THIS PAPER cepted by - - -JOSH T. JAMES, V PITOB i-HD PBOFKIKTOE. crnIPTlON8 POSTAGE PAID: SCBSCBIPA1V7 Ooe J6" tl oo One month, 35 cents. ; fl I Ml ft! S MUVa ier will be aeuvereu uy msu uw 11,6 in anv part of the city, t the above '"tlslngratealow ftnd UbexaL Subscribers wl11 report any anJ to receive their payer reguLariy, rhTDailv Review has Ike largest J? fide circulation, of any newspaper polished, Mine rwy -u iw..iijwi. GreaTCouncil of Red Men met' jt Atlantic City, N. J. i on Tncsday; jfadagascar, willi the exception of a Loq Wn' mlif1 hv wnmnn since 1828. Ponrh shiirments over, the Delaware railroad up to Tuesday morning ajgrev ated 2,6w car loaus. . ()aeca Victoria is said to have "en trusted the task of writing her life to Miss Kcddlc, a Scotch woman- Thp Boston Herald reports that Wen ilell Phillips hastlccidcd that he can no longer support Butler for Governor. Tha fourth bienrflal convention of the Supreme Lodge of Knights and Ladies rtf Honor was held on Tuesday in iJew Vork. , The Brooklyn bridge railway will be open to the public in a week, but . not more than tea cars will run Tor sonic lime. - . The Defenders of Baltimore met once more last Sunday. But, six survive The oldest is ninety six;. the youngest ihty-seven. : m - :.' Victor Hugo is to be tendered a ban iiiiet at (Jeneva. It is expected that M. Arago, M. Lockroy, Senor Zorilla, tlic Spanish dramatist , and other dis tinguished men will be present Within the corporate Jimits ot the city of Buffalo are more miles ot rail road track than there are in any other three cities on the face of the globe- The Erie alone has 134 miles of track there. ' Abraham Crites, ot Crites Mountain, Braxton'-county. West Virginia, has been growing thin for a long time, and is now a mere skeleton. Before his affliction he was a large man, weigh ing about ISO pounds, he now weighs only 40 pounds, but is still able to get about. Belgium is the only country in Europe which, like the United States of Amer ica, is absolutely without a censorship. A clause in the Belgian constitution of 1830 declares not only that the censors ship is abolished, but that it can "never be resestablished." The General term of the King's county" (N. Y.) Supreme Court, ha3 affirmed the judgment for $30,000 dam ages recovered by Major John. T, Harroll against the New York Eleva ted Railroad Company for injuries re ceived in collision. . (Jen. James B. Weaver, the presi dential candidate on the Greenback ticket in 1880, has willten a letter to the chairman of the Greenback committee of the sixth Iowa district, declining to be a candidate for renomi nation to fill the coation vacancy. The exports of domestic produce (ex clusive f specie) iroui the port of New York for the week ended Tuesday were $G, 107, 107, against $7.172,69G for the previous week The total exports since January I were $247,106,107, against $232,511,310 for the corresponding peri od in 1832. ' J - "Prince George of Wales," an Eng lish paper observes , 'was 'interviewed' bv an enterprising reporter at Halifax, but managed to answer all the qucs lions put to him without - giving much information." That was undoubtedly because the royal boy had no "infor mation" to give. ' A certificate of incorporation- of the Citizens National Union Telegram and Cablegram Company of tile United .States; of America was filed in the -co unty clerk's office in New York, last Tuesday, by Eugene J. O'Connor, one of the executive committe of the Tele graphers Brotherhood. Miss Henderson went to Pierce, Da kota, to be married to J. D. Scott ; but Scott died before the time set. At the funeral Miss Henderson ibid her sym ; pathizing friends that Scott was the iourth man to whom she had been en gaged, and that all had died before the time fixed for the nuptials. , . ' Among the victims at Casamicciola were a Signor and Signora Bonavita, who left property worth S 1.000,000, to which there is no direct heir. Their relatives, in order to determine the suc cession, have petitioned to . have them disinterred, that by an examination ot the externai'injuries, it may bs ascer , tined, if. possible, which died first. 1 " . .'""IS -'-1 . ,, VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. C., S ATUR DAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1883. NO.. 220 ' - ' -' ' - - , - - - , , . . v s -.-.--. i ;. i.'i - I ' ' i T : ' ' . . i mm ia iu i;umnjjr ieiu, iue oldest or lour T"l ..:.J Tl .:.11. i- ti .i . . . ! distingu'shc j brot hers, will soon oT . brate his eightieth birthday. He is said to be as vigorous;asa man of sixty, and to take great pleasure in acting as coun sel far young and active lawyers, -thus showinsrthat he has not lost any of his youthful enthusiasm! for h's j profession. Hon. J. Hanson Good, Democratic candidate for congress in jthe Wheel- inff, (W. Va.,) dlstilct against General Goff in 1882,anda prominent attorney, died at his residence in Wheelinsr .on Monday mornings aged 40 year. Mr. Good made a speech at Cincinnati in 1880 seconding Judge Thurman's nomis nation lor the. presidency, i John W. Crockett, of DeWitt Ark., owns a cunous and valuable heirloom. the gold watch long the pocket piece of his great-grandfather, the, famous Davy Crockett. A rifle presented to the pioneer by "five hundred prominent young gentlemen of Philadelphia," is m the possession grandson, Robert H. Crockett, of DeWitti ! ' t ! -i T - .- 4 ) ! - - j The State ChrpniclL the new Demo.' cratic paper at the capital, is t out and the first number isjbpo? us.. It is a handsome publication olj 24 columns, not large, but compact and as full as it can be crammed with excellent mat ter, both original and selected. It will prove a valuable acquisition to the party. Success to it. r I Mary Anderson. . the actress, is in England , and t he Prince of Wales has become so deeply smitteri j that he has signified a desiro with her 16 have her presi auxious. her presented, btit Mary is not at all a 1 In tact, she declined the Compliment and1 t-ho honor, gracefully ami politely, out! positively. in con sequence, the heir apparent to the British throne and the American actress are yet strangers. She' is a I sensible girl a9 well as a good ac ress. The State Chronicle, has sent out en quiries into every count jr in the State, asking who is first choice and who second for Governor, in both parties. answers have been received from 79 counties. Thej Democrats named in the replies are as follows . A. M. Scales, Octavius Coke, J. A. Gilmer, R. T. Bennett, T. M- Holt, D. G. Fowle. J. J. Davis, Thos. Rufiln, R. B. Vance, Z. BJ Vance, W. -L. Steele, L. L. Polk, Al M. Wadde'l, W. L. Saunders, R. F. Armfield. , J. S. CauvW, M. RobJ)ins,1 W. T.' Dortch, George Davis, J. w. liughes. , The following nave been mentioned for the Republican nomination : O. H. Dockery, D. L. Uussell, Charlc3 Price,' J. J. Mott, T- L. Hargrove, R, P. Dick, Eugene Girissomr Tyre York, W. P. Bynum , L. jW. Humphrey. . E. G. Reade, D. G.'Fowle, li. P. Buxton, E. A. White. ', ' ' I A tabulated statement of the prefer ences for he four h:ghest candidates shows, among j the Democrats, first choice, Scales 29, Coke 12 : Bennett 7, Gilmer 5, second choice Scales 26, Coke 8, Bennett 4, Gilmer, 15. With the Re publicans it stands, first choice, Dock ery 22, Russell 8, Price 4, Fowle 1; second choice, Dockery 5. Russell 3, Price 6, Fowle 3. . ' I I New Hanover makes !a very sensiblo reply. It is to the efiecthat the people have not yet gone far enough into the thing to enable themjto express a pref erence; Blaclen says Scales and VVad dell and Dockery antll Russell ; Bruris wick, Saunders and Waddell and Russell and Dockery; Columbus, like New Hanover;! Duplin. Gilmer and Scales. Russell and Dockery ; Onslow, Gilmer and Scales, Russcil and Dock ery; Pender, Stedman for Lieut. Gov., Russcil; Robeson, Scales and Gilmer; Sampson, Gilmer and Coke; Dockery. But, while the State Chronicle has undoubtedly show a muck enterprise in this matter we submit that the replies received and published can ssarcely be accepted : as r an actual indication of the real preferences of thb people. Every" man may have his individual choice , andhcrice he naturally expresses his own preferences,! and those perhaps of a few of his friends, rather than those of the people at large. This! is shown verv'conclusivelv in the replies from two. Anson county,' of which, there are one from Ansonville, giving in Steele and Polk and - Hargrave and another from Wadesboro, -declaring that the people of Anson county are for j'Bennett first and last." and! the "Republicans ii . 