15?' 11 14 IS u - innr Arnititt REMEDY FOR PAIN; Rsll-erea and erc KHECMAT1S3I, Neuralgia, Sciatica. Lumbago, EX A 1'ILLCIIE, EZ13iCI, TGG7I1CS SORE THROAT, riKSr. SWELLIX03, kpxkaixs, fortnos, Cat, Braises, mOSTBITE3, Bl'BXS, SCALDS, Xai k! ether bod 11 frebe nm C15T3 1 B0I7UL fioH by .11 Drtgg1t n I Deuksrs. Direction la 11 Ti9 CJurlei A.Vegeler Co. (5comart U A- V7 & C) Baltic, L, C. 8. A. TTTTITti wciflc for Epileptic' FitA3 .r -ral!im - " ' .. in.yiaUv relieves and cures. Clean ih 6ftTes pickncis. Cures ijTpEPTIG yytc'icfacd stubborn blood ores. Eliminates far'juacles aaa acaiuo. iwumucuujum i t cares paralysis. Yes, it la a charming and V j Aperient. Kill Scrofula and Kings Evil, ii rs Ciancci bad breath to good, remoy . ...oiuv. iinM bilious tendencicHcnd makes , 'm; iion. EqaaUedbynoneinthedelirinm f. i. r. A charming resclvmt and a matchless . vc It drives Sick Headaebe like tbe Wind. drastic cathartic or opiates. Re- (THE GREatl i ..-aia of morbid f ancle. Promptly cures ':;btut:.: l7 routing it. Ecatorcs llfe-glTlcc V , r. ; J" tke blood. U guaranteed to cure all jf -j'i.i-ordcifl. Reliable hen all opiates r..:. fl'-fres-hf-s the mind and Inrigoratcs the body. Curs d'j -.-ip3ia or money ref anded. l) mss o? tte.tlod own it a conqueror. Kn- t.t J Li irri.lng by oxer flff y thousand leading cttl- i. rs. ru-:erymn cud physicians in TJ. S. and Enrope. iZ-lvr Kile by all leading drugfffnts. tlJ50. (S3) ?j Dr. 2. A. MffiGndEel. Co., Frops., Si. losepl, Ha. iVr u-ctimonUla and circulars send 6tamp. ' tkiritj h". CrittcBton, Agent, New Tork City. t-t-pt 3 Iw-nrra TContinued CHAPTER II. .rouJerful and mysterious curative ver is developed which is so varied .:i its operations that no disoase or ill ioalth can possibly exist or resist its ;..wcr, and yet it is ilrmlftss forthe rnont frail women, akest invalid or smallest child lo u?e. "Patients "Almost dead or nearly dyinp:" rr years, and given up by physicians ..f Uriht's and other kindey diseases, iivor complaints, severe coughs called n.iumpLron, have been cured. Women one nearly crazy! From a?ony of neuralgia, nervous nm. wakefulness and varies diseases poc:ni:tr to women. iopie drawn out of shape trom ex-i-riiciatins pan?s of Khoumatism. Inflammatory and chronic, or sufTer inz from scrofula! Krysipelas! Salt rheum, blood poisoning, dyspep s:a, indigestion, and in fact all diseases Trail Nature is heir to Have been cured by Hop Bitters, proof of which Can bo found in -every neighborhood in the known world. wz. 18 d&w lm. t3 blaease is an effect, not a- cause. Its origin within; its manlfeatationa without. Hence, io cure the disease the CAUSE mast he remov al, ani in no other way can a euro be effected. WARNEIfS SAFE KIDNEY AND LIVER CUItE id established on just this principle. It realizes that 95 Per Cent. ' f all diseases arise troni deranged kidneys and iver and it strikes at once at the roAt of the lUflculty. The elements of which it is com jKjsed act directly upon the great organs, both w a F(XD and RESTORER, and by placing thetn la a healthy condition, drivo diaoRse ana vain from the system. - - i or the Innamerable trouble caused by un Jisalthy Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs; :or the distressing Disorders of Women; for Malaria and for physical derangements gener ally, this great remedy has no oiuaL Beware of Impostsra, Imitations and conceptions said o be juat as good. For Diabetes ask for WARNERS SAFE DI AI1ETES CUBE. For salo by all dealers. IL 1L WARNER CO., vlU-lm Rochester. N. Y. isll i f t nr.' um. Si! lis V mm . - . , mi f iL i l:t Ka, f n n PTt"8 pePle are always on V ivl llSt the lookout forchan- J j . II JTm I oca to Increase their m m U La earnings, and In time . wealthy ; thoso who do not lmprore their opportunities rcmai n in poverty. We of Ifaftch4ncetomake money. We want "&n7e"' S;0?1. tya and girls to work for Mt vhclrownlocaUtlet. Any one can Kn