(l-r.:,,,v, . . I I. . - . . . ' . ' I- - - - r t 1 THIS PAPEB pverv evening cepted by JOSH T. JAMES, rnlTOB AXD PBOPKICTOB. I RipTIOSS POSTAGE PAID: SC WOO. Six months, 2.00..T1 ' .u- i 00: one monwi, w ceni. Zl vrtll be deUvered by carriers free jjcjji'r rales iuw uw.. bscrnjcr-s will report ny and all fall- -.p1vc their iaier regularly, . ZZ7 t;i.m Pciinn luix the. ItirnAjd. r liie . v - ir -j, nrruhdion. of anv newsnaver -- TrTTTT Una rlnoi crTmtoH flrfrKor , , ihp dav for the execution: of Ellis vsft,who was twice found guilty of the urJer of the Gibbons children at Ashland, Ky. The dcvv postal notes are deemed a failure in Chicago. The banks have , .i f oppp.nt them as checks or drafts on account of the mistakes ot the witf-iepii lu - i - - - - postmaster sending. The New York Tammany Harmony Committee of twenty-four appointed a cWoraraittee of six to corner with ju Irving a11 an( tbe count,y Democracy in tbeinterest of harmony. ' : '. ' ' The German Lutheran Theological Seminary, in St. Ixuis. known as Con cordia College, was dedicated last Sun day. It is the highest institution of learning in the Lutheran Church. . Messrs. Moody, McGranahan and Whittle, the evangelists, ieave America oa October 2 for Ireland, where they, contemplate 'carrying on an active missionary campaign in the South of the island. According to the Italian papers there were at least seven, millionaires killed inthc earthquake at Ischia. Among them was the actor, Signor Bonadio. and his wife, who have lelt a fortune of live million lire. Bishop Becker, of l)elaware, sailed for lioiue last week and it is understood in Catholic circles that when he reaches Koine he will be made an Archbishop and will take part in the deliberations of the conference called by the Pope. There was a tidal wavVin the harbor of St. Thomas on August 27, the water receding from the shore three times. A sharp earthquake shock ,was felt at ten o'clock on the following night. On Au- mist 30 two shnnka wpr fplt nlmnsf. simultaneously. Discipline in the Annamcse army is, illustrated by a story at Hue of an oillcer who had a ditch dug and. filled the bottom with swords and pikes stuck into the ground,- point upward. His men were then told to .fling them selves into the ditch. Only one man obeyed. He rushed in, and the swords and pikes collapsed before, him. They had been held by the most slender of threads. - During a rehearsal at Colville's Four teenth Street Theatre, New York.Mon day, in the play of "Othello," a bridge, on which Mr. Frederick Prince and a number of supernumeraries were stand -ing, gave way. Mr. Prince had his ankle dislocated, and Mrs. Ann -De Forest saverai ribs fractured. Kate Burns, August Nelson, J. W. Bradley, Thos. Monahan and Thos. Ryan were also injured. . ..7 Mr. Blaine has repudiated the inter view ascribed to him last Monday, wherein he is reported to have looked upon Butler as; the flourishing presi" dential candidate. - lie said that his views were just the reverse of those ascribed to him in ' the alleged inter view. He did not even believe that Butler could be re-elected Governor of Massachusetts. He got in a word, as a matter of course, as to tbo Repub lican prospects in the next campaign ne thought that the party would be stronger in the next election than they were eight years previous. 4 -.. ' - The chief topic of conversation on our streets for. a week or more has been Gov. Holden and bis change of political base. For our own part we don't think the game is worth the. candle. Clinton Caucasian: Precisely. . Mr. Holden'a defection from the Republican party means the loss of but pna vote to. that party and if be votes with tha Democrats it means but onejinore vote tor that ticket . That is, so far as his individual influence at the poles is concerned-' Our only fear is that there may be a squabble in the next Legislature over an attempt to remove his political disabilities, not withstanding the fact that the verdict of the court of impeachment was final and irrevocable. - - Fine Portraits. IF YOU WISH A VERY FINE PORTRAIT Atoned In the latest and finest style, now U an extra opportunity to secure It. bend your order (any kind of small picture oKl oi new) and remember no pay is expected U1I the work has been seen ana accepted. My prices are still at a great sacrifice now in rUer to Intro duce my work. - - ORIN T. THOMAS, Artist, , Studio 8Cr Broadway. N. Y. Address 144 West 23d St., N. Y. Friends viflitlnt; the city arennvlted to call , . ang2T tf; -.hjiBM :. ... .. I 1 II M ' 5 " . ... v w . i . ..;.:!'