II ccptcd by JOSH T. JAMES, EDITOR ASD PKOPKIBTOB. arBSCElFTIONS POSTAGE PAID:. ax Slx months, $2.00. Three. 058 ths, 0116 month 35 cents. : j be deUvcrcd by carriers free 1 in any part of the city, at the above 0 nu U week. SUsttotog rates low and liberal. Jrgub&cribcra will report any and all fall m receive their paier regularly, - '- , Z, Me circulation, of any newspaper Polished injte city of - Wilmington. -osed to raise the' salary ot .. j-iuto's mn.vnr- from ' 00( tn jio.000 a year. .- - ; - -; Quccu Victoria filroc to. Cratbie jnd passtJ aa hour at the grave of John Ird Ronald Gower, in his "Iteinin- savs. that Disraeli had; an irh- ive face and Mr. Roden Noel says pass that it was like a mask. An old man, 8i years of age. killed h in sen. wuuts m uwjjuuum;j, at 'feiople, Nev., on Sunday. Was he jcipondent because he did not die? . -. 1 Of the new 2-cent stamps 30,793,900 i.nvo already been sent out by tho Post jut Oflice Department and 594,900 4-cent stamps have been delivered up to Mon day. "; - , -- : ' At Montreal, on Sunday, the Bishop ol Niagara introduced: s a memorial r'linst ritualism in the Church of Eng kind Synod. Tho , memorial: was ac cepted. ' ' ' -".." ' . " lr. liiu'i Hiill, cridio Massachusetts' Wittnan r'l'ist'n , .Wivs Ahat nowhere is t'ncre renter need fr an :u:tiv e work vi ivlcnii liian atHQHSUie,mill popula li. .in' that State. - ' " " Tlie Atlanta CohsUtitiiou'piits pelnY-, Ii iim in its list of agricultural expojts .' IVobnltiy this classification is bael upon the principle; jthLlhbp vh .yet pftrolouni have to dig for it. . : ll is reported that tkejuental depres sion ol Queen Victoria is returning The Queen suffers froni deep-rooted .sailness, and there are fears that she will fall a victim to melancholia. The Rothschilds are said to hold $100,000,000 ot United States bonds, Baroness Burdett-Coutts Bartlett $20,- 1)00,000, the Duke of Sutherland $5,000, 000 and Sir Thomas Brazzo $5,000,000. Dr. II. Webster Jones, the Chicago physician who has given up a practice worth $80,000 a year for another man's wife and eloped with her to Australia, is a grandson ot Noah Webster, tho lexicographer;, 1 " . ,, Three special ears, a hotel, a sleeper and parlor, carried the Philadelphia "Knights" to the Conclave in San Fran cisco and b'ack, and they reached Phila delphia after their six thousand miles1 ruu, in first rate condition. . . , . Great success has been achieved dur ing the past year in restoring : the levee system of Louisiana to a high state of efliciency. The embankments resisted the great floods of last year better than even the most sanguine could have ex pected. ... .. .. ........ , It is understood that Mr. Tennyson has obeyed the Queen's command to immortalize "..the ", virtues of tho lato John Brown in verse, and was made the recipient ot unusual royal hospital ity when he personally delivered ihe eulogy to her Majesty. . Tho Secretary of the United States Navy, Wm. E. Chandler, M. I. S. D., i y m r a. XI 1 Mfliw'iAno 'f Ca Tarjv IV. Kj. 11., I AlOSb J.itUOmVU?h?Vv? A'Voj J Kni?ht of the Catheads) has- returned to his abandoned duties; "after an ab sence of two months on t a junketing tour, v The country is safe now. Believers in the descent of ail jnam mals from a common progenitor may hear with interest that s white monkey recently brought to this country from Siam bears a strong physicial resem blance to tho Albinos of the -Iranian family. His5 eyesight is dim, and when he looks closely at some object he covers one eye with oneot his hands. - ... 