u rf 1 r- . - 1 ""i ' ' " : ...... ' - - - - , : ..- ., .... .....,,,.!,;!-.;,'. "v - j C V-' A ' -'' - -: t ! . ';..,.. . V ' '. ! ill xhispjlpkS every eveaU, finnlayt x cental by JOSH T. JAME8, PAIR "C . , - CI r cit monttis. SI.IJO. ' ThrM rtts Onft month, 35 cent. aIr will 'Wliyered by rarrkra free Uvelnritlow and RlmL ,7-?abH ribera h 1 report any anrt all fU- .-lve thr ofHfr n-Kunj, rjr 77i Mvfcv has the largest 'JcJge lilack's estate ia valued, at fjX),obo- . lr. Oliver Wendell Holmes carries a -orse cbeslnut in his pocket to prevent rMiinati'im. there are many more Englishmen in fo United State3 to-day than were Jur here at one time before. Hoadly's Philadelphia phy- .:.,;n v3 that he is he is sufferins from S.liJ" - excessive political enthusiasm Seventeen of the twenty coal mines in ihe Masillon (Ohio) districts arc idle. Two are paying the advance of ten rfnIs ptr ton demanded by the miners Hi.ii. TLomas Ai Hendricks has re- ri'-ovc'l in health. He says that New Vork I)op-iccrats are in excellent con Pn "Ulctil Arthur is one- tl the 130, tvi jr.r-ml'or-i of the acciunt Order of l"r.;il Workingmen. He belongs to a Sew York City ludge, and i in full and "Vwlar -landing, Major Kthel Barksdale, editor of the Jitok5f'W(,ss') Clarion, has withdrawn t'roin that newspaper. 4Ie will rcpre- the Seventh District of Mississippi ta ihi'nrxt Congress. Ucjicral Abe Sawyer, ot Key "West, K'a.. claims to be tho smallest dwarf in world, being thirty-two inches high. nineteen years of age and weighing only :hiny seven pounds. A Montreal paper says that the rea Mia Lord Coleridge gave Canada the go by was that tho railways in the domin ion refused the reception committee in New York free passes. Munkacsy's picture, "Christ before i'iiate," has met with a wonderful re ception in Manchester, Eng., no fewer than 30,000 people having seen it with iu the space of a few weeks. The Philadelphia Press says lion. John G. Carlisle appears to have reach txl the point in which a certainty in the Senate looks a good deal more tempting thin a possibility in the House. The Cass county ( Neb.) Democrats recently held a meeting at which they .ssed resolutions pledging themselves to aid in tho work of "cleaninir out the j Ilepubiicati party generally." j The Now York World aptly says that when it hears Senator Sherman say "I am for a strong government." It seems to hear Bismarck and Gorts ehakoff geutly echo "Me too." Tho receipts for the cotton year at Norfolk were 600,133 bales, while the i'oreign exports have been 372,525) bales valued at $17,869,603. Tbis is the larg est cotton business ever done by that port in any one year. Ueueral Nelson, of Indiana, declares ibatLoran is greatly . 'more popular than Arthur among Hoosrer Republi cans. In his opinion the Illinois Senator is the most popular man on the Republican side. . Private dispatches at San Francisco ays that Li Hung Chang, viceroy of China, has granted permission for a rft earner to run on the ' upper Rei Ho river, between Tientsin and Tong Chow. This concession is regarded as important. . Ex-Congressman McLane, 6f Mary land, says the Democrats of that State will send a Bayard delegation to the National Convention; al3o, that Robert Lincoln is the only Republican whom the Democrats will be afraid of next jear. The building statistics of New. York tell the' story of its growth. In the first eight months of the year the new buildipgs commenced show an estima ted cost of S45.000.000. More than one-half of this amount is for first and second class buildings, hotels and flat. . . Some English officers who witnessed a recent exhibition of the Nordcnfeldt "machine gunsM at Hartford were amaied at the rapidity with which they were discharged, though familiar with such devices. The estimated ser vice frora the 12-barrel gun. weighing 250 pounds. U 1.150 round a minute, and the test proved the estimate true, lor 600 rounds were fired in les3 than 32 seconds. A single barrel for cav alry service was discharged 54 times in 30 seconds, and all the shots hit the target within a circle otthe diameter of two foot. w a 11 .... a a a a a - i ,. .... -a S m. - i. ... i: i . ..-- ........ . i .. a i VOL. VII. VV LLMINGTON. N. C, SATU11DAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 1883- NO, 214 Lucy Stone stronyurgea the estab lishment -of suffrage for women in Massachusetts, and sayslthat the i&rty that does it will rule the State. A lad 15 years old died- at Brooklyn last Saturday from the excessive use of tobacco. It was a clear case of nico tine poisoning. This ought to serve as a' warning to boys and young men but it will do no good. ! 1 j The Washington Star thinks the Western Union Telegraph Company did a sensible thing in voluntarily con ceding some of the demand the strik ing operators failed to enforce. If the company go on in this way for awhile they can dispel the bis cloud of public dislike. hf ! - . . - They had a G. A. jl. encampment at Passaic, N. J., a few dap3 ago and a sham fight was a iartj of the pro gramme. It was amusing, as well j as disastrous. The) men wore I divided into Federal and Confederate forces. The latter were the attacking p3ity arid iiz was laid down that they were to get licked but the sham Confeder ates got excited and refused to be beaten and were about to clean. out the Federal entrenchment when ail hands were ordered to lay down their arms. But for this prompt interference another I war,- might have been inaugurated. As it men were injured,1 somti was, thirteen of them right seriously. Shots! were exchanged with blank cartridges but it was at such close quarters that the wads made the wounds. I i; LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - 6ol Bear Carpet 1 Yates School' Books F A Newbcby EemOval HKrXSBERQER New Books It M McTntire Chlda and Ends Iks Kate C Wikes Fall Hatg F C Miller Florida Water, &c W II GhkEw JieW Crop Turnip Seed Day's length 12 hours and 27 minutes. There were no interments in Oakdale j Cemetery thi3 week. Changeable, is the almanical predic tion for to morrow. 1 j The receipts of j cotton at this port to day foot up 61 bales. ' The moon complete its to-morrow afternoon. first quarter Sunset ip-morrow afternoon at 16 mmulesPAlt it yor Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, co u .IACOBI, Hardware Depot, t U.i5. District Attorney W. S. O'B. Robinson is in the city j and registered at the Purcell House. Tho Register of Deeds issued three marriage licences this week, all of which were for colored couples. Steamboatmen report a slight rise in the Capo Fear, but not enough to meet the requirements of" navigation. Mr. Sol. Haas, Traffic i Manager of IberAssociated Railways, wasl register ed ,at the Purcell Hbuse this, morning. ; i We understand thati thd Carolina Central authorities will soon placo two uew passenger and sleeping coaches on that road. . There is a very singular coincidence con nected with the interments in Oakdale Cemetery in 1882 and 1883. From the 1st of January to the; 1st of September the number of interments was just 5 each year. i , A change of schedule goes into ; effect on Monday next, on the Shelby Divis' ion of the Carolina! Central R. R-, by which the -Summer isehedule i will be shelved and the , old Winter schedule will be brought to the front again. ) Mr. F. a. Newbury is now comfort ably installed in his neat new building, on Mulberry street, near Water, where he offers an attractive; display of goods. He has a few words to say to his cus tomers in thi3 issuej of the Review. The stermship Raleigh, Capt . Little field, leaves Baltimore to-day for this port. She is the pioneer of a line which is expected to bo established between that city and Wilmington, and we hope that the project may prove, entirely successful. Capt. Ai D. Cazaux is the azent in this city. The pop ! pop ! ot the rice bird hunters gns is heard now ju all hours of the day and night. The birds are out in force and are being brought freely to market. Two of our young friends went out yesterday and in a few hours bagged nearly a hundred birds, having lost perhaps lialf as many more. A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot . t 1 For Superior Court. His Honor. Ai A. McKoyJ Judge of the Superior Court, arrived in the city last night, and is registered at the Pur cell House. He i on his way to White villej Columbus county, to preside at the next term of the Superior Court for that county, which convenes on Mon day, the 10th inst. Tlio Weather. Ileports received from Key West this morning indicatohat there is a distur bance South or Southeast of that sta