THIS PAPER published every evening. Sundays ex eeptedby , JOSH T.JAMES, EDITOR AND ?BOPKIETOB. . SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: one yea' Six months, $2.00. Three months, $1.00; One month. 35 cents. ' The raper will be delivered by carriers free of charge, to any part of the city, at the above ates, or 10 cents per week. .A " ' 1 Ad ve8tlBlng rates low and liberal. Subscribers will report any and all fall nrpa to receive their paper regularly. .'- The Daily Review ha$ the largest bona fide circulation, of ant; newspape vublished, in the city of Wilmington. The new ironciaa; JnonaunocK was successfully launched at Mare Island .i " - iinrv vard. San Francisco, last Tues- day. . " 4 Mr. l'arnell has paid off a mortgage on his estate amounting to 13,000 from the proceeds-of the Parnell testi monial fund. . , Alexandre Dumas, fils, has under taken a crusade against the increasing luxury and realism of scenery and dress on the stage. : II. W. Goldman and George Moseler fought a duel with swords near Mil waukee, Tuesday night, about a young girl, and Moseler was seriously wouud The Illinois State board of health has inlormation that a mild form of scarlet fever is spreading throughout the State, in some places assuming the propor lions of an epidem ic. The Emperor ol Brazil has given Pro h;ssor Lacerda $20,000 for his-di&covery of piM-manganate ol polRSs.uuii, " hjpo- drriuieally injected, as an antidote lr tUe bitu of the cobra. The Nortolk . Virainian thinks that il the country had. the option of x (, flanging Billy Mahone t'wr futonanl finH-iy it" might go '.-.hard with the Senator. He would surely he left out n the cold. " , - The Christian convention -under the guidance of IK L. Moady, lite evangel ist, began a three days' session in Chico. go last Tuesday. About three thousand persons, chiefly ministers and evan gelists, were present. The last clause of the constitution oi the new State of Dakota was passed upon at Siov.z Falls Tuesday, and the convention adjourne, leaving the final arrangement of the; documents in the hands of a committee. The first of the many tokens received by Mrs. "Stonewall" Jackson and her daughter during their stay in Boston was a superb basket of roses, "with the compliments of a few members of the Grand Array of the Republic." The loss by Tuesday nigbVs fire at Broadway and Spring streets. New York, proves to be much heavier than was at first anticipated and will proba. blyreacha million. Several firemen were injured by the excessive heat. Of the rich newspaper men James Gordon Bennett runs two yachts and four-in hands , Robert Bonner is the owner of 170 horses; Charles A. Dana keeps a Pullman parlor car, while we aro putting in a foundation for a kite.- The largest diamond ever brought to this country has just been imported by a New York jewelry firm. The stone is as yet uncut, but has been sent to the lapidary at Boston. The stone was found in Africa and weighs 125 carats. Jay Cooke has not ; only paid dollar for dollar his vast indebtedness, but is now worth at least a million dollars, ' fortunate mining speculations in Colo rado haviug made him again a million aire. The other members of the old firm have also done well. As the New Orleans treasury base now stands, tho council refuses to amend the budget, the treasurer re fues to pay the warrants issued under the present budget and the council is prohibited by the court from impeach ing the treasurer. Dispatches from Silver City, N. M., Announce the finding of Charley Mc Comas, the little son of Judge and Mrs. McComas, who were butchered by Indians in Arizona some months ago. The parties who have him claim the $15,000 reward, which will be paid. The New York Times says that the attempt of Senator Mahone and his Virginia Campaign Association to in timidate and plunder the department clerks is a clear violation of the . civil service law and demands the prompt attention ol the Attorney General or some of his representatives. The Times is a Republican paper. . The