THIS PAPER .rnr evening, Sundays cepted by JOSH T. JAMES, gprroB rRorRirro. RIPTIOSS POSTAGE PAID: r 4.oo. Sli nioathB, $2.00. 'Three ths tl.0; One month, 33 cento. , 3,0 j wm delivered by carriers free l'rW"Pcrwek- . JcCfC'" ' ru!f rrli-crs report ny nl aU oi re their per rcgnldrly. fall- rrti w , wifrl'- rttiittrtion, of any newspaper fished, in the city of Wilmington. JB General McClcllaa and his wife and .a;hterf Miss Ma3 are at Ilichfield --r"' New Hampshire. yl: Sciiumaker, an Ohio Prohibi ten candidate, employs no one in his "'i who uses liquor or tobacco. . TIi:or Watterson pronounces tho 0-y of the reconciliation between Tildin ani Kelly "thc worst sort of jecu Victoria has jtit a3ked Teu jyiin to write a poem on John Brown, tr deceased servant, ar.d Sir William Lfi-'liton to paint his tortrait. i;ev. Father 1. J.dliordan, of Chica h:s nceived official papers from iUi. i app'-'inting him coadjutor to the j !-, Ani.-erdani the Dutch are fasci.. ..v... I with American mixed driok; t Kuiaiis lead. Sherry cobblers are pop-; . The prices are from four to ten ibr Cleveland 2Vai? Dealer, alter a ... rtl.o inllf Ir?l iiitnntinn in Ohin ;UJs'1tat there is no Imocratic ! .ti.-iatisfacrion anytvherc. There is no ! 1 -ffli'-'!!. vuatur Chandler'3 widow has given to establish a scholarship in the ! aicago Woman's Medical College tor- liw U'lielit ot women who intend to be-1 n uie missionaries. j i.. a. l.n n Miel nillVilWUil M It" . ww j ...... t ca tht i i ih'iugli she may pass for a handsome woman in England, where pretty wo- men are scarce, she would not create much excitement in her own country. ! 1 mm Mciornugotoiu an American vibitor recently that he regarded Edgar A. Poe j as the'prince of American pocts. He Ql , WntV wro rJ,irw;nr ington City in the interest of the veter-t!iinL-5 Hmt Mr Whittierisa womanlv ! Tho Summer absentees are returning ... , . . c tuinks mac wr. vvnuuerjsa wowamj ans of the Mexican war. a note from .....:-. -r r.n o .a.orf Jiat- tcrer," and Oliver Wendell Holmes attlictingly laughable. , . , . , d;cil seven years ago. leaving a vast r nrrtv fnr mihlift truiit. luiuunv w v v fcj w - - - faP not one dollar has readied the ' I..:;.rnnir.1 .h;uf Tim trnato. who ! n.W I I. a n A r . . ' i.n Url hv the California nion-L ecrs. At a church in the Southern suburb ! id lxndou, a few Sundays ago, accord-; lug to tlic Edto, of that city, the preach- j iivnl- f... Vib tart A ltitnrlrr1 iirl ' . iuui hJ leat of repeating it a hundred and fifty and three times in the course of his ferrnon. m - - The Cologne Gametic is publishing a long communication from Dr. Mohnikc, a physician who practiced twenty five years in Java, and has had great expe. rience of the cholera. He endeavors to show that it is not a contagious disease. He has never met with a case which he could ascribe to contagion. He attrib utes its ravages in general to dietary l"ault3, and in Egypt at present to the same cause. .. A friend baa favored us with a copy r the Columbus (O.) Dispatch, of the 05th ult., containing a pretty full report of the second day of the grand reunion at that place of ex-Confederate and ex Federal veterans. There was a gTeat deal of honey nrfxed with a not by any means imperceptible taste of vinegar. The 51th Virginia Regiment, who were present, were welcomed very cordially, but yet in that very address of welcome made to them they were spoken of as "of the army of the late Confedarate States of America, so-called." .There! were a great many ex-Cbrrfederatespres-1 ent and there was a good deal or tails; about the -loach of tho elbow." and the "touch of kinship" but yet that did no1 pretent the erection of an allegorical painting (so-called) with the inscription "In rnemorr of the 33.000 comrades who perished in Southern military prist- ins. We can forgive, but never forget.'1 To offset this there was something said- however, of tho visiting irgiaians, as i follows: t.cntlemen ot the Third, twenty years ; )uu wore mc Diue ana. tncy me