1 i .... - ! ' think of no one but Dockery.. if " - - 1 ; ; To Builders and others Go to Jaco jji's for Sash, Blinds andlDoors, Glass &c. You can get kirsizesi' and at the lowest prices. . ;.; .-I !V : I f i ' . f I - " . I I ! . , III LOCAL NEWS INDEX TO VEW IADYEBTISEQEITS. Yates School Books 1 ;"; IIeinsbeugek School Books 1 Busseli. & KlCAcr Legal ad . F C MiLLEit Florida Wster, &c Wm A CujuiiiiG Horse for Sale, New 5 and 10 cts StoreLocal ad 1. . Miss Habt School for Young Ladles W II Gkeex Wholesale and Retail Druggist Day's length 12 hours and22 minufes. Sunset to-morrow at 6 o'clock and 5 minutes p. m.". - . ! . Full moon to morrow at 4 o'clock and 27 minutes p. m; ; r 4 : ; - ! ; There were no interments in Bellevue Cemetery this" week. r: . The receipts ot cotton at this port to day foot up 101 bales. To morrow will ' be known as the Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity. The m arket was well su pplied with good beef and other - meats this morn- mg. : . - : : There were three, interments all children in Oakdalo Cmetery this week. .' , . - New 5 and 10 cents J Store, No. 16 South Second street, between Market and Dock: ; J i-:. I , : ; H. The Register of l.)eeds issued three marriage licences this week, all - for colored couples. . ' " . ' A i . ' . . , j - There were thirteen interments in Pine Forest Cemetery this week.f three of which were children. ' V5 , Farmers from the, country who came to the city this morning report j that ' ' - '! i tneir crops are an unaer water Miss Adelaide Cherie,- the beautiful star of "Only a Farmer's Daughter'' company, has ' met with an" ovation throughout the South. Attention is cauea to tne cuange cf a a a a ' a . a the date of the sale of propeuy adver tieed by Messrs. Russell & Ricaud. The lighter Washington, belonging to Messrs.! George Harriss & Co.; sunk sometime during last night at her wharf on the West side of the river. 1 . The Frying Pari Shoals lightship was towed Unto the harbor at Smithville by the "revenue cutter Colfax yesterday afternoon with all safe on board. A curiosity in the shape of i a white mouse was caught at the City Ha'1, this morning. He was a cunning ! looking creature and entirely of a milk white The streets are badly washed out, in many places, and especially at some of the crossings, and it will take several days to put them a" in thorough repair again. ;.: ' V! " .. - ' ' 1 ; There will be services in the Second Presbyterian Churchl to-morrow at 11 a.. m and in the First Church atfi p. m ., conducted by Rev. Alexr. S prnn t, Of Virginia. ' Business before the City Court ; was at a standstill thisfnorning, tho only ripple of excitement at the HalL being caused by a couple ot dealers who were brought up for a failure to pays their licence tax. ' It is worthy of note that the men and women who think most highly of themselves and most meanly of others are those who render back to society for the good things they enjoy the small est return of personal effort. . Milk is now recommended by the medical faculty in all cases of scarlet fever. Give all the milk the patient will take, even! during the period of greatest fever. It keeps up the strength of the patient, and acts well u pon the stomachl ' 1 ' ; t " ' I . 1 : : i 'I: The steam dredge is at work .deepen" ing the water at one of the wharves on the West side of the river, in order to allow vessels to take in cargoes there without being on the bottom of the river at low tide, as has been the case heretofore. The work of repairing and remodel ling the dry goods house of Mr. J . Samson f was began yesterday g r but a suspension of operations" became nec essary on account of the rain. It will be resumed and pushed forward rapid ly as soon as the weather will' make it practicable, j ' in f-$i nj A i i V' The schr.