. v : . ' ; .V V .i - ; : . . .: . ; - ,- - ........... 1 , ' ' - - - .- ,. - I, U ' " . - . .' .. . . 1 I- . - . - J . -. . . ,. - . ' ' . M THIS PAPER pU cepted by J0SII T. JAMES, KDlTOR A5D PKOPKIKTOB. rrCBirTIONS POSTAGE PAID: !L noo. six months, $2.00. Three 1-00; One month, 35 ccnte. B Vcr win ,,c 'teH"01 by carriers free 'It in any I,arl of the ftIty tD above ''lOwnt; per week. rite low and UberaU b Cr,tx?rs will report any and all fall orecc've ' 'j - j tt, ftrti?. Review ha the laraest . , f Jc rirctdalion, of any newspaper fished, in the cxty of Wtlrwngton. SwzUrt Tabor is a candidate for 'publican nominatian for Gover nor of Colorado. " The Republican papers do not like juc Field as a possible Presidential 2mlidate. President Arthur has signified his in tfntion to be present during the Oriole , festival lnlJalttraore. x-Senator McDonald will give Judge Hoadly a lift after filling five.ap ,9intments to speak in Iowa. A Dumber of tanks are being con structed in Washington for an artifi cial ice factory in South Africa. . William Marwood, the British hang man, never, it is said, saw a man harmed until he performed the work himself.. "Sunset" Cox denies the rumor that there is an alliance between himself and Mr. Carlisle in regard to the Speaker. ship. The famous Wm. I. Yancey was born at the Shoals of Ogeechee, while his mother wa3 visiting her parents at that place. . . Judge Devens, exsattorney general of the Unted States, absolutely .declines in advance the Republican nomination for (overnor of Massachusetts. j-.. Hon. Thos. "A. Hendricks says tha1 he knows nothing of tho so-called "Henderson interview." in which such a decided preference for the old ticket was expressed. The diseases that the London Lancet says may be conveyed by books are measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, sore throat, whooping cough, bronchitis and perhaps phthisis. Senator Williams claims that all but eighteen members of the Kentucky legislature will vote for him for re election on the first ballot, but the Lexington Press believes that he is mistaken. The Detroit Free IVess thinks, from the result of the trial, that Frank James, instead of being a robber and murderer, must have been, in the eyes of the jury,' a pious 'missionary from the South Sea Islands. Gevernor Knott, of Kentucky, has appointed as his Secretary of State the Hon. James McKenzic, formerly a Congressman from the Second Ken tucky District, and known all over tho country as "Quinine Jim." -- - Senator Garland, of Arkansas, is of the opinion that the Democrats of that State will send a solid McDonald dele gation to the neqt Presidential Conven tion of that party. He. also thinks that McDonald will receive the nomination. . -. - Mr. W. WV Corcoran, the venerable Washington banker, spys ho has not been so well for several years as he has been since he went to Green brier White Sulphur this yearl Ho will not return to Washington until the end of the season. The World says that a story comes from Boston that our navy not - only has a Secretary but also secrctaryess. and an officer ot the Tallapoosa is detailed to escort. Mrs Chandler when she visits the Exposition. We hope this story is not true. . In her recent speech beforo the Free thinker s convention at Rochester, New York, Mrs. Susan II. Wixon indulged in a neat bit of satire when shesaitTlhat one reason why women wont to church was "for the purpose of laying up treas ures In heaven, finding it next to impos sible to lay up any on earth." The New York World i of opinion that the . triumph of the American Navy was probably reached when 'the Miantonomoh was put in commission to bo to wed to New York. As a mat ter of precaution a naval tug followed her to pick up the officers and - crew in case the Miantonomoh should behave as was expected." a. ' The Washington Slar remarks that James Buchanan and Andrew Johnson were neither the highest type of states men nor model Presideuts. perhaps, but the farmer issued an executive or der prohibiting the use of government conveyances for private purposes, and the latter refused to accept presents of any kind -while an accupant of the Presidential chair. Let these points bo .remembered when comparisons are beiDgniade. -" . . . 