gray ; you were then prisoners and tboy j-aveyou kindly creeting; you were hungry and they fed you ; you were despondent and they comforted you. In short they possessed the instincts of the, true knight, who. when he puts off his armor, lays down his enmities. And so forth and so on. It is to be hoped that the ex Confed crates who were present enjoyed the reunion (so-called) notwithstanding lhe peculiar reception accorded them. VOL. VIIL "- I !" Frank James, the oatlaw, on trial at Gallatin, has been acquitted. Mississippi loots jfor thrce-Iourths of a crop ot cotton and hopes to do a little better on corn. . I i . ; Lt. Gov. Robinson has issued a proc lamation of election for the vacancy in tho First Congressional District. The date ha3 been chaged and it is to take place on the 20th of November. t; Huttermilk is the favorite beverage among the temperance men of Phila delphia. "Ice cold buttermilk" signs are seen over many barrooms in that city. Ginger ale and Apollinaris are net so popular as they were. Ihilter inilk is recommended by physicians as 1 being good forjdyspepsia and tho kid- neys. LOCAL NEWS.'- IXDEX TO HEW I&DYEffTISEMEUTS. Yatks School Uooks ! OM Noi-th State Snlon IlEixsiitiKGEU New Books J It Melton Mountain Beef I V C Ml llkr Florida Water, &c V II G REEf New Crop 't uni p See J j Maiudkn Bellamy, Coru'r Sale of City Property j 1- ' i ; And now the rice planters are talking 1 aboat tcrops Th rinti nf ,inn -ni.jc'nrtri tn. i day foot up 135 -bales. Col. 11.13. Short, ot Columbus county, was the city to-day About daylight this morning nearly everybody reached out for "more kivcr M h Scuppernoag grapes were selling ! - 1 I this morning at from 23 to 10 cents a peck. Capt. A. L. DeRosset, of this city, is now in uoston, wnnner no nas neen calletl on business. ' . , , . ofr . - ZMT I Dretiv rama v. lijsxoacoia up in me mountains now ; Rice birds aro getting fatter. Some j nicrt looking ones were j offering to-day at 3o ccd ts h dozen. i -4- Mr. Prenioort's barber shoo is to bo removed in a few days to South Front a - '1 trpf. nfvtr Alarlcot. L, Lur8!n t,ckel9 't0 J-1. : for thirty days, are now on sale here at l $25.50 lor thc round trip. -jbe saw and hammer make music in ln0 -ancj now t10 carpenters and brick j mason9 arc all as busy as! bee; r Hou. . L. Smith. E.vMayor id tLe city, has cone to the Boston Exhibition and will he away probably two Jwecks. The juveniles arc already grieving at j the near approach ot thc scliooi days and so, perhaps, are so: no of their seniors. J Tho uew money order I lobby at the Postoffice in this city is to be neatly furnished for tho comfort of thoso who mav have business there, j This has been the coclpst day yet. At 12 o'clock to-day the thepometer in this office registered 78 degrees, which is but two degress above Summer heat. , . - ' i i We are glad to learn that ! Mr. New kirk's little girl.who fell from the piazza of the Matter's residence a few' days since, has so far recovered froin the effects of the fall as to be pronounced out of danger. ; Tha Clinton & Warsaw Telegraph lline is is not yet in operation. It was to have been opened about the 1st mst., but some unforseea delays have occurr ed and it will be a few days yet before the wires are all strung and the first dispatch is flashed over the line. Mr. C. P. Rexiisen!, who. has been ab sent from the city since January fast, has returned and is looking much iui- i t proved in health. He j proposes to re engage in business here and if favora ble arrangements can be made he will nrobahiv settle permanently ia iu- nrobahiv settle permanently in mington. . -r i i A Very Sudden Death. ! At about 3: 30 0-cjock this afternoon, a coupe 0f colored men were engaged in weighing cotton at Messrs! Woody & rrje'g warehouse when one of them, named jlicn Delakiar. in pull ing down, tne steelyards jsuauemy fell and died in a few moments. Dr. Totter was summoned who said that the causeof death was heart dis ease. The deceased was about 45 