lWnPromly lrora he first sUrt. The business will pay more than ten times ordi nary wages. Expensive outfit furnished free. No one who engages fails to make money rap Idly. 1 ou can devote your whole time to tho work, oronly yur spare moments. Full in formation and all that Is needed sent free" a d- drlf-dwtt. TheBaily Review; TRUE LOVE. 1 ' I think tro.c! love is n6vcr blind. Hut rather brings an added IVhi'"" ' An intitr vision quick to find The beanties bid from common sight. No soul can ever clearly sec i Another's highest, nobiest part Save through the sweet1 philosophy ! And loving wisdom of the heart. Your unanointed eje shalllall Onhirn who rills my soul wiih light: 1 ou do not see my Iriend at alL ( i on see what hides him from your sight. I ae the feet that fain would climb; I t JLOU, but the step3 that turn astray; I see the goal unharmed, sublimo; You, but the garment and the clay. ' i I J xou see. a mortal.jweak, misled. Dwarfed ever by the earthly clod; I sw how manhood, perfected, May reach the statue of a god. I Blinded I stood, as now !you stand, j Till on mine eyes, with touches sweet, "ve, vne deliverer, laid nis nana. And lo! I worship at his feet! Philadelphia Press. STOUT OF A CONSPIRACY;. How an Informer Frustrated a Gigrautic Fenian Plot. The assassination Jatne3 Carey at the furthermost corner ol the juarth has demonstrated the impossibility of elud ing a vigilance eo lar-reachinir ando unsleeping as that of the so-eajled Irish Invinciblee. Even had he 'survived O'DonnelFs revolver.shot, unless in iho heart of an English prison or n garrison colony like Heligoland or j Gibraltar, his lile would have been in; jeopardy. It is questionable whether Mich a refuge would have! beenl jermarjent. The British army is jhwieycojiubed with sedition, and amon&t the v(rM guanls told otVto oroteet miiht have ticen hot J blooded Hibernians e:jger t? aoritiee i him. From the inception at Skibberetm' in 1863 ol the Pfrtenix Society, tiie pro genitor of Fenianism, until the present day, but one informer that! we know of has evaded the penalty attached to his olfenwi. This was John .loieph Coiy don, immeasurably the most important, as he has been the most lortimatc oi the Fenian Judases. The value of Carey's I exposures, was but a lleabite in couiparison witli Cory don's. Carey only enlisted himself -.on the side of the Crowfn I alter the crime had heen accomplished. lie enabled the law to vindicate itself by the execu tion of a few of the lojwer criminals, but he failed to break up the association which had organized or to hand over! the leaders who had planned the murder ol Ixml Cavendish and Air. Burke. .. Cory don saved England millions of treasure and hundreds of lives; he smashed into fragments for the time the entire Fenian machinery, and he placed the police in a position to capturo- andlconvict every leader of tho conspiracy Jworth arrest ing. In the early part oh 1S57 the Fen ian leaders, finding their followers in Ireland and America disbanding in disgust at reiterated meaningless prom ises of a "rising.? and feeling that some thing must be done to redeem : their repntatiou both for veracity and jcbur-a-;o, determined iipon a desperate effort to revive con tidence in themselves and to resuscitate the expiring iemau Brotherhood. After hasty deliberation a p'an of action was decided upon, con genial because daring, and hopeful be cause unexpected. It was arranged to attack Chester! Castle, take possession ol the armory there, board the railway trams at the station, Journey to Holy head, embark at tfyatj port upon steam ers which were to have been seized befoiehand, effect! Ja landing on the southern coast of Ireland, and raise the flag of the Irish Republic. Wild as the project might appear it contained all elements ot success. I AH the energies , of tho military and 'police authorities were concentrated on disatYected Ire land , and the