- Paul P Keller, which sailed from Philadelphia for this port on the 5th insU, and for - whose safely some apprehension has been felt, has arrived safely at Hampton Roads and will sail the first opportunity, a telegram to this effect haviug been received this morn ing by Messrs Geo. Harriss & Co., her agents here. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DON'T FAIL TO CALL AND SEE THE C R A fJ D O and Millinery 1l8 .rJar(cet Street. Branch of New York, r OPENING DAY sept 14 Mr. A. Shricr leavqs.on , Lfdnday for the Northern markets - for the purpose of purchasing1 his'sccontYstock of Fall and Winter Clothing and boots and shoes.1 lie 'will bo 'absent' about iwp weeks and says he hopes to get enough this time to supply the demand. i, Export Foreign. British bt&Eoviva, Captain Brown cleared to-day for St. John's Antigua, with 189,388 feet- of! lumber, -100,750 shingles.' casks spirits turpentine, 10 barrels pitch; 8 barrels tar and 6 barrels rosin, valued at, $3,306,55, : shipped by Messrs. Northrop & Gumming. ' School Por Yourig Ladles -' j The next session of Miss Hart's school foV young ladies is announced in this issue to commence October ' 4th next. The principal Ijas an. able and accomplished corps of assistants and parents Can conGde their children to this school with the assurance that they will receive a thorough and careful course of instruction in , whatever . branches of study they may select. - 7 : Xook at Your Tickets. " . The following are the lucl-y numbers which drew the big prizes in ; the Louisiana State1 tottery on Tuesday, the 1 1th inst. : Ticket No. 69.519 CJre w the capital prize of $75,000 No. 18.870 drew $25,000 ; 77.826 ' drew $ 10.000 ; 11.587 and 3.496 drew. $6,000 each; 45.- 43045.540, 70.167, 71.545, and 90.102 each drew $2,000 each; 7.570, 22.453, 27.286, 37,951, 42.642,1 50,574, 76.480, 90. 388, 95.475 and; 97.533 drew $1,000 each. A Delightful Thoroughfare Masonboro turnpike possesses a deep and liye interest; bq , these beautiful moonlight nights to youngooppLes who are fond of buggy riding. ; We learn that; some enterprising genius, who probt bly knoWs "how :it' is himsel f," has decorated various points on the road withuch signs as the following; "Kiss me-quick-avenue," ' "Hug-me:close. hill " "Lover's lane." &c.; fec. Of course any young man can see the great advantage ho receives when riding .with a young lady, as he asks the name of a certain place ; and she answers, "Kiss me quick,,'?, or 'Hug me close," as the locality would require. .W e hoar that several ybuug ladies have expressed , a desire to ride on this, road, and fit is stated as a fact that?; one young couple have already avaded themselves of the above hints; but on this point we .'are sworn to secrecy. It may reasonaoiy be expected that there will be a large increase of travel overthc Masonboro road in the immediate "sweet bye and Kirk " --"'-" , y'-j'i I' '-''.-" '' i : -I Theatricals. Wc have asked, "When will the Madison Square Theatre Co, play here, and what piece will they present?" In answer,, we would say that the: mana gers of that theatre have several com panies on the road. Among, the plays which will : be ? presented4riDg the season by ineir companies are i ue Rajah which has been kept on the boards of the Madison Square .Theatre for the last lour months to crowded houses. The "YounV Mrs. Winthropf Co., with Mr, Joo. II. Hart as manager, will open at Norristown, N. J., on the 22nd inst, but will not appear in ,this city until May 2nd, 1884. Mr. Hart will be remembered as : the manager who visited us with his company three times during the ' last - season, and by his urbane deportment made a .host of friends in this ,ji city. "Aside from this there will be another "Young Mrs. Winthrop'! Co ; two "Esmeralda? Co's., and a "Rajah" Co.; an the road daring the season, some ot whom will undoubtedly visit this city ' ' 11 - For l?ocket Knives or Table Cutlery, I go to JACOBiVIIardwareDepoL t NEW ' ADVERTISEMENTS. P. E