years ofatre. and lived on t i Fifth, between Brunswick and Bladen streets. His family consisted of two children, his wife having died about three months ago.: . - .. , t t - . - .t r : i i i WILMINGTON. N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER In Difficulty. j iiri i . i ' - I iu.r. v neeier, tne aavance agent lor tho -Only a Farmers- Daughter Co.," which is to play here oa the 18th inst., while in tho city yesterday caused quite a number of jockey caps, in red, white and blue colors, to be distributed among some of the boys on the street.; The dis tribution was made at Dyer'sl and thi3 morning his door , was crowded with urchins in quest of caps, so that he was perplexed and his patience exhaust ed by their importnnities. The Lecture Last Night. In accordance with previons an nouncement, Rcy. T. Page Ricaud de livered a lecure on "Temperance," at ihe Fifth Street M. E, Church, last night. There was a large audience in attendance, and all were deeply inter I ested in the subject as discussed by the j eloquent and fervid speaker. The lecture occupied about an hour and a (quarter in its delivery, and from :ts j commencement to its close thc speaker ; held the undivided lattention of his j hearers. i . I Fof Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, I eo to Jacop.i1 Hardware Der-ot. t i White CroAvs. j Air. John H. Savage, Superintendent ! of County Poor House, was in the j city to-day and, although he did not icome protected by a rattlesnake, he j says tuat early this morning he saw a couple of birds flying towards the North which were perfectly white, but that i -heir actions jvere those of crows and the noise they made was precisely like i that made by crows. In fact he believes i that they- were "white crow?. From the direction in which they were going we North Carolina Droductions bound to aiG lVA W VUUV1UUC bLltfcl iii-lJ ; tie r$osUm Exposition. j ; ' xueaiexican veterans. . We notice in a recent issue of the ! Kcrf which is oublished in Wash- . . .. . Mr. H. H. Bloom, of this city, who was in Capt Brandt Seguino's Company of Loui3ianaVoluntecrs in Mexico. Mr. Bloom speaks oi'i a member of his company, now in Ohio, who was .1- i - i m i f vvounueu ac xampico ana cnppiea lor i i ai l i f r I ie' ai1 -or iae sa-e OI an nsrateiui ,v.uiuitij : i What a shame and disgrace it is that the services of the Mexican veterans. the men who fought and won the war whereby ao much of wealth and terri tory was added to the country should be so long allowed to remain unrecognized ' and to go unrewarded! Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low prices, at Jacouis t Front Street M. E. Church. The alterations, improvements and repairs which have been in progress in the interior of this edifice for several weeks, are now nearly completed Upholsterers were busy to-day in put- ting down thc carpets, there will nothing remain after which to be done except to cushion the pews and altar. Tho principal changes consist inenlarg ing the centre aisle, changing the side aisles so that they are now next to the walls, wainscoting tho body of the audience room all around, and raising the galleries 9 inches and setting them back 6 feet. The plastering overhead has been replaced by a ceiling of native pine, and tho galleries and pul pit are of the same material- The jWalls and pews have all been repainted, and two of Frink'8 patent reflectors have been suspended over the centre aisle at points equidistant from each other, and where they will be most effective in diffusing light over, the -room. The pulpit is entirely new and very j neat. The inscription on the arch immediale ly over the pulpit, - 'Thine house shall be called an house of Prayer for all the people," has been re-lettered and i3 an excellent piece of workmanship,. due to the skill and taste of Mr. C. C, Par ker, of this city. The carpet is a good one , veryfneat and modest in design and was purchased from Capt. R. M. Mclntire, of this city. Tho church will be occupied for the regular religion3 services on Sunday next which will be appropriate to the occasion. I , - . vr r WINSTON, FOITTH Co., N. C Rknts- 1 desire to eXDrnSS to you mv thanks for your wonderful i Hop Bitters. I was troubled with dyspepsia for live years previous to commencing the use of your Hop Bitters some, six r.f i,a fr . aft. nnr-n hi hn R.