pub THIS PAPER every evening. Sundays ex eeptcd by J0SHT. JAMES, ,r.TinS POSTAGE PAID: .iiBSC"- mnnthg. ts.00. Three J (X) CIA v - ". . . one month, 35 cents. ntbs.1- ' livcredby carriers free t PapCny part of the city, at the above in cents per wee. - - Urates low and liberal. Sc their regularly. nylicw has the largest "tit circulation, of any newspaper JtfSfl i , .- V--1 f b' --.pb I , -b-b - . ' b .b ' -' k;; b i -.-.or .: v : , , .r -.. -;h--j:-. ! v ' - , -r. b; --- --r- v-v . , ; --bb"v.; ; ',b v,? : .;v j.l - ' ' ""'b.-.vbcv- . -b r-- bbv 'r-':--AH-''-'-'A. ' " ': '' -"-' I-"'"'" " -r ... - - ;j ; !. : ;-; " --) . .- - - - - - I f i - f . . ...L - 3 5,- ul . "V,-l r';..',i-A4 il , PLSASB KOTICS. 1 We will be glad to receive' comznunlcAUoa fxoizi ocr trlcnda on uy ud all tutjecu ' rmml InurrMt hnl t J The name of the writer most always be fa nlshed to Uie Editor. , ; j Gommimlcatlons most be wxlttea oa oal one side of the paper. " - O : " i Personalities moat be avoided. , i And it Is especially and partlcnlarly end : - 1 i . stood that the Editor docs not always endpi VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. C MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1883. - NO.: 227h-- LOCAL NEWS. , the city of Wilmington. -rardt has baa anotner $3Xa 1 . T. alovatioo.mPans. r u Qiillivan i3 making a fortune a jlc taKcs m nun iww vy Books his bar worth riiasc Sprasue is Ur. ivcn- - .iomooo. She is not now an ex- 4 .'P,f or ia cotton prophet" named rook, bailing from Albany., predicts i nOO.000 bale crop will not Ee keepers iaJk V. Parker & Taylor A Quick Passage. ; Anotlier Stoamiiip. i The schooner C. JI. Macomber, Capt. j The Br. . steamship Lyktis. Captain Rommill. which arrived here oa;Sat- Philhskirk, arrived this moraine Irom urday last, made the run from: Boston,1 Nevv .York.vconsigned to . Mr. ;C. P. Mass.. to the bar at the mouth, of the Mebane. ino-iMS is an iron steamer Caoe Fear in 3 davs and 7 hours, which of 1.776 ton?, schooner-rigged; is 24Q is a remarkablo quick trip one of the lect m length, 31 feet beam ana : icet quickest on record. , " ; : uepm 01 npiu tier engine room - l teet long, m wnicn sqo n&s iwo, roor' Arrospecis. pound condensing: engines', aggregating i Farmers from the surrounding coun- 140 horso poWCr. She was built at Sun try. arriving in the jcity, give t gloomy derland. Eng., in" 1875. and; like j the r 4lin W Hot- W Tft. I -rtr- i ' 1 - ' 11 1 1 1 J i i .1 Z t E G Blair General Commission Merchant wuuuw VwM. -w- nootwxtte, wm ionu wiui wiwh uneui. Tlios C Craft New Faniiture Warerooms burned up and mined by the long con for Lj?ef podr? ",t . . w n Greek Wholesale and Retail Dmggut tinned dryweather of J uly ana August, Geo m Crapon, Agt-Attention House- has drowned out by the excessive IBOEX TO NEW 1ADYEBT1SEUENTS. Yates School Books IlE2S bergek School Mrs Kate C Wixes Fall, Hats. F C Miller Floiitia Water j&c " I W E"Sfrixger.& cd Rice Planters Giles & Murcuison Tin Toilet Sets J A Springer, fScct'y-Royal Arcanum W 15 Davis & Sox Birds Shipped in Ice Mc Doug all & Bowdex Try the Cook P L Bridgebs & Co Sugar Cured Ilams F A Kewburt Cotton and Naval Stores Corbet Sty les ! ; Sure Fits TEN TOIIlET SETS Found lXead. if -.fCntmw; i fhf -thprft. Aro TomrDurham. coiorea. was iounu S'rr?