initiation of the rebellion on English soil was not even dreamed of. ! j There were stored in Chester Castle pver 30,000 stand of airms, with an un limited supply of ammunition. This armory was protected only by the staff of the Cheshire militia, some ten or twelve old pensioners. There was, it is true, a battalionof j volunteers in j the city, but these amateur soldiers only met once a week for drill and their arms were stored in1 a dilapidated old hay loft, guarded only by an aged watchman, who did not even sleep upon the premises. Chester was a terminal station. There were always half - a dozen engines and unlimited rolling stock available for use there. At Holys. head, whence the raiders from Chester were to ship for Ireland, there were a couple of mail steamers, with fires up and everything readyfor sailing; night ahd day, in reserve, in! addition to the yessels in actual service, just , after arrival or just preparing for departure. Manchester, the nearest garrison! town to Chester, was forty-two miles distant There was no gareison within 100 miles of Chester. The channel fleet was cruising off the western coast of Ireland. Everything was projpitious. The only dread entertaiued was that the secret might ooze out, andf o avoid this the orders for a movement were not issued to the Fenian circles in lEngland until Saturday; the 9th of February, although Monday, the 1 lib, at 8 Pj. M., wis the time fixed tor the commencement of the work. The most minute details bad been carefully looked afterv under the supervision of Capt. Johri McAfferty, a dashing cavalry soldier of I he Confeder ate army, and John : Flood,1, j tho chief Fenian organizer of England find Sect land. Engine-drivers were selected for the trains ; contingents of men" were told off to tear up the railway lines ! and ; destroy telegraphic communication at ! various points, so as o delay and era ! barrass pursuit when the first blow was struck. Under Capt. Micheal O'Brien, afterward executed in j Manchester for his share in the rescue of Kelly and Deasy, 400 men were pkked to sieze the boats at Holyhead -r-amongst this force being sailors, firemen and pilots and a bogus communication was - for warded to Scotland !! Yard. withthe object of setting the - channel squadron on a wild goose chase after the phantom Fenianc privateer" off ' the shore - of Donegal. By 4 o'clock in the afternoon of Saturday. Febniary - 9, 186 oyer 2.000 men were cn : route for Chester from Manchester. Leeds, Bradford, Oldham. Sheffield, f. Bolton. - Wigau, Kochdalo and : Birmingham. Thesq numbers were doubled dnrin the next twenty-lours, hours and it is calculated tbat on the night of Sunday. Hhj loth, nearly 5.000 strangers slept in the dull old town of Chester,, whilst hundreds were on their way ; from such distant points as Ixmdon. Bristol, Middlo boroogh. Sunderland, Sewcastle-on-tjne. G'awgow, Edinburgh and Hun dee. , ' ' . rl"J -.. j To account for this sudden influx of visitors into the quaint and quiet cathe dral city rumors bad been industrious ly circulated of. a contemplated r prize tight between two famous bruisers, and to give consistency to these reports an Irish knocker-out of no little fame was actually brought into the locality and look up his quarters at: Frodsham, a village near enough to Chester .to ac count for the presence there of the unusual . crowds, yet far enough to direct police attention from the real business afoot. The county officials were so convinced that a slugging match was arranged that they detailed special detectives to wrtch the pugilist, and gathered a force of toity constabus lary in the vicinity of Frodsham to pre vent the anticipated breach of the peace. I fact, until the morning of: theMate lul Monday, all seemed to smile upon the rebel undertaking. With the first dawn of that day, however, the hopes of the raibers were dispelled. As early as 6 o'clcck the First Battalion