniniings. ' Neckwear. u.uk is, jepnyrH ami omer rancy iooif. 8 Summer Goods selling cheap. r . . Mta. KATE C. .W1NE8, No, lt3, Norih-Second S rect. ... Jaug 2J j - next South of PostOftiQC Old NortU State Saloon. "XTATIVE XJirAIPAGNE, SUPERIOR TO (sj;caJletl). Imiorted.at high prices. Finest EeeronDrariKht fn the city, dnvc yonrfitamps ty drinKgg BEST WHISKEY: at. CHEAP PRICES. wpt 2-1 y Fine .P o rt r a 1 1 s . s'Trror'Wisii A very :mse PoirrtAiT HJL liileil in the Utrt nd flwst nivlW, now iU an. xtr opportunity to srcurelt eIMIyour oruer.tany tina of small picture oM r uvvr) 'and remember no pay is expected till the urfc has bc;u s;en aDd 1 acceitcdr 3Iy prlf-r ar; stiil at a great sacrilieo now in rder to Intro duce my wor. fiil " - Is OB IN T. THOMAS, ArlUt, y J ; ' Studio S61 Broadway, N. Y. . AddresalU West 21 sC, N. X. ;! FrlendaTisitinattlkB city arc invlicd to call ' " anjrsrtf School Books ! School Books .J : LI BEfi.iL DISCOUNT ALLOWED TEACHERS AND MERCHANTS. .. SCHOOL SUCrLlE3 Paper, 1'en.i, Pen- Crayona, lok. &e., Ac C. W. YATES, sept 119 Market street We wtU be gUd to reodre commiudcaUoi from our friends on any and all rabjeii -general taterect tat p ; .: .ij'-J. The wamd of toewrlter tantt aiwaji be ta alohed to the Editor, ' ' ' Communications mti&t bo vrtttea foa 1 oil i, one side of the paper.--; ,.' ?r J , Personalities most be avoided. r - ii -And It Is especlany and parUnilarlV nad I stood that the Editor doca not ahr&js endoi j the ylews of correspondents trolesa so state In the editorial column. . . j ' NETV itoVEItTISEaiiiXTS. Baltim6re& Wllmlnurtoii t - I- S tenmshl p Xlne .s. . Steamer,. RALEIGH, CAPT. HTTLW1EL1. Will sail from j ' : . ' j : - SATURDAY, SEPT. Stli. AND FUOM wiLMiisraTpisri i THURSDAY, Scpi IJJtli. . ..- r ' --I , l'vt FivlgLt Knageiucuts, apply to A.:i. CAZAUX1, At.J v; ' WHnilnxtonJ N. C. JAS. ii. ANDREWS, At , ! ; Bcpt 3- - t German St BaHimoroii. KAISER BEER. " Imported from Germany $2.50 per Dozcm 1. PET SOLD IN VIENNA, TROPIC, ; WILMINGTON PIKKNIX BKERj I AMFPIPAV ti(fid THEIR SUPERIOR QUALITIES U'QUK8- : TlONED-$2.C0 per dozU. ELEGANT ASSOKTMENT OF i i Cakes and- Crackers ROYSTER'S CANDY, Purest, and 'best made In North Carollnal Three Pounds lor 1. V.: ENGLISH DAIRY, EDAM FRESH . AMERICAN CHEESE. AND P. L. BRIDGERS & CO. llO Nortli Front St. r; sept 3 PJew TJIusic. hi - - r JEEK A BOO, by bcanlan; , V :. ;V The Bes Are Rfcging, by, J K Earnest; The Love of the Shamrock; by j Kis Mc. by Emmet; uaKcunt, oy uo k s .The 8onz Folio, orieo fioai. . . i us xoiioor juusic prico jOcj - ., , , . Musical Instruments of alt kind u - --' v . Pianos and Organs sold on tho Easy Imtal- mcDt Plan, at HEINSBERGER'Sj rept 3 Lire Book and Music Stores New Furnitiir6 Waceroorrts. jT NO. 20 GRANITE ROW" f SO. FR0KT feL, I hare opened with what I tli uk I a well ! - i selected fctock of V .V;..,4J. Fnrniture and Boilding, Embracing many new descs In - . Bedroom, and Parlor Suits. Our aim shall be to ir.al fairlr and ttirmtvAr with all, an'l respcctfnlly ak a share of ttui publio patronage. Conrteoas treato.cnt ifui- ant cl io all wio faror me witli a caU. A ceptS if TiloMAi C CRAFT, Agent j FLOK1DA WATER, ! LAVJCSDKKWATKK,! , i VIOLET WATER, r " JIELIOTKOFK WATER. KA7.ES A WATER AIao a compete aortmcnt of Cologne 4 tut Perfumery for tle bummer season. . 1 ' 1 ' US" ITescrlotlom ronn.ntnll tnH tii night at , V. ii.- MIJLLEIi'3, '' '. . German DrnzItJ . I j eept 3- Corrcr Fourth andNmi i ate. ii Shipped in Ice." : JpRESH FIS II TO ALL poIaU in North Carolina, onth Caroilnj, anl Georl.t, lioarantce to deHTer tbenl (Km condition, septa , - ,'W. E. DAYI3 &SON.' . . "I 1 . .1 " I :M i m mt I. r I: