The Daily Review MONDAY. SEPTBER 24. 1883. The. Dailv Review has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington. BTATE NEWS. Greensboro PiUriol: A child was and Mrs. bom this morning to Mr. AdolDh. weizhinsr onlv one pound and eight ounces. It is perfect in develop ment and has jovcry chance to live if not to grow big. It was too bniall for anything but doll baby clothes and it . is now rigged up after that manner. Beaufort Telephone: Rev. T. A. Reid, who has been in charge of the Baptist Church in this place for some thing less than a year, has determined to resign his pastoral charge an rc move to some omer locumy. x u , ex posure to wind and weather, which tho nature of his work involves having the oversight of the church at More head Citv as well as that at Beaufort has so affected his health that he finds it" necessary to make a change, lie expects to leave abont the first of November. Clinton uaucasuin-. xnu swim week blew many birds from the far inland. One was picked up iu our streets and we have heard of several others in the county. It must be at ioof wv rnilos ir linn froni Clinton to V W mm-m - - s "W F the coast. a son oi air. r. v arrun, of Upper Little Coharie, abput 18 years old, went into the woods last Saturday to haul some turpentine. A barrel which he was rolling into the wagon slipped and fell upon him. Heliwas fonnd later in the day dead with the barrel of turpentine upon his neck and shoulder.- Tarboro Guide: Prof. J. A. Duggan. of Williamson, has nearly completed a combination loading machine, in which he can decap, cap and load a shell in ten seconds. The working of it seems to be perfect. On Wednes day afternoon as an extra freight train -on the Albemarle and Raleigh R. R. was returning from- William-sun load ed with lumber, Mr. Gecrge Brown, the engineer, who was on one of the fiats lying down watching a burning box, had his head struck by a catLie guard which the trslin was passing Mr. Brown did not see the catlle guard until he was struck. Ills face is balb scarred and he was knocked out of his senses, but is better at this writing. News and Observer: Yesterday at the Centennial graded school 003 pupils were present. This tops the record. Lucy Holloway, a colore J wo man living near this city , has no less than eighty-two children, grand-children and great-grand children. It seems to be the general impression now that the cotton- crop will be at least one fourth . smaller than" that of last year. The quality of the staple is quite good. At the State fair the display of blooded cattle will surpass that of Jast year, it is expected, Cattle will bo brought here from all parts of the State. The premiums in this de partment are very large. Mr. W. S. Primrose was at Warrenton Friday and brought back a specimen of water bearing amethyst crystals. Thcs6 were . u r . l k- rru UOb UC1U1C IU CAlSb tilClC. XUCJ were found on the laud of Mr. It. H. Ford, a few miles from Warrenton. Amethysts have recently been found six of Raliigh. - Mr. S G. Worth is back from Cape Lookout, where he has been for some weeks collecting specimens of our ' fish, lie reports seeing a curiosity in tho shape of an immense sea-oerpent. An at tempt to catch it in the net failed. Had lt.been caught he would have taken it lo Boston. It was apparently about ninety leet long. Judge Davis and his esteemed