of the Thirty-ninth Regiment, h lied into ; t be Castle. The 9 o'clock train ' brought eight hundred of the Grenadier Guards from London. At 10 o'clock the sta tion was occupied by the local rauthori- j ties ariUj a D ittery ot artillery from Liverpool, and beiore noon the army of tho Irish. Republic was; dissolved like a mist, whilst special messengers were tlyir-g as last as the cars , would cirry theoi to the different railway tcruinl Crewe, York, Normahton, Derby, & to turn back the s.quads wht were hastening on to Chester. -Inside of three weeks McAfferty, Flood and scores of other .-leaders 'were in custody, and then the public learn ed hmv near to success the Chester raid had been, and to whom its frustration was duo. Until John Joseph Cory don appeared on the stand to testify against his com rades, not one of the Fenians suspected him. How close a shave it was with the Government. was proved by the dis closure of the fact that when Corydon first voluuteered a statement to Inspec tor Murphy, ot the Liverpool police force, that intelligent officer was going to lock up John Joseph as a lunatic, and it was not until noon of the following day that Corydon succeeded in gaining an audience of Major Greig, the chief constable of Liverpool, and unfolding the desperate design of tho. Fenians to him?" Major: Greisr,: too, was inclined be incredulous, but he remembered op portunely that ho had received a tele irram fnom Chester relative to the suds den appearance there of large mobs of men for tthe purpose of a fistic encounter, and, wisely coupling this with the startling tale just told him, the Major hurried to Chester to inquire for himself. The result of his investigation was a forcible message ot alarm to tue Home omce, and the subsequent dispatch of tfoors toChester, the removal of the , Holyhead steamer outside the harbor and the recall ot tho mystified squadron into tho Irish Chan nel. For his promptitude Major Greig was afterward decorated with the insig nia of a lv- C. B., and rewarded with a substantial pension. "The saviour of his country," as the. attorney-general styled Corydon, received a large money bonus and was placed In some governr mental prison as a warder, but his whereabouts have never been traced. He turned up as a Crown witness on two subsequent occasions at the exam ination of Col. Kelly land Capt. Deasy, at Albert street Police Court. Manches ter, September, 1867. and on the trial df Michael Davitt, at the Central Criminal Couit, London, in June, 1869. Each time strenuous attempts were made to "get at him" by Fenian avengers, but they proved futile. - j Ministers Sound its Praise. Ilev. Mr. Greenfields, I Knoxville, Teun.. writes as follows: SamarUan Nervine permanently cured my son of epileptic fits." i Here's food for taought. Sold by druggists. -SL.TO. I There are already fourteen papers , in the United States named the Telephone. Dr. Benson's Skin Cure is without a peer It consists of both external and internal treatment and costs nly $1. per package. At druggists. i in A young lady resembles ammunition, because the powder is needed before the bail. I ' . lilt ' ., : - v Ashburnham, Mass . Jan. 14, 1880. I have been very sick over twoyears. They all gave me up as pact cure. I tried the most; skillful physicians, but they diil not reach the worst part. .The lungs and heart would fill up every night and distress me. and my throat was very bad.! I told my children I never should die in peace- until, T -had tried Hop Bitters I have taken rtwo bottles, i They , have helped mo very much indeed. I am now .well. There was a lot of sick folks . here j who r have seen how they -helped me, and "they used them and are cured, and feel as thankful as I do that there is so valuable a medicine made. ; I . : " I MRS. JULIA G. CUSHING. A cynic says women are so full of their own secrets, that it is impossible for them to keep others. , : 