V V ' X . ... - t - , . .... ... . TO cost. THIS PATER evening. Sandays ex- exry ted by jOSH T. JAMES. Options postage paid: J"55 .lellrered by carriers free y r?7 " - ,,art of the city, at the above n-r week. . .raurilow anu uu:ri. e""- w,n aay ana all fatl- r h2ir ilT regularly. ,W - MM n: MiVy few &a fie toryes le, circulation, of any 1 ngton. JE ha3 a colored letter car- playing lo crowded - .yor Anthony, of Rhode Island. Covered his health. rp wtcat crop of Dokota and Min family inhabiting the Tte human .-i mo rwi firm ? th .-U-JCsUluaitv - v" . Ios by d.ath is 8.000,000. u - Tee funny man of the ;iloston Globe Mr S'edman. the poet-broker. fiirtoiue widely known by his verses . the Chicago specula- r p. Armour. old and worth 100.00". 1 w treatment of leprosy U becoming a -i.a problem in India. In, the Bom i.v. r.esKKiTcy i,ls3 case are under tra'.nteut. Mary Anderson's favorite amusement .).,w U Latins on the Thames and she H greatly admired in her killing bovX m- - tiahestoa harbor now has a depth of )ii;een feel on the bar. due to the jetties which are being built for the improve ment o the channel. Somebody sums up thus: "Wall -irai continues to feed itself upon false rumors, lraudulent official reports and i,. rd.ived-out tricks' The niembersof the Democratic Sraie Committee of Massachusetts have uen formally notified that Butler will snitt be a candidate for (iovcrnor. Accordiucto the Medicfd Times and iJa.tffc there arc 34 or 35 total absti nence men in the House of Commons. Tte lact is referred to as remarkable. The University of Pennsylvania is having a crematory built for the con Muuption of the refuse of the dissecting room. It will consume a body in six hours (.'apt. Robert E. Lee has .declined the nomination tendered him by the Demo crats of King William county, Va.r as a candidate for the House ot Delegates. He is averse to entering upon political 1 1 is said that the Democrats of Maryland are much dissatisfied withn the Democratic administration of a Hairs in that State, and that the Re publicans are hopelul of carrying the fali ejections. The Count of Paris and Duke de Chartrcs are ashamed of being remind ed of their German mother. The Ger man mother, it alive, would have inG mte cause to be ashamed of such degen erate sons, adds the Augusta Chronicle.' m (leu. Singleton, of Illinois, who would uot speak to Emory Speer because he was an Independent, but turned Inde pendent himself later on, thinks Carlisle or Cox will be elected Speaker. The General was elected to stay at home. A rumor comes from Des Moines that Judge Kinnc, the Democratic can didate tor Governor of Iowa, is to with drawn in favor of General Weaver, the ( i reenback candidate, and that there is to be a thorough fusion of Democrats and Greenbackers, which, if successful, is to send Kinne to the Senate as Alli son's successor. At an cx-Confederatu reunion at Mc" Kinney, Ga., it was resolved to return to General Cook, of the United States arniyj'With the compliments of the captors, the sword he wore so gallantly when his command was captured at Neunan, in ihat45tate. Colonel Haw kins of Texas, had preserved it. 1 m E. Baker, a Boston engineer," claims to have invented an eighteen-foot wheel, on tho propeller principle, by which he proposes to utilize the current of Niaga ra River. He says it will produce- a power eual to 600,000 horses. The undertaking will require $350,000 The idea has been very favorably received. It must have been a strtling sight at Java to witness the sudden rising of fourteen volcanic mountain in the straits of Sunda forming a complete chainjn almost a straight line, about midway between Point Stl Nicholas, t on the Javanese coast, and Hoa on the coast of Sumatra, almost on the spots where were the Merak and Mid die Islands, which sank into the sea. r 1 YOL. VII. i WILMINGTON. N, C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. 