wife (nee Miss Addie E. Burr) arrived on the R. & G., rail road las evening and are at the Yar boro. Mr. Davis is looking remarkably well, as is also Mrs, Davis. They leave here for Fayettevill to speud.some weeks at Tokav. ' 15oln are the recements ot yr.nnv onnrtpsips. Thfiie is. n. hi JNewfoundlana dog m this city, a great He thinks nis cotiee tiainiuy, never flniHintr .1 ilron nut. nf rim Tf it is not sweet enough he merely looks at it after tasting, and when more Journal-Observer: Gov. Vance has hften attending the Louisville .Exnosi- tion, but is now at the home ot Airs. Vance's mother, in Kentucky, Ho ex pects to return to Charlotte in the course of a week or two. Gov. Jarvis has made a number of speeches on stock' raising in this Stale, aud Ben Butler knowing this has given Jarvis a present to bring back to North Carolina with him. At the .New England lair Butler bought a lot ol Coltswold sheep and presented them to the Governor of North Carolina. Lineman learner. . 1 r L rrv.l 1. 1 Ol me oouuiuiu iciuiiipu vuuipauy, arrived in the city yesterday from a tour along the lines, and reports that everything is working splendidly for thenew company. Itsiwircs are in first-class condition and are well pre pared asainst the sleet and snows of winter. The Southern line is getting as much business as it can attend to. Mr. Walter Rule, an Englishman and a miner, a new comer who has been in America only three weeks, met with a frightlul fall at the Pitcher gold mine, on the suburbs of tho city, night before last,- receiving injuries irom which ho is laid up in bed. lie was descending the main shaft of the mine. when he lost his tooting and ieil to the bottom, a considerable distance. Ho . M. J I was urougm 10 me suriacu wuun it was found that he had received two severe injuries, one un the head aud one on the side. Ho was taken to the resi dence of his uncle, Mr. William Lilly crop, on Myers street, and is un der medical treatmhnt. Mr. J. V. Seacrest, a Northerner, who has had considerable experience in developing our gold mines, has taken a new departure in gold mining, and will next;, week commence tapping tne rock bottom ot the Broad River, at Smith's Ford, York county, S. C, for the pre cious metal. There is an oia river oca at that point which has been dry ever since the war, and Mr. Seacrest propos es sinking shafts through the soil to the rock bed, where ne wm nna uie goia. This is called the river washing. The gold is. found under the sand on the rock, where it settles by gravitation, land is found in its "virgin state. m Mr. VVUVtMU U? MIMI r.MM . - - O view lor several years, but it was not until last week that he was able to per feet his arrangements1 for mining. He showed us.a lot of scrapings i Irom the bed of rock that was filled with gold, besides such precious stones as rubies, garnets and emeralds. The stones are too small to be of any value'. There is an island near this point and Mr. Sea crest proposes to turn the! river into one channel and work I the dry bed, after which the channel will be again turned and the other bed, wbrked The Cleveland,? Ohio, congressman elect, Hon. M. A. ForanJ says: I have used St. Jacobs Oil in my, family, and have always found t safe and reliable. I have been suffering for' sometime with a lame knee. Bind St. Jacobs Oil affords me great relief." ! - COMMEUCIAL NEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET.! September 244 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted steady at 30-4 cents per1 gallon. Saleski of 100 casks at these figures 'and latei we hear of sales of 100 at 36 cents.! $1.15 ROSIN Quoted steady at for Strained and ,$1.20 for Good Strained. Sales 500 bbls Good Strained at $1.20 per bbl. 1 i TAR Quoted firm' at $2 per bbl of 280 lbs. ' I i - CRUDE TURPENTINEj-Quoted steady at $2.25 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1.25 per bbl for Hard, i COTTON Quoted steady. Ssaiesof 150 bales' on a bais ot 10 cents per pound for Middling., The following are the official quotations,: j I . Good Ordinary 8 13-16 cents Low Middling. . ........ . 9j Middling 10 GcxkI Middling..... J.... 101 DAILY ftECEllTS. I!" f illnn 888 bales 311 casks 1145 bbh llKi bbb -227 bbls Spirits Turpentinci . Ilosm Tar Crmle TuiDentine MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. ' Steamer Norih State, Green, Fayet1 e- vjM, Worth & Worth U; S mail steamer Minnehaha. Bi bey, Smithville, Master. ! Steamer John Daisvson, Colvin, Point Caswell, R P Paddison Br steamship Lykus, Philliskirk. New York, C P Mebane. ; CLEARED. Steamer North State, I Green, Fay etteville, Worth & Worth. U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, Bis bey, Smithville, Master. Dan barque U visa! Larsen, Huma- cao. ), P. R.E Kidder i& Son Exports. FOKKIGN. Humacao, PR Dan barque Ixvisa 150.799 feet lumber, 66,650 shingles. 99 bbls rosin. 1 I . WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON BAND SKIT. 22, 1883. Cotton ashore, 2,661; afloat; 28; total, 2,689. ! 1 Spirits ashore, 5;223; afloat, 41.; total, 5 64. I I Rosfn ashore, 86,959 ; afloat, 2,934 ; to tal, 89,893 ! Tar ashore, 502. M Crude ashore, 795. j j RECEIPTS FROM SEPT. lp TO SEPT. 22 ' DOMESTIC. i I Cotton, 1,852; spirits,1 1.422; rosin, 6, 681 ; tar, 503; crude, 438. . j J EXPORTS FROM SEPT. 15 TO SEPT. 22. Cotton, 1,711;, spirits, 1,091; rpsih; 2,- 888; tar, 1,497; crude, 89. FOREIGN I 1 Spirits, 1,000; rdsin, 39C tar, 20 Vessels tor tills Port from For- ei jii Forts. BABKS. Nor ."Lulus, 256 tons, i Paulsen, sailed from Arcmlal, Ausr 20. via Seville Ger Atlantic, 3M tonf, Scheriog, sailed from Antwerp, Aug. 18 ! Nor AtUlla, 410 tons,; Larscn, sailed; from Cardiff, Auar. 21, via Bermuda. Nor Embia, 3TJ tons, Simonsen, sailed from Antwerp, Aug I ; ! i Ger Emilie, 413 tons, Knuth, t Liverpool, Sept. 6 i I I ! Nor Erragun, ilG tonb, Weber, at Liverpool, Sept 6 . i Nor Flid, Nielsen, 332 tons, sailed from Ham-bur-, Aug 14 j : Dan Ualeou, Ealsboll, 313 tons, sailed from Ilamburc, Auj? 21 Am Glacier, 312 tons, Morse, cleared from London, Aug i : Nor Gna, 3SS lous, Andereen, palled from Skutssar, Aug 3 Nor llama, C31 tons, Jorgcnsen, sailcdfrom Aurcndel, Aug. 7 1 lir. Hattio II., 403 tons, Cochrane, sailed from Hamburg, tept 13 i Nor Henrlch Bjorn, 357 j tons, Nye teen, at Liverpool. Sept 15 jj Nor.'Kepha, 474 tons, Tergcssen, sailed from Ilanibursr, Auk 0 1 U I i ! Nor Kerdalca, 415 itsns,' Pcttersen, sailed from Baltic via Oran i NorJcrnacs, 239 ton Nellsen, sailed from llarabnrr, bept lo 1 I Nor Lindola, 361 tons, Petersen, at Ham burg, Aug 2 M i t i Ger MarUi Sophia, 351 tons, Lignltz, sailed irom lianiDiirg.Aug; 11 Nor Maury, 454 tons, Olsen, Sept 6 j at Gloucester, Nor Noah, 400 