TT he Daily R e y i e w SATURDAY, SEPT'BER 15. 1883 TheDaUv Review has the largest bona fule, circulation, of any newspaper puoLisiea, in rne cuy vi nwimwum. T: - c tit; t.j,i an - STATE NEWS. Wilson Mirror : Mr. W. E. Farmer, the efficient railroad agent at this place informs us that from September 1st. 82, to September 1st. '83 there were shipped 23.159 bales of cotton, 125 have been shipped since tnc isc. Newbern Journal: Rev C C Price, the creat colored orator of North Caro linaT and bride are in the city. We learn that he leaves this morning for Brooklyn, N Y.-for the purpose of fill ing Beecher's pulpit next Sunday. , Greensboro Workman: Mr. Caldwell will bring up 25 car loads of hickory timber from the line of the. University Branch road lor McMahon's spoke and handle factory, to-day. The Young Men's Christian Association of this cify titHi ho ronrnsnntoHn tha Convention at Hickory, Vviiich begins to-day, by Prof. G. M, Smithdeal, who wfll start on the trip to-night. VAantrm Hnmiirrr: On SundaV UlurD- ing of last week, Pr II C Willey, of Gates county,rcfuesieu ins wne to uiu.e him. some quinine puis. nc got a bottle from the shelf and made the pills. DrWilley took five of them, and finding the effect peculiar for quinine, examined the bottle and found his wife had mis taken the morphine bottle for the quin ine. He at once prescribed antidotes for himself, and the neighbors were summoned. It was with great difficulty that life was preserved. Chatham Record: Mr. William S. Thompas. of this county, killed an eagle, a few days ago, that measured seven and a half feet from - tip to tip. On last Monday the large two story dwelling occupied by Mr. E. D. Patterson near Lockville, was entirely consumed by fire, which originated trom a spark from the chimney catch ing the roof. The day was very windy and the flames spread with great raN pidly. Most of the furniture was save!. This was one of the best dwellings in the county, having been the former residence of Dr. U . K Smith . Clinton Caucasian: Pror. A. L. Phil lips is preparing a complete map ol SamDSon county showing all important streams, public roads and the township boundaries. The map will be- publish ed this Fall. There is a veritable centenarian in Sampson county in the person of Abrani Hobbs, who lives on the plantation of Mrs. Joseph Darden, in Hall's township. He was born in 1780 and is therefore 103 years old. The proof is as satisfactory as a record ot his birth. Major J. M. Moseley is our informant. The Major's father was born in 1790 and the Major heard him state frequently that Abram .: was just 10 years older than himself. - Fayetteville Observer: Messrs. Tolar & Poe now have their new brick -j ard. a short distance south-east of the fair grounds, in full operation ; and, with improved machinery for pressing the brick, capable of turning out from 14,- 000 to 18,000 brick per day. Mr. S. C. Godwin of this county, living about H miles from town on the old river road, has shown us a sample of sorghum of his own production, the best we have seen. Mr. Godwin made 550 gallons of sorghum from a planting ot 4 acres. Two months ago Mr-J as. P. Roberts son, living on the east side of Cape Fear, had 35 fine sheep, for one alone of which he had been offered $10. Since that time the dogs have made two raids upon them, and his flock is noV rev duced to 5. Journal-Observer'. A congregation al meeting was held at Davidson Col lege on Monday evening, when the committee appointed to solict subscrip tion reported that they had raised three thousand and five hundred dollars in the village alone. A building com mittee was elected and the work of putting up the new church will begin at once . At 7 :30 o'clock yesterday evening, Mr. George G, Shannonhouse, a well known and popular conductor of the Carolina Central railroad, was united in marriage, in this city, to Miss Willie Moore, a young lady who jstands in high favor and esteem with this community. The ceremony was nerformed by Rev. J. B. Cheshire, pastor of the Episcopal church. The happy couple left on the evening train on the Carolina Central road , for Bal timore and Boston, to attend the Oriole and the Exposition. . The Night Watch. New York. Mr. Charles T. llollis, of the New York Club Stables, says that he is night-watchman, and one night was attack by rheumatism so acute he could only get down stairs on his hands and knees. St. Jacob's Oil was applied twice. After this he took his watch again the next night, cured. THE MAULS. Themalls close anil arrive at tbe UUy 103 office as follows : - CLOSE. Northern through malls, fast 7.15 I. M. Northern through and rj mails.... 5. 40 A. M. Italeigh .6.15 P. M. ami 5.10 A. M. Malls for the N. C. Railroad and routes supplied therefrom Includ ing A. & N. C. Railroad at 8.00 P. M. and 5.40 A. 11. Southern Malls for all points South, daily 8.00 P.M. Western malls (C. C. Railway) dally, (except Sunday).. 6.15 P. M. All points between Hamlet and Ual ehrh 6.15 T.M. MaUforChcraw and Darlington Rail . road 8.00 P. M. Mails for points between Florence and Charleston 8.00 P.M. Fayetteville and offices on Caje Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays...... 1.00 P. M. Fayetteville, via Liunbcrton, daily, except Sundays..... ....6.15.P. M. Onslow C. II. and intermediate offi ces, Tuesdays and Fridays. . ...... .6.00 A. M. Smithville malls, by steamboat, dally (except Sundays) 3.30 A. M. Mails for Easy Hill. Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, Tucs- days and Fridays. 6.00 A. M. WrlghtsvUle, daily 8.30 A. M. OPEN FOR. DELI VERY. Northern through and way mails. . . .7.30 A. M Southern Mails X 7.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad... 9. 00 A. M. . Malls collected from street boxes business - portion of city at 5 A. M., 11.30 A.M. and 5.30 Pi M. and from other point; of the city at 5 P.M. - - - Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to i'i M., and from 2 to 5.30 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. . Stamps for sale in small quantities at general delivery when stamp office is closed. General delivery open from 7 A.M. 7.30 P.M, and on Sundays from 8.50 to 9.30 A. M. Carriers delivery open on Sunday from 8.30 to 8.S0 A.M. , , - - . , .. Church Services (To-Morrow. St. Paul's Evan. Lutheran Church, corner of Sixth and Market streets,? Rev. F. Wl E. Pes cliau, Pastor. English services at 11 -clock, a. in. ucrman services at 8 o'clock,! p.. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. iW H. Strauss, Su perintendent. I '"),'' St. James Church, corneiMarkct and Third streets. Rev. A. A. Watson, ij. v. Rector. 13S3. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock J Evening Prayer at 5.30 o'ciock. Jt esuvai or 5t- aiai thew. Friday, Sept. 21st. .Mornlrg iprayer at Jl o'clock. Evening Prayer at 5 30; Ember Days Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Evening Prayer each day at 5.30. Rev. A. DcR. Mearcs will officiate. . f ; . ! St. John's Church, corner Third and Red Cross streets. Rev. James Carmlchael, D. D.J Rector. Services for Seventeenth Sunday after Trinitv. SenL 16. 