1883. NO. 212 New England is. badly damaged by a long drouth. In many. localities the fanners have 6een compelled to ; take their cows from the pastures and feed them upon Winter hay. In conse quence, the price of j milk, !in many places, has been raised. I The New York SQfmcs (Republican) says: "The chief question which the people or the United j States are. now considering: i3' how tcrsecure an1 honest intelligent administration of the nation al government, and they do hoi sec that that question prcsenis itself , in any dif ferent form in the South than j in auy other part of the country. Nor; do they see how Its settlement in any right way can be promoted by giving influence and power to such unscrupulous trick sters, political hacks, and j dishonest schemers as Mahone and Chalmers " Among the latest announcements of the discovery of the yellowj fever germ is the news that Dr. Domcnigps Freire, of Brazil, has ioiind it in the! earth of graves, in which persons dea-1 of yellow fever had been buried, has. cultivated the germ aforesaid, and with the' pro ducts thereof has I killed animals, etc. He claims also to have found this germ in the blood of (hose dying) of yellow fever. is ! These alleged discoveries have been communicated to the State Department. and the report is published the New Orleans Picayune at length in After reading it, it seems to U3 very improbable that what Dr. Friereclakns to have seen has any relation to yellow fever. The disease which he produced is animals by injections, was not yel low fever, but septicemia possibly in one casejpoisoni ng by ptomaines pto mainesalkaloid substances found in the fluid . of decomposing human jbod ie?.. Ed. Death i in fifteen minutes after an injection of yellow fever or any other Viru3, said death being due to multiplication i of a germ in the blood, is so extremely improbable that it may almost be said to be impossible, j - If Dr. Freire's i theories were even approximately correct, the vicinity of the New Orleans ! cemeteries should be pestiferous, and the disease should start and spread from there, which is not the casu. - : . . No doubt Dr. Freire has seen minute organisms, but they werelthe common owganisms of putrefaction, and 'we probably must wait awhile longer for the identification of the specific germ of yellow fever. Sanitary Emjinccr Aug. 30. 1883. ; The above seems to be a fair criti- j clsm upon a paragraph in our city con temporary upon the subject a Tew days ago. ' j M ' locKlnews. INDEX TO NEWJAOVERTISEMEHTS. Fun Ahead I 1 rATES School Books UtlNSBEKOEK New Book J l Meltx Mountain Beef Russell & Ricaud Legal &1 F C Miller Florida Water,1 &c W 11 Greex New Crop Turnip Seel Knighta and Ladies of .Honor Local ad Marsde" Bellamv, Com'r ale of Valua ble City Property No New River oysters in market yet Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low prices, at JAConi.'s i ' t i The receipts of cotton at this port to ttay foot up 160 bales. There was no business for the City Court this morning. J. There was some excellent beef in the market this morning. , The rain last night left the atnios phere decidedly cooler. - Columbus Superior Court will con vene at Whiteville on Monday, the 10th inst. 1' 1 i The Champion Compress Company pressed tho first cotton othe season, in this city to-day. ! ' i Thf indications are said to be favor able for an abundance o game' in the woods this Fall. The practice ot throwing grape hulls on the sidewalks is reprehensible and entirely too common. 