general passenger and ticket agents association of the United States have been in session this week in Chicago. A resolution to reaffirm the rule allowing only 250 pounds of bag gage was passed. A motion to return to schedule rates on all lines represented in the association ; on Oetober 1 and maintain them rigidly passed - ' ' j ; i . " "y ' 4 -44'"'" '- --' 4; '4 J: "' "4 :' ---:'.4T4 "'"'':.j VOL. VIIJ WILMINGTON. N. G.j SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER The man who painted the spire of the Roman Catholic Church in Omaha-was photographed standing I on the cross, 210 feet above the pavement. --' - The postal telegraph promises to be a success. Bonanza Mackey. at least, is satisfied with it. j A day or two ago it Is alleged that two operator sent and re ceived 512 messages in three hours. The average was about ninety messages an hour tor each operator. Ie is understood that between New, York and Boston the oest operators on tne ordinary wires . - . - . . i cannot send oyer seyenty-five messages an hour. m LOCAL) NEWS. 1 index to hew Advertisements. Yates School Books; J R B Jewetx For Bent . A & I Shkier Local ad , . j Taylor's Baza ak Bargains " -j , i Helnsbekgek School Books' F C Miller Florida Water, &c E II Freemak Rustic Pictures; W C Craft, Sect'y W, S F E Co No 1 W II Greex Wholesale and Retail Droggiit 4- Day's length 12 hours and 0 minutes. 1 . Ricebirds sell tor from 30 to 40 cent a dozen. Judsre A. A. McKoy wa in the city yesterday. i.J Just 100 davs Irani to ay will be January 1st, 1884. Thie moon enters on its last quarter to morrow morning. The receipts ot cotton at this port to day foot up 140 bales. Sunset to-morrow -afternoon at minutes past 6 o'clock. The Register ot Deeds issued no marriage licence this, week. There was one interment, a child, in Bcllevue Cemetbrylthis week. --, J 1 L i Scuppernong grapes sold here to-day tor from 75 cents to $1 per bushel. Eggs were retailing at . some of the stores to-day at 28 cents pdr dozen. Too high! There was onb 'interment in Pine Forest Cemetery this week,' that adult. ' ! ' I of an There were lour interments in Oak- dale Cemetery thi3 Week, one adult and three children. I I Turnont postofBce, in Columbii3 county, has beem newly named and is hereafter to be ! known as iVaccamaw. Rev. Dr. Gregory, of Charlotte, who will preach in the First baptist Church to-morrow, arrived here' this morning and is the guest of Mr., B. i? Mitchell. The new 2-cent stamped envelopes are already passing through the mails. Of course a 1-cebt stamp has to bo pasted on to carry ; the j letters. In ten days the new rate of posiage goes into effect. . ij, , , V Mr. N. M. Vance, of Sells Bj-others' Circus, is in the city distributing circus literature and zoological illustrations, besides attending to the posting of bills upon the boards which have not hereto fore been ued . Just 19 years ago to day, on; the 22nd of September 1864, was fought the bat tle of Fisher's Hill, in Virginia, where many a gallant son of ..... i North Carolina Ice u pon the altar gave his hie as a sacn of his country. -The steamer John Dawson left for Point Caswell at about 9 o'cloci this morning. Ih consequence of her early departure quite a number of passengers got left, and they grumbled more than a little about the matter. Messrs. John Dyer & Son have se cured the services of Mr. Joe Hart as a salesman, and the latter is expected to arrive hero to-night. Mr. Hart will be remembered by many , sf our citizens as the manager Theatre Co. of the Madison Square ; which jvisitcd our ecity three times during the! last season. , j j . Hon. A. M. Waddell was in Charlotte on Thursday. Hc! was just from the Warm Springs, j where he had passed the Summer, and where . he left his family. He expects to return for! them in a few days and the Journal-Observer says that he will remain in Charlotte lor the Winter. Second Instalment of Fall and Winter Clothing. We are receiving rone of the largest and finest displays of Cas?imere Suits, in