-rw,1 nwsTM-- uf -orr th tVrmpnt. will dead yesterday morning in a house on Comforts I - j I .u . . : w....tho Tr;crro rvlw Dryfoos & STERNBBRGER-The Famous j have " to economise ' ciosciy i to nave ni .wu . -'o.- ' I . - 1 tT- t JM 1 . m m ra "TVT srviv 1 1 AUTO Boot and Shoe store I 1 , ' cnoueh to last theto until, another cropi ne iuyt tw-wirwuS ;:.'r:r s vanAmrtxgev Aiipt'r Household- and .. .. , ' colored, and had moved his quarters on Kitchen Furniture at Auction i I I : ; Fridav last- as those he had occupied i QAutiiann rroirr!nh rnmnanv. ' . . . V. " Mr a Wnnd. ant for Zera Semon. j : were feo leaky tnat they anorueu mm " " Mr Attnlr KarnfiSt. WHO was at Que I . ...!-iit c.i... . 1 :i. ,i - i ..... . ... .. t no TjrOLeCLlOii. xxo wiw bcch uh oovui- lsmuiewtjwuw. I . ' .fU H,Q Wflolorn TTn ftn " r . . . . Workmen have been putting up telephone1 pole3. Mr. F. Campbell, of Sells j Brothers1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -a. - Lowest Prices. W KEEP TUB LARGEST ; AlD ; BEST ThA Fnmni c Rnnt and ShnpJ ? I - iiv m.i.wmw vww. i Diaee uau ana mi nrices heron i.nvinn "I. House. FAMOUS BECAUSE RELIABLE. unn Robert M. McLane, the Demo te nominee for Governor of Mary- L is, a man of great ability and experience in pnblic.affairs. . ti, Pnninoctial storm, the New vnrk itraZtZ predicts comparatively n,.,nti,pr RSDeciallv in the latter part of autumn and through the winter. The English house of commons now consists of 639 members. Of these 335 . i on rmnservatives. thirty l'arn'jllit.i:.-', an houiu-rulers. ; The Eipt'i tL- Francis Joseph, desir ...... -i np.w-rirool of his trieiul- sl,ip for King Milan' ff . Servia; has ameil an Austrian regiment of lnlan- h aiicr linn. ." Jfit! New York .-Herald thinks it wouMsjUvngihen the D-niotiratic ticket a . I . . v i i r i : t i i :... itn on iiuiiiuiiiit. iu a.i . .. i i . , ii . . - - ii '. w.r --ina n i hp interior. ana nence ,i..u tiinnn,int oa r ii .s. iifertiora. t u w . t . nn .1 111 "!- . tlUUUnll t-uw vvu'vv' - . - I ring. Mm Jl. i,HUUiCLOll, j place Call and get prices, bclorc baying - Giles & liurclilsoni sept 24 1 t .Murehlson Block . TRY THE COOK BUGGIES. FOtt'WlllCII WE ARE SOLK , AGENNS. Harness to go with them at very ." low prices. The largest assortment of Sad- aies. Trunks, Travelling Bags and satchels la i the State..: t;-'-... ; -w- , --' . Hepairing promptly dove. Pnces JoW. cpt24 . Mo. 114 North Front 8 For Fall & Winter Comforts N THE HOUSEHOLD USE, . ; - Goto . . FARKKR TAYLOR'S j time an operator in the Western Union u . several colored people, who The receipts ot cotton at this; port to- office in this city, and also at the office . o , w d vin's.i but made no re- m ' I . . v r . 1 V- a I c? - - day loot up ba Dales. ot tHe V . w w . nnu w ., w A. na Mrt f ion and nolhing was busy to-day Roads, was here on Saturday. xn busi- known cf it officially -Until he .Was ness connectea wuu um uw found dc;id aboye 'stated . Coroner . Telegraph line, of which he is to be the cnram0ned a iury of inquest manasrer in iius cuv. saia vu , ... . tLf .t. (innOCn,i son have been simpiy uuai : ,.. u:u Kl- rUv wuusciu. " m. Railroad and" Steamship. Agents. Therefore anteeiI. line will suruiy uu uunu w .m, .. u;, fiftrh hv nxnosurc and Aim that onrttock Includes KVKiH ic- i reouestcd. t 1 ' ' . 