1 - -No one at W1 ndsbr,' says iondon Truth, can understand why Mr. Devc reux has been made a knight. lie is a hatter, is a Conservative and was, on intimate terms with the lato Mr. John Brown. It is not clear whether the knighthood has been conferred upon him on account of his hats, of his politics or of his intimacy with the de parted one." A despatch from Ottawa says that the Dominion Government has .deter mined not to reduce postage, rates and make them uniform with those going in" to effect in Jhe; United Stat.oifihe" Jst of October. Many new postal routes through the North Western Territor ies have been opened and this has large ly increased the expenditure on account of the postal service, 'which 'now ex ceeds the revenue over twenty-one per cent. : ' W im "ft. . "ITT ""XT " 1 1.' 'iT-Trr-n- u i u r rKi bSSSfe. --- - I Pj . J AY ' nUH V H WW tfr.'-r.A'.wr.., .:-:r-U.- ' ;;rji:u; 11 A Y . JLLJLJ Y V- o - . , - - . - - - , " - , , - - . , " I j . : v. r !,! - - i- - . , 4 s . - . VOL. VII. W LMlNGTGN. N. C., WEDNESDAY; SEPTEMBER 19, 1883 ' ' NO 223 Pittsburg has settled for the riots of 1877, paying $2,780,533 03! its share of the damage. Of this, $1,693,495 was for injury to railroad property, $279,460 for personal property. $455,400 for freight and $259,887jfor Special freight. Pittsburg doesn't want aiy more mobsl The fire in the Hotel Vendoruc, in Boston, shows what i may be done in the way of making such a building re proof. The fire occurred cn J the top floor and burned there fiercely but it was confined to that ' floor alone,' and most of the guests knew nothing of the disaster until the nexi. morning. ; i The wire-fence . war will - engage . an extra session of the Texas Legislature Some of the pastures are fenced with 1 out a break for forty id ile4 or more, and the only choice left to j travellers is either to drive two days'3 i journey out of their way or cut the fences. 1 Nearly twoi hundred vessels are at Philadelphia looking for freight. They are nearly all foreign, Italian and Nor wegian, with three or four English steamejs. Freights laro low, seanien?s wages low, and the i sailor boarding" houses crowded with idle seamen LOG AL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW DVSRTISEW5EMTS. atbs School Books i I Mbiss'bekokk Schol Books F C Millkk Florida Waterj VV II Gkkrs Wholesale and Kelhil Druprgiit Kalllniore and Wilmington Steamship lAue The receipts ot cotton at this port to day foot up 2G5 bales. ' j For Pocket Knives or jTable Cutlery, go- to Jacobi' Hardware Depot. ' t The rainfall in this ! city for 1 the 21 hours ended at 3 o'clock this alternoon amounted to l.SC inches 1 . This has been one of those "local rains and partly cloudy weather" days . : i 1 . e which we sometimes read about. We have beeri informed that the next session of the School at St. James' Home, in this city, will jcommotcc on the 8th day of October, j Shippers and ! others interested will please notice the change in the date jof sailing of the steamship HaleigJi; which is advertised in another column. We venture to I sav i that vessels off I " .... .... : m ' - imV - S 1 - our coast to-aay,f oouna jNortu, are not having a pleasant time; unless they can find fun in a h?avy gale of wind. The tides .jwere remarkably high again to-day and the roadj which leads from Market street ferry to .Brunswick river was overflowed for a good part of tho distance, j ' j This w bad weather for the dry goods, fancy goods and millinery business, but dealers can have the consolation of "being pretty certain thatj when, fair weather comes their customers will make up for lost time, j ! 5 The storm of to-day has not been jso severe along our coast as we expected, the heaviest portion of tlie gale thus far reported being at Fort; Macon, where the maximum velocity was 25 miles pvi UUU1 . I 4 1 From persons i who i! arrived in the city to day we learn that the waters of the Black and South ri Vers 1 are unpre cedentedly bighi iWc also hear the same report about the waters of the upper. portion of the Northeast river. The weather last night was very kind to those, who attended4 the theatre. It sprinkled slightly just before it. was time to go, and theu ceased ; until the play was over and the"" people! had all got safely home, when-fit began