1SS1. Holr Communion at 7.S0 o'clock, a. m. Moraine Prayer . at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 4.30 o'clock, p. in. Evening Prayer at s.30 o'clock. i ;i j Services in the Prcsbylerlan Churches to morrow, conducted by Rev. Alex. Sprunt will be as folio wb: Second Church at 11 a m. First Cbuich at 8 p. m. j i ' j j First Baptist Church corner of Market and Fifth streets. Sunday? School at 9! a. m. Younz Men's Prayer , Meeting Tuesday i night at 8 o'clock. Prayer and Pralfe meeting; Thurs day night at S o'clock. . I j Front Street M. E. Church, South, corner of Front and Walnut streets, i Rev. Frank ir. Wood, Pastor. Services! at 11 al. m. and 74$ p. m. Sabbath school at 3 jp. m., )V. M. Parker, superintendent. Prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday evening at8 o'clock. Christian Association Tuesday evening after first! and third sabbaths, at a o cioca. seats iree; ana strangers and visitors cordially invited. I Fifth Street M. E.j Church, between Nun and Church streets. Rev. T. Page Ricaud, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. ; t Class mcet ng at 3 p. m. ; Prayer meeting Thursday even ng at 74 o'clock. . i ! j , . r ! Seamen's Bethel, -Dock between! Water and Front streets. Capt. W. J. Potterjl Missiona ry to the Seamcni. Services every Sunday at 10.30 a. m and '4.36 pJm. Seamen and all others are Cordially invitedi Scats free. Part ol the service will be in Norwegian; conducted by Capt. Chiistiansen.j j j St Thomas Pro-Cathedral. First Mass at 1 a m. Second Mass at 10 a. m. Vespers and Benediction at 5 o'clock p m . Daily Mass at 6:30 am. ... 'ill1 ' i Second Baptist Church, on Sixth, between Church hnd Castle streets. Rev. J. P. King, Pastor. Services ai.ll a. m. and.8 p. m. Sun day School at 0 a. m. j- Prayer meeting every Tuesday night. j ' i j Christ Church (Congregauonaiist)Nun street, between Sixth and Seventh. Rev. D. D. Dodge, minister Preaching services at 11 o'clock, a. m. and 8 o'clock, p. m. i Pastor's Bible Class at 12.15 p. m, Prayer and Praise meeting, Wednesday, 8 o'clock,' p. m.j ! Snnday School, 3 o'clock, p. in., in Memorial Hall, corner 7th and Nun sts. j j Services at St.Mark's Chiirch, corner Sixth and Mulberry streets, are as follows : On Sun days Morning Prayer at 11 a. m. Evening Prayer at 5.30 p. m. Saint's days at 9 a. m. and 5.30 p. m. Sunday. School at St. Barna bas Schoolhousc, at 4 p. m. ; Seats free. It Will Pay I ) All who desire to dress well on a limi ted purse to buy their Clothing of AJ& I. Shriek. They buy only for "Cash and allow their patrons to share in the benefits of iill advantages thus gained. J HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SOLE Agent for the TANNER & DELANEY ENGINE I 1 i . . i CO'S ENGINES AND BOILERS from 4 to 150 - i j ' horde power; also Tramway or Narrow Gauge '''('' ' Locomotives. I 1 I j I : ! Engines adapted to Farm use: a specialty. On hand and for sale vfcry low FIVE ! n i i . SECOND IIA.ND; PORTABLE ENGINES, from 5 ta 15 horse power. 1 ! i , i i '- " I aug 15-Gm ' . S. W4 SKINNER. "Shipped in lee." T7UESH FISH TO ALL points JL - J- ,. in North Carolina, li South Carolin apI,GcorIa; Guarantee to deliver them ;Iri j 3 i i J ' : i ' good condition. sept 10 Wi E. DAVI3 & SON. Just Received. I HAVE JUST RECEIVED B1 STEAMER r I 1 a large lot of HATS suitable! for School Hats A nice assortment of COLORED STRAWS, Milan and Can ton, for Ladles' Fall wear latest shapes. SASH RIBBONS ami all other widths and jU&lltlc-. : Full Una of Ilaji(lki'rclilffa ti Gloves Kid, Siik and Lisle. Parasols and Neckwear. . j Am selling the. above at very reasonable prices to make room for a large stock of Fall and Winter Goods. Stamping and Hair work done promptly. ii gCncy Universal Fashion Co'a Patterns . . RespectMlly, ' MISS E. KAKKEK, sept 10 EXCHANGE CORNER New Furniture Warerooms. AT NO. 30 GRANITE ROW, Sol1 FRONT St., I have opened with what I think Is a well selected stock of II .." j j Furniture I and