1 Decline of Man. nntenoe. Sexual Debility, cured by Wells' Health Renewer." SI h A Kaht York town has a growing eirl of 17 who now touches seven feet. and is still evolving up warn- What Seven Could, not do. Nashville. Tenn.f April 6, 1881. IIIl Warner & Co-- Si rs Seven nhriifima mnld not do for me what your Safe Kidney and ;Liver Cure ac- compwsneu. uupcaj( " ney diseases, it restored me to perfect health, . J A COB MYERS. The celebrated 'Fish Brand Gills Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. ': MISCELEASEOUS. . ..niniSTERS HAVE TRIED to battle, with disease without -the proper remedies, and have been igT xiominlously overthrown in the con test. When, the minister is sick, everybody knows it, and many well meaning friends prescribe all sorts of things to cure him, some of which would kill him were he to swallow themS A kind - hearted - woman brought to her almost dying pastor a great jar of pickles, and said -she knew they would cure him, for she had pickled them herselX The sick minister who swallows at landom every-sort" of nostrum his friends suggest may kill himself in doing so. But he who, when rundown by debility, worried by dyspepsia, dis- tressed by malaria, or vexed by liver Trnltinta Ur n Ulh ters, makes a sure thing of his re covery... . . ; . - ' ; The human system is too precious a thing' to try random experiments on, or to doctor in the dark. Some people trifle with their stomachs and livers as they would not trifle with a two-dollar Yankee clock, i This is foolishness and worse. It is well known that Brown's Iron Bitters is no experiment, no . guess-work, no hap - hazard trial." The wonderful preparation . of iron on which it is based is the only form in which thaO metal can be taken into the system without injurious effects. It enriches the blood. It drivesjout intermittent levers. : It restores lost appetite by putting the stomach into a condition iri which it can digest food. It sets wrdng livers right, and makes them secrete and disoose of .bile as they should. - ' -.f -. - No minister, nor anybody else, runs a risk! in making a trial of Brown's Iron Bitters! It is a matter of happy experiencewith thousands of people that, this potent remedy has restored them from disease to health Their testimonials aire "on record, and can be seen by all who have a 'curiosity in f that direction. .Ask your druggist for a bottle of itsrown s iron uitters, ana you .win find what a pleasant remedy it is, ar well as efficacious. i sept f-lw urm tc d&w c th Farmers, Take Notice M ORRIS HOG CnOUHRA COMPOUND la just tho thine to care or prevent Hoc Choi era and all diseases to which Swine are sub ject; It will prevent that dreadful disease known as Trichnaa. and will put your hog sin a t-ferlfty, healthy condition, clearing the kid-, neys, liver, Ac, of worms and parasites F Each packaco contains one and one-half pounds and will, if given ptrictly according to dh-ecUons, cure 10 hogs of the Cholera and put 20 hogs in a condition to fatten in one half the usual time, thereby saving one half of the feed. The farmers of Duplin .county are giving It the praise. All farmers should buy. a pack age. , ' : -f - j I For sale .wholesalo and retail,1 by W. H. GREEN, Drugglst,rMarket Street, Wilmington, V. C dec 19-dAw-tf Livery and Sale Stables. JJORSKS," BCQGD53, PHOTONS AND CAERIAGLS let at low ratC3. Also Board or norses. - . . ; t me riucoi nuaiotj, hi iho City. A CAR LOAD OT, Kentucky Horses & Mules 1 Juat received and for sale low. : Tho best lot of stock lb the city. HOIJJtNGSWORTH & WALKJSR, At the New Stables, . may 4-tf Cor. Fourth and Mulberry ets Bacon, Flour Molasses; 1 nrt Boxo BACON, V: 1UU 1.000 Bbls FLOUR, all grades, i I 100 Bbls MOLASSES. For sale by aug27 KKRCI1NER & CALDLR BROS Sugar, Coffee, Eice. IHO 'Bbla Refined eUGARS.fall grades, 1UU 10 Bags COKFJfiE, aU grades, f 0 Bbls BICE. Or sale by " an? 27 KKRCIINKR & CALDER BROS SalV Vinegar Lard. i 3 AHfl Packs LIV SALT, ,UUU2S BblsClOKU VlE'AR, ' - LO KnP.xetA I Jin!. ' Kor sain hT aug 27 KKitCH N h It A C LD r U B ROS PACIFIC GUANO. Just received and" for. sale, . 