1 1 1 vyksik.s.i j iiiw - r ... 1 s Ti r 1 a j"- n P I? Knt. that if. will DC 1 - , ; ... :.. sirin Afjikpi anct Btvie. wiucn renueru ih v.,,, ir'r pvnppf, i ffooii. seiiieu - . .. . 1 unvauuu. : , . . . . ,: . ways instantly ruruLau suu J- " 1 rr , - rhrwi months, perhaps, belore tne wires , i sttrics ahkady SALE; I weather until tho uimoii cnanges. ovrtr nnArvl win leaiiii us. Aipi"vivij ..Bj - - r!ure White Oil. scplCt The above cut Is a lac simile of OUR cela. xJtvFZL?VAVnmrW TIE AN I but ton. SHOE COMBINED and I tleserves tfa praise civen it as lein the HANDSOMH.S I, anU ydlkl JjAI C.31 HUiiS mo v... Our receipts of BOOTS and S'HOES this sea- il thirty-three, moderate Circus, was in the city to4lay. KNERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, ..: I.--' -i. ! -J-::-jU;V -.1 No. 19. North Second Street. Wilmington v ' Solicits consignments of all kiiui vounlry Frotluce. 1 op prices ami u-"- ,,B win IN- ttept '.'4 res hip other markets wheu K O. BLAIR. , U. H. District Court I u For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery LtL construction force is beingl used to Hardware neiot. . pasi, torward the lines to Charleston, it rnr . npxt tern, of ihe U: S .riw;nolmiit weather iesterdav kept, oemg v...w ------ Distnct Conit. wnicn .win couveuu . u.... - . I . ... .,...'... ..I . .In ir I . . . . f lm, divine be maae wmi uiaicuy this cit -y on Monday;-; the 'Jyth aay 01 We umlerstana, irom ouierj sources, October :-next:. that the line will be built South from Hitw itc (?oiikty -Fridav' Hill." A. R The News ami Observer speaks 01 sun N orfc,ik alonz the dirt roads running vvlla Bonev. Lewis! Her - jfjome now and make your, selections from tl in ilw. ! 1 ,.f, ninra nnr KW SIWIV. WIH1C VCl uumc n.w... uie loiiuwms is iucm i ' ' :r.; . ..,. vnii mnnov. ve an save joul'irac and trouble; and give yon perfect sail!! .union in every I'anuw- ; KiGc Planters GOODS oV KVaJtY DESCRTTION, Mii34 ketv 'Fowite, t aps. Shot, Rico II oks.j iwt. Rakes. Ac. straw Twine. Wc :t rtK)d manv services at the sevenil jchu relies r Carlisle or Mr. Randolph Tuckm cou l,i iwiiiiinated'as Vice President . Yours for Economy and Fair Dealing, DRYFOOS & STERNBSRGER, ' MARKET STRkET, sept 24 lawtf m 1 WILMINGTON. N. C. mak close prices on these coods, if you mean ltirsix ess. Give ns a call and see what we; can do for you. .' ' ' ! I t W. K. ai'UlWUKU 1 ! Successors to John Dawson & Co., sept 24 ; 21 and si market ucci . Fall Hats. Attention Housekeepers. we think that there will probably be Pitt Martin, I Lenoir, Duplin,' Pender w Rrown. Irvinz Beaman. onnthor trnnd sizttd freihet in the river. v 1 Wnw HinnvAr find tfiat some of "Hi- i "T ' 7 ;.L,S .1 okuajvuiliv - , w - Tft rrnic TIME FOR PUTTING The New York Times never was There were two cases! of disorderly we poies-iiavu uutsauj Thomas J. Muuora. josepn otanuaru, , tia . - uc " 1 j i Mnii , rtr tnw Tornoa I, Tn irmirPlftkles for winter use, and knowing more prosperous man J ' conduct before the Mayor mis .morn-1 on i.m . . 