THIS PAPER bU3hed every evening. Sundays ex- ccpted by JOSH T. JAMES EDITOR AS D PROPRIETOR. -uB3CBIPTIOX3 POSTAGE PAID: rear Six months, $2.00. Three months. $1.00; One month, 35 cents. The pai 1)6 deUvcrcd b carriers free f charge, to any part of the city, at the above 'lor 10 cents per week. Advcstislng rates low and liberal. -Subscribers will report any and all fall to receive thcslr paper regularly, . & rie ay Rvvtew JMs the largest iMui fide circulation, of any newspaper t faked, in me cuy vj v inningion "Tliss Mildred Lee. the daughter of Gen. Robert E..Lcc, is visiting m Bos ton. Ex-Senator David Davis and his wife have gone to Fayettcville on a ViSl. "At Springfield, Illinois, a copious rain full on Sunday, the first shower iri that section lor nine weeks. The Democratic primaries in Balti more resulteAfavorably to R. McLane fur Governor of Maryland. In ten years the white illiterate vote of Kentucky increased 11,000, and the illiterate colored vote 6,000. A -Fifth Avenue New Yorker has paid his neit door neighbor $5,000 not to lease his house lor business pur poses. . . . . The latest returns from- the agricul tural districts of England show a large iiuicase in the foot and mouth disease anion? the cattle The New Orleans Cotton Exchange h.'H iiisfnictud its president to appoint a (ounnittce often to direct the cation exhibition in the Exposition of 1883. Tito United States naval station at V.ilk; Tranche in the-' Mediterranean Jias been abolished, and the last -of the naval stores were removed on Sunday Stiventy-uina. gcographic.l societies. Iislribiited thrtmghout tho world, wore in existence at the beginniug of the Var,- with a total membership of 38,000. A mass was sung in Milwaukee on Saturday last- for the souls of the 300 persons who perished in the Lady El gint on Lake Michigan, twenty4laree yearsago. i The Boston Globe notes as a curious fact that when there is a railroad acci dent the man wno does not at once .call for brandy is either among the killed or unconscious. The investigation of the recent River dale disaster, in New York harbor, dis closed the fact that the inspector had never inspected tho boiler of the boat He had, he said, merely looked into that boiler. The comet discovered by Prof. Swjft, director of tho Warner Observatory, at Rochester, N. Y is moving almost directly toward the earth, and hence it was impossible to verify it until Sunday morning, although it was first seen by him on the previous Tuesday. i William D. Ho wells, the noyelist, is a young-looking man, of middle height; his hair is cropped short and parted in the centre ; he wears a short gray mostache, and his aspect is that of a student. He shrinks from society and is of quiet and domestic tastes. Lord Beaconsfielfl tried to read Ro mola and could not; yet it is George Eliot's masterpriece. The Augusta Chronicle says that Mr. Stephens was in the same fix with lorna Doone, the finest production of that remarkable genius, R. D. Blackmqre. Tastes differ. A syndicate in Galveston proposes to build wharves out to deep water in the Gulf of Mexico. To do this they will try to borrow $5,000,000 of the State's surplus, which" will exceed $5,000,000 two years hence, and will be $10,000, 000 within five years, if the State sells the school lands. . w Osceola , the great Seminole chieftain, does not lie in a neglected grave in Fort Moultrie' ruins, as some -sentimentalists have been wailling. His bones were long since removed to a Charleston cemetery and a monument rises over them, while only the tomb" stone remains in the fort.. The Chattanooga Tiinf, citing Ats lanta as a port of entry, says : "The enormous sum of $21 was collected there in the form of duties, on. imports for the fiscal year ended Juno 30, 1883, and it cost the government $1,068 to take in that much or $52 and a fraction for every dollar collected." The King of Dahomey is one of those sable potentates who recognize dear y enough the Gladstonian distinctness between a suzerain and a sovereign. Hearing that the Portuguese garrison of Whydah intended to cede the place to the English, he promptly inf prisoned them all until they promised not to do so. J--V - . -.: t ' Li". ' - " : . . r. !. . " . 