4 SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO AND Dissolved Bone Phosphate, We never nave had the larst complaint Of those Fertilizers not bringing arrestable crop See ourJCountry Agent. n.V J ' vi : ' ALEX. SPBKNT A SON. " frb t-dw- - Fruit Jars' p XT A LP GALLONS,' QUARTS. PINT Hd PKESRRVE TUMBLERS. " , - 1 i . - Giles & 2lurcliison, aug North Front St SUte It Wenrcs Sis.. Chicago for hsZ VUU poe. .Hi Lacrn.l ir. Eiu. r.vfjoi a V al h?-todlTd&w ! MISCELLANEOUS. : - Sew Acgnt J, issa. TO THE PUBLIC ! Invcstiirate for Yourselves ! : Pttetmaster Gnral Umluun harlrg ;pb fished a wilful and malk-lous f Alrfrbood in re jcard to tho character of Tha Loniaiaiui Stt Lottery Company, the followlag facu are giv en to the public to prove hU Statements, thai re are enfcagel Iri a fraudulent buMne, to b? false and untrue ; j .: - Ataount of prize jHrl by Tb Louisiana Stata Lottery Company from Jannary 1, 179, to present date ; j : - ;v ":,:w.. r. j I,. ".,,..:" : Paid to Sootbom Expre Co., Kew t : Orleans, T M Wecot, Mnyer..$:63,SC0 raid to XxuUlsna National i;;iufc, : J8 II Ogletby, PxeaidenU . ........ Paid to i OBhJana fctata National Bank, s n Keonely; President.... Paiti U Kew Orleana National Rank, A Baldwin.! President. . r. ......... , Paid to Mittiooal Union Bank, 1 S Charlaron, Cashier. PM to Cit atewa' Rank,. . . 463.9C0 ... I . 125,100 - i. .' 57,00ft 37.000 1S.U0 8,200 E L. Carriere.i Pratl'lent. fiai i touerminia National uank, I Jutes Canard. VxtMsnAU... . .... Paid to Hibcrcia National Bank, ' Char-'aurer, CR-siiier. .......... af I to CAnal ltank. ld Toby, Cash'r Paid to Mutual featiou&l Hank, . i jos AiJtcBci, warmer. 'T: i Total paid aa above. .. ...........f -,2i3,600 Paid in sunii of nndipx $l,uoo at the j various onica of ; the Co in pan v i - throng Voai the UcUel States 1,627,410 - Total pttidby all.. ....,....fc4,86l,0t:o For the truth of the above fac s we refer tke public to the! ofllceas of the nbo name t cor porations, and f-our legality and standing to the Mayor and Officers of the it- of New Or leans, to the .state authorities of Louisiana, and also to th U. K- Officinlsof fonlslana. We claim t- bv lgal, hoat &t aid correct in 11 our transactions, s much so js any business in the country Our standing is conceded by all w bo -will Investigate, and our stock ha b for years sold at our board of Brokers, and owned by many o our l-esi known and re epected citizens. j : J M. A. DAUPHIN, Prcelaent -Capital Prize $75,O0oJs : Tickets only $5. Shares in pro portion. 3 Louisiana State7 Lottery Company. 'We do hereby certify that xce supervise the arrangements jor au tne Aioniruy ana Hem Annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot tent Company, and in person manage and eon- trot the Dr arcings tnemsclves, and thai the same are conducted tcith honesty, fairness, and in good faun, toward ail pomes, and toe; author ize the Company to use this certificate. Kith fac similes of our signatures aztacnea. in its aaver ttsements. Commissioners. - i Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Jsr telature for Educational and Charitable pur poseswith a capital of $1,000,000 to wlweh a reserve fond of $550,000 has since beon added.. By an overwhelming pormlaa vote Its fran chise was made apart of the present State uonsurauon adopted DecemDor sci, A. it., i3. r The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed oy zne people of any spate. r - Itnever scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take pmeo uionirniy. I ! A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN FORTUNE. ( Ninth Grand Drawing, Class I, at New Orleans, Tuesday, September 1 1; ltxjtn Aionthiy Drawing. ; ' Capital Prize, $75,000. 