tion, but the course of the movement cannot be given at present. It is not coustdered safe, however, for vessels to leave Southern ports without further information, which will be given in doc season. . , I . Restored to Health. We were glad to see Mr. ilkin Roddick on our streets this morning looking much improved in health. He is here on a short business visit and will leave again tor the North to-night. He states that his trip has been very bene ficial to his health, as his appearance would indicate, and he feels in the best of spirits. m Goinir North. Capt. R. M. Mclntire leaves for 2?ew York on Monday next and will be absent about a week. He goes to purchase new Fall and Winter goods and will make a careful tour and in spection of the markets. Having in creased the accommodations of his store he expects to buy a larger stock this ! season than he has ever laid in before. Wheeler's Reralniscenses. We haye received Part Two of this publication which includes ! Carteret, Caswell, Chatham, Chowau, Craven, Cumberland, Currituck. .Davidson, Davis, Duplin. Edgecombe, ; Forsyth, Franklin, Gaston, Gates, Granville, Greene, Guilford and Halifax. It con tains matter of interest to every North Carolinian who loves his State and is proud of its history. It is published by Joseph Shillington, Washington, D. C. monthly. A FlyiDg Visit. Prof. M. C. S. Noble returned to the city last night, but leaves to-night, not to return again until about the first of October. During his Absence he wii vi4it the schools of Louisville, Ky., Cincinnati, O., Chicago, IlL&nd; other Northwestern cities, and takewad vantage of auy improvements their j methods of instruction may suggest. He speaks in eloquent terms of bis visit to the North as having been entertaining, instructive and highly beneficial to his health, i For Boston. We sa w this morning, at the confec- tionery store of Mrs. E. Warren on North Second street, four hall gallon jars of shrimps put upv under her su pervision J at the request of Fish Com missioner Worth, wbich areto be for warded to the Boston Exposition. Two of the jars contained the flesh simply as taken from the shell and the other two contained the shrimps -in their natural state. Some of the latter! were very large, and we saw one that was seven inches in length. The entire lot was propared very neatly and present ed an attractive appearance. The Library.' The rooms of the Wilmington Libra ry Association were opened to the public to-day for the first time la about three weeks. During this interval many important changes for- the ''better been effected and - the books have nearly all been . re-arranged been , re-arranged and classified, so in the future, be that there will, . no difficulty in I finding jany desired volume ' without delay. Miss Parsley, the librarian, has worked assiduously and faithfully in the discharge of her new and onerous duties, as the general appearance of the rooms, books and furniture abundantly testifies. It is with pleasure that we learn that tho membership is constantly increasing, and that many of our young men are begianing to appreciate the intellectaal.aud moral advantages to be derived ironi the institution. " We un-1 derstand that it is intended to supply the Library with magazines, period i cals and other literature especially de-i signed for females .' and Invit lady j membership to its privileges. , it wui Par c - j AH wlto desire to dress well on .a limi ted purse to buy their Clothing; of A. & Siiiuer. They bay only- for Cash and allow their patrons to share in the benefits of all advantages thus gained. - : .-. .. ' ;-. ':" tf : Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low prices, at Jacobi.'s . . t NEW ADVERTISE ODDS; ARID ENDS ! In every Department we . many things at : 1 ALL-WOOli; DRESS GOQDS 1 IS VAEIOUS COrX)R9r JUST THE THIKG FOB FA1X AN0 EABLY W1STEB. WE REFER TO THE LADIES OF.FRONT WHETHER Good and Cheap Church Carpets ! A FEW GOOD STYLES EXTRA SUPERS JIJ3T RECEIVED. r 1 Full Stock 'in loss ihan ten days ! i sept 8, 1883 Cot ton. The receipts of cotton at this port for tho week ending with fo day, the first week of the new cotton year foot up 647 bales, as aaainst 507 bales for the corresponding week of laslvear, ari jn crease this week ol 140 bales.: : . Knli8h Grapes. Thanks to our