1 ! i. - f - - - :7trrr'S!rttrr FLEAMS NOTICE, wW-.l--. VQL. VII.) I1 WILMINGTON. N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER Shortly before hc departure, for Eu rope Mrs. Langtry itatcdi'that she held extensive mortgages on property iri Fifth avenue and other I streets. ; Re cently the truth of 'the "statement was confirmed by the filing at the' t regis trar's office of an assignment 'of several mortgages tojrs. Lartgtry by William Boswelllon property in New York, the consideration being $81,000. J j: . . . r, -; . ' J no M. Langston, the American minister to Ilayti, himself a colored man; the other day spoke to a St. Louis reporter of Frederick! Douglass thus : "I must say that ihe is the most im practicable man . that ever assumed a leading position in j the affairs of his race. He has actually, with allj his splendid ability, accomplished nothing in all his years of labor." Alluding to the New Jersey platform the World says: "This is the voice of a Democratic State j whose ; electoral vote is almost! certain to be given to the Democratic candidates, i It probably settles the policy of the party on the tariff question in its i National Conven tion antl-dUposes oil the hopes of the visionaries who are dreaming of a dif ferent result." ! I ! ' New York's howl about the new pos tal money order; as voiced by a con es pondent oi the Sun, lis that they are "mean looking pieces of yeho w paper," ( if ! liko a circular of somo now soap oc advertisement of' same quack luedi-j cine;" that the place of payment is "up itc !, flight (lf stair." ami that 'the holder haj! to take his place in one long line to sign his name, and in an other long line to get the order, cashed.!' LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW IADVERTISEMENTS. Yates School Booka ! j Old North State Saloon j llKINSBEKGER School Books F C Miller Florida Water, &c i E II Frkkman Rustic Pictures i Giles & MCRCiiisoNH-Tin Toilet Sets i Knights and readies of Jlonor Local ad B M McIntirk Dry Goods and Carpets W II Greek Wholesale ahd Ketail DruggUt The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 234 bales1. ! - There was nothing to report at the 'City Court Roomjthis morning. s j The tides continue! to be unusually high, which is indicative f of Easterly gales at sea. I f ! i ! . The sewer at the foot of Dock street has been repaired and the crossing is now in good condition, j j Capt. R. P. Paddison says that in the country in the Point Caswell section is about all under water, in consequence of the recent heavy, and long continued rains. - ' i ' A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at JacOiii's Hardware Depot- i t The Br. steamship' Woodsides, which arrived this morning, was i the largest vessel that was I ever brought through Snow's Marsh Channel Capt, A, M. Guthrie, of Smithfield, jwa3 her pilot, Capt. James McGowan, at the North Carolina Saloon,! keepsj cigars which are a luxury to smoke and cheap at tire price. If you are thirsty and in need of a stimulant he can concoct a bever age worthy a prince. ' ; From the quantity ofgoodsi arriving in the city it would appear that tho va rious merchants look for a prosperous season and are bound that their clerks and salesmen shall have , plenty to do for the next few months, i ! Mr. E. H. Freeman, has j fitted up hi3 photographic rooms very neatly and they are as cosy as need be desired. In this issue he invites tho ladies to visit the rooms, when thcy are shopping, where they can restj themselvesi - Black River and jthc streams tribu tary lb it are reported as being higher than has ever been known before! The bridges on many of the Istreams have been washed away and tjie country is inundated in ! every direction, and; a largo portion! of the crops jab under water. - - i i ! I m i . "When the night wind bewaiietlil. the Fall of the year,"; as it did last night, "And sweeps from the forest- tho leaves that are sere," ' j -:. i as it has. been doing for soiuetime past, it begins to be time to lay ip a stock ol Winter fuel, before the price gets above the reach or ordinary mortals. 