1 nooert wcaouiw, , .1. Auction in price has caused a sensa- . fo whicll he imposed a fine pt $5 m ; Personal 1 C. Grimes, George W. Swam, John tlie trouble heretofore of getting the fcpices nnti sends neceBsary. I ordered and have just VY. X AL'IES COLORED STRAW'' HATS ; AND ' " ; L"'-i ""' l i " tiinrrf n L HATS, 'i j ' and other Millinory Goods. t IN rKAlt t:on. The advertising is wimt h oris The lines were paid ana 0 T t,w iia rMnmod frnm MCivinzie. i .... . 1 ...v. -i - ; j - 1 iviia. a . jLaxk v-... 1 ou principally at MWio , one -u the parties discharged. I . Northem markets, alter an absence Lewiiaov " v ivcd a 8mall lot of whole and Mixed a 1 1 1 it v v -t n n u 1 t 1 1 1 - - 1 nai"t u i n n wr 1 a rvuuv w .- w 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 - t She ten us she has -"4" wrV:' J Sn, fAr thc purpose Call and see them stock of K-ooerx iti. Jee, l. w . wiaumvu, 1 - - - , - MRS. KATE C. WINES,; No, 119, North Second Street. " . ". j sept 24 j Jnext South:of Postonlce dollars a lino being easily- obtained, in 2ash. ; " "There The latest agony is fpr the lashiona- ot two weeks. The Baltimore Sun says : has been more capital sunk in this country in the daily newspaper than in uny other business, and yet mere aro many more ready to engage tnerein Also, the Handy Box shoe Blacking, with ble young lady to havda dog to match bought a large ana aursc i e .n rnhn n Rerrv. Alexander her dress. The; ma hed strawberry millinery goods, rdl ot whicnsne nope, iseasily accessible, but where is the to have aispiayea in iew uaJ ; , Tiinmns B. Carr. E. J. Egan, Wm. ! ' ' 1. -1.J mashed dog to code from? 1 Messrs. C. W. Yates ana vaniaer y.- - T:latt; j. Weill. FOTW " . - IVli I s , The - - 1 7T . . . c have also rcturnedtp the city after a f Grand Commandery Knights yil&lluia. lorh.. - - rv. "Rice Birds and-Cpg" . . 1 f m Oct. , .utu K0mc0iVA9 nnmontpntto Templar for oaf U1 , . bought ana wuu : r- f in Charlotte on the secona tucauaj - - Laer laid in run a newspaper,' as the saying is. next month. Mr. II. j II 1. .i. ni.;! Ti.Mint T W nHermftTl:1 for his bookstore auu nm. - T;;if .TnVn P ftRirftlL Daniel . -1 1- .1' 1. JJ. lilUUUlU V WMU' , - a wrra bwuh. . . ti. w -1 1 - 1 - i-iiamg i f nxmsuu. 'tiuuu i li 1 rv 1 nncnii 111 n . 1 Am ta. m. jaiwi ..--1- "- musical instruments ior iub un uC - - aarnn(A a. The wearing of rattlesnake skins as th5s city, 1S the Most puiiueu. w partment which is to be aaaea w mr. Norwood Giie3, J James W. iTiniips is n, new tashion set oy manaer. . i i t Yates' business. j . fJ Jackson, E. Lilly, Louis P.' Davis, a rheniist. who while at a picnic m tUC i ; . . rtn Lratle Mr. 13. i. renny, wuo - VT , woods of Sullvan county, N. Y.. boldly sept 24. South Front St TtES, the United States. sept 4 W. E. DAVIS & SON. The fire companies are on parade Mr killed n, J Movxr Vnrk and Baltimore for the pur uu" " " . .. 1,1 1 1 no WO tO DrUBS. LUU , the reptile. She had tW Lion tendered chase oi neW ?lfr. 1 . - i I r nifrht V nilB mm .adder uom- "'Uflj ui6u" , - . i:.TL,. i.wa visit to some friends in Connecticut, John M. Clark, Aaaron Kollogg, A. j ScllOOl BOOKS Pw. Black. 'l.ifl ... AND i! . :: .. 'l ; ,. ,,,, Md4occasion being the irecepuon r-T wkii hannt he odd a s.nn,l Instalment of JJaUand nrnnor VPlirfiU. rCLUl uv . , - r j.,ijrti f 7riYI 1 HFUaV UliUb. 