good friend. Mr. Henry S. Alderman, for a box of beau tiful, luscious English grapes, raised on his plantation near Point Caswell. They were very fine. We counted on one bnnch more than 150 grapes and then we got tired and went .to work to diminish that number. U Jh New York. i 'Mr. M. M. Katz is already in New York, having left here last Wednesday night. His visit has a Rouble object to seo his children. Who have been North at school, and who will return with him, and to buy new goods for the Fall and Winter trade., no will be absent a week or ten days and the ar rival of the new goods will be duly an nounced in our columns. f Iteturucd. . I . Mr. Sol Bear returned last night from the North where he has been jpr several weeks past for the ; purchase of new goods. Mr. Bear always purchases largely and this Fail his stock is un usally large and hence , both time and care were.required in its selection. The goods are now coming in freely, both in the wholesale and retail departments and are being displayed and sold.- Fraternal. We were pleased to receive a call this morning from Mrv Geo. M. ' Carry ; the goodslookipg and accomplished editor of the Scotland Neck Common wealth. Bro. Carr has bat recently assumed charge of the paper and al ready do we see in it many signs of im provement. . It is published in a rich agricultorai section, in direct and close communication with Wilmington. M r. - D. B. - Nicholson has taken charge of the local department of the Clinton Caucasian and he is making it a lively, spicy and new page. We have known Brol Nicholson from his boy hood and he is an honorable, clever and scholarly gentleman ; and with this cer tificate of character wo welcome him cordially and heartily to the ranks of the newspaper iraternity With the hope that he may fina its paths' strewn with roses and that money may filV hisTpurse like gold from the fountain of Pactolhsl but we are constrained to say that these hopes are a trifle faint. j : lTie Doilar Df, Oiii Oadclfes It is reporttkl in first financial circles that an organized warfare is to be made on the dollar durintr the next session of Conirress. and those who ' hate, it are really ehdouraged to belie vo that , they will be able to stop its coinage, i This fight, which has been made with great regulari,ty in the past, - has not been waged with the vigor that will proba bly be displayed this time. Whether it wiU be successful remains to bo seen, but there eeeois more probabilty of success in this case than in any off the efforts which have preceded it.; The coinage of silver dollars ,:io -the year; just ended has been about thirty mil. lions, or two and a halt 1 millions more than the nrecedins: year: wT!nb' dollars go out. very, slowly. . OL the whole amount of sifver dollars" coined ; since not one-fourth are in cirariatton;and i to get them in circulation seems , to be almost an imposib liiy. jrh6 standard silver dollars in the Treasury four years ago were thirty-two miDioc's;:'a year later they were forty-seven mil lions z one vear a?o thsv amounted to ,. ,i1!!nnB r hM in ! be appropriated to create storage room for them. - " ' i. - I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS are : now offering a good less than -value."-..' STfcElM? METHODI8T CHUBCH TO WE FTJRXI9H R. " rU3L HJclWTIRE. 4v Testimonial. jWe iearn from the Newbern Journal that the Atlantic Fire Com pauy; who were recently on,- a visit to this city, will i present Capt. C D. Myers, Chief of the Fire Department of Wil mington, with 4 handsome goldheaded cane, with the following description : . Presented to ! ; j Chajs. D. Myers. j 1 Chief of Wilmington Fire Department, . :. ".': by the,.! I Atlantic Steam Fire Company, ' of New Berne, N. C. 1883. . -I This cane, says the Journal, would have been sent about one month ago, but for a mistake made in the! engrav ing. r- , J ;r...-,V I We called upon Capt.' Myers this morning expecting o see the cane, but i had not arrived, nor. had he received any information regarding it. although tho Journal Fays that it was to have been forwarded yesterday morntng. 