! Sandava ex,I , .' -'.-it f ' ' : " " ; -r .- " 'i':-' ' - --:-v . ; : - I : "J t. ;Zl '- . t:' t ' . : '; ; I 'V .'V UCO I m- ! Ii 2 f 1 M I l 1 It' III II II III II J "If - I I - I J : t f 1 f : - - -j , ma i w i i r i ii Mm i . v . f i a .- ii i ' m ii -.. i - iit-m.- t i :!-. i i l : - - i VOL. VII. LOCAL NEWS. IIDEX TO NEW IADVERTISEMEHTS. Yates School Books a j American Lesfon oX Honor HETNgBEBGEK School Books F C Miller Florida Water. &c ' TArixm's Bazajlb Grand Opening Opeba IIouse Only A I Farmer's Daughter W II Gkeek Wholesale! and Retail Druggist ' ' :; 1 ' The receipts ot cotton at this port to day foot up 237 f bales. ' Fanny McDonald, colored, disorderly conduct; $5 or 20 days-went below. , Clarendon CouncilL No. 67, A.j L. of Honor, will meet to-night, at 8 o'clock. It was hot and oppressive early this morning, but copious showers soon cooled the atmosphere, though it made bad weather.for pedestrians. , ; " " Between 9 o'clock a in and 3 o'clock p m to-day the rainfall in this city was 4 70 inches and since 3 ' o'clock it is probable that another inch has fallen. U i I . Miss Karrer will remain Noth for perhaps three w:eeks, instead of a week or. ten days, as stated by us yesterday. It will require nearly a month to pur chase the unusually large stopk which she will purchase thjs Fall, which wilt be shipped as fast as ii is bought. . ; .' ' i A new lock for mail pouches will go into use simultaneously with the new two-cent letter postage stamp on Qct. 1. Fifty thousand keys have been sent, out to posttrTasters. and other persons authorized to have them. Theyj were sent in separate regiptered envelopes, and every one of them reached its des tination. Two hundred thousand of the new locks have They are of corruga I been distrjbuted. ed steel, and are lighter and are said to be stronger than those now in use. I , I J . 4- t i Taylor's llazaar. j j Taylor's Bazaar will open formally on Monday next as per announcement in this issue. Tle handsome store oc cupied by Mr-1 Tayl6r (Hahn's old stand) has been filled from top to bbt torn with new and pretty things, which already attract much I attention! The ladies will be out in force to see them next week. Mr. A. H. Simpson of the American Hosiery Company, New York. ! says that the great pain-reliever. St. - Jacobs Oil, cured him of rheumatism in the knee, by a few applications. For Philadelphia. The steam yacht passport. Capt. Harper, left here a J ir..( r. lit Lie uiiui uuuu iu day for Philadelphia, (where the vessel is to undergo a tkorbngh overhauling and repairing at some of the ship yards in that city. She expects to be absent from our waters about six: weeks, when sho will return with a brand new boiler and in every way as good as new. TucsdaylNijrht. The Opera House will be open for the firsfitime this season on next Tues day night, on which occasion 'Only a Farmer's Daughter"! will be presented. This play has had !a phenomenal success everywhere, jnaving Deen presented over 1,500 times to crowded houses. The company come well re commended and will give a line enter ainment. The box sheet will be open at Dyer's to-morrow morninc. - Olilslial. The fishing businesssi at Masonboro Sound and other fisheries i alons: our coast has become an important and in most instances a profitable industry. A short' time since we pentioned the fact of an enormous haul of mullets it ; I i t - Masonborp on the grounds 'owned by Mr, James A. Hewlett, of Wrights ville. We nowlearh that a few days ago 150 bunches ot drumhsh were caught on the ; same grounds at one haul. ; ' . -..jl ' -r ' ' ' , The Llffhtsliip Safe. We are happy to. announce that the Frying Pan Shoalsh lightship, which