1HE DitILT BETIEW. VOL. me ucam ui ew urieans 3 swollen by enormous negro mortality. twice as great as among the whites. We find it stated in the Philadelphia Record that "Senator Mahone is ri ported to have resorted to he device pf payiug his workers in Florida Ship Canal stock, at 7 a share! The worker irtold that it will soon be worth 40 a share." The Kortlt Gcrtnkn Gazelle, Bismarck's- organ, has' changed lis tune with regard to France, its latest utter anoe implying that if the French Gov ernment wishes to embark in fillibus tering schemes, Germany will not notice them so long as German' interests are not prejudiced thereby. I And so an other spark of warlike anticipation has faded out. John Jacob Astor I is said to have! deeded his estate, worth about $65,000,-1 000, to his only son, W. W. Astor, the United States Minister at Rme. The father reserves an annuity ol $100,000 for himself. The Astor idea is practi cally to entail the lapjily (property, and to keep the estate intact f from genera tion to generation, after thie custom in England. The World rebuts .fay Gould's testi mony as a self-made American mil lionaire. It says the'Astdrs aro rich by inheritance, and that I Vanderbilt, if left to his own resource?, would oroba bly have been an ostler or butcher. Many other Northern men could be cited who, now enormously rich, would have not been worth a dollar but for their daddies, j 1 j The. Philadelphia Record has this: "It is reported that J ohn Roach said : I could build a vessel for the govern . ment as cheaply a3 for a private indi vidual if naval ofiieers were forbidden Ito interfere with the work. No doubt he could. But the naval officers who have to go to sea in j the naval vessels may be obliged to interfere to see that when the government pays a dear price it does not get a cheap yessel. No one doubts Mr. Roach's ability to build cheaply for him self J j The Philadelphia Times scores one for Jay Gould: "Let1 intelligent per sons take what view they may of Mr. Gould's career, they will 'search in vain for anything of the commonplace. He has.simply bought when! other people wanted to sell, and! Fold when other people wanted to buy!. As a result he finds himself, at forty-seven, one of the richest men in tlje j world, with ! ability and discipline to maintain his fortune, and with intellectual resources to enjoy it when the taste for nacre acquisition is gone." LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW IADVERTISEMENTS. I II- Yates School Books, ! j IlEINSBEKGER School Books R M MfclNTiRE Special Orders F C MILLKK Floridi Water, &c W H Gree New Crop Turnip Seed The receipts ot cotton at this port to day foot up 274 bales. , i A big slice was takea I out ot the i n storm signal by the wind. ! , j There was the usual amount of dull ness aUthe Ciiy Ilall this morning. , We very much .fear j that j we may heaiofsonie terrible disasters on the coast, although so far none hjivo -been reported. j ' j ( On account of the! storm none of the river steamers left here to-day,t but re mained as snuirlv as 'Possible at their respective wharves. At 3 o'clock this afternoon the ther mometer in this office registered 74. de grees, which was three degrees warmer than at the same hour yesterday-! From what we can learn there has been considerable damage to the crops in this section, and jespecjally tho rice crops, by the winds of yesterday and to-day. but the details a not yet ac- cessible. 1 ' I It was fun this morning to see empty flour barrels taken iip by the jwind on Market street and rolled ovar and over at almost railroad speed, on tile way to Market dock, where' they toe k passage on tho broad bosoni of the Cape Fear for the "unknown I vasty deep. J . Yon could hear! all sorts of reports trwlav relative to! the New Yoirk and Baltimore- steamers,- bull-the truth of the matter is that not a word has been heard bere yet relative to any j one of them. We do I not feet any particular nneasiness as regards their safety. . "A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at jACOM'a Hardwire Depot.- t .t r VII. i - . . : : ' : i rr WILMINGTON. N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER ii I,. 