raining again and continued all night,! some of the time pouring down; in torrents. Steamship Benefactor, Capt: Tribon, from New York, arrived at jher wharf in this city at a little after 10 o'clock this forenoon. Capt. Tribon reports that the passage has been generally pleasant, with smooth water, although there was considerable fog daring the first two days, and quite a gale1 last uight,.during which the rain poured in torrents. i , j Keady Tori Occiilaucy The repairs, improventsand altera tions in theTempre of Israel have all been com Dieted, and services will be held there next Saturday morninsr, llev , Dr. S. Mendelsohn officiating. Tho changes made, both in the interior and exterior, are marked auU add so much to the beauty of the edifice that if Is now one of the most imposing and attract- ; ive structures in the city. '. ..; To Builders and otherf- Go to Jaco B s for Sash, Blinds and Doors, G lass, &c You can get all sizes and at tie lowest prices. . v , ... City Court. . I iThe case3 before. Mayor Hail this morning consisted - of two ' deserters from the revenue cutter Colfax, who were surrendered to the commander ; one man charged with lasV driving; who was. discharged; and ond failure to pay liccnseax," Which "was settled by giving lime for the delinquency with the understanding that the current taxes be paid as they fall due," -" ' ' x 7 i. Fell in. b lit. -L. z Mr. Edward, 3rjsbn -while-:intJ the f oihea of Messrs.-E. G-.Barker & Ca , to-day i was taken Vith a . lit which caused him to fall to ihc! floor. As- he fell his head struck" against . some of the furniture - of f the room, 1 inflicting quite a severe flesh wound: Dr. Schonwald was immediately' summon' ed, who administered the proper reme dies, after which' the afflicted: man, who has been in feeble health for sev eralinonths, was conveyed " in " a car riage to his heme bri Nutt street. Sells . Krothers' ?. Enormous United Shows. Amongst the rare animals which are exhibited in the zoological department ol the Sells Brothers, "are a-, male .' and female hippopotami., full . grown,, and the largest ever brougutrto.thiscountryj They are difficulty to, keep, alive, and some hundreds of callons of water have daily to be used. They are the most ferocious oLam phobia, and are by some said to be the identical Behemeth of Holy writ. Besides rthese, and some hundred other attractive features of the menagerie, there is a double-horned rhinoceros, a.-veritable: - monster, weighing five tons, and, the only pair of woolly Malay elephants ever exhibited. The great show will bo here on Satur day, the 29th inst., and the magnetic influence of its name will draw thou sands to visit it. 1 The Soils i Brothers have-always had the best circus and ring performers in the country, and the department this year has been still far ther enlarged,, with notable' accessions from Europe, i There is no question but that it is the largest travelling exhibi tion now in the country. r Tlie "Roge? Moore." The new truck for tho Wilmington Hook & Ladder Co., No. l,of which we made mention several days since, ar rived hero from -New ; -York on the Benefactor this morning, and had hardly been landed on the steamer's wharf before it was surrounded by a number of the members of the com pany,, who appeared justly proud of their new acquisition. It is a fine truck and is suppiied with every modern improvement and appliance necessary for expedition and efficiency when called upon. It is very appropriately named Roger Mborc, in honor of the first fore man of tho company, who has always taken a deep interest in its welfare and has done much to promote : its uscluls ness. " - '' '; We understand that the Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Co.", No. 1, and the Howard Relief Fire Engine Co., No. 1, will jointly tender a reception to th Hook & Ladder Co.; Ih7 compliment to the new acquisition 01 the latter and to Offer