W I W G : OF- Fancy Goods. Mr. u. it. - Oardiner, proprietor of "Only a Farmer's Daughter" Compa ny, is about to bring out the latter part of the season the greatest and most expensive show, piece ever.; produced, entitled "Zozo, the Queen of the Like." The scenery is now being painted by Henry E. Hoyte, New York's greatest scentic artist, at a cost of $10,000. ; Cotton. . The receipts of cotton at this port for the week ending. September 15th, foot up 1.473 bales, as against 733 bales . for the corresponding week last year, - an increase of 735 bales. The receipts tor the crop year commencing September 1st, up to date are 2.120 bales, as against 1.244 bales for the corresponding period of last year an increase of 876 bales. For Orders. The wrecking steamer Resolute, Capt I5aier, belonging to the Baker Wreck ing Company, of Norfolk. Va,. put in here for orders this forenoon. She was visited by a good many of our citizens during her stay, who were impressed by the looks of her machinery ihat she wass prepared for hard service and t by the appearance of.' her hull, spars and rigging that she had experienced some rough usage in her dangerous and constantly exposed labors, t : ' ' The September Sky, - iuu ueaveos aoove wi - present a brilliant spectacle to , the earth below during the month.of September. Ve nus reaches superior ; conjunction the prepaaatory step that w H make ! her peerless stauy gem of th ever!ng sky jn the near future. Uranus arrives at conjunction and joirs the whole array uuter pianets now congregated on he sun's western side as mom ing1 stars ' 1 . m ... - - oaiurn is in quaurature and .wm soon come'beaming above the horrizon in the early -evening. Mars contributes to the show, hs conjunction with the star Delta .Geminorum.. .Mercury appeaas fQr a short season in the glowing West, his last evening exhibition for the year. Jupiter foreshadows the supremacy , or his later reign, j Our, nearest celestial neighbor, the moontakes' on her love liest phrase, that of the Harvest Moon HiVenihe great -sun himse't adds to tho attractions of the month in his charming aspect at the autumal equi- ngx, when in harmonious "equipoise, he illumines the cartel from pole to pole and day and rght balanre each other in the celestial scales". ' i r NEW ADVERTISEMENTS i For Sale. NUMBER 1, UABNE33 AND SADDLE HOKSE-Cheap. ; wl; A." CU1111ING. ' sept 15-2t Star copy School for Young Ladies. 4 i AILSS IIAUT, TrlnclpaL I Aulstedby Mtes If. B. BBOWN. InfltrucUon in JIubIc by Mrs. M. 1. TAYIX)E. Drawing 'and Painting tanght by . -: ........ , . Mrs. K.-II. PAESLKY. . fUR NEXI ; SKSSION WILL BEGIN THURSDAY, tb 4th of October Nnmber of paplls llailtel. For terms and particulars arldress the - .PRINCIPAL. BCpt 13 3t . - ... ... aatnac 225 Market St State of North Carolina, County of New Han over, Supetlor Court. J ames W. Craig t. Anna U. Craig. fpO THE DEFENDANT ABOVE NAMED': I ... t Take notice that on Friday,' the 12th day ot October A. to: 133. at No. 3 m Dirisloo Street in the dry of Chicago, and gtte or Illinois, at II o'clock, a. m.. before Manin" Beera,' rq , an AUornej-at-Law; the PlaloUlT will prooeoi i take tha deposUiona; or. J. . Rowley. M. K. Rowhnr. M. C Kills and others to be used in ibehslf of in Plaintiff, in Uie aboTCt entlilol cause. At which time and place yon are-notified to I present and avail yourself of all Isw- f ni priTUrgea.- RUSSELL A UICAUD. ' sept 15 lawlw sat. 1 1 Attja for PlaiatUT. j. .. . Vi g. -yr- .f v .,r.y- f . -v: . . .j ' v-v,-. ! - PLEA32 NOTIC2. We will be glad to reedre cccaacnlcaUoa tzom oxxx frlcnda oa any axd ail sabjecta CC&eraltBterestbat : ' :-: . The name of the write suut arsrays t ra- aUbed to tta EOUar. 5 . ; ! , ': ... r . -- CommTtPkatlona nxist ba wrlttea oa cal ' one aide ot tbe paper. t i renonallUea xauBt be arolded. i And It U especially and particularly uad atood tiat the Editor doc sot always eadot i mio Tiews ox correaponacnts tmieaa ao atatc in the editorial column. ," NEW AI VERTISK3IENT8. J. L. WINNER, PIIOTOGnAPIIIC ABTrST. ! j New Market, Wilmington j N. C. llaVIDZ DarchAtfAtt th toHm nntni a if. r J. Barnctt, i ni now prcrrcd to execute or- -dera for Photographg, of all styles, alxca and prices, who tuspatcn and &kiii. 1 have had twenty years exicrlcnco in the business and will etiarantco aatiafsrtinn in u a .u la reapecf ally olicltetl. . - cPt Ulr ; William H. Green, i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST. ; ' . 