Bedding, Embracing many new designs in Bedroom arjd Parlor Suits. Our aim shall be to deal fairly and squarely with all, and respectfully ask a" share of the public patronage. Courteous treatment guar anteed to all wbo favor me with a call. sept 10 tf THOMAS C. CRAFT, Agent E C.Blair. Q.ENEEAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 10. North Second Street, ;! Wilmington, N. C. Solicits consignments of all kinds of Country Produce. Top prlcea and quick returns guar anteed. Will reshlp to other markets when requested. sept 10 r i jit g:blair. Fruit j Jars. , JJALF GALLONS,' QUARTS, PINTS and PRESERVE TUMBLERS. Giles & Iiurcliison. . sept 10. - i .'i North Front St MISCELLANEOUS. SPECIAL ORDERS I Any special orders left at my store vill be sent tome in New York and attention will be given. MAKING ROOM Drop in ' and see jus, we may have price will I sept 11, 1883 COMMERCIAL NEWS. WILMINGTON-MARKET. x September 15 4 P. ij. : SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted quiet at 37 cents per gallon. Later we hear of sales of 100 casks at 37 cents per gallon. M - ROSIN Quoted quiet at $1,174 for Strained and $1.25 for Good Strained. TAR Quoted firm at $1.80 per bb1 of 280 lbs. Later we hear of sales of 60 bbls at $1.85 per bbl. .. j CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted steady at $2.40 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1.25 per bbl for Hard. COTTON Quoted firm. Sales of 60 bales on a basis of 10 cents per pound for Middling. The following are the ollicial quotations: i Low Middling 9 ' cents Middliiisr. . .... 10 .... 105 Good Middling. . . DAILY RECEIPTS. Cotton 101 bales Spirits Turpentine 182 casks Rosin 555 bbls Tar 37 bbls. Crude Turpentine. .... - - - : 50 bbls MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer Rosolute, Baker, Norfolk, blaster. r ! . i Nor barque Iiouise, Hansen, Bristol, Eng. Ileide&Uo. I U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, Bi bey, Smithville, Master. CLEARED. Steamship Regulator, Doane, New York, T. E. Bond. U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, Ris bev, Smithville, Master. Steamer John Dawson, Colvin, Point Caswell, R P Paddison Br. brigTGvviva, Brown, St. John's, AntiguaNorthrop & Cumming. Schr Alice Hearn, Fleming. Phila delphia, Geo Harriss & Co; i cargo by J II Chadbourn & Co. , 1 Exports. COASTWISE. PhiladelDhia schr Alice Hearn 290,405 feet lumber, 38 475 shingles, 3,400 juniper bolts. , FOREIGN. ! St John's, Antigua Br brig Evvi va 189,388 feet lumber, 106,750 shingles. 2 casks spts turpentine, 10 bbls pitch, 8 do lar, 6 do rosin. WEEKIjY statement. STOCKS ON HAND SEPT. 15, 1883. , Cotton ashore, 2,522; afloat, 26; total. 2,548. "In spirits ashore, 5,343; afloat, 1,190; to tal, 6,533. Rosin ashore, 85,771 ; afloat, 725 ; total, 86,496. , r v: . - '! ' ' Tar ashore,-1,366; afloat, 150; total, 1,516. Crude ashore, 546. , RECEIPTS FROM SEPT. 8 TO SEPT. 15. Cotton, 1,473; spirits, 1.421; rosin, 5, 168; tar, 656; crude, 840. EXPORTS FROM SEPT. 8 TO SEPT. 15. j DOMESTIC. Spirits, 128; rosin, 93; tar, 200; crude, 1,005. 1 I. - ' FOREIGN. . Spirits, 2; rosin, 6; Jar 8. i Millinery & Fancy Goods. yADIES ANP CHILDREN'S HATS, . BONNETS, LACE TIES and , ! . ; BOWS AND RIBBONS, in all the latest styles. - - f Orders from the country promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed. , ! My patrons will find it to their interest to i . call and examine. MRS. S. J. BAKER, 122 MARKET STREET, i CseptlO '7 Fall Hats. I.AD1ES COLORED STRAW HATS AND BONNETS, SCHOOL HATS, NECKWEAR and other Millinery Goods!' . MRS. KATE C. WINES, No, 113, North Second Street. sept S ' next South of Postoffice C. D. r.?orrill. JNDERTAKER, CABINET MAKER AND CARPENTER. Office and Work Shop on Sec ond street, opposite Souther land's stables. Respectfully solicit orders and guarantees rood work. promDt dellverr aad uttAfaAtlnm In every respect, i marie-tr I Old Newspapers JJIOR SALE VERY CHEAP. . Applyfto . aoC20 tf this orriCK vThe cetebraled 'Fish Brand Gilb Twine is sold only at Jacoei's Hard ware Depot. . - - MISCELLANEOUS. FOR NEW GOODS ! just what you want, and if so the be the lowest. . . . I R. IU3. KlclWTIRE. GREAT INDUCEMENTS i v r ' ' '' -AT - IM!. HsjtL- KATZ'. 