drifted from her moorings' 'during the recent storm, lias been found, and it may be presumed that all. her crew are safe. Shewas seen yesterday afternoon off Myrtle Grove Sound, when: the revenue cutter Colfax was! at once noti fied of her whereabouts.; The latter vessel Jeft : sometime I before j daylight this morning to go to the assistance of the lightship, and at 9 o'clock this fore noon was seen with the latter in tow, headed towards the mouth of the Cape Fear. Both vessels are pro bs bur safely inside at the time of this writing. -., -T ' ii "1 ' " . To Builders and oth'ersiGo to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass c - Yon can get all sizes : and at the lowest prices. ; . i . i - - " - "' . - -i .-i h - - : - ' - - - - i -v W ILMINGTON. N. C, FRI The Italeiffb. The steamship Raleigh. Capt. ! LittJe- from Baltimore, arrived and made ias at Lord's wharf at about 1 o'clock this morning. She left Baltimore at G p. m on Saturday, the 8th inst., with pleasant weather, which . continued v until, . she passed Cape Hatteras on Sunday at P. m. when it commenced blowing gale from the N. E. which increased in tury until at 1 a. m. on Monday it was blowing a hurricane, the barometer standing at 29 CO. . At noon on Honday she was off Frying Pan ?jighlshitC l5e barometer bavins fallen to 29.02. Capt. Littlefield then concluded to run clear of the storm center and beaded the steamer S. . for that purpose and ran until 8 o'clock that evening when she made a heavy roll which started her boiler and broke her blow and feed pipe connections. ! and carried away her smoke stack, leaving" about one half o it on deck, wftich' was . secured. -The breaking of the pipes caused the water to run into j the vessel, instead 'o into the boilers, and made ' i necessary to put; out the fires, cu the connections and batter! down the ends of the pipes in order to keep the ship from filling. In consequence o this accident the ship lost her steerage and vcame to the wind, and for time was virtually at the mercy of jthe waves, or, as Capt. LiUleGeld expressed it, "she did as she pleased." At mid night the barometer stood at 29, the wind' veering from towards the North but in1 ha.f an hour afterwards,, or a 12:30 on Tuesday morning, the barom eter bagan to rise. At 4 o'clock . ion Tuesday morning the wind hauled around to the S, W., the weather mod erated, and the ship headed N. N. W. under sail for the land. " The men were immediately put to work to clearing up the wreck and : on Thursday, morning had got ready and gotten up steam again. The Raleiqh was at this time off Capo Lookout, but as soon as steam was gotten up she was hauled to the Southward and crossed the bar at Bald Head at 6 o'clock yesterday evening and came up to the city, arriving as we have already stated. Capt. Littlefield states that it rained Incessantly, ; and in torrents during the entire continuance of the storm. ; ; ; By the arrival of the Raleigh another source of anxiety and alarm is dispelled. and attention and solictude are now concentrated upon t the Benejactor which, at the time of this writing, had not been heard from since she leff on Saturday last. We think there is no ground for serious . apprehension at present. Captain Tribori leftwell knowing that a severe storm was ap proaching,and knowing from experience of the treachery of September storms on our coast, like & skillful navigator made a . good offing, and was probably far to the Eastward of the storm centre. whence it may take him two or -three days (and perhaps longer) to! return. The Benefactor is a good sea boat, is" not cumbered with lofty top hamper. and we feci no fears for her safely. 