their congratulations for the same; the date of the reception to be fixed .1 by the Hook & Ladder Co. . ; The Joint Meotlnfir. - 1 A joint meeting of thoj Chamber of Commerce and Produce : Exchange was held at the rooms of the - latter at noon to-day. . ; Mr. : VanBokkeleri, President of the Chamber of Com merce, was called .to --the chair, who stated that! Mr. EthelbertTHubbs, of the U. S.,Treasury Department, had been senV'here by that Department, andwas present to ascertain the views and wishes 01 ine com merciaitcouiuiumLjr as to a petition signed by citizens i of this city, asking that the limits jot- the port be extended from the wharves j of Wilmington to the bar. The Chair man read tho petition and Mr. E,Pes chau, 1st Vice President of the . Chajti? ber of Commerce, explained its objects and answered questions asked as to the matters relating) tho same." . Col. Roger Moore, President of -the Produce Exchange, moved that it is the sense of those bodies that the Treas ury Department of the United States re requested to take no. x action f ia' the matter of this petition which was car ried.1; ..... 1 " ' j - ' " '"t . On motion it was unanimously ortr.; dered that the thanks of those bodies be returned, to , the. .Treasury Depart-J ment for the interest it has evinced and the action taken in this matter- Ad journed.: y.-J '' " -" ! A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi Hardware Depot. " t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE RUSH AT I n . " . - 1 in ,, xv-u.-rncu OJ-1 v Was so-great; that" it; was impossible for ; '.' Ladies to see. all the' latest novelties in -rj I L L I rj E R Y AMD FANCY GOODS I So the Opening will contmue foa feV day s longer: OllDEllS PROMPl'L Y A1TENDED TO. 3sro"VEx.TiBS SEciirvEp .qD.xty ,1 . TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market Street. Branch of New lYork, sept is. : ' : ; ; " I " .. The next entertainment at the Opera House will be given by Ze'ra Sembn, the magician, who will open in this city on Monday. "October 1st 2; aBd continue through the week. Jlewill be followed by. the .play of "Tlie Xreole.'f on the 8th of October, with.'Mis Lillian Spen cer in the title role. V An-Attractive; -Store. Taylor's Millinery and Fancy Goods Bazaar, at 118 Market street, is filled with a fine stock of goods-, and is visited by crowds of ladies daily, who are at tracted thither by the tempting display, some tor the purpose of making pur chases and - others merely to look for bargains to be made at some future day. Polite and' attentive salesmen are in attendance. . - Only' a JTarrric r's aiigrii t cr i" There was a good;. audience at th Opera House last night to' ;witn6ss the rendition of. the ab'ovq.nameil play. The drama had never been presented here bclorerbutit came fully up to leipecta tion and waxranted .tlie ,, praise, which had , been bestowed upon it ; by the press of other cities , 1 1 wherej it had been pertormed. ihe parts were verv well sustained 1 Miss : .Adelaide Cherie. in the dual character of -the adyerturbus Lizzie Stark and- Mme Laurent,7 did herself much credit ; arid was well supported by .; her u accomplice: Will F. Granger jn'the dual - character otJack Harttey .znittPhUip Bartliam. As the viilians of the . play, they 1 were entirely ' ' sucqesful ' and in some passages thy w,ere superb. Miss Cani-: illcKinzeyinihe title role; did sbnic splendid emotional acting ; "and in .the tnira acc.wnere sna awaiuau praci f ul, pleading agony of suspense for: v the decision of her; childr she captivaledj the entire. ; audience, who ; by :; their breathless silence : manifested t their appreciation of her dramatic -talent Little Mamie,, as Nelly, did remarka bly well; for a child of feer tender drears,; while Mr. Fred Hunter, as Sammy Qreent kept -the audience in perfect good humor. by his.. homely,;, blunt arid honest good humor.! The other char 2 acters, though necessary to the plot did ' noV call' for nrttch' display ' 1 of dramatic talent. il . ...THE M A fliS. 1 .'