1 1 . . ....... f,iKv..j -- - ...... l. IV5 m nirfnn HOOK anU Jiauuw v , its lourteen rattles, and now vaiue - , f lthis visit to son girdle at $250. p. T I h 1 and was accompamea on im. receiving pnev,QfhQ .largest I isauo. . . . r 1 .1 A Inf I Caleb Stockweli, oi . ghip , was dela: was exceedingly surpnseu fr- two davS lon. morning when Mrs. Stockweli nooodnt of ne- U. th,v. Ho has ben absent about "rjr anu -v up- w 9ocr. tsrs, all new. ouoqucu - - s . i2ai0 which she othcr Northern cities and has lairoaoy --T :n fiYamme ov,. Goods home bya young laay reiauve, .-wuu . finast diaolav sof Cassimere Suits; oAUAAf Cnnn Ififi J ed on a visit to his family, t ' f" - rIa-m and vanCy Cororsin Cheviots, WWi,yw?B ... ,i ; r",i . ;er Mr W. N. Jacobs has also returnea w . . w LrAwDiAional: : 'sept 24 ' ; lI J el him with two sops and two dauga- m wl ntlv When ceasaij Huo , ... , wnuy aoArfi Uio which she asked what he'd got, he sorrowimiy .v . r I LntnrnG(1 to his position in Mri Katz's Tm. Reliable tail pair " rne encomaww " r i " auutuwfs. ; 'rA1 .rr?Tr7i.T: iC . - .1 . : i. snid "Onlv two smj , little ones are thriving. Mr." F. . vvkMoeflr House on MUioeriy, Judselluffin's resignation from the r". Kront'lstrcets, is The schooner Mice earn, Captain. - Supreme Bench will be. uDiversallyjc- ised ia lbis Usue. Mr. Newbury Klemming. which has "niero Q0tt0n and" NaVal St cretted. He retires becanso of it I health j ,ri . busincss man and knowing distress, is now at Messrs Northrop & ' , shICITiD' - and his resignation goes into effect at ;i; "lbe peoploiwill s'ce that CamminS's mill where she .s dischar nONSIGHMSOTS SOLICITED, ii. f t ikMA 'mp.n. ' all ac t wauw u . . . . ! I . . TTor rant.airL reDortS ri- i ri nttAntton fflveii. -CI A. Newbury's Commission . Mulberry, ! The Perils oi iue oe Clothiers," 114 Market st. tf T" Caotain InEW. AUVEKTlSKMEN- once. He is one ol tnrco uicu. - - . accommodated. nnmniiahflrl' iurists.' who have been they areacco V V fc-U A W Ul w five at a salary en- Ktttnnrme who OUffht to be soundly tirely disproportionate to the duties of vh. d threw a rock through one of the position. J udge liumu ua lhe platesglass winuows ui the bench but two years. Christ's confectionery I establishment. that at wilUcost several Stores. will see that camming' mill where she is uiscua- nuiwm . . 'T - " : inff her cargo. tier,, capwa. sFw i saleg And personal aenwn given. - " : ti u . M i r Vi : : . ft K - , M . 1 ' S that when off Uape riaitew, yjotfeii tBankiof KewHaiioVer 1 . 1 .1 iot-k nai. he wore sutu ami strod offshore, me wiuu uiu.i- .j.i.-.i c.. , 1, at tue time. i sep. jiiw New Furniture Warerooms. A T NO. 20 GRANITE BOW, SO. FBONT St., I have opened mm wnat i mini, is ! Furniture and Bedding Embracing many new dcslsn's in . 