-orider- months ago. My cure na oeen f ooaer fill, i .am pastor oi mo irsr, aieiau- dist Church of this place, and my whole congregation can testify to the great virtues of jcut bitters. ' ; . , Very respectfully. - ! - - REV. II. FEREBEE. . -f . - A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols atjAcosi's Hardware Depot. . , ,t fJ A His Scoop. As an evidence of 'the world-wide i reputation, and thfi unprecedented pops ulanty. founded upon intrinsic merit J ' of the "renowned conqueror -.otpaia St. Jacobs Oil, It may be cited, as a wonder in trade,1 that one order, recent ly received by its enterprisins proprie-1 tors. Toe Ciiakles A. Vogeler Co.. Baltimore, Md., from Australia, was for 500 gross. i ; . .Railroad! Capt.R. P. Paddison, who waa in the city yesterday, was . in better spirits than we have yet seen him. over tho prospects of a completion of the Clinton & Point Caswell It. R. and that is say ins u ciu;u ucai. iiu was uu in oauiui .1 n. -. . It son i fow Hi-s on nnri iiA fplla n t hat son a lew oaj ago ana lie teii3 ns unt the grading is progressing in a very !' " surely. i - r v , The New Notes. i a nc o otca. j There is one thing aboufi the new postal notes that is already causing complaint. Why tho aniouot was not i limited to 5 even instead of $4.99 1 is hard to understand. party who wants to send $5 can get $4.99, it r is true, but 4 99 is not $;. We got the third order issued in Clinton. It was for $4.99 and therefore a penny was enclosed in the letter to make up the difference. ' If the order could be issued for $5 the conflict between that and money orders for a like amount would t i be so slight as to be insignificant. It Will Pay All wlio desire to dress well on. a limi- j ted purse to buy their Clothing of A. & 1. SHitiER. i hey buy only for Casn and allow their patrons to share in the .. - tf Sruitli vs. Smith. Quite early on' Wednesday morning last, Mr. (x? " W.; 'Smtilit'tJf ''Oiislow county, called upon Mir. J.- L.. Croom, f at his place of business on Water street iu'this city, anl presented an order from Mr. John Smith; of Burgaw, for $50, as part payment for a mule r and cart which Smith (G W.) had sold to Smith (John). He got the money and i left, at once. On Thursday a Mr. Foy, i q( Onslow, called on Smith (John) for the property, claiming it as his own 1 which he had hired to .Smith QW.) that the latter mi-3-hUbe Enabled to:ped die fish aud -oysters ..therewith. Foy established his clairris to"ih "property aud aow Smith- (John) js looking earn esliy. but thus fsr in vain, for Smith (G. W.).. Proper to stato 'that thc ; two bmiths are in no way reiatea, tmt are of a different nationality. ; 1 Mr. A.j J. Swinson, of Swiuaon's Cut, on the C. C. R. It., who was so badly. injured last week in an attempt to murder him, has recovered and is again attending to his duties. . , ,, , ., -j The Masquerade liall at the Seaside Parfc'HntP.! Pavillion lafif nio-ht wn'-t a very enjoyable affair, the. company be ing pleasant, agreeable and -just large enough to be entirely satisfactory to all concerned.- A Success Kvery Time. r Mr. Chas W. Ipar, 2,460 German town'a venue, Philadelphia, Pa i'writes: "I sufferel wilhverv badly frostetl feet. I tried St. Jacobs Oil. and it: is the bfst thing I jver had i lhe hoase; half a buttle cured tny feet."- .". , THE MAILS. Themalls close and arrive at the City Pos office as follows: , i i CLOSE.. Northern through malls, fast... .....7.15 P. M. Northern through and wiy mails.... 5. 40 A. M. Raleigh 6.15 P. M. and S.40 A. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad and . routes supplied theretrom lnciua- . . , i lngA.N.C. Railroad at j h.OOP M. and 5. 