. " Theiualls lilosd ifld arrive aCthe City rob' office as follows: ' ' - - ' 1 rriwn Northern through-mails last..; 5 P. M. Northern through anwv in ills... A 40 A. M. anawv m.tus. a. m. ,;..:iiP. il, ana suo a. m. Raleigh 6. iai'. li, ana j UAiu ror tne..x. 17. xuuroaa anin routes BuppBed Iherefrom- tnclna- tag A. & N. ..CJalirdan at g.OO p JT.-ahd 5.40 . Southern Mails for all points South. daily. ...... fv. ....-. m - r- a,0flr Pxld; Western malls (C. C.Ranway)dany, r (except Sunday).. .-...;........ ..6.15 PM. All polnta betweeai HainlctPttdJRaO , eilri...-.... .............C.15 P. M. Mail for Cheraw and Darlington Rail-. road-... sjx r,M. Mails for points between -Florence and Cliarlestoa... .8.00 P. M. Fayettevllle aud offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays.. ....1.00 P. M4 Fayettevllle, via Lumberton, daily, i except Sundays ..-.6.15, P. Mi Onslow C. II. aud Intermediate offi- - ; . ces, Tuesdays and Fridays - 6.00 A. M. Smith villc malls, by steamboat, dally (except Sundays) 8-30 A- M. Mails for Easy Mill, Town Creek, . . t, t.t Shallotte and - Little . River, Tucs- . days and' Fridays...., t ......6.(0 A. L Wrlghtsvllle, daify ..S.3Q.A-. M. i OPEN FOR DELIVERY,,. Northern through and way malls- .7.30 A. M CardUaa'Ceatral Ratbroal.. A.vsXfl.tWA.'M. Malls collected from street boxes business portion of city a A. M., 11.30 A-L and 5.30 P. M. anTfrom-otherpolnu of thcf ttty at 5 P.M. ' - ' Stamp Office open from 3 A. Jtf. to i i M., and from 2 to &.30 P. M.- Mney order and Register Department open same as stamp office : ; - Stamps for sale la smad quantities at general delivery .when stamp office is closed- General delivery open from 7 A. M- H7-30 P.M. awl on Sundays from 8.30 to 90 A. M. " . - Carriers' dtf? very open q sjuouayi iwu si tb A. M. r (' s- y ; It Will Pay ' . r: ; All Who desire" tb dress well on "a, limi ted purse to buy their Clotliing of A & ISiirier- They buy. only ror . Casli and allow their patrons to share in the benefits of all advantages thus gained. , - - " tf NEW AliVJEKTISEMENTS.' Baltimore & Wilmington Steamship 'Line. Steamer 11ALEICU I, I CAPT. LITTLEFIELD, Will, sail from - " - BALTIMOBE, . SATURDAY, SEPT. 22d. AND FROM '. THURSDAY, Sept. 27th. For Freight Engagements, apply Xo i ' ' , :, . A?;i; CAZAUX.Agt., . . : ' -' i Wilmington, N.' C. ANDREWS, & CO., Agts., S. W. Corner Light and German Sta ' ' eept 19- Baltinlore. Notice. A BUTCHERS AND DEALERS QCCU- -cm.-' - . h -i ; - pying Stalls and spaces In the Public Markets; upon which one half of annual premium has been paid, are hereby notified that the balance (second half) of premium is payable on lor be fore September 20th,i 1833, at 12 o'clock, tp Col. John D.; Taylor, City Clerk and Treasur er. Parties Interested will take notice. .! . j .' 'JPIIN: L.' DUDLEYy .'. ' ! Chairman Com. on Markets and Foes sept iS2t i . . t i y t - . . - -i-WoticeV,:; -": s JA-LL STORES, STALLS AND SPACES un der the control of the Committee on Markets 4ind Fees will be rented at public auction, at the Trent Street Market Ilduse, at 1 o'clock. Sept. 20th, 1853. 1 One month's rent sill be re : i I ' ' ' ! . ..." . . quired to be paid on- the spot upon all Stores or Rooms, and; the annual, .premlnm. on. ill Stills or Spaces. - JOHN L." DUDLEY, I ; , . - ' ,.t. ' . ' . . j ; ' Chairman Cbm.-oa Markets and Fees ! sept 18-2t - 1 ' - - - .-; : ' : Found. -POCKETBOOK- CONTAINING A Small sum of money and a return ticket from .Old I'oint to Wilmington, was found In a car on the Mount Washington K. R., a few ilavs sittce. jptiii particulars ras to recovery made k nown at tlds olllce. 