1 1 Bedroom airf Parioir Suits. Our aim shall be to deal fairly and squarely with aU, and respectf ully -ask a share ot the public patronage. Courteous treatment guar Rustic PicturGC. SOMETHING HANDSOME ANP- NXW. Come in and let Mri Croncnbcrg make oneot you. You will never "get V prettier or more becoming picture. Our, Gaucry is aiwar open to the public. Call up and see ua wnein- . Colonel William L. Calhoun, who has been passing the summer at Tallu lah Falls, Va., wears the watch, fob chain and ring of his grandfather, the South Carolina statesman. The watch is of the old English style, and on it , is tii niwin? inscription: John Cald- wflll Calhoun. Born in South Carolina u mq ito and died iu Washing- iUillbU w, m , ton, D. C, March 31, 1850." Ull ThA New York Graphic, of the 17th. contains a very fall and graghic report n, Oriole Ctlebration in Baltimore. Th illnstraUons are very full and very icncivo. Anions others we notice a full oa'e devoted to a description .of the ew and handsome quarters occupied by Messrs A. C. Meyer wx.. propria tors of the lar-iamea r. ThA haildins is located at 17G and 1,8 imimrd street, and is seven stories 'y Peoria has only forty thonsand in habitants, but there is one . respect in T which it is the bigffest city in the land There is no other from which , the gov ernment receives so large an amount f internal revenue. Thirteen im mense distilleries mike this the centre ot whiskey manufacture. The tax is ninety cents a gallon. The largest distillery is under contract to suuu every drop of its product to France, ; to be used in the native wines of that vine-clad country. causing damage i dollars to repair. did it, and proba No one knows who bly no one over will. The MinncliaTia had quite ji large list . m v-fc- fir fr of uassenaers tnis mormus, whom were lawyers, newspaper witnesses and others, having business with the court or with the people who ;n i ant to be drawn to Smithvflle this week from different portions of the county. I ! 1 Exports, Foreign. ; Dan. barque Lovisa, Capt. Larsen, cleared to-day for! Ilumacao, I- with 150,799 feet lumber, C0,t) snmgies and 99 barrels rosin, iuw P.I A. NEWBURY, , Wilmington, tC. heavy gale from N. E. the same . .,a rAimi no more waiei wu pumpa - - - . . I VT ,ITa HARNKTT COUNCIL Kp. 2SI usual, at 8 p. mJ.wieu uhjk- -.r . tureetiM Uils; Mondaylaight, Royal Arcanum. I if? OR ALL SCIIOOLS IK THE STATER,, liberal dlscoMt to MerctosB ma .Tcwii : . Slates, Copy -BookB, Crayons,5 ! PaSKKWRnlers: &cC PI ANOS & OKtr A JN b our Reception Eoom.a nice puce to est when Sold' at reasonable prices at : f ept 24 ' j J : Book and Mnste Stores down town shopping; All are cordially In vlted. r I .. e 1 eho hn.fl SDmUlT I i a i . c AVlnrt chunl. When it was wuu - - - - "JfVpeSut tmpbrtance in relation to olont and the men were kept at the Ztatdy uAon. Members urgently ... ms . L I . . . T A SPRlNljKK. , pumps incessanuy. At, - . T USFT WE BEG TO CALL TOUR i - ! i j.''. i i' .- '3 if I 1':' ' ; : ' ATt ENTION TO OUB SELECr i,Aom.1i. wore shio again to the westward aud ran in to make the Hodsehold &Kitchen-Fuhlir land and-smooth water, me puuu l tha lime." At 2t50 o'clock she 6vt"" ' . STOCK JO F. et23 T.T " gTlli 1TREEMAN. N , Cape Fear Academy Tonne men snd liovs for Business or ColUge.. InstrucUon thoronglri Full of iocUe rs. 1'atronage nas steadily increased since Its opening, rarenu win piease euicr wn v beKinningOI u:nu. rw; rwHym " Stores. 