4 - ; . Knights and Ladles of ilonor. Regular meeting this (Thursday) eve ning. Full attendance desired. ; It . The celebrated 'Fish Brand GilU Twine is sold only ; at Jacobi's I IanI warsDepct. . : . -. - ' Renting: th Stalls. The unoccupied stores, stalls and spaces under the control of the Com mi t- teen Markets and Fees.of the Board of Aldermen, wereofieied for sale at pul lie auction at 1 o'clock this afternoon, with Mr. Seth Davis as tho auctioneer. The sale took! place at the New Market House, the first being for premiums for choice of stalls 1, 3 and 5 in the Fifth Ward Market House, the rent of which is fixed at $5 per month. Mr. Solomon Reeves bid $16 for the first choice and selected stall No. l. . Mr: O. H. Ken nedy took stall No. 3 at a premium of $10, and Mr. Solomou Reeves took stall No. 5 at a premium of $7.50. Vegetable stalls 2, laud G, the rental of which is fixed at $2.50 per montb, were then offered for premium lor choice, when Mr. O. H. Kennedy took stall No. 2 at a premium of $2.50 and stall No. 4 at a premium ot $1. Stall No. 6 was sold to ' Mr. George Pear man at a premium of $1. The premium for vegetable stall No. 1. of the Fourth Street Market, the rent of which is fixed at $5 per month, was thn offered and i was sold to G. E. Sampson for $1.25. The privilege of spaces 3 and 4 in the yard of Fourth Street Market was then offered and b.ith were sold to Mr, T. A. Watson for 50 cents each per month. Beef stalls Nos. 13, 15 and IG, hi the New Market, the rental of which is fixed at $8 per month, Were then offer ed for .the premium for choiccj S. Merrick secured No. 13,-- for which he paid a premium of $2.i The other two were not sold. Vegetable stalls 2. 3 and 4, the rental of which is fixed at $G per month each, were then offered and No. 2 was sold to S. Allen for a premium of $ 1 ; No. 3 to A. J . Blackman for 50 cents aud No. 4 to J. D. Davis for 25 cents. The drug store, on Front street, -occupied by Mr. J. H. Hardin, was .rented to ihim again at $15 per month, who also rented the room he now occupies on the "second floor! at $1 per month. The store on Front street, occupied by Adam Brown, was aain rented to him for $16 per month. The store occupied by Capt. j.'L. Boatwright was again rented to him at $17 per month. jThe room In the Southwest corner of the building, on Water street, was rented to Mr. J. R. Melton for $7 per month: the centre room on Water street was rented to Mr. W. J. Mott, for $5.25 per month ; the Northwest room, occupied by Mrs. Rhoda Carter as a restaurant, was again rented' to .her! at !$17 per month. A room on the second floor, on the East end of the building, .was rented to Mr. K. L. Winner, its present occupant, at $1 per month. Vegetable stalls 5, G, 7 and 8, the rent of which is fixed at $4 oer month, were then offer ed for the premium, but there were no bidders and consequently no sale. Tho Three Gent Stamps. As the new postal law reducing the irate of postage on letters to all parts of the United States to two cents goes into operation October 1, there is unnecess sary discussion about the "redemption'? of three-cent stamps and stamped en veiopes, which are not used before that date. The three-cent stamp will beuse ful in a variety of ways after it ceases to be required for the usual single-weight letter. It will be 'convenient to use where three ounces are required! or where triple