116 Market Street. AS WE ARE EXTENDINd OUR STORE, . - . and the workmen need the room, we are now i offering . - , J GREAT BARGAINS Dress Goodi, Embroideries, Wlitte Goods, . ! ' , !"- , ." ' ..- LA OIKS AND GENTS GATJSE UNDERWEAR; j STABLE AND FANCY Dry Goods! &ic9&c ' . ' i ' ' ' - "v We are determined TO CLOSE OUT OUR ! ;. 1 " " ! STOCK, and commence with onr improve' !" . i i - . i menta; alsio, AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK FOR I ' ' 'i FALL AND WINTER. Call and secure BARGAINS at M. WJ. ItATZV I 116, Market Sf. aug 6 ' M i 1 am Receiving BY NEW YORK STEAMERS EACH WEEK THE FINEST SELECTION OF Fruits and Vegetables CONSISTING OF NORTHERN APPLES, ' . "I I ! - NORTHERN POTATOES, i i . . . i ! i CABBAGES, TURNIPS and BEETS. Have just received the following j variety of CJkKES AND CRACKERS, whi h I recom mend to all Housekeepers and Excursionists. Ginger Taffy, : " Orange Bar, " Assorted Drops, j Sweet Corn, Empire Mixed, Vanilla Wafers, Lemon Wafers, Newport Wafers, Larraby's Snowflake, These goods are of finest quality, fresh and crispy. . John L. Boatwright sept3-tf , ; Carpets, J HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM THE Northern Markets! where I purchased the LARGEST STQCK OF CARPETS 1 EVER "!-.-. . " ... , . j brought to thia City, and I am now prepared 1 . - i . -' to serve any one who wishes j to purchase a FINE Ingrain, Three-Ply Tapestry, Brussels or Body Brussels, or JJapier Matting. Al of ' - i- i , ! . - , the latest patterns and designs. - - v - - - ,- " ' ' I ! SOL. BEAR, eept8 . SO Market Street I FlyTpapo. rjID3 BEST AND CHEAPEST IN TniS market.' Onr - ' ' v i,. GRAIN CRADLES I cannot be surpassed In price or quality. JL larga and well selected stock of Hard ware at W. E. springer CO'S., . - ' Successors to John Dawson A Co.. . sept 10 MarketStreet The MfclBhaW THAT WILL. VISIT THE SOUTHERN STATES THIS YEAR ! COMING IN ALL ITS OVERSHADOWING MAGNITUDE. AS SUKKKIOK TO ANX OTHER 5IIOV Til AT EVER CAMB SOUTH AS 'aNJ ELECTRIC LIGHT IS WILL EXHIBIT AT ' " v SATURDAYS SEPTEMBER 29, BRINGING THREE TRAINS LOADED - ITS OWN BAGGAGE, STOCK, PLATFORM AND PALACE SLEEPING CARS ' EVERYTHING BRIGHT, NO OLD ACTS, OLD FEATURES, OLD GAGES! OT.n Awn .Tn. '-- ' VATf TT I TTn O EAILIOAB SHOWS it ALL USITED IN ONE VAST WORLD-EMBRACING CONS0LIDATl6x. xNFINITELY THE ONE GREATEST SHOW on EXHIBITING FOR d ' h : I ' ' : i - . ' . -I . I: .1 -II LARGE M IMAGERIES COMBINED. M HERDS OF ELEPHANTS. I ONE-. MONSTER TWO - THE ONLY LIVING GIRAFFE THAT It AS BEEN SEEN IN TnE SOUTH 1 .' j FOR TWENTY TEARS t . f - ONLY LIVING PAIR Ever exhibited in any traveling Menagerie in any part of the World A huge male and a tremendous female Hippopotamus alone forming the greatest nttraq tion in America, and really worth a hundred mile journey to see. I ! WE HAVE 1 HEM SURE, and will refund ; the price of. admission to eyery visitor if we don't introduce them loose in tho ring, at every performance.!! I j The above rare animals are the most valuable, costly and wonderful features ever brought to the land of the Magnolia aHd, O range! Blossoms; but rare aSjthej are they form but a tithe of the many