1 fceptn-3t t -y ;' J.h. WINNER,: PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST, - ; - t , New Market, Wilmington, N . C- ' i Having purchased the entire outfit of Mr. -T. T. Burnett, j am now prewired to execute ov tiers for I'hotographa, of AH styles, tdzes. awl prices, with dispatch and skitU I have bad twenty-years' cxper fezkCe In ' t)e" ti'usinesa' and will guarantee satisfaction !i all caeca." A call U respcctfnlly solicited ptlSly jDape Fear. Afcadciiiy I o PENS MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st. Fits young men snd bovs for Biulness or Collesre Instruction thorough. Fnll corps of teachers. Patronage has steadily Increased since dis lenlngv-Parents will t tease enter sons: at keginnlnjj.oC term. : cc r-AUlogun . in - Itook Stores. ; WASHINGTON. CATLKTT.., ; i:septl72w " r Princhl 1 ReVr.Difiiel Morrelle's fengllsh1 and Classical rilHK TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL SES !ON will begin, IK V. fourth ot October. THURSDAY, the tept 1 tf: it- The name ot the writer ianat ahrari fa. lahed to the EiUtor. t : . l-'r Com m mi icatlona mxt . be - wrinp ..Wi- mi . ooealdeox the p&peu .'J1 s.J- Pcr3onaIiUc moat be avoided.' - - U 4-. 'And It la eapcdaUy mad parUcnlarly cad 14 stood that the Editor does aot always eador -the views oi correspondents nnleaa - so' state- In the editorial, colnnau. . . . 4 '- - - KEW ADVERTISlilMBNTS.-. GREAT IND UCEIlEIfT; I i i -AT- 2; M.- .KAXZ 116 Marltet Strcct.v 3 ' ; A3 WE ARE EXTENDING" OUR STORE,' and the workmen need the room, we are now offering GREAT BARGAINS - i4 '"' t a IN Dress Goods, Embroideries. " 4. : " "I-."' !' . 1. h White Goods; t I.ADIKS AND GKNTS' 6AUSE - UNDERWEAR, - . STAPLE AND FAKCY" '. I 1 Dry Goods, lc, &c I .... - . -j 1 1 i ' - -. I "! " . - iv '" - I - .L We are determined TO CLOSE ' OUT OU It STOCK and j commence with onr Improve'- - ' - f M r 1 1 ment; also, AN ENTIRE NEW ST OCK FOR.1 FALL AND WINTER. " , '::.! - - . - - " W i Call and secure BARGAINS at : . - ':I:Tw1.''m.1katz?:,:v-;;: 1 ;Ji 6 market sti';v. School Books ! School Booko I T?OR ALL SCHOOLS IN THE STATR.' A liberal discount to Merchants and Teach. - ers. Slates, Copy 'Book's, Crayons. IlWllr Afraua nri1 Itniva Paper, Pens, Pencils, ink, Bnlers. Parents will please send their children to- HEINSBKRER'S. PIANOS & ORGANS QOLD AT REASONABLE PRICES AT, HEINSBERGER'Si' ,tcpt 17 - ..Live Book and Music Stoxca William II. Green, . : WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, 117 MARKET. STREET. - . --i ' CARRY 'A FULL LINE' OF DRUGS, FANCY GOODS.! Ac., and have facilities fo offering Inducements to all who use or handle flieoicine. - : i . . v cttl2: -rBest Liquors,-, ; rinesruigars,;;; AT THE OLD.NORTH 8TATB SALOON; -J urop in ana try tuo Tar-llccrs.MIilures.j t , ;, sept 7 For Fall Winter Comforts1 JN THE HOUSEHOLD LINE. Goto. . S r V PARKER TAYLOR'S. 'K Pure White Oil. t , . ept!7 Z ART. EIRST-CLASS FREE HAND PORTRAITS ' -. i-.' 1 ' ' s-ul' ' J "r'- t 4f' 10 Crayon ami Paste!,; finished in. thel finest I Btvie'erTX'0mir taktajfUie place of Oil and 1 Water Colors everywhere. Oilers will will receive prompt - attention. Satisfaction; guaranteed, . - ,, 1.. ut. ,i OWN T. THO M AS. Artist,' . : " -r Studio 8CI Broadway. N. Y J V A(Mrea 144 West 23d rt., N. Y: . , ; ' j 'A' scptl7-if, . J;.i:J Fall E-3ato- I- ADIKS COLORED STRAW HATS- AD - JHiNNCTS. SCHOOn JfATrf. NECKWEAR ' KIWI Arlw1 M IIMfW 2swrwla -I - - i .. , .If- 1 '.fJ I . MRSb- KATE -C.-WINES ro. i ir Aonn bccott.1 Street. : ; septs - next South of Postoffif-e FLOUIDA WATER- i i "Il . - VIOLET WATER. ' t . 'iij-1 1 ' J ' ; HELTOTP.OFKVAfER;:" . , . vyiuxis ntwK WATfnr; i ' - RAZKNA WATER8.; AUo a complete assortment of Colognes and. !. Perfumery for the Summer season. T. Prescriptions oompoaoded -day and Jl Blghtat ...... .. F.;C MILLER'S. l -r j ! ' . - -I German Drugjrlat. -J; y . jcpt S- :.. Carver Fourth and Nun jti. ;:',VJanted. :-;T i I S 20UTIiEJCX TI M C E 1 JUVN DS . ' A I. A tUi Y, t act. PrittcipaH only will be tieatcl mllh. - . . " ut : - - adlrcAs, 1UX 2,5G POST OFFICE. eept'nstdritw . New York 1