postage, is needed on a letter, or with a two-cent stamp on a foreign letter. Instead of needing to be redeemed as useless, the three-cent is likely to be missed as a convenient denomination with which to . make higher combinations in value. i The Associatiou. The Eastern Baptist Association will convene at Bethlehem Church, in Cain tuck township, Pender county, on the Tuesday after the first Sunday in Octo-f ber, which will be October 9th. The people of that section, with the hospi tality for which 'they have ever! been noted, are making ample preparations for the comfort and accommodation o visitors. ; During the meetings, wmcn will probably be continued until : the following Sunday, the steamer John DawsonvrM make daily trips from this city for the accommodation of those who may desire to attend, and the fare will bejmaterially reduced, as may, be seen by advertisement which will appear in due season in the Review. . . Capt. R. S. Radcliffo aad wife returq ed from their trip to the ; Western- part of the Stale last night mucli. improved in health. - , - To Builders and others-- Go to J aco bi's for Sash, Blind3 and Doors, Glas?, c. Yea cztl get all tlzci cr.d fit tl2 l(wfte wvfs ...... . , , , 1J)V l4..".. - .... NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DRY GOODS AMD CARPETS I A more attractive stock . iwe! have ever shlown, and , OUR PRICES WILL BE LO WER ! . 1 , Til AN AT ANYTIME IN THE PAgT. 4 FURNISHING GOODS : CARPETS we can sell at lower time since wc have been in the business. ... ' . ' . - ' x Respectfully. ' ) - ( . . p sept 20, 1883 i . Exports Foreigrn. ' ' . Ger. brig Diana Capt. Schroeder, cleared to day for Falmouth, Eng , for orders, with '1.G00 casks spirits turpen tine i and 31)0 barrels rosm;: valued at $29,600.80. shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son. 1 1 AUKiirlit. Messrs Kirk wood j and Ilewes, United Slates Inspectors ol Steamboats for this district, are in the city, and this morning inspected the steam yacht MnniehaJut, which we are glad to Ieurn, they found all right, she having success fully withstood all the tests! applied. They will leave to morrow, i S . Not Siistuiucd. One of our policemen was arrested yesterday and carried before Justice Millis on a charge of assault and bat tery preferred against him by a colored man whom he ha'd arrested the ' day before. 1 After investigating the case the Magistrate . found that the police man was acting simply in the discharge of his duty under the law and he was discharged, while the . prosecutor ' was mulcted in the costs. , -t 4 Direct Trade. ! The. British steamship Woodsides, Capt. Jenkins, arrived here this morn ing from Philadelphia, consigned to Mr. C. P.. Mebane. The Woodsides is a brigtnline rigged iron screw steam mm m ' m . m snip ot 1.771 . tons buraen, ana is, we believe, the largest vessel that ever visited this port. , She., will '.load with cotton at the wharf of the Wilmington Compress Co., and will be followed by others if freights offer in sufficient quan tities to warrant. ' The New! Hotel. Capt R. P. Paddison has just had completed at Point Caswell a hotel for the accommodation of visitors to that thriving town. There are several par ties negotiating for its lease, but it is not yet determined who will be the first landlord to open a hotel there. ; It will , be a great convenience to the traveling public, aside from tending to give dignity and character to the place. . Point ' Caswell is bound to boom. " . r For Offices. We learn that the i Carolina Central Raiiroad Company have' , bought the property on .North ; Front " street i now occupied by Mrs. JIorriiou, as a board ing house, and will convert the i same into offices for their use.