1 OO.OOO Tickets at Five lol larsEach. Fractions in Fifths in proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. I Capital Prize 6f . . ... 1 Capital Prize of 1 Capital Prize of.. . 2 Prizes of $6.000............. ..1. 75,000 10,000 12000 10.COO 10,000 10,000 20,000 30,CC0 25,000 25,000 .5 Prizes of tWXJ... 1,000..;. r 500 200 100 ! 10 Prizes of I 20 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 800 Prizes of fVM) Prizes of 50.. 1000 Prizes of 25 AFFROXTMATIOir FRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $70o. 8,750 4,500 2,250 9 500. 250. 9 1,967 . Prizes,' amounting to. ... . . . $265,500 Application for rates to clubs should only be maae to tne oSB.ce ot tne company xa new, Or leans. - i - For further Information, write clearly. glV' Ing full address. Address P. O. Money Or- aers or Kegisterca Letter to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK. M New Obleaks, La. ordinary letters by Al ail or Express, to ! M. A. DAUPUIN, j ? ' New Orleans, Lfc or M. A. DAUPniN, i - i 607 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. aug 15-wed-sat 4w-dAw ; o w u S s s $ 5 a ii-rs- x 3 esg S Si ari B CO P ! O tin n E. B CD 5,1 3 5-EQ T3 C o -Z 5 A 3.- 3. a o Foreclosure! Sale. BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER OF SALE contained In a certsia mortgage deed made WW. J. Calais and wife to John L. Boit wrlght and reconled in the offlco cf the Rcgi-ter-of Deed of New Hanover County. In Book L L 1 page 426, the undersigned will sell at public Auction, at the Court Uousedoor, In the city of Wilmington, on Friday, Sep tero!er 2 lt, 18s3, at J2 o'clock, 51, to the highest bidder for Cash, amindiFiiud one-fourth intrea in tbat certain lot of land situated la said city. I Beginning at point In the Kastf-ra Roe of Fourth treet,ti3 leciJ?onth of the South ets tern inttrociion of tuld street with Orange street, runs thence East parallel with Orange street 110 feet, thence touth parallel! ith Fouith street feet, thence West parnllel with Orage street 110 feet to Fourth street, thence along the East line of Fourth Street Northwardly CO feet to the beginning. . f i J. D. BELLAM JT, Jr., A . ang 20-SOt ; Attorpey for Mortgages b is v wa. -: i UAlXROADS, c "i I Wllnilngtoii, Columbia &;Angusta 11. E. Co; WUrahatais N. C July g.lSiJ. Change of Schedule;) ON AND AFTER JULT 8th, 13. al 9 P. M., tho following Passenger Schea i u e will be run on this road : ti NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS," DAILT-Kcm. 41 " Wectand47 East. Xf.y Wilmington .avP4 t- Loave Floreaco. 2.40 A. Arrive at C. C & A. Junction...... 6.20 A. M. Arrive at Columbia. .40 A. M. Leave Columbia. . Ml. M. Leave C, C A A. JuncUcn.........l0.2O P. M, Leave Florence Arrive at Wilmington... ............ eatA. U. SlCTHT MArt." AX1 PARSlrKQEH TBAIX, DArLr t- - No. 40 west. : j - , , Lo3to Wllndngton........ .......l.l0.40 P. It Arrive at Florence 1 43 A. tt. MAIL. AND PASSENGER TRAIN ; DAItT t : " ; ' No. 41 East. :s!ss P. Mi .7.ta p. u Leave Florence at. . . . Arrive at Wilmington Train 43 stsns at all 8tatlon No. 40 stops only at Flemlnsrton.1 and Marion. 1 Passengers for Columbia and all polntaonli. &aiLli., C.,R.R. Stations. Aiken Juno- . tion, and all points beyond, - should take j . -Niaht Express. - .'.!.' ! . Pullman Sleeper, for Charlostnr tn Train IS - i? All trains run solid between , Charlostoa- , Wilmington. j i 1. Local freight leavev Wilmington dally -cept Snnday at 7 A; M. ' i. .-, . !. : - john r, Dirar, j . General Superintendent " T. M.EMSRSON, General Paaecer Wilmington y& Wei don Railroad Company. OrtlCI OF GEit ERA C 8lTPEKTXTX DKN r i . ' Wltaalagton, N. C, July 8, SA I Change of Schedule; fX AND AFTER JULY I?--. AT SIM Vy f . 3!., ia?scn?er 't rains on Hie Wliuj.'.up ton A Weldon Railroad will run as folUiws : DAY MAIL ASD-EXPRKSS TRAINS Imi'm Nos. 47 North amd 43 South. I ; Leave Wrirajngton.Frout St. Detotf 0.40 A. M Arrive at Weloon ...LI ..12.40 P. At Leave Weldon..... j. ......... 