5 Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low prices, at Jacobi.'s : - t . , ; t ' : . i i ' c. ' . i From Waccaiuaw. Col. II. B Short, was in the city to- i : i day and stated that the storm j must have been much more severe in his sec tion than it was here. He says that while the reports from here indicated a maximum velocity of wind of 39 miles per hour, he is confident thai it blew at the rate of 60 miies per hour at Flemington. He also says that the damage to him and others in his vicin ity will be serious, the worst of which will be occasioned by water. The swamps are full and his large, force ot hands are compelled to be idle in I con sequence, with no probability of being able to ' resume work " for one or two! weeks.. His corn. cotton and other farm products were all beaten down by the wind and are now covered by water, where they will have to remain for several days, which will prove their ruin.: When the first of his hands from the swamp put in an appearance, the Colonel asked what he left for. to which the colored man made reply:' J ': -C "Well, it bio wed so I did not know what to do, but just then there came a gust that twisted off a cypress that was eight feet through and took it right up over the tree' tops, and I 'concluded ' it was no place.for me; so I , left in a hurry." .. . - ! . j :.. --.r- :' ':i zl-. It ,TVill Fay .Zi ;t AH who desire to dress Well on a limi ted purse to buy their Clothing of A.; & I. Siieier." They buy only for Cash and allow their patrons to share in the benefits of all advantages thus gained. , . - - V . . ... tf DAY, SEPTEMBER IfJETW ADVERTISEMENTS. DONIT FAIL TO CALL AND SEE THE ! ; C: R; a w6 : 6 P E w i rj c """" . - 1 . t J , f ' - i . - : . ; , Milirery and DI3 Branch of "New York. I - OPENING DAY : eept 14 i ' .j ' ; . I y- : The Modern Agre. i ; D raw-poker, from tho scienti fie poi nt of view, is the subject of. an "entertain, ing article by Richard A.j Proctor, - in The Modern Ayc for OctorberMTli same number contains Balwer, Mac ready and Richelieu?.'! by xUq ; Earl of Lytton (Oweu Meredith), a detailed account of i the deliberations between the author of "Richelieu" and the crea tor of tlte part, drawn principally from the correspondence between the actor and the dramatist. ?4Eurikloia, : the Greek Girl," is a powerful story of Bul garian life, from the . German of Schneegans, and "The Ordeal," is ah entertaining yachting sketch, "Ranch Life in the West," shows that that kind of existence is not altogether couleur de rose. ( Tlie poetry .and other' articles in this issue are all good. $1.60 per - an-, num. Modern Age Publishing Co., New YorkCiiy. H v.- .y., .,:;!:, j The Benefactor Safe. By a dispatch received here this after noon it is known that 7 the steamship Benefactor is safe: She was signalled off Sandy Hook , to-day, at . 2 o'clock passing f 'up . to New; : York, JTh'e Benefactor' ? left s hereH h iasi ?j5at- urday forenoon, about 10 o'clock and as nothing had! been 'heard' asuto her whereabouts, ( some . serious '. fefs were entertained as to her safety, al though much confidence , has ? been reposea in tne wen Known ij:m.ana ai' eretion '.ot Capt. Tjdbonf, Wjio Isitiil old and tried seaman, and 'a skililul naviga tor. ' He was advised : before leaving port that the storm - was . brewing, but concluded to sail, reniarkiDg ' that1 be would get well but to see'SOO miles cr more,: ana thus.escape the fury ot ; .the gale; which was expected to rage along the coast. c We presume that this was, the,' course ;dopt,e4by : him, and that, having . passed the longitude of the storm,1' he : may haye had a rou gh and tedious passage bat not a dangerous one. k The: announcement of the safe.'iarrival , ?pf v the.Ysteymerj at New York Will, -however,?:be received with great relief.- 't-' f : a ... i ; y: ' '. j ' .. ..'.j-.'.'t I For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi1 Hardware Depot- 7 t It Uained. . ; f . i About- 9 : o'clock ' this morning we were visited by. gentle showsrs . which continued at intervals untiLabout 11 o'clock when it began to pour; down in torrents and for an hour or; more the rainfall was a perfect dalugc.' Market street was quickly one sheet of water, far upon the 1 sidewalk, and in some places i into storevThereP was, fully three inches of water j on the floor of Mrs. S. J, Baker's establishment, and there was considcrablein two or three other places of business in her lmmedi ate vicinity. '; The flood was so 'great that there was between two and three feet of water on the floor of: Messrs Hart, Bailey &Co's Machmev; Works, forcing the workmen to suspend ', labor for. the day. The streets were, badly washed in many places and the over flowed sidewariks 'were-:,fil!ed'-with mud,' which the gutters could not carry off. There were.frequcnt and copious showers through t the afternoon, but none so heaving, as that weThave jurt mentioned. 