- We could not learn the price paid nbr any , 'other particulars regarding the . purchase. It is a desirable location and can be ar ranged with a very little j trouble so as to make comfortable and convenient offices. , - 1 . . t ' "! : " If Air. M. Piper, of Toronto, Canada, states that the coDqueror of pain, St. Jacob's Oil. is the most certain cure for rheumatism. , , . t.j ; ... , ; "4 n,Vf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TIN TOILET SETS. KEEP TITE L4KQXST : A3TD REST selection of TIN BEDROOM SETS in the place Call and get prices before baying eUewhere. , . , K, 5 ! Giles & Itlnrcliisou. sept 2) ; lUurchlson Block Rustic Pictureo- SOMETHING 1IANDSUXE . AHD .NLy. Come In iwl let Ux: Gronenberg: itke one of yn loa wUl aever get a prettier or more Iteevutsg yAcfxiili3 1 iOidr iixUHry . & always - , I "" ' ' " opea t9 the public. G&ll apami lee uj wheth- cr yon want mm jthiog or vtoU Jjxdiem will fin4 cur Ceee piicm Koon a nice toe to rt n hen j down town horrti. All are cartlU'-lj 1- Tited. jr T.-iOr-WrscIl 1 - t it . 1:. i - ? .', -f- r ' . ..... 20. 1883. NO. 224 i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. in every department i tlian IN . GEE AT yiEIETZ 1 prices, in yard wido goods, than at any '5 Wait a few days and we can suit you. 4 R; M. RIcIWTIRE. . . . 1 Smokes. k. MICO AND SAIiATOGA-13 cts. Cigars JOliy Thought, White Cloud, Hoodlum. Liver Pill, Southern Star, and Our General, tho best 5 cents Cigar, made ' . , . . , . . Cood Liquors, Draught Beer, JE-cJ " - ; OLD NOUT1 1 bTATJfi SALOON. , sept 2j Baltimore & Wilmington a. Steamship Line. Steamer RALEIGH, it - ' (5apt. littlffield. Will sail from BALTIMORE, SATUKDA Y5 SEPT. 22d. -. ' ANE FROM x,3yri3srcrT03sr, THURSDAY, Sept. 27tli, 1 . . 1 For Freight Engagements, apply to A.:i. CAZAUX, Agt, , I Wilmington, N. C. ANDREWS, & CO., Affts., . S. W. Corner Light and German Sts , . sept 19- , i Baltimore. IS - l.,'..-. 1 ... New Furniture Warerooms. A T NO. 20 GRANITE ROW, SO. FRONT St., I have opened with what I think Is a well selected stock of j Furniture and Bedding, i -Embracing many new dcslgtis Iff Bedroom and Parlor Suits. . J ,-...!- . , 1 t i Our aim shall be to deal fairly and Bqnarcly with all, and respectfully ask a share of the puoiic patronage, courteous treatment guar anteed to all who favor me with a calL . ll septlOaf THOMAS C. CRAFT. Agent i; : - Found; i POCKETBOOk CONTAINING A Small sum of money and 3 "return ticket from - Old Point to WilralDirton. was found In a "car on the Mount Washington R. K., a few davs since. Fuji particulars as to recovery made eeptl7-3t i J. L. WINNER, PHOTOGRAPHIC-ARTIST; : ' ' New Market, Wilmington, Ni C. HaTincr purchased the enUre outfit of Mr. J. J Burnett,, 1 am now prepared to execute or ders for Photographs, of all styles, sizes and prices, with dispatch and skill. I hare had twenty years experience In the business and will guarantee satisfaction In all cases. A call Is respectfully solicited. - sept-13 ly - Cape Fear Academy o PEN8 MONDAY, ; OCTOBER IsL' ilta voung men and Toya for Business or "Colleire nstxtictlon thoronsrh. - Fall corra of teaetiers. Patronage baa steadily, increased alnc lu opening. Parents will please enter sovs at berinninsof term. -See catakirues fn Book Stores. . .WASHINGTON CATLETT. - t septl2wl: 4 . - Principal . Rev. Daniel Morrelle's Eulisli . -and Classical : m . . . 1 -4- f ' - - School, IllE : TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL SES tolON will begin, D. V.; TritfRSDAYj the fourthil OeiobeVv tept 17 if Ei!Gi-Blair,-.; j v.- Q.ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, T . No- 19. INurth Seon.l Street, - Wlicilnton, K. C SoV.rlu eons!irnmest3of all kinls of Country rroiUe.. io priesan'l quick returns tiar-C; cr.ud. V.'ill u :.!,-toct;er ULiikcu ua-: n --u W e will be glad to receive eccantmieatlon from our friends on any and " all sub j ecu general Interest but r 1' The name of the writer most always be fu nlahed to the Editor.