Plain and Faricy Colors, in Chev.'dts, Worsted, Basket!, Corkscrew, Diagonal, Tricot and Broadcloth. Suits $5. $7, $9, $11. $13, $15, $17 and bp to $35. It will pay yon to examine bur Goods and Prices. A. & L Shbiek, "Reliable Clothiers, 114 Market st. j: " : t JJ , - ? . . -' " . -. i In Distress Schr. Alice Jlearn, Flemming, hence or Philadelphia , has returned in dis tress, and was coming; up the river when our report closed. The extent of her damage is not known but she will have to be discharged, as Capt. Flemming has telegraphed to Messrs. George Harriss & Co., the. consignees, to that effect. ' Cotton. - The receipts of cotton at this port for the week ending with to-day foot up 1.852 bales, as against 2.830 . bales for corresponding week of last year, a de crease this week of 978 ; bales. The receipts of the crop year to date foot up 3.972 bales, as against 4.074 bares to same date last year, a decrease this year of 102 bales. . " More Light. ,' The street lamps in the particular locality mentioned by us yesterday were lighted in due season last night, but the complaint from other portions of the city was greater this morning Ihart" it has been for a long-time. Somebody should be responsible for the regular: lightingof the Street lamps, but it would seem that no one is. , The Courts. The country people generally look to their almanacs to teli them when the courts meet, and this Fall almanacs fool' them completely.'. Brunswick court convenes next week, and i,yet, according to both Turner's and Bran son's almanacs, the term does not fall due until the second week in October There is a big mistake somewhere. . Onslow Mail. , . We hear much complaint from the citizeng of Scott's Hill, Topsail and others on the posit route from this city to Jacksonville. Onslow county, about the irregularity of the mails running i that direction. They ' seem to? tbink that the mail carrier runs a i schedule entirely to suitj his own convenience, and say that it Is nothing unusual to receive mail two days behind its proper time of arrival. -i- City Court. , ; Lucy Elioitti colored, was r befere Mayor Hall this morning charged with disorderly conduct, but ' the case was continued until Moaday next.for exam ination. v ' iW. H. Scott, colored, was charged with the same offense, but was absent. His case was continued until Monday. James Hill, colored, ; lor throwing rocks in the street, was lotind gulty, but judgment was suspended in his case. ' . . To Kill Flies. . i . It is stated in the British- Medical Journal that the castor oilplant,' when placed in a room, will kill the flies, that plant posscssiong an essential oil or some toxie principle winch is a power ful insecticide. We have but little faith that there is anything .which- will kill flies in hot weather, but wo "propose to send for a lot of the plants, aud have one half of them set out in our sleeping room so that they will be just above our pillow, and the other half we will have arranged around our dining ta ble. By this means, if the plant works half as' faithfully on flies as the oil does On humanity, numberless flies will' die of colic, and we shall bp blc to sleep and eat in some sort of peace. , Sell's Brothers Great Exbib I tion. ' T Thi3 combination of Enormous Rail road Shows, and whose announcements are causing the public to await its coming in anxious expectation, ' will reach this city on the 29thrinst." Thej single fact that this Combination re quires more tents than any other exist ing show, will bear testimony to its comparative immensity and to - the reflecting mind, comes ,the enigma How can a combination so vast, and one requiring, for its dally expenditure, such a necessarily enormous outlay of money, ever take enough money ; at' its doors to make its financial success a certainty? We give it j up! But from the nerve its pluckbr managers evinces in assembling and .putting before tho people a show of snch 'unprecedented magnitude, it would seem that they are strong jn the belief that there is no limit to public patronage, when I fea tures are piled on. features and novel attractions aro massed in such astound ing proportions; as "the union of their various popular amusement ventures have enabled them to accomplish, V'e.'JeeIebraled;?Fish'.'