tons, Nielsen, at Havre, 13- ; I l ! Sept. Dan Rialto, 113 tonsi Jensen, at Liverpool, Septs Jj i V . Ger lUchard, IGi tons; Paskc, at Hamburg, Aug 20 n ! Nor Thos. Boaccr. at Santandcr. Sevt 8 Nor XII Mai, 475 tons, Tellefsen, at Hew- I BRIGS. . I Nor Brazilian, 332 tons, Ugland, at Glouccs tcr, Sept U i j i Ger Express, 27G tons; Frctwurst, at liver-. looi, AUg 30 ; j Nor Varingcr, 23G tons. Aanenmen, at Ham burg, Aug. 2. I t Commercial Hotel it . Wilmington, N. C. M. SCHLOSS, Prop. piBST -CLASS IN JEVKKY RESPECT. ' I - : : t. . ; - ' LOON ATTACHKI I p 97 Old Newspapers 1 SALE VERY CHSAP. ApplyftO THIS Off ICS MISCELLANUPUSr No one urged to buy , but call and see the j bargains in our Ladies' Underwear and.Oorset department. : Ladies! Chemise from - - 39c up. " iSTiglit Robes " - - 75c up. " Skirts " ;r;;:;;cip. " Corsets " 38c up. TOGETHER WITH AN IMMENSE STOCK OF BABIES LONG AND SHOUT DRESSES AT EQUALLY LOW TRICES. Bargains in every department this week at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market Street. J sept 22 DRY GOODS AND CARPETS! A more attractive stock in every department than we have ever shown, and OUR PRICES WILL BE LOWER ! I THAN AT ANY TIME IN THE PAST. - FURNISHING GOODS CARPETS we can sell at lower time since we have been in! the business. sept 20, 1883 : J. L. WINNER, PUOTOliUAPHfC AUTIST. N w Market. Wilmla.lon. N. C. Having purch v cl the entire outfit of Mr. J. J. Ilurnef, . m now pre Hr-1 to execute or der for Photographs of all styles, sizes aud piicca. with dispatch antiskid, 1 have had twen y years ejfpo i.-nce in t!e business anil will guarantee s li.sfdotion In all e-isi-s. A rail is respcc-ftiliy -ilioit-d. . sept 1:1 ly Just Received. H'AVK JUST KRCK1VBD BY STKAMKR I a large lot of II ATS sultaUle for School Ilata for Misses A nice assortment of COLORED STRAWS, Milan and Canton.for Kad lea .Fall wear latest shaies ! SASH RIBBONS and all other widths and qualities Full line of Handkerchiefs, Silk and Linen. T Gloves Kid. Silk and Lisle. Parasols and Neckwear. Am selling the above at very reasonable prices to make room for a large stock of Fall and Winter Goods. Stamping and Hair work done promptly. Agency universal Fashion Co's Patterns. Respectfully, MISS E. KARRER, sept 10 EXCHANGE CORNER MRS. S. J. BAKER, 122 Market St., Millinery Emporium, JO BRANCH HOUSE, BUT THE GREAT CENTER In the Millinery Department. I shall be receiving for the next two months, weekly, from the 16th September, EVERY CLASS OF GOOD9 IN MY LINE, selected by myself, of the most approved styles and newest patterns, and will sell them for CASH AT THE LOWEST FIGURES. I have secured the services of the most Artistic Trimmers in the Northern Cities, and will give my patrons the benefit of their skill. The Ladies of Wilmington are' mo-t respectfully invited to call and examine my stock before making any purchases. i POLITE LADY CLERKS will be In attend ance to wait on them. LADIES' UNDERWEAR A SPECIALTY; also Toys and Notions. My establishment will be first-class in every department. i Wilmington, Sept 12, 1883. Carpets, J HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM THE Northern Markets, where I purchased . the LARGEST STOCK OF CARPETS EVER brought to thlsCity, and I am now prepared to serve any one who wishes to purchase a FINE Ingrain, ;Three-Ply Tapestry, Brussels or Body Brussels, or