117 MABKET STREET. " CABBY A FULL LINE . OF DRUGS, 'ANCY GOODS. Ac.. h-iv far.uiA. ir- offering Inducements to all who use or bardie Mcuicmo. . , - P sept ll l. School Bookd I : School Booko! -T70R ALL SCHOOLS IN Till? STATE. A Jf liltcral ULwount to Merchants and Teach, era, . r -.. ..i- -..j i ..... . , Slates, Copy -Books. Crayoni. t V H , Book Straps and Bags, j ' f .'! - Paper, Peiw, Pencils, Jnk, Rhlors. &c Parents, will please scntl their ch'.klren lo i J wa i JIElNaiJKlWKH'S. PIANOS & ORGANS gOLD AT REASON ABLE TRICES AT ! HEINSBERGER'S, i . fept lA ' Uve Book and Music Stores MRS. S. J. BAKER, - , I 1122 MarkctSt., , , Millinery Emporium, JO BUANCir housebut the gueat CENTEft In the Mimnery Department. Ii shall ; -v - :- I' : .',.- - - I - - l I---' be recelvlsgfor the nett two months, weekly, from the 16th September, EVERY CLASS OF GOODS IN MY LINE, Bclecteti b7 myself, otlho most approved " - " -. ' - --i ' i 1 1 ; . ( styles ami newest patterns, and will sell them "f for CASH AT THE LOWEST I FIGURES. I 5 - - -, . , - - j - , i . : : have secured tho services of the moat Artistic v Trimmers In the Northern. Cities, and will . - j , i- ' . :- . v. give my patrons the benefit of their skill, The . .. , . .-. ' f . ; 1 : j' , I - Laaicsof Wilmington are mo:-1 respectfully Invited to call.and examine my stock before making any purchases. :$,,.i'ti w "' "U : 1 - " I- POLITE LJkDY CLERKS will be In attend ance to wait on them, ; j T ! i LADIES UNDERWEAR also Toys and Notions. , A - SPECIALTY; lly establishment will rery department. ' Wilmington, Sept 12, 1883. bo firstlass In1 L i' Female School. MISSES BURR 4 JAMES, Principals. MRS. M. S. CUSHING, MusicaUnstrttctm. THE TWENTIETH' ANNUAL SESSION of this School will commence on Thursday,- the! 4th ot October, 18S3, an1 close during the third week in Jane, HS4. ,' i ; The course of instruction is thorough and systematic. Terms reasonable. Lessons In painting in Oil, Water Colors and Pastel, w ith feepla and India Ink drawing, and Crayon and pencil sketching, at moderate rates. i Where a class of ten or twelro Is formed for the school of, painting, the price will bo re duced. ' - , . j j . i Pupils outside of the school who desire mu sical instruction, will do well to apply early. or call for circulars a ur lurmw parucuiars inquire or l'xincipais. 8epi2 i FLORIDA WATER, - T7' i LAVENDER WATER. i 1 : ; VIOLKT WATER, , HELIOTROPK WATER, i ' - ' WHITE BOSK WATER. . . K , RAZENA WER. Also a complete assortment of Cologne ind Perfumery for the Summer season" ..-. PrescripUons compoundou . xj land night at - F. C. MILLER'S,' j ' . .'. , German Druggist, " ; septa- Corner Fourth and Nun sta. Cool Beer, ' . -: ';;.;,: v - ...... . : ! ..- ' .... '.- Best Liquors, ! Finest Cigars; T THE OLD NORTH STATE SALOON. Drop in and try the Tar-Heel's Mixtures, i School Books l School Books ! A LIBERAL DISCOUNT ALLOWED , j TEACHERS AND MERCHANTS. -SCHOOL SUPPLIES-Paper, Pens, Pen cils, Slates, Sponge, Coiy Books, Book Bags, . Crayons, Ink, Ac, Ac. 'M...:" Hr C. W. YATES, .r - , ri,,u i - eeptlO ; 119 Market strett Solid Comfort. THE EE IS SOLID COMFORT IN TUKn$ of Kerosene StoTes. A customer, who 'Is nslBg one. says: with this we are mdrpen 1 ent whsn left without a serrsnt." T1m-v ari Items aiHi great 'EconomlUri 1 nacre tit sizes and prlofhi. Try va - i J ! T- Pure White Oil. - ' ., s-ptlO PAttRKR TAVlon. TRY; THE COOK B' UGGIES. FJR WHICH WE A Ml HOt.K - j ' J j ' . i r : , ,-..; AtiENS?.: IIaneiis U go wlth""tbeh at very low prices, the . laircitt assortment of fa.l 4lierf.Trunkf.Tra Telling !tig ad sfatctrcU t!i the state. v' - -4 i ' Uepa'ring iroiiit!y tkne. Prices low. AlnIOlJllALL. A WnVK-'v i aeptlo - No. Ill North front t. 1 1-.