--' Brand Gills Twine h sold bnlyit Jacobus Hard ware Depot.1' USi S'&': ! NEW AIVmtTISEMENTS N one Jirged to buy, but in:6lilrEadies, TJnderwear ' i I .;Juaalcs' Chemise from. 1- Night Bohes Shirts Corsets it . t " PEESSE AT EQUALLY UOYt TIIICES. 4- fx" JSC-? t. iv' rgaiiis 3 m every d epartirient. this week at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, Wilmlrigtoii, N. C: sept : Board of Aldermen.' ! The Board of Aldermen met in called session yesterday afternoon, at 4 o'clock ; present. His Honor Mayor E. D; Hall, and Aldermen DeRosset, Boncy, Dud ley-Bear and Howe." " 1 " The Mayor 'expralned' thati he,. Jfhd called . the Board together to take into consideration the matter of the niacins of tel-phone p jles along certain street-, granted at the last meeting of the Board.; The Committee.,. on:. Streets offered the following resolutions, which, on motion, were adopted: .Resolved, That the permission grant ed for the erection of telegraph poles ih certain streets is hereby withdrawn 2 niat no telegraph nor telephone pole ehall oc erected on Water or Nutt streets, except where the sidewalks are not less than six feet in width. - j 3. That poles (not 12 inches in diam eter where they enter the ground)) may be erected immediately within thejCurb, or on a- line1 with the outside of the curb ; but not in any case in any j posi tion outside of. the curb, or the place where the curbLshould be and in all cases in such position as to present the least obstruction to passage or traffic -- 4. That all questions relating to the erection or proper maintenance of poles shall be under the, general supervision of the committee on Streets, who shall have power to act on all applications made for permission to erect such poles, which application must be in writing and endorsed with the approval of a majority of said committee, before the work shall be commenced. I 5. That the Ws.' U. Telegraphic Com pany be notified to remove all of their poles, which, . in the judgment of , the committee on Sreets and Wharves are obstructions to the proper use of streets for passage, or traffic, to positions with in the curb, as above provided for; but in no case nearer than six feet from the outside of pole to the line of the. street as established. I j . 6. That no person shall be allowed to deface or disfigure i any .of the poles referred to, by advertisements printed or cut thereon or attached thereto in any manner. , V m Petition of G'.W.- Williams ' & Co., fbr permission to erect "on their property ono or more sheds, with tin' roof, was granted.. ,i :-.-wi Petition of W. Ur Green,! or per mission to erect a stable with shingle roof on His lot,' was not granted. . .. ; Alderman DeRosset1 offered - the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That it be referred to .the committee on Fire Department to con sider and report upon the propreity of reducing the extent of tho fire limits within whieh no wooden buildings shall be erected. i ' . -: 1 1 .JPetition 'of McDouiall; Bowden; for the privilege ot erecting a wooden shed, with tin roof; inanlediaCey ir( the rear of , their, place , of business, - was taken up, and, after some. 'discussion, Alderman DeRosset called for the yeas and nays, t(e - 'petition t wu.3 voted down ; only Alderman Dudley voting in its favor: HJ On motion ot .Alderman Bear, the petition was then referred to the com mittcarou' Firef .bertnietlt;i-1 u ! The Board then adjourned. J udffe JLynch. 4i From a friend and subscriber ! at Laurinburg, we learn that Archie John, son, a colored boy, aged'about 15 year?, who made a dastardly assault upon the person of a little daughteVof Mrl- Wil liam Mason several weckalo,1 and who was confined in jail at Rocking ham awaiting trial for the offense.