Napier Matting. AU of the latest patterns and designs. SOL. BEAR, septs 20 Market Street Q Female School. MISSES BURR & JAMES, Principals. MRS. Mj S. CUSIHNG, Musical Instructress. rpHE TWENTIETH ANNUAL SESSION of this School will commence on Thursday, the 4th of October, 1883, ani close daring the third week In June, 1SS4. The course of instruction is thorough and systeniaUc. Terms reasonable.! Lessons In painting In Oil, Water Colors and Pastel, with Sepia and India Ink drawing, and Crayon and pencil sketching, at moderate rates, t Where a class of ten or twelve is formed for the school of painting, the price will be re duced.! ! Pupils outside of the school who desire mu sical instruction, will do well lo apply early. For further particulars inquire of Principals, or call for Circular. sept 12 PTJECELL HOUSE, j JJNDEB NEW MANAGEMENT, . i WILMINGTON.. N. C t I l.1 PKRBY, Proprietor. Lata Proprtetnr Atl&ntlA lfntai vi mmmm all lta mnoln tmn ta mm ka w . rr w rwva T fah &.t V MISCELLifNEOUS. 1 Wilmington, N: C. !. IN GREAT VARIETY ! prices, in yard wide goods, than at any Wait a few days and we can suit you. Respectfully. j R. M MclNTIRE. J HAVE BEEN APPOIN t El SOLE Agent for the TANNER & DELANEY ENGINE GO'S ENGINES AND BOILERS from 4 to I.5) ! j ; horse power; also Tramway or Narrow Gauge s Locomotives. Engines adapted to Farm use a fcjecialty. On hand j ami for sale very low, FIVE SECOND HAND PORTABLE ENGINES, from 5 to 15 horse power. auglMra S. W. SKINNER. GREAT INDUCEMENTS AT 116 Market Street. A3 WE ARE EXTENDING OUR STORE, and tho workmen need the room, we arc now offering GREAT BARGAINS IN I Dress Goods, ' ;- i - i - i Embroideries, ; i ' , i White Goods, i- ! .i j. LADIES AND GENTS' GATJSE UNDERWEAR, STAPLE AND FANCY Dry Goods, &c,&c i L 1 Wc are determined TO CLOSE OUT OUR l STOCK, j and commence with our improve ments; also, AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK FOB; II FALL AND WINTER. - -I i ' ' ; Call and secure BARGAINS at -'if i ! M. Mi ICATZ', 116 Market St. Bids. gEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE ceived until 12 o'clock, October 1st, 1S83, at my Office for furnlsliing WINTER UNIFORMS for the City Police Force. Material to be f Gray Cloth Charlottesville j Woolen Mills, Style No. 291. Suit to consist of Sack Coat, liouble breasted; Vest and Pants.- Workman ship and Trimmings to be first class. City to furnish Buttons. JOHN I. DUDLEY, eept 21 3t Chairman Com. on Police. Tile Onlj;Biliokr THAT WILLs VISIT THE SOOTUERN STATES COMING in All its overshadowing magnitude AS SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER -SHOW THAT KVlri? int. irv cr. . J , i . - - ELECTRIC LIGHT IS WILL EXHIBIT AT OTTD SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. BRINGING THREE TRAINS LOADED WITH THE WORLD'S WONDERS. USES ITS OWN BAGGAGE, STOCK, PLATFORM AND PALACE SLEEPLNG CARS EVERYTHING BRIGHT, NO OLD AUlp, OLD JbEATUKES, OLD CAGES. OLD ANIMALS IOU HAVJbi SEEN HERE BEFORE. " 1 s - ' . RAILROAD SHOWS i ALL UNITED IN ONE VAST WORLD-EMBRACING CONSOUDATION. xNFlNITELY THE ONE AND ONLY ADMITTED GREATEST SHOW on EXHIBITING S OU TKK FIRST TIME SOUTH i 15 LARGE MKNAGERIES COMBINED. ONE MONSTER TWO i ' " ! THE ONLY LIVING GIRAFFE THAT HAS BEEN SEEN IN TIIE SOUTH : I FOR TWENTY YEARS. ONLY LI VING Ever cxhioueu in any traveling Menagerie m any part of