- i' " t J ; 4 " : - oommunicauons must be written em j cnl one aide ot the paper. J 7 - "- Person&liuea must be avoided. And It Is especially and particularly end Ptood that tho Editor docs not always endbx the views ot corrcspomlen ia snlosa ' so staU.- In the' editorial oolumna. . , . " !r EW AJyERTISEMHNTS. MRS. S. J. BAKER, ; 1215 Market St., - i Millinery Emporium. JO BRANCH HOUSE, BTJT TIIK GREAT CENTER la the MUlinery Dcpartnicnt. shall lo recelvieg f or the next two months, weekly, from tho lClh bepUmbcr, . . t r EVERT CLASS OF GOODS IJI MY JJXE r ..' selected by myself, of the most' approved : stylcsi and newest patterns, and will sell them for CASH AT THE LOWEST FIGURES. I t ... - - - "j- ), 1 have secured the services of the most Artistic Trimmers in the Northern Cities and will 1 ' 'i 1 " i ) t - give my patrons. the benefit of their skuli Tho Ladles of Wilmington aremoVtl respectfully Invited to call and examine my. stock before making any purchases. ; POIJTE LADY" CLERKS will be In attend ance w wan on tncpi. ; . t - , , . , . i 'lAmisr UNDERWEAR A SPEdALlY also Toys ard Notions. 1 , j , 5 My establishment wni be flrst-elaas Irs every department. "-, i i w umingiou, ell iz, jssi." ',. Just Received II cAin r HAVK JUST RECEIVED Bit STKAMEI I ..: . 1- "r. :f ,. ' ir . 1 I , - a. large lot of HAT.- tmttablc for! Schcl llats: A nice assortment of COLORED' STRAWS,! Milan and Canton.for Ladies' Fall wear-f latest ttliuica. , - - ' - . . - t-. v JASU RIUBONS anl all other widths aud mialltie. ' - , i r r nu une ti naniwercmcrnUk nnl Linen, titjves Kld.'Sllk and IJjflc. - . .. . jp Parasols and Neckwear. ; ! ' Am selling the alove at very reasonably pr'ces to make room for a large stock of Fall . and Winter (jixxls. , j-, stamping! and Hair work done promptly, li Agency Universal Faslilon Co'x Patterns. '-' - ' .. . - Respectfully, t . ; . i,;.- ' MISS E. KAIlltER, sept 10 , EXCHANGE CORNER : Millinery & Fancy Goods. I A DIES AND CHILDREN'S HATS " ' i BONNETS, LACE TIES and . " -j i BOWS AND RIBBONS, T - ,1 j ) In all the latest styles. L' - ' j ., . " 'Orders from the country promptly filled and - l ' j k ,j satisfaction guaranteed. if s I -mi ; " My patrons will find It to their Interest to call and examine. ' .. MRS. S. J. BAKER, 122 MARKET STREET. ' j Rsept 10 ' ; ..m ,.,.- . J , School Books I i j ! m School Books;! T710R ALL SCHOOLS IN THE STATE.' i A liberal discount to Merchants aud Teach- ers. Slates, CopyBooks, Crayons. r . oiruna ana uaars. i Paper. Pens. Pencils, ink. Rnlen Art , Parents will please send their children to i i HIINSBRGERaSf PIANOS &ORGANS gOLD AT REASONABLE PRICES AT HErNSBERGER'S, rept 17 Lire Book and Music Stores William II. Cfrecn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG G 1ST, i 117 MARKET STREET. I ill I CARRY A FULL LINE OF DRUGSj FANCY GOODS. &c. and have facilities for offering Inducements to all who use or har.dic' Medicine. OoblBeer, : '' -Best Liquors, r '-' . Finest I Cigars, A T THE OLD NORTlI STATE SALOON. XlL , i , 1 Drop in and try the Tar-Heel's Mixtures, 'i sept 7 . ' i , . For Fall & Winter Comforts IN THE HOUSEHOLD LINE, -, Goto: ? - PARKER A TAYLOR'S. ear Pnre Wmta on.,; -4 ' sept 17 AC2"Tsi THIRST CLASS FREE HAND PORTRAITS la Crayon and Pastel, finished In tho finest stvle. Very popular, taking the pUrotoil ahd Water Colors everywhere, onlers will will reeetve prompt attention. Katurrbut guaranteed. j ORIN T. THOMAS, Artbjt, . . '. V '"v.; . SBroaJwar.N. Y. Addreua 144 West 231 sL. N. Y. . . 1 septn-tf - - -. t . ;t . Fall Hate, L Al IKS COLORED STRAW HATS' AND 114 S NETS. KCHOOL II ATS. NECKWEAR oilier Mllllnerr iloU. t .. j - MliS. KATKC WINES.1 , No, 119, NortU Heemvt lrt. ept is - wil outh of Powtofthte rU)K!DA WATER. - - 1 ' LAVKSDLR WATER -;: VIOLKT WATKR, . i ' , IlELHrrKOPK WATER. " . .WHITE lilit: WATKl KA7.ENA WATER. Alia -onjptete ato-tracnt of tuhne aul ivriiinsfry ir im; scinincr K-34jn. l xtrij'lh'i't va ".ifr,.',,j i;: tit 4 . t. ;,n. ; ; . . i if ESi.l 1