- was taken from jail -on the night of th 20th inst.: by a party of masked men and carried to the front of the house at Mason's X RoadsJ where Iho attempt was made, and hanged on a branch of a cherry tree. , t Them wero f about 40 men 'engaged the affair. Thecal fit st demded the keys ot jtho jailor, and upon bis refusal to surrender them, they tooK tnenx; oyiercc. ai p. m., on the 21st inst.', the body was still sqsJ pended to the tree, 'awaiting the arrival of the coroner, who had been notified ot the kaimg. '':-;;' : ')'-. ' A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacoei's Hardware Depot. t -s - 22: 1883. NO. 226 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS call Aflksea?the 1 y- - Dargams and Corset department; .1 ...... r ' ; , 39c np. 75c up. . i . 50e up. 3Sc up. 1 1 . UJkXAJk 118 Market Street. The Rutherfordton Baniicr says that a iittiov nppidk agitated tne walei&r Wednesday when Mr, Mo'ncurc, Engi neer of the Scabbard & Roanoke Rail RoadV made; his appearance, and: an nounced his purpose; of making reconnoisanec of the bid bed arid survey of the Carolina" Central from Shelby to Rutherfordton. Something is ' in Hie wind. :'V'L.'':'' I : ". '.-..; t ,'7:..i'': ; Little Brown Jti" Last Fall, so we.have been informed, a man Hying near Rocky Point, Pen- ur vyo.t uorrowcu a Hunting doc . oi a friend at Iecsburrv25 miles distant, in the same county,3 arid in order to keep the dog secuj-ely fastened, a string around his neck J at the other end of which he tied a little brown jug. Re cently the .dog was I missed, ;;and upon inquiring it was Ascertained that the animal had arrived at his former home, jug and all. The late possessor is now minus a clog and jug, but he expects their return before long, and hopes that tho latter may be well filled when it reaches him- '" i I - Committed to Jailij 1 Bertha, Hall, , an insane colored woman, wno nas oeen arrested on several occasions for her. strange con duct, but had. been discharged as she was not considered dangerous to' the community, was arrested this morning and committed to jail, it being thought imprudent to allow her longer to be at large. Her insanity seems to be en tirely upon subjects connected with religion, and she claims, in her inco herent way, that she is an inspired prophet, and that whatever she docs is by Divine command. It is probable that a commission wi". investigate her case and she will, upon their, recom mendation, bo sent to the insane asy lum. '"' .i ''-i; " - -- -'U ' NEW ADVEX6TISEMENTS. Attention Membbfs ! txriLMUilGTON S T. E. CO. NO. : 1 YOU TT I are hereby notified to appear in full uniform at your Engine" Ilouse on MONDAY. Sept. 24, ' ' - -" ' .. -1 : ' at 3VSs o'clock, Shaxf, for parade. ' " By order of Foreman. - 1 .,W. COLA FT. sept 22-lt , Sect'y A Treat. For Rent--G300. HOTJSE WITH ELEVEN BOOMS, J. ' i - , f ! i Southeast Corner Chestnut and Sev- I. I enth streets; from Oct. l&t 'S3 to Oct. 1st. 'st. L . sept 22-lwk B. B. JEWETT, , 217 So. Second St Rustic Pictures. SOMETHING HANDSOME AND NEW. COme In and let Mr. Cronenberg make one of you.t You vlll never ct prettier or more ' ' " t bemilns picture.' ' Our Gallery li always open to the; public. . . Call up and see us whetb- cr you want anything or not. Ladies will find our Reception Boon a nlct place to l est when down town Chopping. All are cordially in vited, -f : - i - I ' T 1 '- - VanOrsdell's old stand. sept 23 . . ,. J :r XL 11, FBKJEMAN. : WilUam II. Green, WHOLESALE ' AND RETAIL ! DBCC.GIST, - j c-fi 117 "MABKJ5T 'STftEET. 1 . . IdARBY A FULL LINE : OF DttCTGa. FANCY GOODS. Ac.i and have facIHtles for offering Inducements to ail who use or handle Medicine. - : sept 12 ?1 1 IMce;Wanters GOODS, OF KVSRY DKSCRIPTION, Mns kets. Powder, Cap. Shot, lUce II :ok, Forks, Rake. Ac., straw; Twine. We en make cloee prices on these rood, if you mean xcusrxESB. -Give s a ealTand see what we can do fpr you- : a -vw .,. : v - ; w; K. SPRINGER A COUV faceeson la John Dawwa A Co..' : , iept 17 ' 1,?Ian125 Market tieet i I . ' J .'?'