10 A. M. Southern Mails for. all, points South, j daily 3.00 P.M. Western mails (C. C. Railway) daily, I , rexcer t Sundar ). i 6.15PM. All points between Hamlet and Ral- r!7h. ........................ .fi.15 p. m. Mail f or Cheraw and Darlington Rail road............ ... S.OU tr. 1. Mails for polnU between-i lorenoe v. and Charleston i.w tr. ai. P" epttATtllp aud ofiicc on Catxj Fear - RlTcr, Tueida-s and Fridays...... 1.00 P. IL ) Fayettertlle, via Lumberton, daily, j j except Sondays...;..:... ai5". IL j Onslow C.; IL and intermediate olfi- j ces, Tuesdays ami Fridays.. ... 6.00 A. M. Smlthvllle malls, by steamboat, dally ; ; fexcent suaoavB). - o-c" a. at. Malls tor Kasy imi, a own -jreea, Rhlllntte and Little River. Tues i davs&nd Fridays........ 6.00 A.M. ijz'ivA' A'.M NoI&e thmI.r.7.M a. m govern Mails......... ...ijsq a. m. Carolina Central Railroad... ....... j.ooa.M. ' Malls collected from street bore business f &. 3 u30 a.m. and s so p M aai othr potc of the city at 5 , p. m. fitamn Office open from. S A. M. to ii M.. and from s to ol3U f. au aioncy oruer anu uegister Department open same as stamp office ; . btamps xor saje m smau qnzuiuaes gecenvj delivery when stamp odce is closed. General delivery open from 7 A. M. 7.30 P3I. and on Sundays from 8JS0 to 9.30 A. M. j carriers" delivery open on Sunday from 8.39 joS.30A.M. , v dirt havo ihns fir hcf-n thrown niul itha I th Court House rtoor In tiw city ot Wtlraing4 uin aave urn tar Deen uiron anu ina trEf tof hnd iuj the -ltv aloretjalj week is coma on ahead steadily anu bo-mwcr.; ittcscutxHiss follows: Hi" NO. 213 In NEW ADVERTISEMENTS n i n i yOUl BEVY, Best Liquors, Finest Cigars, T THE OLD XORTIt 'STATE SALOON. IH-op In anJ trv the Tar Ueers Mltturea. wnt 1 i .. - Sale of City Property for : . Partition. J , r i B T VIBTUE OF A DECREE OF THE i - i i ' - - Superior Court oi Net Hanorer County, In a certain special proceeding Uicrelo pending, feheria Ie& Jora, J oelin, Mary Ann JcIin, and I ?lor 'nce Joslln r5 PlintinV, aid Margaret . Josiin i9 Defendant, me undenlmod, a Corn- ,mlcnpr for that purpose duly, app intcd. ,' ai ft uv.puuuoautumi, ior :asn, ou ton.- rinninc fS2iicet W. from the AV.Jiile of f ourth street , runuiu theuce W SiK feet, thenceM. Gtiifeet, thence jo. 82 feet, thence s..cofeet to tiie N. ?iine o( ampbell Vtreetthe bfglnnin; the .; -. pari or ioi ixw iuiock hw, MA1WOES BE LL AM V, ' ".! Commidioner j ept 7 -it 1 u STALL WO. 7. ttavisg ji'ST ukckived an extka if ..J nt MrtlTN.TAlv L" T ;. for sale at m? St ill, No. "; Front St. J Market, for the ensuing week, As FjiT'and TEXDEB BEEF as has been exposed for ealo in thla market for some time past. I Also an EXTRA QUALITY OF LAMB, xai ana juicy. i I t . i ! Orders promptly Ailed and' delivered. ' wa: M. HAYS, JK. septdlw. Stall No. 7, Fronlst. Market Wanted. A LADY TEACHER TO lO ASIIOKT private family. diataiiee in the country In a Must be competent to teach music , on the piano. Apply at sept 3-cod rac HElNSBERGEiVS, - Live Cook Store. New Crop ! Turnip Seed ! JTANDRETirS AND BCIST . Quality v best and prices tsatlsfactor. " ' f- " WILLIAM h. GREEN, Druggist, ' sept 8 .117 Market Street State of North Carolina, County of New Han over, Superior Court. James .W. Craig vs. Anna G. Cxaljr. fJlQTHE DEFENDANT ABOVE NAMED : Take notice that on Monday -the 22nd dy of October. A. 1. 183, at No. 318 DlviBion Street In the city of Chicago, and State of Illinois, at 11 o'clock, a. m.,- before 31artln Ueem, Esq , an Attomey-at-Law, the Flintlff will procccit to take the depositions of J. Ro-rley, M. E. Rowley, M. C Ellis and others to be ussd in behalf Of the Plaintiff in the above entitled cause. At which tinW ana place you are noti fied to be present and avail yourself of all latr f nl privileges. sept C-law4w th Attys for Plaintiff. Fine Portraits- IP YOU WISII A VERY FINE PORTRAIT finished in the latest and finest strle. now Is an eatra opportunity to secure it. fcend your order (any kind of smau picturo old or new) and remember no pay is expected till the work hJis.becn seen antf. accepted. My prices aro stiil at a great sacrifice now in order to intro duce my work. - I . ! ORIN T. THOMAS, Artist, i Studio 8G1 Broadway, N. Y. Address 144 West 23d su, N. Y. j i .3 Friends Tl6ltlnar tho city, are invited to call .. anjr27-tf School Books ! . .. . . i- . , , : ;-. ...