7r WASHINGTON .uaxltit, aept 17 2w rrlnclpal cniPf1 so far in me wati au EMBER AT10 , . i t.h a tasieniuiis www n'eiocr. a. ai.w i.wi "r""r": roliea so i. . . .k i. intof Furniture at we ik ..i1 . .. jFine Wines and Liquors 43, shipped by Son. essrs EJ Kidder & For Rent--S3QO Busy Times This secnWto bc!a season of general . . Mit 1T1 5 Miners and dwell repairs to ienwa,"","" es througliout the city, vio .,iC,v vou will. Hwre may oc of the hammer ana saw u. - W hands fall oi empioyim,. xT.cnpr isone liob completed than .hPV arc in demand for another, and if .w nr anv carpenters in the ' city who arc idle it U not because there is not any lack of employment for them Oo tr JACO i ; crv Km nn.ra vi"- . . - - - - - . Bi'a for Sash. Blinds and Doors; uia . Vnt ll sizes and! at the lSEC. jluu - o , lowest prices. , . . i j.ii. tho entire lot of Furniture at the Hotel 1ia deck loau were h " - of i . A. srnuiie, jeq., v V r " lUC uev. . l .MmnAn.rtinils.rlvtheCataloirue. laUer washed overboara to .-iro srAMRiNGE,Auctr, .r, V otaf. in4t.. 1 K ' '" : the vessel. At . .m.. - .V fi, Rtmer Lone Star came alongside and took her m tow, aTrv; -rj odsk wiTn eleven rooms; mc M,- . when streets, froa Oct. 1st S3 to Oct. it the mouui oi w - - i .... -.... --.-. -. " i . , i ur, csf pamtuir I . . .r.. i rt . r.. JEWETTJ she was tatcu m j " iaViwk: 1 -tH So. second St .. . ' nti.o.;iv TheCaDOl Bept-iWK -t , ,i-m . t 'i " . . v.i Fear Steam Fire ngmo wuuw j ART. F William Hi Green, . S tlio hrfiner out horrlAV ai DUI11P1UJ, "" - - . . , ,,,:niiT r. ' mft nf the steam- whoi-esa 1S ."r " T DUt umoruuiMMj CAPE FEAR. STO ART'S RYE. I - VIRGINIA GLADES. . 4 . i- . .. . Fine Whiskey - - - !-"-:... - .. ,..- ' FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. , " . v -i . 'r. .-, , - f 1 : :? CLARETS. SCUPKRSONG3. PORTS . - .--p;rj" "T " ' "... ... ; AND SHERRIES. ; IRST CLASS FREE HAND PORTRAITS la Crayon and Pastel, finished in the finest stvle. ATery popular, taking the place of Oil and Water Colors everywhere. ! orders will will receive prompt attention. Satisfaction "T ORIN T. THOMAS, Artist', ! Address 144 West 23d st., , . sept 17 tf - ' ' . 1. j'P er's ii7 MiPKET STREET. CARRY A FULL LINE OF, rDRUG3,, mvt nnt. compelling her to desist uuunu - y G jte.Van.1 have facilities for repaired. At 2 y clock, this the schooner iackeu oniy auuuv - - 31 being full to the uecKawuuw. SmOICeS. i FLUKJDA WATEK, J . iLAVESDKR WATER, - - il HELIOTROPE WATER. I WIflTE ROSE WATER. - RAZES A WATER. Also a complete assortment ot Cotojnes and perfuntery fr the Summer season.!- i t I Mr t resenpuons ciooipounue! upy ; m itbrat " Y. C. MILLER'S, i ' .1 . i German DrageUt,' t I j septS- Correr Fourth and Nun sta. i BEER OF ALL JtINJ . .. -3 - 4 IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC . . . la livharred and 1 . i i !.u Kfl o artnn Xa . -v. m.i lrttnm 1 1 vir I -r " TTlTTn l?T3 O JrV fill .i i- Kri nomninhsbeU. I riu. ?Ll?fri" -TT .1 . . w-f. i ' as tue wu - " - ' . cenu."- . r- sept 20 - ', " extent ot nerao; - - . - TObAiit6ck Cigars.J aiivv " , . A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols I . t . nota Depot, i ' ' t llO Worth Front St. Rev. Daniel Morrelle's! - . .'4 lr.i.., ... . , ..V ' .' I." ill Enslisli . and Classical "". Scliool. f IMIB TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL SES , blOX will begin, D. V., THURSDAY, tlc fourth of October. j sept 1 if

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