extraordinary features we actually exhibit Cut this advertisement out.lcar.rv it with' von and trv nd .fiml nno oirtolo Hi?n - - w nere auvenisea tuai is not acinaiiy exuiDiteu. I SOME MORE STERLING THE ONLY LION SLAYER IN AMERICA THE ONLY NYL THE THE ONLY AMERICAN THE ONLY BURDEN-BEARIN DROMEDARIES AND. MORE OF THEM THAN T0U HAVE EVER The first genuine Burchel Zebra ever seen South. The largest Hyjenis . Apes, Baboons. Mandrils, Tigers. Lions, Leopards, . Wart Hog, Hemedriasj j and the urst genuine v lrginiajraniner seen in THE CIRCUS if. THE WnNDFRFIII STtRV MISS VIOLA RIVERS, THE HANDSOMEST AND , unnin nULLlo, UnAMPIUN TRICK RIDER. I WILUC SELLS, THE GREAT JOCKEY AND FOUR HORSE RIDER.l ! I ! i THE FRENCH FAMILY CARON BEST ACROBATS. PROF. WHITE'S REASON GIFTED-SCHOOL OF DOGS. 4 i !! ! DONALDSON BROTHERS, JOINTLESS PHENOMEXOIS. HER3 DRAYTON, THE GERMAN HERCULES. TnE BEST CLOWN, THE BtfST LEAPERS, I THE BEST TUMBLERS WI&E WALKERS, TRAPEZE ARTISTS. GYMNXsTsTannCTalPerfomerl f - ever seen South, and more of them. i! I Newspapers, without Exception, Pronounce this Shoj . to be the Best ver Seen ! Tk j - The Louisville, Ky.; Courier-Journal contained an 'editorial, written by Honl Henry Watterson. which said "Thej people of the South will havean oppor tunity of Visiting Sells Brothers' Great Show, which ,is, without, exception; most honorably conducted and thn vp.rv hnzt Shnw Tn Amnn'.. n r ; most honorably conducted and the Very I ' i -' 1 - ' 't i - ., PREPARE FOR A GENUINE HOLIDAY, BE IN TOWN EARLY TO Stt THE MANY FREE SIGHTS. BINEST STREET PROCESSION EVER 'SEEN IN ANY AMERICAN CITY, ' ! ; I 5 BANDS OF MUSIC . 42 Great Solo Musicians in Orcliestr. , -"jFi'su a. ia I ftvu ji opionuor miroaucmg 5 lianas 01 juusw. wf?5edT?aSe'r2,() flfcat 9ol,dc3 Chariots. 14 Huge ElephanU in Royal Housings. . The BeauUfui Allegorical Tableau of Colambia' and! her Court ol '"""J "-uws ," ixAiiijuAii3isr wUALEN-itt America, iws6 Aauarmm L,ars. as larire ns hnnar rlro r u,, u uV m.i r A cunri ots 20 feet high, carrying aloft high in oacr a oea11"1. Lady representinsr Lalla Rookh departing from DelphL Tbf !2?!5L?-Ind?r a?d u1101 Escort. Knights in solfd silver armor, more sensational leaturcs tnan pvp r ciwn - Knrnu i journsy to see. : : excursions ou all Railroaas at greatly reduced rates. Prepare for a joyful r bilee. All averfuM oi travel .are crowded, schools close, work suspends, and Gala Day WHEN SELLS BROS.1 BIG SHOWS COME? prepaid see B!ggest Crowds you have ever seen in all j'our life. Exhibition at the us hours, lie in town early, Brinz tho old folks, brinff th hfihlne hrino-thfi aantJ. cousins, wives, daughters, sweethearts, parade, the tents, and tho immense journey. ; , , ol admission will be the same m every place which this show visitsi U3 s ' ADMISSION, for all oyer 10 yrs. of ajrc, 75 cents. sept 12 TO A TALLOW CANDLE. - WITH THE WORLD'S WONDERS. USE3 AI NEW AND CHEERFUl ' T1T1T rlnnn Tinn.. - i' . ' Htf l- AND ONLY ADMITTED the FACE of the GLOBE. THE FIRST TIME SOUTH ' HORNED RHINOCEROS. OF HIPPOPOTAMI ! - V MM V ftrf W ft V Ultl'ft FEATURES WE EXHIBIT : CHAU IN AMERICA. LARGEST BENGAL TIGR IN AMERICA. BORN CAMELS1 IN AMERICA. SEEN BEFORE. t ' many years, besides a Multitude I of Am- . . - .i j ft ... . l i I v. yti LJtULUiJJfiS for THE FIRST. TIME ever seca Sown TAMII V nr Dirvnic Dinroc BEST BAREBACK EQUESTRIENNE IN THE WOBLO. best Show in America '? ! , ......- I GET GOOD PLACES TO SEE THE mid air, a fivin Elenhant. anduon its ..t x.yy.-' .;J -v C .'lr-. . I boys and ail. If you see nothing butt! j railroad trains you will bo paid fortf I . . . ' --rvji '. f: lor all under 10 yrs, of age, 50 cents- tPOSITIVELT NO rERSOX" AD JUTTED FEEE. - ' ii" '