1 NEW AO VEKTISEMENTS. Fall Hats. LADIES COLORED STRAW HATS - AND j BONNETS, 6CIIOOL HATS, NECKWEAR and other Millinery Goods. I MRS. KATE C. WINES, 1 No, 119, North Second Street. I sept 8 . ? next South of PoetoiBcc Removal. T HAVE REMOVED TO MY NEW STORE j JL ' t - - . ON M0L.BE ttRY STREET. To my friends and customers : I thank you for previous patronage. I will be pleased to first Store on Mulberry street going towards mo xiirer, - uespccctuuy. V. A. NEWBURY. Wilmington, N. C., Sept 8,1583.. 2t X HAVEi JUST RETURNED-yROM THE Nortbcrn M&rketn. where I purchased: the LARGEST STOCK - OF CARPETS EVER brought to this City, and I am now prepared w erve any one wno wisaes to pureuafte a I - i PINE Ingrain. Three-Ply Tapestry, Brussels or Body Brussels, or Napier Matting. All of the latest paiterna and designs. i i SOL. BEAR. : r - - . fecptj 8 Market Street Cool Beer. . Best Liquors, Finest Cigars, A T THE OLD NORTH STATE SALOON. prop to and try, the Tar Heel's Ml tares. - sept 7 s i.,. , ' STALL RIO. 7. HAVING JU3T.RECEIVED. AN EXTRA flue not of MOUNTAIN BEEF. I shaU offer ' i . . for sale at my Stall, No. 7 Front St. Market, - i .v-. ... i i for the ensuing week, as YAT and TBNDER -' ' -I I BEEF as has been exposed for aalo in tbis ' ' i ! ! market for some time past. 4 . . . . -.. Alio an EXTRA fat and juicy. QUALITY OF LAMB, 1 1 !:'.- Orders promptly filled and delivered. ' "..U . ; j .' . WM. M. HAYS, Jk. sept51w Sta3 No. 7, Front St. Market Wanted. 'A' I.ADY TEACHER TO GO A 8IIOKT ! dLstacce in the country in a private family. Must be competeat to teach niusic on tLe -. - - - t-i - - plsno. Apply at IIEINSEERGER'S, sept 3-cod rac ' Lire Book iu-ra. New Crop ? r Turiiip Seed T ANDEETH3 AND BUISTS. Quality teat sad prtoes satlsfartory. j : ; : . wuxLaM n. green. Druggiat. 3 I. eepta-:;-;-; '" U71iirket street rLEASK KOTICS. we win be gU3 to rooclve ccaanimJcaUot froa oor ftUndt en uxj awl all satoets : ccacral interest bat Tbe name of tlj writer mut alway be fa aUaed to the E2tor. - -r , Cosxmxmlcatloa du( be wrtttea one aide of tbe paper. ' renonaUtles must be avoldeO. And it la eepedaQj aad parUruUrty taul tood that tho Editor doe kot always eadoi the views of eorrwpondeaU iMdcss so ; tn the editorial oohunns. NEW ADYERTISEaiETEU Passion Flower, KD OTHER POEMS,''" By Theo. II. Hill, price 1 1. J ast received and for sale at 1- IIEIN3BtlRGERS. r Life on the Mississippi; TY MAEK TWAIN, lliiutrated. j ! Hound la clothr Price M.W. X ' -i-? -, - Por s&lo ai- a r -?'.- - . i I' i i !' HEINSBERGER'S, fept C live Boofc and liusle Storrs Baltimore & Wilmiriff toii Steamship Line. Steamer EA.LEIGH, CAPT. LITTLEFIELD, Will sail from . -r.r -. .: , . .'h . V , SATURDAY, SEPTi 8th. ' ANDFROM ..jij T ' THURSDAY, Sept. 13tha For Freight Engagements, apply to A.;i. CAZAUX, Afft.,' '-)" i " ' 1 Wilmington, if. C JAS. 15. ANDREWS. Act. J i sept 3- 81 German 8t , BalUmorei K A IS ER BEER , Imported from Germany $2.50 per Dozen, j ' BEST SOLD IN WILMINGTON. I, VIENNA, TROPIC PH03NIX BEER, AMERICAN GOODS. THEIR SUPERIOR QUALITIES UNQUBS- i f - . TIONED $2.00 per dozen. ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OP' Cakes and Crackers ROYSTER'S CANDYil - '" ! " '",''-!..' Purest and best made in North Carolina. Three Pounds for 01. - : - H ENGLISH DAIRY. EDAM FRESH 1 AMERICAN CHEESE. I P. L. BRID&EES & CO. i HO North Front St. ! FLORIDA WATER,! - .;, - JUAVBSUfcil WATER, . 11 VIOLKT WATER, T. , t , . HELIOTKOPK WATER, ' i , 1 WHITE RO-E WATER.!! ' Also a Aompleta assotment of ColnmM Perfumery for the ?nmmer itaAon i , i sr PrescriptlotiM cm notified dv aiui night at F. V. MItXER'S. T; ' ! German DrugiatJ a t sept 3- . Correr Fourth and Nod ats. "Shipped in Ice." THRESH FISH TO ALL polnU In North Carolina, South Carolina, j and Oebrgia. Guarantee to dellter them in . . ... i !. -' ... -'.. . . : - . t . good condition. . Pt I W. K. DA VI 3 Jt&ON. PUfibELL HOtfSE. UNDER NEW UANAOEMENT, i ' - - - - - - i 1 i ::- I i - , . WILMINGTON, N. C . '- PERBT." Proprietor. lAte Proprietor Atlantte Hosci. HrstOlass in all its srpnlnUoest Teras 9tM' to ..0o a , d-y - - ' . - - i . ; ; . .. y-. r Solid Comfort. , : THERE IS S(3LQ COMPORT IN THE ct Kerosene Stotw. A customer.1' nho U Ufeiag one, f ays: '"with this we are tftdetMfnd- ettwlaa left witnout a eerraut. Hev Gems and great ' "Economists. DiCcreat sizes and prices. Try one. , ; '.r . . ' Pure White Oil. - - j f eeptJ , PAr.TTrq & ZAJJJOZn L Till. fi II 1 V

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