7 Fortunately, the sho werar were unaccompanied by I high . winds. or the damage would hare been severe. , r,, ...i a I The celebrated ' 'Fish Brand Gills . Twine iasold only at Ja6qbi's Hard ware JJepot. . xi.J&-.-. Solffl 'rllnmfhi-trv ; T v . - A I ' . m . - ...... Ji fTtHELBE IS SOLID COilFORT IN TIIKns of Eeroene"'Stbves.,''A customer,, woo is ent when left without a servant' They are Gems and r?tx VXconomtU inherent sizes and prices. Try ons , ms'tmn white uu. t sept 10 - PARHEi: A TAYLOR. 14. 1883. , r NO. 219 NEW ' ADVEKTISEBIENTS. Fancy Goods! i. - 4 Meeting of A; : L; of H: QLARENDON COUNCIL Ko. 07, American Legion of Honor, holds regular meet Inst to night at 8 o'clock, sharp. " Companions are urgently rf quested to be present. J. A. SPRINGER, - sept 14-lt . ., . Secfy Pro tem. OPERA HOUSE. Tiiesdayr Septemlier 18; OKK NIG UT ONLY ! Fifth Tear of the Phe nomenal Success, i , . A FARMER'S I DAUGHTER. . as piayea over times. ADELAIDE CIIKRIE & CAMILLE KINZEY. Reserved Seats $1, for sale, at , Dyers. -com mencing Saturday morning, Sept. 15th, 1833, at 8 o'clock. I I - t sept 14-2t-frim. J. Lr WINNER, THOTOG RAPIIIC ARTIST.' . 1 J; 4 IT 1" i New Market. Wilmington. N.'C J - Ha-ving purchased the entire 6n tilt of Mr. J. i J. Burnett. 1 am now nreoaral tA expnutn nr. ders for Pnotographs, of, all styles, sizes and prices, wnn aispatcn ana skiii. i nave had twenty yeara experience in the business and will guarantee satisfaction in all cases. Ji call is respectroiiy solicited. , - sept 13 ly -Wmiam,!!., Green, f WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, I CAK.ET ,A. 5 us FANCY GOODS. Ac., and have facilities for offering Inducements to All who use or handle aieaicinc .- c - sent l2 HEAD 1 T HAT BEAUTIFUL BBEF CATTLE men tloped in ' s Review belongs to ns. It Is the Finest Beef seen here since last Win ter. We have also a lot of Splendid Mountain Beevend our Stalls jyHl be well supplied for Hi!fckWcomeV ! f ;Wc will make a specialty of .Saturday's Mar ket, Leave orders early for choice cutsY-' Successor to the Butcher CfandEprOTrietor . of the only Steam Sausage Factory In the Sausage Factory In the .state. Star copy It t W 13-2t f G ; I l ? I in S c h op 1 Books ! T?QR ALL SCHOOLS IN THE STATE. A X liberal discount to Merchants and Teach. ers.v ; ; ' r Slates," Copy-Books, Crayons, fi j ? ' Book Straps and Bags, . ,.,' . Paper, Pens, Pencils, Ink, Rnlers. Ac Parents will please send their children to ' 41 I - HEINSBERGEB'S. PIANOS & ORGANS S OLD AT REASONABLE PRICES AT HEINSBERGER'Sj ept 10 live Book and Music Stores Sale of ; City- Property for 4 : : Partition. BT VIRTUE dF A DECREE OF THE Superior Court of .New Hanover County, in a CJT 'f11 Wherein Isadora Jeelfa). Mary Ann JosUji, and I Florence Joslln are Plaintiffs, and uimnt I Joslln Is Defendant, the undersigned, a Com-1 missioner ior m purpose auij appointed. I will seU by public auction, for cash, on lion! I day the 1st day of October, 18S3, at 12 M., at I ine tonn uonse aoor in tne cuy or Wllmlng-1 ton.alltbjtJotOf Issdia the it aforrl.l I bounded and described as follows: . Beginning I at point in the N. i line of Cam obeli street. JSti feet Tl from the W. line of rourth street, ruaninr thenpe W S2U feet. thencet.N. W feet. thence E. K2ii feet, thence t. OC feet to lle N. luie of Campbell street the besmnln-ri the mo being a part of lot 5 In block iW. - sept 7-5t 1 1t r Uommtasioner - TRY THE COOK TrtrlES.,, FOR WHICH weri-; SOLS t.l AGCXN9. If amees to go with them at very iow prices, a lie larrest assortmeBt of bad dies. Trunks, Travelling Bags and Satchels In Ibe State. ,. : , 3 Repairing promptly done. Prices low. sept 10 Mo.ll orth Front t.' U . IJiVffi ON LY sY . . MiimW . f w&-w m a mm .m . . mzr ... at riXASS