1 THE STORM KING. How lie Raved all Night. L.odjt Very Liittle- Damage Done Here High Tides and Float- Ins Bath Houses at the Sound j Blowiujr Big Guns South of Us &c. &c. . The storm which had been brewing ever since Sunday and had been hourly increasing in strength,1 until at about 10 o cloekr last night it had reached the magnitude of a hurricane, continued to blow "all through the I night with terrific forte. This morning bore am pie testimony to its violence in the pros trate fences, limbs of trees which, had been wrenched off and, by the leaves with which the streets were lined. The rain poured in torrents nearly all night, but abated somewhat as the hour of sunrise approached, j Tho gutters were flooded and some of the streets and sidewalkSjWere badly washed . During tho morning hours the wind continued io diow vioienuy at times ana tne ram came in frequent showers, although not in such torren's as it did during the uight. The. river steamers remained at their wharves on j account of the storm. The tide in the Cape Fear rose to an immense height and no craft were moving upon its I waters save an occasional steam tug. I During the forenoon some attempts were made at repairing the 'damage done - by the storm, but nearly every one philosoph ically concluded to wait until it ad entirely abated. About 9 o'clock this forenoon the brig Havana, which was in the stream nearly opposite theMessrsKidder's mill, dragged her anchor and drifted ashore on the West bank nearly abreast of the "Dram Tree." The steamtugs Bldnclie, Craighill; AlpJia, Italian and Nyce went to her assitance, and by their united efforts she wag pulled off and towed into the'stream, where she was again an chored with her head to the wind and another anchor let go astern to keep her steady. i . Parties arriving from the Sound this morning report that the damage there is nearly or quite as great as it was in the hurricane ot two years ago.. All the bath houses have been washed awayj and there was much fear that the Banks House of the Carolina Yacht Club would share the same fate. The latter building was to have been occupied to day by the Club, as it is the day aps pointed for the regatta, but which was necessarily postponed on account of the storm. The marshes were all covered, even at low water, and tnere were grave apprehensions that at the top of the tide the sea would break complete ly over the banks. u There were many laughable occur rences during the day occasioned by the vagaries of the wind, and we are glad that we have no serious accident to record. The! top of the Southern Ex press Company's wagon was blown off just as it had returned to the office from the!delivery of packages, and went saii ing along threatening to make a forcible entry into Messrs. McDougall & Bow den's saddlery and harness store through one of thejwindows. It was no unusual sight to see an excited pedestrian chas ing a hat which was trundling off on its rim with painful rapidity towards Market dock.' . " We learn that there was no storm at Columbia, S. C. yesterday, while; a1 Charleston, S. C. , and Savannah, Ga. the gale blew I at about 30 miles per hour. Officials on the W. C. & A. R. R.. who arrived here this morning, report that a storm of wind and rain accompanied them all the way from' Florience. S. C to this city, and that at Flemington and Whitevilc it blew, fear fully. 1 The 'maximum velocity of the wind in this city was 39 miles per hour. From passengers who arrived from Smith ville last night we learn that it blew a strong gale at that place, but as the tele graph wires are down we are able to give but little account of the storm at that place. The wires aro down in al most every direction, and for the pres ent we seem to be cut off from comruu- nication with the outside world. An Usrlj' Neiffhhor. A few days since at Duplin Road, Duplin county, Mr. Cornelius Boney, son of Mr. Ephraim Boney, killed in thojyard or the latter a rattlesnake which was 5 feet and 10 inches in length. 10 Inches around the body, 7 inches around the head, 3 inches be tween the eyes, and had 14 rattles. This makes the ; second rattlesnake which has been killed near the same place within the last ten days and both rep tiles were nsarly of ths rams size. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.' I SPECIAL Any spacial orders, left at in New York and attention will be given. . MAKING ROOM Drop' in and see ' us, sept 11, 1883 . The Charleston News and Courier came to us this morning with a hand some map of that city, printed in colori and showing the divisions of the city into twelve wards, by act of the Legfg. lature. It is another evidence of ihe great enterprise displayed by the Neios and Courier, but, then, it has an appro ciative people to back it up. Wires Down. The telephone wires are .down be tween here and the Sound and in many places throughout the city, in conse quence of which telephonic communica tion is almost entirely interrupted. Workmen arc employed this afternoon in repairing the damage and the lines will be all complete by to-morrow, and in good working order. The Rainfall. v. An immense amount of rain seems to have fallen here during the prevalence of this storm, In all, the amount yes terday and to-day is 7.60 inches, j as we learn from the Signal Office here, dis tributed as follows : From 7 a. m. yes terday to 3 p. m. .64 inches; from 3 p. m. to 11 p. m. 3.10 inches; from 11 p. m. toi 7 a. . m. to' day 3.56 inches and from 7 a. hi. to 3 p. m. .30 ,pf an inch. I ' Personal. ! j I Mr. S. Behrends, of the fiim of Beh rends & Monroe, has returned to the city after an absence, of a month or more, during which time he traveled extensively in the North and West, vis iting the great furniture manufacturing cities of the country. Capt. W. W. Carraway, of the Raleigh News and Observer, f s in ; the city with an anxious desire to go to Whiteville to be in attendance at Co lumbus Court, - ,but ! the, miserable weather has preyentcd. Sells' Circus. We received a call this morning from Mr. Peter Sells, Jr., Press Agent j for Sells' Circus, which is to exhibit in this eity on Saturday, the 29th insk We had been prepared to expect in him. a genial, pleasant gentleman and we were not disappointed. Mr. Sells assures us ; that his show is one ot the finest on the road any where and that it is the best equip ped show that has ever appeared in the Southern States. The managene, he says, is not only a menagerie in name but in fact, and is prominent feature of tbe show1, and this alone will; be worth the price of admission. It really is the largest circus now traveling, and has a lamer and more choice collection of animals than have been seen in one collection. A herd of elephants, African and Asiatic, ten in number, is one of the features and these will appear in the street parade. In tbe herd there are two strange specimens of a woolly species trom Malay, the only pair ever brought to this country. Tho circus is represented by the foremost members of the equestrian and gymnastic corps, and among the marvels ot the arena there is a troupe ; of bicyclists whose performances are said to be of the most extraordinary character, ; Altogether it is oner of the most comprehensive shows that has ever visited this place. The Boston Pilot says : "The article known as St. Jacobs Oil stands without an equal. Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, tow prices, at .Tacobi.'s i n . t STALL HO. 7. AYING JUST RECEIVED AN , EXTRA fine lot of MOUNT AINBKEF, I ahall offer for sale at mtr Stall, No. 1 Front StMarket; for the ensuing week. aa FAT and TENDER -- - - ! -V BEEF as has been ex pored for sale In this market for some tlnle past. ". j r ,ij Also an EXTRA QUALITY OF LAMB, fatandjulcy., - Orders promptly filled and" delivered. ; : . WU U. HATS, JB. eert 3 1 rr ' Stall NoT 7,' Front SL Market ; 11. 1883. NO. 216 NEW ADVEBTKEinarrS ORDERS ! my . store. will be sent to me FOR NEW GOODS ! we may have jasti what you Avant, and if so the price will be the lowest. R. C3. TwlcinTiRE. DIED. I CUM MING At Greenville Sound, on the morning of the llth Inat-. UZZIR. vAimvn.t f daughter of V A. and Kate T. Cummlngigcd i Funeral to-moirow afternoon at 4 p. m. riends and aequainUnces of the family are invited to attend . . J NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Fruit Jars. JJALF GALLONS, QUARTS. PINTS and PKE?ERVE TUMBLERS. Giles & Blurcliison . sept 10 ; . . . North Front St School Books ! School Books ! LIBERAL DISCOUNT ALLOWED : V TEACHERS AND MERCHANTS. SCHOOL SUPPLIES Paper,1 Pens, Pen cils, Slates, Sponge, Cfcpy Books, Book Bags Crayons, Ink, Ac, &c. ' "A t - r' C. W. YATES, sept 10 119 Market street School Books ! School Books I T?OR ALL SCHOOLS IN THE STATE. A jl- uuerai aiseount to Merchants and Teach era. ' . - ,. - Slates, Copy-Books. Crayons, ' " Book Straps and Bags. Paper, Pens, Pencils, ink. Rulers. &c Parents will please send their children to j HEINSBKRGER'S. PIANOS & ORGANS gOLD AT REASONABLE PRICES AT HEINSBERGER'S, rept 10 Live Book and Music Stores TRY THE COOK JJUGGIES. FOR WHICH WE ARE SOLE I AUENNS. Harness to feo with them at very low prices. The