.,) &rnoke JMICO AKD 8 ARATOG Ali'cta. Clfan .loJlyTbonsht. WhiU.'oiovd, Hoodlum. Liver Flit. Son the rn Star, and Uu General, the best cents Cigar nie - - ,JT Uood Liquors, Draught IVer, Ac. - -- , OLli KOCTH fcTATIi iiALOON. , 'Hept33 : - 1 , - , F LB ASS KOTICS. - ----- .- , m " - ' - i '1 . ; .- ! ' yr win be glad to receive comsm&!c&uon Croa our frleada o& any and all tutjeets general Interest but .. i.The name of tne writer matt atwars bo fa Communication must be wrlttea oai oal 1 ene aide of the' paper. "' 1 -r.-ii 4 ; reracountleanmatbe avoided. H j . And It is efipcclally and particularly end stood that the Editor docs not always endot the views of correspondent hhIem a at&te In the editorial coloKma. -..'- --i ',""-,; V.".1 IJEWADViamslIENTS. Bido SEALED iPHOPOSALS WILL B& EE i t -A . - . i : ectved unUl 12 o'clock, October 1st,' 1SSJ, at I m j Office for XarnLihinsWINTER UKIFORMS tor the City Tollce force Material ' to be off Cray Clolh-Chartottesville ' IToolcnl Mills, Style No. 29i; $ult to consist of Sack Coat, double breasted; Vest and Pants. , Workman ship and Trimmings to be first class. I City jto foxnish Buttons." JOllN IDCDLEY, j sept 21 3t CLairjiian' Com', on rolicel v School for Young Ladies. I . -.r. -: A A t I . . MISS HART. Principal.' I ... . Assisted by Miss M, B. BROWN j InstrucUon in Music by Mrs! M. P. TAYIAJR. Drawing and Painting taught by t 'M V ' ';.: ;: ':. Mrs. K. II. PAESLKY. . : ' ;; I 'JHK.f NEXT ? SKSSIOH. jivitL BEttIN THURSDAY, the 4th of October.' Number or pupils limited. For terms and particulars a-Vlrcsa the PRINCIPATi. 2i" Market fet eept 15-3t' sat nao' Rice Birds and Coots" QUIPPED IN ICK TO ANY P.ART or the United Slate. . . ' ! - .' - ' septet ; .w. kjdavh &sqx. School BooIcg ! t 1 School Books 4 .. jMJK AisU SCHOOLS 1X.TIIE 8TATK. A JL. ' liberal discount to. Merchants and i Teaclt. era. Slatesj, Copy -Books, Crayons, I I" Book Straps and Bags, - i Paer. Pen. Penr.IlH. Ink. Itnfor. Jbi Parents will please send their chlklren toi.' - , IrEINSBRUERSj. PIANOS 6itGANS gOLD AT SEASONABLE PRICES ATI HEINSBERGER'S, !" 4 '-' 1 " ' :'' vi.:'V-v !-. . v .:'.-' nept 17 , Live Book and Music Stores Cape Fear Academy O PENS MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st. Fits -i ..t - - l . l J ' ' ; voung men and boys for Business or College Instruction thorough. Full corps of teachers. Patronage has steadily increased since its opening. - Parents will please enter sobs at : , beginning of term. See catalogues in Book t Stores. . WASHINGTON CATLKTT, ! sept 17 2w . Principal i h ART. -1 v 37IRST CLASS FREE HAND PORTRAITS in Crayon and Pastel, finished in the finest' style. Very popular, taking the placo of Oil and Water Colors everywhere. Orders will -will receive prompt attention. Satisfaction guaranteed. t t , I , " ORIN Ts THOMAS, Artist, 1 ! Studio 8C1 Broadway, N. YJ 1 Address 144 West 23d st, N.Y., - , t eeptl7-tf ' - u i Fall Hate. I , . . . - j . . ... . ' 1 J-ADIES COLORED STRAW HATS AND BONNETS; SCIIOOL HATS, ' NECKWEAR and other Millinery Goods. . 1 : 1 '" c , MRS. RATE C. WINEsL No, 119, North Second Street. scp next South of Postofflce FLO BID A WATER, LAYENDKR WATER, I VIOLKT WATER, HELIOTROPE WATER. WHITE ROSE WATER. I UAZENA WATER. Also a complete assortment of Colognes and Perfumery for the Summer season. i : XT PrcscripUons compounded day and night at ! F. C. MILLER'S, , 1- - j . . ....... . v. German Druggist, -i . Is sept 3- , . . . Corner fourth and Nun st. E. C. Blair, f ENER AL' COMMISSION MERCHANT, Tfo. 19, North Second Street. i Wilmington, N. C ooiiciu consignments 01 an ainas 01 connt.r Produce. Top prices and nulck rclnrna ruar. anteed. Will rcshlp to other markets wlteu requested.-i ', .- 4 1 ' sept 17 , K. G. BLAIR. ATES, it 1 School BooksJ School Suppiieo l sept 17 Rev. .Daniel Morrelle's English and - Classical School; ' rjHE TjWENTY-FOUUTU ANNUAL StJi tiON win begin. D. V.. THURSDAY,'' the fourth of October. ' -. et.t l7 if i ''I

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