1 i It is likely that there will bo a slight; Increase of water iri the river as there have been rainsjn the interior. . Knights and. Ladies ofIIouor. Regular meeting this (Thursday) eve ning. Full attendance desired. It But very few ricb birds "have yet found their way into marke't, and such as have come arc. not by any means very fat. It rained last night all along the entir6 line of the. Carolina Central R. R., and along the Raleigh & Augusta Air Line from Hamlet to Charlotte. ' Cotton is already t comipg in freely. We noticed last night, ins trip up to wards Halmet, that' there i consider-" able at various points on the road, ready A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacosi's- Hard ware Depot. t i J . v Mr. Alva Burr, youngest son of Col. James G. Burr, is hero on a visit to his parents. Mr. Burr is now resident in New York and is engaged on the gov ernment works in that vicinity, under Gen. Newton. - ! - We call attention to the advertisement of vMr J. R. Melton, to be found in another column of this issue. The beef is of fine quality, well fattened and we doubt not will be quickly disposed of and duly appreciated by hungry mor tals. - ". j r 9 . Capt. Washington Catlett, Principal of the Cape Fear Academy," has laid before us a handsomely printed cata logne of the institution for the session of 18S3 84, which willopen on Monday, October 1st. Capt. Catfett is ably as sisted by Prof. Wm. -A. Law, B. A., and Prof. E. VanLaer. The Crops, i There is no mistake about it. The crops arc not by any means promising The cry of . "wolf1 this time is a genu ine cry of distress. There are many farmers in Anson, Richmond, Robeson and Bladen counties who would be glad to compromise on a half crop of corn and cotton this year. The yield of cot ton will depend considerably on a late Fall and at present the outlook is the othei way. , Only a Farmer's Daughter.: Mr. C. R. Gardiner, the well known New York manager, ha3 deposited with the Fidelity Company of New York an insurance policy for all the members of Only a Farmer's Daughter Company. The total amount is for $50,000 and covers accidents of any nature that may occur during the season of firty five weeks ami is undoubtedly a judicious investment. Miss Adelaide ; Cherie, said to be the handsomest actress on the stage, is with this coTiipany which will open the Dramatic season at the Opera House on Tuesday, Sept. 18th. ' Veimor for September. The following are Veunor's weather predictions for the mouth of September, published foi what they are worth, al though it must be confessed that he has not missed it far for the past week: First week, entry cloudy, to cool, and showery; generally pleasant and favor able weather, with cool evenings and nights, rains diminishing. - Second wcek.very similar weather; warmer, with occasional Showers; heat again. Third week, warm to hot and favora ble weather. Cooler, about the 0th or 2lst; occasional rains. Fourth week, some heavy rains, with foggy weather on lakes and Gulf ; St.. Lawrence; ' still fair and favorable in the majority ot sections. . j . . Kiver News. The steamer A. P. Hurt, which left Fayetteville on Monday morning, did not arrive here until this morning. Her officers report that the river is very low and that yesterday it wa3 falling at the rate of an inch per houri They state that the government hands, who are working to improvo the river naviga tion, have constructed a jetty at Cypress which proves to be of much advantage, as the Hurt came past the difficulties at that point without trouble , or delay. They met the government boats, which were on their way op the river to Eliza bethtown. where they will begin work at once upon the shoals at that point. These latter are bad shoals and ( have always been a source of great annoy ance to steamboatmen at a low stage of water. I Police tteport for August. There were 35 arrests made by' the police during the month of August, just passed, for the following offences :j Affray. 