largest assortment of Sad dles, Trunks, Travelling Bags and Satchels In tne state. W" Repairing promptly done. Prices low. MCDOUGALL A BOWDEN, sept 10 j . No. 114 North Front St. E- C. Blair, JENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Noi 19, North Second Street, I Wllmlnaton. N. C. Solicits consignments of all kinds of Country Piwl nrJ Tnn mrina anfl nnlrk Mlnmi mil,. nd.WUf re8Wpt0Cr ets when sept 10 . E. G. BLAIR. Fly Traps. T he best and cheapest in this market. Our . GRAIN CRADLES -cannot be surpassed In price or quality. A large and well selected stock of Hard ware at W. E. SPRINGER A COS., j . Pucceaaors to J ohn Dawson A Co.,' sept 10 Market 8treet Solid Comfort. THERE IS SOLID COMFORT IN THE us of Kerosene Stoves. A customer, who Is using one, saya: ' With this we are Independ ent when left without a servant." They are uems ana great ".Economists." Different sizes and prices. Try one. i f ma- Pure White OU. ' I sept 10 PARKER A TAYLOR. State and County Taxes rpHE TAX BOOKS FOR THE YEAR im x . . . r . - , -i . j . have been placed in ray hands for collection. Prompt payment is requested. x . The attention ot POLL' TAX PAVERS la called to the present law, which makes NON PAYMENT A MISDEMEANOR, panUhable by line or lmprisonmentv'or work on the pub lic Mgliwnj. - : " - - ... .... J J. I S. H. MANNING, Sheriff septlO-St ..New Hanover County New Crop ! Turnip Seed ! A J IDRETB73 AND BTJIsrS. Quality v . best and prices satisfactory., f if : . WILLIA1X 1L GREEN, Ifec&bt; ' fccrtt : 1 - 117 llirkct.Strcct ; PLSASE NOTICE. We win be glad to recclva ccjanaalcttloa froa our r!c&2s oa asy aai ail i&jeeti general la tereat but Tae uuaa of tea writer most alwaya b ta abhed to the E2tor. I - . CommnalcaUona mnat be wtlttea one aide of the paper. PersonaStlea miut be avoided, os I : Aa4 It la especially and parUcularry uid atood that the Editor doca not almya endoi the vlcwa of correspondent uUess ao atatc la tbe editorial cohunna. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Juct Received Jlf J HAVE JUST RECEIVED Bl STEAMEU a iarpe lot of HATS suitable for School Hata ior Aiiasca. - t i A nice assortment of COLORED STRAWS. Milan and Canton,for Ladles' Fall wear latest shapes, r . " , ... . MIi-JHBB2?s and u o"1' width and tjlovca KId.SUk and Llalc. Parasols and Neckwear. : . J - JS. f5,UB5 tte very reasonable Stamping and Ualr work done promptly. . Agency Unlverial Faihlon Co'a Patterns. " Respectfully, ? - tj - MISS E. KARRER, aeptlO f EXCHANGE CORNER I Millinery & Fancy Goods; 1: T ADIES AND CHILDREN'S HATS, BONNETS, LACE TIES and " BOWS AND RIBBONS',. 1 In all the latest styles. j v ' ' I j , '" . ' ' '- '-, a ij.. Orders from the country promptly filled an , satlsf acUon guaranteed. ' . T ! I My patrons will find U to their InteresiU I call ami examine MRS. S. J. BAKER, 122 MARKET STREET Raept 10 j Attention Housekeepers. AS NOW 13 THE TIME FOR PUTTING up your Pickles for winter use, and knowing the trouble heretofore of getting the Spices and Seeds necessary, I ordered and hayo justj recelreOj a small lot of Whole andj Mixed Spices for the purpose. Call and see them. Also, the Handy Box bhoe Blacking, with handle attached. And a full line of fresh Family Supplies, at Crapon'a Family Grocery. GEO. M. CRAPON, Agent, sept 10 , south Front St .'Shipped in Ice." : pRESH FISH TO ALL points 4 In North Carolina; ; 0 South Carolina, " ' and Georgia, Guarantee to deliver them In good condition: scptlO W. E. DAVIS FLORIDA WATER. LAVENDER WATER. V1UL.KT WATER. I HELIOTROPE WATER. : I WinTE ROSE WATER. KAXKVA WATF.lt. aiso a complete assortment of Colognea land i ft" Prescrintlons Mmtmnjuipfi rfa land night at . K. C. MILLER'S. J . - German Druggist sepi, a- uorcer Fourth .and Nun sta, Cool Beer, Best Liquors, Finest Cigars; JT THE OLD NORTH STATE sIloON Drop In and trv the Tar-Heel's Mixtures. 'Bept7 , : ). SUGAB-CURED 1IA1IS SHOULDERS, STRIPS, I ! ELEGANT FULTON MARKET , : :.,r! :-':.l.t .' CORNED BEEF. QUE PRIDE FLOUR j Is the best In Wilmington: ! Whitest and most nntrltlous. Try a few poamUand BalUfy yourself - For Housokccpcrfl THAT PUT" UP TnEIR OJVN PICKLES wit Have elegant mixed spices. JUST WHAT YOU, WANT FOit PICKLIKU. I Eighteen varieties, delightfully fiaroredJ P, L. BRIDGERS & 00. 1 IO North Front St.' ! Old Ifowspapcra V JpORSALE VERTJCHEAl i apcr-.a. , , - i ... Tnis ornc"-. K 1 1 I ASONjU : - ... t r i -"A i. -