-( r School Books ! IBERAL DISCOUNT ALLOW D - ' rEACHER-J AND MEKCIItNTS SCHOOL SUPPLIES Paper, Pens, Pen cils, Slates. Sponge, Copy Books, Book Bags Crayons, Iak, &c, &c. . I G. W. YATES, sept 3 119 Market street TRY THE COOK -1-4 UGGIE. FOR WHICH ARE SOLE - ri I Harness to go with them at very AENNe 4 law Tricea. Thc- lnnreet aortment of fcsul -.'.Ules. Trmiks. Truvelhns Bag and Satchels in the State. . i j SW Bepa'j-injrpromptly done. Prices I low. ! i McDOUGALL & BOWDEN.' . . Nov 114 North Front St. septa PUROELL HOUSE. I TJNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, " wYlmington, N. if -It L. PERSY r Proprietor. Lata ProprtdtOT Atlantic iloteL Firet-Chus In all its appointment. Terms rLMto t.CWa r . " ' i " ' '"j ' 1 g i i Solid' Comfort. . :.-t: rpUERE IS 80UD.COM FORT IN THE as 1 of Kerosene Stoves. A customer.-wlio Is using one, says: "Willi this we are iriep!iKi ent when left without a servant." Ther are Gems and great Economists.'- Different size- and prices. .Try one. , , a"Pi-re White Oil: scptS PASSES A TAYLOR. 7. 1883. The muse of the writer taut &rway be fa niabed to the Editor.; ;,.f r Ckinm-xnlcariOM latut b wrutea Oft) one side of the paper. ' ' PersonaMaea znuat be a-rofctod. And It U especially and .partkmlArly -ra4 tood that the Editor does; ot iway eadot the tIc-t-i of corrcfpondcata nnleae ao atatc la the editorial eolusuuu !. . . ! 1 NEW AIJVEKTISE3IENTS. Ho I For the Mountains I ! I . : j j . Ill AYE JUST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD OF FIXE' . ..- ., .. , Ji .(... .... MOUNTAIN BEEF? Extra in quality, -which 1 ahail have for aa'o at my Stall for tho next two --recks, i . . ., - 1 - . j ' ! ' Al'o. fat.lul- Yea! and Xa dere to-morrow for Saturday in order to get a , chol.-e cut. Meats p oropilv do Ucro-l In attT part of the city, free ot charge, i i , . t t i' J. H. MRITOVi' Succesj-or to the Dutcher Co., and I-roprletor of lhetn!y Steam bausate ae ory In the, Hate. . ... i. ..-., . Star copy It,- ' ecptest i Passion Flower, ' f A:ND OTUEU POEMS, t '"I ' , . nyTheo. II. 11111. Price Just rcrelrM and for aa nt i . J JIEINSnSKURR-H. L Life on" the; Mississippi. l MA 1UZ TWAIN". IHii.straled 1 Round In clothj For sale at HEINSBERGEIt' . t ept r. ! . ' Lly'e Book and Mualo Stores - Baltimore & Wilmington Steamsliii) Line. Steamer RALEIGH, CAPT. LITTLE FIELD, Will nail from ' SATURDAY, SEPT. 8th. AND FROM THURSDAY, Sept. lStli, For Freight Engagements, apply to a.;i. CAZAXJX, Act., : ' . Wilmington, N. C. JAS. II. ANDREWS, Agt.; H sept 3- , I HI German St , Baltimore.' KAISER BEER; Imported from Germany ' T $3,50 per Dozen. ' V - , . , BEST SOLD IN WILMINGTON. VIENNA, TROPIC, j PH05NIX BEER, AMERICAN GOODS. THEIR SUPERIOR QUALITIES UNQUE3- TIOXED-$iC0 per dozen.1 - . i ' . i ELEGANT ASS02TMENT OT j Cakes and Crackers i f i. ItOYSTEIt'S CAXDY, Porest an t bet made in No th Caroliaa. Three Founds for $li 0- . f' ENGLISH DAIRY, . EDAM , FRESH XD AMERICAN CHEESE. . j , ," T P. L. : BBIDGERS & -COh - , HO North Front St. " se'ptS . ; FLO KIDA WATER, 1 !, LAVENDER W ATEIt, ! - , I t VIOLET WATER. I HELIOTKOl-E WATER." , . I WHITE ROSK iWATEXK. . , 1 ' J RAZENA WATER. Also a complete assortment of Colognes and Perfumery for the bummer season. i . ' Jr Prescriptions comitoa-ivded day and night at F. C. MILLER'S, , . - I - - German Drcsrurlit, , ; i fept 3- Correr Fourth and Nan sts. -pRKSH FItH JO ALL' point in North Caml'itut,. ( e South Carolina, ' 1 ' j r and Grergia. Goarantee to deliver them lu good conHtia. sept? r W. E. DAVI3 & EON. ri: ' 1 X I V

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