KOTICS. ! WewXUbecIad to recclro comiaxtLJxxttoa j from our tries ds oa any and au sxtjscU ieaalataorttmt ': v '' TJ ;J"--1 .Tht nana of tlo writer rnut alwaya t ra alabod to the Editor. ! imaoxucatioasmiut bo wxlttea oa onl ose fide of the paper. Personalities meat bo avoided. And It is especlallyVand partlcalarly said stood that' the Editor does sot always endoj the views of correspondents unless : so statt tn the'edltorlal eoluains. J I NEW ADVmtTISEMEXTS. MBS. S. J. BAICER, j Millinery Emporium J-O BRANCH. HOUSE, BUT TBJS GREAT 1 C tNTER In tho Millinery Depigment I shall be recelvlag for the nWt two monthaj weekly, from the ICth September, , ', ! EVERY CLASS OF GOODS IN MY LINK,! selected: by myself, ottho most approved' ! atytes and newest patterns, and will sell them for CASH AT THE LO WEST FIGURES. V have secured the services of the most Artistic Trimmers In the Northern CiQca, sad will j give my patrons the benefit of their skill. 'The j Ladies of Wilmington arc most respectfully j invited to call and examlno my' stock bsfure j making any purchases. ' ? ; . j VJSS6 iHY CIRKS will be fa attend.' ance to wait on tbcpu . ?. ' - . .ADIFS UNDERWEAR A ' SPECIA LTY: also Toys and Notions. - r MtoWlshment will Im first-class in every department. i Wilmington, Sept 12, 1S83. J t , tt( ale School. MISSES BURR JAMES,, rrtncjpals. MR3i M. s.. CUSUrNG, Musical Instxuctrcjs. rpiIE TWENTIETH ANNUAL SESSION of this School will commence on Thursday the' wL?t,0cttobcr,1ii?? an'1 c,osc duHng the third I . WrCKln linO, ' I 1 ' '""' I'" " The course of instruction, is thorough and . I systematic Terms reasonable. . Imods In 1 painting hi O , Water Colors and Pastel, with Sepia and India Ink drawing, and Crayon and pencil sketching, at moderate rates. - i i ! Where a class of ten or twelve is formed for i the school of painting, the price will . be rc dnced. " .. . v ; . . i . -Y - . t Pupils outside of the school who desire mu sical instruction, will do well bp apply'oarly. Lr'ln'Vier.V,art!?tUars ln'lldre of rnnflpala, or call for circular, i , f : sept li : ,V.-r.'lwv.rKr.j ' j Just Received. ' ! I HAVE JUST RECEIVED BY 8TEAMER a large Tot of n ATS suitable for School! n'sts!i for Misses. a -. .-.. r L , ij nice assortment of COLORE D STRAWS. 1 1 Blilan and Canton.for Ladles' Fall wear-latest I shapes. t (i,,s . $,t.4 jt quatmeV.KI-BBO-3 - U oUier widths and rfi1kerc,hJe.f! Sllkstul Unen. . Gloves Kid, Silk and Lisle. . ' j i Parasols and Neckwear. '! I j " 4 . Am 8elliog the above Pf0. r?0m ,0T SQ stock of Fall ana Winter Goods. . , r , j Stamping and Ualr work done prompt! r. 1 Jf Agency Universal Fashion Co's Patterns. ! ) V.; BespecUully. . ,tj , MISS:; E. KAHRER, sept 10 , EXCHANGE CORNER Millinery & Fancy Goods. , i . .--. : : . I ' .' i ''1... LADIES AND CHILDREN'S HATS. u BON KETS, LACE TIBS aid j ' ' ' ' ' - - BOWS AND XUBBONS, i In all the latest styles; ' ' M Orders from the country promptly filled and ' satisfaction guaranteed. :,,. I L 1 I , . "My patrons will Had It to their Interest to ' call and examine. - - I MRS. S. J. -BAKT51?. C 123 MARKET STREET. C?sept 10 "S riinnflfl in To "p111 i to all points In North Carolina - : , South Carolina, . and Georgia. Guarantee fo deliver them In good condition. K 1 "tt. sept 10 . W. E. DAVIS a FLO RID A WATER. ' LAVENDER WATER. ' VIOLET-WATKK iieuotropkAvatfk t . tviUXJC ICOSK WATER. Jfompjcto assortment of Colognes and erfanwry for the Summer season. -5f rescrtptlons compoanded day, and night at y. c. MILLER'S. i i . -: ..... ... w . septa. ; ' - uermu DrnvvlBt Corner Fourth aaf Nun sts. OoorBeer.: ; 1 . - .. j ' - - f r' i . BfiSt TiinfinrCf ! I ' ' ; ?- Tif -s. nt , . . r inftRf.- I !ffrnin - Ttof A K UIU NORTH' STATE SAtruiK ii- '"uojaus SALOO.S. i lrop In and try the Tar-!!)' irif 1 X sept' HJPni A ; . , T School Books ! 1 "r - bON: -IV School .--Books'! IJBICRL DISCOUNT ALLOWED .r rEAiiuERs' and merchants.: ;&CHOoil SUPPLrPaWr. IVns, Vt cite. Slates. Sponge. Copy Books, Bxk; Bags, Crayons, lk,'Jle., Ac. -j . ; t . ; 0. W. YATES, .sept 1 imisrtuttreet '

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