1 white male, 1 colored male; Committing a nuisance, 1 white male; disorderly conduct, 6 white f males. , 9 colored j males, 5 colored females; drunk ank down, 2 white males, 1 col ored male; throwing rocks in the street, 1 colored male ; .vagrancy, 1 colored male, 1 colored female ; violating mar ket ordinance, 2 colored males ; violat ing tax ordinance, 1! white male. ; Of thisnumber there were O white Ameri cans, 22 colored Americans, English 1, Irish 1, and Germans 2; During the month fined were collect ed amounting to : $76, and pound Tees amounting to S19-90- One white male and one colored male applied at police headquarters, during the month for lodcines. The police found six places of business open at night, anl nine dogsp Shiheiu They buy only for Cash were impounded and killed. -: l and allow thetf patrons to share irilhe -7-7 77TT Ki inecniei CiUik. ui me uuiuu Hotel. Ogden, Utah. Mr. J G. Taylor, bad rheumatism in the muscles of his chest and left shoulder. By applying St. Jacob's Oil three days he realized complete restoration of healtn; - 1 Severe Wound . :! At Abbottsburg. yesterday, Mr. - -Baldwin; while cutting a stick of tim ber by the slipping of his axe, had - the misfortune to have one of his feet split open. It was not a dangerous wound, but one that will bo painful "and will probably keep him from, Labor for sev eral weeks. ; 1 I Sudden Death. Sophia Nixon, colored, aged about 43 years, who lived , on Fifth, between Walnut and Red Cross streets, died very suddenly yesterday evening. She had been an invalid ' for nearly three yearssuffering under a corupiication of disorders, and rose from her bed just previous to her death, and fc'.l to the floor and expired almost instantly. A Young Rattler. Mr. John H. Savage, Superintendent of the County Poor House, was in the city to-day with a j young rattlesnake, something over four years old, as he sported four rattles and a button J He was in a glas3 case and was! viewed with interest and .curiosity by hitny. Mr. Savage think of taming - 1dm, ; and has already- . made some advances in that direction a3 ho takes him by the tail and holds him up in his hand, a feat we should not like to attempt. The September Skies. The planets will not be on dress pa rade this month. Venus, the leader-of the brilliant train, is entirely out cf sight during the whole month. Her conjunction with the sun occurs on the twentieth, and she will not be visible till October, when she, will appear J as evening star. Jupiter,! next to Venus ia brilliance, does not rise until about 2 o'clock, and ia the chief morniDg star. It is easily distinguished from the other stars by its brightness and steady lustre, but seekers who need further directions will find it near the twins, Castor and Pollux, in the East ern'oky. ' - Mars is also morning star, being in the Western part of the constellation Gemini, about an hour before Jupiter. Saturn is the earliest of the lot,- except Mercury, who, tb the ordinary observ er, doesn't count. He rises with the Hyades about 10:30." .It is said that Mercury will be .visible nextj week on perfectly clear evenings, very near the horizon, about 7 o'clock, at 8 degrees South of the East point.. .All these planets of course rtse earlier during the latter part of tho month. 7 4 ; The so called .fixed stars make u p by their brilliancy for the shortcomings pt the planets. Arctnrus is blazing away in the western sky. V ega 13 straight overhead early in the evening, Altair occupies his usual position near the Milky Way, not far from the celestial undertaking establishment where Job's coffin has been waiting these many years with a patience more than worthy of its namesake, j Antarcs glows red in the8outh, and in the eastern sky ap pear the precursors of the great fall and winter procession of celestial monarchs. The Pleiades rise before 9 o'clock, the Hyades soon after 10; and by midnight the "great and only", Orion, the f be jewelled hunter of the skies, comes after the raging Taurus', accompanied by! his little dog. Still laterr the diamond of the celestial expanse. Sirius.' before whom all others pale ; tneir ineffectual fires,' appears flashing above the eastern horizon. The moon will be full before the middle of the month. .The sun will continue to shine as ' usual, with more or less violent disturbances in spots. A man who claims to be an. Indian from Alaska, has been on our streets for the past two or three days exhibits ing four canary birds which perform many curious and entertaining tricks tp the delight ot the small boy. J . Hogs vs. Horses. Dear Review. If the city prohibits us from keeping a pig on our lot, why don't they prevent us from keeping cows and horses? One is as necessary as the other, and the poorer classes are dependent npon their ,4 pigs for their meat. Let-them require clean , pens, but dont take our pigs. Fine a man who keep3 a pen .that is offensive but let him raise his meat. I will never vote for a man who advocates this step. Yours trnly, A Voter. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, tco to Jacobi Hardware Depot. - t ...v . . It Will Pay Al lvho dtretollress welTorta limi ted parse to buy their Clothing of Al & benefits of all. advantages thus gained. tf The celebrated . 'Fish - Brand GUIs Twine is sold only at Jacpbi's Hard iare Depot. j : NEW -L ADVERTISEMENTS Fun! Ahead. JTTJERE WILL BE A GRAND BALL. AT SIMPSON'S II ALL, Pint Caswell, on Tburs day. the 20ih Inst. . Good music will be. in at tendance. 11 ladies admitted free of charge, wentlcmen $1. Refreshment s at city prices. Ample, provision will be made for the care of do tn man and beasL. ' Come to the Ball At Mmpson's Hall. : ; Come with a Udy or don't come at all. sept 6-ltdAw State of North Carolina, County of 2iewnan. . . oTer, Superior, Court. Jamea W. Crabjr vs. Anna G. CrahrL T 1 HE DEFENDANT ABOVE NAMED Take notice that on Mondar, the 22nd Hay of October, A. D. 18i3, aM?o.318 Division Street in the city of Chicago, and .tate of Illinois, at il o'clock, a. m., before Martin Bieur, Esq , an Attorney-at-Law; tho Plaintiff wlU proceed t take the depositions of J. Kowley, U.K. Uowley, SL C Ellis and others to be used In behtlf of the Plaintiff in the above entitled cause. At which time and place you are noti fied to be present and avail yourself of all law ful privileges. , . . '.. - KLSSELL Jfc UICAUn. sept -lawivv th Atty'a for riaiUff. Sale of Valuable Citv Prop erty fdr Partition ! JgY VIRTUEj OP A DECREE OF THE Superior Courfc of New: Hanoret County, " : :' i " S -made in . a certain action therein iendiDir, wherein George Harrtssand Julia O. Harrlss. hianwife, are Plaintiffs, and .William Larkins and wif Belinda A. Larkln3, Sarah E. Lane and Julia P. Burnett are Defendants, the un ders'gned. a Commissioner, for that purpose duly appointed, will selt at the Court House Door in the city of Wilmington, on Monday, the 1st day of October, 1833, at 12 M; the real estate aireeted by said judgment to be sold, and described as follows: Ono lor beginning at a point in the Eastern line of ThTd street, 132 feet South of the S. E. intersection ofjlibird street with Nun street, runs thence E. paral lel with Nun street, 1& feet, thence 8-. par. ullel with Third street GC feet. theiw W. mr. aUol with Nun street 103 feet to the E. line of xmra street, tnence n. along saii E. line of nim street m reet to the bejjioning. ? . - The second lot, beginning at a iolnlj in tiie W. lino of Fourtn street 132 feet South of the 3. W. intersection of Fourth street with Nun street, runs thence 6. along said W. line of x ourm street w icet, tnence w. parallel with Nun street IGofeet, thence X. parallel with Fourth street 06 feet, tnence E. parallel with Nun street! 163 feet to the W. linef of Fourth etrecr, tnc beginning. i " Terms of Sale One-half cash, balance on a credit of 90 days with interest from day of Gale at 8 peipcentum per annum, or the; purchaser may, at his option, pay the whole amount cash. Title refcrved until purchase money i paid. septC-2t (5 13 MAltSDEX BELLAMY, -Commissioner. WO. 7. XTAVINQ JUST RECEIVED AX EXTRA JLJL - - r r - - r 1 ..... . ; s line lot of MOUNTAIN BEEF, 1 shall offet ..... i i .. .. for sale at ray Stall, No. 7 Front St. Market, - - m for the ensuing week, as FAT and TENDER BEEF as I has been "exposed for sale in thia aiarket-for some time past. , Also an EXTRA fat and juicy, v j QUALITY OF LAMB, Orders promptly filled and delivered. "' WMf M. IIAY3, Jn. Stall No. 7, Front