the World A huge male and a tremendous female Hippopotamus alone formine the greatest liUrad- The above rare animals are the mosc ever brought to the land of the Magnolia and Orango Hlossoms' but rare a Ihey are. they form but a tiihe of the many extraordinary features we actually exhibit. Cut this advertisement outj carry it with you! and try and find one single thins UCIC aUVClllSCU LLiltli IS IHJL ilCLlillliy wXIU DlLCtl . j 1 - SOME MORE STERLING FEATURES WE EXHIBIT : THE ONLY LION SLAYER IN AMERICA. j j THE ONLY NYL CHAU 'lN AMERICA. r THE THE ONLY AMERICAN THE ONLY BURDEN-BEARING DROMEDARIES AND MORE OF THEM j THAN YOU HAVE EVER SEEN BEFORE. : I ; i The first genuine Bnrchel Zebra ever Baboons, Mandrils, Tigers, Lions, Leopards. Wart Hoir. HemedriAs. and the first genuine Virginia Panther seen in mals not here mentioned. ls THE " & -IV m9 O INCLUDES FOR THE FIRST TIME ever seen South THE WONDERFUL STIRK FAMllY OF BICYCLE RIDERS. I 1 I MISS VIOLA RIVERS, THE HANDSOMEST AND BEST BAREBACK EQUESTRIENNE IN THE WORLD, i ORRIN HOLLIS, CHAMPION TRICK RIDER. j I WILLIE SELLS, THE GREAT JOCKEY AND FOUR HORSE RIDER.! ! int rKtnuri FAMILY CARON, BEST ACROBATS. PROF. WHITE'S REASON GIFTEDSSCHOOL OF DOGS. . . urnn l0.!ADS0N BROTHERS, JOINTLESS PH ntnn utiAiiun, int lifcKIViAN HERCULES. i I THE BEST CWNIE BEST LEAPERS THE BEST TUMBLERS, WIRE w ALKEKb, TRAFEZE ARTISTS; GYMNASTS, and General Pctformert - ever seen Soutliv and morci of Wm. ) I Newspapers, without Exception, Pronounce this Show to be the Bestver Seen ! lhe Louisville, Ky., Courier-Journal Henry WaUersQn. which said : "The tumty ot visiting Sells Brothers' Great Show, which is. without exception, the most honorably conducted and tho. vow hpf. Shnm ; a - .r in I , i i " ' PREPARE FOR A GENUINE HOLIDAY, BE IN TOWN EARLY THE MANY FREE SIGHTS EINEST STREET PROCESSION EVER SEEN j! ' IN ANY, AMERICAN CITY. 5 BANIS OF MUSIC. 42 Great Solo Musicians in Qrclicstri . See the Transcendently Beautiful. Rich, Gorgeous. Startling Wolidfrfll Par . A PIumeTopped Tidal Wave of Splendor introdubini I 'Bands of MiiM 38 Gold Cored Gages. 20 Great Golden Chariots. 14 HTESteiS ia SSdi Housings The Beautiful Allegorical Tableaft of Columbia I ud her Court Beauty, introducing the FOUR HANDSOMEST WOMEN in America Hu Armarium r!fir o-c rim oo i,.,r. a i , .7 u "uierica.. iiuBp hoursT lrlV chimin wivns fUnt fi u Tho ?nhl! grSv w?ethcarts par, the tents, and the . immense olSSJ expenko I the Same m everY AiisiiaaxviSm ior all over 10 yrs. of ae, 75 cents . : an uiiuei iu yrs. oi age, 5U sept 12 - voxivi!JUj u ' -T" wuiU A3 AN TO A TALLOW CANDLE. ' NEW AND CHEERFUL t . . - t - the FACE of the GLOBE. 3 HERDS OF ELEPU. - EGRNED RHINOCEROS . ..' I l I : - PAIR. OF HIPPOPOTAMI!! ssion td every everv rfrfrirmnhfw 1 ll valuable, costlv and wondpffnrfnrtftuvs LARGEST BENGAL TIGER IN AMERICA BORN CAMELS IN AMERICA. seen South. The largest Hyenas, Apes, many years, besides a Multitude of Ani BEST YOU EVER SAW ! NOMENONS contained an editorial, written by Hon. peoDle of the South will h nnnr- J -'w' mSmS t Ali m VLLImtl m I TC SEE GET GOOD PLACES TO SEE THE - ExWbiUpns At tho usual . orinS oauies, bring the aunts. and all. If you sec nothui? but the railroad trains, you will be paid for the attending so vast an eihibltion; the price place which tJWa show visits.! f I X'EUSUN ADMITTED FREE. f