3.O0 1 M Arrive at W tlm'glon, Front St. Dit, $.40 P. M Fast Thkouoii Mail & Pasexgrb Teaiw Datlt No. 43 South. I j : " Leave Weldon......"... 5.55 M Arrive at Wilm'gton.Front St. Dpt lO.iSPj II MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAINS ! DAILY. i No. 43 North. Leave Wilmington. .... ... . . . . . Arrive at ,Weldon. -K- .. 8.00 P. ..15.i0 A. Train No. 40 Smith will Rlnn nnl. TTilonn Goldsboro and Magnolia. 1 Trains on Tarboro Branch Road Leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 12.00 A. M. and 4.30 P. M.. Dally. Returning, leavo Tarboro at 10.00 A. M and 3 P. M. DalJy. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leve Halifax for Scotland Neck at 5.25 P. M4 Re turning leave Scotland Neck at 7.30 A. dally except Sunday. . ' Train No. 47 make close connection at Wei don for all points North- Dally. All rail via Richmond, and dally except Sunday via Bay Line. .1 .j . ... . I Train No. 43 runs dally and makes close con nection for all Points North via Richmond aud Washington.--- . ; I . if j - :i All trains run solid between WlTBlngton and Washington, and have lullman Palace Sleep ers attached. ! -..,,,. For accommodation of local travel a passen ger coach will be attached to local freight leav ing Wilmington at .15 A. 11. Dally except Sunday. !, . (.. ...... i . j : i ! :' . . J ' JOHN F. DIVINE, , General Superintendent. I T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. July6 ' i Carolina Central B. Company. Omci of Q enteral Bvtxxjvtxxvzxt, - - - ! ' Wilmington. N. a. June 13th. 18r3. Change of Schedule.; I QN AND AFTER JUNE 13th,1 1SC3,ITHK following acneatue will bo operated onthls nauroan i . . - . -1 . ''' ' i PASSENGER MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN J 'If. Dally except Sunday a. 4' lv I 1 Leave Wilmington at...... .7.10 F. M. ViA dVVO VAJVImUA.. ......... L7.35 P.M. Arrive at Charlotte. at....J.7.00 A. M. 1 Leave Charlotte at........i:&45P. M. No. 2. J Arrive Raleigh at. u ......... 8 .30 A . M . ) Arnve at vvumington at.... 8.25 A. at. Taescneer Trains ston kt reralar stationi only, and points designated la the Company! Time Table. . : ; ,i i j- SHELBY DIVISION. PASSENGER. MAIL EXPRESS AND FREIGHT, j Dally except Sunday. ; J Leave Charlotte.................... 6 JO; P. M Arrive at Shelby , 00 P. Jl. Leave Shelby.. ...........7.00 A. to. Arrive at Charlotte 10 30 A. II. Trains No. 1 and 2 make clOsft connertlorf at Hamlet with It. A A. Trains, to and from RaJ sigh. - - . - . I . .. jr. rbrousrh SlceoLn Cars between WTluiim-tnn nd Charlotte and Raleigh and (Jhnrlotte. . i Tako Train No. 1 xor StatHvllte.4ttlon' Western N C R R. Abevillo and rrtnts Hcit. Also, for Snartanburr. (in nvllle- Athn Atlanta and all points bouthwest - i i - . A. C JONES. - - J - Superlntcnoeat; - F. W. CLARK. General P&ttkenfer Ktrort FLEMMING HOUSE; M-AjRioaxr, XT. c. W. CAJLAIS", Prop'r SITUATED AT TUK VERY FOOT -the Blue Rldze. wlth!n al?ht .nl mi.i. . . fiomeoftho most famous peaks. "The Roan I Mountain and other points of in tercet are rear. ' Delightful air: ealubrlouji climate and excel lent water. , I ' - i . n I will be pleased to correepond with parties ' proposing rest or recreation la the douttilns i during the Summer months, i Excellent tabl,J ana prompt serric; guaxartcl. 'fenns low. ten &t9- ht, life i sweeping vy, g" " aare be fore you orao- thir.tr Mir hlv -ir... sublime U-ave behind to conquer time." lm week In your n town. 5 outStifrw. No rlk, Kverythlng new. 4-apital cot required We will furnish yoa everything. Many arts making fortunes. Ladies make as much aa men. and boys and girla make great pay. Reader, If you want business at which youc&n make great pay all the time, write for inlai Are toll. IIallztt ft Co., Portland. Ualne. aor tL , TT R? r23 va V u

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