St. Market sept 3 lw Wanted. Bt -.. . .i - - I , A LADY TEACHER TO GO A SHORT distance in the country in a private family. - ! ' i ..it i Must be competent to teach music on tte piano- , Apply at l- ' ,' sept 3-eod rac HEINSBEEGERS, .! Live Book Store. New Crop Turnip Seed LANDRETH'S AND BUISTtS. Quality v - ' -i j" ' " best and prices satisfactory. Tt3. WILLIAM H. GREEN, Druggist, 117 frkt stiret sept 3 Old (North State Saloon. JATIVE CHAMPAGNE, SUPERIOR TO (so called) Imported at high prices. Finest Beer on Draught irf the city. Save your stamps by drinking BEST WHIrKEY at- CHEAP PRICES: ' " j " '; v " j' - T ' sept 2-ly F i n e 1 Ff 6 rt r a 1 1 s . IF YOU WISH A VERY FIXE PORTRAIT finished in the latest and finest style, now is an extrs opportunity to secure it- Send your order (any kind of small picture old or new) and remember no pay is expected till the work has been seen and accepted. My prices are still at a great sacrifice new in crde? to Intro duce my work. ' j t ORIN T. THOMAS, Art!t, I . I Studio S61 Broadway, X. YV Address 14 West 231 St., X. Y. i Frtends visitras; the city are invUcl. to call 1 '-- -: ang2"-tf S c h o o I B o o ks ! School Books! , , , i" ' , Liberal discoust-allo wi d reachers axd merchants. SCHOOL HUPPLIE5Paier, Veu, Pen- '( --r- ! ' : .. . ...... ...... ' . - . i f S, . , ' . t '"A.'- cjls, Slates, Sponge, Copy Books, Book Bag, Crayons, IskAe. t i ' 7 C. W. YATES, .. sept 3 113 Market itreet w il't i 1 1 We will be glad to rfioelre '-mtirifr'tftot ft ! I' tron our fdcad-i on uf ud 4a , nbjecii Exier4mteretbdr.'. -v; ' : r . . ,1- If The name of I2e writer mtut alwayi b fa - CoiamnnlcaCona xnxut be wzlttea oa oal oea!deof the paper. ' i ' PernaUee mxirt be avoided, t An It la eapeclanj and particularly tmd tood that the Editor does not arwaye e&dot the views of correepondcnU tcmleaa so atale la the editorial columns. I p i NEW ADVERTISEJ3TEVT8. Ho I For tho Mountains I TUAVE JUST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD? OF FIXE . . ', j ' : : MOUNTAIN BEEF, , Extra la quality, which 1 thall havo! for aale i at my Stalls for the next two weeks, 1 j - ! . Al o, fat, juicy Veal and Lamb. Leave or ders to-morrow for Saturday In order to ret a choice cut. Meats promptly do.lvere l In any part of the city, free of charge. i i J l - J. it. MELTON. of the only Steam Sansaio Jfactory in the i I Passion Flower, jXD OTHER POEMS, By Thoo. II. IIUl. Price $U0 J ast rcccl vel and for sale at ( ' HEIXSBERGER'S.; Life on the Mississippi, BY MABK TWAIN.! lllmtratcd. I 6 ' . Bound In cloth, j jPrice ; . - - , ' H 1 ' . i i ept U Live Book and Music Stores Baltimore & Wilmington Steam or RALEIGH, j CA IT. LITTLEFIELD, Will sail jrom ; ! j' ; .! ' AND FROM "j ' l; THURSDAY, Sept. 13tli, For Freight Engagements, apply to ; ! A,D. CAZAUX, Afftj -'' ' 'l Wilmington, !nC. JAS. IS. ANDKEWS, Afft ! sept 3- 34 German St., Baltimore. ' KAISER BEER.o Imported from! Germany 2,50 per Dozen. BEST SOLD IN WILMINGTON.! VIENNA, TROPIC, 1 PIHENIX BEBbJ AMERICAN GOODS. ' . -i i f. . 'i i THEIR SUPERIOR QUALITIES UNQUES TIONED fiCO per dozen. ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF I. - . . ! KOYSTER'S CANDY, -. i i .... Purest and best made in North Carolina, Three Pounds for $1. ENGLISH DAIRY. EDAM FRESlI AND ' AMERICAN 'CITEESE.' I ''4- P. L. BEIDGEKS & 00. i HO North Front St. FLORIDA WATER, j J I -LAVENDER WATER. V VIOLET WATER, i l! IIELrOTKOPK WATER. WHITE ROSE WATER. ' r ' i ItAZKVA WATPH AUo a complete assortment of Colognes and Perfumery for the Summer season. j ; 1 Prescriptions ccmrrnHlv! itav mi night at I , r. C. MILLER'S. t- ! German Drurrist, sept 3- 1 Corcer Fourth and Nan eta. I ; "Shipped in Ice." t?besh Lfisii to alt. f j - In North Carolina, ' 1 n V South Carolina, ' - i . ' ' ' s. i - and Gcortia. Gh ran toe itee to dejlver them In V dltion. - . w , j good con . sept? W. K.-UXVS &SOX. PLTASS NOTICE. r it m 5,1 ft

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